Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film #69

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • 0800069 - Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Three - Special Weapons Orientation: Weapons Family; Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Four - Atomic Weapons Support Operations - 1961 - 18:54 - Black&White and Color - Two Films on One Video
    Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Three - Special Weapons Orientation: Weapons Family - 6:32 - This video shows U.S. stockpiles nuclear weapons up to 1961. The stockpile includes early airdrop fission weapons, Mark (Mk)-3, Mk-4, Mk-5, Mk-6, Mk-6/18, Mk-7, Mk-8, Mk-12, and Mark-9, the artillery atomic projectile. A live test of the Mk-9 fired from a 280mm cannon is shown. This was the 15-kiloton GRABLE test conducted on May 25, 1953, as part of Operation Upshot-Knothole.
    Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Four - Atomic Weapons Support Operations - 12:22 - The special contributions of nuclear weapons technicians are featured in this video. They inspected, maintained, modified and modernized nuclear weapons at various storage and operation field sites. The video shows training conducted at the Defense Atomic Support Agencys nuclear weapons school in Albuquerque and the U.S. Air Forces weapons school at Lowry Air Force Base in Colorado. Technicians are shown conducting "fire test set" inspections on all branches of the armed services.
    The narrator explains that the storage, maintenance, inspection and modification of nuclear weapons is part of the "mine to stockpile sequence." Also, the video shows that the technicians are a vital part of the "stockpile to target sequence" as they prepare weapons for shipment, load weapons onto strike aircraft, and maintain and modify weapons at forward field sites.
    Footage is shown of weapons being loaded on a B-52 and a smaller attack aircraft. The narrator explains that the major function of a technician was to "make the weapon ready for the day when by Presidential decree, nuclear weapons would be sent out on intercontinental bombers, tactical aircraft, missiles, and carrier-deployed aircraft to the target areas."

Комментарии • 148

  • @wrightmf
    @wrightmf 12 лет назад +4

    I asked a man that was a B-52 navigator during 1960s of the Gary Larson "Farside" cartoon that showed a labcoat scientist with a inflated papersack approaching behind another scientist working on a H-bomb (getting ready to pop the bag). This navigator said it happened to him while he was helping airmen shackle a nuke to be loaded onto a B-52. An airman sneaked behind with a paper sack and popped it behind his back, he turned around and socked in airman the mouth.

  • @rlr50
    @rlr50 10 лет назад +6

    I remember seeing the Model B-61 being handled on board the USS Kittyhawk in the 70s. The MARDET guarding these weapons were very professional and carried Remington 870 riot guns just like the ones you can see in most police cars. They were certainly a serious looking bunch.

    • @usafvet100
      @usafvet100 10 лет назад +3

      I served as a firefighter on a SAC Base in the early 80s, the usual upload for the BUFFs on the Alert Pad was 8 SRAMs, each with a variable yield warhead. If you just wanted to take out a small military installation, the unboosted 12 kt yield would do the trick. But if you really wanted to reach out and vaporize someone, the crew could go with the tritium boost factory option, bumping the yield up to 200 kt. The Alert Pad was a bit creepy, a combination aircraft parking area and Supermax prison. High fences topped with concertina wire, signs everywhere proclaiming "Use Of Deadly Force Is Authorized," and heavily armed SPs ready to do as the signs advertised if need be. We were told the 3rd "Halt" was written on the .223 bullet, I never tested the proposition.

  • @VE3FMQ
    @VE3FMQ 12 лет назад +5

    It is very clear that this movie has been sanitized of any information about the actual components and operation of the bomb. All we see are a still picture and a description and it's obvious that we are not seeing what is being described. It's still good history.

  • @nealthedeal1
    @nealthedeal1 13 лет назад +2

    I love the delicate tapping of the test equipment 8.28.

  • @certaindeed
    @certaindeed 9 лет назад +16

    Crazy as it sounds...This video is so full of energy and enthusiasm. Wish we had such an attitude about everything we did like that today...can do! attitude.

    • @stevebez2767
      @stevebez2767 7 лет назад

      eddie telleed might be wrong again,but probably synthesised sun sparc cray as computer terming voice ciphers of the initials that run journals of reports when these photographic tracks where used security define notes of find or found synchronic outlook why photons cause repeats?

