Mr. Zelinka - fantastic! Your video made my recent interest in this topic come to life. I cannot imagine the expertise and time put into making it. Your lucid comments were perfect, enriching the viewing. Thank you.
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles, with the 240,000 rotation of the galactic bulge causing ice/tropical ages every 60,000 years. But the really inconvenient truth to use Al Gores propaganda piece name is the 26,000 year Precession of the 7 north stars because every 12,000 years NOW our solar system eclipses crosses over the Milky Way for a 1,000 years causing the END TIMES>< Grade 5 science could debunk CO2. Temp is rising first and CO2 follows. Cause and effect. Earth is a closed loop that self regulates Co2 by combining CO2 with H2O to capture the EM energy of the Galaxy via the Sun to create LIFE. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the galactic Nucleus/Bulge. Taxing Co2 is tantamount to taxing the energy of the Galaxy/Sun past, Present and Future. To say Co2 is causing climate change is like putting the cart before the horse. Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth. The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass form the usual suspects of seasonal FLu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. Add a whole lot of propaganda and No Buying or Selling voila Covid 1984. The MASK of the BEAST to Buy or Sell is a pretext for the depopulation FINAL SOLUTION heavy metal Clot Shot + 5G. It takes 10 years minimum to develop a vacc IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. Which they can't because the seasonal Flu virus changes every year. Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human. Don't let yourselves be Divided and Conquered by the Evil ones along race, creed and religion. BLM/ALM. We are all his people. There are no Chosen people=master race, No Purity of blood/Inbreeding=Eugenics, no Us & Them Gentile/Infidel tribalism it is just US in Jesus Christs New Covenant.
Thank you for posting. Archeo Astronomy is an interesting endeavor. Researching especially Central American and Egyptian stone observatory/calendars with computer simulations. Love hearing Mass Effect score. Makes me want to break out ME1 again and start a new run through of all 3.
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles, with the 240,000 rotation of the galactic bulge causing ice/tropical ages every 60,000 years. But the really inconvenient truth to use Al Gores propaganda piece name is the 26,000 year Precession of the 7 north stars because every 12,000 years NOW our solar system eclipses crosses over the Milky Way for a 1,000 years causing the END TIMES>< Grade 5 science could debunk CO2. Temp is rising first and CO2 follows. Cause and effect. Earth is a closed loop that self regulates Co2 by combining CO2 with H2O to capture the EM energy of the Galaxy via the Sun to create LIFE. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the galactic Nucleus/Bulge. Taxing Co2 is tantamount to taxing the energy of the Galaxy/Sun past, Present and Future. To say Co2 is causing climate change is like putting the cart before the horse. Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth. The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass form the usual suspects of seasonal FLu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. Add a whole lot of propaganda and No Buying or Selling voila Covid 1984. The MASK of the BEAST to Buy or Sell is a pretext for the depopulation FINAL SOLUTION heavy metal Clot Shot + 5G. It takes 10 years minimum to develop a vacc IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. Which they can't because the seasonal Flu virus changes every year. Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human. Don't let yourselves be Divided and Conquered by the Evil ones along race, creed and religion. BLM/ALM. We are all his people. There are no Chosen people=master race, No Purity of blood/Inbreeding=Eugenics, no Us & Them Gentile/Infidel tribalism it is just US in Jesus Christs New Covenant.
All of the ancient connections to the sky and the changes that have happened really makes the night sky just even more amazing if that were possible. It's incredibly fascinating, loved this video. I love the puzzle that is all of the ancient connections to the sky and past civilisations There's a guy called Doug Vogt with the Diehold Foundation that has quite an interesting take on the Great Year / 12,000 year cycle. It's a bit of a rabbit hole and at times complex but very interesting take on some of the cataclysms of our planets past.
Thank you so much for this video, it makes it easier to understand how it all works. I think the current accepted length of the Great Year is 25,772 years, and the constellations vary in the space they take in the sky, which may contribute to the differences we see between calculations based on convenience (12 Ages of 2160 years = 25,920 rounded up to 26,000 years cycles) and what we find in the sky. Great video, many thanks 🤗
Randall Carlson is a genius!! You are right, not to many people talking about this! Its very hard using our current calendar because something like 10 days were just removed to make things line up again, the date Jesus was born could have been weeks before or after the date given. Great video!!
It's Mithmas, not Christmas. December 25th is the god Mithra's birthday not Jesus' birthday. Jesus was born in April. The Mithraic religion hid a secret brotherhood, not unlike the Masons. They taught that we are in a binary star system and that Mithra was the father of two sons (Suns). Randal is a Mason, he will not tell you the real truth. I like the guy. He is an "authority" to be listened to, but he is not immune to the Vatican's wrath. Randal will not speak the truth. He just can't.
