Sun Tzu said that and I think he knows a little more than you do pal because he invented it (Russian) and then perfected it so no man could best him in the court of honor!
Less about speed and more about "situational awareness" aka "being in the moment," it's the sense of mastery over and within one's tools~environment(including the bodies and minds of those in your presence). From such a stable inner state; precise timing is felt as you flow at one with the optimal action, which isnwhyba group of intellectuals(aka idiots) titled it "flow state," the Japanese call it "Mushin" which means "No-mind" andnthat paradoxically is pure being or "genuine expression" to borrow noose Bruce Lee once made to communicate the state to average people.
Speed (reflex) is what produces accuracy. There are two types of speed in martial arts, quickness and reflex. To put this into perspective when training certain kicks for example. In order to get that good accuracy, you start slow then speed it up to get the right accuracy. The accuracy basically can be referred to as speed because it's about reflex. A lot of the time though, speed is in its own category because usually when talking about speed you're talking about quickness only. Speed basically refers to reflex and quickness in this movie. At least I think so.
@@IzMyVideoz Right on 😅. Some of the best kung fu fighters smoked or had some type health thing going on. I remember Huo Jia father in fearless died from something similar if I remember it right.
So a funny story, after this scene Ip got up, opened the door, Bruce Lee took it as a hint for rejecting him and left. When he later became Ip's apprentice, he asked Ip why did ip rejecti him in the first place. Ip replied that he didn't reject brace, he only opened the door and Bruce chose to leave.
@@LutzTeichmann Its a test of conviction you donut. This cant be attributed to Hollywood because OBVIOUSLY its rejecting behaviour which is commonly known throughout various cultures across the world. It means the exact same, anywhere. Youre not holding some long forgotten ethics, Hollywood is host to a whole slew of problems, but we dont need to imagine issues that arent really there. It is a test of conviction like you would see in so many other martials movies. Perhaps different and yes, absolutely ironic. Its a test of character, spirit and will. What better way to observe an individuals behaviour than under pressure? And he instantly created a large amount of pressure in that scenario with that single action (I'm not going to teach you/you will not be my student) which Bruce regrettably fell for. Perhaps he did want him to walk out, at the time. Perhaps he didn't care. Like a test to see if he's ready too. There so many things you can get by just a skindeep analysis, so dont stoop to a weird excuse and brushing it off as Hollywood. Besides it's a chinese (specifically Hong Kong) production. Not exactly Hollywood.
@@munkqiking7207 when facing a man who is highly skilled at beating the crap out of anyone, and he opens a door for you. You can decide to leave politely and decently instead of waiting for people to throw you out the door right? Rejections need not be physical to mean it. Neither should a polite rejection be ignored to "test conviction".
В принципе логично... Или ему был нужен ученик, которого бьют, а тот - Хмм, в меня летит кулак, давайте поразмышляем... Что вернее в данной ситуации - уклон или блок? А может контрудар? Как бы поступил учитель на моем месте?
Imagine how good was the IP Man in his prime even Bruce Lee wanted to be his student. To me Ip Man was the legend and role model for the young Bruce which helped him to become Bruce Lee.
A lot of heresay back in those days. IP was old and was training movie stars for money. Dude was a wing chun "master" at one is a master(or grandmaster for that matter) at that age...especially after only three years of being a student. When you do the research, its just an old man selling dreams to kids. Wing Chun was impractical, as Lee later found out. A lot of those so called "bouts" that IP had, were essentially wing chun matches with agreed upon rules. Bruce broke away from the corny one dimensional martial arts and developed MMA, a collection of what actually works.
@@thegovernor2629 hey, bully maguire, religious just means repetitive or patterned. Your psyche is a religious framework that is extended via communication and language = all of us are religious. We all have and are "religion," the end result of it is emergence of Giant Robots.
@@pendejo6466 it is not war against Ukraine. It is war/special operation against ukrainian nazis. Feel different? If you're not brainwashed moron you could search info from different sides, not only western bullshit. But i'm sure it is comfort for you to eat every shit what your mass media gives to you.
I don't think that was an intentional choice. I've heard those two voices a million times, they voice everything. They do voice-overs for movies basically like Bruce Lee kicks cigarettes
Well, yeah, he was so fast it was blurry, that's true, but that's not the real reason they altered the speed. The real reason they altered the speed is real fighting looks jerky, uneven, and awkward. There's no "dramatic" timing.
I think I understand what you’re saying Clarence. Most people know who Bruce Lee is. Bruce Lee is a legend in Martial Arts. It only makes sense that everyone wants to know who taught Bruce Lee. So now there is Ip Man who taught Bruce Lee. Ip Man was finally brought to the main stream where he is now a legend in our eyes. Without Bruce Lee, we wouldn’t have been as interested in Ip Man. There are countless other fighters like Ip Man, but they are unknown to us. So I do agree that Ip Man became a Legend of all Legends because of Bruce Lee.
Ага, древнее, китайское искусство. Которое ни хрена не помогло китайцам в 1843г. против британской, морской пехоты. Вооружённой современным, огнестрельным оружием. Не смотря на то, что порох изобрели китайцы.
@@zenubell Ты разве не знаешь что против лома нет приёма окромя другого лома! Нет в мире рукопашки которая против огнестрела победит🤣 оно и не нужно по сути
@@Андрей-р6м3ъ , дурак, может и попрётся колонизировать с голыми руками. Но англичане создали науку, потом развили материальную базу, благодаря которой создали, самое передовые , на тот момент,, оружие и с ним пришли к недоразвитым китайцам. И жёстко нагнули, самую древнюю нацию.
