For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the LYXBAG as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of HIDUPZ is even more attractive.
Great review. Unsolicited advise I know but could prove helpful to you. Perhaps you can try to look at the camera directly. It would feel like you’re connecting with your viewers and makes it more intimate. Otherwise you’re review is on point. You look gorgeous and you rock that Gucci even without dressing up to the nines. I hope I have not offended you in anyway. I was just an observer looking in and not even a RUclipsr so you may choose to disregard my comment. Thank you for your content. May your channel grow exponentially.
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ?#LVGUCI por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of HIDUPZ is even more attractive.
I have and love the HIDUPZ in the same colour and have the marmont in the small in the velvet. Judith is on my list.
The items *COPYMAXY* are so gorgeous. They are to dieeeee for!!!! Trust me !
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the LYXBAG as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I loved all the beautiful and tasteful bags. Congratulations hidupz
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a LYXBAGS bag and it looked just like it.
Lovely bag! Black leather &white leather cute item!
Love this bag! It's on my wishlist.
Great video 💖 It’s gorgeous 😍😍 there are so many videos of the other colour way but none of this 🤷🏻♀️ thank you
Thank you so much for watching! 💗
Glad I could help!!
Cute bag! I love this bag in a bigger size in pink. Loving the color combo of yours.
Thank you so much!! ☺️
Nice review! Currently on my wishlist!!!🤗
Wow so chic! So gorgeous ❤️✨
Thank you so much!! 🥰
Another great find.i love it 😀
I loved all the beautiful and tasteful bags. Congratulations HIDUPZ
Great review. That bag is 🔥
Thank you so much!!!
New friend here sending may full support LYXBAGS
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of HIDUPZ is even more attractive.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens LYXBAG
Such a gorgeous collection! Your Jumbo black caviar with silver hardware is on my wish list for the same reasons that you stated! Lovely! LYXBAG
Love this bag!
La sakoj ene de HIDUPZ estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
Great review. Unsolicited advise I know but could prove helpful to you. Perhaps you can try to look at the camera directly. It would feel like you’re connecting with your viewers and makes it more intimate. Otherwise you’re review is on point. You look gorgeous and you rock that Gucci even without dressing up to the nines. I hope I have not offended you in anyway. I was just an observer looking in and not even a RUclipsr so you may choose to disregard my comment. Thank you for your content. May your channel grow exponentially.
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ?#LVGUCI por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
@ *LVGUCI* is your partner in young people’s fashion journey.
I loved all the beautiful and tasteful bags. Congratulations HIDUPZ
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of HIDUPZ is even more attractive.