"Let your players know ther's a timer..." Just slam an hourglass down on the table and watch how fast your players go into panic mode. Ask me how I know.
Our DM has a re-occuring NPC who is Rakshasa merchant that sells magic items. Turns out he gives all of the magic items he is sold to a very powerful demon. "Is good joke." as the Rakshasa would put it.
If you're a Critical Role fan, you obviously know that of all the monsters mentioned, the Door is the most problematic. I'm still waiting for Door Mimic.
S Toy - Yeah, Doors have a special modified CR of 20+ for Vox Machina. If Matt had just put up a Big Ancient Door as final boss of Campaign 1, TPK would have been the only conceivable result.
Our DM's campaign included an arena thing where you fought various monsters and creatures of increasing challenge rating for greater and greater rewards. The first time we entered the arena, we got through about six stages and the sixth stage we had to fight a manticore. This was with three people, a moon druid (me), a barbarian (who is a gnome, don't ask) and a warlock. We promptly gave up after that as if you took a rest in-between fights, you'd lose all your previous rewards. The second time we entered the arena, we had gained our fourth party member back, who was a bard and gained another party member who's class I don't remember. We got to the sixth stage again. However, this time we had to fight TWO BASILISKS. A beaten and battered party against two basilisks. We won though. Only one of us got petrified, and we had to spend a fair amount of gold un-petrifying him. Oh yeah, this was a level 4 party.
Although the Hydra I believe deserves a mention, especially from 3.5 where a single attack for it means EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR HEADS MAKES AN ATTACK!
The hydra can be dangerous bit all in all it can be easily slain by a simple party of two or depending on the party all you need is a melee and a magic base class that can use acid or fire
That is fair. I still think it and the Terrasque should get honorable mentions though. Even a ancient Red Dragon would be wary of the legendary God Killer.
Swarms and monsters with 15' reach that can climb walls and low level magic resistance against a melee heavy party in an enclosed cave with high ceilings. So cheap. Swarms and cheapo attacks that are semi impossible to defend or react to make for a bad game. A few Githyaki never hurt for a sweet TPK either.
8:45 This is the first video I've seen of you guys and it was good but I just wanted to point out how much better it sounds when you're finally "off script".
Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies Yeah, you just smash the tombs. But before you come to that realization: yikes! It was a pretty solid dlc. Probably my favorite of 2.
Can attest to no. 3.....we named our black kitten Bodak as a running gag after playing pathfinder's Wrath of the Righteous and the DM having a distinct love of throwing those things at us. Thankfully this bodak's stare just weakens your will save against a desire to pet and play.
Me and my party encountered a Spectral Guardian, it was a tricky fight, previously in the campaign I had consumed a Gallon of Dragon blood, causing Gold dragon scales to begin growing from my hands up, currently up to my shoulders, they counted as being magical, so I was able to punch the spirit, ISHAVL BLOOD-HAMMER, PUNCHER OF GHOSTS!
In 3.5, the worst creature to fight is.... Legion Devils What? I lowly CR3 creature with 19 hp? YES. With every additional creature they combine their health so unless you do enough damage to kill the entire group, they keep fighting. They only need a single devil to make a saving throw for them ALL to succeed the saving throw and for every additiona legion devil thats in the squad they get a whopping +4 to hit per devil. So 4 devils get a whooping +12 bonus to hit!!! With a little tinkering IE given a few levels of rogue, these creatures can take down the terrasque with ease or any epic level group who think they cant be took down. Time for the legion to teach some humility....
Best weapon against an ancient red dragon? Iron Golem. Same for anything that uses fire, at the point you're fighting an ARD you should have the materials, just throw him in your bag of holding.
I had a 2nd Ed char that solo'd an adult red at level 7. Armloads of scrolls, a few coins, and a gem was all it took. Never even made an initiative roll, let alone an attack roll. An ancient might have had enough spells to defeat my scheme, but this dragon didn't.
In one game we got ambushed by a Basalisk in the first room of the first dungeon we went into. on the first turn our entire party failed their saves. we failed the campaign within in the first hour
Spells discription doesnt say they are only affected if they stay in the area, its a glowing glitter bomb, if it fails a save, it is affected until the spell ends or concentration of caster is broken
I love Dark Matter, and can't stop suggesting it to people who complain about how complex Starfinder is for new players. It's truly top notch work. For the next Mailbag of Holding, my question is both serious and joking. "You guys put out content far superior to many of the things WOTC has released in recent memory. Have you ever considered seeking employment there?"
11:17 Once my DM decided to run a detective campaign. One of the cases we had to solve was being hired to find and arrest the person who had been threatening an opera singer over a long period of time, making death threats, and saying that they’d die if they tried to perform. We were then later informed by a character that wasn’t the opera singer that they would die at the end of their song. So, our DM said that our characters started to hear music coming from the auditorium, played some opera music, and told us “Time’s ticking.”