Именно, что самый настоящий Брюс Ли - абсолютно бесталанная пустышка с раздутым эго и ничего более. Одним словом - клоун-арлекин. Кстати, именно под этим образом он и вошел в историю. Если Вы попытаетесь говорить о его каких-либо способностях в боевых единоборствах, то я сразу попрошу вас предоставить мне список его титулов и титульных поединков. Когда, где, с кем и за какую награду. Ну, если такие вообще были, конечно. Все, что он лично показал в боевых искусствах - не больше, чем современные видеоадепты всяких фантастических стилей и направлений. Ровно то же самое. Если же Вы попытаетесь мне говорить о нем, как о актере, то сразу приведите список его достижений на этом поприще. КАкие роли, какие фильмы и т.п. были номинировали или даже получили какие-то награды. Ну, если это было. Если же ничего такого нет, то и его личных достижений нет ни в одной из указанных областей - ни актер и ни боец, а именно клоун! поэтому актер и его поведение в кадре абсолютно точно воссоздали образ Чвалнивого Брюса. Кстати, как и Тарантино в своем "Однажды в Голливуде".
@@__thanatos_8631 я так понимаю в философии боевых искусств ты вообще не шаришь, да ? Для таких как ты, посоветовал бы посмотреть видеоролик от канала под названием "MMA Times" про технику Брюса Ли
@@__thanatos_8631 обсалютно с тобой согласен во всём кроме как то что он клоун и бесталантная личность. У Ван Дамма тоже никаких достижений кроме как что-то он там в карате выиграл, но он мотивировал нас пойти в зал заниматься БИ,и Брюс первым показал самое качественное исполнение боевых сцен своего времени, до него никто так не снимал, плюс харизма у него огонь. Да он не боец,каким его боготворят его фанатики,но и принижать его достоинств не надо,миллионы спортсменов говорили что он их мативировал стать тем кем они являются, там даже документалка есть,вон выше человек написал как называется.
@@ДядяВаня-ю4ы Я Вас, наверное сейчас разочарую, но своими "киношедеврами" Брюс мог мотивировать разве что законченных малолетних дебилов без признака наличия мозга. Например, Чак Норрис к моменты съёмок у Брюса уже был чемпионом мира по карате и своими фильмами мотивировал куда больше народа. Ничего нового в кино Брюс не привносил - просто была изобретена камера, которая могла снимать с большей частотой кадров. Дело в том, что вплоть до начала 60-х годов предельная частота съемки едва переваливала за 20 кадров. Отсюда и такое воспроизведение. Посмотрите на фильмы Чарли Чаплина. Как быддто мельтешение на экране, рваные движения и т.п. Это именно эффект камеры. появилось новое оборудование - появились новые эффекты. Раньше, например, в драках не могли поставить эффект слоумо. Его тоже актеры привнесли в кино?))) Ну, а харизма у него примерно на уровне обезьяны к клетке зоопарка. Может быть, даже меньше. Это актер для типичного малолетнего дебила. Поскольку таких в нашей жизни абсолютное большинство, то и его популярность не вызывает у меня никаких вопросов. В толпе тупоголовых кур всегда должен быть петух)))
@@JustHuman-t4b А с каких таких пор балетный спорт под названием ММА стал относиться к боевым искусствам? С каких пор соревнования на ринге стали называться боем? Я так понимаю, что ты вообще, кроме спортивных балетных дисциплин, понятия не имеешь о боевых искусствах. Не то, что даже об их философии, вообще о них самих.
Why is it that people think how Bruce Lee acted in the movie is how he behaved in real life? It's like Schwarzenegger acting like Terminator in real life.
Well at the time, Schwarzie did have trouble leaving his work at the studio & did at times behave like the Terminator, especially when he had a few drinks, much to the embarrasment of those who witnessed it. But a lot of young actors just starting out do tend to have difficulties in separating themselves from the characters they play.
@@LowPlainsDrifter60 So he went around saying "I'll be back"? He's not even a method actor. He didn't even act like that on the set. He was joking around with Cameron. Why don't you watch the behind the scene of Terminator before believing dumb story like that. And Bruce Lee was NEVER seen flicking his nose with his thumb outside of movie set.
@@BrianHSC Bruce's cameos in every Ip Man movie are pretty awful. It is clear that the Ip family doesnt think too fondly of him. Ip Chun wrote some pretty disparaging things about Lee in the Wing Chun Dummy Techniques book kindve along the lines of, "he couldnt master Wing Chun so he left to America pouting". Chun was a little nicer in his more widely distributed book, but that attitude still closely follows in portrayals, versus words now.
@@nouclou Потому-что он гастролировал с постановочными спектаклями, в которых его ассистенты показывали, будто не успевают реагировать на его удары, а затем он за большие бабки начал тренировать знаменитостей).
@@thedrifter3779 Jet Li also had to slow down for movies, MUCH more recently with improved film technology. Makes you wonder if it's really the eye that couldn't detect what was going on rather than the film speed.
Что мы узнали из этого момента - 1. Ип ман курил, а вроде мастер боевых искусств. 2. Брюс ли был жесткий понторез и мог махать у человека перед лицом ногами, чтобы впечатлить. 3. Чтобы проверить, можешь ли ты изучать вин чун, нужно уметь отбивать ногами летящие сиги.
But Bruce Lee IS a character. He is not a man, he is a pop cultural icon. It's like Marilyn Monroe is always wearing a white dress and walking over air vents. Why cast a pop cultural icon without their signature moves, it's not their biography film anyway.
