Long video I know, but educate yourself. rodutobaccotrut... Watch The Dip Run Movie HERE: amzn.to/2Bj38Rv www.smokersonly... www.mudjug.com / mudjug / chrisdips1
Im taking a cancer biology class, and this video makes so much sense. Ever since i started in the class, we talked about smoking, and other causes of cancer, and what cancer really is. I was always curious about dip and this filled me in. Age is the #1 cause of cancer. We all develop cancer, but it is much more aggressive in some people. Nearly everything we come in contact with is slowly killing us. Even the air we breathe.
this video made me quit cigs. I watched it when I was about to turn 20, and after watching it, I threw out my cigs, went out and purchased a can of Copenhagen Wintergreen, my everyday dip, and favorite dip of all time. And now I'm still a dipper, three years, thousands of cans, and six mudjugs later. I've had ONE relapse to cigs in that three years, and it was only for a day or two, and it made me realize why I hate smoking so much. And I feel healthy every day, so thanks Darcy!
My aunt is a dentist up here in Pittsburgh. Up here we have an extremely sweet tea called turners tea, there is a dental phenomenon when someone intakes so much of this tea per day where their teeth start to rot and fall out. She says she rather see people dip rather than drink this tea
I'm 16 years old and was smoking cigarettes every damn day and felt so bad cause I couldn't play basketball as good as I used to. Thank you so much mudjug1 because I started dippin and now I'm workin on gettin my game back up. Keep on dippin
The Pomp King dad try gsdttdtdtdttsdt yes rsdddidtrt red tdsdt dad ddtdttsstd DS try ssrdddtr dad stststsstdrtduttstdtssdd DS dsd add ststryss there tree add sttdsdistssstdssststtstidrtdd try true sstsrt dress
Trust me on that it is addictive I’ve been trying to quit this shit since I was 18 and 25 now you do the math and my plan is to quit before the end of this month so I’m working on my last can. After this I’m done
Hey man im 19 and never even HEARD of dip till I got stationed up in Minot, working for the US Air Force. I started dipping and was scared at first about it. I just recently saw this and thank you tons for doing research and helping to explain it and help to reveal the truth/light. I have started to stop smoking and start this more instead, thanks a ton man!
this has been the absolute best educational video I have come across on the effects of smokeless tobacco. Me being a dipper for 4 years have had lots of questions and concerns about my use of the product and this video has without a doubt answered all of them and then some. The time and effort you put into this video shows. All I can say is Well done Darcy, well done.
My family's been on my ass about how dip is so bad for you, but this video helped them understand the truth about smokeless tobacco. They are now proud of me for switching from cigarettes to dip. Thank you so much!
+Victor Valentin Do it man! I know you wrote this last year..but give her some Skoal classic mint pouches. Not bad at all. I smoke, but instead of inhaling smoke all night, I'll throw a pouch in and im good.
Hi mudjug1 this video changed my life. I'm Canadian. And I smoke over a pack a day....I changed to dip the second I heard the entire video. You're a life changer.....I'm going to dip from now on. It's so much easier on my lungs and throat. Canada is expensive on dip. 34$ a can. But it's something I'll continue buying and doing. Thank you for the information and your time.
Man, I just want to say thank you for what you do first and foremost. But I made the switch to smokeless tobacco and I can honestly say its the best and smartest thing I've ever done. I'm only 19. I smoked about a pack a day for a year. When I switched I instantly felt that difference. I no longer had chest pains, I could sleep better at night, hell, I can even taste and smell things better lol. Dip just feels better. I love it. Copenhagen straight is my dip of choice. Wouldn't ever trade my dip for anything
Your videos have definitely been a great help in converting me to a spitter instead of a smoker. I have been smoke free for a month so far and never going back to smoking cigarettes ever again!😁After 18 years of smoking, I really have no desire to go back to them anymore!👍👍
Dude you are freakin awesome! My mom gave me shit when she caught me dipping and proceeded to tell me that it can cause "oral cancer" and my coworker will give me shit about it too when I leave my can in my work pants. Your so right, media and anti tobacco users have brainwashed society to thinking that all tobacco use is cancer related. Kudo's for spreading this information and I look forward to seeing more of your videos!
Amen brother! I've been dipping for over 30 years! I still have all my teeth and yes I have receding gum line but if you alternate placement of your fatty it will make a big difference. I've dipped skoal wintergreen long cut, Kodiak, and now Copenhagen wintergreen long cut. I've had various others but those have always been my mainstay. Do dip on! Quit hatin'! Thanks for the video, it is an eye opener.
Right on, I had the same system for just as long as you , but the spots got worse all around my mouth, found smokey mountain tobacco free herbal dip and it cleared the spots all up and saved my life .
I’m late to the party. I’ve smoke for 25 years and I’m 40. I’ve never even met someone who smokes as much me. I always smoke 2 packs. If I go out to the casino I’ll smoke 5 packs. I can’t even remember when I just smoked a single cigarette. What do you recommend for a first time dipper who needs/wants nicotine. A lot. Aaaalot
17 year old dipper here. Started dipping 5 months ago, and went to the dentist yesterday. Said my teeth look better than ever because I've been flossing.
Mudjug1 I really appreciate your vids man. I'm 22y.o. Ive been a smoker for about 8 years. I recently enlisted in the USMC and Im going off to parris island for 14 weeks of fun in less than 2 months . So needless to say I needed to quit smoking. Say that nicotine patches and gum goes for $50 or more I decided to try dipping instead of going the gum/patch route. 4days no smokes and im not gonna relapse. A lip pack every 4-5 hours stops the cravings. Once im off cigs I know ill have no problem stopping the dip This vid basically saved my from having to go through usmc basic and withdrawal symptoms at the same time. Thank you
If you can really spread the word and make smokers switch to smokeless than not only you helping them you're helping smokeless tobacco companies! Its a win win you've informed me and helped me out and answered my questions! Appreciate it man!
