The largest is in Japan, at the E-Defense facility in Miki City. It is indoors and has a 300 square meter table which is capable of full 3D motion. It is powered by four 4000hp gas engines and has twenty large accumulators which allow it to produce the acceleration needed for a full scale simulation. New technologies had to be developed for the massive hydraulic rams and hydrostatic bearing ball joints to be able to withstand the forces.
Which is more better during earthquake between cold steel framed & precast concrete?
What if an earthquake happened during an earthquake? Hmmm 🤔🤯
This should be a strict requirement in buildings across the board. I wouldn't want to live in a death trap.
That isn't the largest, I've seen larger. Also if the tests are real, why did you construct a "staging area"?
The largest is in Japan, at the E-Defense facility in Miki City. It is indoors and has a 300 square meter table which is capable of full 3D motion. It is powered by four 4000hp gas engines and has twenty large accumulators which allow it to produce the acceleration needed for a full scale simulation. New technologies had to be developed for the massive hydraulic rams and hydrostatic bearing ball joints to be able to withstand the forces.
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