better call saul

  • Опубликовано: 25 фев 2023
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Комментарии • 719

  • @Doobydobap
    @Doobydobap  Год назад +142

    Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code DOOBYDOBAP for 83% off and 3 extra months for FREE!

    • @yuneryoo
      @yuneryoo Год назад


    • @satvindersingh1506
      @satvindersingh1506 Год назад

      6:52 Hi mommy

    • @PuffinPsychologist
      @PuffinPsychologist Год назад +2

      (1/3) Hey Tina, if you are able to read my entire comment- I think it may provide a different perspective for you… If you do start to read it- Just make sure you read until the very end…
      I understand why everyone is sympathetic with you. It is because you are an awesome, bright, creative woman. I am a young woman myself. 23 years old in fact. I do not have all of life’s answers; Nor do I claim to. However, I can share my own perspective and some wisdom with you that is based on my experiences.
      It may be hard to read this comment. Not just because it is long as hell, but also extremely honest. I want you to know it is coming from an earnest place of empathy and transparency. There is both fact and opinion in this comment. I want you to know that my opinions are not blind but again, coming from my own lived experience as a young woman in this world. Just like you. And many others I’ve witnessed.
      Tina, I feel that you have intentionally removed your responsibility in this incident. Not out of malice or spite but because deep down you are afraid of being wrong. You are even more terrified of the world viewing you as wrong. I am too.
      Throughout this whole experience, I would have analyzed the entire situation and determined my own decisions that directly contributed to the outcome (Where you are now with your landlord and property). I would ask myself “What choices did I make that have brought me here? Is there anything meaningful that I could have done differently?”. It is ofcourse, too late to change them. But you can learn a lot from them. I would also be seeking legal advice if I was going through this same situation. It would be a bit different though. I would not have shared any information of the incident on my social platform(s). Furthermore, I would not have blurred the lines between business and being victimized.
      No one is expecting that you should have known everything about everything and the right way to go about it, from the very beginning. However, simple things were ‘missed’ (It may be more fitting to say skipped) that border on common sense. Because there was an excitable, romanticized dream. Which is a good thing but it can cause us to make haste decisions without a second thought.
      When we begin to actually “bring our dream to life” It is easier to get creative and let passion lead when physically conceptualizing our project. Major thought and planning went into the aesthetics, interior design, layout, coloring, furniture, menu items, and image of the restaurant. Before even completing or fully planning the foundation of the space. These are all things that we enjoy and are happy to conceptualize. The “fun parts” if you will.
      However, it appears as though the financial, legal, structural, demographical, foundational, paperwork, legalities, and other fundamental aspects were not given the same careful planning. The fundamental basics become overshadowed by the need to express the vision/concept they have in mind. This is an extremely common downfall to newly started businesses.
      Not doing your due diligence can be chalked up to being naive. That does not equate you to being the victim. That was still your choice Tina. People cannot take advantage of you if you do not let them.
      This is all a common part of business. Just like you, your landlord is making decisions with his business and livelihood in mind. Sending letters, contracts, drafting agreements, negotiations. That is what your landlord was attempting to do by agreeing to assist with renovations at first. Then submitting a proposal with terms to you for agreement. It is your choice to agree, decline, or attempt to negotiate further. At that point you decided to seek legal advice but that is not on your land lord.
      Most, if not all of the situation could have been avoided with more in-depth planning. Even though the current issues you are facing are crucial parts to making your vision a reality; You chose to claim a victim mentality. I understand that it is easier that way. I have been in your shoes for the majority of my life.
      We all make mistakes and nobody is perfect. However, we cannot then claim that others are villains because of our decisions.

