Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
О ад😢да следствие слез что так 😢мук и боли😢 я не придавала веры и всё и те муки😱🤧😭😢😎я сама😢 за что😢 я не Каму не причинила боли я лишь стояла за детей😢и некого не обидела😢
Imagine if Arabs are united, focus their resources to promoting education and Islamic culture there would be no war in Yemen. Poetry is part and parcel of Arabic tradition. Poets used to gather in the streets and started to exchange poetry. This guy seems to know his people's tradition. Great job. 😇👌👋👏👏🤘
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Спасибо за поэзию 'внимательно слушала'и ваш'бархатный голос. Знаю эта поема исходить глубоко от души. И...слышно как вы периживаете'хотите донести до человечества 'все пережитое ранее'другими ....я все сделала чтобы услышали вас уважаемый ....государь.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
فعلن. الجار. للجار. وادعو الله ان يكفينا. من. شر. الغدار. اللهم امين 👁️✌️👁️🇦🇪🙏. وسلامي لئشعارك المحترمه والجميله والتي. كلها. في. الكلام الأصيل شيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد ال. مكتوم الجميل 🇦🇪👍✌️❤️✌️🇪🇬👍
Me disculpo por no conocer su idioma, pero lo que mis ojos ven es una nación orgullosa de sus tradiciones y que son tan admirables como su bello país, en donde se puede ver un pueblo amigo que habré sus puertas al mundo para conocer su belleza única natural y diversa perfecta por que Dios embelleciendo el planeta dio a la humanidad creatividad viva perfecta, que lindo pais
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
لازلت في الوصف ما لكيته ٱلحين كيف أداري الجار..، لما لكيته عند أزكي الإختيار.. شاعر كتب ابياته علي جدران بيته.. ونعم الاختيار .قصايد الشعار تتوسم من الي الحين ،والنهاية عند الشعار ماتكتبها الأقلام بل وتعجزر عن وصفها الأقلام ،مسلمات ندكرها لعلنا ناسيين للحين ،ونحنا حننا علي درب أغلي المحبين سيدنا ونبينا عليه أزكي الصلاة والسلام خاتم النبيئين
اقووول كسبت عقلن لا يزين لي قوه فيهاااا غظااااظتن اوقسوه بلارحمه او شفاقتن اوترك الناس يعيشواا صراااع ليس له نهااااايتن سميتم ال نهياااان تحياتي نهيان الحروب في العرب شاملتن وسميتم ال مكتوم تحياتي في كتم الشر وطوله نهايتن للعرب قول وحكم فكونووو في ممن يمتلكون وينشرون حكمتن دول وامارات العرب لا تنهاااار والكرم لا يعتريه زيف بخل اوبخاااااالتن شعوبنا العربية اكبر مثال في مواطنيهااا الصبر في وجوه المحن في كل تااااارتن اكرامهم بشيء من التوجه لمستقبل وعيش بلا فتن
What a great orator the prince is. I don't understand his language, but is voice, presentation and body language sends a powerful message -- in any language. This really touched my soul.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚 Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕
انا ابنكم تربيت في بلادكم و اكلت عيش و ملح في بلادكم و كمان اخوكم و جاركم الذي استجار بكم لما الضروف سائت و صارت الامور مش تمام. سهنت منكم الخير و الفرج.
assalamualaikum ، من العائلة المالكة ، شكرًا جزيلاً على حبك واهتمامك تجاه عائلتي ، بارك الله فيك أضفني أدناه على Whatsapp @ + 16153344743 ، عزيزي ، سيكون من الأفضل التواصل بشكل خاص لأن هنا عامة
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
I'm here I listen this everyday can't share my emotions... Faz you are the man with limitless capability.your voice is not voice but like music (magic )thank you reciting heart touching poem.
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
شكرا جزيلا Prince Hamdan الله يعز شعوبني المسلمين و العرب. آمين يارب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد رسول الله و آل محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم. ألله لأ يحرمني أن شآء آلله إلي الدهاب إلي مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة لجميع المسلمين
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
never forget your heirs, it was a tough battle for a perfect world. never give up your dreams, keep on writing poems they are grabbing and beautiful........speechless......wholla
@@ackeethree Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
صح لسان شيخ .. وشعر الوطن .. حفظ الله وطن غالي على كل قلوبنا .. ديار الاخيار .. احفاد الاخيار.... وارض الحرمين .. وكويت العز .. وعمان الحكمة .. وخليج الخير .. اكرمهم الله بالامن والسلام .. وابعد عنكم كل أهل شر وفتن .. من مصر كل التحية ..
