with cte as ( select *, day(saledate)-rank() over(partition by productid order by saledate) as rnk from sales ) select productid,min(SaleDate) as saledate from cte group by rnk, ProductID having count(productid)>1
with cte as( select *, DATEADD(day, -1 * ROW_NUMBER() over (order by SaleID), SaleDate) bucket from Sales_Sun ), cte2 as( select *, count(bucket) over (partition by productId, bucket order by ProductId ) cnt from cte ) select distinct ProductID, FIRST_VALUE(SaleDate) over (partition by bucket order by SaleID) first_sale_date from cte2 where cnt=2
select productid, saledate from ( select *, lead(saledate) over(partition by ProductID order by saleid), abs(saledate - lead(saledate) over(partition by ProductID order by saleid)) as difference from sales) where difference = 1
select a.* from saless a join saless b on b.saledate = date_add( a.saledate, interval '1 day') where abs(a.saledate - b.saledate) = 1 and a.productid = b.productid
select saleid,productid , saledate , quantity from( select *, count(consecutive_date) over(partition by consecutive_date) from ( select * , (saledate - interval '1 day' * rank)::date as consecutive_date from (select * , dense_rank() over(partition by productid order by saledate) as rank from Sales_3) x) y) z where count >= 2 and rank =1
WITH Cte1 AS (SELECT *, DATEDIFF(LEAD(saledate) OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate),saledate) as diff1, DATEDIFF(saledate,LAG(saledate) OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate)) as diff2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate) as rn FROM sales) SELECT saleid,productid,saledate,Quantity FROM cte1 WHERE diff1=1 OR diff2=1 AND rn=1;
Instead of joins I used lag. My approach With cte as ( SELECT SALEID, PRODUCTID, QUANTITY, SALEDATE, LAG (SALEDATE) OVER(PARTITION BY PRODUCTID ORDER BY SALEDATE) AS PREV_ DATE FROM SALES) SELECT PRODUCTID, min (PREV DATE) as dates FROM CTE WHERE abs (DATEDIFF(DAY,SALEDATE, PREV_DATE)) =1 group by PRODUCTID Can you please reviews final answer and say if it's correct or wrong approach
with cte as( select saleID,ProductID as Productid,lead(SaleDate) over(order by SaleID) as nextDay from Sales ) select s.ProductID,min(s.SaleDate) from Sales s join cte c on c.SaleID=s.SaleID where DateAdd(day,1,s.SaleDate)=c.nextDay and s.ProductID = c.Productid group by s.ProductID;
with cte as( select Sales.*,LEAD(SaleDate)OVER(PARTITION BY ProductID) as x1 FROM Sales ),cte1 as( select ProductID,DATEDIFF(x1,SaleDate) as x2 FROM cte ),cte2 as( select ProductID,COUNT(x2) FROM cte1 where x2=1 GROUP BY ProductID HAVING COUNT(x2)>=1 ),cte3 as( select Sales.*,DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY productID ORDER BY SaleDate) as x3 FROM Sales ) select SaleID,cte3.ProductID,saleDate,quantity FROM cte2 JOIN cte3 ON cte2.ProductID=cte3. ProductID where x3=1;
with test as (select t.*, lead(saledate, 1) over (partition by productid order by productid) saledate1 from test_sales t) select saleid, productid, saledate, quantity from test where saledate1-saledate=1
with cte as
select *, day(saledate)-rank() over(partition by productid order by saledate) as rnk
from sales
select productid,min(SaleDate) as saledate
from cte
group by rnk, ProductID
having count(productid)>1
with cte as(
select *,
DATEADD(day, -1 * ROW_NUMBER() over (order by SaleID), SaleDate) bucket
from Sales_Sun
), cte2 as(
select *, count(bucket) over (partition by productId, bucket order by ProductId ) cnt from cte
select distinct ProductID,
FIRST_VALUE(SaleDate) over (partition by bucket order by SaleID) first_sale_date
from cte2 where cnt=2
select productid, saledate
from (
select *, lead(saledate) over(partition by ProductID order by saleid),
abs(saledate - lead(saledate) over(partition by ProductID order by saleid)) as difference
from sales)
where difference = 1
select a.*
from saless a
join saless b on b.saledate = date_add( a.saledate, interval '1 day')
where abs(a.saledate - b.saledate) = 1
and a.productid = b.productid
select saleid,productid , saledate , quantity from(
select *,
count(consecutive_date) over(partition by consecutive_date)
from (
select * ,
(saledate - interval '1 day' * rank)::date as consecutive_date
(select * ,
dense_rank() over(partition by productid order by saledate) as rank
from Sales_3) x) y) z
where count >= 2 and rank =1
DATEDIFF(LEAD(saledate) OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate),saledate) as diff1,
DATEDIFF(saledate,LAG(saledate) OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate)) as diff2,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY productid ORDER BY saledate) as rn
FROM sales)
SELECT saleid,productid,saledate,Quantity
FROM cte1
WHERE diff1=1 OR diff2=1 AND rn=1;
Instead of joins I used lag.
My approach
With cte as (
group by PRODUCTID
Can you please reviews final answer and say if it's correct or wrong approach
with cte as(
select saleID,ProductID as Productid,lead(SaleDate) over(order by SaleID) as nextDay from Sales
select s.ProductID,min(s.SaleDate) from Sales s join cte c on c.SaleID=s.SaleID where DateAdd(day,1,s.SaleDate)=c.nextDay and s.ProductID = c.Productid group by s.ProductID;
with cte as(
select Sales.*,LEAD(SaleDate)OVER(PARTITION BY ProductID) as x1 FROM Sales
),cte1 as(
select ProductID,DATEDIFF(x1,SaleDate) as x2 FROM cte
),cte2 as(
select ProductID,COUNT(x2) FROM cte1 where x2=1 GROUP BY ProductID HAVING COUNT(x2)>=1
),cte3 as(
select Sales.*,DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY productID ORDER BY SaleDate) as x3 FROM Sales
select SaleID,cte3.ProductID,saleDate,quantity FROM cte2 JOIN cte3 ON cte2.ProductID=cte3.
ProductID where x3=1;
with test as (select t.*, lead(saledate, 1) over (partition by productid order by productid) saledate1 from test_sales t)
select saleid, productid, saledate, quantity from test where saledate1-saledate=1