This makes me think of an incredible concept how about a Harengon illusionist wizard inspired by buggs Bunny who seeks to be the greatest comedian the multiverse has ever seen in Honor of his late grandfather who passed away (i added a bit of dramatic flare with that last half 😉)
After the Battle Medic, how about doing a Shifter(weretiger) Samurai Fighter?
You got it, it's on the list!
Nice suggestion
Thanks for the suggestion go to @marcusblacknell-andrews1783
I think this guy is a perfectly evil villain. I like him. Maybe a female Elf Illusionist would be a good character to try in the future.
I'll give it a go!
This makes me think of an incredible concept how about a Harengon illusionist wizard inspired by buggs Bunny who seeks to be the greatest comedian the multiverse has ever seen in Honor of his late grandfather who passed away (i added a bit of dramatic flare with that last half 😉)
Unless you object, I think I'll go with arcane trickster rather than illusionist. Let me know if you feel strongly otherwise, I'm happy either way
@@HeroesOfArpygia I'll leave that up to you I trust your judgement
Did he became a vampire? I así it because of some of the pictures
He does look like a typical vampire, but no, that mostly comes from being a magician from the Underdark