Have you ever heard ceo's of big tobacco defend their products as non dangerous and literally denying evidence dangling infront of them??? That's an evil corporation and there's not enough exposure of just their ethics, those are some of the only people i wouldnt miss if they dropped and their kids could even say, wow! Finally... they really are bottom of the barrel
*I'm a Black dude from LA, I got put on to dipping while serving in Iraq when in the Army.* The country guys laughed their asses off. Within a few tries I was a pro. Society taught me to hate the Confederate Flag, but I learned from these Men that I call my Brothers: "W. Virginia by Birth, Southern by the Grace of God. Heritage not Hate." *Merica*
my granddaddy is 85 he chews redman and smokes cigars. still kickin fishin huntin and workin no health problems !!!! i love this video. showed it to my girlfriend and it changed her mind on it :) thank you Darcy !!!
I'm 14, I'm starting to dip. I will definitely show my parents this video if they ever find out. I don't plan on them finding out because I am a good kid with great grades. But thank you for making this. It really changed my perspective on smokeless tobacco.
I started dipping when I was 15, switched to smoking at 17/18 and im 20 now. im learning to hate smoking in every way yet I still enjoy nicotine and couldn't see myself without it at this point in my life. From watching this im going to put the pack away and head to the store and get myself a can of griz green. thanks mudjug1
These are facts. Ive researched it myself. Ive been a dipper for 8 years and I know thats not as long as some but my dentist told me if I just keep brushing my teeth Ill be fine, he actually said my teeth are great. My gums have receded a bit but I accept it as a consequence of my use. I used to be a smoker, and Im still recovering from lung, heart, and THROAT problems. Thats right, smoking gave me throat issues, as Ive been dipping they actually told me its getting better. So seriously, I hate seeing warning on my cope cans cause they just piss me off knowing society is focused on dip as a taboo when smoking is way, way worse for you.
Interesting video. I've dabbled for a bit, stopped, and just recently picked it back up. It's nice to know just how small a margin dipping actually has in terms of life expectancy and cancer probability. Thanks for the video, will definitely reference this in the future.
Guy's i smoked since i was 11yrs olf along with alot of my freind's and im almost 19yrs old now and i stopped smoking because my chest hurts all the time and now i cant breath that well no more nether. So i swicthed to Dip and since then i can breath again and my chest is starting to heal finaly. So if you smoke thats ur choice and i still hang out with freinds that smoke. All i want to say is if u smoke try and go to dip its less smell and alot less harmless
In the same boat as you dude, and I'm also almost 19. Still trying to completely drop the cigarettes because social smoking is something both me and my friends do. Haven't smoked a cigarette in almost two weeks, but a full unopened pack is still taunting me, best if I just trash it.
thank you mudjug1 you've made me want to start dippin again. I really appreciate all of the advice and education of this video. thank you, keep up the amazing worn with the videos.
I've been smoking since I was 14 and I'm 17 now. My parents found out when I was 16 and have allowed me to smoke in the house. A couple weeks ago I decided to start dipping and I cut down from half a pack to 1-3 cigs a day. But since I dip my parents keep giving me shit about it and they believe it's worse than smoking just because of articles online. The majority of them try to say it's so much worse than smoking or just as deadly and that's all they see. I tried bringing up articles that show its 10x healthier and they refuse to believe it. They just make it so much harder for me to quit smoking because every time I dip they yell at me and keep saying it's worse and bombard me with those articles saying its a lot worse. I just don't know how to convince them
hey mudjug1 im a 16 year old baseball manager in so cal, me and one of my coaches both dip on the field and so do a few of our players, there ended up being this huge controversy where parents were going to pull kids off our team just because we dip, i recommended this video to them and it ended up clearing everything up, one of the parents on our team even switched from smoking cigarettes to dippin. thanks dude! awesome video!
I was a smoker for 3 years straight. I started trying dip and it started solving my cravings. Everybody gave me crap for this, because I was "disgusting" and not helping me and I was just going to get another health problem. I saw this video and it changed my point of views on everything. I can breathe now, Im not coughing anymore, and I can work out like I used to.
My dad died from cancer but not from dipping(and he did), it was from the radar gun he used as a traffic police officer and the radiation it gave off. We even won a law suit from the city here because of it. It wasn't from dipping
When I first started smoking around 16 years old quit a couple times for a year or two each now 27 I delved into dip for about 2 or 3 weeks when I was 16 as well. My first dip was from a friend and it was Skoal Citrus Pouches and I also had Grizzly Wintergreen pouches. I liked it but preferred smoking. A couple of months ago I decided to quit smoking. I am a Correctional Officer in Florida and found it hard to find time to smoke because your head always has to be on a swivel and you are in doors 95% of the time. Well I went to the store a couple months ago to get a pack of cigs and I saw a can of Skoal Citrus long cut. Bought it had a great nostalgia feeling. Now I dip Copenhagen southern blend, Wintergreen, black, and straight sometimes I will get Grizzly Dark wintergreen or Skoal Citrus for that old school feeling. But I am a Copenhagen fan for sure. I still get a new dip I haven't tried every now and then to try something new. Hearing these words from you and the Dr that wrote the book on another video you have sounds like good news for me. I havnt smoked at all for 4 or 5 months or so maybe longer. Love dipping. Remember to Pack it, Pinch it, and Lip it guys!
thank you so much for this video! I have literally developed anxiety over the issue of developing cancer from dipping. I almost drove myself crazy from checking every part of my mouth over from day to day! I have also done tons of research on it and have came up with the same answers and statistics as you did from that book. You have now confirmed to me that as long as I keep up my oral hygiene I should be OK and I can stop worrying so much!
Thanks for getting the word out. My grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy and chewed Red Man his whole life and died of old age at 81 years old. Didn't have a tooth in his head but no cancer
Oral cancer , most likely not. Esophageal cancer more probable. My guess is don't. waste your life worrying about it. Now , after you have been dipping 1 to 2 cans a day for 30+ years like I have , then if you want to start worrying , go ahead. NOTE: I have been very ill for several years and have been hospitalized almost every month , sometimes twice a month and have had just about every nuclear test and extensive blood work done. NOTHING! All the Specialist (doctors) want to blame it on smokeless tobacco , however , they got nothing and can't link the illness and tobacco together. They even ignore my answer to "do you smoke"? No , " I use smokeless tobacco". They don't. even care. It's. not important to them. Why? Because they know it's not as harmful as cigarettes. Cottontop
I was able to cut down on smoking using Redman chew, it’s delicious and I can get more of a buzz. I was tired of having trouble breathing from the smoking and feeling like shit. I enjoy nicotine too much to quit it and this way I don’t have to and I’m saving my lungs. Win win.