This is why the zodiac signs and the dates given by the astrologer don't match. Zodiac Signs were established almost 18 centuries ago, so the sky has changed a lot since then. A few years ago NASA published the corrected dates, even including a new zodiac constellation to the list (Ophiuchus). Great video, Peter.
Ophiuchus is not new. The Vatican abolished it. This is why we have the "unlucky" number 13. At the time, there was no word for "unlucky" the Vatican declared it "unholy". Read my comment above. It sheds some more light on the subject.
What blows my mind is how did they know all this and track it from 600yrs ago in Prague that awesome clock they built tracks all of this stuff its crazy mind blowing how much more true an understanding they had about this stuff. I think we're being lied tio cuz every ancient civ tracked the full context of the stars in the sky as if they had all 4 hemispheres quadrants w/e idk I'm starting to question everything at this point the more I learn. But I still have a lot to learn so idk
Absolutely beautiful, just to think we are DUST compared to this ultimate beast, not even we are dust ON dust. Something so violent yet gentle at the same time. I LOVE IT❤️❤️
Isn't it amazing how I (we) can just fire up the software and do the same time travel experiment as well. What is clear is how for thousands of years, there was no 'pole star'!
The gregorian calendar doesn't go all that far back so wouldn't that mess up your concept of winter and summer rather than precession? I have not thought it all through yet but I do know that I got messed up researching ancient Catal Hyuk's skies untuk I realized the dating anomaly could not give me accurate readings of the equinox dates.etc..
I'm very new to this whole concept, but with the great conjunction coming up with Jupiter and Saturn conjuncting at zero degrees and moving into Aquarius, would this be the start of the winter solstice great year? This conjunction happens on the 21st, coinciding with the winter solstice, as well.
The seasons do not move 1 day every 71 years, as would be the case if earth's axis shift was causing precession. This has never been observed, and the calendar has never been changed for this purpose.
You are correct. Read my comment above. There is no "wobble" of the axis. We are in a temporary binary star system that is also in orbital motions with other more distant local stars. The fact that the seasons do not change is one proof.
So I saw this video that suggested that our magnetic north pole is also rotating on an axis which takes about 25000 years to complete, which is a great year. However, what blew my mind, is the relation between the great year and flooding! If this concept is true, we are entering another cycle of an ice age. We are also entering aquarius which brings water. The video LHFE 1:7
Interesting! Thank you for a well composed and pleasant video. Alot of holy scriptures encourage us to take note to the skies while secularism wants us to stare into screens, though lately its been hard to make any sorts of observations. Hmm...🤔
A paper shows that the axial precession (or precession of the equinoxes) is since the entire Solar System disk is spinning (from 2021):
The magnetic poles of the Earth flips approximately every 24,000 years which results in a relatively brief and sudden natural Armagedón. The last astral toric loop occurred around 9,600 B.C. during "The Great Flood" that killed almost all life on Earth. That means the next astral toric loop to watch out for will occur around 14,400 A.D. which is about 12,000 years from now.
Why does the north star seen in the same place in winter as in summer if the earth travels from one side of the sun to the opposite side. Should not the north star no longer be above the north pole? Thanks . And love your channel.
Yupp. This month, during the new moon, I had the clearest sky, no humidity, to do my first ever milky way shot, but I was afraid to risk it due to the lockdown. I had location and everything figured out, but no dice, totally blew it. Some people got €500 fines for going out shopping at the next store or supermarket as opposed to the one nearest to their homes, and many other absurd stories, here, in Italy.
Can anyone confirm that seasons will reverse over the course of each 13,000 year 1/2 cycle of the earths procession. In other words.Australia will eventually see christmas in winter and The Northern hemisphere will see Christmas in the summer. (assuming the calendar stayed fixed)
the fact that the milky-way was directly overhead might have influenced Egytian cosmology. Nut, the Egyptian Sky-goddess (originally night-sky), was depicted as a nude woman arching over the Earth.
