Vape ban fiasco: Why Australia's vape ban is a disaster

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • In this video, we'll discuss the controversial vape ban in Australia and why it's causing harm to both smokers and small businesses. Learn about the negative effects of this ban and how it's affecting the vaping community. Let's shed light on this fiasco and the need for sensible regulations.
    We'll discuss the recent vape ban in Australia and why it's causing a lot of controversy and negative consequences. From the impact on small businesses to the potential increase in black market sales, we'll break down the reasons why many are calling this ban a disaster. Stay informed on the latest developments surrounding the vape ban in Australia with this insightful video.
    From the economic impact to public health concerns, this ban is not only harming individuals but also the country as a whole. Stay informed and join the conversation about the vape ban fiasco in Australia.
    Sign the petition to repeal the ban here:

Комментарии • 131

  • @Lenergyiskey358
    @Lenergyiskey358 Месяц назад +19

    This is a brilliant intelligent conversation about what has now happened in Australia. Quite frankly this law confirms for me that they don't care about us. I am devastated at how much harm they are doing.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад +2

      They never did care and won't in the future...

    • @mitch19636
      @mitch19636 Месяц назад

      The Gov or Vaping?

    • @DoubtingThomas333
      @DoubtingThomas333 Месяц назад

      They will make vapes legal to buy OTC at a pharmacy for people over 18, later in the year.

  • @xdrgnxdrgn1
    @xdrgnxdrgn1 6 месяцев назад +23

    Great job guys the most common sense and truthful report that I've seen on the subject. The government just sent me into poverty for a month because I just stocked up and brought as much as I could. Vaping cost me $1080 per year but smoking would cost me $24,768 per year. Words cannot express how angry I am at this draconian government. I'm sharing this on Facebook

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +3

      Your kind words mean a lot. Keep spreading the word!

  • @nelsonhu3926
    @nelsonhu3926 Месяц назад +11

    The government should have implemented the same laws selling alcohol and cigarettes to minors with regards to vaping instead of banning it.

  • @paulconnolly4483
    @paulconnolly4483 Месяц назад +12

    When will politicians learn prohibition will never work for products people want. The so called war on drugs is an absolute disaster globally so why not add one more thing to help criminals make even more money

  • @bobstar2683
    @bobstar2683 6 месяцев назад +61

    Nanny state that is Australia. Using the latest moral panic of "oh no, teens are vaping" to crack down on something. Same with "sin taxes". Really wish the Australian government would just piss off and let us live our lives.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +5

      Amen to that...

    • @Nicole-cw2gt
      @Nicole-cw2gt 6 месяцев назад +3

      Big contributing factor on reason why I haven’t moved back.

    • @zeusthestaffy
      @zeusthestaffy 5 месяцев назад +10

      There were no vapes when I was a teen, so I smoked ciggs. As if kids will just stop nic intake because of a vape ban. The government doesn't want teens to stop, they just want them smoking tobacco so they can tax everything fully.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  5 месяцев назад +3

      Ain't that the truth....

    • @funkymonk2254
      @funkymonk2254 4 месяца назад +1

      Well said.😤😤😤

  • @AndrewAHayes
    @AndrewAHayes Месяц назад +4

    I bought a vaperisor one day just to see what they were all about, I stopped smoking cigarettes, my elderly father was also a smoker and he asked me if I would get him one too, I told him it wasn't a replacement for me but a springboard to stopping altogether.
    I bought him one and we worked out a plan to stop smoking, we started on 20ml of 18mg for 2 weeks, then we switched to 16mg for 2 weeks then 12mg for 2 weeks and then 6mg for 2 weeks and then we stopped altogether.
    We suffered no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever which felt very strange.
    That was in 2012 and we didn't smoke again, my father passed away in 2023 but enjoyed his last decade being nicotine free and was so happy about it.
    he had been trying to stop smoking for 40 years and myself for 15 years but never managed to quit until vapes came along!

