Yama Tsukami floats high up, while Nakarkos is deep in a pit. Yama Tsukami uses the dead internally for flight, Nakarkos uses the dead externally for offense/defense. Both are squid-like Elder Dragons with 1 hit KO moves. And both are awesome!
One think I really like about this monster is that he is, in his own way, a hunter just like us: He kills monsters, fashions himself armor made out of their bones, and uses their sources of power as his own. He crafts weapons and armor from the corpses of monsters he defeats, just as we do. He's even got his own hunter art. (though "Giant laser" is a bit more impressive than what we hunters get)
To people who've beaten this to get into high rank, and also read comments before videos. STOP! There are different forms that appear in High Rank that you will not see until then! If you wish not to spoil the other form(s) of this monster than please wait until you fight it again!
Oh you should be higher up. I know the title said Spoilers but I had already beaten him... To get to high rank. Didn't expect to see more of this guy that I had not seen... Oh well, nothing I can do now. But I'm excited to fight this guy again
I spoiled myself, because the battle from LR to HR was so damn boring, if I waited. I would probably like it a tad better, but only for that one red thing.
+Yongki Siaw It's a Cuttlefish. Squid and Cuttlefish are radically different from one another. Cuttlefish mimic other sea creatures and squids cannot. :/
my one dissapointment with this enemy is how it could've used 4 tentacles instead of two. wouldve fit the theme of the game perfectly. it could even use parts from all the new flagships at the same time, it would really make this battle intense.
Too weak? People on here must not have fought against dalamadur or something, ran as smooth as butter on my 3DS, dunno why programming all that would be "too much" for it by comparison.
@@thesonicexplorer75 Wasn't Alatreon the secret boss of MH3? And Alatreon has shown up in every generation since. There's hope for Nakarkos yet (though not too much, given that it would require a unique skeleton).
Lets hope not, his base mechanics are good, effluvium doesnt need to be added to this fight. Also as much as i love nakarkos, he would not translate well in world
After watching this video, I have to wonder.... just how many of the games wyverns/elder dragons ended up in this pit of death and why? Do they just travel there when they're about to die of old age or something? I ask cause lions do something similar when they are on their last legs - leaving their pride without notice and just disappearing.
I think i heard somewhere that this place was similar to the veil Its basically a graveyard for monsters and i think they even just let nakarkos kill them? I can't really recall unfortunately
The unknown bones you noted where Glavenous parts. Also noting that sonic bombs blow up the imitation bones would be a great hint to add if you ever edit this. I would also note about the potential to mine him. Otherwise great video!
I would have guessed the thunder one was supposed to be modeled after kirin (ivory/abyssal lagy would fit too I guess considering the color pattern). Also it not having the exact shape doesn't mean it's not from that exact monster. Narkarkos uses parts of dead monsters to coat it's heads. So why shouldn't it attack a glavenuses tail to the top and his backspikes to the the bottom. But as you said it could also be unknown monsters or considering the pile of bones a mixture of any number of monster parts.
You were in Nyanta mode, but underground all the video, right? You should expand the series and do all the new variant! I'm sure it'll be a success in the channel!
Wow! A cuttlefish. This is hands down the most creative use of a real life animal in Monster Hunter. Heck, I'm gonna say this is the most creative monster in the entire series! Great job, CAPCOM! ☺
In case nobody has mentioned it yet, the skull you weren't sure about is supposedly a modified Dinovaldo skull. Anyway, this was an interesting way of both filming a monster and use the felyne's escape. I already knew all this, but it was interesting to see how you would cover it.
This monster would be a perfect addition to HR MHW in the Rotten Vale. Not only is it an elder dragon which would be drawn to the new world but the mass graveyard of the lower recesses of the Rotten Vale would be a suitably thematic place to fight it.
+Alex MH Agnaktor was what I initially thought, but after it was pointed out on the wiki, the lower jaw does look a lot like that of a Dinovaldo. And the bladed part actually looks more like the crest of Sere than Agnaktor. So I'm kind of leaning towards a modified Dinovaldo skull. Or maybe it's a hint at a new upcoming monster for the next game, I wouldn't put it past Capcom.
No this form has the horn of a Seregios because Agnaktor doesn't have that kind of spikes, Seregios also doesn't have spikes like this so it is hard to fond what kind of monster(s) part it is
Great video showing off the monster! This is probably the best one to show off the different monster parts it can pick up too. It seems like it doesn't just use any lagiacrus parts, they look like Ivory Lagiacrus since they're white with blue stripes. Since this area is close to the Ancient Forest, that does lead to some interesting implications about how far in-land Ivory Lagiacrus might travel.