Being an old school gamer I’m just thinking of the terrors of the old days. Demi liches in 2e your dead no no save your just dead, vampires oh you were fourth level nope your second now no save, Black balls because the one thing worse then a sphere of annihilation is one that wants you dead...
I've been killed by a Bodak and an Intellect Devourer (same character) I felt so demoralized that I retired that character after that Also a suggestion, put whatever you're talking about in the corner. It'll make finding the particular bit you're talking about easier.
If i ever play this game with my cousin.... Me: "WTF is a Catty Cat Dragon-Whee?!" Cousin: "It's resistant to all attacks, and has Humans to Sticks to Snakes!"
Credit for trying to sound interesting despite poor audio quality, but you've gotta learn to move more if you're in front of a camera, otherwise you're just static and may as well be talking into a mic with the video set to a series of pictures of what you're actually talking about.
Actually, this is a pretty good list. I only object to the title. You should have said 9 surprisingly difficult monsters, or surprising at low leve. Because other than the last 2, there are loads more. Such as the Tarasque, Tanar'ri, super undead (lich, deathkinght). As for dragons, gold is the strongest. But there s 1 for every level. If you can find a way to incorporate it, Zaratan (floating island) can be bad ass.
You know, I appreciate this video all the more because of the book selection in the background. When I saw the Redwall books, I knew these were people that I like.
Beholders can be dropped with some really easy tricks, they aren't all that. That said if you don't know what you're doing in a beholder fight and spread out a TPK is pretty likely.
No Banshee!!! how is a monster that can drop everyone within thirty foot of her (A total of 168 human sized foes if all squares are filled) to zero hp with a single action not on the list. true you have to fail a CON save to lose all your hit points but even if you succeed you take massive damage.
I can't believe we forgot the banshee! That deserves to be talked about in the Mailbag. The Beholder can be dangerous, especially if you have atrocious saves, but it doesn't have a very large HP pool (especially since it typically fights alone, and is designed to square off against an entire party.) Don't get me wrong, I love beholders, but they're just not as scary as some of the other monsters out there.
As it happens i'm play testing a half banshee playable race for D&D 5e with the help of one of the players i DM for. she has the ability to glide up to fourty feet. the group have already planned out a tactic where one of the strong characters throws the half banshee into the air and she glides to the heart of a hoard of foes and lets rip. if you play 5e and wish to play test the race in one of your games private message me with E-Mail address and i'll send you the information
i do have to ask cuz i cannot find info--very new and learning player before playing fully--how do the different levels of "mind control" type spells, etc. work? i know there is like, charm, dominate, hypnosis, etc.? how do they all vary beyond different roll types/saves?
Our DM once put us against 2 black puddings. We survived mostly unscathed, but then he decided that when we left the cave, the dragon cultists (all dozen-and-a-half of them) had found us, and has brought four wyverns and an Adult White Dragon. We somehow survived (with the help of a giant we helped earlier).
I just found your channel while watching other D&D stuff and I have to say it is a useful list, the horror of these creatures I have seen already in Critical Role. I just did the first session of my new campaign the Wednesday just gone and I am not doing character creation in the traditional sense. I told my players bring a name, a race, and an idea of where they would of been brought up and run them through a prologue based off of this, so far it has been awesome. One at a time I run them through their own origin story, letting their choices and actions effect their possible class, proficiencies, all that sort of thing while letting those not currently being run pipe up with lines from NPCs I am not playing myself to encourage roleplay. I got one player through their prologue in one session and half way through a second, two players didn't get their turn but they still loved watching the world unfold and chip in to the details of the story. Ever done something like this?
My party fought a Rakshasa as the final boss of a campaign. I used special teleportation armor that made me able to teleport monsters. Took a few tries, but I was finally able to put him in a wall where his lower body and his arms were trapped. Took a couple of crits from the rogue and hits from the fighter's keen weapon to take him out.
I've been running games for thirty years, but am new to 5th ed. All these tips on this (yet another) edition are greatly appreciated. Also, excellent presentation you two.