I started dipping at 14, I'm 16 now my mom buys it for me we had a talk and she agreed that there are worse things in the world there than dip like drugs and so on, I live in KY where a lot of people dip or chew and I never seen anyone get cancer from it but it always has worried me, anyways point is thank you for the video it has given me a great deal of relief on the oral cancer thing
Started smoking at 15 and have been dual using both dip and cigarettes for about 4 years. Dip is definitely the better choice, and will save your life if you are a smoker, or dual user. I'm trying to drop the smoking for good right now, and it's been tough since whenever I'm hanging out with friends it's become a social thing. Going to try and kick it completely. Thanks mudjug1 for posting this video, I've watched it many times, and I know it's an older video so you might not see this comment, but this video has done a lot for me and my decision to drop smoking all together.
This video changed my life, I've been dipping instead of smoking now for 4 months and I can run I dont cough and I feel much healthier! Thank you mudjug 1.
The only bad side effects I can think of for dip would be addiction, from the nicotine, and tooth loss/gum disease. Now no one can really say no to that because it is true. But for smoking, you still have those possible effects plus things like lung cancer and all that shit.I'm a smoker. I feel the shortness of breath and everything all the time. And even being a smoker who doesn't dip, I would highly suggest dipping over smoking.
that example you gave at 7:40 about the kid was the same thing that i went through. Given i only dip like once a day, i got 3 canker sores on my tongue and was scared shitless. so i stopped for a few days and it went away. Loved this vid and now you got a new subscriber.
I watched your whole vid it was great I’m 55 been smoking 35 years and switched to Skoal, to give my lungs a break your vid is very informative and I believe you are right and I only wish I’d seen this vid 20 years ago! Keep up your crusade man
i love the point in this video. but down to it anything can be addicting, and to much of anything is bad for you. Tabacoo, Boozes, drugs, food, sex, porn, video games.
I have been smoke free for 11 days and enjoy diping way more than smoking! I was a smoker for 14 years. Feel sooooo much better! Copenhagen wintergreen long😄
Awesome video, I just started dippin a few months ago, I dont do it alot, every other day or so, and I only use Copenhagen or skoal wintergreen pouches. I havnt had any problem at all, I haven't had any sores in my mouth or anything. I love it
I really appreciate that you made this video even though im a year late on seeing it, this video has seriously opened my eyes to smokeless tobacco. Thank You!
Like you said bro, pick your poison. I am a cope guy like you. my father says dip is worst but its not. like you said.. I use to try cigarettes just dip now, I fell healthier than I dip when I smoked,
Its also better for if you play sports your lungs are gonna be more healthy my friend who smoked always had a hard time running and stuff then he started chewing/dipping and he said he feels way better he even started hockey again
How about prefer no poison? What is the point of doing drugs, smoking, or dipping? If you enjoy doing those things I have no problem with you, it is your life after all. But I personally would never do those 3 things. The only poison I consume is a glass or two of wine or 1-2 beers on the very rare occasion which I think is a lot safer than drugs, smoking anything or dipping.
Few if anything on this planet has not been poisoned in some way or another. Our tobacco, our alcohol, our food, our air. All of it is filled with the poisons of today's world. Smokeless Tobacco is the least of my worries, how about we focus on biological weapons in Syria or pesticides in our food or something that's an actual problem. Honestly, the way tomorrow looks, odds are i'll be dead long before Tobacco has the time to kill me.
persianfoo Alcohol is a drug. And do you live in America ? 90% of our food supply is poisoned. GMO's, and especially fluoride in our water. So no, Alcohol is NOT the only poison you're consuming.
I appreciate the video, Mudjug! I quit smoking after 18 years and went to dipping and my blood pressure went down and could breathe so much better, thus my heart rate is back to normal.You have great, valid points in your video and I thank you for posting it.
I'm underage and I started dipping about a year ago and it's actually helped me. I live in a small town where people do some bad stuff, my friend got in an accident after a party and died on impact from a truck because he was driving drunk in the wrong lane at 75mph. After that happened I started dipping to keep my self away from alcohol. That sounds stupid because I am only 15 but I'd much rather take a tiny risk of having some get messed up in my mouth than do something stupid while drunk and die. He went over something kinda like this but it's just another point from someone who actually uses it for this reason. Thanks for the video
Thank you. I mean from the bottom of my heart thank you. This video helps me a lot I always get shit for dipping and now I have a way to show people that it isn't that bad and that it is a safer alternative. I have shared this with friends in the past few days and it has really got them thinking and researching smokeless tobacco and even switching over to smokeless them selves. I really appreciate the help.
I saw this video as I was smoking what would be my last cigarette. Me being naturally skeptical I started doing research by myself and bought that book. I quit smoking and started dipping 3 months ago and I really have to say that it was quite possibly the best choice I have ever made. I can breathe a lot better and I feel a lot better. Thank you Darcy for helping me really make the switch and become a healthier person!
Hey Mudjug1 after watching your videos i stop smoking cigarettes.I smoke for about 18 years been smoke free for a month now and it feels great. I do dip started with skoal wintergreen and now I'm on Copenhagen long cut original. Thank you very much for all the information you provide us with.
this is probably one of the best videos i have watched on dip. i quit smoking recently and one of my buddies suggested i pick up dipping and try it out. been dippin for about a month now and i can already tell i prefer to chew instead of smoking. 1. its A LOT cheaper. 2 it lasts much longer. 3. most people dont bitch about you dippin around them like they would if you were to have a smoke.great work. i plan on buying this book so that i can inform all of the smartass ppl who want to say othrwise
I was at the dentist yesterday, to get my dentures adjusted. He asked me if I was still smoking, and I told him I had switched to dip 10 days ago, now 11 days. He was happy, he said that smokeless tobacco was 99% healthier, and was glad I wasn't taking all those carcinogens into my mouth and body anymore. So there is truth to what you have said.
you have just inspired a 14 year old boy to keep this riding on my dad has chewed sense he was five I am going to show him and my mother this maybe that'll open her eyes to this I idolize this video thank you sir!!!