Anyone gonna mention the fact that the area you fight him in looks suspiciously like a specific cave from the Lava Caverns in Rise? Especially when the area goes dark at 3:30. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was intentional, given that the Sandy Plains and Flooded Forest were also brought back from a previous game.
This music is SO good! I'm getting some early Final Fantasy vibes; FF4-6 era. This boss even looks like it could be one of the Four Fiends or from the World of Ruin, too. Such a cool design.
The first time I saw its enraged mode, I was creeped out; really satisfied with the new experience MHX presented! If anything, I had hoped that it was bigger, or that the bones are more colorful because it looked quite dull Also, its blue attacks causes you to become "Sticky", so if you roll, the bones on the ground will put you into a "snowman"-like status. One more thing is that its shinies are set to something like old dragon bones or ballista shots, which you can use throughout the arena... Just saw a playthrough. Overall, it really felt like a monster from underworld, especially with that blue glow... only wished that it could retain some colours from imitated monsters
+XDevilkillX You sure about that? The Lagiacrus, Brachydios, and Duramboros/Uragaan arms don't resemble heads at all. The Lagiacrus one looks like its shell shocker. The Brachydios one looks like its pounder. They all lack basic facial features such as eyes and mouths.
The red head with the horn you couldn't pinpoint is Agnaktor - I saw a fight vid where it shot a fire beam in a sweeping motion and it clacks its jaw together.
I don't know if you could fight it in this game, but I think the "unknown skeleton" was a seregios body, considering how it had the blade on its head and it could sharpen itself
Man this makes me think a cool new species of monsters for monster hunter could be some giant parasite that hijacks a monster body to fight for them before they do it themselves, and probably some mechanic in the fight that involves taking too long will result in the parasite finishing the monster host off before the player can and gets stronger from it.
This is an awesome video! It makes a great reference for Ostogaroa, both for drawing and behavior. And i think that one head you couldn't place might be Dinovaldo.
It's an Agnaktor head. Period The two "fangs" we can see underneath are the original bone head fangs hanging down (look at the Brachy head on the left at 4:14-ish, you can see two fangs covered in green slime moving when the head "roars")
Adam, you forgot to mention that throwing a sonic bomb will break the special heads and cause Ostagaroa to "re-equip" his normal tentacle heads. Or perhaps maybe I missed the comment in your video. Nonetheless, very enjoyable video. I like the Nyanta camera.
The fourth unidentifiable head looks like a combination of Seregios's head blade, Akantor's jaw, and Dinovaldo's head shape and eyes. Maybe it's a combination of all 3? Could be!
Wow this creature is like... strange. I like it. The physiology of its arms makes it much more intimidating than any other monster in the series, capable of mimicking their abilities and appearance. Remember when Qurupeco was able to mimick the cry of a Devlijho and the first time we experienced that we shit ourselves? Well this thing can mimick a Brachy and a Lagiacrus at the same time and fuck up your day without even taking you to dinner first. I like this creature a lot, it's probably the most creative one they've made thus far.
Not sure if you knew this gaijin hunter, but the base camp area massively changes depending on if he's normal, enraged, or dead. Worth checking out. :3
I fought this solo on my switch, since I didn't buy the subscription. It one of my favorites because of that reason. Plus I was new to the series and I did it on my first try😊
I was hub-hunting in XX and the guy selected this quest. I suddenly found myself looking at an empty abyss with a massive hole leading to a grave filled with bones big enough to eclipse the little village I had come from. From out of that infinite chasm of despair twin dragon heads wreathed in bone came and the fight between me and the hunter who had pulled me unwittingly into this nightmarish encounter began. Up until that point I had been confident in my sword's sharpness, so when it glanced off the bone armor I could only think "Oh shit" as something blue struck me and I became covered in bones. It was definitely the longest most desperate feeling fight I had fought up to that point and the sheer unknown quality of exactly WHAT I was fighting and what could have led to it arriving only made the fight more memorable. In the end we finally won, with my poor blade in red sharpness and down to my last herb. I made a horn out of it. In the end this fight was great! The music, sharing bits of the melody from the home village, and the setting the fight took place in, gave a very real feeling of "If we don't win we aren't making it out of here" and when you're jaded and used to the usual that sort of feeling is rare to experience so suddenly and in earnest. What I'm saying is this fight left a hell of an impact on me. 10/10, would play wherever this thing originally shows up in.
