Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Divine Worship Sermon

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Divine Service
    Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
    Los Angeles, California

Комментарии • 35

  • @gideonayine8427
    @gideonayine8427 Год назад +1

    Watching you from Accra Ghana. May God be praise forever 🙏

    @FRANKELISALTIMO 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hola que Dios los bendiga mis queridos hermanos

  • @monalisasilva8358
    @monalisasilva8358 2 года назад +1

    Eu sou do Brazil, vou ser batizada junto com meu pai e mãe nessa igreja em novembro. Antes nós eramos dos mórmons e lá vivemos por 25 anos, agora o Senhor Jesus nos guiou à reforma. Amém 🙏.

  • @cutiesandfunny107
    @cutiesandfunny107 7 лет назад +6

    Simple yet powerful and the believers most needed truth. Powerful sermon

  • @andrewandzadenporter9804
    @andrewandzadenporter9804 2 года назад +1

    This awesome sermon. Thank you for saving to youtube. I am redeemed! @21 min.

  • @fredsonbalbuena9158
    @fredsonbalbuena9158 2 года назад +1

    Thanks to God... Happy sabbath.

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 4 года назад

    You already are the highest of God in man. In your Spirit you are the wisdom and glory of God... Striving to be what you already are is to rehearse the Sin of Adam. It leads to fear, anxiety, insecurity and alienation against God that is your very own Spirit. It's the ultimate rejeciton of reality and the entire basis of religion--its why religions like the SDARM exist.

  • @trmangena2463
    @trmangena2463 4 года назад +1

    @Bryan hide the dress reform makes a lot of difference not to mention reverence!

  • @abiapierre
    @abiapierre 6 лет назад +2

    Brian Hyde,Give just one rule, law , or regulation that the SDA church uses to chase darkness out of you. Does the church use coercion, force or weapon to enforce those rules, laws, or regulations that you're talking about? Aren't you free to do whatever you want? Just do what you believe is good for you, and let them do what they believe is their job. When the Master comes, He will judge everyone according to His own standards.

  • @bobsbill142
    @bobsbill142 3 года назад +1

    is this SDA reform refrain from eating fish as their doctrine and meat that is allowed to eat.?

    • @seventhdayadventistreformm1568
      @seventhdayadventistreformm1568  3 года назад +3

      The SDA Reform promotes vegetarianism & healthy living. Members of the SDA Reform are vegan/vegetarian and do not consume any kind of meat.

  • @ricardoravelo1316
    @ricardoravelo1316 6 лет назад +1

    Were in Los Angeles this church located?

    • @SamSam-cp9uo
      @SamSam-cp9uo 5 лет назад +1

      Ricardo Ravelo go to under location and you will find all locations thanks

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 5 лет назад

    POLITICAL PARTIES AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? When you consider closely, you will find churches and political parties with very little to distinguish between them. You will find them as having exactly the same kind of top-down hierarchal organisational structures headed by a messianic figure; of having exactly the same kind of secular attitudes toward other organisations; the same kind of intolerance toward dissidents within their own ranks; the same cut... and thrust infighting and power seeking: the same kind of corrupt links and connections with private investments in such things as land and property financed through the laundering of tithe and offerings; and as having exactly the same kind of "recruitment" techniques and "product" promotion, including NLP, etc. etc.. etc. And all this is claimed by the leader(s) as fully sanctioned by God and carried out under God's "end-time" direction and special blessing. Isn't it simply astonishing how easily church people can be manipulated and controlled and filched of their money once you know how to take full advantage of their lack of education, their religious supersition, and their natural prediction to believe as gospel whatever a self-proclaimed leader(s) says the moment he takes God's name upon his lips and insists in having been ordained and specially chosen by God, and his office as having the same tradition as the prophets or apostles of ancient Israel. Millions are duped in this way. But even more astonishing is that for the most part, the masses WANT this system to persist because they prefer to put their trust in others, rather than in their own Spirit.
    The SDA Reform Movement is no exception. I know this from personal experience.

  • @ronaldpaler1468
    @ronaldpaler1468 7 лет назад +3

    is this our new order of worship?

    • @seventhdayadventistreformm1568
      @seventhdayadventistreformm1568  7 лет назад +1

      The order of the Divine Service may vary from region to region. This particular order of worship is common in our area.

  • @truthreveal
    @truthreveal 2 года назад

    Reminds me of Catholic worship because you can't understand the songs, therefore you can't join in an sing, the purpose of the singers is to lead us into worship to our loving creator, not look on and dream.