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for sharing such a touching and inspiring story. It's incredible to hear how vaping helped you and your father break free from the grip of smoking after so many years of trying. The journey you both took, supporting each other and gradually reducing the nicotine levels, is a testament to your determination and love for one another. Knowing that your father enjoyed his last decade nicotine-free must bring you immense comfort and pride. Your story is a powerful reminder that it's never too late to make a positive change, and it gives hope to many others who are still struggling. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt journey with us.

  • @kenstanbrook4877
    @kenstanbrook4877 2 месяца назад +14

    How much can I sue the government for for forcing me back to cigarettes

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад +3

      Sue the government for making you smoke? That's a new one! Maybe we can start a class-action lawsuit together!

    • @stevej6813
      @stevej6813 Месяц назад +1

      That's a good point, and a valid point I believe.

    • @stevej6813
      @stevej6813 Месяц назад

      He's not saying government is making him smoke, he's saying the government is taking away his freedom of choice, big difference. Aren't you smart enough to work that out?

    • @caitlinstafford6441
      @caitlinstafford6441 Месяц назад

      Would just like to add - the Phillip Morris products sold in pharmacies are defective. The pods leak nicotine juice all over lips and mouth. Can probably add that to the lawsuit

  • @gmcanberraaustralia
    @gmcanberraaustralia 2 месяца назад +8

    It'is a nightmare, i have about 2 years supply, I am a self mixer but now the food flavor suppliers are getting closed down!!!!!!!!!!

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад +2

      unfortunately the black market will take over and make them rich...

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад

      unfortunately the black market will take over and make them rich...

  • @barbarafischer6299
    @barbarafischer6299 Месяц назад +3

    excellent discussion, thank you.

  • @sickHolmes
    @sickHolmes 5 месяцев назад +12

    As an american my only question is when will.our vapes be outlawed they use the whole" vapes endangere kids" which is bol, most shops card if they domt theu get taken out of busimess amd rightfully so. Also when I order products online the postal guys id's me before i can even have my package of vapes, juice etc, so that in of it self is false. Also if Australia can do it whats to stop american governers and senateors to do the same thing, this is truly scary. And us vapors need to be heard.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  5 месяцев назад +2

      It's definitely a concerning issue. The regulations around vaping are evolving, and it's important for vapers to stay informed and advocate for their rights.

  • @gaifawcett9760
    @gaifawcett9760 Месяц назад +2

    I work in a smoke shop.
    Cigarette sales have tripled since the ban!

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад

      It's fascinating to hear about the increase in cigarette sales following the vape ban. This situation really highlights how regulatory changes can impact consumer behavior. It seems that some people who previously used vapes might be turning back to traditional cigarettes. It'll be interesting to see if this trend continues and what the long-term effects might be on both the industry and public health. Thanks for sharing your firsthand experience! ... Cheers

  • @AllThatIKnowNow
    @AllThatIKnowNow 2 месяца назад +6

    "Although some carcinogens are present in vape liquid, there is evidence that heated vs burned (or combustible) inhalation of these substances may be less harmful. 5 There appears to be less exposure to fewer harmful substances with e-cigarettes use when compared to traditional combustible cigarettes and for these reasons e-cigarettes are most likely less harmful than traditional combustible cigarettes, however, long-term risks still need to be assessed." PubMed US Library of Health 29th March, 2022.

  • @nelsonhu3926
    @nelsonhu3926 Месяц назад +4

    It's the black market industry which sold to minors which made the government ban it. My local vape store wouldn't sell it to minors

    @QUIZABOUT 6 месяцев назад +15

    Why dont they shut down all tobbacco companies? ;)

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +4

      We are in too much debt - they need the tax revenue....

    • @PoetofHateSpeech
      @PoetofHateSpeech 6 месяцев назад +5

      Because it has nothing to do with health.
      Look up Micheal Bloomberg and a doco called "You don't know nicotine"

    • @hanksyflamework
      @hanksyflamework 2 месяца назад +2

      because there are no tobbacco companies operating in australia they are all foreign owned and operates elsewhere since the tobbaco farming ban decades ago. they do not regulate the importers enough and only worry about making sure import taxes being collected at the border from the distributers and retailers.