Halo n mass effect also isn't it? Or is that the stelara music I had the app it makes music like that lol and it reminds me of the elite dangerous music I spent so much time in all 3 games I forget which ones is what lol
How can you see the milky way Galaxy so front and center...when we are inside of it? Shouldn't we see colorful gases all around us if we are in it? If I'm underwater, I will see nothing but water. If I'm outside of the water, I will be able to capture a pic of it. I'm just trying to understand
And since Aries was the first sign in the ancient Babylonian and Hellenistic zodiac on the yearly scale and precession moves "backwards" Pisces is sees as the first "month" (Age) of the first month of the great new year, hence why some mystics say the character of Jesus was the avatar created to usher in "new years day " of the great new year, hence the "second coming" because on spring equinox Pisces will leave, it will go through the entire zodiac and return to pisces, the second coming. And the virgin is opposite of the Ichthys. I don't believe in astrology or religion but it's an open fact that Jewish mystics love encoding things in texts, and the Bible is full of astrological and astronomical allegory, this is why on Passover (equinox) the virgin could not find the Ichthys in the temple, because on the wheel of the year Virgo passes under and Pisces will Passover the equinox line because they're opposite. The didn't follow his star FROM the east, they followed his star IN the east (Iran), the Magi were Persian Zoroastrian priests, it's well known that the Magi (root of the word for magic and magicians) were essentially professional astronomers. They followed precessional slippage through the great calander to the new year, Pisces is essentially January. It's all allegorical, essentially big freaking calender system. So it's all about the movement of the earth shifting, than you can equate the moon's movement and how the gravitational differential between the sun and moon causes spring tides and neap tides, and even king tides at Perhelion, so spring tides at syzygy closest to the sun. It's all fascinating and there is nothing supernatural to it but it almost feels that way, lol. Be it celestial movements, natural events, or genetic drift that causes changes in evolution, if you keep looking for drift you can figure out alot of things.its like a game of 'telephone' (known as "Chinese whispers" in the UK), stories drift over time. It is my sincere belief that ancient characters like Isis and Osiris were originally stories of flesh and blood people, ancestors who were family members in the tribes we all shared in what we now call Africa, and due to the way pre writing people encoded celestial events, natural events, and histories of people into stories, celestial motifs were added to the stories of these prominent relatives and the tales drifted and expanded and Grandma Is became a God and we forgot the original down to earth reality.
Wiki still insists that the Greeks discovered precession. Which is a ridiculous assertion when you understand history and how important The Great Year was to the ancients.
"It was common knowledge in the ancient world that the rate of precession is almost exactly 24,000 years/cycle." - Paramahansa Yogananda This will sound impossible at first read, but I'm actually the NASA scientist who tested it out and discovered it's power as a long-term predictive tool of exacting accuracy, plus that we've been duped about the actual rates and history of these pieces of knowledge by forces seeking to control this highly advanced ancient knowledge for their own purposes. In tandem, I'm confident this is also why R.C. doesn't talk about Yogananda's teachings despite that the Vedic knowledge is heralded in Freemason texts as the parent of Egyptian knowledge, both of which are related to Mayan astrotheology. In this sense, R.C. is not mentioning it either because he's not a high enough FM or because he isn't allowed to share certain parts of what he knows. And that's the real problem with learning about history from FMs. If we take their word as truth we're getting only part of the truth. And half-truths are the worst because they tend to send us away from truth by giving us the idea that we've already found it. But this whole ~25,960 years/cycle is total BS and the true story about precession is way, way, way more amazing. It is caused by a mysterious binary star turning the whole solar system around once per 24,000 years, which our IR telescopes should have detected so this too is a deep mystery at present (dark energy and/or a high level cover-up of a brown-dwarf type star are both realistic possibilities from what I've seen). And it would only take an ellipticity of ~0.04 for the recent rates measured by astronomers giving this value to be true when considering that according to the 24,000 year/cycle proponents we're about 22.85º past apoapsis along our orbit. And how I know the rates are really 24,000/cycle is because I tested the claims of P. Yogananda using hard science in combination with the teachings of Mayan shaman I worked with in 2009 searching for the meaning of 2012 as long ago predicted by their ancestors. And I mapped the pieces of remaining knowledge they had with the current astro data on the ancient guide stars, plus the galactic center point, and BAM! I discovered the Gemini Code = the IAO Formula of the Golden Dawn Society, which is a super advanced code coordinating all the ancient maps into one system of super accurate scientific knowledge far advanced of our current NASA level I was educated within after spending many years with the best scientists in the world learning about the hard sciences of life and the universe. I wish I could just go up to Randall and challenge him with this and get an honest answer, because he seems like a good guy trying to help educate people to the real science of nature as he knows it. But ultimately, these findings speak to a great need for ordinary people to raise our minds higher than we might think possible, and to challenge our leaders, along with all masons and other teachers of ancient knowledge on these subjects, to open the vaults hiding the deepest truth from us and to give up trying to use them against a human species that is determined to not let ourselves be fooled into accepting a subordinate role under deceptive leadership hiding the most powerful knowledge of history from the mainstream mind and educational systems. Anyhow, just my $0.02
1.0 Pole star moving is just modern concept. Not used by ancients who had longer periods of calendar. Lol can the modern humans make a calendar longer than 1 year other than multiplying by 10 or similar number. Can they use cosmos and do it even with there advanced softwares? 2.0 Tilt of earth changes so the 4 stars modern people think as poles won't be in a circle. Ancients were using the stars around the eleptical.