    • @PuffinPsychologist
      @PuffinPsychologist Год назад +1

      (2/3) What is not okay is that, as your fans: We were obviously and intentionally misled. The full story was not provided and even misconstrued (based on the provided evidence) and it was portrayed that you are a victim of cruel misogyny. At every turn you were “taken advantage of”. However, I have only seen evidence that disputes your side of the story.
      This does not make you a bad person. This is the easy way out Tina. I have taken it many times before… It was also disappointing to many of your fans. Ofcourse, we have not unsubscribed but it was concerning… I am not alone.
      I can think of a lot that you could have done differently. I am sure you have thought about things you could have done differently as well. Everyone has things they would go back and do over again. However, you have done yourself a disservice by ignoring and even denying any responsibility.
      To not even acknowledge your part and accuse someone else of taking advantage of you, does nothing constructive. It solves nothing. By pushing reality to the back of our mind we limit ourselves and our potential as human beings. We also hurt innocent people and those around us. I am not shaming you or putting you down at all. I fully understand why this was your response to the situation. It is always easier to be the victim…. I know. I know because I was the same way. I wish someone would have explained it to me. Even if it was just a fraction of the way I am trying to convey it to you. I also wish I would have listened to those who were trying to tell me in their own words.
      I also want to mention something obvious: Words, body language, reactions, tone, and context are extremely valuable queues in communication and human perception.
      To provide reinforcement for the victim mentality, you presented a narrative that ‘all of the sudden, after renovations were almost done’ you were sent the eviction notice and had no other alternative. After all the hard work, a ‘Misogynistic and Ageist’ landlord swooped in snatched the prize. Just as it was nearing your grasp…. And there was no way to stop it. No other choice…
      Based on your own evidence this not true. When we look at the evidence you provided, it brings to light a more mundane and even common situation.
      Rather than overcoming this obstacle as a business owner and learning from the situation; It was easier and more strategic for you to see yourself as someone who was taken advantage of. Maybe this is because as humans we never want others to know our mistakes. We do not like to reveal that we should have made better decisions. I think you were also afraid that you would be seen as ‘Incapable’ or ‘Not ready for this’ so you had to blame someone else for everything that has gone awry.
      You want others to think you are fully in control. That everything is going perfectly and that you never make mistakes. And if issues do arise: They are either intentional on your part or completely out of your control… You have to prove the naysayers all wrong… And maybe this will be the accomplishment/event/assignment/degree/life that finally makes them proud of you… And if it doesn’t… then you’ll find a way to garner their attention in other ways…. I understand way more than you could ever know... Even though that was not anywhere near the truth. You are not stupid Tina. You have an entire tribe that will dispel the naysayers. You make millions of people proud on a regular basis. You simply got excited and made a few mistakes without doing your due diligence. That is what being human is all about, own that.
      It is obvious there were other alternatives available … Such as coming to an agreement that you would handle the renovations yourself. This recent video is proof of that fact. In your previous vlog the title: ‘I’m getting evicted’ was a blatant lie. You received an agreement with specific terms and offered a choice. Which I would like to add you agreed to. In reality, at a certain point your landlord declined to pay for any additional requested renovations (the type does not matter). To which he presented you a written contract to make the agreement binding (if you agreed). You could have declined, attempted to negotiate, or agree. The same exact thing that you could have done when acquiring the property (creating a contract of your own with the landlord). Tina, you cannot convey such dishonesty… You don’t have to. Take it from me: I’ve done it so many times… It doesn’t work…
      It is your channel and you choose the content you want to share, which I truly love. You can post whatever you want on your channel. As you know, being a content creator allows the world access to discuss and critique your material. Which, I wanna add: I am very grateful for. You are my favorite RUclipsr, hands down. Even now, you still are. I just had to get this off my chest after you shared this situation, the evidence, and context, in a misleading way. I want you to know that you are so powerful. You don’t have to portray the victim narrative to shield yourself from judgment, Tina…
      Fast Forward to your latest update: You are back in the property. Putting more blood, sweat, and tears in for your dreams. Which is what it takes to make them come true. However, there is no ignoring the shock value you were aiming for with the previous vlog. In comparison to this one; Where you, as the still victimized young woman are now seen triumphing over your oppressor… Who never oppressed you to begin with. They were simply conducting business. The same thing you are trying to do with your restaurant. The tone of your last vlog set the stage that you required sympathy. While your landlord acquired damnation… Because he sent you an agreement stating that you alone would be responsible for the renovations from there on out… Which you obviously agreed to (hence you are not actually evicted). Even the title was a lie Tina… You were not “getting evicted”. You were provided a choice, multiple choices even. Two very different things.