I just fought this monster in its final form. I was already stunned by his first form, but when I wasn't spoilered and saw his final form... OH MY GAAAAAWD... Abyssal Lagiacrus has oficially been pushed to rank 2 of my personal "Most epic monsters ever" list.
Just finished beating this guy in MHXX not long ago for my 7* Urgent. Was a pretty cool moment in game since I actually landed the last hit with a lance charge.
Capcom: we need a new monster idea. What should it be? Employee 1: Skeleton-wearing dragon Employee 2: Squid monster Employee 3: two-headed dragon *_and thus, Nakarkos was born_*
This thing is the king of hunger, only rivalling Deviljho and Laviante, Nakarkos is known to wipe out islands and Eco systems of creature, big or small, even sometimes slaying elder dragons if it gets the chance. Only being preyed upon by adult Ceadus and most likely Laviante, this creature is to be truly feared. It also shows signs of high intellect, figuring out which parts of a monsters body do what so it can use them against you. It's quick and shakes movements of the tentacles, used to confuse and strike fear into others before slaughtering everything in its path. Just remember, it's actually a giant blue squishy cuttlefish under all those bones.
I'm... actually a little disappointed. One of the things I love most about MH is how the monsters look and act (for the most part) like they could be living creatures in that ecology. This looks cool and all, but between the shapeshifting and the beam attacks from the heads on its hands, it seems more like an MMO boss than a MH monster. It'll certainly be a challenge to fight, though!
+Fors Clavigera Think of it this way. Its a squid monster. Its body is very weak so it uses the bones and parts of monsters to protect itself and hides under the ground. These monster parts may sometimes retain their function hence the brach pounder still has remaining slime to cause explosions. The blue ooze which it will shoot out in beams is a sticky substance which allows the bones to be attached to the body. This monster will hunt out other monsters and eat them, using his powerful dragon beam to kill them. The prey is dragged into his den via the sticky tentacles.
+Fors Clavigera Actually, besides the beams of course, which is just a thing MH likes to do, this is a pretty accurate to cuttlefish biology. The blue goo is the cuttlefish's ink, and they camouflage with their surroundings. But in the game, in addition to camouflage, they made it mimic other monsters by using their bones to channel their powers. But even that is a fairly common ability in cephalopods (squids, octopi, etc.)
Not really, the only part hard to explain is how it manages to use the elements from mere bones. Maybe this squid's tentacles can analyze the genetic code in the bones in order to replicate one of the substances the monster used to attack. However, the substance is only produced in the specific tentacle. The uragaan one needs no explanation, clearly. This would mean this monster has more than just 2 limbs, since I don't think tentacles can adapt so rapidly, but it only uses 2 at a time. Maybe the tentacles need some rest time to produce and restore elemental substances. However there are many elder dragons with partially unexplained/magical abilities, i.e. Shagaru's virus gheisers or Fatalis' meteor summoning.
Ranz Not enitrely true. The brach slime remains on the pounders after death and thus explains it.(similar to the weapons hunters use) The Lagia\ electricity could be described as properties from the back spines which remain after death.
The unidentified monster might be the Seregios, from the shape of the blade on it's head and the make it is gnashing it's fangs and sparks are coming off, like two swords clashing, or possible a mix of monsters, like the Seregios and the Testuticabra (from the shape of the under jaw) Also, it will be interesting making armor out of this thing, for I am cladding myself in the monster corpse of of a monster that clads it's self in monster corpses.
+XTclips Then you shouldn't follow a big MH channel, there will always be spoilers somehow. And from that thumb nail you wouldn't guess what the monster does or really look like.
The only thing you see on the picture is 2 heads and a blacked out body. First time i saw a small video clip of it a while back i thought it was a plant. I wouldn't know anything from this picture except that it has 2 heads. BUT i understand what you mean, try to stay away from anything about the game for a while. It'll be out in the west/eu in maybe 1-2 years. Probably.
Yama Tsukami floats high up, while Nakarkos is deep in a pit.
Yama Tsukami uses the dead internally for flight, Nakarkos uses the dead externally for offense/defense.
Both are squid-like Elder Dragons with 1 hit KO moves.
And both are awesome!
Plus their music sounds pretty similar with the chanting monks.