Nice work! Keep up the good videos and I'm glad someone else agrees that smokeless tobacco can save your life. Ignore the shit that people say about oral cancer because it doesn't really happen as much when you dip as it does when you smoke
I just want to say thanks man. I showed this video to one of my buddies that smokes cigs (I dip) and the next time I saw him he had a can in his back pocket. Thanks for saving my buddies lungs and possibly his life. This video is very eye opening.
I've dipped for about 4 years now (I'm 16). I've gone through a can or two a week since, and I've only had minor sores a few times, about a month or so after I started. Never had any problems. My dad started dipping as much as I do when he was 11, and he's now 43 years old. He always has awesome check ups, never any problems.
Hey mudjug1, I've been a huge fan of your videos from a good while back. I completely agree with everything you say and have too done my own bit of research. If society knew the true information about smokeless tobacco, the nation could be a lot healthier and would save itself a lot of heartache. I just wanted to tell you to keep up the amazing work you're doing and wish you great luck with your business.
Bought my first pouch of Red Man Golden Blend. My grandfather chewed for over 65 years (he was born in the 19th century) and he never had oral problems. He wore dentures but most elders do. He didn't die from or have oral cancer. BTW I am 34.
I just recently had a wake up call with smoking. I got caught at school with my cigarettes and my parents were very disappointed so that was my call to quit. I smoked and dipped, and due to getting caught and after watching this video, I am going to quit. I'm still a strong dipper and will dip and smoke no more. I'm glad I quit smoking. I hate not bring able to breath and shortening my life. I encourage other to quit smoking as well. I love this video, and every American should watch this.
I Have Been Dipping for a year and a half im 17. I have some gum issues and have had a lump in my gums my anxiety is through the roof and has been for a while now I cant quit easily I see so many people chewing I feel its ok and nothing will happen to me. but chewing has given me a serious problem with anxiety . overall this is one of the most helpful videos I have ever watched and I hope my anxiety can improve soon
Don't know how I found this this vid, but as a long time smoker looking into other nicotine ventures besides smoking I'm glad I found this vid and channel!
some of you people are ignorant as hell!I'm 17 I was a smoker from I was 13 to 16,then i switched to dip their is a big difference!You miss the point in what he's saying in this video okay,you don't have to dip,but if you're looking for like a safe stress reliever then i mean i'd go with dip.dip. Mudjug you opened up my eyes about this shit.Thank you so much man!my birthday coming up and i'm getting a mudjug,cause if it ain't dip it ain't:)
this is one of the most inspirational videos ive ever seen ..ive never smoked a ciggarette in my life.. however i smoke cigars and electronic cigarettes every now and then , Ive also smoked spice (synthetic product tht is similar to marijuana), and weed ( i quit with those two a year ago), but uve inspired me to stop smoking period (maybe ill just stick with e-cigs because ive read reports on just how safe they r), so thank u mudjug... and just in case anyone is wondering.... i damn sure dip..
I'm glad I watched your video, I was having issues with worrying about oral cancer. Now that I know the truth, I'm not as worried. I also want to read that book. Thanks for the upload.
Im taking a cancer biology class, and this video makes so much sense. Ever since i started in the class, we talked about smoking, and other causes of cancer, and what cancer really is. I was always curious about dip and this filled me in. Age is the #1 cause of cancer. We all develop cancer, but it is much more aggressive in some people. Nearly everything we come in contact with is slowly killing us. Even the air we breathe.
this video made me quit cigs. I watched it when I was about to turn 20, and after watching it, I threw out my cigs, went out and purchased a can of Copenhagen Wintergreen, my everyday dip, and favorite dip of all time.
And now I'm still a dipper, three years, thousands of cans, and six mudjugs later. I've had ONE relapse to cigs in that three years, and it was only for a day or two, and it made me realize why I hate smoking so much. And I feel healthy every day, so thanks Darcy!
My aunt is a dentist up here in Pittsburgh. Up here we have an extremely sweet tea called turners tea, there is a dental phenomenon when someone intakes so much of this tea per day where their teeth start to rot and fall out. She says she rather see people dip rather than drink this tea
Bass Master greetings from Huntington county pa dude
I live in Pittsburgh I had no idea lol
I'm 16 years old and was smoking cigarettes every damn day and felt so bad cause I couldn't play basketball as good as I used to. Thank you so much mudjug1 because I started dippin and now I'm workin on gettin my game back up. Keep on dippin
never found a boring spot in the video...i found it all interesting, and i started dipping a year ago and i don't plan to stop
Don't stop! It's gooood
The only true worming label is smokeless tobacco is addictive
So true! I wanna stop for a fee days but I can't cause I'm addicted haha
The Pomp King dad try gsdttdtdtdttsdt yes rsdddidtrt red tdsdt dad ddtdttsstd DS try ssrdddtr dad stststsstdrtduttstdtssdd DS dsd add ststryss there tree add sttdsdistssstdssststtstidrtdd try true sstsrt dress
Trust me on that it is addictive I’ve been trying to quit this shit since I was 18 and 25 now you do the math and my plan is to quit before the end of this month so I’m working on my last can. After this I’m done
@@seanm7539 how's it been going for you trying to quit?
And mouth cancer
quit smoking and started dipping thanks to this video. i haven't smoked in 3 weeks
@16 5 Wow thanks for commenting. I quit smokeing over 5 years ago. Yes its better.
I used smokeless tabbco to quit, now I feel way better
@@drneilnurmbreg3505 same haven't smoked for 3 days. I already feel better as well
I haven’t smoked a cigarette in a while. I use smokeless and like cigars.
