Future - Mask Off (Instrumental)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @DittyBeatz
    @DittyBeatz  7 лет назад +1704


    • @itzuzee2520
      @itzuzee2520 7 лет назад +9

      Reko how do you have the verify tick on your channel? pls tell me how to do it

    • @xxseanxx7150
      @xxseanxx7150 7 лет назад +6

      Reko I am ur subscribe with my Scarex acc g

    • @itzuzee2520
      @itzuzee2520 7 лет назад +5

      MegaKangMan pls subscribe to me and ill sub back with 5 accounts!

    • @DaddaRidley
      @DaddaRidley 7 лет назад +19

      Don't be discouraged by anyone complaining about the flute... Remember you remade the instrumental so it doesn't have to be bang on. I find it awesome that you used a different sound cause it makes your version stand out.

    • @itzuzee2520
      @itzuzee2520 7 лет назад +2

      Pepper Club Recording pls subscribe to me:)

  • @dave_5679
    @dave_5679 4 года назад +9322

    2017: Mask off 2020: *Mask on*

    • @ynneb55
      @ynneb55 4 года назад +104

      No never put mask on for some bullshit Corona! Fuck that bullshit🤙😝🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪

    • @dark_alexyt7534
      @dark_alexyt7534 4 года назад +287

      @@ynneb55 dies from it

    • @bladenluker9582
      @bladenluker9582 4 года назад +12

      luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu7p we

    • @irelwl
      @irelwl 4 года назад +25

      you are so more funny 🙂👌🏿

    • @wo.w
      @wo.w 4 года назад +11


  • @mrblank1235
    @mrblank1235 5 лет назад +5836

    Ok make sure you like this took me a long time

  • @GelzNIzzDogg
    @GelzNIzzDogg 3 года назад +2258

    2017: Mask Off
    2020: Mask On
    2021: STILL Mask On

  • @diamondj2008
    @diamondj2008 3 года назад +378

    As a flute player i’m trying to learn this for when covid is over here in Australia

    • @pokochoco5931
      @pokochoco5931 3 года назад +4

      It's all ready there tf you mean

    • @diamondj2008
      @diamondj2008 3 года назад +9

      @@pokochoco5931 I mean when it’s ended (over) I know it’s here and it sucks

    • @notoriousk.u.b3777
      @notoriousk.u.b3777 3 года назад +2

      😭😭😭 I hope you master it

    • @JMan6271
      @JMan6271 3 года назад +1

      send a link here when u can play it

    • @diamondj2008
      @diamondj2008 3 года назад +2

      @@JMan6271 Sure, normal pre-COVID life should start happening again around Christmas holidays

  • @larryliu9498
    @larryliu9498 4 года назад +9747

    We’re gonna play this song when virus over😂😂😂

    • @fathimathyasha1826
      @fathimathyasha1826 4 года назад +136

      OML yaaaasssss!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      It'll be a fun way of celebrating victory!

    • @bharat97133
      @bharat97133 4 года назад +42

      We'll, soon

    • @fathimathyasha1826
      @fathimathyasha1826 4 года назад +15

      @BloxyRUclips wh- may I ask who said that?

    • @Husk2280
      @Husk2280 4 года назад +9

      BloxyRUclips what will happen after that?

    • @fathimathyasha1826
      @fathimathyasha1826 4 года назад +8

      @BloxyRUclips 😂ok then! Sorry for replying like 2 days after.

  • @NickNewbucks
    @NickNewbucks 5 лет назад +6412

    The flute sound like it’s going through chronic depression

  • @nicholasellis3189
    @nicholasellis3189 5 лет назад +4598

    That beat is so sick, it's unvaccinated

    • @jacobcaballero8225
      @jacobcaballero8225 5 лет назад +194

      This beat is so sick, even Karen vaccinated her kids for it when she heard it.

    • @Bongs237
      @Bongs237 5 лет назад +33


    • @lennonkyle7678
      @lennonkyle7678 5 лет назад +35

      That was so funny I almost laughed

    • @goldeneagle802
      @goldeneagle802 4 года назад +27

      It’s sicker than China right now

    • @ego4
      @ego4 4 года назад +18

      @@goldeneagle802 Coronavirus is the cure for this song

  • @enderwhite6307
    @enderwhite6307 3 года назад +308

    0:13 Richard getting out of the car while it explodes

    • @angelobenso3983
      @angelobenso3983 3 года назад +17

      I see you're a man of culture

    • @rory7952
      @rory7952 3 года назад +12

      Lmao I just saw that and came immediately here

    • @brokenglass_au
      @brokenglass_au 3 года назад +4

      *hamond idiot brok car crash in field agai n???/*

    • @me12.12
      @me12.12 3 года назад


    • @aashish4349
      @aashish4349 3 года назад

      Which refrence?

