I did that for a B&S Lawn Tractor Engine. I soaked the rag in oil first. The plug was horizontal on the engine. Flushed the Cylinder out with Charcoal Lighter Fluid. Didn’t have any problems with this fix. However, had other fasteners constantly coming loose. Muffler Pipe also loosened and stripped out its threads. Had to go with a different type, bolt on muffler. Sold it to someone as I needed a larger tractor. They bent the engine shaft by slamming into a Snow bank without hitting the clutch.
It shouldn't. I would have used some thread locker specific to this application. It would prevent it from getting stuck to the plug next service. The real big issue with this repair is that the rag he shoved into the bore is not going to collect all the shavings indefinitely. This would be acceptable to an engine you intended to replace soon and you just want to get a little more out of it. If it's an engine you intended to use long term, better off doing it the right way and pull the head.
Bang, minta rekomen rumah kopling untuk revo fit yg pakai per kopling ?. Klo aslinya kan pakai per plat. Jadi rencana mau ganti yg pakai per... Terimakasih sebelumnya.
Kang bade naros, motor abdi suzuki address. Keluar oli dari knalpot plus ngebul tipis. Itu kira2 kenapa ya. Suara mesin normal, kompresi normal, intinya motor normal hidup. Kira2 masalahnya apa ya.
Maaf mau tanya nih,,,saya baru buka usaha bengkel, kalo misal saya cuma beli recoil nya aja, alat2 yg lainnya itu bisa saya buat sendiri, nah tap untuk masukin recoil nya ukuran berapa ya? Yg buat bebek, sama 2tak , kan aslinya m10x1 dan m14x1.25, nah yg buat masukin recoil nya pakai tap berapa ya?
Kang mau nanya motor ane scoopy 2018 di gass poll keluar asap hitam tipis dan berbekas di knalpot itu rusak nya apa ya , dan cara ngilangin asap hitam nya kya gimana apa harus bongkar mesin atau engga , mohon di bales kang🙏🙏🙏
Cukup membantu yang lagi minim biaya itu pengerjaanya cepat dan akurat gak perlu waktu lama
Masya Allah Benar benar handal nih mekaniknya serba bisa
Mantap bang.solusi hemat biaya...👍😁
Sangat membantu di waktu yang sempit....🙏
mantap kg penjelasannya bagus dan mudah di mngerti
I did that for a B&S Lawn Tractor Engine. I soaked the rag in oil first. The plug was horizontal on the engine. Flushed the Cylinder out with Charcoal Lighter Fluid. Didn’t have any problems with this fix. However, had other fasteners constantly coming loose. Muffler Pipe also loosened and stripped out its threads. Had to go with a different type, bolt on muffler. Sold it to someone as I needed a larger tractor. They bent the engine shaft by slamming into a Snow bank without hitting the clutch.
Вытачиваешь на станке футорку и Наворачиваешь сразу на свечу. Свечу можно смочить кислотой из аккумулятора и завернуть в цилиндр.
В юности на восход 2 мне токарь из латуни футорку вытачивал, все работало, так и продал.
Mantap semoga bermanfaat bang
mantap bisa di pelajari
Thanks for sharing for those that don't know about tap and die and use and insert which I used 10years ago on my car engine it works well
Ok banget narasi nya...👍👍👍
Boleh tuh di coba
Haturnuhun Juragan. Asa gampang2 hesenya
😂😂😂 kocak montirnya jadi menghibur ga terlalu serius.
Mantab banget ilmunya,makaasih sehat selalu bang❤
Excellent quality of repair.😊
Tutorialnya bagus.
Bravo Mac gyver
Blm kebeli alat nya bang doakan biar bisa lengkap kunci kunci nya hehe 😂
Tah bener pisan jaang kitu.😊
mekanik idola nih..🥰
Trimakasih , Mengispirasi
Mantul idenya bang
Этот мастер болтает без умолку,не на секунду не умолкая, хуже бабы базарной😢
Bang, tutorial bongkar dan merakit motor Supra 100 series
Mantap bro ..
Keren om. Aku subrek deh
Felicitaciones, saludos desde Argentina!!!!
What is the big hardship about removing the head from a 2 stroke engine? What happens to the swarf that drops in the barrel?
It's a four stroke not a two stroke
@@keithreed5009Is it fook. That is a shitty two stroke.
No problem bro
@@davidharris733 You obviously don't know a thing about engines!
@@joepkortekaas8813 Nah. I get a dumb ass grease monkey to fix mine when they go wrong.
Kalo deket cih pen servis kesitu
Mantap joss
Mantap kang!
Punten pangadamelkeun tutorial drat lobang tap oli aus. Kedah kumaha solusina?
Di recoil atau di oz baut
Sangat membantu bos untuk ilmunya,lokasi di mana nya?
Bakafar molufunka binoku... tradução: o certo não seria retirar a tampa do cabeçote para fazer outra rosca?
Bismillahe aowalaho WA akhira
Mntap bos
Thankyou kopi paste
La próxima, ponele fijador Loctite al inserto Helli coil
You can buy oversized sparkplugs so you tap the hole out to next size up.
Sebaiknya sebelum di selah selah motornya di tiup dulu pakek kompresor untuk membersihkan serbuk bekas tabnya
Just make sure you use grease and if possible vacuum it.