You are exactly seeing the seasons swap after half a cycle because the seasons occur because of the Earth's tilt. Therefore when that tilt precesses, so will the seasons. It's not a "wobble" though: there is a wobbling effect, and that is called nutation (see the wikipedia article for "nutation"). Randall Carlson sounds like a crackpot. I wouldn't imagine there is any link between the precession of the equinoxes and significant world events, unlike the geomagnetic reversal, for example. Listening to people like that is a good way to be badly wrong on a great many things. There's plenty of wonder to be had in the universe without making things up.
Thanks for the video. The Great Year as referred to by the Greeks, also has many other names. In ancient India it was referred to as the Yuga Cycle. Randal Carlson is great, but not an astronomer. The idea that the Earth’s axis "goes through a wobble" was just proven wrong by the software you are using. This is no accident of leap years. The idea that the Earth’s axis "wobbles" in an elliptical fashion is just wrong. There is a better explanation and none of the ancient schools taught that there was a "wobble". Randal does touch on part of the idea, but the guy has a long list of taboo subjects he just won’t mention on his channel, except fleetingly, and only when pushed. So don't take everything he says as "Gospel". The real story is that Earths motion in space is tied to the solar system itself making a type of orbital motion around another star. We are not in a true "binary" star system, but our solar system has made several orbits around a distant, temporary companion star. Being so distant, there are other stars, such as Sirius; that also are involved in what Randal does admit. Randal calls it a semi-galactic orbital, or a semi-galactic center. Randal also gives it a time frame that matches the dates in the Yuga calendar, but leaves out the more obvious target star. The fact is this: everyone that watches this video to the end is curious, and demonstrating a thirst for knowledge, but there is an eight hundred pound gorilla in the room… the Vatican. How many scientists of old, and still today have been murdered by the Vatican for “spilling the beans”? Look up the history of that phrase. Examples: It’s not Christmas, it’s Mithmas. It's not Jesus’ birthday on December 25th, it’s Mithra’s birthday. Much of modern, fictionalized pseudo-Christianity is a fictional religion that has been created to lie and keep everyone dumb. So here is short list of facts to help you out. The seasons did not change their time of year throughout this cycle. December 25th is Mithra’s birthday. There used to be a 13th constellation in the Zodiac before the Vatican declared it an “unholly” 13. The 13th constellation is Ophiuchus, and has all the answers you seek. Randal will not talk about Ophiuchus. Don’t misunderstand me, Jesus was a real living person, but his true life story is far more interesting than the lies told by the Vatican. Again, thanks for the video.
Awesome Peter. Huge fan of your channel. Your videos help me out a lot! Clear skies.
That was a great presentation and at least something I could wrap my head around. TY!
Mr. Zelinka - fantastic! Your video made my recent interest in this topic come to life. I cannot imagine the expertise and time put into making it. Your lucid comments were perfect, enriching the viewing. Thank you.
Amazing! Thnx for the video. I love the Mass Effect music.
Absolutely fascinating, Peter. Thank you for sharing.
Learned much! Thank you!
Widać wyraźnie, że żyjemy we wewnątrz Ziemi. W środku jest obrotowe NIEBO!!!!!! Tyle w temacie.
Very interesting and insightful. Couldn't have imagine. Absolutely a new insight. Thank you for sharing. 🙏 👍
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles, with the 240,000 rotation of the galactic bulge causing ice/tropical ages every 60,000 years. But the really inconvenient truth to use Al Gores propaganda piece name is the 26,000 year Precession of the 7 north stars because every 12,000 years NOW our solar system eclipses crosses over the Milky Way for a 1,000 years causing the END TIMES><
Grade 5 science could debunk CO2.
Temp is rising first and CO2 follows. Cause and effect.
Earth is a closed loop that self regulates Co2 by combining CO2 with H2O to capture the EM energy of the Galaxy via the Sun to create LIFE.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the galactic Nucleus/Bulge.
Taxing Co2 is tantamount to taxing the energy of the Galaxy/Sun past, Present and Future.
To say Co2 is causing climate change is like putting the cart before the horse.
Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth.
The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass form the usual suspects of seasonal FLu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. Add a whole lot of propaganda and No Buying or Selling voila Covid 1984.
The MASK of the BEAST to Buy or Sell is a pretext for the depopulation FINAL SOLUTION heavy metal Clot Shot + 5G.
It takes 10 years minimum to develop a vacc IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. Which they can't because the seasonal Flu virus changes every year.
Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human.
Don't let yourselves be Divided and Conquered by the Evil ones along race, creed and religion. BLM/ALM.