  • @infinitearrow2158
    @infinitearrow2158 6 лет назад +3908

    15k people kept their mask on.

  • @gc2926
    @gc2926 7 лет назад +1599

    my nigga squidward came in with that heat

  • @bi-bod6689
    @bi-bod6689 5 лет назад +2474

    Lol my brother’s kung fu teacher plays this while they’re training

    • @blobb9393
      @blobb9393 5 лет назад +56

      Ya lucky XD

    • @weather9405
      @weather9405 5 лет назад +106

      To teach him to mask off and represent.

    • @Loubie2005
      @Loubie2005 5 лет назад +7


    • @adamrious
      @adamrious 4 года назад +25

      Wow actually flows well wit it

    • @weather9405
      @weather9405 4 года назад +2

      Adham Hgg Rio with

  • @sxarlex3925
    @sxarlex3925 3 года назад +768

    when covid ends:

  • @Jsmoove8k
    @Jsmoove8k 7 лет назад +1091

    This is a trap classic ... make a street nigga cry hearing this

  • @Xxsnipes079xX
    @Xxsnipes079xX 7 лет назад +855

    Whatever drugs these dudes taking to work this hard I need em

    • @DittyBeatz
      @DittyBeatz  7 лет назад +70

      Donal Jump Percocets, Molly Percocets😂😂

    • @ATLDASH
      @ATLDASH 7 лет назад +25

      Donal Jump Try being broke for most of yo life...That's all u need

    • @BassFishingMN
      @BassFishingMN 7 лет назад +11


    • @zakeusmcgraw1027
      @zakeusmcgraw1027 7 лет назад +2

      He a vegan nigga don't do them drugs lol. Just talented and all them kids..

    • @okeythegoat2332
      @okeythegoat2332 7 лет назад

      vegans are the best

  • @DavidDeanBretton
    @DavidDeanBretton 7 лет назад +1272

    this is straight fire, some samurai movie shit

    • @kamiiu
      @kamiiu 7 лет назад +4


    • @DomesticBeats
      @DomesticBeats 7 лет назад +3

      Bart Bretton lmao

    • @judefleming1353
      @judefleming1353 7 лет назад +4

      Samurai? really? I was thinking more middle east, Lawrence of Arabia style

    • @DomesticBeats
      @DomesticBeats 7 лет назад +13

      Scrabe Pharaoh no he sampled it from a song called prison song

    • @DomesticBeats
      @DomesticBeats 7 лет назад +4

      Scrabe Pharaoh are you talking about the flute?

  • @silv3r349
    @silv3r349 4 года назад +330

    Future: ”Mask off”
    People in 2020: ”Mask on”
    6ix9ine: Mask wrong

  • @colejealous7775
    @colejealous7775 7 лет назад +2833

    squidward has arrived

  • @quantomic1106
    @quantomic1106 5 лет назад +362

    Beat drops harder than my bank account balance.

    • @generalgold742
      @generalgold742 5 лет назад +4

      reality clocked you so hard :(

    • @ItsMayzo
      @ItsMayzo 5 лет назад +1

      Wow, thats deep

    • @tea2666
      @tea2666 4 года назад

      Woa looks like reality clocked u hard

  • @WrathRingChaser
    @WrathRingChaser 5 лет назад +768

    Beat dropped harder than my bar of soap
    Wait hol up....

  • @Idkkdiidk337
    @Idkkdiidk337 4 года назад +368

    When the instrumental is better than the lyrics

    • @SantiUzi
      @SantiUzi 4 года назад +2

      The Great animations 1 stop copying others comments 2 this sounds nothing like the original 3 the lyrics is better

    • @Idkkdiidk337
      @Idkkdiidk337 4 года назад +17

      Yaboi Ronin I don’t see a comment like this. And it’s my opinion, I understand why you like the lyrics more. Just don’t accuse me of something I did not do.

    • @tdubb1220
      @tdubb1220 4 года назад +2

      @@SantiUzi are you dyslexic first off all this wasnt copied second of all the lyrics are just a meme and third of all ofc this isnt the org smart mouth

    • @pratyushkishore9030
      @pratyushkishore9030 3 года назад +1

      @@Idkkdiidk337 I agree

    • @crunchyboi1303
      @crunchyboi1303 3 года назад +3

      @@SantiUzi well here we go again it’s these types of people smh

  • @xolucid9286
    @xolucid9286 6 лет назад +718

    this beat dropped harder than my grades

    • @adia123
      @adia123 6 лет назад +2

      XO Lucid what ? 😂😫

    • @thesixthman3176
      @thesixthman3176 6 лет назад +4

      amen I have a D+ in Science class and i don't even know what we even learnin' about. Better start studying hard, 'cus bball starts next week.

