I kept waiting for an answer, and never seen one, then low and behold I guess I didn't hit something right or with our internet going in and out my comment disappeared.... UGH cuz I am usually always the first to comment, darn it.... I put tin foil under my food and just spray on the foil a little not much and cook mine that way, I don't spray the food, the oil seemed to burn that way so I do not do it anymore. I have also used parchment paper too. The chicken ended up looking good though. Thanks so much for sharing. Take care and stay safe.
I kept waiting for an answer, and never seen one, then low and behold I guess I didn't hit something right or with our internet going in and out my comment disappeared.... UGH cuz I am usually always the first to comment, darn it.... I put tin foil under my food and just spray on the foil a little not much and cook mine that way, I don't spray the food, the oil seemed to burn that way so I do not do it anymore. I have also used parchment paper too. The chicken ended up looking good though. Thanks so much for sharing. Take care and stay safe.
Where did you find that cool olive oil with the sprayer ....if you made it...very cool idea! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A friend gave me the bottle as a gift. I just add Olive oil to it. I do like using a spray bottle.