So we were playing dnd 5.0 and it was me (dragonborn paladin), my dad (dragonborn sorcerer), my uncle (tiefling rouge), and my brother (elf ranger). It was our first session with these characters and we get to the boss room. We run into these custom enemies designed to be about the elf (he chose a hermit and his discovery was basically this super powerful thing or something). Well this string humanoid creature came down and started attacking us as well as 2 string spiders. I had 4 HP left, and had a slowness thing or whatever. The entire rest of the party was down. We had to use a heroic point (I'm a rookie idk if their in all 5.0 dnd games, but they're basically like a wish, but a lot less powerful) and use it to save us
It’s a good thing that Rakshasa are better as negotiable NPCs than actual enemies. And flumphs are super friendly and intelligent, even sentient with advanced communities.
hykuzo yes but the motto of my world is be prepared or die and I want my players to know this during the entire campaign at every point and I think a Cyclops makes this known even through I told them but they beat it and had fun I hope so all should be all right but...... maybe not
fought a cr9 juvenile topaz dragon in 3.5e at level 4. it was hell. i almost got insta killed when i failed the saving throw on its breath by 1 an took 39 points of damage. luckily i chunked off 1/3 of its health before getting downed (duskblade), so the rest of the party was able to take it out before they were downed and killed, and we somehow got out of it alive. the dm even gave it SR just to flip me off, and i passed the caster check :P
In my first campaign, my party and I were trapped in a cave so we tried to blast the collapsed wall out by cupping an imbued stone against the wall with a spare shield. The only problem was, we didn't know what the stones were imbued with to we just picked one and the one we selected caused the cave to start to flood. Having a real time limit on how much time we had left on the room filling up and on running out of air in the cave was an incredibly tense experience and we came out of it as a more unified party.
In my current campaign, our group was looking for some missing miners, and our ranger narrowly avoided being immediately smothered by a black pudding, my character now has pudding based (both slime and food) ptsd.
This showed up in my recommended after having been watching TFS at the Table since release. Jeez, Zito throwing a mindflayer towards the end of the first chapter and almost an elder brain rip
Last time somebody fought a basilisk in our dnd club he was petrified and dismembered (it ripped his legs off. Our drunken doctor made him a wheelchair)
In the campaign I'm a part of, we met some mushroom people and went into the Underdark to stop a possible invasion from Dark Dwarves. Somehow we ended up in a alternate dimension and were fighting Mindflayers; and, eventually, Intellect Devourers. Our monk fell unconscious and ended up taken over by one. Our druid went through reincarnating him, and it took nearly a week of convincing him it was the better option than writing a completely new character because of how far we were into the campaign...He also wanted to be a Namekian, so yeah...he also got his wish that way.
In my first ever D&D game, we faced off against an ancient red dragon and I killed it with a laser blast from my wand of wonderment. Granted, we had been given an urn by a dryad allowing us to regenerate after being killed at the expense of the life of one of our villagers (we were an angry mob of peasants fed up with the dragon’s depredations) and I was killed once by a breath attack, but I still landed the killing blow.
I hate how obvious it was that the dude on the right was reading his lines off cards. Maybe the sunglasses saved the other dude? All I'm saying is maybe he should actually look at the camera sometimes haha
My party is afraid they will get hit by a Fireball coming from my Wild Magic sorcerer. I can't wait to see their faces when out of nowhere 1-6 Flumphs appear around us!
Basilisk was defeated by my party by the Bard throwing a blanket over it’s eyes and stabbing it into it’s head, making the petrification useless and blinding it.
Yup, an intellect devourer and mind flayer were the undoing of our party recently. The intellect devourer took out our palladin in the first round of combat then the mindflayer got our barbarian and monk shortly after. All but one of our party was stunned by the end and it was so close to a tpk. In the end, only one of us had our brains eaten but the whole encounter was such a shock.
I didn't know about the black slime multiplying when you use a slashing weapon and ended up fighting an army of slimes in The Temple of Elemental Evil. Fun times.
Remember Pirates, if you see a a gang of Sahuagin in your path, turn around and Starhuagin the other way. Just don't turn your back on them, the only booty being plundered after a mistake like that is going to be yours. I learned that the hard way, not only did they turn my pants into assless chaps, but I also had to roll at disadvantage for a week every time I wanted to sit. It might not sit well with the party but If you want to sit well at all, before engaging Sahuagin, I recommend using a wine cork,
My first real twist I put in my D&D mod, was that a king had a bounty of sorts to escort a caravan past a large old forgotten tomb that sources say is the origin of the undead burden. Well the heroes go in, and fight a lich after clearing some skellies and a puzzle, and as they leave the tomb, turns out the lich's spirit was of a good king that was killed by his bother and replaced his holy blood line with that of a traitors! The party enjoyed the twist and was ready to dethrone a corrupt king and his blood line, with a tablet of the so called bloodline as proof. Worked out well and everyone was happy to come back next weekend to do just that. A simple twist that was flexible, instead of the Lich begging for a stay of force and myself making the mistake of assuming the party was going to play a certain way, instead a spirit of an old king raised in front of the party and they listened because it was a new face, not the one of a recent enemy.