    • @djangorheinhardt
      @djangorheinhardt 4 года назад +1


    • @tomdecuca3627
      @tomdecuca3627 4 года назад +2

      @@stevebez2767 could you translate that into some kind of language that could be understood?

    • @jackburton37211
      @jackburton37211 4 года назад +1

      @@stevebez2767 head injury?

    • @cosmiccolonel
      @cosmiccolonel 2 года назад +1

      @@stevebez2767 can I have some of the shit you have been smoking???

  • @klin1klinom
    @klin1klinom 11 лет назад +9

    So Mk-7 is still, apparently, classified. The audio is missing for that section.

  • @cornholio2490
    @cornholio2490 15 лет назад +2

    thanks so much for posting these videos! I'm a huge fan of this nuke stuff!

  • @autonomousperson
    @autonomousperson 13 лет назад +2

    @Collected23 nuclear weapon= sportsmanship

  • @arkivx0
    @arkivx0 11 лет назад +1

    Thanks for uploading this.

  • @prsearls
    @prsearls 7 месяцев назад

    Interesting films. I was in Weapons in the Air Force and went through Lowry AFB Special Weapons School. I was in SAC for about 15 months loading some of these bad boys. My roommate was also in Weapons but was assigned to their maintenance and testing. He had the "inside information" while I only loaded them. Talking "shop" was strictly forbidden even though we each had Top Secret clearances. I never questioned and he never volunteered information. It was very serious business for a couple of young men who had not reach 21 yet.

  • @liwowoli
    @liwowoli 12 лет назад +2

    That scrubbed narration at 4:00 is intriguing, with the Mark VII. It seems like so long ago, how could something from that time still be classified? Some technology has a better shelf life than other technology, I guess?
    The second video is cool. I liked the "modernization" sequence in the DASA segment. It's interesting to see some of the "plug-and-play" characteristics of the components.
    And the images of the Nike-Hercules (?) missiles were cool.

  • @geoffreydlang
    @geoffreydlang 12 лет назад +4

    And everybody lived happily ever after..

  • @randy109
    @randy109 9 лет назад +7

    5:11 "Atomic Annie". I work with a guy (we are DoD guards) who was on the gun crew of the Nuclear Artillery piece. He said most of their training wasn't on actually firing the weapon but rather on protecting the warheads and being able to safely destroy them in event of enemy assault before the battlefield had "gone nuclear"(which basically meant always). The worst invention we ever fielded was the Atomic Artillery because, one, you would probably NEVER use it and two, if an enemy knew where it was they could fly in a battalion of Airborne and capture a couple of live warheads. Atomic Annie was cool, but a totally ridiculous and unusable weapon. If the wind was in your face and you fired it, the 'fallout' would blow back and kill the gun crew and support elements. Cold War relics, thank God we never used them...

    • @stevebez2767
      @stevebez2767 7 лет назад

      randy109 listen,call out buddy again won't you? Going back too old yells slangs you right off until they have nothing known too think of too do with you why they Spring this advert back too have you on off of trial into test of any be where your giving things known not as a yes sir three bags full you can play with kill too shit in this or any place I be as would gang up and jump like lemmings always do coz it's the one thing that says you don't know what are how has you not of place calls you too follow even t.v outdoors as follow yer leader let em have it they is such a joke,automated lemming yell for daze in Christian deprave fir non Quaker have no electric input of terminal, code?

  • @BFagan
    @BFagan 8 лет назад +1

    Posted 8 years ago, but really good, historical stuff. I heard about and got a glimpse of the new bombs (at the time) I was in the Army and the Navy. When I had re-enlisted in the Navy as a GM, there was talk of using nuclear mines. That's some scary shit, even for the other minesweepers (MCMs) that have to retrieve them. Can't detonate them with an M60. I lived in the old Glasgow AFB, now St. Marie in Montana, and got permission to look around and explore the old structures on base, except for the airstrip that was owned by MARCO, and the guards shoot on sight. So, after doing some video and photos, I did find some references to some of the bombs and the Cold War, and 'Nam. Also, some connections to Malmstrom, not too far away. Difference is, Malmstrom had nukes. It's interesting the history they left behind, and how thank God we never used them.