    • @PuffinPsychologist
      @PuffinPsychologist Год назад +2

      (3/3) In the most recent vlog, there are some subtle and some not so subtle actions that continue to enforce you as the victim and your landlord as the oppressor. Such as the mention of needing a security system specifically because of the landlord. The passive aggressive statements of “We have had incidents with…’him’” with no elaboration or supporting evidence. The reinforced victim mentality that has now mushroomed into “Kevin and I are worried for our safety”…. Yet, as soon as the security system was installed: You were comfortable enough at the rental property to begin twerking, on camera, and then posted the footage online.. Your reactions are not in any way conducive to how you present the entire situation… I also wonder why exactly are you now so afraid? Even though, you are choosing to remain there and respond in these ways…?
      Afraid of your landlord? The landlord that covered some of the renovations even though he did not have to, also the same landlord who you ultimately came to an agreement with after stating they were already evicting you (Providing your evidence which was a less than truthfully translated letter from them), and finally the same landlord who you are now consciously choosing to move forward with. Even though he has ‘victimized you’….Why? In your defense I’m sure many will say “She has spent so much time and money already, what other choice does she have?”. Even though the last time you updated us… There was already ‘No choice’ and you were “getting evicted”.
      To that defense and you Tina I want to say: If you were victimized by this person, which you have told us... Then the decision to move forward with the same person- I guess… It is somehow… Just another “naive” decision made by a “young woman who didn’t know any better and was taken advantage of” huh?…. Oh how the cycle repeats itself… You are so much better than this Tina. You are valuable and have worth… you do not have to be the victim to be powerful….
      If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read what a true fan had to say. I am not angry, spiteful, or trying to hurt. I have just noticed this mentality displayed heavily in this specific situation.
      I wanted to express my concern and be completely honest. Over the course of the past 6 months… I have noticed certain behaviors and changes that weren’t present or as noticeable before. Throughout multiple relationships with friends and family you’ve had, different interactions, comments, and other ways… Things common in many mental health disorder.
      A specific example: The shopping at Costco scene in the current video. I am not sure if you are aware but you displayed signs of an impulse shopping episode…Associated symptoms include: Finding a reason to buy items (in excess) that you otherwise do not need, Checking/Examining many items in store with or without exclusive intent to purchase, Repeatedly examining individual items in the store, Difficulty maintaining focus on tasks/conversations/train of thought, purchasing items that you already have an excess amount of or do not have use for, feeling guilty or unsure of why you purchased specific items or an excess of items…. It is also associated with feeling a ‘rush’ or Euphoria while having an episode. Especially, right before-during-and/or after checking out. You yourself even noticed during this specific trip & stated you “went overboard”… You made a few comments after the shopping trip that hinted on doubt and guilt.
      DISCLAIMER 1: “How could you possibly tell?”. I have been battling a few mental health disorders my entire life and will continue to do so. Impulse shopping is one of my most common behaviors due to said mental health disorders. As a matter of fact: The thought, depth, effort, and detail I’ve put into this speech is most likely a direct result of my OCD. That does not make it any less honest or biased. I do not let these diagnoses define my life nor does it make me any less capable. Ofcourse, everyone is different and a diagnoses must be determined by a health professional: But I would rather bring awareness and be wrong. Then stay silent and be right.
      I think I chose to ignore these behaviors and bring them up beforehand because it reminded me of the lies I lived in (which is controlled) and my own mental health disorders (which are often uncontrolled). The lies I’ve portrayed to appear right and perfect… and be the Victim. It becomes addictive and dangerous even… It is hard to break but you have to first admit the truth to yourself Tina… At some point in our lives we have to take a look at ourselves and reflect… or victim shaming… You are not a victim. And you don’t have to be one in order to fill the void inside that yearns for attention and reassurance… The one that craves to hear “You are absolutely right, you did nothing wrong. What happened was predatory. It was completely unfair and out of your control”…. I know years upon years of pressure to be great, to go farther, to be perfect have caused some wounds… But this is not the way. I promise…
      DISCLAIMER 2: I do not care about the responses I receive for sharing this. I am a true fan and always will be. These things can all be true in unison… While sharing my views, observations, and the reality. If you made it to the end… Thank you so much for even taking the time. I am hoping Tina will read this… even if she disagrees whole heartedly. I just wanted you to know it’s okay to mess up. And that it doesn’t help to blame others. Also, it is okay to be different and ask for help sometimes…
      You will make it through this! Make sure you pay attention to your body and mind… and also practice accountability regularly… You will never accomplish your dreams if you are stuck in a perpetual state of victim mentality…. ♥️

    @DUNESTITCH Год назад +3272

    He ran away when you presented the documents. Exactly. Getting yourself a lawyer was the best thing you could have done. Keep going and document everything. Every conversation.

    • @DaestrumManitz
      @DaestrumManitz Год назад +83

      Doing her due diligence is paying off.

    • @info_player_start440
      @info_player_start440 Год назад +42

      ​​​@@rainreinaa If suing in South Korea is anything like in Japan, the effort and expense might not be worth it for either parties. Keeping a lawyer on hand is the best thing she could do.

    • @kaiserdenwin
      @kaiserdenwin Год назад +5

      Kepp going ☮️

    • @info_player_start440
      @info_player_start440 Год назад +5

      @@danielc1792 Depends on how defamation and libel lawsuits work in South Korea. Again, see how Japan handles that sort of thing. If it's anywhere close to similar, then that would be a bad idea.

    • @ceIibacy
      @ceIibacy Год назад +2

      what is happening why he keeps trying to be like that

  • @MichelleMuck555
    @MichelleMuck555 Год назад +1984

    Kevin creeping for candy is so hilarious. His cravings will be his downfall.

