Curse vs Patchwerk

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • first boss of abom wing nax 40

Комментарии • 86

  • @Zsombor8080
    @Zsombor8080 15 лет назад +1

    I've ben searching for this video for like 1,5 years! Thank you man!

  • @ufmit
    @ufmit 14 лет назад +2

    this and all of fura's other videos brought me back to trance way back when. =)

  • @XewieWins
    @XewieWins 13 лет назад +1

    i remember watching these vids back in the day, the curse vids were the reason i rerolled horde from alliance. on a short break now but i get temped to subscribe again every time i watch a vid like this:D

  • @mcpootisjones5518
    @mcpootisjones5518 6 лет назад +1

    The ol' efficient "Frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt."
    I remember that.

  • @jtjr26
    @jtjr26 13 лет назад +6

    I remember when my guild finally beat patchwork for the first time. This boss was a definate gear check and a learn to play check. Naxx was vanilla WOW at its peak for me in terms of game play and difficulty. After that they started to be all about appeasing the whiners to keep the gravy train rolling.

    • @Anthro0
      @Anthro0 2 года назад

      "learn to play check" mages literally pressed 1 button (frost) or 2 (if fire). ok.

    • @Z0RDR4CK
      @Z0RDR4CK Год назад

      @@Anthro0 for healers f.e. this was the first boss where you really had to work with cast-cancel-recast etc.
      not saying some didn't use it on earlier, but in naxx you had to! - very risky at some points, but it was all about mana.
      one button mage critique: there were bosses where a mage went oom just because of decurse and he still had to perform.
      not saying it wasn't easy to play when it comes to the class itself, but it was very stressful when it came to bossfights.

    • @robertposteschild2353
      @robertposteschild2353 12 дней назад

      @@Z0RDR4CK You didn't have to cancel cast. Just cast your big heal if your tank eats a hateful strike. It's brain dead- just like all of vanilla raiding.

    • @Z0RDR4CK
      @Z0RDR4CK 12 дней назад

      @ Yeah, for sure...
      You obviously seem to be very experienced.

    • @robertposteschild2353
      @robertposteschild2353 11 дней назад

      @@Z0RDR4CK Vanilla raiding is piss easy. People just love exaggerating the difficulty for some reason. Maybe it makes them feel good. The truth is, people were just terrible back then. This video proves it - just look at what debuffs are on the boss and you'll know.

  • @kor8513
    @kor8513 4 года назад +4

    Gotta love all the mages being Frost and the Mortal Strike debuffs on the boss. No wonder they barely beat the fairly trivial enrage timer..

  • @empire0
    @empire0 13 лет назад +4

    WoW at it's best during this time.
    I only got to attempt Patchwerk a handful of times in a 40 man, some serious difficulty, most guilds today would never even come close on the easiest of the Naxx bosses.
    Brings me back watching this, I used to always download the latest Curse vids to see their newest kill.

    • @samtriesit
      @samtriesit 7 лет назад +1

      Same here man, was a big fan of Fura and his videos - Even talked to him about it since we played on the same server.
      My guild was able to clear a few bosses in the spider wing with great difficulty like grand widow faerlina....
      Those were the days without a doubt.

  • @TheMatBe
    @TheMatBe 14 лет назад +4

    Hardest Healer fight ever... Good memories... i remember i always had sweaty hands and tachycardia while and after this fight!

  • @B00nge
    @B00nge 9 лет назад +8

    Love seeing the comments on these old vids and lol'ing at the kids saying these fights are boring and easy when they probably never even got close to attempting them. Don't really get how people don't understand that while yes not every boss had a ton of mechanics back then that required you to do a lot of moving, coordinating 40 people in itself was a challenge every fight. And also if you need some mechanics, go watch any vid for Heigan the Unclean and his safety dance and then try to make an argument that the bosses were easy back then.

    • @BlackOceanSociety
      @BlackOceanSociety 9 лет назад +3

      Heigan was easy in Naxx40 AND Naxx25. People were just bad, didn't know much about actual theory crafting and played on fucking toasters.

    • @B00nge
      @B00nge 9 лет назад +3

      Retail fanboy. Take your uneducated arguments back to the WoW forums where you and the rest of the 15 year olds who started in mop can all wait for your testacles to drop together

    • @goofy-OD
      @goofy-OD 7 лет назад +2

      LOL you really just cited heigan's safety dance as a difficult mechanic? stoppppp. IF YOU REALLY WANNA SEE DIFFICULT, TRY MOVING 10 YARDS IN 5 SECOND INTERVALS LOL

    • @dumtaminn
      @dumtaminn 6 лет назад +1

      Omg these kids. Take a minute and let this sink it, YOU omly had like 1 HOT spell per healing class rejuv, renew
      You had to STAND and cast a 2-3 second healing spell whereas today you got haste you got mobility skills to move out of danger.