How stupid must one be to not realize the aim is to capitalize on the only aspects that everyone knows of him so the appeal of nostalgia can be used to generate income?
Its true. He's always shown as a caricature of himself. Bruce would be disappointed I'm sure. I know I am. It's always the same crap. Actors who play him should watch and listen to footage of him talking as himself, there is not a lot of it but enough to get some idea.
And we all knew that kid arent just talking nonsense.He walk the talk,not just surpassing his master,becomes his best student but indeed the greatest martial art master of all time.
Ip man was a master of wing Chun but Bruce Lee incorporated multiple martial art styles into his own style. It's kind of apples to oranges. I prefer Bruce Lee's style myself but neither man was a professional fighter. I view them more as artists.
@@josephmatias7243 Dude, Bruce Lee may have been a legend but he was literally just a film star There's no reason to think he could just casually beat up 10 dudes using martial arts, he was good at REPRESENTING MARTIAL ARTS IN MOVIES, Ip Man was GOOD AT MARTIAL ARTS ITSELF There's a difference
Crazy how fast bruce lee was and this is just a movie and the only time the real bruce would show us his speed is through a camera which obviously doesnt do it justice and cant even imagine how truly fast he was in person. Will forever be a legend.
@@deeznutz4505 maybe.. maybe there was true authentic martial artist that were faster, more accurate, the ones that trained the man himself.. but truth is we don’t know and the fact he was apart of a time where if you were the fastest you had to prove it… and he proved it. Whether you like it or not.
Mother Lee: So what did you learn at karate school today? Bruce: I punched cigarettes and kicked water. Mother Lee: Silly boy. Cigarettes do not hit back, do they? Water does not feel pain, does it?
Yes, ip could read his intentions easily, Bruce also telegraphed his movements back then but ip hid his in his actions Check out eminen boztepe, for modern wing chum
I had absolutely no idea that Bruce and IP Man talked to each other in Russian.
Yes it's very common in China for all the people to talk to each other in Russian don't you know
@Kunal's Casual Media me too, everyday we learn something new 😂
I had no idea that someone named shamis could write poetry.
@@antoinesubitlescoups338 everyday you learn something new
"I will be your student" said Bruce lee, Calmly in Russian
Calm Lee*
@@MKD1101 truce lee*
Bruce lee was NEVER that arrogant with his teachers. This is fake dialogue.
@@jeffjohnson5053 real Lee?
“When two Chinese starts speaking Russian, there’s gonna be a brawl” - Sun Tzu
The art of language
Thats Comrade Sun Tzu. 😆
"When two Chinese start speaking Russian, it's best to hide the vodka." - Confucius
Sun Tzu said that and I think he knows a little more than you do pal because he invented it (Russian) and then perfected it so no man could best him in the court of honor!
.y a l
It's amazing how Bruce Lee keeps making movies, even after the little inconvenience of his death 50 years ago.
Yeah he was too young to die and had two children but r.ip. to Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee(the crow movie)
The legend never dies.
Please. You think death means something to a Kung fu Master??? Havent You seen Kung fu panda?
Their death was greatly exaggerated.
В конце ИП Ман : ты реально быстрый..
Брюс : естественно
ИП Ман : ну тогда быстро сгоняй в магаз за сигами )))
и приберись тут, а то насорил
Так с таким успехом, можно было спички бросать, я думаю наш мастер бы зажал сижки
Apparently Ip Man is so fast that aging hasn’t caught up to him after 3 movies
he is asian they age all at once from 30 to 120 once they're 120, until 119 they just look 30
@@TheNubaHS lol
@@TheNubaHS It’s true
They say black don’t crack but asian don’t âge for real
Less about speed and more about "situational awareness" aka "being in the moment," it's the sense of mastery over and within one's tools~environment(including the bodies and minds of those in your presence).
From such a stable inner state; precise timing is felt as you flow at one with the optimal action, which isnwhyba group of intellectuals(aka idiots) titled it "flow state," the Japanese call it "Mushin" which means "No-mind" andnthat paradoxically is pure being or "genuine expression" to borrow noose Bruce Lee once made to communicate the state to average people.
@@linyenchin6773 that sounds like a long way of saying, 'practice until it becomes a reflex action'.
To me Bruce Lee was the representation of the boldness of youth.
well put
He was also a movie actor and made into a legend based on myth and nothing more.
@@glane3962 wait for 50 years, there would be people saying the same thing about Mike Tyson and Ali...
Boldness of youth .. with a level of wisdom that doesn't come with youth....
@@freeions except we had footage of them fighting competitively
I'm fascinated that they didn't even talk about his accuracy. Just speed.
Well he clearly shows that his accuracy is better than his speed
Speed (reflex) is what produces accuracy.
There are two types of speed in martial arts, quickness and reflex.
To put this into perspective when training certain kicks for example. In order to get that good accuracy, you start slow then speed it up to get the right accuracy. The accuracy basically can be referred to as speed because it's about reflex.
A lot of the time though, speed is in its own category because usually when talking about speed you're talking about quickness only.
Speed basically refers to reflex and quickness in this movie. At least I think so.
Doing something fast is pointless if it accomplishes nothing meaningful. Speed already accounts for good accuracy.
I mean he just stated that he was fast, not how accurate he was 😂😂
"Good. But how fast can you clean up all this?"
ngl, i was waiting for it
And I think he owes IP a pack of smokes...