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 7 лет назад +2

    As another has said:
    "The Bible states very clearly the "sufficiency" of Christ in regards to our justification and reconciliation to God the Father. The simple point is this. Speaking about the commandments, Sabbaths have the "appearance" of holiness but according to the very next verses (Colossians 2:16) "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. these are "shadow" of the things that were to come; the reality however, is found in Christ." It will always come down to what are we really giving the glory in our discussions. Any time any thing in any conversation is exhalted above Christ. It's time to go back to the Scriptures and check our doctrine. That's myself included of course.
    So I guess the point in me quoting that verse was to simply say there is no hope for any breathing being on this planet in regards to "keeping the law" (Ten Commandments). It is hopeless without Jesus Christ. Romans 3:20 "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works/deeds of the law; rather, through the law become conscious of our sin." The Scriptures teach that sin literally gets its strength from the law. 1st Corinthians 15:56 "The sting of death is sin, and the "power" of sin is the law." The Apostle Paul said if it weren't for the law I would not have known how to covet. But now that the law has come I find all types of covetousness in me. We should sprint full force away from the law and into the grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. The law is a mirror showing us our sinful state. But we can't wash ourselves with the mirror. We take the "knowledge" of what the mirror has given us and go to wash ourselves in the waters of Christ. As I'm sure you know that comes by our faith in his life, death, burial and resurrection. THE GOSPEL, The main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing....LOL. And that's Jesus. .."
    To which I also must respond:
    But keep in mind that the audience was first century Jews being delivered out of the old covenant law. Not you and I, today. The Jews (not Gentiles) were under the Law for the Law was given to them (alone) and through them the "public spectacle" was made. They (not Gentiles who were not placed under the Law (Romand 2) had a conscience of sin because the blood of animals that they were continually offering, could not make them that offered, perfect as pertaining to the conscience (Heb 9:9), for the very reasons you have stated.
    Moreover, under command of Law, the soul was forever kept in bondage to a sin consciousness and death (law being both the source of sin's knowledge and strength of sin's death sting). Contrary things (sacrifice vs mercy) could never co-exist in peace.
    There was no release; nothing could deliver from sin's guilt kept "alive" by law's testimony and condemnation. Only the spotless blood of Jesus, the "lamb of God", who bore the sins of the world in His soul, was able to remove sin's guilt. Only through His blood, could man be delivered rom the "body of death" (Rom 7:24). Only through His blood, could man be "purged" from a defiled conscience (cf. Heb 10:22 "evil conscience"). It is in the VERY state of KNOWING Christ had been made sin for him, and in the VERY state of KNOWING Christ had been made wisdom, justification, sanctification and glorification" (at every stage leading to the full measure of a man in Christ and thus always complete Christ) for him that man was set free. It was in the VERY POSSESSION of an UNDEFILED conscience, that man enabled to serve God in his spirit, for it was for freedom that Christ set man free, for where the Lord's Spirit is, there is freedom --, both from the dominion of sin and the law of sin. (Galatians 5:1: 2Corinthians 3:17; Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:19; Romans 7:6).
    The condemnation of law and conscience / consciousness of sin, were taken away in Christ Jesus. God made Christ the end of the Law and made Christ the end of sin. "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus set man free from the law of sin and death and gave man the righteousness of God, a righteousness which has nothing to do with law yet satisfies law. (Romans 8:1-4; 3:21).
    Those who try to justify the existence of the old covenant Law, today, do not know what they are talking about (1Tim 1:7). They are attempting to bring man back under the consciousness of sin and sin dominion. They are attempting to bring man under a defiled conscience. They are attempting to restore that which is contrary to man. They are attempting to make man a slave to law. They are attempting to replace a work of grace, for a work of law. They are glorifiers of Law and nullifiers of Grace.
    Seventh-day Adventists and this "Reform Movment" and its other offshoot, are the enemies of the Gospel of Grace.