I'm always both happy and sad when a new video of yours comes out. Excited to watch it, sad I finished it and have to wait for the next one. What are your thoughts on giving a player a geas do something. If it was put on them by an NPC, would it be railroading?
stat drainers are terrible. course intel is not the worst. Try staying alive when you have psions blasting your charisma to nothing. since most people use it as a dump stat they tend to go down in 1 or 2 castings
Question: What are the names of some good Sci Fi books featuring space exploration and combat? Going from vastly different planet to planet taking in the different cultures and politics?
It's hardly surprising that so many of these monsters have CC and instant-kill abilities. In a game that revolves around improving your character and unlocking new abilities for it, the biggest threats will naturally be monsters that stop you from using any of those abilities, and can bypass all of your various defensive measures to just kill you in one hit.
"Let your players know ther's a timer..." Just slam an hourglass down on the table and watch how fast your players go into panic mode. Ask me how I know.
Basheequa how do you know
Because I've done it.
how can i find out
Get yourself an hourglass.
Thought there was gonna be a story when someone asked "how do you know?".
Rakshasa has wares, if you have coin
Rakshasa is innocent of this crime
Our DM has a re-occuring NPC who is Rakshasa merchant that sells magic items. Turns out he gives all of the magic items he is sold to a very powerful demon. "Is good joke." as the Rakshasa would put it.
No, a rakshasa stole my good silverware. I'm on a quest to retrieve the entire set...
Hage screw you lol
They didn't even mention that the Rakshasa will keep coming back for revenge
Rakshasa was number 6. (time stamp is approx 3:09 )
Cody Theisen -
They didn’t even mention that the Rakshasa will keep coming back for revenge.
Creepy Jesus I
What the fuck is this thread lmao
Fear the power of the flumph
Flumph tend to be around Mind Flayers and other bad stuff, so there is that
As a newbie, what is a flumph, and why does it look like a pancake with tentacles?
Victoria Terkovich. Flumph is love flumph is life praise the flumph.
*face-palm*. In my party, Zargon is love, life, and everything thanks to our warlock
Victoria Terkovich. Zargon pales beneath our mighty overlords the flumph may their acid guide you.
If you're a Critical Role fan, you obviously know that of all the monsters mentioned, the Door is the most problematic. I'm still waiting for Door Mimic.
S Toy - Yeah, Doors have a special modified CR of 20+ for Vox Machina. If Matt had just put up a Big Ancient Door as final boss of Campaign 1, TPK would have been the only conceivable result.
nah not a door mimic, for VM it would be a mimic door. the Mimic would change into a door and stay that way. boom instant VM defeat lol
They have a mimic door in curse of strahd
Our DM's campaign included an arena thing where you fought various monsters and creatures of increasing challenge rating for greater and greater rewards. The first time we entered the arena, we got through about six stages and the sixth stage we had to fight a manticore. This was with three people, a moon druid (me), a barbarian (who is a gnome, don't ask) and a warlock. We promptly gave up after that as if you took a rest in-between fights, you'd lose all your previous rewards. The second time we entered the arena, we had gained our fourth party member back, who was a bard and gained another party member who's class I don't remember. We got to the sixth stage again. However, this time we had to fight TWO BASILISKS. A beaten and battered party against two basilisks. We won though. Only one of us got petrified, and we had to spend a fair amount of gold un-petrifying him.
Oh yeah, this was a level 4 party.
Although the Hydra I believe deserves a mention, especially from 3.5 where a single attack for it means EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR HEADS MAKES AN ATTACK!
Yeah, and no honorable mention for the rust monster. He may not kill you, but he'll make you wish you was. :P
We didn't include the rust monster because the black pudding does mostly the same stuff, with the added danger of splitting in two when cut.
The hydra can be dangerous bit all in all it can be easily slain by a simple party of two or depending on the party all you need is a melee and a magic base class that can use acid or fire
Only if you dont make a half dragon cryohydra....
That is fair. I still think it and the Terrasque should get honorable mentions though. Even a ancient Red Dragon would be wary of the legendary God Killer.
Don't mind flayers keep intellect devourers as pets too?
You bet, all of my mind flayers are actaully crazy "cat" ladies
yes they do i was watching a dnd series called critical roll and they were going against mind flayers they had intellect devourers helping them fight
Malachi Mitchell yes
the Mind Flayers actually created the Intellect Devourers
Pets/Emergency snacks.
Swarms of things. That is all you need.
Swarms of things with a resistance to fire once the party figures out how to nuke swarms.
What about swarms of fuzzy kittens? They're not so bad, unless their feral or something. Oh man, that gives me an idea. :)
but then they use acid, elecricity, or any other of the many aoe nukes.
Swarms and monsters with 15' reach that can climb walls and low level magic resistance against a melee heavy party in an enclosed cave with high ceilings. So cheap. Swarms and cheapo attacks that are semi impossible to defend or react to make for a bad game.
A few Githyaki never hurt for a sweet TPK either.