"Good. But how fast can you run from Coronavirus?"
@@FriggSaga He didn't ask to have cigarettes flicked at him lol
Bruce Lee is the man you need when you want to quit smoking.
don't worry if you're going to meet Bruce Lee soon if you don't stop smoking soon like me 😂
That is until you actually get good at dodging his kicks.
I doubt it, he was missing all his kicks on Ip Man.
Dayum bro, that was great of Bruce trying to teach Ippy not to smoke.
Mad respect.
He did this IRL also.
He was hoping him kick the habit
Fake Bruce Lee's don't count.
"А теперь купи мне новые сигареты и помой пол"
хорошо, что он застал мастера за курением, а не, скажем, в туалете.
Аххахах лучший
отличное чувство юмора!)
Ну, мы ведь уже знаем, что брызги Брюс тоже может отбить)))
В конце ИП Ман: С тебя пачка сигарет
"Но если есть в кармане почка сигарет.."
@@HekTo_Heu3BecTHbIu значит все не так уж плохо на сегодняшний день
@@Makkksss И билет на самолёт с серебристым крылом
@@yozhik_v_shlyape Что, взлетая, оставляет Земле лишь тень.....
прям как в известной песне Брюса Ли - "если есть в кармане пачка сигарет, значит все не так плохо на сегодняшний день"
😁, надеюсь это рофл...
@@Pozivnoy_Haski песня ему была посвящена
@@ВеселыйРоджер-н7ы какой ты весёлый, Роджер
А теперь беги в магазин, у меня сигареты закончились😂😂😂
Это самая лучшая социальная реклама против курения
Наоборот, получается.
Наоборот, пропаганда курение
Наоборот, ведь курящий типа быстрее
@@walkerworld1239 главное, что все сигареты были сломаны)
@@Nereal_Dvigatel только если ты бросаешь курить, а когда куришь даже Брюс Ли не сможет одолеть тебя
one of the best anti smoking commercials of all time
Not gonna lie... This could be an anti-smoking campaign 😂
my thoughts
This could work lol 🤣😂😅. But, in this video the Ip Man who smokes his faster. So it would probably make us buy more cigs than vapes 😂.
@@freewilldummies1603 Ip Man be like, "All these kicks, yet I still can't kick my smoking habit."
@@IzMyVideoz Right on 😅. Some of the best kung fu fighters smoked or had some type health thing going on. I remember Huo Jia father in fearless died from something similar if I remember it right.
Tbh. It made me want to pick up a carton of cigs at the store and I very rarely even smoke
"Kick water, my friend."
- Bruce Lee
Now that's what I call... ... kicking the habit...
I hate that I like this comment.
Basically posted this same comment, then saw this...dang it.
At least he won't have to foot the bill for anymore cigarettes. 😁
So a funny story, after this scene Ip got up, opened the door, Bruce Lee took it as a hint for rejecting him and left. When he later became Ip's apprentice, he asked Ip why did ip rejecti him in the first place. Ip replied that he didn't reject brace, he only opened the door and Bruce chose to leave.
@@LutzTeichmann Its a test of conviction you donut. This cant be attributed to Hollywood because OBVIOUSLY its rejecting behaviour which is commonly known throughout various cultures across the world. It means the exact same, anywhere. Youre not holding some long forgotten ethics, Hollywood is host to a whole slew of problems, but we dont need to imagine issues that arent really there.
It is a test of conviction like you would see in so many other martials movies. Perhaps different and yes, absolutely ironic.
Its a test of character, spirit and will. What better way to observe an individuals behaviour than under pressure? And he instantly created a large amount of pressure in that scenario with that single action (I'm not going to teach you/you will not be my student) which Bruce regrettably fell for.
Perhaps he did want him to walk out, at the time. Perhaps he didn't care. Like a test to see if he's ready too.
There so many things you can get by just a skindeep analysis, so dont stoop to a weird excuse and brushing it off as Hollywood. Besides it's a chinese (specifically Hong Kong) production.
Not exactly Hollywood.
@@munkqiking7207 oh man.. u missed the point.
@@LutzTeichmann LMFAO for real. He really took that to the heart.
@@billy_josephus He really did. It was meant to be a joke. Man acted like he insulted his whole bloodline.
@@munkqiking7207 when facing a man who is highly skilled at beating the crap out of anyone, and he opens a door for you. You can decide to leave politely and decently instead of waiting for people to throw you out the door right? Rejections need not be physical to mean it. Neither should a polite rejection be ignored to "test conviction".
Я, как курильщик, очень переживал за такое расточительное отношение к папироскам.
Туда их, сук
@VENDETA 2023 вкидывай насвай, после 20 лет курения сигарет бросил без задних мыслей с ним
@@verstach Чем лучше то говно под губу кидать)
@@vikk6697 просто чтоб отказаться от привычки брать сигарету, это самый сложный триггер. Сам никатин легко бросается
Fun fact: master Ip only trained bruce for a few years, the credit for Bruce's training actually goes to master Ips best student Wong Shung Leung
Ип Ман: Ты действительно отбил брызги или подумал об этом?
Брюс Ли: Я сначало отбил брызги, а потом подумал об этом.
В принципе логично... Или ему был нужен ученик, которого бьют, а тот - Хмм, в меня летит кулак, давайте поразмышляем... Что вернее в данной ситуации - уклон или блок? А может контрудар? Как бы поступил учитель на моем месте?
@@КонстантинГромов-и7т смысл наверно в том что вода все проникающа: ее не рубят, ее отталкивают либо укорачиваются от нее.