Hey man im 19 and never even HEARD of dip till I got stationed up in Minot, working for the US Air Force. I started dipping and was scared at first about it. I just recently saw this and thank you tons for doing research and helping to explain it and help to reveal the truth/light. I have started to stop smoking and start this more instead, thanks a ton man!
this has been the absolute best educational video I have come across on the effects of smokeless tobacco. Me being a dipper for 4 years have had lots of questions and concerns about my use of the product and this video has without a doubt answered all of them and then some. The time and effort you put into this video shows. All I can say is Well done Darcy, well done.
My family's been on my ass about how dip is so bad for you, but this video helped them understand the truth about smokeless tobacco. They are now proud of me for switching from cigarettes to dip. Thank you so much!
This video made me feel a lot better about dipping 😂
Also gonna try and make my mom switch from cigs
+Victor Valentin Tell her to use Swedish snus cus it's not as messy as dip which is more appealing to women.
+Victor Valentin Do it man! I know you wrote this last year..but give her some Skoal classic mint pouches. Not bad at all. I smoke, but instead of inhaling smoke all night, I'll throw a pouch in and im good.
To be honest I feel the same way
Victor Valentin bro it is not good for you period there nothing to feel good about
Hi mudjug1 this video changed my life. I'm Canadian. And I smoke over a pack a day....I changed to dip the second I heard the entire video. You're a life changer.....I'm going to dip from now on. It's so much easier on my lungs and throat. Canada is expensive on dip. 34$ a can. But it's something I'll continue buying and doing. Thank you for the information and your time.
Happy to help. 👍🏻
I'm in Ontario brother. Go to the rez. Dip is much cheaper, and they sell all flavors
Man, I just want to say thank you for what you do first and foremost. But I made the switch to smokeless tobacco and I can honestly say its the best and smartest thing I've ever done. I'm only 19. I smoked about a pack a day for a year. When I switched I instantly felt that difference. I no longer had chest pains, I could sleep better at night, hell, I can even taste and smell things better lol. Dip just feels better. I love it. Copenhagen straight is my dip of choice. Wouldn't ever trade my dip for anything
After 14 years of smoking and now 27 years old you got me to stop and start dipping thank you for this amazing video.
Your videos have definitely been a great help in converting me to a spitter instead of a smoker. I have been smoke free for a month so far and never going back to smoking cigarettes ever again!😁After 18 years of smoking, I really have no desire to go back to them anymore!👍👍
Dude you are freakin awesome! My mom gave me shit when she caught me dipping and proceeded to tell me that it can cause "oral cancer" and my coworker will give me shit about it too when I leave my can in my work pants. Your so right, media and anti tobacco users have brainwashed society to thinking that all tobacco use is cancer related. Kudo's for spreading this information and I look forward to seeing more of your videos!
Amen brother! I've been dipping for over 30 years! I still have all my teeth and yes I have receding gum line but if you alternate placement of your fatty it will make a big difference. I've dipped skoal wintergreen long cut, Kodiak, and now Copenhagen wintergreen long cut. I've had various others but those have always been my mainstay. Do dip on! Quit hatin'! Thanks for the video, it is an eye opener.
Right on, I had the same system for just as long as you , but the spots got worse all around my mouth, found smokey mountain tobacco free herbal dip and it cleared the spots all up and saved my life .
I’m late to the party. I’ve smoke for 25 years and I’m 40. I’ve never even met someone who smokes as much me. I always smoke 2 packs.
If I go out to the casino I’ll smoke 5 packs.
I can’t even remember when I just smoked a single cigarette.
What do you recommend for a first time dipper who needs/wants nicotine. A lot. Aaaalot
17 year old dipper here. Started dipping 5 months ago, and went to the dentist yesterday. Said my teeth look better than ever because I've been flossing.
Same with me , my dentist said my teeth have improved and to keep up what i was doing "wink wink"
Haha same I floss everyday and my dentist is gonna be happy when they see I'm flossing they'll never guess my motivation
Mudjug1 I really appreciate your vids man. I'm 22y.o. Ive been a smoker for about 8 years. I recently enlisted in the USMC and Im going off to parris island for 14 weeks of fun in less than 2 months .
So needless to say I needed to quit smoking. Say that nicotine patches and gum goes for $50 or more I decided to try dipping instead of going the gum/patch route. 4days no smokes and im not gonna relapse. A lip pack every 4-5 hours stops the cravings. Once im off cigs I know ill have no problem stopping the dip
This vid basically saved my from having to go through usmc basic and withdrawal symptoms at the same time. Thank you
If you can really spread the word and make smokers switch to smokeless than not only you helping them you're helping smokeless tobacco companies! Its a win win you've informed me and helped me out and answered my questions! Appreciate it man!
Have you ever heard ceo's of big tobacco defend their products as non dangerous and literally denying evidence dangling infront of them??? That's an evil corporation and there's not enough exposure of just their ethics, those are some of the only people i wouldnt miss if they dropped and their kids could even say, wow! Finally... they really are bottom of the barrel
*I'm a Black dude from LA, I got put on to dipping while serving in Iraq when in the Army.* The country guys laughed their asses off. Within a few tries I was a pro.
Society taught me to hate the Confederate Flag, but I learned from these Men that I call my Brothers: "W. Virginia by Birth, Southern by the Grace of God. Heritage not Hate." *Merica*
Nice! And thank you for your service! 🙏🏻
Thank you u for ur service bro much love
Mud jug your channel inspired me to quit smoking and switch to smokeless it's been about 2 weeks now. thank you! (Kodiak straight rules!)
Good work! Congrats!!!
my granddaddy is 85 he chews redman and smokes cigars. still kickin fishin huntin and workin no health problems !!!! i love this video. showed it to my girlfriend and it changed her mind on it :) thank you Darcy !!!
I'm 14, I'm starting to dip. I will definitely show my parents this video if they ever find out. I don't plan on them finding out because I am a good kid with great grades. But thank you for making this. It really changed my perspective on smokeless tobacco.