    • @maricelbonto3479
      @maricelbonto3479 5 лет назад +2

      @@thesixthman3176 can't take a joke?

    • @thesixthman3176
      @thesixthman3176 5 лет назад

      @@maricelbonto3479 i understand that this is a joke, but it's also something relatable.

    • @maricelbonto3479
      @maricelbonto3479 5 лет назад

      @@thesixthman3176 ok, maybe i can't take a joke

  • @ant0217
    @ant0217 7 лет назад +1177

    I was about to start bobbing my head to this amazing beat, then the beat drops and I hear this sorry ass flute lmaoooo I'm dead💀

    • @azureharris8647
      @azureharris8647 7 лет назад +37

      Whosmansisthis 😂😂😂😂😂 I just stopped listening after that

    • @ericstar1346
      @ericstar1346 7 лет назад +5

      Whosmansisthis youm gotta put bars go it. lol

    • @raphaelm573
      @raphaelm573 7 лет назад +2

      Whosmansisthis I love you for this comment 😂

    • @mrsurprise2294
      @mrsurprise2294 7 лет назад +6

      I was like yeah, uh, uh huh Percocet Molly Perco what is this shit click if off click it right off

    • @zapender
      @zapender 7 лет назад +51

      Honestly the flute and the beat are the only things that made me like the song. The "singing" and lyrics about drugs and crap were as repulsive as rap always is. Well after all, modern rap isn't music so...

  • @carsondykstra8027
    @carsondykstra8027 4 года назад +582

    30 mil views that the most I’ve seen an instrumental be

    • @jensonjohnson2297
      @jensonjohnson2297 4 года назад +36

      It bees a well liked instrumental because it be good but this one be a little off from the original

    • @Omgkhii
      @Omgkhii 4 года назад +4


    • @sxuthring1057
      @sxuthring1057 4 года назад +1


    • @Iwantkeiko
      @Iwantkeiko 4 года назад +1

      Deadass !

    • @MovieMagic_007
      @MovieMagic_007 4 года назад +3

      There is one with 60 million just search rujay

  • @WasiWeabo
    @WasiWeabo 3 года назад +85

    This song makes me feel like its evening and its raining 🌧 im with my umbrella and vibing, forget about every obstacle that comes to ur life and just relax for a moment, it makes me feel good 👍

    • @Toaster_Man
      @Toaster_Man Год назад +1

      Or taking a drive at night, in the rain, all by yourself, just forgetting about life.

  • @h1nkle
    @h1nkle 6 лет назад +700

    0:00-3:16 is my favorite part

  • @vl5002
    @vl5002 7 лет назад +1346

    Why it sound like that

    • @runescape477
      @runescape477 7 лет назад +31

      Fûk u mean lmao

    • @vl5002
      @vl5002 7 лет назад +51

      Rune Scape
      Listen to mask off the song by future you'll see what I'm talking about

    • @jaliltalley5493
      @jaliltalley5493 7 лет назад +59

      VL500 its re-made

    • @vl5002
      @vl5002 7 лет назад +34

      Jalil Talley
      I've remade instrumentals it doesn't sound like this why have the sample right in the beginning but off as soon as the it drops

    • @jaliltalley5493
      @jaliltalley5493 7 лет назад +1

      VL500 he Re-produced it

  • @akeno2295
    @akeno2295 6 лет назад +511

    I was driving a truck...
    I’m now driving a fire truck 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @kyanowo
      @kyanowo 5 лет назад +15

      fire trucks are actually water trucks

    • @benshapirosgreatuncle4060
      @benshapirosgreatuncle4060 5 лет назад +5

      You cringe, don’t deserve our army

    • @Stoneman39488
      @Stoneman39488 5 лет назад

      Get out

    • @awesomezombi1026
      @awesomezombi1026 5 лет назад +1

      Did you steal one?

    • @kiwiizzy2719
      @kiwiizzy2719 5 лет назад +1

      Insanity well sorry to ruin it but if we are talking logically here then your not driving a truck on fire your driving a truck full of water

  • @rnbthagod658
    @rnbthagod658 3 года назад +11

    This is one of tha hardest beats ever!

  • @oxytocin6125
    @oxytocin6125 7 лет назад +5642

    0:13 The beat hits me harder than my dad's belt

  • @hunterharris108
    @hunterharris108 7 лет назад +124

    Is this off his new album? Or you just made it?

