Local currencies have a long history, but it is in modern times that they became colorful notes reminiscent of gift certificates and are more of a community morale currency. If you want to make a small community resilient against a federal currency collapse, you back the local currency with something. If gold and silver are impractical, use what they did historically, honey. This honey money was backed by a shelf stable, tangible good that was useful for many things. Careful not to call it money, legal tender or currency, or the Feds will be upon you. Another way could be hyper fractionalized gold in the form of Goldbacks.
Interesting topic. Is there any easy to digest how-to-guides for this kind of community projects, local currency making etc? I find it hard to know were to start.
Local currencies have a long history, but it is in modern times that they became colorful notes reminiscent of gift certificates and are more of a community morale currency. If you want to make a small community resilient against a federal currency collapse, you back the local currency with something. If gold and silver are impractical, use what they did historically, honey. This honey money was backed by a shelf stable, tangible good that was useful for many things. Careful not to call it money, legal tender or currency, or the Feds will be upon you. Another way could be hyper fractionalized gold in the form of Goldbacks.
Agreed, Money can't just be paper, it needs to be back by something of value. I love the honey idea, a new form of gold backed currency!!
Interesting topic. Is there any easy to digest how-to-guides for this kind of community projects, local currency making etc? I find it hard to know were to start.
Try the book The Regeneration Handbook by the speaker, Don Hall.