    • @Fliptality
      @Fliptality 4 года назад

      Heigan was so easy, even after 20 out of 40 people who couldnt dance died, you'd still beat him anyway

  • @Chumpys101
    @Chumpys101 4 года назад +1

    A hunter using tier 2.5 shoulders lol

  • @Torikkaa
    @Torikkaa 12 лет назад +1

    thanks for uploading :)

  • @MsMondbluemchen
    @MsMondbluemchen 6 лет назад

    oh zeah this music ! Good job! Vanilla ftw.

  • @ScoobyAE
    @ScoobyAE 12 лет назад +1

    This brings back in the old days, WoW will never be the same anymore. It's so easy and boring now. I'd pay hella money to play vanilla..

  • @Itzwow1
    @Itzwow1 7 лет назад


  •  8 месяцев назад

    Hows the track around 4:50 called?

  • @Azamous
    @Azamous 8 лет назад +10

    Fun fact: Only 1% on retail guilds cleared Naxxramas at level 60.

    • @dannygmzz
      @dannygmzz 8 лет назад +8

      the raid itself was gated behind reputation requirements, consumable farming that was both tedious and time consuming, barely any drops coming from raids, and ridiculous resistance/tier set bonus requirements for specific bosses.
      also this fact isn't new to anyone anymore. let's face it, hfc was nerfed to hell, and yet still only 5% of people have killed mythic archimonde after nearly 2 years of it being out. add to that the ease of accessibility to the raid, and easy to meet gear requirements.
      sure, whatever, let's try to suggest naxxramas was this insanely difficult raid when the reality was it wasn't.
      edit: also, throughout the entirety of wow the majority don't raid anything. what people should be looking at is the amount of people that entered naxx, and how many of those actually cleared it

    • @Azamous
      @Azamous 8 лет назад +1

      Good points, thank you for responding.

    • @dannygmzz
      @dannygmzz 8 лет назад +1

      well damn, now i feel like a jerk lol

    • @staticbeepbeep
      @staticbeepbeep 8 лет назад +5

      Naxx was insanely difficult with class mechanics you had back then, you have been limited. Comparing "difficulty of back then to nowadays" is simply retarded. Nowadays Classes have evolved whole class mechanic has been reworked dozens of times. It's not even same game anymore. Gating raid behind rep was not only reason that only 1% cleared it, fact is it was fucking hard and reasoning is simple~ You had limited class mechanics.
      There was ton of people who had rep part done but they either sucked hard at game; keyboard turning, mouse clicking, slow response, no game sense so they couldn't reach naxx level due to that and when you add slow/limited class mechanic well then you're fucked. Speaking of only 5% HFC done, well as we all know more than 50% of game community left when that shit was around. And only hardcore players stick to WoD. I for one used to raid on hardcore level and lost interest after just around when BRF hit which lead to my guild being disbanded aswel, I was not the cause for it being disbaned it's just that literally everyone in guild abandoned game due to massive boredom.
      Same just happened with legion to us, we started out strong, raid difficulty was kinda laughable including xavius and cenarius being shit tuned with boring fight mechanics which lead again to guild being disbanded... Guess 12 years been enough.

    • @dannygmzz
      @dannygmzz 8 лет назад +1

      Part of your argument includes players being bad. That's what you're going with? Majority of Naxx wasn't hard, at all. Like I said it was gated behind gear, consumable farming etc. Did you do Naxx in vanilla? If so you would've noticed the bosses weren't at all hard. "Hard" bosses like 4HM took forever because you needed those tanks tier sets so they could actually taunt. A missed taunt would wipe the group, and that was a large factor of that fight. Let's face it, after the first guilds killed it, the info on how to fight it was out there and all guilds had to do was get their tanks geared and follow those tactics (which happens every raid tier...). There was nothing technically challenging, and vanilla's limited class mechanics didn't end up making any fight in there significantly harder.
      Maybe Kel'Thuzad was hard, sure, mechanically he had a lot going on compared to other bosses, but quite frankly it was made a ton easier by all 40 players using all their necessary consumables. So you can say that was why it was hard, whatever, I don't care. The point still stands that Naxxramas wasn't nearly as hard as people say it was, and the 'facts' people spew out like percentages don't suggest the raid was hard, because there were a bunch of other factors that contributed to the numbers being so low.
      Also, yeah, Archimonde's kill percentages were low for similar reasons to Naxxramas being at 1%. Naxxramas wasn't out for that long, people gave up, HFC was out for ages, and people gave up long before killing Archimonde. The point I was making wasn't that the 5% killing Archimonde was because he was hard, I was reiterating the whole post I just made beforehand, but you're welcome to ignore what I'm saying.
      Also, yeah Xavius was a shit last boss, and in effect Cenarius is the real last boss of this raid. Your guild disbanding doesn't have anything to do with the fact that there are many reasons as to why a small portion of people clear raids, the majority of it being not-so-hardcore people just losing interest before killing the last boss. That doesn't necessarily make any raid hard, but what I'm arguing is to the difficulty of Naxxramas, and the points people make, that because 1% cleared Naxx it must have been hard, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

  • @wrath6916
    @wrath6916 4 года назад

    I always though his enrage timer was 7min, but if you look at chat: Engaged at 4:43:06 and he enrages at 4:51:07 so 8 min later?