Imagine how good was the IP Man in his prime even Bruce Lee wanted to be his student. To me Ip Man was the legend and role model for the young Bruce which helped him to become Bruce Lee.
Ты как будто был знаком с ним
It is unimaginable too most people
behind every legend lies an even greater legend.
A lot of heresay back in those days. IP was old and was training movie stars for money. Dude was a wing chun "master" at one is a master(or grandmaster for that matter) at that age...especially after only three years of being a student. When you do the research, its just an old man selling dreams to kids. Wing Chun was impractical, as Lee later found out. A lot of those so called "bouts" that IP had, were essentially wing chun matches with agreed upon rules.
Bruce broke away from the corny one dimensional martial arts and developed MMA, a collection of what actually works.
The biggest bullshit I've ever heard.
That Bruce invented MMA.
A wushu has more styles than just one type of style
Legend has it that bruce is still kicking people's cigarette to see if he is fast enough for master IP's standard
@BELIEVE in JESUS you want forgiveness? get religion
@@thegovernor2629 hey, bully maguire, religious just means repetitive or patterned. Your psyche is a religious framework that is extended via communication and language = all of us are religious. We all have and are "religion," the end result of it is emergence of Giant Robots.
@@linyenchin6773 i miss d part where that's my problem. and I'm gonna put some dirt in your eyes
I missed the part where thats my problem
@A Saved Sinner ✞ you want forgiveness? Get religion
How the hell IP man and Bruce Lee good in Russian language 🧐
Its Just Our Dub
Man Bruce Lee was really good at Russian, I guess he got it from his Teacher.
I wonder if Bruce would've stood by Ukraine?
The Godfather himself he does it all xD
Putin is evil.
@@omnipotentpumpkin9755 So Bruce would support Putin and his war against the Ukraine?
@@pendejo6466 it is not war against Ukraine. It is war/special operation against ukrainian nazis. Feel different? If you're not brainwashed moron you could search info from different sides, not only western bullshit. But i'm sure it is comfort for you to eat every shit what your mass media gives to you.
1:37 That poor cigarette just wanted to be smoked 🚬 🤣🤣🤣
Since i saw Shaolin soccer i have always wanted him to play Bruce Lee
The same guy who played Bruce Lee in a Hong Kong TV series? I think that's him.
me too!
His character is always bruce lee. 😂
oh thats the Bruce Lee goalie in SS?
@@rgerber yes, and he’s also the villain in the axe gang in Kung Fu Hustle
Сцена, где Брюс Ли отбивает сигареты - отличная реклама отказа от курения😁
Knows kung fu, speaks Russian, the ultimate fighting machine.
If only he was still alive, he’d stop the war on Ukrainian by fighting Putin and his army himself.
@@ImFromIowa you mean - by fighting ukrainian army before Putin had to step in.
@@amai2307 please explain what you mean.
Chuck Lee! 👍
@@ImFromIowa In what country are there so many sick people that Putin was dragged here too?
The fact that they made Donnie Yen's voice so deep in the Russian dub is hilarious to me for some reason.
I don't think that was an intentional choice. I've heard those two voices a million times, they voice everything. They do voice-overs for movies basically like Bruce Lee kicks cigarettes
Well, yeah, he was so fast it was blurry, that's true, but that's not the real reason they altered the speed.
The real reason they altered the speed is real fighting looks jerky, uneven, and awkward. There's no "dramatic" timing.
@@ClockworkGearhead I think your reply was for the wrong comment?
@@jellojiggler1693 Yup. RUclips sucks.
Русский язык,самый многогранный из всех языков мира, у нас можно составить предложение из одного слова....
Молодой Цой хорош, жаль пока еще не ценит пачку сигарет.
Ну она ведь не в его кармане!😂
Значит всë реально плохо на сегодняшний день
И билет опять пропьëт на самолëт, что взлетая не оставит ни привет, ни дым.
Знаете кто самый быстрый? Это оператор кто снимал😂
Точно! Поэтому, оператор никогда не умрёт! ))) Cameraman never dies
Я так понимаю, что курение не вредит кунг-фу.
только развивает быстрость
@@sinnerem2961 только хотел написать
@@sinnerem2961 Расширяет сосуды, как и алкоголь.
@@Братишка-с2ь курение сужает сосуды, алкоголь наоборот расширяет.
Ип Ман в реале умер от рака гортани
Bruce Lee is such a legend that he made ip man a legend. Legend of all legends.
Umm no this in fact a true story he actually did train Bruce Lee go watch into the dragon before his father sent him to America
Eh idk if this was a joke but it’s funny because it’s a silly the other way around
Bruce Lee was an actor. IP man was a real fighter with real documented fights.... both legends but IP man is a true grandmaster
I think I understand what you’re saying Clarence. Most people know who Bruce Lee is. Bruce Lee is a legend in Martial Arts. It only makes sense that everyone wants to know who taught Bruce Lee. So now there is Ip Man who taught Bruce Lee. Ip Man was finally brought to the main stream where he is now a legend in our eyes. Without Bruce Lee, we wouldn’t have been as interested in Ip Man. There are countless other fighters like Ip Man, but they are unknown to us. So I do agree that Ip Man became a Legend of all Legends because of Bruce Lee.
sorry - bruce lee was all hype and Hollywood BS.
Bruce Lee: " quit smoking"
Ip man:"or what?"
Bruce Lee:" or else"
Помню Ип Мана. Царствие ему небесное. Был лучшим моим учеником.
ахаахааха Молодец!