I started dipping when I was 15, switched to smoking at 17/18 and im 20 now. im learning to hate smoking in every way yet I still enjoy nicotine and couldn't see myself without it at this point in my life. From watching this im going to put the pack away and head to the store and get myself a can of griz green. thanks mudjug1
These are facts. Ive researched it myself. Ive been a dipper for 8 years and I know thats not as long as some but my dentist told me if I just keep brushing my teeth Ill be fine, he actually said my teeth are great. My gums have receded a bit but I accept it as a consequence of my use. I used to be a smoker, and Im still recovering from lung, heart, and THROAT problems. Thats right, smoking gave me throat issues, as Ive been dipping they actually told me its getting better. So seriously, I hate seeing warning on my cope cans cause they just piss me off knowing society is focused on dip as a taboo when smoking is way, way worse for you.
With the intent to educate myself.. is the key term.. we all should do what this guy did.. amen brother dipper
This is a great example of a guy who knows what he's talking about. Props to you man, I'm rethinking all this smokeless tobbaco is bad shit
Interesting video. I've dabbled for a bit, stopped, and just recently picked it back up. It's nice to know just how small a margin dipping actually has in terms of life expectancy and cancer probability. Thanks for the video, will definitely reference this in the future.
Guy's i smoked since i was 11yrs olf along with alot of my freind's and im almost 19yrs old now and i stopped smoking because my chest hurts all the time and now i cant breath that well no more nether. So i swicthed to Dip and since then i can breath again and my chest is starting to heal finaly. So if you smoke thats ur choice and i still hang out with freinds that smoke. All i want to say is if u smoke try and go to dip its less smell and alot less harmless
Kenneth Gibson hater
smacker zackee Just the truth dude.
Willumps3 hater
In the same boat as you dude, and I'm also almost 19. Still trying to completely drop the cigarettes because social smoking is something both me and my friends do. Haven't smoked a cigarette in almost two weeks, but a full unopened pack is still taunting me, best if I just trash it.
Jeepguy 9519 and it puts you in a better mood. Every time I smoked I was always in a pissy mood. When I dip I feel fucking good
thank you mudjug1 you've made me want to start dippin again. I really appreciate all of the advice and education of this video. thank you, keep up the amazing worn with the videos.
I've been smoking since I was 14 and I'm 17 now. My parents found out when I was 16 and have allowed me to smoke in the house. A couple weeks ago I decided to start dipping and I cut down from half a pack to 1-3 cigs a day. But since I dip my parents keep giving me shit about it and they believe it's worse than smoking just because of articles online. The majority of them try to say it's so much worse than smoking or just as deadly and that's all they see. I tried bringing up articles that show its 10x healthier and they refuse to believe it. They just make it so much harder for me to quit smoking because every time I dip they yell at me and keep saying it's worse and bombard me with those articles saying its a lot worse. I just don't know how to convince them
hey mudjug1 im a 16 year old baseball manager in so cal, me and one of my coaches both dip on the field and so do a few of our players, there ended up being this huge controversy where parents were going to pull kids off our team just because we dip, i recommended this video to them and it ended up clearing everything up, one of the parents on our team even switched from smoking cigarettes to dippin. thanks dude! awesome video!
you got my girlfriend to switch to dip after i made her watch your video thanks man couldnt be anymore grateful
I was a smoker for 3 years straight. I started trying dip and it started solving my cravings. Everybody gave me crap for this, because I was "disgusting" and not helping me and I was just going to get another health problem. I saw this video and it changed my point of views on everything. I can breathe now, Im not coughing anymore, and I can work out like I used to.
My dad died from cancer but not from dipping(and he did), it was from the radar gun he used as a traffic police officer and the radiation it gave off. We even won a law suit from the city here because of it. It wasn't from dipping
Jc Z god bless buddy
When I first started smoking around 16 years old quit a couple times for a year or two each now 27 I delved into dip for about 2 or 3 weeks when I was 16 as well. My first dip was from a friend and it was Skoal Citrus Pouches and I also had Grizzly Wintergreen pouches. I liked it but preferred smoking. A couple of months ago I decided to quit smoking. I am a Correctional Officer in Florida and found it hard to find time to smoke because your head always has to be on a swivel and you are in doors 95% of the time. Well I went to the store a couple months ago to get a pack of cigs and I saw a can of Skoal Citrus long cut. Bought it had a great nostalgia feeling. Now I dip Copenhagen southern blend, Wintergreen, black, and straight sometimes I will get Grizzly Dark wintergreen or Skoal Citrus for that old school feeling. But I am a Copenhagen fan for sure. I still get a new dip I haven't tried every now and then to try something new. Hearing these words from you and the Dr that wrote the book on another video you have sounds like good news for me. I havnt smoked at all for 4 or 5 months or so maybe longer. Love dipping. Remember to Pack it, Pinch it, and Lip it guys!
thank you so much for this video! I have literally developed anxiety over the issue of developing cancer from dipping. I almost drove myself crazy from checking every part of my mouth over from day to day! I have also done tons of research on it and have came up with the same answers and statistics as you did from that book. You have now confirmed to me that as long as I keep up my oral hygiene I should be OK and I can stop worrying so much!
Thanks for getting the word out. My grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy and chewed Red Man his whole life and died of old age at 81 years old. Didn't have a tooth in his head but no cancer
This video got my mom to let me dip . Thanks 😄👍
Awesome hopefully I can do the same with my dad
Very informative and enjoying to watch. Thank you for the research you dedicated to this video and for actually giving numbers and figures.
Oral cancer , most likely not. Esophageal cancer more probable. My guess is don't. waste your life worrying about it. Now , after you have been dipping 1 to 2 cans a day for 30+ years like I have , then if you want to start worrying , go ahead.
NOTE: I have been very ill for several years and have been hospitalized almost every month , sometimes twice a month and have had just about every nuclear test and extensive blood work done. NOTHING! All the Specialist (doctors) want to blame it on smokeless tobacco , however , they got nothing and can't link the illness and tobacco together. They even ignore my answer to "do you smoke"? No , " I use smokeless tobacco". They don't. even care. It's. not important to them. Why? Because they know it's not as harmful as cigarettes. Cottontop
man i love your videos, this one in particular helped me quit smoking and iv been 100 percent smokeless for 5 months.