    • @jameskenyon9734
      @jameskenyon9734 5 лет назад

      I know of some, and they are very few, who still believe in the old covenant of ceremonies, but these are not among the SDA Reform people, nor among the Seventh-day Adventists in general. I know of some from the old Armstrong movement and British Israelitism who do the same with the Old Testament ceremonies. Whom do you refer to when you say "those who try to justify the existence of the old covenant law today.
      I have looked into this church, though I did not join, and they do not conform to the old covenant ceremonies you mention.
      If you refer to the Ten Commandments as an old covenant, then we have a serious problem in hermeneutics. If the New Testament calls this law, a law of liberty (James 1:25 & 2:12), then is there not something wrong if we try and make it a law of bondage? The Bible tells us there were two laws. One was in place even before it was written in stone on Mount Sinai, otherwise Cain did no wrong when he murdered his brother (cf. Romans 3:20 & 5:13). But let us not forget this was Paul writing in New Testament times. So in the case of Cain's sin, Paul would be referring to the "thou shalt not kill" commandment.
      The 10 Commandments in the Old and New Testaments
      The following identifies references to the 10 Commandments in both the Old and New Testaments.
      First Commandment Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7; Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:8; Revelation 14:7
      Commandment Exodus 20:4-6; Deuteronomy 5:8-10; Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-20; Ephesians 5:5
      Commandment Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11; Matthew 5:33-37; 1 Timothy 6:1; James 2:7
      Fourth Commandment Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Luke 4:16; 23:55-56; Acts 17:1-2; 18:4; Hebrews 4:9; 1 John 2:6
      Commandment Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16; Matthew 15:4-9; 19:19; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 1:29-30; Ephesians 6:1-3
      Commandment Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17; Matthew 5:21-22; 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 1:29-30; 13:9
      Seventh Commandment Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18; Matthew 5:27-28; 19:18; Mark 10:11-12, 19; Luke 16:18; 18:20; Romans 7:2-3; 13:9
      Commandment Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19; Matthew 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9; Ephesians 4:28; 1 Peter 4:15; Revelation 9:21
      Commandment Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20; Matthew 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Acts 5:3-4; Romans 13:9; Ephesians 4:25
      Commandment Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21; Luke 12:15; Romans 1:29; 7:7; 13:9; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3, 5
      I know nothing about the people who put this together, but it appears to be more extensive than my own list.
      All the great Protestant preachers of yesteryear all agreed that the Ten Commandments are still necessary for the Christian today, and that they were not the law that was nailed to the cross. Even the wording of that text tells us it was a law that contained ceremonies and meats and drinks offerings that the apostle refers to. Even the churches that sprung up from their labors once used to have in their declarations of faith some support in varying degrees, for the Ten Commandments. Christians once used to uphold standards of morality that reflected our loving allegiance to God as found in the first four Commandments, and our relationships to our fellow man as embodied in the last six of these Commandments.
      I have observed as have others, the more we declare these ten moral precepts to be worthy of an Old Testament waste bin, the more our society, and Christians in general, decline in morality ourselves. Which of these ten the apostle James calls "the royal law" in James 2:8, do you feel it is quite okay to disregard? James even summarizes the last six as does Jesus in his counsel in this verse. Some even try and make Paul say what he did not say. Paul is often made to say that the law is done away with, yet we have seen already in Romans 3:20 & 5:13 this is not so. And in Romans 7:7 Paul again says he had not known sin but the law says, not to covet. Clearly Paul knew nothing of this new relegation of the law to an Old Testament era, for he names one of the ten precepts.
      The problem has been with some interpretations of various passages in Romans and Galatians. In these passages, Paul tells the believers in the new churches that they cannot be saved, as the Jews believed, in a mere keeping of laws. In some cases he is referring to the Old Testament rites, in others, he is referring to the Jewish add-on laws of which there are so many - thousands in fact. Some quite picky. But even if we allow Paul to say that he refers to the Ten Commandments which we have already seen are still necessary for the Christian, we find Paul calling these a "schoolmaster" that leads us to Christ. Now what is wrong with that? I can understand why non-Christians, the agnostics, the atheists, wanting to do away with the Ten Commandments. They don't want anything that would lead them to Christ in sorrow for their sin. But a Christian not wanting anything that will lead a person to realize his sinfulness and need of a Savior, that I cannot understand.
      True Christianity does believe that we cannot be saved by our good works, just be keeping the moral law. Just by doing good deeds. But the Scripture is also clear that we cannot be saved if we say, "I want to be saved, but as for doing good, for following Jesus as my Pattern and Example, no thanks, I don't want that. My darling sins are too important to me." I think of a situation that illustrates this poignantly. A newly married husband and wife arrive at their first nights rest, and the wife decides to lay out some ground rules for their future together. She says, "I love you, but don't expect me to be faithful. I want my freedom to do whatever I choose to do. I want to be independent. If you are thinking of setting out some common goals and requirements that we both should adhere to, forget it. I will have my individuality."
      How much love does she really have for her husband? Is it in name only, and not in practice? This same principle applies, whether Christians like it or not, to our discussion on the Ten Commandments. All the texts we look at in the New Testament, we find the apostles wanting their brethren in the churches to be Christians in both name and in practice. This is genuine Christianity. How will it be on judgment day if we were given the opportunity to defend ourselves instead of Jesus being our advocate (1 John 2:1)? Imagine the audacity of standing before the heavenly Father, and listening to Him wonder why we said we loved Him, yet we insisted in our own way, a way that is rebellious to His wishes. I cannot but imagine our protests would fall silent within us as we consider what Jesus has done for us. The depth in which Scripture tells us "He was made perfect through suffering (Hebrews 2:10 & 5:9) to be both our example in Christian living, and our substitute in paying the price for our sins.
      Think of the times the gospels tell us that He was plotted against, how He was tempted of Satan, how even His own disciples did not understand His mission time and time again? And of the times the plots of the leaders were put into action, with trap questions demanding answers, and the times His miracles were classed as the work of Satan, rejected time after time. How He longed to minister to the people of the town where he healed the two demoniacs, only to have them more concerned about how much money they lost. How would we have stood up to the testing time He endured? But we are told He is to be our example in all things, and more than this, He is able to help us in this quest of Christlikeness (Hebrews 2:9-18 & Ephesians 3:20 & 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
      So what have we found out. There is a difference between the old ceremonial law and the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments was written on stone by God Himself and placed in the ark. The New Testament writers called this law a "royal law" and "law of liberty", a law that will lead us closer to Christ, a law that will be a standard in the judgment. The ceremonial law which Deuteronomy 31:26 says was against the children of Israel could never be on a par with the "royal law." This ceremonial law was written by Moses on parchment and placed on the outside of the ark. So many differences, so why such confusion?
      The Ten Commandments are eternal in their principles. There will never be a time when it is okay to take God's name in vain, have another God instead of the one true God. And of the last six that relate to human relationships, there will never be a time in which these principles are obsolete.
      if we want to be faithful to Jesus because we truly love Him, name one of the Ten that is better broken than kept. All the great Protestant preachers knew the difference between the ceremonial law and the Ten Commandments, naming the ten as being binding to all men, especially Christians. The more our world's people disrespect the Ten Commandments, the more we sink into moral decay. Let us resolve that we, ourselves, will not go there any more.