We are all his people. There are no Chosen people=master race, No Purity of blood/Inbreeding=Eugenics, no Us & Them Gentile/Infidel tribalism it is just US in Jesus Christs New Covenant.
This is an awesome video. Thanks for the insight!
Brilliant thanks 😊 Beautiful photos!
Love your photos, voice and concepts. Subbed
Thank you for posting. Archeo Astronomy is an interesting endeavor. Researching especially Central American and Egyptian stone observatory/calendars with computer simulations. Love hearing Mass Effect score. Makes me want to break out ME1 again and start a new run through of all 3.
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles, with the 240,000 rotation of the galactic bulge causing ice/tropical ages every 60,000 years. But the really inconvenient truth to use Al Gores propaganda piece name is the 26,000 year Precession of the 7 north stars because every 12,000 years NOW our solar system eclipses crosses over the Milky Way for a 1,000 years causing the END TIMES><
Grade 5 science could debunk CO2.
Temp is rising first and CO2 follows. Cause and effect.
Earth is a closed loop that self regulates Co2 by combining CO2 with H2O to capture the EM energy of the Galaxy via the Sun to create LIFE.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the galactic Nucleus/Bulge.
Taxing Co2 is tantamount to taxing the energy of the Galaxy/Sun past, Present and Future.
To say Co2 is causing climate change is like putting the cart before the horse.
Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth.
The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass form the usual suspects of seasonal FLu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. Add a whole lot of propaganda and No Buying or Selling voila Covid 1984.
The MASK of the BEAST to Buy or Sell is a pretext for the depopulation FINAL SOLUTION heavy metal Clot Shot + 5G.
It takes 10 years minimum to develop a vacc IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. Which they can't because the seasonal Flu virus changes every year.
Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human.
Don't let yourselves be Divided and Conquered by the Evil ones along race, creed and religion. BLM/ALM.
We are all his people. There are no Chosen people=master race, No Purity of blood/Inbreeding=Eugenics, no Us & Them Gentile/Infidel tribalism it is just US in Jesus Christs New Covenant.
Dude wanna start it up too, that Mass Effect Galaxy Map theme song was nolstagic 🔥
Very thought provoking video. I must learn more about this topic! Excellent video!
All of the ancient connections to the sky and the changes that have happened really makes the night sky just even more amazing if that were possible. It's incredibly fascinating, loved this video. I love the puzzle that is all of the ancient connections to the sky and past civilisations
There's a guy called Doug Vogt with the Diehold Foundation that has quite an interesting take on the Great Year / 12,000 year cycle. It's a bit of a rabbit hole and at times complex but very interesting take on some of the cataclysms of our planets past.
I have been looking for this kind of content, thanks for your work.
Humbling video this. The music added to it as well
Thank you so much for this video, it makes it easier to understand how it all works. I think the current accepted length of the Great Year is 25,772 years, and the constellations vary in the space they take in the sky, which may contribute to the differences we see between calculations based on convenience (12 Ages of 2160 years = 25,920 rounded up to 26,000 years cycles) and what we find in the sky. Great video, many thanks 🤗
It's not even 12 it's 13 Zodiacs sign 🛑 and 1 was not counted for it's 2160 28,080 not 25,772
Thumbnail pic and 12:54. Was that taken at Observatory Park in Montville OH? I used to go there and recognize the stele😆
So fascinating! Thank you.
Thank you 💃for sharing the dance of the stars
Good video sir. It’s not easy to get your head around.
That was fascinating, thanks Peter.
Wow thx :)
Can you make another video from the southern celestial ball in comparison?
That would be nice!
Randall Carlson is a genius!! You are right, not to many people talking about this! Its very hard using our current calendar because something like 10 days were just removed to make things line up again, the date Jesus was born could have been weeks before or after the date given. Great video!!
It's Mithmas, not Christmas. December 25th is the god Mithra's birthday not Jesus' birthday. Jesus was born in April. The Mithraic religion hid a secret brotherhood, not unlike the Masons. They taught that we are in a binary star system and that Mithra was the father of two sons (Suns). Randal is a Mason, he will not tell you the real truth. I like the guy. He is an "authority" to be listened to, but he is not immune to the Vatican's wrath. Randal will not speak the truth. He just can't.
That was fantastic. Thanks. What software is that?
Beautiful vid as always.
This is something i did it before and did blow my mind
very nice!!!
Mind -> Blown
This is a phenomenal video! Is there a software that you've used to show the stars/constellations?
Great video! Another video I'd like to see: what's the basic budget gear you'd recommend with a DSLR for at least 1-minute shots?