  • @certaindeed
    @certaindeed 9 лет назад +2

    I like at 8:27 how he keeps tapping the test instrument with his left hand as he turns the dial with his right.

  • @Firestorm123100
    @Firestorm123100 13 лет назад +1

    I like the bleeping out of the information of the mark 5 and mark 6 and test facilities

  • @WasteTime4Passwords
    @WasteTime4Passwords 8 лет назад +3

    "How much is in there??" -- "I GOT THE POOO ON MEEE!!"

  • @gmcjetpilot
    @gmcjetpilot 13 лет назад +1

    Two things: 1) at least orchestra musicians had work lots of work back then making these films. ha ha 2) Thank God that we never had to use Nukes in hostility except to end WWII, and those were fire crackers compared to what we have now.

  • @jsilence418
    @jsilence418 9 лет назад +1

    Incredible, thanks

  • @GrantBennett2013
    @GrantBennett2013 15 лет назад +1

    Notice the white bombs that are being loaded onto the planes. I have friend who was in the Air Force during the Cuban Crisis of 1962 who was actively flying. His main reaction at the time what, " what are those bombs doing on the plane that don't have a blue stripe?" (The training bombs have a blue stripe around them, the without are live nuc.s.) He was REALLY freaked out by that. He was REALLY aware that the bombs in his bombay were LIVE nucs! That is pressure! And is Very scarey!

  • @tommydangerx
    @tommydangerx 16 лет назад +1

    Anything is possible.....
    Who would have thought the World Trade Center would be turned to a pile of rubble?
    These are very interesting films.....

  • @severrnijKGU
    @severrnijKGU 11 лет назад +1

    I noticed that they were really anxious to spill their guts on tactical nuclear weaponry. XD 3:57 I understand it is a touchy subject even to this day.

  • @patrickwalsh2884
    @patrickwalsh2884 3 года назад

    These films and the whole series was used at the USAF Nuclear Weapons school at Lowry AFB Co. when I went through school and when I was an instructor. The sanitized parts deal with components and names of the weapons primaries with the stated yields. Internal weapon cutaways are still classified SRD (secret restricted data) with the designation of CNWDI (critical nuclear weapons design information).
    The "wooded bomb" concept drove weapon design along with the need to conserve fissle material. Smaller weapons with less maintenance reduced the chance of damaging weapons/components.
    The MMIII re-entry test set used for testing the Re-entry System and Re-entry vehicle/s was, in 1976, the size of a refrigerator and cook stove side-by-side, well, a little bigger. The RSTS was not a piece of equipment anyone I worked with wanted to learn and be responsible to maintain. Lucky me got to got back to school to learn the RSTS inside and out. Of course when I got back to my shop, I was made the "test set guru". Not only certified to work on the RS/RV's but test set too. That was a long time ago.

  • @infantiltinferno
    @infantiltinferno 13 лет назад +1

    What could possibly go wrong? Surely this will bring peace in our time... Surely.

  • @Hecket
    @Hecket 12 лет назад +1

    The parts where the audio is cut is explanation about the triggering mechanism and or alloy usage, the difference between mark 4/6 and 7 on what they did different. Some of these innovations or altered strategy to attain the same goal within the technology are still beeing used as a redundancy system in our current IBM production.
    For either when in case the missile is intercepted or if 1 of the main procedures fail within the missile to arm. Hence it is treated as classified.

  • @RoadLessMarveled
    @RoadLessMarveled 14 лет назад +1

    6:17 Reading your lines while gargling water? Now that's just showing off.

  • @hmol1955
    @hmol1955 11 лет назад +2

    "The needs of modern warfare" - wow!

  • @thevopper
    @thevopper 14 лет назад

    The bomb is shot out of the cannon, we wait for the cloud, it appears, the music rises to a crescendo and the reassuring host informs and reassures, "thus from our Little boy and Fatman as new ideas have developed and as techical hurdles have been surmounted our family of Atomic weapons has grown and will continue to forge ahead to meet the needs of modern warfare." I honestly feel reassured.

  • @sw8741
    @sw8741 12 лет назад +1 8:24 he starts tapping the test equipment to get the needle to work right!! you think they would get the best instruments to test these!