Как ты допустил что он начал курить?
Так бы жил и жил ещё
Хороший удар... Но сигареты не дают сдачи!
Тут скорость проверяется, а не спаринг.
По канону это был кирпич !)
@@ВикторБашмаков-ю5ъ по канону это была доска, которую разбил противник, чтобы напугать героя Брюса Ли в фильме "Выход дракона"
@VENDETA 2023видео.html
Еслиб они знали цены на сигареты в наше время...
в Китае дороже раз в пять
@@БиндерадомбилБамбас Прихвостень фашистский уже и в Китае бывал??? 🙂 Ну не дебил?
Видел бы ты цены на них в Германии.
Так они и позиционируют эту сцену как высокобюджетную.
@@ОлегПервомайский-с2ы я был в Китае, в Японии, США, Канаде и ряде стран Южной Америки.
Вот так надо расправляться с сигаретами🤣
Ага, древнее, китайское искусство. Которое ни хрена не помогло китайцам в 1843г. против британской, морской пехоты. Вооружённой современным, огнестрельным оружием. Не смотря на то, что порох изобрели китайцы.
@@zenubell Ты разве не знаешь что против лома нет приёма окромя другого лома! Нет в мире рукопашки которая против огнестрела победит🤣 оно и не нужно по сути
@@zenubell если бы британцы с голыми руками пришли то им бы наваляли))) а так с оружием в руках любой дурак умеет)))
@@Андрей-р6м3ъ , дурак, может и попрётся колонизировать с голыми руками. Но англичане создали науку, потом развили материальную базу, благодаря которой создали, самое передовые , на тот момент,, оружие и с ним пришли к недоразвитым китайцам. И жёстко нагнули, самую древнюю нацию.
@@zenubell а ты так знато королеве подлизываешь восхищаешься ими до потери пульса))))
В конце надо было сказать: "Курение убивает, мастер"😅
Из этого парня Брюс Ли, Как из меня Шварценеггер. Трэш какой-то, а не Брюс
Именно, что самый настоящий Брюс Ли - абсолютно бесталанная пустышка с раздутым эго и ничего более. Одним словом - клоун-арлекин. Кстати, именно под этим образом он и вошел в историю.
Если Вы попытаетесь говорить о его каких-либо способностях в боевых единоборствах, то я сразу попрошу вас предоставить мне список его титулов и титульных поединков. Когда, где, с кем и за какую награду. Ну, если такие вообще были, конечно.
Все, что он лично показал в боевых искусствах - не больше, чем современные видеоадепты всяких фантастических стилей и направлений. Ровно то же самое.
Если же Вы попытаетесь мне говорить о нем, как о актере, то сразу приведите список его достижений на этом поприще. КАкие роли, какие фильмы и т.п. были номинировали или даже получили какие-то награды. Ну, если это было.
Если же ничего такого нет, то и его личных достижений нет ни в одной из указанных областей - ни актер и ни боец, а именно клоун!
поэтому актер и его поведение в кадре абсолютно точно воссоздали образ Чвалнивого Брюса. Кстати, как и Тарантино в своем "Однажды в Голливуде".
@@__thanatos_8631 я так понимаю в философии боевых искусств ты вообще не шаришь, да ? Для таких как ты, посоветовал бы посмотреть видеоролик от канала под названием "MMA Times" про технику Брюса Ли
@@__thanatos_8631 обсалютно с тобой согласен во всём кроме как то что он клоун и бесталантная личность. У Ван Дамма тоже никаких достижений кроме как что-то он там в карате выиграл, но он мотивировал нас пойти в зал заниматься БИ,и Брюс первым показал самое качественное исполнение боевых сцен своего времени, до него никто так не снимал, плюс харизма у него огонь.
Да он не боец,каким его боготворят его фанатики,но и принижать его достоинств не надо,миллионы спортсменов говорили что он их мативировал стать тем кем они являются, там даже документалка есть,вон выше человек написал как называется.
Я Вас, наверное сейчас разочарую, но своими "киношедеврами" Брюс мог мотивировать разве что законченных малолетних дебилов без признака наличия мозга. Например, Чак Норрис к моменты съёмок у Брюса уже был чемпионом мира по карате и своими фильмами мотивировал куда больше народа.
Ничего нового в кино Брюс не привносил - просто была изобретена камера, которая могла снимать с большей частотой кадров.
Дело в том, что вплоть до начала 60-х годов предельная частота съемки едва переваливала за 20 кадров. Отсюда и такое воспроизведение.
Посмотрите на фильмы Чарли Чаплина. Как быддто мельтешение на экране, рваные движения и т.п. Это именно эффект камеры.
появилось новое оборудование - появились новые эффекты. Раньше, например, в драках не могли поставить эффект слоумо. Его тоже актеры привнесли в кино?)))
Ну, а харизма у него примерно на уровне обезьяны к клетке зоопарка. Может быть, даже меньше.
Это актер для типичного малолетнего дебила. Поскольку таких в нашей жизни абсолютное большинство, то и его популярность не вызывает у меня никаких вопросов. В толпе тупоголовых кур всегда должен быть петух)))
А с каких таких пор балетный спорт под названием ММА стал относиться к боевым искусствам? С каких пор соревнования на ринге стали называться боем?
Я так понимаю, что ты вообще, кроме спортивных балетных дисциплин, понятия не имеешь о боевых искусствах. Не то, что даже об их философии, вообще о них самих.
Как будто сцена из Индийского кино
Bruce Lee is talking here in a similar style to how he talks in movies, with stylish gestures and words....