  • @RafelJaggai
    @RafelJaggai 7 лет назад +12

    new ringtone. somebody has been taking flute lessons

  • @shaynesworldofsoundandcrea3752
    @shaynesworldofsoundandcrea3752 Год назад +4

    Bro on God this song never gets old 🔥.

  • @jamieray7278
    @jamieray7278 7 лет назад +1635

    I can't help but think this sounds like something off naruto

    • @MetalTaz89
      @MetalTaz89 7 лет назад +23

      I was thinking the same thing, sounds too familair

    • @fuquiisschingo722
      @fuquiisschingo722 7 лет назад +1

      JakeMe0ff ikr

    • @dasakimanarcisse1951
      @dasakimanarcisse1951 7 лет назад +2

      KIma the Great 1 it's still dope they should use it on borut
      os intro

    • @chance6642
      @chance6642 7 лет назад +31

      The song Wind off of Naruto?

    • @ramfyacosta503
      @ramfyacosta503 7 лет назад +18

      I imagine this shit in an opening 😂😂😂😂

  • @sheridanband7864
    @sheridanband7864 7 лет назад +50

    You should do High Demand Instrumental! That would be dope

  • @sxckqerz
    @sxckqerz 4 года назад +151

    *I can listen to this all day when my crush rejects me*

  • @jmanbeast7591
    @jmanbeast7591 2 года назад +2

    Why is this instrumental so much better then the other ones???

  • @PapaJenkinz
    @PapaJenkinz 7 лет назад +10

    ur actually sick at this

  • @richeazy7281
    @richeazy7281 7 лет назад +262

    this album is gonna be amazing

  • @perc-sz7sw
    @perc-sz7sw 7 лет назад +895

    Good remake but somethings not quite right with that flute tho

    • @mirhaque9857
      @mirhaque9857 7 лет назад +17

      Dat Boi it's a pan flute

    • @kingdon3719
      @kingdon3719 7 лет назад +2

      Look in desc

    • @alphachaseart
      @alphachaseart 7 лет назад +22

      My boy Squidward is here as a sub for the flute

    • @ProdByRazaeleTailor
      @ProdByRazaeleTailor 7 лет назад +2

      I got a remake to this on my channel too it's on point🔥

    • @arbi4025
      @arbi4025 7 лет назад

      I have your exact same profile pic for my discord and steam lol

  • @Fiasco4yuh
    @Fiasco4yuh 2 года назад +6

    2017: Mask off
    2020: Mask on
    2021: Mask?
    2022: Mask optional

  • @notnadz_
    @notnadz_ 5 лет назад +54

    0:13 The beat dropped harder than the emoji movie ratings

    • @meumeel8461
      @meumeel8461 4 года назад

      NadzThunder lol never went up

  • @2wenty7even95
    @2wenty7even95 6 лет назад +832

    Tommy butler's Prison song. That's from where the melody comes from. A song talking about rights of black people turned into a song talking about drugs.

    • @2wenty7even95
      @2wenty7even95 6 лет назад +68

      Beat's great tho

    • @DannyB2002
      @DannyB2002 6 лет назад +10

      Sarah Ray you are everywhere. LEAVE ME ALONE 😭😭

    • @2wenty7even95
      @2wenty7even95 6 лет назад +9

      I_Have_A_Cool_Username RUclips is life man, sorry😂

    • @mrwildjhitt6297
      @mrwildjhitt6297 6 лет назад

      Sarah Ray subscribe me

    • @2wenty7even95
      @2wenty7even95 6 лет назад +5

      Lil Dino u subscribe

  • @BballNintendo3
    @BballNintendo3 7 лет назад +254

    people enjoy the song only because of the beat without even knowing it and then say they like future even though he doesnt make beats. it's not like future talking over this beat adds any musical merit.

    • @volo7
      @volo7 7 лет назад +10

      BballNintendo3 the only reason the lyrics sound "good" is due to the background beat

    • @BballNintendo3
      @BballNintendo3 7 лет назад +20

      exactly and he's saying the same old stuff. how many times have we heard molly perc dope nigga bitches cash hoes purple.

    • @classicvoidzz772
      @classicvoidzz772 7 лет назад +15

      All his credits should go to zaytoven, metro boomin, southside, etc. Future's lyrics are straight trash

    • @BballNintendo3
      @BballNintendo3 7 лет назад +24

      true. he's not a good rapper. anyone can write lyrics like his. but the difference is that not everyone can get beats like his which pretty much make the music. sad how such good beats are wasted on garbage rappers like 21 savage, kodak, future etc.