  • @iitzfizz
    @iitzfizz 8 месяцев назад

    The first mass produced nuclear weapon in history

  • @PaulFarace
    @PaulFarace 13 лет назад

    Notice the "still image" portions of this film? It is "sanitized" for non-classified distribution. There are scenes, like the arming of the early weapons, that were cut out and replaced with still images of the Mark 5 and 6 bombs.

  • @cjellwood
    @cjellwood 13 лет назад +2

    pause at 7:59
    he really got a weapon in his pants!

  • @johnkern7075
    @johnkern7075 4 года назад

    That artillery fired nuke. You better make sure which way the wind is blowing before you fire that thing.

  • @naruto4lyf1997
    @naruto4lyf1997 13 лет назад +1

    10:50 is known as the b53 bomb i think the biggest U.S had was disarmed a few weeks ago for the treaty between us and russia.

  • @deltaalpha21074
    @deltaalpha21074 13 лет назад +1

    Hard to believe that just one golf ball size of Anti Matter is equal to 1000 of these Nuclear bombs. Seriously imagine an Anti matter Bomb size of a standard House bye bye planet Earth for real!

  • @kodakotron
    @kodakotron 11 лет назад +3

    I'm ex military with multiple high level clearances, I can tell you this video isn't entirely declassified. But entertaining nonetheless, thanks for the post.

  • @danielgoddard8476
    @danielgoddard8476 11 лет назад

    I think that the A-5 idea, internal carriage, (hidden) was replaced by the idea of external carriage. The A5 was great but it was easier to 'rattle the saber' with external carriage-probably faster and safer to load the weapon(s) externally on more common aircraft that were in service.

  • @JeffreyWilliams-dr7qe
    @JeffreyWilliams-dr7qe 6 месяцев назад

    Other than Silver Plate B29s from ww2, how soon were other aircraft deployed with newer atomic weopens?

  • @profsat5
    @profsat5 11 лет назад +1

    Which one had the most destructive power?

  • @spencnaz
    @spencnaz 12 лет назад +1

    @10:14, "lock s-foils in attack position"

  • @orcasea59
    @orcasea59 11 лет назад +1

    The Banality of Evil.

  • @koko1914
    @koko1914 11 лет назад

    the Russians hadn't quite mastered precision guided missiles at the time... so their logic was if they cant hit the intended target, they need to have a bomb that would destroy everything anywhere near the target

  • @patrickfinan4966
    @patrickfinan4966 4 года назад

    This makes you appreciate the number of times we haven't blown ourselves to Hell. Very proferssional and historic, saw Atomic Annie at Ft. Sill years ago.

    @BLUGGLES 11 лет назад

    I wasn't talking about every single soldier involved with nuclear weapons, but specifically about the soldiers in this video. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

  • @ArmpitStudios
    @ArmpitStudios 12 лет назад

    @sw8741 That's common practice for all gauges/instruments with needles.

  • @blahblahoww123
    @blahblahoww123 12 лет назад

    Loring still scares the shit out of me.

  • @Sunburn5867
    @Sunburn5867 11 лет назад

    and fascinating

  • @RavenBomb123
    @RavenBomb123 12 лет назад +1

    the requirements of modern warfare= awwww yeeaaahhhhhh!

  • @thepoop3366
    @thepoop3366 12 лет назад +1

    I got here from go pro vidios of airsoft

  • @GreatAmericanNation
    @GreatAmericanNation 11 лет назад

    You know whats worse than Nucleaer weapons? Biological weapons like Agent Orange or VX.

  • @ZoxeyFTW
    @ZoxeyFTW 13 лет назад

    Clumsy Henry drops a cigarette......

  • @raultejada8013
    @raultejada8013 10 лет назад +6

    this shit actually existed...

    • @stevebez2767
      @stevebez2767 7 лет назад +1

      Raul Tejada you don't,therefore.

    • @kevykev913
      @kevykev913 7 лет назад +1

      its totally sick

  • @IloveyouLenaKatina
    @IloveyouLenaKatina 12 лет назад

    perhaps we still have that kind

  • @MajorKong1
    @MajorKong1 11 лет назад

    No more than any other weapon. Dead is dead.