  • @RandomCreationsOG
    @RandomCreationsOG Месяц назад +3

    I feel very strongly how the government is behaving could be viewed as illegal.
    Anticompetitive practices: The government has restricted vape sales to pharmacies only, potentially creating an artificial monopoly that violates competition laws.
    Price gouging: There's an extreme markup on vaping products under the new system. For example, plain vape juice with no nicotine that cost $29.90 for 1000ml is now being sold at $28 for 60ml in pharmacies. This could be considered exploitative pricing, especially if the government is benefiting from these inflated prices.
    Misuse of regulatory power: The policy appears to be financially motivated rather than health-driven, as evidenced by continued easy access to liquid nicotine. This suggests a possible abuse of regulatory authority.
    Undue burden on healthcare: The policy is forcing doctors to write prescriptions and pharmacists to manage distribution, potentially negatively impacting the broader healthcare system without clear justification.
    Consumer rights infringement: By restricting access to a product many use for smoking cessation, the government may be infringing on consumer choice and potentially harming public health.
    Inconsistent application of law: The discrepancy between the treatment of liquid nicotine and vaping products seems arbitrary and potentially discriminatory.
    Economic harm: The policy has caused significant economic damage to existing businesses in the vaping industry.
    I finally managed to get off smoking with vapes and no end of benefits. This really seem like the government treating us like customers rather than citizens by focusing on profit over our quality of living.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад

      The comment raises several points of concern about the government's policy on vaping products. Here's a fact-based response addressing each of these points:
      Anticompetitive Practices
      Restricting vape sales to pharmacies can potentially lead to an artificial monopoly, which might contravene competition laws. According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), monopolistic practices can be illegal if they significantly lessen competition. If pharmacies are the sole vendors of vape products, it could limit consumer choice and drive up prices due to lack of competition .
      Price Gouging
      The pricing disparity highlighted in the comment is substantial. If vape juice that used to cost $29.90 for 1000ml is now $28 for 60ml, this marks a significant price increase. Such practices could be viewed as exploitative, particularly if they are driven by regulatory changes rather than market forces. This situation could potentially be investigated under consumer protection laws concerning price gouging .
      Misuse of Regulatory Power
      The policy’s financial motivations versus health-driven intentions are contentious. While regulations might be intended to protect public health, the continuous availability of liquid nicotine underlines a potential inconsistency in regulatory objectives. Scrutiny from public health advocates and policy analysts is essential to ensure regulations genuinely aim to safeguard health rather than generate revenue .
      Undue Burden on Healthcare
      The added responsibilities for doctors and pharmacists could strain the healthcare system. Writing prescriptions for vaping products and managing their distribution can divert time and resources from other critical healthcare services, impacting the system’s efficiency and effectiveness .
      Consumer Rights Infringement
      Restricting access to vaping products could infringe on consumer rights, particularly for those using vapes for smoking cessation. The World Health Organization acknowledges that e-cigarettes can help some people quit smoking, and restrictive policies might undermine these potential benefits .
      Inconsistent Application of Law
      The treatment disparity between liquid nicotine and other vaping products raises questions about the consistency and fairness of the policy. Legal consistency is crucial for public trust and compliance, and any perceived arbitrariness can lead to accusations of discrimination or favoritism .
      Economic Harm
      The new policy might adversely affect businesses in the vaping industry, potentially leading to economic harm. Small businesses, in particular, could struggle with the sudden regulatory changes, potentially resulting in closures and job losses .
      Personal Impact
      The personal anecdote about quitting smoking using vapes highlights the potential public health benefits of vaping products. Restricting access might hinder others who are trying to quit smoking, which could be counterproductive to public health goals .
      The concerns raised about the government’s vaping policy are multifaceted and warrant careful consideration. Balancing public health objectives with fair market practices and consumer rights is essential for an effective and equitable regulatory framework.
      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). (2023). Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
      Consumer Protection Laws. (2023).
      World Health Organization (WHO). (2023). E-cigarettes: How risky are they?
      Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA. (2023). Vaping and e-cigarettes.
      Australian Medical Association (AMA). (2023). Position Statement on E-cigarettes.
      World Health Organization (WHO). (2023). E-cigarettes: How risky are they?
      Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). (2023). Regulatory consistency.
      Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO). (2023). Impact of regulation on small business.
      National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). (2023). Vaping and health.