    • @dubal5005
      @dubal5005 7 лет назад +4

      BballNintendo3 facts 👏

  • @yuarewong3261
    @yuarewong3261 3 года назад +7

    I am not a big fan of today's rap songs. But the flute music in this song is just heavenly.

  • @xenon1801
    @xenon1801 6 лет назад +13

    My boi Squidward working with Future now damn

  • @davidarmoush2484
    @davidarmoush2484 6 лет назад +28

    Used this as my history project's background music lit af

  • @HáaSomada
    @HáaSomada 7 лет назад +1216

    Remind me of naruto somehow

    • @froseo9
      @froseo9 7 лет назад +86

      lmfao, it's the flute man

    • @MrAlexthegreat24
      @MrAlexthegreat24 7 лет назад +11

      Háa Somada hahahaa Zelda/Link too lol

    • @kamiiu
      @kamiiu 7 лет назад

      Truuee 😂😂😂

    • @jeremydupas
      @jeremydupas 7 лет назад

      same instrument

    • @NaruGaaTV
      @NaruGaaTV 7 лет назад +5

      Tayuya power !

  • @slloweddnrevverbb7483
    @slloweddnrevverbb7483 2 года назад +1

    it’s 2022 we still got mask on.. this song ain’t gon be played till 2040

  • @jakeyajackson5823
    @jakeyajackson5823 7 лет назад +37

    Squidward brung that heat 🔥

  • @timse2853
    @timse2853 7 лет назад +492

    1:44 best part

  • @bonydawk1295
    @bonydawk1295 5 лет назад +5

    One of the best startups of any song.

  • @beautyandsoul5580
    @beautyandsoul5580 2 года назад +2

    These ear buds sure do feel good on my ears with that bass!💕

  • @RafelJaggai
    @RafelJaggai 7 лет назад +16

    squidwards underwater right now but he's on fire!

    • @ChrisPPotatoIDC
      @ChrisPPotatoIDC 7 лет назад

      This is a flute, while Squidward actually plays clarinet

  • @uno9505
    @uno9505 4 года назад +16

    1:55 Dont mind me saving that part

  • @CT_92
    @CT_92 7 лет назад +1367

    I can't stop laughing at this shit! You fucked that flute up big time. 😂🤣💀

  • @aminebach8211
    @aminebach8211 5 месяцев назад +1

    2017: MASK OFF
    2020: MASK ON
    2021:MASK OFF
    2024: MASK ON

  • @desti6841
    @desti6841 6 лет назад +227

    Thank you Squidward, very nice!

  • @enri447
    @enri447 7 лет назад +46

    One of the best instrumentals of all time.

  • @sabinoc3114
    @sabinoc3114 4 года назад +57

    I remember first hearing this song back in 2017. I instantly fell in love with the instrumental!

  • @AConfusedAnimator.
    @AConfusedAnimator. 3 года назад +1

    Better than the original

  • @seemakhan5741
    @seemakhan5741 7 лет назад +674

    Squidward has arrived
    Edit: I didn't know I'd get this much likes thanks guys