Hey Peter...... I will take this video with me when I time travel to 13000 years before or after! 🙏
Amazing video thnx m8
Great video thank you
This is why the zodiac signs and the dates given by the astrologer don't match. Zodiac Signs were established almost 18 centuries ago, so the sky has changed a lot since then. A few years ago NASA published the corrected dates, even including a new zodiac constellation to the list (Ophiuchus). Great video, Peter.
Can u send me link id love to take a look
Ophiuchus is not new. The Vatican abolished it. This is why we have the "unlucky" number 13. At the time, there was no word for "unlucky" the Vatican declared it "unholy". Read my comment above. It sheds some more light on the subject.
Cool video
What blows my mind is how did they know all this and track it from 600yrs ago in Prague that awesome clock they built tracks all of this stuff its crazy mind blowing how much more true an understanding they had about this stuff. I think we're being lied tio cuz every ancient civ tracked the full context of the stars in the sky as if they had all 4 hemispheres quadrants w/e idk I'm starting to question everything at this point the more I learn. But I still have a lot to learn so idk
Nice Peter you guys even see the southern cross by the looks of it nice and low on the horizon
Absolutely beautiful, just to think we are DUST compared to this ultimate beast, not even we are dust ON dust. Something so violent yet gentle at the same time. I LOVE IT❤️❤️
Interesting indeed
super interesting
Hearing that Mass Effect starmap track really warms my heart.
Isn't it amazing how I (we) can just fire up the software and do the same time travel experiment as well. What is clear is how for thousands of years, there was no 'pole star'!
#10th like ☺ absolutely fantastic 👌🔭
Mass Effect 💗🤩
04:33 start
6:00 oh shit and here we are entering the age of Aquarius.
Thank you for the great video and the education, the ancient Geeks could actually view the Southern Cross at times.
The gregorian calendar doesn't go all that far back so wouldn't that mess up your concept of winter and summer rather than precession? I have not thought it all through yet but I do know that I got messed up researching ancient Catal Hyuk's skies untuk I realized the dating anomaly could not give me accurate readings of the equinox dates.etc..
Hello Peter, I posted a comment here two days ago, Did you remove it? Thanks for letting me know.
I'm very new to this whole concept, but with the great conjunction coming up with Jupiter and Saturn conjuncting at zero degrees and moving into Aquarius, would this be the start of the winter solstice great year? This conjunction happens on the 21st, coinciding with the winter solstice, as well.
The seasons do not move 1 day every 71 years, as would be the case if earth's axis shift was causing precession. This has never been observed, and the calendar has never been changed for this purpose.
You are correct. Read my comment above. There is no "wobble" of the axis. We are in a temporary binary star system that is also in orbital motions with other more distant local stars. The fact that the seasons do not change is one proof.
@@frankligas2249 more evidence free fiction
So I saw this video that suggested that our magnetic north pole is also rotating on an axis which takes about 25000 years to complete, which is a great year. However, what blew my mind, is the relation between the great year and flooding! If this concept is true, we are entering another cycle of an ice age. We are also entering aquarius which brings water.
The video LHFE 1:7
holy ****,i had never thought about that
Wondering, How, if any does a 26000year 23.5 degree persetion affect our climate?
Interesting! Thank you for a well composed and pleasant video. Alot of holy scriptures encourage us to take note to the skies while secularism wants us to stare into screens, though lately its been hard to make any sorts of observations. Hmm...🤔
star trail photo was top notch
How does this only have 289 likes!?!?!
I love that there are 26,000 views on this video!!
A paper shows that the axial precession (or precession of the equinoxes) is since the entire Solar System disk is spinning (from 2021):
The magnetic poles of the Earth flips approximately every 24,000 years which results in a relatively brief and sudden natural Armagedón. The last astral toric loop occurred around 9,600 B.C. during "The Great Flood" that killed almost all life on Earth. That means the next astral toric loop to watch out for will occur around 14,400 A.D. which is about 12,000 years from now.
Wonder how Orion's belt lines up with Giza back then too...
Why does the north star seen in the same place in winter as in summer if the earth travels from one side of the sun to the opposite side. Should not the north star no longer be above the north pole? Thanks . And love your channel.
I recognize that truth and reconciliation music anywhere
Very fitting
We are not taught this in school and we should be!
Why do u think they don't teach us this in school?
How many years until the North Pole is pointing directly away (opposite) from the sun on the winter solstice.
Love the fact the background noise is halo
Others: this sucks Covid 19
Astophotgraphers: Yay the air pollution is decreasing
News: lockdown
Astrophotographers: :€
Yupp. This month, during the new moon, I had the clearest sky, no humidity, to do my first ever milky way shot, but I was afraid to risk it due to the lockdown. I had location and everything figured out, but no dice, totally blew it. Some people got €500 fines for going out shopping at the next store or supermarket as opposed to the one nearest to their homes, and many other absurd stories, here, in Italy.