    • @kernowbtc7956
      @kernowbtc7956 3 года назад

      nah he enrages at a specific %, he has no rage timer persay. His enrage is part of his mechanic rather than an over all enrage that makes him 1 shot everyone.

    • @robertposteschild2353
      @robertposteschild2353 12 дней назад

      @@kernowbtc7956 He does have an enrage timer and a beserk timer. Enrage is at 5%, beserk is at 7 minutes. And it's "per se" not "persay".

  • @kribbzon64
    @kribbzon64 4 года назад +1

    why are all the mages frost?

  • @azzazx6r
    @azzazx6r 12 лет назад +1

    i dont bother with that logic...There were people complaining the game was too easy during ulduar when 0 keeper YS wasnt even killed...and was eventually killed by about 4 guilds while the content was relevant.

  • @TheNinjaStealth
    @TheNinjaStealth 12 лет назад

    Easy? I would like to see your armory + u do hc ds10 when ur done send me a vid.

  • @Discussd
    @Discussd 11 лет назад +3

    Patchwork wasn't about mechanics, it was simply a gear check.

    • @zaerilgolemlord1893
      @zaerilgolemlord1893 7 лет назад +2

      Its mostly heal check rather than "gear". If you could pass patchwerk trash=you got enough geared tanks and DPS. So only issue here is healers mana.

    • @Chumpys101
      @Chumpys101 4 года назад

      People itemized so poorly back on the day that it won't be an issue now. The healer in the video was even using a food buff.

  • @xbirthxbyxsleepx
    @xbirthxbyxsleepx 11 лет назад +1

    I understand this. Guess what happens on other bosses with mechanics? You spam frostbolt and move every once and a while. It wasn't hard back then and it isn't hard now.

  • @EricNeilson_
    @EricNeilson_ 9 лет назад

    Tough boss. Kappa

  • @ScoobyAE
    @ScoobyAE 12 лет назад

    @rwarzor whts scriptcraft ?

  • @CarnifaxMachine
    @CarnifaxMachine 10 лет назад

    Song at 4:45?

    • @jimmyw-s9q
      @jimmyw-s9q 10 лет назад +3

      Ferry Corsten - Rock your body

  • @martinklc7162
    @martinklc7162 4 года назад +1

    Frost mages? wtf is this shit guild my god!

  • @rwarzor
    @rwarzor 12 лет назад

    scriptcraft is free.

  • @colboy1fish
    @colboy1fish 9 лет назад +1

    "hardest boss" Al I see is a bunch of people standing still... Is this wow in a nutshell? standing still and casting spells?

    • @xermy1648
      @xermy1648 9 лет назад +4

      the awesome octorok No. Do you really think that the game is limited to a single role, being the one of a wizard, casting spells? *HUGE FACEPALM*

    • @colboy1fish
      @colboy1fish 9 лет назад

      Xermy I don't see anyone moving, neither the tanks nor the healers nor the wizards.

    • @xermy1648
      @xermy1648 9 лет назад

      the awesome octorok
      This is an MMO that is from 2005, being 10 years old... Do you REALLY expect it to be as sophisticated as some MMOs today like TERA, or Final Fantasy XIV? Seriously i'm even more facepalming right now, how the fuck do you do to be so ignorant. If you don't know anything about WoW, don't expect me to explain you shit. Go do a research, watch videos about it. Simple as that...

    • @TheZalkify
      @TheZalkify 9 лет назад +4

      +the awesome octorok This specific boss was a dps run back then, it was kind of a gear check for the rest of the raid.
      The tanks were being tested because it gave a lot of dmg to them, it was also testing the healers because they could not run out of mana before it got killed and checking the dps of the raid, it had a Berserk Time of 7 minutes, if you did not killed him before that it was a wipe.
      In terms of mechanics it was quite a simple boss, but because it was designed to be a gear check back then.
      Don't judge a game just because of a boss.

    • @colboy1fish
      @colboy1fish 9 лет назад

      So its meant to be boring uneventfull? And I've looked up a few other bosses which where more intresting, like the blind dragon boss in blackwing (atramedies?). Although ragnaros is also a stand still and let others tank boss.
      I've also tried the game out for an hour before I got bored as a warlock gnome. And my experience with combat was mostly: let your imp attack while you run away.
      Really all in all this game just doesn't seem like my cup of tea. The questing was the same stuff over and over again and seeing some of the bosses really put me off. Just my honest opinion.

  • @xbirthxbyxsleepx
    @xbirthxbyxsleepx 12 лет назад

    Don't get me wrong, I liked vanilla. I play on vanilla private servers and have tons of fun, but the difficulty is highly overrated. I mean, fuck sakes, all this guy is doing is pressing frostbolt.