  • @dueptraiofficial2972
    @dueptraiofficial2972 4 года назад +11

    Đánh vần theo tao “D”
    Đánh vần theo tao “A”
    Đánh vần theo tao “T”
    Đánh vần và theo tao đi,tao cho mày biết đến LilCe,B2C,SB (Sol’Bass) và Dicky
    Tao đã thích nghi được cái flow mới ,dùng vần câu với từng đòn roi cho mày toi
    Tao đã trôi qua bao năm ,không biết mình từ đâu tới
    Tao có quyền được nói : “Âm nhạc đang chết liệt xác”..
    ..Sau bao năm bao nhiêu “bài tập” mà tự mình tính và tụi mình thích trừ gian diệt ác
    Tao sống khi tao vẫn rap và sẽ mang kiệt tác cho mùa Xuân về trong mùa Hạ, và cho mùa Thu về trong mùa Đông -người ta quan tâm khi nào mới xong mà sao quanh năm bàn tay không vẫn còn đang việc khác ?!
    VietRap tao dùng thước ghi từng bước khi mày tước đi nguồn nước cho âm nhạc này thất thoát
    Lác đác toàn là khoác lác và cả “bác học” quát nát mic mà hát
    Thoát xác VÀ TAO RAP
    Khác biệt mày : khoác rác,snapback để biết đc rằng ai là SWAG!!
    Đồng hồ không ngừng nhảy số đi trên từng dãy phố thấy người ta trên nhà cao tầng nhảy xuống
    Tao đi chừng 7 cuốn vì hiếp dâm nhạc mày
    RAP như con chim bao năm lạc bầy..
    ..không quan tâm mày cho bao nhiêu vì đây là kho bạc đầy
    Nghe tao flow thì đừng mong gạt thầy
    Lá từ bên sông,cát,đá và bê-tông “vá” cả Mê Công ,cá mày nghe xong..*Huh?*..hóa đá ,phá giá nhạc mình
    Có xóa được hay không cuộc đời chó má này khi không lại bóp ống khóa từ bên trong ?!
    Nhạc tao mang theo sơn qua nơi âm u đưởng vắng,bôi đen khu tường trắng
    Và Mẹ tao thường “mắng” là : tao mà hay lo chơi thì Mẹ vì tao mà không yên tâm
    Vì đời này ban cho tao đam mê bằng : từ,vần,câu cho nên bên tai mặc dù là 30-50 năm mà khi tao quên đi thì bên tao như luôn luôn vang lên bao âm thanh từ phiên chợ quen tại khu trung tâm ,từ con người đang bước đi qua nhau và từ một nơi không được quan tâm..
    Còn tụi mày “đeo ba-lô lên đi” hay đang ăn theo ?
    Hạt mầm này “gieo” nó có thể sống chừng được bao lâu khi trong ngôi trường giữa 4 bức tường,ở trong môi trường mọi thứ bất thường
    Mọi thứ mất dường như trong tầm tay ,tao không cần “nhai” lại lời từ ai và để ngày mai sẽ cho mày thấy cung bậc do chính tao đã khai thác trong từng bài hát làm nên mọi thứ
    Mày sẽ khao khát có được cuộc sống như lúc bắt đầu,sẽ không bao giờ mà muốn một lần thấy Mẹ mình vắng nhà
    Tao mang IQ như là IceCube
    Cho nhạc mày hôm nay feel rồi ngày mai thiêu
    Kill mấy thằng học sai skill chưa đầy 2 chiêu
    Rap may,thêu lên từ bàn tay rêu

  • @ogflow5150
    @ogflow5150 4 года назад +16

    The most played beat in history 🙀I still whistle this to myself sometimes

  • @ima_pancakebruh
    @ima_pancakebruh Год назад +1

    this is the hardest remix I've ever heard

  • @jr_nso1292
    @jr_nso1292 7 лет назад +5

    The instrumental is good! Good work

  • @AkashSingh-fn1qd
    @AkashSingh-fn1qd 5 лет назад +49

    More Than The Beat Drop....I Enjoyed The First 13 Seconds Of The Soundtrack

    • @nc8002
      @nc8002 4 года назад +1

      Tru dat

  • @Nabbercus
    @Nabbercus 4 года назад +35

    Wait a second??? did he predict the pandemic?!
    Think about it,the songs called "Mask off"
    And the guy who made it is literally called *Future*
    I think he saw this coming,I may be going too far though.

    • @sunxflower8831
      @sunxflower8831 3 года назад +2

      Well maybe..

    • @kingfrostyfnaf4690
      @kingfrostyfnaf4690 3 года назад +5


    • @texticle4206
      @texticle4206 3 года назад +5

      No, No. He's got a point.

    • @_ego11
      @_ego11 3 года назад

      you’re a dumbass

    • @Nabbercus
      @Nabbercus 3 года назад +2

      @@_ego11 Are you sure? because I was just trying to piece together some stuff but I mean,your name is "Ego" so that tells me alot.

  • @L0veIsntReal1
    @L0veIsntReal1 3 года назад +3

    Future: take yo mask off😁
    2020: mask on😭
    2021: keep yo mask on😭😭

  • @purplelime5995
    @purplelime5995 3 года назад +19

    2017: mask off
    2020: mask on
    *Karens: mask wrong*

  • @tinyxwolf7882
    @tinyxwolf7882 5 лет назад +5

    This is fire, your like my fav youtuber, so talented 🥵❤️🤗

  • @yourafatwall1797
    @yourafatwall1797 3 года назад +7

    It just makes me feel confident listening to it

  • @GoozfMb408
    @GoozfMb408 Год назад +1

    we need an updated version of one of these

  • @tombane5950
    @tombane5950 5 лет назад +1838

    :) It's better without the rap.

    • @xeqinn
      @xeqinn 5 лет назад +32

      Tom Bane I think so too

    • @rainmaker2924
      @rainmaker2924 5 лет назад +112

      Better without the crap

    • @roymartintandberg5658
      @roymartintandberg5658 5 лет назад +33

      Tom Bane It sounds too repetetive imo

    • @tombane5950
      @tombane5950 5 лет назад +11

      @@roymartintandberg5658 that doesn't mean worst.