    @QUIZABOUT 6 месяцев назад +12

    I make my own ejuice and I have (bottle and a half) of nicotine. Cost me about $3.50 per 100 mls of ejuice and it lasts me a week.. Now I am going to learn how to build a buildable vape where i put in my own cotton. and I dont want to say I know where to get vg and pg and cotton. I'll be alright.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +2

      That's the black market for you...LOL

    • @adenvet2830
      @adenvet2830 4 месяца назад

      I'm in the UK my question to you is can you go into a supermarket and buy your flavours.

  • @shayneoneill1506
    @shayneoneill1506 6 месяцев назад +20

    For me the big reason was my health was spiralling out of control. My peak flow (basically how much air you can get in a breath) was about 300 which is well into emphysema territory and my Blood O2 concentration was in the 80s, and that *is* emphysema). My doc gave me about 5 years to live. Then I saw a vid on vapeing , so I grabbed a cheap nasty chinese one (Remember those "EGO" vape pens? Awful but even *those* where amazing at the time.) and was *instantly* converted, and other than grabbing a cigs off friends when at the pub occasionaly (and usually instantly regretting it) havent smoked since. 6 years later my peak flow is averaging 650. Or at least i think so, because thats as high as the peak flow meter goes, and its higher than the average never-smoker my age, and my O2 is on a rock solid 98%. I've tested my friends and the only one who gets O2 that high is a 35yo body builder. I should be dead by now. But I'm not. I've tried so many different ways to quit cigs and nothing worked at all. 30 years of attempts all failed except for vapes. So now it seems my choice is either go back to cigarettes and die, or break the law. Well I choose life.,

    • @shayneoneill1506
      @shayneoneill1506 6 месяцев назад +5

      And I used to be convinced that this wasn't a tax thing but a misguided health thing until I found out they are also taking nicotine patches off the PBS, then it became *crystal clear* whats going on.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +3

      Breaking the law for a vape? Sounds like you're a rebel with a cause! But seriously, choosing life over cigarettes is the ultimate victory. Keep defying the odds!

    • @kyu6938
      @kyu6938 2 месяца назад +1

      I get you bro i’m in the same boat, i think the ban is stupid, but you can still get them from pharmacies, you just need a prescription and they’ll be in boring flavours, you don’t have to go back to smoking cigs

    • @Lenergyiskey358
      @Lenergyiskey358 Месяц назад

      ​@@kyu6938It will also be as expensive as cigarettes. It's appalling.

    • @Lenergyiskey358
      @Lenergyiskey358 Месяц назад

      ​@@shayneoneill1506Yes their bullshit harm scare for vapes is an absolute scam.

  • @IrlamOz
    @IrlamOz 2 месяца назад +9

    8 years plus but i use a sub ohm mod with tanks and replaceable 18650 batteries only using vg and capella mango with 10 mg nic.
    The ones the chemist will sell wont be any where near as effective.
    This will make the blackmarket thrive

  • @matthewphair2469
    @matthewphair2469 2 месяца назад +7

    Don't vape but that's ridiculous....

  • @charlesyateschalfant
    @charlesyateschalfant Месяц назад +2

    Australia has become too much of a nanny state for me of late.
    I'll just continue to get my items overseas.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад

      Ah, the classic 'shop till you drop' abroad approach. Just don't forget your sunscreen and kangaroo repellent when you return, mate!