    • @deuteragonist_nb
      @deuteragonist_nb Год назад +22

      That was like my favorite part 💀😭

    • @Annahamu
      @Annahamu Год назад +33

      It’s him searching for the rhubarb candy

    • @turbobhagwan
      @turbobhagwan Год назад +3

      yeH, Kevin is the funny one!

    • @DaestrumManitz
      @DaestrumManitz Год назад +9

      Their ability to feed off of each others comedic nature is a gas, leaving us hungry for more.

    • @faidrad.1382
      @faidrad.1382 Год назад +5

      its the most danish thing ive heard him say🤣

  • @mdem5059
    @mdem5059 Год назад +313

    strictly speaking those aren't CCTVs as they aren't closed circuits.
    Also that brand of security camera had recently gone through some drama, it was found out that they do indeed stream the feed and save data on their servers when they said nothing is sent outside of your network.
    Might be worth having a look at, depending how much you guys care about that stuff.

  • @a.d.r.d8656
    @a.d.r.d8656 Год назад +1026

    Hang in there Tina and Kevin. ✊🏽 Fighting! 💪🏽

    • @a.d.r.d8656
      @a.d.r.d8656 Год назад +4

      🫢🥹 Tina u liked my comment?! Hey i gotta say i love your humor and quirkiness and much love 🫰🏽from the Caribbean 🏝️ please try to eat some Caribbean food 🙏🏽

    • @TBLUNTZ420
      @TBLUNTZ420 Год назад +5


  • @javedoy2404
    @javedoy2404 Год назад +698

    The production on this channel has always been top tier. Now there is a continuous storyline to follow. Keep it up Dooby, you deserve all the shine!

  • @diana-qf5dw
    @diana-qf5dw Год назад +776

    After all this travesty I think it would be cool to keep the “Kepp Going” grafitti in the restaurant or at least make a printed art copy of it. Seems like it was there since the beginning for a reason haha. Hopefully things will sort themselves out soon!

    • @brenbren732
      @brenbren732 Год назад +35

      Definitely would be an awesome reminder down the road!

    • @smitzz
      @smitzz Год назад +10

      i was thinking the same. good reminder to keep calm and just keep going.

    • @votepurple
      @votepurple Год назад +4

      It’s so much better because it’s spelled wrong. It must stay

  • @BrookeRosseau
    @BrookeRosseau Год назад +474

    you got this!!!! we're all here cheering for you two, hope you guys are happy and healthy!!

  • @kirk1968
    @kirk1968 Год назад +183

    I love how no matter which Costco in the world you see, it's instantly familiar as your own local Costco. And you're totally right about always buying stuff when going there 😁

  • @_ashleyyylim
    @_ashleyyylim Год назад +28

    This is so fun and encouraging to watch! Keep pushing and guys you’re almost there, the space is already looking so cozy!

  • @erimationss
    @erimationss Год назад +485

    You can do this! We’re all rooting for you!

    • @reeteereetee3636
      @reeteereetee3636 Год назад +4

      Yes ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿✊🏼✊🏾

    • @stupedcraig
      @stupedcraig Год назад

      That's right! KEPP GOING! PEACE SIGN.

    • @hanasong6781
      @hanasong6781 Год назад +4

      Not anymore we're not #teamlandlord

    • @stupedcraig
      @stupedcraig Год назад

      @@hanasong6781 what? Why?

    @TDOONGIESOT9 Год назад +58

    Every time I watch your videos you just cleanse my day and I love that. You don’t want to know how many times I paused this video just to lol and say “I really love her” you and ☂️ are really a great team and I love that he adds to your goofy keep being you and making these videos you don’t understand how many of us need them…. ❤

  • @maggieb4416
    @maggieb4416 Год назад +19

    Tina saying she’s broken, hit me hard in the feels! Love you mama Dooby! 🫶🏼

  • @clarus_stuff
    @clarus_stuff Год назад +3

    It’s so nice to see that you still have fun. I hope you can solve this asap, and keep having fun with your team

  • @jpk8529
    @jpk8529 Год назад +23

    one way to think about all that stress and anxiety is that it doesn't really dissipate. those are seeds. your commitment to following through is what allows them to grow into the very things that will allow you to value and appreciate this amazing thing you're doing. keep it up! later on you may see how that stress and anxiety has turned into joy and you can then look back and laugh at the whole ordeal. keep enjoying the process as you are and thanks for doing what you do
    tldr; if it wasn't so difficult, then after your accomplishment, the lack of difficulty robs you of the happiness you would otherwise feel. you could also apply this idea to how you look at your life these last few years

  • @kokojinusa8393
    @kokojinusa8393 Год назад +166

    she removed the top comment that was explaining the situation unbiasedly :)

    • @InfamyJunkie
      @InfamyJunkie Год назад +49

      She also put the recent vids about the lawsuit and the eviction notice vid on private. Probably at the advice of her lawyers.