Never expected it to be based on a Cuttlefish!! What an amazingly creative and original design, concept and production of a monster :D
hibiscus. MH is so creative look at namielle
@@lastmexicano such a beautiful jellyfish squid gulpper eel dragon
One think I really like about this monster is that he is, in his own way, a hunter just like us: He kills monsters, fashions himself armor made out of their bones, and uses their sources of power as his own. He crafts weapons and armor from the corpses of monsters he defeats, just as we do. He's even got his own hunter art. (though "Giant laser" is a bit more impressive than what we hunters get)
To people who've beaten this to get into high rank, and also read comments before videos. STOP! There are different forms that appear in High Rank that you will not see until then! If you wish not to spoil the other form(s) of this monster than please wait until you fight it again!
Oh you should be higher up. I know the title said Spoilers but I had already beaten him... To get to high rank. Didn't expect to see more of this guy that I had not seen... Oh well, nothing I can do now. But I'm excited to fight this guy again
I spoiled myself, because the battle from LR to HR was so damn boring, if I waited. I would probably like it a tad better, but only for that one red thing.
This thing is just creepy. Never thought it's true form is a squid 😐
Its a squid???.... Yamatsu's Brother?
+DerpyWyvern no.
+Omega Dragon I was just joking ;)
DerpyWyvern Ik it was just ridiculous 😂
+Yongki Siaw It's a Cuttlefish. Squid and Cuttlefish are radically different from one another. Cuttlefish mimic other sea creatures and squids cannot. :/
my one dissapointment with this enemy is how it could've used 4 tentacles instead of two. wouldve fit the theme of the game perfectly. it could even use parts from all the new flagships at the same time, it would really make this battle intense.
My guess as to why they did not do that would be that it would have too difficult to program and too hard for us to fight.
Lol, just wait till they added this guy in the new MH:Frontier series
Katze tell that to capcom
If that thing had two more tentacles, no one would be able to get close to it.
Too weak? People on here must not have fought against dalamadur or something, ran as smooth as butter on my 3DS, dunno why programming all that would be "too much" for it by comparison.
this is what happened when Tentacruel had sex with Cubone
+Sam Lowe +crispy dango You have a poiny XD
this made my day XDDD
4:30 Judging by the color and the sparks, that's probably the tail of a Dinovaldo, since Ostogaroa uses various body parts and not just skulls.
Would be an excellent opportunity to bring him back in the Rotten Vale. Different monsters in MHW so different tentacles and battle mechanics.
Jose Lazo secret bosses don’t come back like gogmazios
@@thesonicexplorer75 Wasn't Alatreon the secret boss of MH3? And Alatreon has shown up in every generation since. There's hope for Nakarkos yet (though not too much, given that it would require a unique skeleton).
Lets hope not, his base mechanics are good, effluvium doesnt need to be added to this fight. Also as much as i love nakarkos, he would not translate well in world
@@cleoking6312 he could work i think and effluvium doesn't need to be a problem if he's in a part of the veil where its not a bother
I didn't know you can fight Cthulu in this game...
wait... THAT IT! What if it's just to introduce the real Cthulhu form in the next MH... And this is like only he's head... interesting...
You can fight more than one
...I think I have a new favorite Elder Dragon
After watching this video, I have to wonder.... just how many of the games wyverns/elder dragons ended up in this pit of death and why? Do they just travel there when they're about to die of old age or something? I ask cause lions do something similar when they are on their last legs - leaving their pride without notice and just disappearing.
Prediction of the century right there! Have you seen the story for mh world?!
Liam Huebel this man singlehandedly predicted the plot for mhw, and the lore of the Rotten Vale.
Theres Wather, he probably drags Pray in. And sometimes snipes Wyvern out of the Sky whit his Lasers.
I think i heard somewhere that this place was similar to the veil
Its basically a graveyard for monsters and i think they even just let nakarkos kill them? I can't really recall unfortunately
The unknown bones you noted where Glavenous parts. Also noting that sonic bombs blow up the imitation bones would be a great hint to add if you ever edit this. I would also note about the potential to mine him. Otherwise great video!
The "unknown" head seemed Seregios to me
I cane here to make the glavenus comment as it attacks with bladed headbutts and shoots fireballs.
in its first form, when I first saw it I thought: " It looks like a necromancy tried to revive Orochi but could only manage two of his heads "
4:30 looks like it's the upper skull of a Seregios and a jaw of the Dinovaldo
agnaktor skull
nah, it looks like it because it's fire and open and closes it constantly but... the "horn" of an agnaktor is in it's beak, not in te skull.
Did some digging. It really is a Glavenus head. Makes sense. Only Glavy could have that shape n color scheme.
I would have guessed the thunder one was supposed to be modeled after kirin (ivory/abyssal lagy would fit too I guess considering the color pattern).