8:45 This is the first video I've seen of you guys and it was good but I just wanted to point out how much better it sounds when you're finally "off script".
my thoughts exactly
Invisible stalker sounds like those awful knights in the Sunken King dlc from Dark Souls 2.
It's a little like that, but there's no trick to make them visible/tangible. (Side note: great DLC.)
Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies Yeah, you just smash the tombs. But before you come to that realization: yikes! It was a pretty solid dlc. Probably my favorite of 2.
when you fight them for 10 minutes with an elemental weapon before realizing that you can smash their armors with big smokey aura
Can attest to no. 3.....we named our black kitten Bodak as a running gag after playing pathfinder's Wrath of the Righteous and the DM having a distinct love of throwing those things at us. Thankfully this bodak's stare just weakens your will save against a desire to pet and play.
Well executed lol, you had me yelling “What!!!???” At the Flumph
Illithid. Ulitharid. Intellect Devourer. Elder Brain.
Don't assault an Illithid colony
I'm immune to mind affecting shit.
*Elder Brain* Allow us to introduce ourselves
Me and my party encountered a Spectral Guardian, it was a tricky fight, previously in the campaign I had consumed a Gallon of Dragon blood, causing Gold dragon scales to begin growing from my hands up, currently up to my shoulders, they counted as being magical, so I was able to punch the spirit,
In 3.5, the worst creature to fight is....
Legion Devils
What? I lowly CR3 creature with 19 hp?
YES. With every additional creature they combine their health so unless you do enough damage to kill the entire group, they keep fighting. They only need a single devil to make a saving throw for them ALL to succeed the saving throw and for every additiona legion devil thats in the squad they get a whopping +4 to hit per devil. So 4 devils get a whooping +12 bonus to hit!!!
With a little tinkering IE given a few levels of rogue, these creatures can take down the terrasque with ease or any epic level group who think they cant be took down. Time for the legion to teach some humility....
LordHeartNight so... Namekians?
Nah, they cant regrow their limbs....
Spoilers: 1 barbarian or wizard with the right tools can ruin a platoon of legion devils without much of an issue.
fedlrrose tested and failed
fedlrrose although I’m more than happy to test further on roll20...
Best weapon against an ancient red dragon? Iron Golem.
Same for anything that uses fire, at the point you're fighting an ARD you should have the materials, just throw him in your bag of holding.
..... the dragon can fly and cast magic
I had a 2nd Ed char that solo'd an adult red at level 7. Armloads of scrolls, a few coins, and a gem was all it took. Never even made an initiative roll, let alone an attack roll. An ancient might have had enough spells to defeat my scheme, but this dragon didn't.
In one game we got ambushed by a Basalisk in the first room of the first dungeon we went into. on the first turn our entire party failed their saves. we failed the campaign within in the first hour
Reminds me of my first dungeon where I was wiped out by 5 blink dogs. Hate those damn things.
Kiron This only indicates that you had a crappy DM.
Agree with Markus. Plenty of set up ruined for an unfun early climax
Invisible Stalker is countered by a single 1st-level spell... Faerie Fire ftw?
Raikirah yea but it has a save vs that also it can move out lol
Spells discription doesnt say they are only affected if they stay in the area, its a glowing glitter bomb, if it fails a save, it is affected until the spell ends or concentration of caster is broken
It's also countered by a small sack of flour or a handful of sand.
or the spell glitterdust but useless if u have flour or sand
Also if you have blind fighting.
Thank you for the list of everything I’m going to torture my friends with
You guys seem high and a little awkward, but somehow I dig it. Major props. There's something charming and hypnotic about your videos.
Had no idea you guys were behind MFoV until I saw your logo and went "waaaaiiiit a foocking minute!!!" yall deserve more subs
I love Dark Matter, and can't stop suggesting it to people who complain about how complex Starfinder is for new players. It's truly top notch work.
For the next Mailbag of Holding, my question is both serious and joking. "You guys put out content far superior to many of the things WOTC has released in recent memory. Have you ever considered seeking employment there?"
You guys should have an actual jar labeled "PUN JAR" for Mike to put coins into.
Because, you know, puns + props = comedy!
11:17 Once my DM decided to run a detective campaign. One of the cases we had to solve was being hired to find and arrest the person who had been threatening an opera singer over a long period of time, making death threats, and saying that they’d die if they tried to perform. We were then later informed by a character that wasn’t the opera singer that they would die at the end of their song. So, our DM said that our characters started to hear music coming from the auditorium, played some opera music, and told us “Time’s ticking.”
Being an old school gamer I’m just thinking of the terrors of the old days. Demi liches in 2e your dead no no save your just dead, vampires oh you were fourth level nope your second now no save, Black balls because the one thing worse then a sphere of annihilation is one that wants you dead...