  • @Nicole-cw2gt
    @Nicole-cw2gt 6 месяцев назад +5

    Last time I visited in 2015 brought over a carton of American Spirits. Back then it only cost US$60 for a carton in Colorado. We declared at customs and spent an additional AUD$200-250 in taxes. It was still cheaper than buying smokes in Oz.
    However within the past two years, cigarettes have doubled with new taxes that have been voted in by the citizens in recent elections (Colorado specifically) in very deceptively worded ballot initiatives in order to fund free Pre-K (equivalent to Kindergarten in Oz) or other things.
    The big push here in the USA right now is the ban on menthol cigarettes.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +1

      You need a second mortgage so smoke here nowadays... LOL

  • @crazy10822
    @crazy10822 2 месяца назад +5

    Great stuff!! Well said gentlemen...

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад +1

      Well thank you for that...Cheers

  • @davidsmith-ws4bz
    @davidsmith-ws4bz 5 месяцев назад +9

    Total Con Job!

  • @sou1gam3z68
    @sou1gam3z68 2 месяца назад +6

    I’m asthmatic and I don’t even get asthma attacks from vaping like I did smoking I feel great

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад

      Who knew vaping could be the asthma attack repellent you never knew you needed! Keep feeling great! ... Cheers

    • @Lenergyiskey358
      @Lenergyiskey358 Месяц назад

      Interesting. I'm pretty sure it's PG that is used for asthma pumps as well.

  • @IrlamOz
    @IrlamOz 2 месяца назад +6

    Vape stores should be at the forefront and would be the best suited too legislate the industry

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад +1


    • @hanksyflamework
      @hanksyflamework 2 месяца назад

      vape stores are only a small portion of the sellers of vapes. the internet and dodgy tobbaconists and convenience stores far outway the numbers of legitimate vape retailer sales.

    • @IrlamOz
      @IrlamOz 2 месяца назад +1

      @hanksyflamework and thats the whole point if they allowed vape stores a legitimate way to supply the market but instead they forced them to close making the illegitimate sellers the major stake holders...

  • @kimdracula8229
    @kimdracula8229 Месяц назад +1

    Found this video after the most recent pharmacy plan. I haven't been a smoker for about 10 years. Quit using Champix (yep the depression was real). I've never vaped, but I am so incredibly disgusted in our government for this decision.
    I GET regulation, but this is waaaaay too far. Adults are not children. We have alcohol, why can't we have access to a better alternative to cigarettes?

  • @richardsoos8902
    @richardsoos8902 6 месяцев назад +4

    Thanks for the link. The petition signature took very little effort.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +2

      Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! Your signature is like a superpower in the fight for change.

    • @funkymonk2254
      @funkymonk2254 4 месяца назад

      It is too late for petitions. The gov ignored our previous emails. The decision has been made.

  • @kimwelstead8994
    @kimwelstead8994 2 месяца назад +10

    Smoking also saves the government Billions in pensions due to lower life expectancy of smokers.

  • @Ichy-Sphincta
    @Ichy-Sphincta Месяц назад +3

    government wants your addiction too tobacco too continue as its about the money not your health

  • @darrenlong3972
    @darrenlong3972 Месяц назад +1

    On the upside, I can now afford the 12 dollar ciggy packs and can smoke again! Lucky we have a good health care system.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад

      I can see you are a "glass half full" sort of guy...LOL

  • @willsshepherd2976
    @willsshepherd2976 Месяц назад +1

    I purchased both my rechargeable vapes in 2015 from the 2 dollar shop and I still have bottles of the flavours I bought with nicotine in them

  • @andysocial2557
    @andysocial2557 2 месяца назад +8

    Nic users didn’t get Covid...ban nic. Hmmm..???

  • @patrickjosephhenderson2222
    @patrickjosephhenderson2222 Месяц назад +1

    Where there is a ban the black market will flourish plenty of money to be made

  • @mgreenesco9955
    @mgreenesco9955 2 месяца назад +7

    Imagine if Australia wasn't communist, you know armed agents from the government delving into every aspect of your lives? No smoking, no drinking except when we say, no vaping, no riding your bike without a plastic bucket on your head etc etc etc, free men don't ask permission to live and for something to be a crime there needs to be a verfied victim.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  2 месяца назад +1

      Totally get where you're coming from! Let's hope for a balanced approach to regulations.