I was able to cut down on smoking using Redman chew, it’s delicious and I can get more of a buzz. I was tired of having trouble breathing from the smoking and feeling like shit. I enjoy nicotine too much to quit it and this way I don’t have to and I’m saving my lungs. Win win.
I started dipping at 14, I'm 16 now my mom buys it for me we had a talk and she agreed that there are worse things in the world there than dip like drugs and so on, I live in KY where a lot of people dip or chew and I never seen anyone get cancer from it but it always has worried me, anyways point is thank you for the video it has given me a great deal of relief on the oral cancer thing
Did you get cancer? Or did you just transition into a pothead instead of tobacco?
Thank you mudjug1 for helping me out a lot for telling me the truth about Oral cancer I love dip so thank you
Mudjug1 I live in sweden and i know about 75 snusers and many of them have Done snus for over 25 years none of them have cancer
Started smoking at 15 and have been dual using both dip and cigarettes for about 4 years. Dip is definitely the better choice, and will save your life if you are a smoker, or dual user. I'm trying to drop the smoking for good right now, and it's been tough since whenever I'm hanging out with friends it's become a social thing. Going to try and kick it completely. Thanks mudjug1 for posting this video, I've watched it many times, and I know it's an older video so you might not see this comment, but this video has done a lot for me and my decision to drop smoking all together.
This video changed my life, I've been dipping instead of smoking now for 4 months and I can run I dont cough and I feel much healthier! Thank you mudjug 1.
Mudjug, you just gained a subscriber bro
awesome ive been dippin for 11 years since im was 7 im 18 now I believe every bit of this thanks for sharing info with us
The only bad side effects I can think of for dip would be addiction, from the nicotine, and tooth loss/gum disease. Now no one can really say no to that because it is true. But for smoking, you still have those possible effects plus things like lung cancer and all that shit.I'm a smoker. I feel the shortness of breath and everything all the time. And even being a smoker who doesn't dip, I would highly suggest dipping over smoking.
that example you gave at 7:40 about the kid was the same thing that i went through. Given i only dip like once a day, i got 3 canker sores on my tongue and was scared shitless. so i stopped for a few days and it went away. Loved this vid and now you got a new subscriber.
I watched your whole vid it was great I’m 55 been smoking 35 years and switched to Skoal, to give my lungs a break your vid is very informative and I believe you are right and I only wish I’d seen this vid 20 years ago! Keep up your crusade man
i love the point in this video. but down to it anything can be addicting, and to much of anything is bad for you. Tabacoo, Boozes, drugs, food, sex, porn, video games.
food. sex, video games..? dude your crazy!
Especially porn..
u may have saved my life switching now my lungs fell great 5 days off cigs
Now that deserves a like.
I have been smoke free for 11 days and enjoy diping way more than smoking! I was a smoker for 14 years. Feel sooooo much better! Copenhagen wintergreen long😄
Good for you! 👍
Still have not smoked and I dip about 4 times a day! Thank u smokeless tobaco!
thanks now I can have some ammunition to throw at some family and my girlfriend hahaha. love the show bro
Gotta love dip
I'm watching this while packing a fat lip..fuck the bull shit..keep up the good videos man
Awesome video, I just started dippin a few months ago, I dont do it alot, every other day or so, and I only use Copenhagen or skoal wintergreen pouches. I havnt had any problem at all, I haven't had any sores in my mouth or anything. I love it
This was one of the most informative videos on dipping I have ever seen. Thank you so much brother!
I got a dip in right now
same here..red seal natural here.
grizzly long cut
long cuts the only way to go
yes yes it is
Cope mint here
If you don't smoke, dip, drink, and have sex then honestly...what's the point of life XD
Smoking is for losers
Rusty I agree with you
MUDJUG1 Have you ever noticed that you don't see commercials about how dip is bad? Like you do with cigarettes.
Jake Jones there's a few RUclips ads but that's about it
I really appreciate that you made this video even though im a year late on seeing it, this video has seriously opened my eyes to smokeless tobacco. Thank You!
I've gotten three of my friends to quit smoking and start dipping due to this video. Thanks man! Love your vids
All the haters out there about dipping, why are you watching this if you think it is so bad
Like you said bro, pick your poison. I am a cope guy like you. my father says dip is worst but its not. like you said.. I use to try cigarettes just dip now, I fell healthier than I dip when I smoked,
Oh hell yeah
Its also better for if you play sports your lungs are gonna be more healthy my friend who smoked always had a hard time running and stuff then he started chewing/dipping and he said he feels way better he even started hockey again
How about prefer no poison? What is the point of doing drugs, smoking, or dipping? If you enjoy doing those things I have no problem with you, it is your life after all. But I personally would never do those 3 things. The only poison I consume is a glass or two of wine or 1-2 beers on the very rare occasion which I think is a lot safer than drugs, smoking anything or dipping.
Alcohol is a drug?
So do you eat fast food, do you drink carbonated drinks? Because if so right there is your poison.
Few if anything on this planet has not been poisoned in some way or another. Our tobacco, our alcohol, our food, our air. All of it is filled with the poisons of today's world. Smokeless Tobacco is the least of my worries, how about we focus on biological weapons in Syria or pesticides in our food or something that's an actual problem. Honestly, the way tomorrow looks, odds are i'll be dead long before Tobacco has the time to kill me.
Roselieansy It's your life man, if you want to dip it's your body and choice.
persianfoo Alcohol is a drug. And do you live in America ? 90% of our food supply is poisoned. GMO's, and especially fluoride in our water. So no, Alcohol is NOT the only poison you're consuming.
I appreciate the video, Mudjug! I quit smoking after 18 years and went to dipping and my blood pressure went down and could breathe so much better, thus my heart rate is back to normal.You have great, valid points in your video and I thank you for posting it.