    • @kokojinusa8393
      @kokojinusa8393 Год назад +45

      @@InfamyJunkie ofcourse , I would do the same thing. good luck to her, but shes losing the case 95%, her lawyer ofcourse said "ofcourse we will win bla bla bla pay me $ X AMOUNT, shes forgetting appeals court ? and then supreme court? im really interested after the case is over, if she does a breakdown of howmuch it cost her to go through all 3 levels of the court to just lose.

    • @laurale6712
      @laurale6712 Год назад

      what did the comment say?

    • @kokojinusa8393
      @kokojinusa8393 Год назад +32

      @@laurale6712 the landlord sent her a document stating that if she goes ahead with the repairs all costs incurred are on her, and he reserves the right to receive the property back in its original condition.

    • @momoneyinvesting
      @momoneyinvesting Год назад +4

      @@kokojinusa8393e's right. this girl should stick to food vids, which i guess is why people started watching (even though she absolutely butchered a few italian dishes). the ego/privilege and immaturity make this channel really cringeworthy

  • @FiaS964
    @FiaS964 Год назад +52

    I’m also going through a tough time right now and watching your journey with the restaurant definitely makes me feel less alone. Our car was stolen, I’m getting kicked out of my apartment because my landlord wants to move back in, fighting with my insurance company over clerical mistakes on their end- it’s definitely all out of our control sometimes. Life is definitely not easy sometimes but it happens to everyone and it’s less about eliminating the stressors than it is about finding healthy ways to work through them. You are doing a great job and I can’t wait to see how everything turns out after renovations!! ❤❤❤🎉

    • @AuntyBlabbyRules
      @AuntyBlabbyRules Год назад

      I’m so sorry! I went through something similar. Getting put out of your home stinks!! I hope things get better for you soon 👍🏼

  • @DoJoStan
    @DoJoStan Год назад +266

    Can't wait to see it all finished. We're rooting for both you and Kevin, Tina!

  • @frankm7707
    @frankm7707 Год назад +21

    The restroom in front of the dining area is going to be challenging. Make sure you have a couple strong ventilation fans blasting in there plus strong potpourri air freshener. One bad customer in there will make a really bad day for everyone.

  • @sickofjjong
    @sickofjjong Год назад +12

    It's nice seeing Kevin comfortable with the camera and us. I hope he likes everything!

  • @anonymouswanderer571
    @anonymouswanderer571 Год назад +60

    Kevin is so so supportive partner it's very hard to find these days shoutout for Kevin he is so hardworking 🤗 God bless him you both may God keep u both always together all the best and i wish one day i could come to your restaurant 💫 and meet you i m in 2023 manifesting. Love from India 📌 come to India soon

  • @kara8892
    @kara8892 Год назад +9

    The restaurant is really coming together, hope all works out well for you guys!! 💕

  • @alexandriavalle2390
    @alexandriavalle2390 Год назад

    I’m loving to see you continue moving forward regardless of the scary possible out come you where handed

  • @sroarin
    @sroarin Год назад +61

    your videos bring me so much joy lol. keep it up dooby

  • @user-hm6oj1zp6r
    @user-hm6oj1zp6r Год назад +1

    You're videos bring me so much peace and joy. Keep going tina!!

  • @ilovespid3rman
    @ilovespid3rman Год назад +2

    Your videos are so calming! I love your channel unnie! ❤❤😌

  • @picklesdill9138
    @picklesdill9138 Год назад +13


  • @bangsibels
    @bangsibels Год назад +2

    I am deeply rooting for you, my love Tina! You got this! Fightinggg!

  • @TheCreatorsAttorney
    @TheCreatorsAttorney Год назад +320

    Saul? An attorney? I wish you could call me but I’m licensed in CA. You inspired me to start my RUclips channel and I’m so grateful to you as a fellow Asian woman. It’s hard to be brave and bold. Your creativity is another level, and I only hope one day to have as an amazing of a channel as you. Fight the man! This landlord is a crook. So glad you hired an attorney! I would totally represent you for free if I lived in Korea and was licensed there. As women we have to speak up more often and louder. So proud of you for standing your ground and not letting him kick you out!❤❤❤