Also it not having the exact shape doesn't mean it's not from that exact monster. Narkarkos uses parts of dead monsters to coat it's heads. So why shouldn't it attack a glavenuses tail to the top and his backspikes to the the bottom.
But as you said it could also be unknown monsters or considering the pile of bones a mixture of any number of monster parts.
Tallen Smith I think it has a secretions head with the jaw of a tetsucabra
Gotta say, I really love the ominous feel of the music in both forms!
This monster is so adorable. It's like a giant tsundere
i love killing this thing for the set
@@thefetcher Yeah. The Astral set is pretty nice, and the Polaris weapons are god-like, with the best blue sharpness in the game.
Now, a video fighting this monster would be great, just to show how scary the fight is gonna be :D
+theadods the camera cat had to do a lot of fighting to get him into all his forms :)
+gaijin hunter of course he is, but human hunter fight also will be great to see :D
+gaijin hunter mostly like, from what I could see, that last form looked it was a Tetsucabra, from some of the facial features and the two jaws
+MasterRJ The form that you couldn't identify looked like Dinovaldo, as it had a sharp mouth and there was fire coming out of it, but thats my opinion
+MasterRJ i think the last form is from dinovaldo. Since it acts like firestone and causes fire attack.
the arms itself reminds me of a Castlevania enemy for some reason
dragons zombies from Castlevania circle of the moon ?
+bmezzy white dragon
the organ in its theme music reminds me of Castlevania
Ooh wow a twin head bone dragon?? Sounds so cool!!!
Wait nope... Cuttlefish!!!
Monster Hunter: Spectator mode :D
Oh my word this monster is cool! I can't wait to play it myself!
this monster is a little creepy! but I'm anxious to beat it down!
by the way, GREAT new way to showcase the monster!
Thanks I thought it would be a nice way to see what it looks like and can do :)
You were in Nyanta mode, but underground all the video, right?
You should expand the series and do all the new variant! I'm sure it'll be a success in the channel!
Wow! A cuttlefish. This is hands down the most creative use of a real life animal in Monster Hunter. Heck, I'm gonna say this is the most creative monster in the entire series! Great job, CAPCOM! ☺
+RJTheHero Agreed, easily my favourite elder dragon concept wise.
In case nobody has mentioned it yet, the skull you weren't sure about is supposedly a modified Dinovaldo skull. Anyway, this was an interesting way of both filming a monster and use the felyne's escape. I already knew all this, but it was interesting to see how you would cover it.
This monster would be a perfect addition to HR MHW in the Rotten Vale. Not only is it an elder dragon which would be drawn to the new world but the mass graveyard of the lower recesses of the Rotten Vale would be a suitably thematic place to fight it.
I would say that the fire head is from agnaktor.
I agree. Especially because the rest of the monster heads appear to take the form of 3rd generation monsters.
+Alex MH Ohhh I forgot agnaktor wass in this game, thought it looked kind of like dinovaldo but it has that beak like head like agnaktor.
+Alex MH Agnaktor was what I initially thought, but after it was pointed out on the wiki, the lower jaw does look a lot like that of a Dinovaldo. And the bladed part actually looks more like the crest of Sere than Agnaktor. So I'm kind of leaning towards a modified Dinovaldo skull. Or maybe it's a hint at a new upcoming monster for the next game, I wouldn't put it past Capcom.
No this form has the horn of a Seregios because Agnaktor doesn't have that kind of spikes, Seregios also doesn't have spikes like this so it is hard to fond what kind of monster(s) part it is
+Alex MH i thought it was a tetsucabra
Holy shit those are actual monster skills, that's so cool. And his theme is so good, perfectly fits the battle of fitting a unique monster.
This seriously looks like something straight outta zelda.
Great video showing off the monster! This is probably the best one to show off the different monster parts it can pick up too. It seems like it doesn't just use any lagiacrus parts, they look like Ivory Lagiacrus since they're white with blue stripes. Since this area is close to the Ancient Forest, that does lead to some interesting implications about how far in-land Ivory Lagiacrus might travel.
not only does it look terrifying, that wide range of attacks IS terrifying
Anyone gonna mention the fact that the area you fight him in looks suspiciously like a specific cave from the Lava Caverns in Rise? Especially when the area goes dark at 3:30.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it was intentional, given that the Sandy Plains and Flooded Forest were also brought back from a previous game.
I like the format of the video, good job!
The unidentified skull looked so much like a zorah Magdaros , but now I realise its a glavenus skull with the tail glued on top
This monster and its music are so freaking epic.
