check out the top 8 card nicknames, that reference has always held. Timmy refers to an archetype of Magic player that is typically younger, less experienced with the game, and loves big creatures with cool effects and art. The other two are Johnny (loves complicated decks and combos) and Spike (ultra competitive, win by any means, efficient)
Brian Yee I really take offence when you say Timmies are inexperienced. The defining characteristic of a Timmy is a love of the feelings the game gives them (rather than just winning or self-expression) so a Timmy can be experienced and skillful.
!!!!! NIGHTMARE!!!!! Love him bringing up the Basilisk/Lure play. That was one of the first "that's BS"(*says your opponent) combos I ever played. Oh how I loved Venom back in the day. But seriously old schoolers still love nightmare. GREAT card, great effect, maybe the Greatest artwork ever! An iconic card. P
as an old magic player who has not played in many years and have recently dug up my old cards... i remember 'timmy' as being 'Prodigal sorcerer'... can anyone please tell me the new meaning of this name/title for cards? tyvm
+TheDeuler Timmy refers to a type of Magic player that likes to play big creatures with cool effects and/or art. There is also Johnny that loves to combo, and Spike who is super competetive.
You were saying that hexmage made Dark depths less of a Timmy card, but why does a card have to be bad or hard to cast in order to be a Timmy card? So long as it's big and powerful, timmy is happy
Protection from X only means, "Can't be targeted by X, can't be dealt damage by X, can't be blocked by X and can't be enchanted by X" Wrath of God still kills Progenitus and so does the legend rule.
From personal experience playing a lot of Modern and Commander multiplayer of MTGO I can tell you that the mindset of most casual players view a lot off effects as unfair and even reprehensible; Annihilator is right at the top of that list. Playing Eldrazi gets you blocked by a lot of players and people just auto-drop to them a lot of the time. These are generally the players who have more Timmy mindsets, which is why Eldrazi will never be on any Timmy top list. Same with Blightsteel Colossus. Progenitus seems to be just unfair enough to be seen as fun but not unfun, which is really remarkable. I actually was pretty dominant locally in FNM when both Force of Nature and Shining Shoal were in Standard at the same time. I ran a deck I called Shining Force (after the Sega game) which ramped out a Force and Shoaled the upkeep at the opponent. Sadly the window where both cards were legal was pretty small :(
These guys don't understand Timmies. Timmies are more than big creatures. They like big epic plays. Cards like Reins of Power, Doubling Season, and Scrambleverse are also big Timmy cards. Even if they were just big creatures, they missed essential cards to those decks like Oath of Druids, Defense of the Heart, and Surprise Attack.
Just because Johnny likes a card too, doesn't make Timmy like it less. Timmy doesn't have a need to be different from everyone else. (that's a personality trait of Johnny.
I dont even play magic anymore but LSV makes me come back every ones in a while. Such a nice, funny, charimatic guy
Snapcaster Mage $15
*heavy breathing*
***** read the left part. Buy List.
+Benjamin Kham yes, their buy price is 35$ atm.
I am a Timmy player and this is a really fun list. Thank you Magic TV!
Verdant Force was my Timmy card. So fun in multiplayer. I did the Force of Nature/Spirit Link thing, too.
So how big was it?
I always thought "Timmy" referenced Monty Python as it applied to prodigal sorcerer... It must have changed.
check out the top 8 card nicknames, that reference has always held. Timmy refers to an archetype of Magic player that is typically younger, less experienced with the game, and loves big creatures with cool effects and art. The other two are Johnny (loves complicated decks and combos) and Spike (ultra competitive, win by any means, efficient)
Brian Yee I really take offence when you say Timmies are inexperienced. The defining characteristic of a Timmy is a love of the feelings the game gives them (rather than just winning or self-expression) so a Timmy can be experienced and skillful.
"Some call me... Tim? But never Timmy, that's something completely different."
Prodigal sorcerer was nicknamed Tim
They didn't have my favourite Timmy card on the list - Verdant Force :-( Now THAT was a sweet card...
Good list. I'd add Verdant Force, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, and one of the Onslaught pit fighter legends like Silvos, Rogue Elemental.
!!!!! NIGHTMARE!!!!!
Love him bringing up the Basilisk/Lure play. That was one of the first "that's BS"(*says your opponent) combos I ever played. Oh how I loved Venom back in the day. But seriously old schoolers still love nightmare. GREAT card, great effect, maybe the Greatest artwork ever! An iconic card. P
as an old magic player who has not played in many years and have recently dug up my old cards... i remember 'timmy' as being 'Prodigal sorcerer'... can anyone please tell me the new meaning of this name/title for cards? tyvm
+TheDeuler Timmy refers to a type of Magic player that likes to play big creatures with cool effects and/or art. There is also Johnny that loves to combo, and Spike who is super competetive.
So probably a stupid question that came up last night, can you quicksilver amulet a progenetus into play?
sliver queen in 2012: $25
sliver queen today: $350
someone invent time travel already smh
"Timmy isn't taking the time to construct Tron" HAHAHA
I remember being a little kid, opening a pack of 4th edition seeing leviathan, and nearly crapped my pants. "omg an 11/11"
You were saying that hexmage made Dark depths less of a Timmy card, but why does a card have to be bad or hard to cast in order to be a Timmy card? So long as it's big and powerful, timmy is happy
How could you get two Marit Lage tokens from dark depths they are legedary???
Any answers people. Thank you.
Do "each" and "all" effects still affect progenitus?
@Toversnol i remember those days
LSV, whats your secret, I've been working out for the past three months, and my gut is still there, what did you do to drop weight so much?