Pangeran yang terbaik Tuan Sheikh hamdan fazza ,dengan cintanya dan keindahan alamNYA beserta kasih sayang nya meninggikan apa yang ada di alam cinta ini ,salam cinta dengan indahnya Alam dunia❤❤🌿🌹😍🌿💝
This poem is about history of the poet’s country. Visually, I can understand without translation. It would be so nice if someone will translate this poem for people like me. Thank you SC
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
⛩🍀❤ Que lindo mio poeta, sua voz é uma canção nesta conto,uma passagem, uma viagem de lembranças..... siempre bem vinda para assistir gracias mi corazon tiene orgulho de ser quem é.....🤲🎼👑
Masha Allah You are very brave my prince are very brave may Allah grant you every success may you be safe your kingdom is power and love in your voice really love u so much 💖(فزاع)💖Allah bless u dear 💖
الله يشرح صدرك ووييسر امرك ..بما يرضي الله رب العالمين اللهم امين يارب العالمين وصلي اللهم على سيد المرسلين محمد النبي الأمين والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
"The light illuminates the flow of your beautiful words, decided with the influence of the moon .. that inspires your mind awake with love, for life .."
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
صح لسانك يا شيخ حمدان قصيدة أكثر من رائعة بس خسارة انك ما ذكرت اصل العرب والعروبة يمن المحبة والعروبة بيت آل نهيان وآل مكتوم وانت أعرف.. واقول لك مثل ما قال واحد من الشعراء: لولا إنهيار السد ومشيئة من الرحمن .... كانت جوازات العرب بإسم اليماني وحده
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
ماشاءالله تبارك الله 💖 💖 قصيدة قوية ومعبرة.. تحية لك يا الأمير حمدان.. 🌺🌴 عز الله داركم الإمارات العربية المتحدة 🇦🇪 اللهم أحفظ الإمارات بالأمن والأمان والاستقرار لكم يا أولاد زايد الخير 🇦🇪 ❤️ ❤️
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
فزاع انا داخل على الله ثم عليك ارجوك انا بجي للامارات هذي الاسره الحقيره قتلوا الاحساس فيه دمروني بكل انواع الدمار وبدون اي سبب ارجوك ابغى اوصل لك واتعالج من الامراض والبلاوي اللي سببوها لي ويدعون الانسانيه وهما يقتلون فيه 13 سنه و13 سنه ما افرح حتى ف العيد ارجوك قتلوا قلبي معد فيه حيل انظلم تشبعععععععععععت ظلم كفايه يا ناس وين الرحمه وين الاسلام وين الانسانيه
Masha Allah ya Allah please give long life for sheikh Hamdan ameen and always your support ameen and ya Allah please give more barakath for sheikh Hamdan ameen
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
No compreendo sus palabras pero lo siento que viene del corazón,del amor por su país,del amor à Dios y su gratitud por todo lo que tiene,viene de Dios ,y que Dios és Grande.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
@@apdalrhmnhssn8690 Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚 Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕..
É simplesmente fantástico maravilhoso encantador espirituoso belíssimo generoso ver o Príncipe Hamdan Fazza recitando seus belíssimos poemas em pleno deserto Árabe axaltando seu povo seu lindíssimo País seu maravilhoso mundo Árabe.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Down the sand, up the sky - there is nothing else! Except for the poet, his verse, his sublime spirit! And the magic happened: the space is no longer empty; with this almost unreal poet, with his inspired rhyme, every part of the sandy space, every spark of the sky blue thickened and enriched !!!🎇📖📝🎆
Love it Words I don't understand Bt the volume and frequency of voice making a promise to earth and people of dubai. Wavelength of voice He will live for this land. Praying to God.