I wonder how it feels to slay this beast while this god like music is playing.
I was hoping for more facts about the origin of this super cool monster, but this was still a neat little video!
i had to like when i saw felyne photographer project lol nice video
that's one hell of a monster with combinations of different kinds of monsters
first of all, AMAZING VIDEO! second, damn, this thing is pretty much the coolest mon ive ever seen. D:
That was fucking awesome! it was like a 1st person Jurassic park ride
This music is SO good! I'm getting some early Final Fantasy vibes; FF4-6 era. This boss even looks like it could be one of the Four Fiends or from the World of Ruin, too. Such a cool design.
Its like Capcom looked at all the pictures of those patchwork monsters that people post and though, "...why not tentacles?"
The first time I saw its enraged mode, I was creeped out; really satisfied with the new experience MHX presented! If anything, I had hoped that it was bigger, or that the bones are more colorful because it looked quite dull
Also, its blue attacks causes you to become "Sticky", so if you roll, the bones on the ground will put you into a "snowman"-like status.
One more thing is that its shinies are set to something like old dragon bones or ballista shots, which you can use throughout the arena... Just saw a playthrough.
Overall, it really felt like a monster from underworld, especially with that blue glow... only wished that it could retain some colours from imitated monsters
I was waiting for this.
What a beast
This fits in on how cuttlefish in real life mimic other animals.
+Johnnyonnyful Cuttlefish mimic their environments' colour and texture. A mimic octopus is probably what you're thinking of.
@1:50. To me it seems more like an Duramboros tail rather than any part of an Uragaan.
Even it's chin?
+XDevilkillX You sure about that? The Lagiacrus, Brachydios, and Duramboros/Uragaan arms don't resemble heads at all. The Lagiacrus one looks like its shell shocker. The Brachydios one looks like its pounder. They all lack basic facial features such as eyes and mouths.
+tismeah7 Uragaan's chin in 3U was more square shaped while Duramboros's tail in 3U was circular. The Uragaan/Duramboros arm is circular.
+ATJamin *spherical
I just noticed it has an enlarged parietal eye. Kind of like a salamander. Very cool.
He is a squid now!~~ He is a Wyrm now!~~ He is a--- OH FCK!!!
03:16 Feels like ive stared into the endless void 😱 Very cool though!
nice work man can't wait to see more
You have to possess balls the size of YAMA TSUKAMI to even *consider* battling Nakarkos. With a PROWLER.
This soundtrack though!!! Wowza the first monster soundtrack that really grips me!
This monster has some abilities of some the flagship monsters which is a nice touch
This monster would be perfect for rotten vale
If there was a separate path in the belly of dalamadur where the stomach acid is that led to a room like this, then heck yeah Id pay extra for it
Wow it’s like a monster version of Kirby but with two extra heads
Gaijin! Are you going to do any more weapon tutorial videos like you did for SA and LS?
really cool music theme fits very well with the fight
The red head with the horn you couldn't pinpoint is Agnaktor - I saw a fight vid where it shot a fire beam in a sweeping motion and it clacks its jaw together.
I just noticed something!!! He actually has 4 arms instead of just 2, you can see this in 1:23
just noticed that too lol
those are not "arms", those are the fins he uses to move. :3
More of tentacles.
He has fins but if you look even closer... You can see tentacles moving downwards.
yea, but i looked at the weak points table (from ping's dex, pc ) and those fins are exactly in the spot of the "tentacles" you see.
I don't know if you could fight it in this game, but I think the "unknown skeleton" was a seregios body, considering how it had the blade on its head and it could sharpen itself
Never knew he could change his arms to other monsters ability. NICE!
cuttle fish for sunbreak
impressive video and awesome quality thanks for share this master piece!
Man this makes me think a cool new species of monsters for monster hunter could be some giant parasite that hijacks a monster body to fight for them before they do it themselves, and probably some mechanic in the fight that involves taking too long will result in the parasite finishing the monster host off before the player can and gets stronger from it.
The last head looks like a mixture of either a Raizex or Agnaktor, due to the crest on its head, and a Tetsucabra, based on the tusks.
This is an awesome video! It makes a great reference for Ostogaroa, both for drawing and behavior. And i think that one head you couldn't place might be Dinovaldo.
It's an Agnaktor head. Period
The two "fangs" we can see underneath are the original bone head fangs hanging down (look at the Brachy head on the left at 4:14-ish, you can see two fangs covered in green slime moving when the head "roars")
Look around 4:37
+M.R "The X" its actually a dinovaldo tail and head fused together
But the head rather looks like dinvaldo and not agnaktor.