  • @JRockwater
    @JRockwater 9 лет назад +2

    This feels redacted. The audio track doesn't align with the images displayed. For example, when he's talking about the Mark 5 you can clearly hear an engine noise for a segment while he's describing the auto-insertion of the nuclear material. And *how* he's talking is in a cadence for describing what you're seeing on screen. I'm pretty sure the original film had segments showing the internals, not just the exterior shots we see here.

    • @nicholasmaude6906
      @nicholasmaude6906 9 лет назад

      +Jason Rocheleau It is very likely that the film was censored aka sanitised before being cleared for public release.

    • @stevebez2767
      @stevebez2767 7 лет назад

      Jason Rocheleau it's the computer quoting old journals used too build ciphers right now? What dies this mean,metadata?

  • @TiqueO6
    @TiqueO6 11 лет назад

    8:25 the hands-on approach?

  • @jcavaletto708
    @jcavaletto708 13 лет назад

    This videos are amazings, but poor my planet :(.

  • @keepsake327
    @keepsake327 13 лет назад

    @shamiking1 You forgot the Philippine insurrection after the Spanish American war.

  • @55chh
    @55chh 12 лет назад

    hope you made it back okay

  • @mikefox3542
    @mikefox3542 11 лет назад

    Agent Orange and VX BIO weapons? You really know what you are talking about, right? LOL!

  • @paliesq
    @paliesq 12 лет назад

    At later stages of the war, an older model may be used. There would be no "later stages of the war" . . .

  • @MrThC613
    @MrThC613 11 лет назад

    Nuclear weapons are referred to as 'Political Weapons' not stratiegic weapons...

  • @scottwins2
    @scottwins2 13 лет назад

    so go and have a nice day

  • @philbiker3
    @philbiker3 14 лет назад

    Shrimp @ 10:49!!!!!

    @GREIVINGDEATH 15 лет назад

    me too !!!

  • @jerrymcgady3779
    @jerrymcgady3779 11 лет назад


  • @glhx2112
    @glhx2112 13 лет назад

    shamiking1, so, looking at some of the wars you have listed, you know, the ones where we were attacked, what would you have had the USA do? Let me guess, you failed history? That's what I thought.

  • @stevebez2767
    @stevebez2767 7 лет назад

    Quick jot spot the cipher blot,mobo dick? ...train.Twain.

  • @bokuwamon
    @bokuwamon 12 лет назад

    i will be happy if one of those babies is dropped on my garden.

  • @rugersoldier
    @rugersoldier 13 лет назад

    declassified? dont think so, even some of the audio is cut out, even declassified files are blacked out

    • @soadj28
      @soadj28 4 года назад

      It's "sanitized", partially declassified. They take nuclear stuff very seriously.

  • @jmsaguas77
    @jmsaguas77 11 лет назад

    nukes saving u?
    If nukes are fired there won't be anything to save anymore. :\
    Better never to use them.
    If anyone fires one, there won't be only one flying there may be tousands. :-\

  • @frostghost9
    @frostghost9 11 лет назад

    haha, your way off, try millions at once, the bomb detonated over Hiroshima killed about 140,000 in total, imagine today's technology, the Hiroshima bomb was only 15 kilotons(15,000 tons of TNT) the U.S can easily make a 25 megaton device(25,000,000 tons of TNT) the Russians have had a 100 megaton device in their possession during the Cold War but never tested it, however the largest device they tested had a wield of 50 megatons which was the largest know nuclear device

  • @IG88Aiscool
    @IG88Aiscool 13 лет назад

    make love not war.

  • @fox2006kid64
    @fox2006kid64 9 лет назад


  • @vladnuke
    @vladnuke 14 лет назад

    #69... lol

  • @peterupton2420
    @peterupton2420 10 лет назад

    Awful. Simply awful. And they're so smug about being so awful.

    • @stevebez2767
      @stevebez2767 7 лет назад

      Peter Upton Excuse but play with photons in electric like that...

    • @soadj28
      @soadj28 4 года назад

      I think it's really cool.

  • @echd1
    @echd1 13 дней назад

    2024 🫡 ramdonly recommended

  • @BB1951
    @BB1951 14 лет назад

    This is somehow both boring, facinating and horrifying at the same time.