Can anyone confirm that seasons will reverse over the course of each 13,000 year 1/2 cycle of the earths procession. In other words.Australia will eventually see christmas in winter and The Northern hemisphere will see Christmas in the summer. (assuming the calendar stayed fixed)
Damn now I gotta go play Halo again
the fact that the milky-way was directly overhead might have influenced Egytian cosmology.
Nut, the Egyptian Sky-goddess (originally night-sky), was depicted as a nude woman arching over the Earth.
That's the Halo soundtrack in the background, careful not to get copyrighted 😂😭
Holy shit i recognized it too at the very beggining the truth and reconciliation lol
Glad I am not the only one
Halo n mass effect also isn't it? Or is that the stelara music I had the app it makes music like that lol and it reminds me of the elite dangerous music I spent so much time in all 3 games I forget which ones is what lol
How can you see the milky way Galaxy so front and center...when we are inside of it? Shouldn't we see colorful gases all around us if we are in it? If I'm underwater, I will see nothing but water. If I'm outside of the water, I will be able to capture a pic of it. I'm just trying to understand
It sucks not having a bright pole star here in the Southern Hemisphere. One day....
If you can wait until 8100 you'll have a perfect pole star!
@@PeterZelinka I look forward to that!
And since Aries was the first sign in the ancient Babylonian and Hellenistic zodiac on the yearly scale and precession moves "backwards" Pisces is sees as the first "month" (Age) of the first month of the great new year, hence why some mystics say the character of Jesus was the avatar created to usher in "new years day " of the great new year, hence the "second coming" because on spring equinox Pisces will leave, it will go through the entire zodiac and return to pisces, the second coming. And the virgin is opposite of the Ichthys. I don't believe in astrology or religion but it's an open fact that Jewish mystics love encoding things in texts, and the Bible is full of astrological and astronomical allegory, this is why on Passover (equinox) the virgin could not find the Ichthys in the temple, because on the wheel of the year Virgo passes under and Pisces will Passover the equinox line because they're opposite. The didn't follow his star FROM the east, they followed his star IN the east (Iran), the Magi were Persian Zoroastrian priests, it's well known that the Magi (root of the word for magic and magicians) were essentially professional astronomers. They followed precessional slippage through the great calander to the new year, Pisces is essentially January. It's all allegorical, essentially big freaking calender system.
So it's all about the movement of the earth shifting, than you can equate the moon's movement and how the gravitational differential between the sun and moon causes spring tides and neap tides, and even king tides at Perhelion, so spring tides at syzygy closest to the sun. It's all fascinating and there is nothing supernatural to it but it almost feels that way, lol.
Be it celestial movements, natural events, or genetic drift that causes changes in evolution, if you keep looking for drift you can figure out alot of things.its like a game of 'telephone' (known as "Chinese whispers" in the UK), stories drift over time.
It is my sincere belief that ancient characters like Isis and Osiris were originally stories of flesh and blood people, ancestors who were family members in the tribes we all shared in what we now call Africa, and due to the way pre writing people encoded celestial events, natural events, and histories of people into stories, celestial motifs were added to the stories of these prominent relatives and the tales drifted and expanded and Grandma Is became a God and we forgot the original down to earth reality.
Last month i had alot of clearskies but my telescope arrives in june 🙄
Wiki still insists that the Greeks discovered precession. Which is a ridiculous assertion when you understand history and how important The Great Year was to the ancients.
It's not really 25,920 of a great year 😢 this can be changed its 28,080 of a great year and it still come up as 2160
"It was common knowledge in the ancient world that the rate of precession is almost exactly 24,000 years/cycle." - Paramahansa Yogananda This will sound impossible at first read, but I'm actually the NASA scientist who tested it out and discovered it's power as a long-term predictive tool of exacting accuracy, plus that we've been duped about the actual rates and history of these pieces of knowledge by forces seeking to control this highly advanced ancient knowledge for their own purposes. In tandem, I'm confident this is also why R.C. doesn't talk about Yogananda's teachings despite that the Vedic knowledge is heralded in Freemason texts as the parent of Egyptian knowledge, both of which are related to Mayan astrotheology. In this sense, R.C. is not mentioning it either because he's not a high enough FM or because he isn't allowed to share certain parts of what he knows. And that's the real problem with learning about history from FMs. If we take their word as truth we're getting only part of the truth. And half-truths are the worst because they tend to send us away from truth by giving us the idea that we've already found it. But this whole ~25,960 years/cycle is total BS and the true story about precession is way, way, way more amazing. It is caused by a mysterious binary star turning the whole solar system around once per 24,000 years, which our IR telescopes should have detected so this too is a deep mystery at present (dark energy and/or a high level cover-up of a brown-dwarf type star are both realistic possibilities from what I've seen). And it would only take an ellipticity of ~0.04 for the recent rates measured by astronomers giving this value to be true when considering that according to the 24,000 year/cycle proponents we're about 22.85º past apoapsis along our orbit.