All the heads used by Osuto are from the third generation (Uragaan, Lagiacrus, Brachydios and then Agnaktor)
Wiki says otherwise thou
Ooh! This kinda feels like revenge of the monsters you've hunted a lot just to get the rare drop, in monster form...
Yama’s long lost brother
I'm pretty sure that the skull at 4:27 with the blade face is a transformed Glavenus skull with the tail blade attached to the forehead.
Adam, you forgot to mention that throwing a sonic bomb will break the special heads and cause Ostagaroa to "re-equip" his normal tentacle heads. Or perhaps maybe I missed the comment in your video. Nonetheless, very enjoyable video. I like the Nyanta camera.
The fourth unidentifiable head looks like a combination of Seregios's head blade, Akantor's jaw, and Dinovaldo's head shape and eyes. Maybe it's a combination of all 3? Could be!
the wiki mentions that body part as a dinovaldo skull that was altered by the cuttlefish for its own use.
Wow, this is an amazing video!!!!! I wonder how I'll play against it in the future... It is scary xD
Agnaktor head is the fourth. ^.^ Didn't know about tranq mouthing, will help so much. Thanks GH!
So.. Yama's Emo cousin?
Wow this creature is like... strange. I like it. The physiology of its arms makes it much more intimidating than any other monster in the series, capable of mimicking their abilities and appearance. Remember when Qurupeco was able to mimick the cry of a Devlijho and the first time we experienced that we shit ourselves? Well this thing can mimick a Brachy and a Lagiacrus at the same time and fuck up your day without even taking you to dinner first. I like this creature a lot, it's probably the most creative one they've made thus far.
Not sure if you knew this gaijin hunter, but the base camp area massively changes depending on if he's normal, enraged, or dead. Worth checking out.
What?! I need to see this...
+gaijin hunter video please
I fought this solo on my switch, since I didn't buy the subscription. It one of my favorites because of that reason. Plus I was new to the series and I did it on my first try😊
His theme is amazing!
that's basically me playing with my arms making them act like snakey bois
do you think that you can do a monster showcase every week or so often this was amazing and keep up the good work!!!
at 4:44 isn't that the seregios' head the horn sure looks like it
Awesome video btw hope to see more of these
At first I thought it reminded me of Yamata No Orochi from Okami, then it reminded me of Gleeok from Legend Of Zelda on the NES.
I was hub-hunting in XX and the guy selected this quest. I suddenly found myself looking at an empty abyss with a massive hole leading to a grave filled with bones big enough to eclipse the little village I had come from. From out of that infinite chasm of despair twin dragon heads wreathed in bone came and the fight between me and the hunter who had pulled me unwittingly into this nightmarish encounter began. Up until that point I had been confident in my sword's sharpness, so when it glanced off the bone armor I could only think "Oh shit" as something blue struck me and I became covered in bones. It was definitely the longest most desperate feeling fight I had fought up to that point and the sheer unknown quality of exactly WHAT I was fighting and what could have led to it arriving only made the fight more memorable.
In the end we finally won, with my poor blade in red sharpness and down to my last herb. I made a horn out of it.
In the end this fight was great! The music, sharing bits of the melody from the home village, and the setting the fight took place in, gave a very real feeling of "If we don't win we aren't making it out of here" and when you're jaded and used to the usual that sort of feeling is rare to experience so suddenly and in earnest. What I'm saying is this fight left a hell of an impact on me. 10/10, would play wherever this thing originally shows up in.
The wiki states that its Glavenus's tail and head combined, but I think its more along the lines of Agnaktor or some new monster...
I just fought this monster in its final form. I was already stunned by his first form, but when I wasn't spoilered and saw his final form... OH MY GAAAAAWD... Abyssal Lagiacrus has oficially been pushed to rank 2 of my personal "Most epic monsters ever" list.
Just finished beating this guy in MHXX not long ago for my 7* Urgent. Was a pretty cool moment in game since I actually landed the last hit with a lance charge.
4:34 I think its a mix of Seregios's horn and Dinovaldo's Jaw, thats just me though
Capcom: we need a new monster idea. What should it be?