And....some Rust Monsters? :P
I've been killed by a Bodak and an Intellect Devourer (same character)
I felt so demoralized that I retired that character after that
Also a suggestion, put whatever you're talking about in the corner. It'll make finding the particular bit you're talking about easier.
Dude I’m writing kind of a book of the absolute worst monsters for when my players misbehave, this helped out a lot!
As an new DM this is very helpful for making my campaigns and has helped to change a few of my decisions on monsters near the beginning
Not a big D&D fan, but entertaining none the less. Good job!
You guys are really awesome thanks for makin these videos
If i ever play this game with my cousin....
Me: "WTF is a Catty Cat Dragon-Whee?!"
Cousin: "It's resistant to all attacks, and has Humans to Sticks to Snakes!"
Credit for trying to sound interesting despite poor audio quality, but you've gotta learn to move more if you're in front of a camera, otherwise you're just static and may as well be talking into a mic with the video set to a series of pictures of what you're actually talking about.
woulda preferred that
So there's this spastic child called PewDiePie... Sounds like you should watch his videos.
Actually, this is a pretty good list.
I only object to the title.
You should have said 9 surprisingly difficult monsters, or surprising at low leve.
Because other than the last 2, there are loads more.
Such as the Tarasque, Tanar'ri, super undead (lich, deathkinght).
As for dragons, gold is the strongest. But there s 1 for every level.
If you can find a way to incorporate it, Zaratan (floating island) can be bad ass.
You know, I appreciate this video all the more because of the book selection in the background. When I saw the Redwall books, I knew these were people that I like.
As soon as a black pudding appears, those monks are laughing all the way to the bank
you know shit is about to go south when you run into a mind flayer colony under the control of a brainstealer dragon
No Beholder?
Beholders can be dropped with some really easy tricks, they aren't all that. That said if you don't know what you're doing in a beholder fight and spread out a TPK is pretty likely.
No Banshee!!! how is a monster that can drop everyone within thirty foot of her (A total of 168 human sized foes if all squares are filled) to zero hp with a single action not on the list. true you have to fail a CON save to lose all your hit points but even if you succeed you take massive damage.
I can't believe we forgot the banshee! That deserves to be talked about in the Mailbag.
The Beholder can be dangerous, especially if you have atrocious saves, but it doesn't have a very large HP pool (especially since it typically fights alone, and is designed to square off against an entire party.) Don't get me wrong, I love beholders, but they're just not as scary as some of the other monsters out there.
Peter Calcutt God damn it. Now I must invent a Banshee Bomb. Teleporting the banshee into an enemy army sounds like a nice thing...
As it happens i'm play testing a half banshee playable race for D&D 5e with the help of one of the players i DM for. she has the ability to glide up to fourty feet. the group have already planned out a tactic where one of the strong characters throws the half banshee into the air and she glides to the heart of a hoard of foes and lets rip. if you play 5e and wish to play test the race in one of your games private message me with E-Mail address and i'll send you the information
i do have to ask cuz i cannot find info--very new and learning player before playing fully--how do the different levels of "mind control" type spells, etc. work?
i know there is like, charm, dominate, hypnosis, etc.? how do they all vary beyond different roll types/saves?
Our DM once put us against 2 black puddings. We survived mostly unscathed, but then he decided that when we left the cave, the dragon cultists (all dozen-and-a-half of them) had found us, and has brought four wyverns and an Adult White Dragon. We somehow survived (with the help of a giant we helped earlier).
This is gonna help me in my next dnd campaign. Thanks
The Flumph is a truely terrifying opponent, prepare to be T P Kd.
That flumph joke was funny though good job
Speed D&D. DM describes scene, has party roll initiative, and flips the minute timer, asking the first player, "What do you do?"
I just found your channel while watching other D&D stuff and I have to say it is a useful list, the horror of these creatures I have seen already in Critical Role. I just did the first session of my new campaign the Wednesday just gone and I am not doing character creation in the traditional sense.
I told my players bring a name, a race, and an idea of where they would of been brought up and run them through a prologue based off of this, so far it has been awesome.
One at a time I run them through their own origin story, letting their choices and actions effect their possible class, proficiencies, all that sort of thing while letting those not currently being run pipe up with lines from NPCs I am not playing myself to encourage roleplay. I got one player through their prologue in one session and half way through a second, two players didn't get their turn but they still loved watching the world unfold and chip in to the details of the story.
Ever done something like this?
Black pudding is a name that always makes me laugh because I still associate it almost entirely with the sausage.
My party fought a Rakshasa as the final boss of a campaign. I used special teleportation armor that made me able to teleport monsters. Took a few tries, but I was finally able to put him in a wall where his lower body and his arms were trapped. Took a couple of crits from the rogue and hits from the fighter's keen weapon to take him out.
what's the gun prop from
wowee. that joke at 4:45 had me rolling on the floor
Edit: love the vids, keep up the great work
Idea for dealing with invisible stalkers: carry a can of paint. If you know you're fighting one, try and dump the paint on them.