Wish they could translate in English. So I can here what Royal Prince Hamdan is saying. Love lady Cindy OKLAHOMA City USA. I admire you and am in love with you Hamdan
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
انا في خاطري اشوفك جدام عيوني انا الطالبة عائشة في الصف السادس من المدرسة أميرة هيا بنت حسين احب اكون شاعرة مثلك حمدان كتبت شعر عن يا روح الروح وايد شعور كتبت
Pro krásný den a pro Vaše hodné srdíčko Vám princi Fazza posílám růžičku 🍃🌹 pro štěstí od mého srdíčka také smutného,nechci aby jste se trápil a cítil sám,
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
بسم الله ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن الله يحميك يارب يا امير الشيخ حمدان يحفظك بسم الله تبارك الرحمن اللهم صل على النبي بسم الله ماشاء الله كان ولاحول ولاقوه الا بالله العلي العظيم والله العظيم يعني من حب اشعارك من حب الغزل ومن حبل من حب الغزل والشعر قريبين عن القلب الله يحميك يا رب و يحفظك ان شاء الله الى المراتب العليا والى الامام يا رب اللهم امين يا رب العالمين
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚 Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕
والله انو اجي يوم لما كان ابوي الله يرحمة مريض ولله ماكنت اعرف انو مشهور كذا قلت لاخوي مين هاذا قال فزاع ورحت كتبت في اليوتيوب ولحين شفتا ههههههع😂😂 مدري ليش عايش في ابوضبي وكل اخوا في دبي ههههه😂😂
فزاع احلا شعر قبل لا يكون احلا امير احبه لشخصه مو لا منصبه لونه انسان عادى لخطفه من بين مليون اونته لكن يا شعري الوصل لك مستحيل لئنك امير وانا يكفينى صورتك معلقة بين الجدران وحلم وكول هاد حبيبي يا شاعرى مفتونة بيك انا بنت المغرب ونت من بلاد الاصيل
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
@@vilmarareisdossantos8572 Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
May Allah subhanatallah always faz3 spreads good knowledge with good air Faz3 giveing good deeds in nature to learn the value of moonlight and value of humanity
سبحان من جملك يا حمدان بالنور وبطيبة وبلاخلاق العاليه وبالابيات والقصائد الشعريه
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Shalom amen
@@erikadoest الله لايوفقك اسرائيليه وتعلقين على كلام الشيخ حمدان
О ад😢да следствие слез что так 😢мук и боли😢 я не придавала веры и всё и те муки😱🤧😭😢😎я сама😢 за что😢 я не Каму не причинила боли я лишь стояла за детей😢и некого не обидела😢
من اجمل م سمعت يا شيخ فزاع الله يالف بين قلوب المسلمين يارب
انته مع الابطال في المقدمه ...ولك معزة الولد ...فقد طرقت عيني محياك عدد وكنت اتمنى احضنك يبني لاكن يحكم الزمان حكمه ونحن له سايرين ...
ونعم فيك يا طويل العمر كلك حكمه و علم دامك يا طويل العمر تراعي حق الجار للجار. فكني من سجني و اسري و اعتبرني من جاركم. اسألك بالله لا تخليني.
وانتم نعم الاهل والجار وكنتم للغريب أأمن دار.......اجمل شيخ شافته عيني
Imagine if Arabs are united, focus their resources to promoting education and Islamic culture there would be no war in Yemen.
Poetry is part and parcel of Arabic tradition. Poets used to gather in the streets and started to exchange poetry. This guy seems to know his people's tradition. Great job. 😇👌👋👏👏🤘
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Спасибо за поэзию 'внимательно слушала'и ваш'бархатный голос.
Знаю эта поема исходить глубоко от души.
И...слышно как вы периживаете'хотите донести до человечества 'все пережитое ранее'другими ....я все сделала чтобы услышали вас уважаемый ....государь.
نشهد لك حنا اهل السعودية، قول وفعل.. الله يحفظك ويحفظ اهل الامارات، والله يجازي حكامها كل خير على وقفتهم بحرب اليمن
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
فعلن. الجار. للجار. وادعو الله ان يكفينا. من. شر. الغدار. اللهم امين 👁️✌️👁️🇦🇪🙏. وسلامي لئشعارك المحترمه والجميله والتي. كلها. في. الكلام الأصيل شيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد ال. مكتوم الجميل 🇦🇪👍✌️❤️✌️🇪🇬👍
Respeten ..
Me disculpo por no conocer su idioma, pero lo que mis ojos ven es una nación orgullosa de sus tradiciones y que son tan admirables como su bello país, en donde se puede ver un pueblo amigo que habré sus puertas al mundo para conocer su belleza única natural y diversa perfecta por que Dios embelleciendo el planeta dio a la humanidad creatividad viva perfecta, que lindo pais
I don't understand anything but his voice 😱❤️😍 it makes me calm
SE RE 😂💗💗i agree
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
👍👌🙏ماشاء الله لاقوة الا بالله ابداع...قصيدة معبرة
wished I could understand such a beautiful language but I can feel the inspiring power of Prince's words in my heart. God bless his highness...