Employee 1: Skeleton-wearing dragon
Employee 2: Squid monster
Employee 3: two-headed dragon
*_and thus, Nakarkos was born_*
imo his bgm gives me a Final Fantasy/Super robot taisen vibe from it, like it feels like ur fighting an uphill battle but hope is still there
You're undead now, you're a squid now! You're undead, you're a squid!
you're a kid,youre a squid you're a kid,youre a squid you're a kid,youre a squid you're a kid,youre a squid you're a kid,youre a squid
This thing is the king of hunger, only rivalling Deviljho and Laviante, Nakarkos is known to wipe out islands and Eco systems of creature, big or small, even sometimes slaying elder dragons if it gets the chance. Only being preyed upon by adult Ceadus and most likely Laviante, this creature is to be truly feared. It also shows signs of high intellect, figuring out which parts of a monsters body do what so it can use them against you. It's quick and shakes movements of the tentacles, used to confuse and strike fear into others before slaughtering everything in its path.
Just remember, it's actually a giant blue squishy cuttlefish under all those bones.
I'm... actually a little disappointed. One of the things I love most about MH is how the monsters look and act (for the most part) like they could be living creatures in that ecology. This looks cool and all, but between the shapeshifting and the beam attacks from the heads on its hands, it seems more like an MMO boss than a MH monster. It'll certainly be a challenge to fight, though!
+Fors Clavigera Think of it this way. Its a squid monster. Its body is very weak so it uses the bones and parts of monsters to protect itself and hides under the ground. These monster parts may sometimes retain their function hence the brach pounder still has remaining slime to cause explosions. The blue ooze which it will shoot out in beams is a sticky substance which allows the bones to be attached to the body. This monster will hunt out other monsters and eat them, using his powerful dragon beam to kill them. The prey is dragged into his den via the sticky tentacles.
+Fors Clavigera .... *sigh* ....
+Fors Clavigera Actually, besides the beams of course, which is just a thing MH likes to do, this is a pretty accurate to cuttlefish biology. The blue goo is the cuttlefish's ink, and they camouflage with their surroundings. But in the game, in addition to camouflage, they made it mimic other monsters by using their bones to channel their powers. But even that is a fairly common ability in cephalopods (squids, octopi, etc.)
Not really, the only part hard to explain is how it manages to use the elements from mere bones.
Maybe this squid's tentacles can analyze the genetic code in the bones in order to replicate one of the substances the monster used to attack. However, the substance is only produced in the specific tentacle. The uragaan one needs no explanation, clearly.
This would mean this monster has more than just 2 limbs, since I don't think tentacles can adapt so rapidly, but it only uses 2 at a time. Maybe the tentacles need some rest time to produce and restore elemental substances.
However there are many elder dragons with partially unexplained/magical abilities, i.e. Shagaru's virus gheisers or Fatalis' meteor summoning.
Ranz Not enitrely true. The brach slime remains on the pounders after death and thus explains it.(similar to the weapons hunters use) The Lagia\ electricity could be described as properties from the back spines which remain after death.
The unidentified monster might be the Seregios, from the shape of the blade on it's head and the make it is gnashing it's fangs and sparks are coming off, like two swords clashing, or possible a mix of monsters, like the Seregios and the Testuticabra (from the shape of the under jaw)
Also, it will be interesting making armor out of this thing, for I am cladding myself in the monster corpse of of a monster that clads it's self in monster corpses.
4:43 Its Dinovoldo.His head is emitting sparks just like when Dino grinds his tail
But it doesn't look anything like dinovaldos skull.
+Jordan Junkin I think it's a combination of the Seregios skull (look at the head blade) AND the Dinovaldo jaw hence the fire element.
The tentacle-arms don't shapeshift, they simply dig up the bones of monsters, wear them, and then they gain their abilities.
gaijin. please change the thumbnail if you really want to avoid spoilers.
Nah that is a public facing image that was released before even the game ^^
+gaijin hunter yeah i know but some like me might not have seen it yet. that's all
+XTclips Then you shouldn't follow a big MH channel, there will always be spoilers somehow. And from that thumb nail you wouldn't guess what the monster does or really look like.
+b1oodh3ll except there's a picture of it on the thumbnail. you know i don't wanna make this an issue or something i just kinda found it weird.
The only thing you see on the picture is 2 heads and a blacked out body. First time i saw a small video clip of it a while back i thought it was a plant. I wouldn't know anything from this picture except that it has 2 heads. BUT i understand what you mean, try to stay away from anything about the game for a while. It'll be out in the west/eu in maybe 1-2 years. Probably.
The arms arent so much shapeshifting as they are dredging up the skulls and parts of various monsters from the bone pit.
Can't wait to find out if there's gonna be a MHX ULTIMATE