... in Russian.
IP Man: You are really fast?
B Lee: Sure!
IP Man: Run fastly and buy me a new cig pack.
Отличная антиреклама с борьбой табакокурения)) 😂👌
Классно конечно
Но если честно было и смешно тоже.
Особенно когда сразу 3 сиги он отбил и показали как каждая ломалась. Одна об ножку стола и тд 😂
Получается самый быстрый тут все таки оператор, который заснял все три штуки в разных частях комнаты🤣🤣🤣
@@azikovski самая быстрая тут камера)
@@azikovski оператор сразу тремя камерами снимал. По одной в каждой руке и одну на ху вертел
Да, очень эпичные Кадры)))
Who did he beat off?
when he said "kefuahtfytvyjkvinuis" i felt that
Legend has it, Bruce Lee was the original John Cena. He moved Soo fast, you couldn't see him 🥤
That's quite interesting. Bautista stands so incredibly still that he becomes invisible to the eye.
I feel like him kicking the water was a test to see if he could control himself but he failed he let his anger control him
@Robert Porte should have drank all the water before it fell on the ground
@@hassanhussain848 no, water should have became Bruce Lee
Should've used water bending
@@hassanhussain848 hehehe I see what you did there.
И в конце, "я научил тебя всему, что знал сам, теперь иди" 😄
You can hit what is defined. But not what is formless.
1:39 took out 3 smokes with one kick 😅
I just watched all these movies. Donnie is such a beast! My respects to IP Man for what he had to endure and overcome during the war. Great movies!
"Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend" - Bruce Lee
жаль брюса ли,великий советский рок музыкант и ушел так рано
Настоящее его имя - Борис Лихачёв
@@octavivanov352 настоящее его имя Витя Довольнович Лицой
Советский? Музыкант? Вы Брюса Ли ни с кем не перепутали? Он вообще-то американский. И к тому же актёр, а не музыкант.
@@SergeySylenko Вы уверены?
@@axio1228 Я не уверен. Я знаю.
Ип Ман.... -А другие брызги можешь отбить?... Брюс Ли....-Харе прикалываться учитель!!!
Самое угарное то, что Денни Чен ещё в Убойном Футболе (2001 год) был копией Брюса Ли, и тоже носил жёлтый комбез с черными полосками😅
Он там не снимался
@@slavko6764 Ты что-то напутал.
@@Nickolas_KoT Я в детстве вообще думал что это настоящий Брюс 😁
В Убойном футболе
@@user-eresh Я таким же макаром тоже перепутал, но Ли Эвенса с Норманом Уисдомом (который Мистер Питкин)😅
@@slavko6764 .ю
Молодой Брюс Ли... Будто был старый....
Может имелось в виду юный
Помогите, люди будущего
Общество защиты сигарет требует наказать за жестокое обращение 😣😂
Ха, мда
I think I now know where Bruce Lee got his be like water quote from.
Why is it that people think how Bruce Lee acted in the movie is how he behaved in real life?
It's like Schwarzenegger acting like Terminator in real life.
Well at the time, Schwarzie did have trouble leaving his work at the studio & did at times behave like the Terminator, especially when he had a few drinks, much to the embarrasment of those who witnessed it. But a lot of young actors just starting out do tend to have difficulties in separating themselves from the characters they play.
@@LowPlainsDrifter60 So he went around saying "I'll be back"? He's not even a method actor. He didn't even act like that on the set. He was joking around with Cameron. Why don't you watch the behind the scene of Terminator before believing dumb story like that.
And Bruce Lee was NEVER seen flicking his nose with his thumb outside of movie set.
@@BrianHSC Bruce's cameos in every Ip Man movie are pretty awful. It is clear that the Ip family doesnt think too fondly of him.
Ip Chun wrote some pretty disparaging things about Lee in the Wing Chun Dummy Techniques book kindve along the lines of, "he couldnt master Wing Chun so he left to America pouting".
Chun was a little nicer in his more widely distributed book, but that attitude still closely follows in portrayals, versus words now.
Брюс сдержал слово своё, он стал не просто лучшим, а великим!
Великих много, но лучший - один
Актером он стал
@@dustdead814 его весь мир знает и до сих пор о нем говорят
@@nouclou Потому-что он гастролировал с постановочными спектаклями, в которых его ассистенты показывали, будто не успевают реагировать на его удары, а затем он за большие бабки начал тренировать знаменитостей).
@@dustdead814 ну и?
"I am Bruce Lee. The most complete fighter in the world!" 😂
Oops, wrong character xD
Gene lebell would said! Calm down brucie, I'll put you down, but don't kill me!!
In the end Ip Man : you are really quick...
Bruce : you bet
Ip Man : then quickly get me cigarettes at the store downstairs
1:54 was the moment Bruce Lee started saying "water!!!"
This has so few likes because people don't get it 😂
Bruce was so fast that you literally could not see him. He slowed down for movies.
True though.Even the director said so.
@@thedrifter3779 Jet Li also had to slow down for movies, MUCH more recently with improved film technology. Makes you wonder if it's really the eye that couldn't detect what was going on rather than the film speed.
Что мы узнали из этого момента -
1. Ип ман курил, а вроде мастер боевых искусств.
2. Брюс ли был жесткий понторез и мог махать у человека перед лицом ногами, чтобы впечатлить.
3. Чтобы проверить, можешь ли ты изучать вин чун, нужно уметь отбивать ногами летящие сиги.