Yo de arguntina los araves es los más los amo 💋❤👏
Tu te llama como yo besos
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
@@miriametchegoyen9196 how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
اسعد الله اوقاتكم بكل خير وسعادة
لازلت في الوصف ما لكيته ٱلحين كيف أداري الجار..، لما لكيته عند أزكي الإختيار.. شاعر كتب ابياته علي جدران بيته.. ونعم الاختيار .قصايد الشعار تتوسم من الي الحين ،والنهاية عند الشعار ماتكتبها الأقلام بل وتعجزر عن وصفها الأقلام ،مسلمات ندكرها لعلنا ناسيين للحين ،ونحنا حننا علي درب أغلي المحبين سيدنا ونبينا عليه أزكي الصلاة والسلام خاتم النبيئين
كسبت عقلن لا يزين لي قوه فيهاااا غظااااظتن
اوقسوه بلارحمه او شفاقتن
اوترك الناس يعيشواا صراااع ليس له نهااااايتن
سميتم ال نهياااان تحياتي نهيان الحروب في العرب شاملتن
وسميتم ال مكتوم تحياتي في كتم الشر وطوله نهايتن
للعرب قول وحكم فكونووو في ممن يمتلكون وينشرون حكمتن
دول وامارات العرب لا تنهاااار والكرم لا يعتريه زيف بخل اوبخاااااالتن
شعوبنا العربية اكبر مثال في مواطنيهااا الصبر في وجوه المحن في كل تااااارتن
اكرامهم بشيء من التوجه لمستقبل وعيش بلا فتن
What a great orator the prince is. I don't understand his language, but is voice, presentation and body language sends a powerful message -- in any language. This really touched my soul.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚
Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕
How nice and honest you must be. Charmed and powerful. 🙏🙏
انا ابنكم تربيت في بلادكم و اكلت عيش و ملح في بلادكم و كمان اخوكم و جاركم الذي استجار بكم لما الضروف سائت و صارت الامور مش تمام. سهنت منكم الخير و الفرج.
تحية من المغرب و شعب المغرب لحمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم
و تحية لكل العرب❤
assalamualaikum ، من العائلة المالكة ، شكرًا جزيلاً على حبك واهتمامك تجاه عائلتي ، بارك الله فيك أضفني أدناه على Whatsapp @ + 16153344743 ، عزيزي ، سيكون من الأفضل التواصل بشكل خاص لأن هنا عامة
👑 your history and traditions tho we are world apart , your beautiful voice hits the core of my heart like a mighty arrow on fire 🙏
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
I'm here I listen this everyday can't share my emotions... Faz you are the man with limitless capability.your voice is not voice but like music (magic )thank you reciting heart touching poem.
No golden visa for you
من أجمل الأشعار الي سمعتها بحياتي ❤️👍 الله يحفظ يا فزاع
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
راحت سنين كثيره يا طويل العمر و انا في سجني و اسري بين جدران. اسألك بالله فرج هم مسلم اخوك و بيننا نسب و احنا اهل.
السلام عليكم .. في اي دولة انت
شكرا جزيلا Prince Hamdan الله يعز شعوبني المسلمين و العرب. آمين يارب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد رسول الله و آل محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم. ألله لأ يحرمني أن شآء آلله إلي الدهاب إلي مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة لجميع المسلمين
صح لسانك .الله يعز الشعب العربي من الخليج الى المحيط
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
ما اقرب لهجة الخليج الى لهجة اهل ليبيا و جنوب تونس اي قبائل بني سليم التي ترجع اصولها الى الجزيرة العربية . حفظ الله بلاد العروبة من مراكش الى البحرين
نفهم شعرهم جيدا انا من ليبيا
22 Bluebird
قصدو من الغرب للشرق من مراكش للبحرين من الشام لبغدان ومن نجد الى يمن الى مصر ف تطوان وهكذا
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
@@sheikhhamdanfazzamohammedb5353 كافو
never forget your heirs, it was a tough battle for a perfect world. never give up your dreams, keep on writing poems they are grabbing and beautiful........speechless......wholla
@fazza Hamdan fake account
@@ackeethree Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
والنعم منك ومن اهلك الكرام ونعم الجار كم انا فخورة بانجازاتك الراقية ربي يحفظك انت واحباب قلبك
صح لسان شيخ .. وشعر الوطن .. حفظ الله وطن غالي على كل قلوبنا .. ديار الاخيار .. احفاد الاخيار.... وارض الحرمين .. وكويت العز .. وعمان الحكمة .. وخليج الخير .. اكرمهم الله بالامن والسلام .. وابعد عنكم كل أهل شر وفتن .. من مصر كل التحية ..