Protection from X only means, "Can't be targeted by X, can't be dealt damage by X, can't be blocked by X and can't be enchanted by X"
Wrath of God still kills Progenitus and so does the legend rule.
Ortheos ,,,,, I always thought it meant protection from awesome indie Bands. Live and learn. P
Yes but protection from wrath of god (it has pro everything not protection from all colors)
@@AIMLESS-NAMELESS I don't understand this comment.
Spirit of the Night better be on here. also Krosan Cloudscraper.
PVDDR: "It was a real deck"
LSV: sarcastically "Sounds like a real deck"
PVDDR: "Well, I didn't say it was good..."
3:00 what an awesome story!
I love the passive aggressive bickering
didn't lsv play dark depths at pt austin there is a deck tech of it
From personal experience playing a lot of Modern and Commander multiplayer of MTGO I can tell you that the mindset of most casual players view a lot off effects as unfair and even reprehensible; Annihilator is right at the top of that list. Playing Eldrazi gets you blocked by a lot of players and people just auto-drop to them a lot of the time. These are generally the players who have more Timmy mindsets, which is why Eldrazi will never be on any Timmy top list. Same with Blightsteel Colossus. Progenitus seems to be just unfair enough to be seen as fun but not unfun, which is really remarkable.
I actually was pretty dominant locally in FNM when both Force of Nature and Shining Shoal were in Standard at the same time. I ran a deck I called Shining Force (after the Sega game) which ramped out a Force and Shoaled the upkeep at the opponent. Sadly the window where both cards were legal was pretty small :(
Top 8 MTG Mechanics, like undying, flashback...etc
Do a top 8 Un-cards!
Top 8 Tutor/Draw Cards!!
TSG:'...but number two, Avatar of Woe"
LSV: 'woah'
what is a timmy card? i dont get the reference?
@Toversnol i think those were just tims not timmies
Soon my search for lsv at the pro tour begins
Maze in the right shell is actually good my team has tested it against everything and our brew has a 60 40 match up.
my favorite card when i started playing was kahmal, fist of krosa... that was my timmy card. lol
Shivan Dragon, the original Timmy card!!
"it was playable, unlike every other card on this list" -PVDDR
I put my 2 cents in with Coalition Victory as being a fun timmy card.
my timmy card was it that betrays. played that with artisan of kozilec so much.
These guys don't understand Timmies. Timmies are more than big creatures. They like big epic plays. Cards like Reins of Power, Doubling Season, and Scrambleverse are also big Timmy cards.
Even if they were just big creatures, they missed essential cards to those decks like Oath of Druids, Defense of the Heart, and Surprise Attack.
Top 8 color pie shake-ups
Paulo makes everything sound funny when he imitates 'other ppl'!!!
tell me again why didnt BFM didnt make this list?
Thanks! I was wondering because I have that deck.
@llollercoaster I heard he was on some crazy diet Kibler talked to him about, looks like it's working if that be the case.
Just because Johnny likes a card too, doesn't make Timmy like it less. Timmy doesn't have a need to be different from everyone else. (that's a personality trait of Johnny.
They are pretty fun.
ahaha i love how pablo doritos is one of the tags
No verdant force?
You can Prahv, Progenitus
Why wasn't prodigal Sorcerer on this list I mean his name is Tim after all.
@afromime i think they already did that
@DismemberTheAlamo yes
ya so emrakul and ulamog and kozilek should be on this list
Can you just NOT have that buy list bar? All the prices are wrong and I feel like I'm being lied to every time I see it
Avatar of Woe is my favorite card of all time.
Maze's End is definitely #1. Or Helix Pinnacle.
Sliver Queen is on the reserved list.
@ki11dagrunts You're a genius for that suggestion.
Islanders jersey, sweet. Go isles...(They suck, I know, but I still love em)
Back in the day Spirit Link was the best way to handle Lord of The Pit's upkeep cost.
define timmy?
Before the end of the video, I'm gonna guess griselbrand, emrakul and progenitus as top 3!
wish it was that exciting :/
TranquilWyvern -Casual- I was kinda disappointed, not going to lie :/
Top 8 magic illustrators
Top 8 alternate win condition cards.
Top 8 Commons
lsv is hilarious
It's in reference to the unglued card "Timmy, Power Gamer."
I angree wtf.
A Timmy card should be a pinger such as a Prodigal Sorcer that you tap to do 1 point of damage. This dates back to the start.
Why no Pablo Doritos D:
Storm Crow
A year ago, if you told me LSV would be as thinner as PV....
You have best Timmy cards, but I don't see best Johnny cards?
`Rakdos Cluestone - "Burn. Bleed. Enjoy."
top 8 best pingers
Would be cool if you stop showing prices in your vids, because people can go to site and check them if they want by themselves.
top 8 cards that really should have been in unglued would be cooler
Soulscour needs moar love.
where is emarakul??? XD
Why isn't Terra Stomper on this list if Force of Nature is? Terra stomper is way better lol
Top 8 cards you wish you had colorshifted
Top 8 creatures you wish had flying.
top 8 chokiest boners
yay paublo doritos!
top 8 best unglued cards
Claw Wurm!
Jhonny should be renamed to louis
Timmy likes to have fun, thats probably why eldrazi are not on this list. They arent fun.
@Karnage420111 big ass creatures
Door to Nothingness #1 I guess? :\
Wow LSV looks horribly underweight these days.
@WickedDealer LSV works out fool.
What about the BIG FURRY MONSTER lol
I was expecting to see that in some top 8...
Well, that's what you get for not contributing. LOL.
Lol, sorin is 55$
Terra Stomper.
Because then you're using Depths as combo card and cheating the mana cost, which then makes it a Johnny card.