    • @lyakaremyeemmanuel8343
      @lyakaremyeemmanuel8343 5 лет назад +1

      My name is iyakaremye Emmanuel nationality Rwandan west province ,gisenyi District in rubavu sector my church is adventist reform movement we have good organisation thanks my God bless you!!!

    • @lyakaremyeemmanuel8343
      @lyakaremyeemmanuel8343 5 лет назад +1

      These are exprenation is very good

  • @americanswan
    @americanswan 29 дней назад

    A church with an actual pipe organ.

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 7 лет назад

    Object Lesson that was the Sabbath. Argument: The Sabbath teaches eternal rest in Christ. My response:
    Ah, but where does it say that in the old testament? You and I can read that back into the old covenant Sabbath but only because we have the benefit of knowing the revelation fully unfolded in Christ. Its easy to read back into the old testament text the things revealed in the new. The Jews did not have that insight; the revelation was still unfolding. They were living in the shadows, as it were. The Sabbath was a weekly ritual, with 39 laws associated with its performance that was its observance and these laws included 2 blood sacrifices which CANNOT be separated from Sabbath observance as demanded by the Law. So, the Sabbath was very much about human performance, as would be expected from written law, albeit, the functions performed had a higher lesson in mind, a knowledge yet hidden from the Jews. It was an object lesson (the people of Israel were as children at school) not fulfilment (where Christians are as those who have come of age). And what is an object lesson? Dictionary definition: "something that serves as a practical example of a principle or abstract idea" I think its crucial to understand that the Law was not about the fruit of the spirit, "after the inward man", rather, it was about the "fruit of the flesh" after the "outward man". Hence, written law (ancient or modern) is always about externals. Law demands the obedience of the flesh, or else you as a Jew, came under its justice and were punished in the flesh--externally. Make no bones about it, you had no choice but to obey the Sabbath, or as we well know, you could well be stoned to death. That my friend is the nature of the letter of law. The object lesson contained in seventh-day Sabbath: 1. Practical function: To commemorate Israel's deliverance from Egypt by the MIGHTY ARM of God, i.e. His power. That's was the PRIME REASON it was given in the first place (Deut 19:15).
    Practical lesson: Dependence upon the power of God. 2. Practical function: The act of resting, one day in seven, from specific acts that involved man in HIS work of creation (or creativity). (Ex 20:8f)
    Practical lesson: resting in dependence upon the Creator's works and not upon man's. 3. Practical function: The sign of Israel's separation from other nations for God's (as their Lord) purpose of sanctifying Israel as His people; that they were set apart by covenant, from other nations for a holy purpose. (Sanctify is from Latin sanctus meaning "set apart".) The Sabbath served as a distinguishing sign (mark or symbol). A sign is, by its very nature, a symbol of an abstract truth. Along with circumcision it was THE symbol of the old covenant. And a symbol to be obeyed requires ceremony. The Sabbath ceremony will have been performed in acknowledgement that God was the sanctifier of Israel (Ex 31:13).
    Practical lesson: God sanctifies, not man; man can offer nothing on behalf of himself, in God's stead. Man cannot have a potential independent of God. The Law served as a schoolmaster until Jesus came and the justification of faith. First century Christians rested in Christ, not in a day. They rested in Christ 24/7 (365 days a year) in other words, indefinitely, not just one day in seven. That's the nature of eternal rest. The Sabbath was an object lesson; a shadow that we know, with the benefit of hindsight, pointed to the reality or substance that is Christ. Practical rest is temporary not eternal because the "rest" that is permanent and eternal, is abstract in nature; of the spirit, spiritual and not of the flesh, fleshy