Pangeran yang terbaik Tuan Sheikh hamdan fazza ,dengan cintanya dan keindahan alamNYA beserta kasih sayang nya meninggikan apa yang ada di alam cinta ini ,salam cinta dengan indahnya Alam dunia❤❤🌿🌹😍🌿💝
נסיך יפה תואר מלא כישורים וצנוע ❤
This poem is about history of the poet’s country. Visually, I can understand without translation. It would be so nice if someone will translate this poem for people like me.
Thank you
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
كفو .. خليت المعادين ينجعمون 👌🏽 يابعد راسي يا سمو الشيخ حمدان
FatimaxX K8lav صور النساء لا تجوز اختي
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
شكران يا شاعر حمدان 😋🥰 ماشالله عليك اف قصيدا
یا سیدی حمدان بن محمد راشد المکدوم پرنس شیخ حمدان❤❤❤❤❤
الشاعر السمو الشيخ فزاع مبدعه خذ مليون لايك
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
⛩🍀❤ Que lindo mio poeta, sua voz é uma canção nesta conto,uma passagem, uma viagem de lembranças..... siempre bem vinda para assistir gracias mi corazon tiene orgulho de ser quem é.....🤲🎼👑
Masha Allah You are very brave my prince are very brave may Allah grant you every success may you be safe your kingdom is power and love in your voice really love u so much 💖(فزاع)💖Allah bless u dear 💖
ما شاء الشعر محتاج مشاعر. ما شاء اشعارك جميله كلمات وإلقاء ما شاء الله يحفظكم.💜
الله يشرح صدرك ووييسر امرك ..بما يرضي الله رب العالمين اللهم امين يارب العالمين وصلي اللهم على سيد المرسلين محمد النبي الأمين والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
"The light illuminates the flow of your beautiful words, decided with the influence of the moon .. that inspires your mind awake with love, for life .."
ما شاء الله على صوت والله حلو❤️
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
كفووووووو وربي انشهد انك شاعر ومن يشكك فيك الرد في نفس القصيده ويأكل تبن من يعاديك نحن فداك سيدي آمر تلاقينا لمن يعاديك باروت ونار
المري 👆
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
@@sheikhhamdanfazzamohammedb5353please wait for the black gmc to take you to the prison 😉
أمين الله يدوم المحبة والخير وأهل ها الدار .خير الكلام يبقي فأعمار
والله معقول نبي شعراك يافزاع يابرينس ما أحلى كلمك الجميل
This is one of my fav videos, Prince of the desert, in peace with the world, Gives thx to his God.
His God is Your God too.
Rabbul Alameen (God of the universe) Allah.
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
@@simontaylor9651 how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
صح لسانك يا شيخ حمدان قصيدة أكثر من رائعة بس خسارة انك ما ذكرت اصل العرب والعروبة يمن المحبة والعروبة بيت آل نهيان وآل مكتوم وانت أعرف..
واقول لك مثل ما قال واحد من الشعراء:
لولا إنهيار السد ومشيئة من الرحمن .... كانت جوازات العرب بإسم اليماني وحده
Lovely poem and very beautifully presented. I’m sure that will be presented in many years to come 💙
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
ماشاءالله تبارك الله 💖 💖 قصيدة قوية ومعبرة.. تحية لك يا الأمير حمدان.. 🌺🌴 عز الله داركم الإمارات العربية المتحدة 🇦🇪 اللهم أحفظ الإمارات بالأمن والأمان والاستقرار لكم يا أولاد زايد الخير 🇦🇪 ❤️ ❤️
Play music by Extreme
I don't understand but the sound of the voice is expressing love of mankind
OMG!! X fin encuentro este video de nuevo 😍lo amé cuando lo ví x primera vez,ahí en el desierto ♥️👌
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
صح السانك يا طويل العمر
فزااع حلم كل بنت ، ويااااا حظها لي يكون حقيقتها 💚💚💚 يقيس القلب انسان قبل ليكون شيخ اتمنى لقاءه ولو لمرة واحدة اشوفه بالمغرب ❤
فزاع انا داخل على الله ثم عليك ارجوك انا بجي للامارات هذي الاسره الحقيره قتلوا الاحساس فيه دمروني بكل انواع الدمار وبدون اي سبب ارجوك ابغى اوصل لك واتعالج من الامراض والبلاوي اللي سببوها لي ويدعون الانسانيه وهما يقتلون فيه 13 سنه و13 سنه ما افرح حتى ف العيد ارجوك قتلوا قلبي معد فيه حيل انظلم تشبعععععععععععت ظلم كفايه يا ناس وين الرحمه وين الاسلام وين الانسانيه
Imane Nawi ليش حلم كل بنت يعني لسه تحلمون تتزوجون امير , مادري شنو اقول بس الله يهديكم
أمال الأماكن
Imane Nawi
من قال حلم كل بنت !