    • @andrewsoos2113
      @andrewsoos2113 2 месяца назад

      Well said.

    • @stevej6813
      @stevej6813 Месяц назад

      Exactly right mate! No victim, no crime committed. The only law that applies to every citizen in this country is common law. All vape users need to educate themselves with constitutional laws and rights and challenge these draconian rules in the supreme court.

  • @lxshomeproductions
    @lxshomeproductions Месяц назад +2

    Since these new campaigns I've had people I don't even know judge Nd say that vaping is worse than cigarettes then when you tell them about the study and legislation in UK they don't believe you it honestly makes me sick how people just go along with it but also how much influence the government can have, I have a couple mates who are now back smoking and one of them told me the other day "f*ck that vape off its worse than the darts" . So many people also saying it's got weedkiller in it, I make my own ejuice with flavour concentrates so I know there's no glyphosphate in it, it just shows how greedy the government can be

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад


    • @lxshomeproductions
      @lxshomeproductions Месяц назад

      Also spot on about the pharmacy's products being harder to titrate im also on 3mg nic atm when doctor recently tried offering pods tland the lowest they had was 12mg when I told the doctor that he agreed to just give me freebase nicotine to continue dosing my own ejuice

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  Месяц назад

      It's frustrating to see how misinformation can spread and impact people's perceptions and choices. The confusion surrounding vaping versus smoking is significant, and it’s essential to rely on credible research and sources. Studies from reputable institutions, such as Public Health England, have indicated that vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking. It's unfortunate that government campaigns and media sometimes skew public perception, leading to misconceptions like vaping containing weedkiller, which is completely unfounded.
      Your experience highlights the importance of educating others with accurate information. It’s commendable that you make your own e-juice, ensuring it's free from harmful substances. Sharing your knowledge and experiences can help others see through the misinformation. Stay informed and continue to advocate for a balanced and evidence-based understanding of vaping.

  • @Nicole-cw2gt
    @Nicole-cw2gt 6 месяцев назад +7

    The weed prohibition wasn’t just to keep the jazz musicians under control. It was about the hemp industry. Hemp is superior and a huge competitor of cotton…..
    Personally never used a tobacco vape, but a green one - well that’s another story 😂
    Popcorn lung is a thing, but not sure how big of a thing it truly is.

    • @soosology5005
      @soosology5005  6 месяцев назад +1

      Didn't know about the Hemp thing but makes sense (remove the competition) - I read in a british medical journal about Popcorn lung and seems to be a thing related to menthol flavors in vapes.

    • @Elli381-ev8eg
      @Elli381-ev8eg 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@soosology5005And guess what flavours the govt want to implement? Menthol, mint and tobacco. They KNOW what they are doing.

    • @Rose_Smidt
      @Rose_Smidt 2 месяца назад

      Pop corn lung is a myth and never one single case found. See Dr Mendelssohn as he has facts not australian gov propaganda

    • @Lenergyiskey358
      @Lenergyiskey358 Месяц назад

      That is something the factory workers used to get breathing copious amounts in all day. Vaping will not give that to you. Something to do with the heat vs burn. However, what they fail to say is that apparently the chemical that causes it is in cigarettes 😂😂. The whole thing is misinformation designed to deter vaping.

  • @berzerkersyndrome
    @berzerkersyndrome 4 месяца назад +7

    The due process to this so-called vape "ban" Bill has been rushed to the point no one can fight it and is going bottleneck Customs.

  • @user-ce9gm7fq6m
    @user-ce9gm7fq6m Месяц назад +1

    All the bla bla bla here,have never smoked but made up for it ( I think in drinking)) you ,as an adult can do what you want.Dont expect me to pay for it.Medical.Kids don’t have mature decision making abilities.A couple of days ago here in Darwin Australia,travelling, a outdoor pub,they had a smoking area ,right in front of the bar,you didn’t have a choice,smoke covering every inch of space,this is lunch time.We sure didn’t linger because of the stench.Is it acceptable to just fart anywhere 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