    • @TheCreatorsAttorney
      @TheCreatorsAttorney Год назад +33

      I did research on Korean commercial landlord/tenant laws and it looks like landlords have a bad history of requiring huge deposits and keeping them by kicking out tenants early. The Koreans laws have been reformed in the last 10 years so I’m so glad you got an attorney. Growing up as an immigrant in America, and an asian woman, I’ve always been taught to be quiet (by my mom mostly). But no longer. I speak up for my clients easily but have to remind myself to speak up for myself.
      For those of you who are saying, this should not be about race or gender, I totally agree I wish it never was. But unfortunately, in our world, it often is about race and gender. You have no idea how many times I’ve been mistaken, and as the assistant when we walk into a conference room with my boss and my colleague, who are often men. I’m not trying to speak for everybody’s experience and I’m hoping that things are changing and it’s better. I’m just speaking from my experience of 15 years working in Hollywood. I’m working on creating a world where my daughter will not have to worry about her race or gender when she walks into a room.

    • @inquisitvem6723
      @inquisitvem6723 Год назад +1


    • @Seabass1206
      @Seabass1206 Год назад +7

      why would anything be harder for any race, your a lawyer for gods sake, this victim nonsense is sad

    • @conorrhea
      @conorrhea Год назад +1

      @@TheCreatorsAttorneywhich area of the law do you specialize in? Do you know anyone in employment law? I need a consultation lol

    • @inquisitvem6723
      @inquisitvem6723 Год назад +3

      @@TheCreatorsAttorney My Asian sister married a caucasian. They have two kids. One day when my sister was walking around the city with her husband and kids, people thought she was the nanny😂…to be fair the husband went to the bathroom and she was alone with the kids for a few minutes which is likely why she was mistaken for a nanny. My sister is a corporate attorney.

  • @lionessstarseed6812
    @lionessstarseed6812 Год назад +51

    Way to power up and power through Doobs when things started to feel like they were stacked against you. Congrats on your progress from another fellow female entrepreneur. Stay strong, the maturity and capabilities you gain on this journey are necessary life lessons and will prove game-changing for you regardless. You’ll thrive from this experience when you reach the key milestones on this path that life has in store for you, and you can breathe, look back, and celebrate your courage through it all…🎉

  • @InfamyJunkie
    @InfamyJunkie Год назад +103

    She finally listened and hid all the video about her lawsuit and eviction while the lawsuit is ongoing.

    • @Emm54
      @Emm54 Год назад +47

      Before that she hid her own supporters’ comments. Something isn’t right. I think the whole situation is fake

    • @InfamyJunkie
      @InfamyJunkie Год назад +24

      @@Emm54 haha who knows? Only she, her team, and the landlord knows haha, but damn, it was fun interacting with both her fans and haters.
      Sucks that she undermined her own supporters’ comments that were genuinely showing their concerns and giving her good feedback by deleting/hiding their comments first before just hiding the vids.

    • @AmiAki
      @AmiAki Год назад +14

      @@Emm54 Well at least I got to see the comments and do a bit of dragging before they were locked then videos removed lol

    • @riorii2816
      @riorii2816 Год назад +7

      A lot of people disagreed with her. I believe she was doing something wrong, but I'd have to find the comments again. For now, I'll have to return to the non-biased side..

  • @Waaltaee
    @Waaltaee Год назад +1

    I love your bangs pushed aside like this and forming a middle part. It’s so cute!

  • @aiidannhehir
    @aiidannhehir Год назад

    I really love you and your videos!!! keep fighting, you and your partner and all your team deserve better and the best!!! keep it up, we are rooting for you!✨

  • @hatch988
    @hatch988 Год назад +1

    Its cute to see Kevin in the sketch kind of bit and the end there hehe loved it

  • @vitobius607
    @vitobius607 Год назад +1

    There is something about the structure and spirit of your channels videos that bring me back every time!

  • @pillbugm8914
    @pillbugm8914 Год назад

    Best of luck with everything! I believe in yall.

  • @nerd26373
    @nerd26373 Год назад +1

    Seems like you're doing pretty great lately. We wish you all the best in life. Keep making great content.

  • @YourLocalRatOox
    @YourLocalRatOox Год назад

    I’m so proud of you I hope to see how the place ends up!!!

  • @marichen4572
    @marichen4572 Год назад +16

    It’s awesome to also see the funny side of your relationship after all this shit you went through. Also love seeing how Kevin is getting more comfortable in front of the camera! Keep going you guys

  • @poppycalliope
    @poppycalliope Год назад +4

    Each time I watch one of your vlogs Tina I feel like I'm watching an episode of my favorite series 👏❤️

  • @hudybiaamin1171
    @hudybiaamin1171 Год назад +5

    Yess better call Saul is so good 😄 hope your journey goes well and safe ❤️❤️

  • @alexandriavalle2390
    @alexandriavalle2390 Год назад

    Thank so much for sharing your editing is great I needed all of this laughter much appreciated

  • @nocturnus009
    @nocturnus009 Год назад +2

    Relatively new subscriber here. I’m here for all the Costco love (I’m also an executive member at Sam’s & BJ’s so, IYKYK.) The addition of Bulgogi dishes in the prepared foods (that beef Bulgogi type version of chicken bake you talked about in one of your shorts is an additional signal) & a number of other test items their test kitchen is benefiting from Korean Cuisine influences & cross-Pacific-Pollination. I am here for it!