    • @brianhyde5900
      @brianhyde5900 7 лет назад

      Nonsense. You clearly have no understanding of the role of law and the role of the gospel. . The Sabbath was a temporary object lesson of eternal rest in Christ. There is no law in Heqaven because Heaven is a spiritual domain where God reigns. The kingdom of God or of heaven is in your heart. Its where all are in perfect love and union with God. Law is only every applicable in a lawless domain like Earth. Earth is a temporal domain. That's because law, by its very nature is a deterrence. The deterrence is its penalty and its useless without a deterrence. Besides law ccannot stop wrong-doing. It can only deter it. What is needed is a heart and mind at one with God's That's the purpose of the gospel which renders all law unnecessary in such a heart and mind.

    • @samciji6206
      @samciji6206 6 лет назад

      So Why do you waship on sunday? Are you keeping sunday it represents grace?

    • @samciji6206
      @samciji6206 6 лет назад

      What is Ur take on génesis 2:2

    • @samciji6206
      @samciji6206 6 лет назад

      What is Ur undestanding on exodus 20:8-11

    • @jamescarlinocencio8577
      @jamescarlinocencio8577 4 года назад

      @@brianhyde5900 please read isaiah 66:22.
      For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord shall your seed remain and your name remain.23.And its shall come to pass, that from one new moon and from one sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the Lord...note: God still require his people to observe sabbath even in new earth and all people there are all perfect in harmony..

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 7 лет назад +1

    In Him was life,and the life was the light of men. The light shines in darkness and the darkness couldn't comprehend it. --1John 1:4, 5.
    Religious organisations like the SDARM think it can chase out darkness in us by human rules and regulations (and their "church principles"). In that sense, they follow in the footsteps of the ancient Jews.
    Grace through faith activates the life of God (light) in us through knowledge of what is good.
    Light naturally drives out darkness.
    Christ said "let your light shine before men..." Matthew 5:16.
    It is the light of truth and love revealed in ordinary people that dissipates the wrong thinking in the minds of men and women, When people are convicted by light of love they turn away from darkness of evil. Light naturally drive out the darkness .
    Light and darkness are biblical metaphors for a spiritual state of being. The first brings fruit unto God, the second brings fruit unto death (Romans 7: 4-5).
    Light is representative of generosity, harmony, kindness, gratitude, service, compassion, wisdom, calmness, truth, joy, gentleness, support and love. These are the "fruits of the spirit" (cp Gal 5:23; see also 1Cor 13).
    Darkness is representative of greed, jealousy, hatred, self-pity, fear, anger, prejudice, rage and war. These are the "fruits of the flesh". (cp Gal 5:22)
    When the Spirit of God is allowed to work in our heart and mind, then the positive drives out the negative --the light drives out the darkness.
    Job done. What, or who by? The Law of Moses? Of course not, the very idea is absurd. The spirit of man moved upon by the Spirit of Christ? Of course, and that is the gosple..
    Really, only one who does not want to see, will fail to "comprehend" this.

    • @truthreveal
      @truthreveal 2 года назад +1

      Psalm 199:105. Thy "word" is lamp unto my feet and a "light" unto my path. Don't be fool the word is what drives out darkness and subdued the sinful nature. When you lift up the word, you're lifting up Jesus, because he is the Word. The spirit leads us to walk in the Word, which is love Joy Peace etc and which is also light. Stop running from obeying God, we don't serve God to be save, we serve God because he saved us.