I'm underage and I started dipping about a year ago and it's actually helped me. I live in a small town where people do some bad stuff, my friend got in an accident after a party and died on impact from a truck because he was driving drunk in the wrong lane at 75mph. After that happened I started dipping to keep my self away from alcohol. That sounds stupid because I am only 15 but I'd much rather take a tiny risk of having some get messed up in my mouth than do something stupid while drunk and die. He went over something kinda like this but it's just another point from someone who actually uses it for this reason. Thanks for the video
Thank you. I mean from the bottom of my heart thank you. This video helps me a lot I always get shit for dipping and now I have a way to show people that it isn't that bad and that it is a safer alternative. I have shared this with friends in the past few days and it has really got them thinking and researching smokeless tobacco and even switching over to smokeless them selves. I really appreciate the help.
You got me to switch from smoking to dipping, thanks a lot dude. My breathing has actually gotten better since then!
I saw this video as I was smoking what would be my last cigarette. Me being naturally skeptical I started doing research by myself and bought that book. I quit smoking and started dipping 3 months ago and I really have to say that it was quite possibly the best choice I have ever made. I can breathe a lot better and I feel a lot better. Thank you Darcy for helping me really make the switch and become a healthier person!
Hey Mudjug1 after watching your videos i stop smoking cigarettes.I smoke for about 18 years been smoke free for a month now and it feels great. I do dip started with skoal wintergreen and now I'm on Copenhagen long cut original. Thank you very much for all the information you provide us with.
this is probably one of the best videos i have watched on dip. i quit smoking recently and one of my buddies suggested i pick up dipping and try it out. been dippin for about a month now and i can already tell i prefer to chew instead of smoking. 1. its A LOT cheaper. 2 it lasts much longer. 3. most people dont bitch about you dippin around them like they would if you were to have a smoke.great work. i plan on buying this book so that i can inform all of the smartass ppl who want to say othrwise
I was at the dentist yesterday, to get my dentures adjusted. He asked me if I was still smoking, and I told him I had switched to dip 10 days ago, now 11 days. He was happy, he said that smokeless tobacco was 99% healthier, and was glad I wasn't taking all those carcinogens into my mouth and body anymore. So there is truth to what you have said.
you have just inspired a 14 year old boy to keep this riding on my dad has chewed sense he was five I am going to show him and my mother this maybe that'll open her eyes to this I idolize this video thank you sir!!!
Nice work! Keep up the good videos and I'm glad someone else agrees that smokeless tobacco can save your life. Ignore the shit that people say about oral cancer because it doesn't really happen as much when you dip as it does when you smoke
I appreciate someone taking the time to actually think about what "professionals" say.
I just want to say thanks man. I showed this video to one of my buddies that smokes cigs (I dip) and the next time I saw him he had a can in his back pocket. Thanks for saving my buddies lungs and possibly his life. This video is very eye opening.
Are you joking
I've dipped for about 4 years now (I'm 16). I've gone through a can or two a week since, and I've only had minor sores a few times, about a month or so after I started. Never had any problems. My dad started dipping as much as I do when he was 11, and he's now 43 years old. He always has awesome check ups, never any problems.
hey mudjug i know this video is old but i want to thank you so much for chaning my life from smoking to dipping it has realy changed my life thanks
Hey mudjug1, I've been a huge fan of your videos from a good while back. I completely agree with everything you say and have too done my own bit of research. If society knew the true information about smokeless tobacco, the nation could be a lot healthier and would save itself a lot of heartache. I just wanted to tell you to keep up the amazing work you're doing and wish you great luck with your business.
Bought my first pouch of Red Man Golden Blend. My grandfather chewed for over 65 years (he was born in the 19th century) and he never had oral problems. He wore dentures but most elders do. He didn't die from or have oral cancer. BTW I am 34.
Thank you for this video it opened my eyes on things and showed my mother that its not a horrible thing great job on the facts.
I just recently had a wake up call with smoking. I got caught at school with my cigarettes and my parents were very disappointed so that was my call to quit. I smoked and dipped, and due to getting caught and after watching this video, I am going to quit. I'm still a strong dipper and will dip and smoke no more. I'm glad I quit smoking. I hate not bring able to breath and shortening my life. I encourage other to quit smoking as well. I love this video, and every American should watch this.
I Have Been Dipping for a year and a half im 17. I have some gum issues and have had a lump in my gums my anxiety is through the roof and has been for a while now I cant quit easily I see so many people chewing I feel its ok and nothing will happen to me. but chewing has given me a serious problem with anxiety . overall this is one of the most helpful videos I have ever watched and I hope my anxiety can improve soon
Don't know how I found this this vid, but as a long time smoker looking into other nicotine ventures besides smoking I'm glad I found this vid and channel!
I smoked for a long time and quit with dip. It wasn’t even that hard, just have to get over the sensation
some of you people are ignorant as hell!I'm 17 I was a smoker from I was 13 to 16,then i switched to dip their is a big difference!You miss the point in what he's saying in this video okay,you don't have to dip,but if you're looking for like a safe stress reliever then i mean i'd go with dip.dip. Mudjug you opened up my eyes about this shit.Thank you so much man!my birthday coming up and i'm getting a mudjug,cause if it ain't dip it ain't:)
Thanks man, thanks to this my grandma has quit smoking. Keep it up man, love your videos.
this is one of the most inspirational videos ive ever seen ..ive never smoked a ciggarette in my life.. however i smoke cigars and electronic cigarettes every now and then , Ive also smoked spice (synthetic product tht is similar to marijuana), and weed ( i quit with those two a year ago), but uve inspired me to stop smoking period (maybe ill just stick with e-cigs because ive read reports on just how safe they r), so thank u mudjug... and just in case anyone is wondering.... i damn sure dip..
You just made me stop smoking cigarettes switchin to dip from now on bro good video
great info. backs up all the research I've done. keep up the good work!
This video has helped me understand so much after dipping for 6 months, Thanks man!
I'm glad I watched your video, I was having issues with worrying about oral cancer. Now that I know the truth, I'm not as worried. I also want to read that book. Thanks for the upload.