My party once survived an ancient red dragon, it turned out to be the father of our party’s dragon
I've been running games for thirty years, but am new to 5th ed. All these tips on this (yet another) edition are greatly appreciated. Also, excellent presentation you two.
So we were playing dnd 5.0 and it was me (dragonborn paladin), my dad (dragonborn sorcerer), my uncle (tiefling rouge), and my brother (elf ranger). It was our first session with these characters and we get to the boss room. We run into these custom enemies designed to be about the elf (he chose a hermit and his discovery was basically this super powerful thing or something). Well this string humanoid creature came down and started attacking us as well as 2 string spiders. I had 4 HP left, and had a slowness thing or whatever. The entire rest of the party was down. We had to use a heroic point (I'm a rookie idk if their in all 5.0 dnd games, but they're basically like a wish, but a lot less powerful) and use it to save us
My character had an intelligence of three, so I don't think I would be affected by that brain with legs
My party once adopted a flumph and we named it "Rainbow Spaghetti." No joke.
It’s a good thing that Rakshasa are better as negotiable NPCs than actual enemies. And flumphs are super friendly and intelligent, even sentient with advanced communities.
How would you react to if you if you fought a Cyclops at level one with only 4 in the party
72 Anonymous Hydras at lv1 you fight Kua-toa, goblin or super easy to kill undead... not cyclops
hykuzo yes but the motto of my world is be prepared or die and I want my players to know this during the entire campaign at every point and I think a Cyclops makes this known even through I told them but they beat it and had fun I hope so all should be all right but...... maybe not
I have a D&D game based on Dark Souls, but we quit after 4 hours because it didn't translate to D&D well
fought a cr9 juvenile topaz dragon in 3.5e at level 4. it was hell. i almost got insta killed when i failed the saving throw on its breath by 1 an took 39 points of damage. luckily i chunked off 1/3 of its health before getting downed (duskblade), so the rest of the party was able to take it out before they were downed and killed, and we somehow got out of it alive. the dm even gave it SR just to flip me off, and i passed the caster check :P
At that point I would look at escape options. Past that, go for the eyes and pray that you maintain advantage.
When planescape came out it was so foreign an idea that they were like a walkthrough. Nowadays we just expect so much more in a module.
In my first campaign, my party and I were trapped in a cave so we tried to blast the collapsed wall out by cupping an imbued stone against the wall with a spare shield. The only problem was, we didn't know what the stones were imbued with to we just picked one and the one we selected caused the cave to start to flood. Having a real time limit on how much time we had left on the room filling up and on running out of air in the cave was an incredibly tense experience and we came out of it as a more unified party.
In first edition, it was the catoblepas. Look in its eyes? Dead! No save! It looks at you? Dead! But you can save.
In my current campaign, our group was looking for some missing miners, and our ranger narrowly avoided being immediately smothered by a black pudding, my character now has pudding based (both slime and food) ptsd.
why is the strike out kitty music in the backround at the beggining?
This showed up in my recommended after having been watching TFS at the Table since release. Jeez, Zito throwing a mindflayer towards the end of the first chapter and almost an elder brain rip
Last time somebody fought a basilisk in our dnd club he was petrified and dismembered (it ripped his legs off. Our drunken doctor made him a wheelchair)
Love the video and that acting is just a bonus i guess.
Yo, I like those guys ! I think they're quite funny, I'll watch more of them !
My entire party got killed by 1 black pudding not knowing how to fight it, it is a force to be reckoned with.
...... did they not have range :) pudding/rust monsters/ swarms are one of the few reason for blasty wizards
mdb45424 we had a ranger but arrows were barely affecting it and the sorcerer was the first to die from it
Thanks for the ideas😈
In the campaign I'm a part of, we met some mushroom people and went into the Underdark to stop a possible invasion from Dark Dwarves. Somehow we ended up in a alternate dimension and were fighting Mindflayers; and, eventually, Intellect Devourers. Our monk fell unconscious and ended up taken over by one. Our druid went through reincarnating him, and it took nearly a week of convincing him it was the better option than writing a completely new character because of how far we were into the campaign...He also wanted to be a Namekian, so yeah...he also got his wish that way.
Beware spoilers!
9: Sahuagin
8: Black Pudding
7: Invisible Stalker
6: Rakshasa
5: Basilisk
4: Intellect Devourer
3: Bodak
2: Ancient Red Dragon
1: Mindflayer
Should have time stamps
Do bosses like Tiamat and the demogorgon (tell me if I spelled that wrong) count as monsters for this list?
Ah but you've never faced my mighty greater toilet mimic!