تحدثى عن نفسك فقط
اختارى الشخص لشخصه وليس لمجرد أنه أمير
اختارى من يتق الله فيكى
@@محمدالقرني-ق7ع ليش تقول كذا شو صارلك
Masha Allah ya Allah please give long life for sheikh Hamdan ameen and always your support ameen and ya Allah please give more barakath for sheikh Hamdan ameen
ماشاء الله شاعر عظيم وكلمات من جواهر فواز ويا اطيب قلب
اللهم امين
اللهم احفظ الإمارات
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
No compreendo sus palabras pero lo siento que viene del corazón,del amor por su país,del amor à Dios y su gratitud por todo lo que tiene,viene de Dios ,y que Dios és Grande.
Motivated bro you are the one for us you are the good hope for the future of UAE Dubai LOVE you bro 😊😊😊😊
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
اشهد انك شاعر الشعار اموزن بالميزان لا نبي تجاره ولا مال
Fantastic declation
When I listening his poem.My heart ❤️ is stolen.MashaAllah.
🤲💞💕💞🇧🇷🇧🇷🇦🇪🕋⚡👏👏👏💞Amém !!!5555♧♧
Fazza ❤️❤️. I wish your poetry becomes in real someday. We will be stronger ❤️❤️
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
@@apdalrhmnhssn8690 Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
i dont understand his language but he is awesome
I agree with you
I don't understand Araabeya,but he is very beatiful and veljensa myos.
Jayita Ghatak 😂👍
U laddy if you realy like this prince why not u acsept islam bcz rit way for u nd prince also saying ua rleatd islam
Like you♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨
والنعم ي فزااااع ❤ وااافي ولد وافي طال عمرك
الشعر للشعراء بالفطرة
سلمت اناملك سمو الأمير الله يطول عمرك
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚
Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕..
É simplesmente fantástico maravilhoso encantador espirituoso belíssimo generoso ver o Príncipe Hamdan Fazza recitando seus belíssimos poemas em pleno deserto Árabe axaltando seu povo seu lindíssimo País seu maravilhoso mundo Árabe.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love the sound of his voice 💖💕💖
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Sus palabras caen como gotitas de amor expresadas con el sentimiento que está en su Alma 🤲😘🤴🕌
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
@@sheikhhamdanfazzamohammedb5353 thanks Prince Hamdan my favorite 🥰
@@carolg7052 send me your WhatsApp number and your Hangout email address to me
@@carolg7052 check your WhatsApp and your Hangout I send a message to you okay love you
Down the sand, up the sky - there is nothing else!
Except for the poet, his verse, his sublime spirit!
And the magic happened:
the space is no longer empty;
with this almost unreal poet, with his inspired rhyme, every part of the sandy space, every spark of the sky blue thickened and enriched !!!🎇📖📝🎆
Love it
Words I don't understand
Bt the volume and frequency of voice
making a promise to earth and people of dubai.
Wavelength of voice
He will live for this land.
Praying to God.
Wish they could translate in English. So I can here what Royal Prince Hamdan is saying. Love lady Cindy OKLAHOMA City USA. I admire you and am in love with you Hamdan
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
اميين يا رب العالمين! صح السانك .
انا في خاطري اشوفك جدام عيوني انا الطالبة عائشة في الصف السادس من المدرسة أميرة هيا بنت حسين احب اكون شاعرة مثلك حمدان كتبت شعر عن يا روح الروح وايد شعور كتبت
fatum khan كلنا نبا نشوفه😭♥️✨
طلبتي روحي وروحي فيها منك الي يكفيها
واتساب 0569839171
اقول ترا شيخ حمدان ماعنده قناه في يوتيوب غير الانستقرام و التويتر
الله. طول. عمر.. كلك. خزام. ونوار... ياامير. العرب.. والله. اصيل.. حياك. الله.