And how I know the rates are really 24,000/cycle is because I tested the claims of P. Yogananda using hard science in combination with the teachings of Mayan shaman I worked with in 2009 searching for the meaning of 2012 as long ago predicted by their ancestors. And I mapped the pieces of remaining knowledge they had with the current astro data on the ancient guide stars, plus the galactic center point, and BAM! I discovered the Gemini Code = the IAO Formula of the Golden Dawn Society, which is a super advanced code coordinating all the ancient maps into one system of super accurate scientific knowledge far advanced of our current NASA level I was educated within after spending many years with the best scientists in the world learning about the hard sciences of life and the universe. I wish I could just go up to Randall and challenge him with this and get an honest answer, because he seems like a good guy trying to help educate people to the real science of nature as he knows it. But ultimately, these findings speak to a great need for ordinary people to raise our minds higher than we might think possible, and to challenge our leaders, along with all masons and other teachers of ancient knowledge on these subjects, to open the vaults hiding the deepest truth from us and to give up trying to use them against a human species that is determined to not let ourselves be fooled into accepting a subordinate role under deceptive leadership hiding the most powerful knowledge of history from the mainstream mind and educational systems. Anyhow, just my $0.02
Dude? I just kept waiting for you to just let it go a full cycle?
Watched at 6,6k 3months ago
Accidentally viewed at this comment 3 mins after
It's all behind ..even the clocks were put back a week earlier this year... something is going wrong with Al and time.
1.0 Pole star moving is just modern concept. Not used by ancients who had longer periods of calendar.
Lol can the modern humans make a calendar longer than 1 year other than multiplying by 10 or similar number. Can they use cosmos and do it even with there advanced softwares?
2.0 Tilt of earth changes so the 4 stars modern people think as poles won't be in a circle.
Ancients were using the stars around the eleptical.
Peter the shorter days in the summer may be caused by the program taking into account a magnetic flip.
You are exactly seeing the seasons swap after half a cycle because the seasons occur because of the Earth's tilt. Therefore when that tilt precesses, so will the seasons. It's not a "wobble" though: there is a wobbling effect, and that is called nutation (see the wikipedia article for "nutation"). Randall Carlson sounds like a crackpot. I wouldn't imagine there is any link between the precession of the equinoxes and significant world events, unlike the geomagnetic reversal, for example. Listening to people like that is a good way to be badly wrong on a great many things. There's plenty of wonder to be had in the universe without making things up.
Thanks for the video. The Great Year as referred to by the Greeks, also has many other names. In ancient India it was referred to as the Yuga Cycle. Randal Carlson is great, but not an astronomer. The idea that the Earth’s axis "goes through a wobble" was just proven wrong by the software you are using. This is no accident of leap years. The idea that the Earth’s axis "wobbles" in an elliptical fashion is just wrong. There is a better explanation and none of the ancient schools taught that there was a "wobble". Randal does touch on part of the idea, but the guy has a long list of taboo subjects he just won’t mention on his channel, except fleetingly, and only when pushed. So don't take everything he says as "Gospel". The real story is that Earths motion in space is tied to the solar system itself making a type of orbital motion around another star. We are not in a true "binary" star system, but our solar system has made several orbits around a distant, temporary companion star. Being so distant, there are other stars, such as Sirius; that also are involved in what Randal does admit. Randal calls it a semi-galactic orbital, or a semi-galactic center. Randal also gives it a time frame that matches the dates in the Yuga calendar, but leaves out the more obvious target star. The fact is this: everyone that watches this video to the end is curious, and demonstrating a thirst for knowledge, but there is an eight hundred pound gorilla in the room… the Vatican. How many scientists of old, and still today have been murdered by the Vatican for “spilling the beans”? Look up the history of that phrase. Examples: It’s not Christmas, it’s Mithmas. It's not Jesus’ birthday on December 25th, it’s Mithra’s birthday. Much of modern, fictionalized pseudo-Christianity is a fictional religion that has been created to lie and keep everyone dumb. So here is short list of facts to help you out. The seasons did not change their time of year throughout this cycle. December 25th is Mithra’s birthday. There used to be a 13th constellation in the Zodiac before the Vatican declared it an “unholly” 13. The 13th constellation is Ophiuchus, and has all the answers you seek. Randal will not talk about Ophiuchus. Don’t misunderstand me, Jesus was a real living person, but his true life story is far more interesting than the lies told by the Vatican. Again, thanks for the video.