    • @daba4820
      @daba4820 5 лет назад +21

      It's better with old school rap other then new school rap

  • @DG-hl1xo
    @DG-hl1xo 7 лет назад +36

    is it copyright free

  • @yigithan4585
    @yigithan4585 7 лет назад +5

    Reynmeeen adamım :D

  • @maliyahtheone9354
    @maliyahtheone9354 2 года назад +1

    We gonna listen to this when COVID is over

    • @stillmagic5969
      @stillmagic5969 2 года назад

      Its a stand off between the people and government, we've had enough it, Time to take the mask off
      Not fighting what's right? That's wrong
      Its shocking mate like a shockwave from the blast of a bomb!
      We have been putting up with this evil for far too long, as my heart beats I use that for a song
      I had to send the message, we are living in a deception, you don't have to be a detective to use the dots to make a connection and you don't want to accept it cause you can't see it from your fucking perspective?
      So much truth, rip the roots out and show you in front of your face like try neglect this!
      You'll get 3 jabs in the face fucking an injection, with the fear that's spreading what I hear gives me an ear infection
      You're like a bike with no bars, you've got no bars so how did you expect to handle this? The justice system is a mess we need to dismantle it for public safety they let animals in and never take responsibility for the damages
      Thats why my passion is lit cause this is what I'd rather spit, I'm cooking with nothing but punches all you get is battered fish I've mastered this
      Flip the chapter quick before I put your
      Soul in a can, disastrous like dizaster did
      I think I might have just flicked the hazard switch up in my brain for the ones trying to challenge it
      Life comes with its downfalls but it always has its advantages and I'm only beginning in understanding this!
      Breaking the boundaries of limitations of what you would call rapping sick
      Nowadays to get famous you don't have to be talented, well, I'm not having it
      When Will someone stop all of this madness?
      Its tragic
      They don't know how to break down the mechanics, you can't spell heart without the art and thats amazing, this spark is giving this beat palpitations
      One hit to the chin you'll go sleep, every punch calculated to make an image on the canvas that I'm painting
      I'm going off on one, leave bare knuckle imprints on your cheek fuck boxing gloves, you all tough thinking its cool to pop a gun, giving shots like rum, I'll beat you to death so a brought a drum
      With the desire to spit fire with iron lungs
      Think super nova cause you're dying sun
      When you simply look above you'll see they're lying sun
      I've been in a couple of collisions with life, I almost died from one
      Where hate and love are tied as one
      To escape we got to rise as one
      Fuck these so called Kings of the jungle
      Thats where the lyings from (lions from)
      At times when I was right i was made to feel like i was dumb, its insane
      You're Rushing me when I'm taking this to different heights like Where's your crane? (Ukraine) its simple math, use it you'll get cooked until the pie is done
      With this work I put in don't misconstrue it
      This requires faith but be careful before you get murdered with the myers face and left to burn like a piece of.paper in a fireplace
      My Level of thinking is at a higher state
      That takes me to a higher place
      Some not humble enough til I take their best rhymes they wrote and crumble it up like my mistake, I never was a fan of grime, trap and that mumbling stuff
      It makes my blood boil right now its bubbling up fucking clown
      I've got the incline to point out the decline and its tumbling down
      Ready to eat any beat you could probably hear my stomach rumbling now!
      Its over!

  • @ILiveAtKmart
    @ILiveAtKmart 3 года назад +6

    I’ve been trying to find this for over 5 months, so satisfying that I’ve finally found it

  • @mikoajkosmowski9799
    @mikoajkosmowski9799 7 лет назад +45

    🔥lepsze od oryginału 🔥

  • @null.l-4
    @null.l-4 4 года назад +12

    Listening to this makes me feel like I’m in a desert watching the sunset while seeing myself in third person

    • @shivektiwari5733
      @shivektiwari5733 4 года назад +3

      Imagination at it's peak

    • @ma-tr9di
      @ma-tr9di 4 года назад +3

      Omg I jus thought about that and holy shit

  • @reesh8440
    @reesh8440 2 года назад +1

    Finally!,I can't believe i found this,i've been looking for this since 2020.