Благодаря Брюса узнали об ипмане
А благодаря Ип Ману Брюс стал знаменитым
@@AA000RIGINALох уж этот индивидуальный предприниматель.
if funny how they can only portray Bruce Lee characters he's played on film and never his actual normal real life behavior.
But Bruce Lee IS a character. He is not a man, he is a pop cultural icon. It's like Marilyn Monroe is always wearing a white dress and walking over air vents. Why cast a pop cultural icon without their signature moves, it's not their biography film anyway.
Because the bullshit he did on film was the only part of martial arts he knew and did
How stupid must one be to not realize the aim is to capitalize on the only aspects that everyone knows of him so the appeal of nostalgia can be used to generate income?
he is dead
Its true. He's always shown as a caricature of himself. Bruce would be disappointed I'm sure. I know I am. It's always the same crap. Actors who play him should watch and listen to footage of him talking as himself, there is not a lot of it but enough to get some idea.
Love how the Russian dub just made this even more badass than it already is.
“If you see two Asian martial artists begin conversing in Russian…run.” - Confucius
Не плохо Брюс, а теперь попробуй отбить автоматную очередь!)
"Cigarettes don't hit back." - IP Man
Ip man died of cancer cause of gigarette...
Попытки Брюса выбить сигарету , были настолько же ничтожны , насколько заставить курильщика брость курить , а алкаголика бросить пить.
@@Husk-p8g и как тебе это удалось?
Хорошие брюки. Растягиваются и не рвутся от таких ударов.
"Молодой Брюс Ли" - сдаётся мне, джентльмены, это была… комедия.
здесь ему лет 17, по этому молодой.Моложе чем в 30 лет.
@@caseyryback2496 Брюс Ли: родился 27 ноября 1940, умер 20 июля 1973
@@obolenskyigor И ?
Bruce lee demonstrates his speed in a movie he wasnt in ! lol hahahahah
Your boring
Ip was so wise yet didn't manage to quit smoking his entire life.
Everyone has their Vices or Addictions they cannot be rid of. It’s life, no human is perfect, we all make mistakes, even after being told not to! 👍
@@koheletcalaforexclan6508 if you make mistakes even after being told, then you might be stupid
Is it weird that I find it funny coz he don’t look like the type to smoke(more like the type to drink tea)
@@llamathecooldude691 yes lol
So when the the American version coming out?!
Этот момент можно использовать как социальную рекламу борьбы с курением 😂😅🤣
This is a "Stop Smoking" advert disguised as a kung fu movie. Cigarettes are only good for kicking around - not smoking.
And we all knew that kid arent just talking nonsense.He walk the talk,not just surpassing his master,becomes his best student but indeed the greatest martial art master of all time.
I'm sorry. Bruce Lee was one of the greatest, but him in his prime would never match ip man in his prime
Ip man was a master of wing Chun but Bruce Lee incorporated multiple martial art styles into his own style. It's kind of apples to oranges. I prefer Bruce Lee's style myself but neither man was a professional fighter. I view them more as artists.
@@dynamiccGNDG0607 You've got nothing to base this on.
@@josephmatias7243 Dude, Bruce Lee may have been a legend but he was literally just a film star
There's no reason to think he could just casually beat up 10 dudes using martial arts, he was good at REPRESENTING MARTIAL ARTS IN MOVIES, Ip Man was GOOD AT MARTIAL ARTS ITSELF
There's a difference
I wanna see a real footage of Bruce lee actually fighting
Ип ман красавец
Сигареты зло!!!
Respeito eterno bruce lee 🖤
Брюс Ли переигрывает
Так это ненастоящий Брюс а лишь просто клон его для съёмок
Думал посмотреть этот фильм, но после этого отрывка желание отпало))
Говнище какое то
Best no smoking campaign ever
The english comment you’ve been looking for😏
Sдve it foя Tяump
Crazy how fast bruce lee was and this is just a movie and the only time the real bruce would show us his speed is through a camera which obviously doesnt do it justice and cant even imagine how truly fast he was in person. Will forever be a legend.
lol bruce lee was just Hollywood
@@deeznutz4505 maybe.. maybe there was true authentic martial artist that were faster, more accurate, the ones that trained the man himself.. but truth is we don’t know and the fact he was apart of a time where if you were the fastest you had to prove it… and he proved it. Whether you like it or not.
1:13 I was hoping Bruce would kick the cigarette back into the guy's mouth. That would have been AWESOME!
My OCD says no 😂
Hmm let me remind you he's Bruce Lee not Kneau in The Matrix.
The way ip man just flicks the cigarette at bruce lee and bruce lee just kicking it looks like hes kicking a football
Он больше похож на Бруса всемогущего чем на Брюса Ли
А теперь собирайся и дуй в магнит, принесешь мне блок сигарет " LD" Красные.
А то дахрена вас таких развелось, скоро курить нечего будет.
Мне кажется что когда сценарист писал эту сцену исторические Ип Ман и Брюс Ли несколько раз перевернулись в могилах
Фильм китайский и для КИТАЙЦЕВ, они такое любят, и эти люди для них очень много значат.
Mother Lee: So what did you learn at karate school today?
Bruce: I punched cigarettes and kicked water.
Mother Lee: Silly boy. Cigarettes do not hit back, do they? Water does not feel pain, does it?
So fucking smooth and effortless motions such a great scene
Yes, ip could read his intentions easily, Bruce also telegraphed his movements back then but ip hid his in his actions
Check out eminen boztepe, for modern wing chum
Сцена полная хуйня, а твоя мать шлюха