Pro krásný den a pro Vaše hodné srdíčko Vám princi Fazza posílám růžičku 🍃🌹 pro štěstí od mého srdíčka také smutného,nechci aby jste se trápil a cítil sám,
He Is a beautiful and smart man, God bless him
Ohh ✨💗💗💗he is
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
how was your day there today ? Have a beautiful good Sunday your prince hamdan fazza
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
وللجار نعم الجار👌
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
The holy Spiret be with you forevermore Amen .Love you
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
اللهم اعزنابالاسلام واعز الاسلام بنا ووحد الامة على دين الحق الاسلام
بسم الله ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن الله يحميك يارب يا امير الشيخ حمدان يحفظك بسم الله تبارك الرحمن اللهم صل على النبي بسم الله ماشاء الله كان ولاحول ولاقوه الا بالله العلي العظيم والله العظيم يعني من حب اشعارك من حب الغزل ومن حبل من حب الغزل والشعر قريبين عن القلب الله يحميك يا رب و يحفظك ان شاء الله الى المراتب العليا والى الامام يا رب اللهم امين يا رب العالمين
Eu fico encantada. 🇧🇷😍👏👏👏👏
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
I wish I could understand the Arabic language 😞😞
His pathetic
Its fine just practice, you will find it easy
Kavya Sharva you’re welcome 💗💗💗
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
My heart Love Mashallah Allah
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
Thanks dear how are you doing today I really appreciate your efforts to my channel thank you once again 🌹🌹💙❤️💚
Contact me on Hangout let's have some conversation okay.. ❤️💕
امين يا ربي العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد و ال محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم.
والله انو اجي يوم لما كان ابوي الله يرحمة مريض ولله ماكنت اعرف انو مشهور كذا
قلت لاخوي مين هاذا قال فزاع ورحت كتبت في اليوتيوب ولحين شفتا ههههههع😂😂
مدري ليش عايش في ابوضبي وكل اخوا في دبي ههههه😂😂
ك ترا دبي بوظبي كلنا دوله وحدة وعادي كل شيخ عندة بيت في منطقه معينه
فزاع احلا شعر قبل لا يكون احلا امير احبه لشخصه مو لا منصبه لونه انسان عادى لخطفه من بين مليون اونته لكن يا شعري الوصل لك مستحيل لئنك امير وانا يكفينى صورتك معلقة بين الجدران وحلم وكول هاد حبيبي يا شاعرى مفتونة بيك انا بنت المغرب ونت من بلاد الاصيل
نفس الراي عنه 👍🏽 متواضع جداً و شعره جداً جميل و وزنه قوي وشخصيته حلوة الله يحفظه
يا هلا
+hicham hicham هلا بيك
Es Es
God bless you.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Assalamu alaykum uvajitelno ❤️ Ollohim martabezi ulug kilsin kalbizdagi orzulariz ijobad bolsin ommin
العلم يالمرشدي كم صار له مده ،،، لكن بعض الناس ماتحفظ الجيره
Deus é grande
Greetings from his royal highness Rashid hamdan Mohammed the present crown Prince and chief executive director Dubai Arab emirate, i have school,college,hospital,university,charity home and orphanage home organizations across the country, thank you for loving my post kindly add me on hangout ( or you send me your gmail address and your whatsApp number just for a proper conversation ok.
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
@@vilmarareisdossantos8572 Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss...............
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss.................
Hermoso poema LovePrince
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
يا شيخ حمدان افزع لي بالله عليك. عسى ربي يحفظك و يسعدك
جمال وأخلاق وشاعر في نفس الوقت
كلك على بعضك حلو
ياريت ازوج خليجي بس اهلي مايرضون
بريق امل امل الله يسعدج
عمه ابعينكم هومنو ايدورج لوكيه
Muito lindo 🌹🥰😍
Thanks for your love and caring to me prince hamdan fazza and I love you too send me a message on hangout with this email address or on WhatsApp with this number +971 55 653 2212 your prince hamdan fazza kiss................
your voice its soo sexi
o love you fazza
May Allah subhanatallah always faz3 spreads good knowledge with good air Faz3 giveing good deeds in nature to learn the value of moonlight and value of humanity