  • @ElectricAvenue9
    @ElectricAvenue9 5 лет назад +220

    Who is still listening this in 2020

  • @catkat172
    @catkat172 3 года назад +5

    now I can go vibe in the corner while reading shonen manga

  • @Muichiro00001
    @Muichiro00001 3 года назад +6

    We really are gonna put this when covid ends 😂😌

  • @lil021z3
    @lil021z3 2 года назад

    One of the beat bits in the world is liked by anyone who agrees💎🇮🇷

  • @sevvalguner6308
    @sevvalguner6308 7 лет назад +7

    reynmen 💖

  • @mel5146
    @mel5146 7 лет назад +11

    Reynmenden geldim zıtravo ✋✋

  • @zannagarner3327
    @zannagarner3327 6 лет назад +638

    Am I the only one getting Naruto vibes from this song

  • @thesumo526
    @thesumo526 3 года назад +47

    Whenever I listen to this music. I feel like it's evening orange sky ..... I'm walking on road.
    Love this music from India 🇮🇳❣️❤️❣️

  • @Lexi.sleepy
    @Lexi.sleepy 6 лет назад +7

    Looks like squidward practiced.....thank you squidward for helping with this song I really appreciate it 🖤😂

    • @tyrawilliams5026
      @tyrawilliams5026 5 лет назад

      We are at like to be in a meeting with the kids and I will be

    • @tyrawilliams5026
      @tyrawilliams5026 5 лет назад

      What time are going to be in a meeting when you have time can you meet me y the kids are in

  • @dagmarmeijer6899
    @dagmarmeijer6899 6 лет назад +72

    That croissant. Finish that croissant. 🔥🎶

  • @robertjones7477
    @robertjones7477 Год назад

    Mad respect to O.V Charbonneau... Making another classic instrumental.... Remember blazing this classic instrumental back in the dayz... O.V Charbonneau... The mastermind behind the beats... Definitely a true master of his craft...

  • @peanutc14
    @peanutc14 7 лет назад +67

    took the beat from king lil g's 'After my death'

    • @TheDynAmicZClan
      @TheDynAmicZClan 7 лет назад

      Well this beat is kinda old, we got in a swedish rap song aswell smh.

    • @colemanbuckler7333
      @colemanbuckler7333 7 лет назад

      Tumbleshark not even bro. It sound nothing like it

    • @snuz9974
      @snuz9974 7 лет назад +1

      Emil Svensson de sånt liv haaa

    • @N.D.A75
      @N.D.A75 7 лет назад +8

      its called a sample

    • @Time-jd4cb
      @Time-jd4cb 7 лет назад +2

      Tumbleshark look up prison song from tommy butler

  • @hendrixhoncho8233
    @hendrixhoncho8233 7 лет назад +499

    clutch🔥..off his album nd a day before... who are u? Jesus?

    • @Jsmoove8k
      @Jsmoove8k 7 лет назад +42

      Henry Wheeler it's on Spotify lmao , the international release practically leaked it

  • @MontyJVL
    @MontyJVL 7 лет назад +380

    he doesnt want a copyright strike so he has to change it up

    • @GMPman25
      @GMPman25 7 лет назад +1

      umm...........someone (hsvque) did the remake with the actual flute it literally sounds like the real instrumental AND his version is only a week younger than this one. he doesnt have a strike yet......its still uploaded.....what are you talking about?

    • @keenenjohnson9668
      @keenenjohnson9668 7 лет назад +4

      then why post it..........

    • @andrewthomascsgosilverandm6081
      @andrewthomascsgosilverandm6081 7 лет назад

      Amarye Gates flutes a sample tho not metros original beat

    • @zlgg9070
      @zlgg9070 7 лет назад

      no shit

    • @Heasive
      @Heasive 7 лет назад +1


  • @ellapacker493
    @ellapacker493 4 года назад +3

    Who was here October 1st 2020.....stay blessed everyone......I love you guys 💯

  • @gerardomarcelino9839
    @gerardomarcelino9839 4 года назад +10

    Teacher: ok class today we're gonna learn about flute
    That one asian kid who learn flute since 4yr old:

  • @iFilmLiveMusicUS
    @iFilmLiveMusicUS 5 лет назад +528

    This sounds nothing like the original.

    • @hyland4887
      @hyland4887 5 лет назад +100

      The flute isn't the same😂

    • @nayyim2792
      @nayyim2792 5 лет назад +19

      No this is the original

    • @iFilmLiveMusicUS
      @iFilmLiveMusicUS 5 лет назад +128

      @@nayyim2792 Lol, no, it really isn't. Do you have hearing issues?

    • @hyland4887
      @hyland4887 5 лет назад +7

      @@nayyim2792Try to feel the flute better

    • @nayyim2792
      @nayyim2792 5 лет назад +2

      @@hyland4887 okkk

  • @grvsmn13
    @grvsmn13 5 лет назад +6

    New ringtone found 🔥

  • @ishakkova9995
    @ishakkova9995 4 года назад +3

    I can listen this music 24 hours straight....Its so good...