beauxtx1959 I've got an idea, but would need to test it to see if it works. Simply loop rope around two legs of the tripod with enough slack to fit in a third pole. Slip in the third pole between the lashings and use the third pole as a tournique bar When you place the tripod on the ground, the force against the ground will prevent the lashing from coming undone.
I'm curious as to why you used such a big tourniquet branch. Wouldn't a smaller branch suffice and give you more flexibility as to how many turns to do, or even just use less cordage.
Yes, a smaller branch would work as there is not strenuous forces on it. No real reason why I picked the big branch other than it was around the house and would show well on the camera :)
Clever and useful.
LOVE this idea!! How might one modify this to lash a tripod?
beauxtx1959 I've got an idea, but would need to test it to see if it works. Simply loop rope around two legs of the tripod with enough slack to fit in a third pole. Slip in the third pole between the lashings and use the third pole as a tournique bar When you place the tripod on the ground, the force against the ground will prevent the lashing from coming undone.
I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with.
beauxtx1959 This one's for you.видео.html If you like it, I appreciate a share!
I'm curious as to why you used such a big tourniquet branch. Wouldn't a smaller branch suffice and give you more flexibility as to how many turns to do, or even just use less cordage.
Yes, a smaller branch would work as there is not strenuous forces on it. No real reason why I picked the big branch other than it was around the house and would show well on the camera :)
Canadian jam knot would use less cordage.