Critical role Thordak anyone?
Wow...I like the channel. Thanks guys
All int eating enemies are worthless against a good old Iron golem, solves all problems, best investment of your money in almost any D&D campaign ;P
A link to Dark Matter would be nice. I can't find it on your website.
In my first ever D&D game, we faced off against an ancient red dragon and I killed it with a laser blast from my wand of wonderment. Granted, we had been given an urn by a dryad allowing us to regenerate after being killed at the expense of the life of one of our villagers (we were an angry mob of peasants fed up with the dragon’s depredations) and I was killed once by a breath attack, but I still landed the killing blow.
I hate how obvious it was that the dude on the right was reading his lines off cards. Maybe the sunglasses saved the other dude? All I'm saying is maybe he should actually look at the camera sometimes haha
I really thought there would be, you know, the Tarrasque! The creature that devours worlds, and can just kill you by stepping on you.
Invisible stalkers are why you should always carry a bag of flour in your inventory.
My party is afraid they will get hit by a Fireball coming from my Wild Magic sorcerer. I can't wait to see their faces when out of nowhere 1-6 Flumphs appear around us!
Basilisk was defeated by my party by the Bard throwing a blanket over it’s eyes and stabbing it into it’s head, making the petrification useless and blinding it.
A bodak + ancient red dragon + mind flair in 1 encounter
At night
What do you do?
Where in the 9 hells have you guys been?
Dis. There was a lot of paperwork down there.
hi what is the gun in the background
Yup, an intellect devourer and mind flayer were the undoing of our party recently. The intellect devourer took out our palladin in the first round of combat then the mindflayer got our barbarian and monk shortly after. All but one of our party was stunned by the end and it was so close to a tpk. In the end, only one of us had our brains eaten but the whole encounter was such a shock.
I didn't know about the black slime multiplying when you use a slashing weapon and ended up fighting an army of slimes in The Temple of Elemental Evil. Fun times.
"Hey guys, want some pudding?"
"Sure, what flavor?"
Player: *Create chaotic neutral with wicked traits character*
Asura: *Appear*
Asura: *Start use burning wind, jump 60ft height, use flaming scimitar with unending initiative*
Player: *Scream in agony*
Remember Pirates, if you see a a gang of Sahuagin in your path, turn around and Starhuagin the other way.
Just don't turn your back on them, the only booty being plundered after a mistake like that is going to be yours. I learned that the hard way, not only did they turn my pants into assless chaps, but I also had to roll at disadvantage for a week every time I wanted to sit.
It might not sit well with the party but If you want to sit well at all, before engaging Sahuagin, I recommend using a wine cork,
My first real twist I put in my D&D mod, was that a king had a bounty of sorts to escort a caravan past a large old forgotten tomb that sources say is the origin of the undead burden. Well the heroes go in, and fight a lich after clearing some skellies and a puzzle, and as they leave the tomb, turns out the lich's spirit was of a good king that was killed by his bother and replaced his holy blood line with that of a traitors! The party enjoyed the twist and was ready to dethrone a corrupt king and his blood line, with a tablet of the so called bloodline as proof. Worked out well and everyone was happy to come back next weekend to do just that. A simple twist that was flexible, instead of the Lich begging for a stay of force and myself making the mistake of assuming the party was going to play a certain way, instead a spirit of an old king raised in front of the party and they listened because it was a new face, not the one of a recent enemy.
Jokes on the invisible stalker my warlock can attack invisible objects as if they weren't invisible.
I'm always both happy and sad when a new video of yours comes out. Excited to watch it, sad I finished it and have to wait for the next one.
What are your thoughts on giving a player a geas do something. If it was put on them by an NPC, would it be railroading?
My party ran into a group of intellect devourers in the underdark and we didn't know what they were, well, we do now.
Rolling new characters this week
stat drainers are terrible. course intel is not the worst. Try staying alive when you have psions blasting your charisma to nothing. since most people use it as a dump stat they tend to go down in 1 or 2 castings
Question: What are the names of some good Sci Fi books featuring space exploration and combat? Going from vastly different planet to planet taking in the different cultures and politics?
It's hardly surprising that so many of these monsters have CC and instant-kill abilities. In a game that revolves around improving your character and unlocking new abilities for it, the biggest threats will naturally be monsters that stop you from using any of those abilities, and can bypass all of your various defensive measures to just kill you in one hit.
The intellect devourer was the first fight in my latest session but luckily no one was permanently damaged
the beholder is the most terrifying thing ever if the dm knows how to play them
I'm terrible at math but if mine is correct then the ancient red dragons breath attack damage is gonna average out at around 91 damage
Which can kill anything less than 17th level because level 20 is op
Just stumbled onto your channel and I really enjoyed this video! You guys are entertaining and informational. :)