Iya bang sangat bermanfat
saya pengen jg nge recoil lubang busi ,cuma jauh bengkelnya ni
Bengkelnya dimana mas? Kalo skitaran jabodetabek saya mau dong benerin drat busi gl max saya
Ngundi hadiah impact kpn lagi bang
caranya bagus...cuma klo org kaya sy yg minim alat dn sbgainy gmn om..bengkel2 dtmpt sy blm tntu caranya kaya di pidio ini...ksian dh gw??
lokasi mana nih saya di tangerang karawaci nyari mekanik kyk om susah ey
Treat the engine right, it'll never strip a plug thread ie, leave changing plug till engine cold, don't overtighten etc etc.
Mun deket geus di totog daaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Bang Yunus kalau monto Revo injeksi, lubang busi dol minta saran Nya ukuran rekoil nya berapa
Можно вместо разводного ключа метчекодержатель
Bodge job.
Mang sabaraha ngomeken busi dol sareng lokasi na Palih mana
Will it not fly away considering the high pressure in the combustion chamber?
It shouldn't. I would have used some thread locker specific to this application. It would prevent it from getting stuck to the plug next service. The real big issue with this repair is that the rag he shoved into the bore is not going to collect all the shavings indefinitely. This would be acceptable to an engine you intended to replace soon and you just want to get a little more out of it. If it's an engine you intended to use long term, better off doing it the right way and pull the head.
Bengkel na di mana kang?
Salesma teh berupa naon mang. ,😁
Ling untuk pembelian mata bor dan mata tap na kang.
"helicoils" Have been around since the 1960s!
Assalamualaikum bang mau nanya kalo breket kaliper motor Honda slek kalo mau pake recoil pake ukuran brp ya recoil nya🙏
Bang, minta rekomen rumah kopling untuk revo fit yg pakai per kopling ?.
Klo aslinya kan pakai per plat.
Jadi rencana mau ganti yg pakai per...
Terimakasih sebelumnya.
Надо было бензин налить и компрессором продуть , для гарантии .
Kuat mna mas sma yg sistem bos tanam sma recoil..benar kh bisa copot untuk yg recoil..mohon jawab 🙏
Bang bengkel d jakarta ada gak ?
Resep lentong nya
Sunda tulen.
Sanes ti kotok bos anu hideung na.
Kang, bengkrl akang akang dmana lokadinya?
Ese arreglo es para salir del paso.porque después se afloja con la temperatura y sale junto con la bujía.
This is called helicoil it is process was adopted last 50 years in Industry
Itu drat businya sama besarnya dg busi pertama pas blm diganti, atau drat lebih besar?
bang saya mau beli alat senai dan bornya untuk mio kira"ukuran brapa aja,maaf ingin belajar 🙏
Mas ukuran mata bro berp Mili dan untk ukuran mata tap nya yg berp iy mas....
Moon info nya🙏🏻🙏🏻
maaf bang bertanya untuk tap dan recoilnya untuk motor mio ukuran brapa
Tai kotok 😅😅😅😂😂😂 setiap video nya lucu yang dubling nya...😂😂😂
Cala a boca, engoliu uma vitrola ?
Lok bengkel nya dimana bos
bos klau mata tap buat busi yamaha mio pakeh ukurang berpa?
Kang bade naros, motor abdi suzuki address. Keluar oli dari knalpot plus ngebul tipis. Itu kira2 kenapa ya. Suara mesin normal, kompresi normal, intinya motor normal hidup. Kira2 masalahnya apa ya.
Suzuki Nex 2 sami ngebul, seherna dganti anyar... josss
ohhh... stempet, sugan tikotok😅
Kalau mobil om caranya sama dg motor ya kali
Bengkel kau di daerah mana bang
Terus ling pembelian mata tap busi nyh dong
Mas motor pcx 160 nya per2 an udah diganti apa belum?
Vixsion.bisa dibuat kaya itu om
Sehr mutig.
I'll give it an hour before the bore is scored up beyond repair.
Boleh sy tau dimana alamat bengkel nya pak ? 🙏
Maaf mau tanya nih,,,saya baru buka usaha bengkel, kalo misal saya cuma beli recoil nya aja, alat2 yg lainnya itu bisa saya buat sendiri, nah tap untuk masukin recoil nya ukuran berapa ya? Yg buat bebek, sama 2tak , kan aslinya m10x1 dan m14x1.25, nah yg buat masukin recoil nya pakai tap berapa ya?
Mas kalo dh pake busi D6 tapi slek drat nya ituh pake reqoil UK brpa yah sama busi apa?
Bengkelna lokasi dmna a
Estimasinya berapa bang buat rekoil busi buat patokan di daerah saya,tolong di jawab bang
Kang mau nanya motor ane scoopy 2018 di gass poll keluar asap hitam tipis dan berbekas di knalpot itu rusak nya apa ya , dan cara ngilangin asap hitam nya kya gimana apa harus bongkar mesin atau engga , mohon di bales kang🙏🙏🙏
posisi bengkel di daerah mana om
Ma perché non levi la testa dal motore per fare questo lavoro così non rischi di inguaiare il motore con le scorie. Sveglia giovanotto!.
Use a small balloon instead of a rag
Kang posisi bengkel nya dimana?