  • @FlavorofMind
    @FlavorofMind Год назад +8

    You got this Dooby. And if anybody truly gets in your way, heads will roll (figuratively) 😅 Stoked to see this in its finished form!!

  • @ssk2033
    @ssk2033 Год назад

    You've come so far!! All the very best!!

  • @sage-kc3px
    @sage-kc3px Год назад +1

    That perfect way to put noodles in the pan, tina i m now a fannnn! 💜

  • @akhyl03
    @akhyl03 Год назад

    I’ved watched you from the very beginning. I’m glad that even though you have come a looong way and still making way for your future whilst having problems left and right, I’m glad that you still have that comical sense that drawed me into watching you since day 1. Keep it up. Really looking forward to you journey 😊

  • @bettysswift6006
    @bettysswift6006 Год назад +1

    It’ll work out! You can do this! Rooting for you & Kevin 🫶🏼

  • @lazvegaz
    @lazvegaz Год назад +2

    Girllll... gomawoyo! You always know how to make me smile and learn new things at the same time.

  • @adeezyy8
    @adeezyy8 Год назад +2

    I love that you drop on sunday’s . About to make me some ramen and tune in !! Love ya !

  • @marathi3180
    @marathi3180 Год назад +8

    I'm wondering what the neighbours might have thought watching Kevin sneak into the building and then the alarms going off😂😂😂

  • @wildwavynina
    @wildwavynina Год назад

    You got this, we are all rooting for you!!!!😌✨

  • @soupafleye
    @soupafleye Год назад +1

    this was so funny and cute despite the stress y’all were going through thanks for the laughs hope all is and goes well! costco gold star is baddie status

  • @gracedebbarma5049
    @gracedebbarma5049 Год назад +1

    You are one of my inspiration 🥺♥️♥️ your videos give me hope to be a better person and do what I love

  • @joshuakim3915
    @joshuakim3915 Год назад

    ur so close, you’ve accomplished so much I’m so excited to see the end result🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤

  • @smileanjo
    @smileanjo Год назад +1

    You guys are doing amazing. Him is definitely intimidated and has met his match. We support you all the way. I can't wait to visit the restaurant one day. ♡

  • @tigerlily1034
    @tigerlily1034 Год назад +1

    I’ve had EUFY doorbell and garage flood light for 2 years and love it! Inexpensive and dependable 👏🏻

  • @nainajaisinghani1353
    @nainajaisinghani1353 Год назад +7

    ah finally a dooby video🤍🤌🏻or a stress buster i should say?

  • @luisaoc7378
    @luisaoc7378 Год назад

    Bless your soul for powering through... protect yourself energetically too, but the cameras are a boss move

  • @minkong8451
    @minkong8451 Год назад +53

    I would take caution in sharing so much detail of your surveillance. From the brand, location and trigger points.

    • @adrianbceleste
      @adrianbceleste Год назад +2

      I think it could be the opposite! Just let everyone know that yes, you are being filmed!

    • @PuffinPsychologist
      @PuffinPsychologist Год назад +1

      It is not about security :( It is about portraying a narrative and having personal gain from it.

    • @adrianbceleste
      @adrianbceleste Год назад +1

      @@PuffinPsychologist lmfao what

  • @amandasis1052
    @amandasis1052 Год назад

    so glad i found your content, you make my day

  • @ro0121
    @ro0121 Год назад

    We’re rooting for you!!💪🏽

  • @angelskiis4179
    @angelskiis4179 Год назад

    you can do this dooby!!! have faith!!

  • @enriquezofeliajaned.8026
    @enriquezofeliajaned.8026 Год назад +1

    Way to go, Tina and Kevin!! God bless you

  • @aurasufieranieyah
    @aurasufieranieyah Год назад

    u got thisss doobyy, you have the best people beside also funny asff🤣🤣

  • @007fdog
    @007fdog Год назад +30

    I hope things work out well for you dooby

  • @georgew8586
    @georgew8586 Год назад +14

    I worked at Costco Corp outside of Seattle for almost 30 yrs before I retired a few months ago, I find your shopping experience so relatable for everyone. Did you tell Kevin you were shopping at Costco for 4 and wink at him 😅. I liked what you did with the cold chicken, did the sauce have chocolate in it?

    • @abbylynn8872
      @abbylynn8872 Год назад +1

      Waving from Seattle. Hi neighbor💕

    • @calicotree_
      @calicotree_ Год назад +1

      the dish is called bibimyeon!

    • @georgew8586
      @georgew8586 Год назад

      @@calicotree_ thanks

  • @plotsual1
    @plotsual1 Год назад +5

    Tina twerking on the roof and saying "This is how I make a living" was hilarious 😂

  • @DC-sr7gu
    @DC-sr7gu Год назад +1

    keep fighting Tina! We are all rooting for you. You are a great person. You manage to make all of us laugh despite your struggles

  • @alixfowler478
    @alixfowler478 Год назад +4

    The ass shaking was definitely my fave part. Love the safety!❤️

  • @daquifa9981
    @daquifa9981 Год назад +1

    You go girl we all have ur back

  • @kpt3246
    @kpt3246 Год назад

    dooby editing skills are chef kiss💋

  • @violethill_
    @violethill_ Год назад +5

    I don't understand how people act sometimes and they even think they're on the right side, but getting a lawyer was a good idea. Keep going ❤️💪

  • @aurasufieranieyah
    @aurasufieranieyah Год назад

    i wish kevin would have his own channel with his bunch of silliness

  • @LenBranson
    @LenBranson Год назад +6

    I'm in love with your editing and art direction and music choices etc. It's addictive and unique... keep on keepin on!

  • @sickofjjong
    @sickofjjong Год назад

    We're rooting for you and Kevin!! Keep it going and I wish you the best of luck ♡♡

  • @stephaniesentosa5428
    @stephaniesentosa5428 Год назад

    Keep goin dooby!!! we’re rooting for u & Kevin🥰🥰

  • @vermiliongourd4619
    @vermiliongourd4619 Год назад

    Well done, impressed by your nerves to overcome doubts

  • @lingenberry
    @lingenberry Год назад

    You can do it! Excited to see you get to the end :)

  • @Charwtf
    @Charwtf Год назад +3

    You got this Dooby don't let them ruin your dream ✨💖

  • @deaffoxyoutube941
    @deaffoxyoutube941 Год назад

    You're doing great and I'm proud of you

  • @jakepiere6412
    @jakepiere6412 Год назад

    Nice edit hahaha!
    Things are coming up nicely with the store 😃

  • @nourgharbieh2251
    @nourgharbieh2251 Год назад

    This was so uplifting

  • @Jenrora
    @Jenrora Год назад +3

    Kepp going strong guys💪 bigger issues get you bigger rewards!💕

  • @jules8867
    @jules8867 Год назад

    keep going! Really loving these videos 😆

  • @Anon1376642
    @Anon1376642 Год назад +2

    Your blogs are theraputic to the soul. Also Kevin is right about ruhbarb, make pie from it with whiped cream it's delicious.

    • @wadsworthaaron
      @wadsworthaaron Год назад +1

      Strawberry-Rhubarb pie is magnificent ♡

  • @phoebeex
    @phoebeex Год назад +4

    lol kevin trying to get candy

  • @solazaram
    @solazaram Год назад


  • @angelcho3044
    @angelcho3044 Год назад +2

    i love your love for costco

  • @Shaantibihh
    @Shaantibihh Год назад +2

    Love to see you stay positive girl 🍒❤️‍🔥

  • @Potchicakes
    @Potchicakes Год назад

    I love the intro!! And the ad!! Hahaha top tier production ❤️

  • @juancarlo6625
    @juancarlo6625 Год назад +1

    Awesome progress! Hopefully I can stop by next year!

  • @MX1.1.
    @MX1.1. Год назад +1

    THE END IS SO GOOD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @jamesbubnick
    @jamesbubnick Год назад

    So appropriate your video has seedlings since I"m heading to a vertical farm for a project this week :).

  • @nunnuna
    @nunnuna Год назад

    another day another doobydobap progress, love how the place changing step by step, it's closer to the happiness. i starving bye....

  • @nikolajmadsen5921
    @nikolajmadsen5921 Год назад

    Such a wholesome video :D

  • @abbygailbecker8563
    @abbygailbecker8563 Год назад

    You Guys got this! ❤️ I wish you the best of luck moving forward.

  • @adrianbceleste
    @adrianbceleste Год назад

    A golden ending

  • @KK-eo6zz
    @KK-eo6zz Год назад +1

    “Don’t drink and drive, but if you do call me.”

  • @anoushkavishnoi
    @anoushkavishnoi Год назад

    Lesgooooo doobie!!! Rooting for ya ♡