I first ran into your videos a couple years ago, because of my love for Shiva, and then, through one of your videos, was guided to Sri M, whom I absolutely love and admire. His books and teachings changed my life. I'm so glad that you're doing these videos and am very thankful for the spiritual wealth you have shared. It has assisted me tremendously on my path towards embracing and awakening my inner Shakti. Thank you.
There is No Just One True Way ❤ I love the Hindu way... Huge appreciation, as one willing to connect w an Ancient European Tradition, & thanks to Aurobindo's teachings i think i can ❤ that means i can better, yogicly**
Medicine! Thank you so much! I've been a bit too worked up with everything going on lately, but this really brought me back to my heart and my spirit, especially the opening prayer ❤
Hello from Turkey, may you please add to automatic translate Turkish subtitle as well as all of the videos. We all humanity family need your knowledge, experience and wisdom who are on their spiritual path,,,Thank you,,,🙏🌹🌹🌹
I hope you and your loved ones are ok. My prayers and hope for India to recover quickly from the virus. My deepest condolences to all the lives that have been lost♥️🙏🕉
Mind blowing content as usual from you Raja Sir. Maa saraswati manifesting thru you. Thank you. May you be more empowered by the divine ❤. I like your giggles 😂
Your approach towards seeking Spirituality & Esoteric knowledge, I find most comforting and engaging it pretty much how I suppose Buddha may have pursued going from Guru's to Guru and finally going within. Although I am not suggesting that we are being disrespectful to any Guru's and their perception of attaining Awakening or Enlightenment or attaining that blissful state in our daily living. But the confines of each School or Philosophies or Thought Circle is that Majority Guru's but not all tend to be perceive or rather conclude that their experience may the only way they can teach to their students and seek everyone to follow it that way. But it's pretty much contrary to say so against the saying that we are the very unique expression of divinity itself thus each may experience their own unique Spiritual journey in their own way. That is the beauty of many paths to reach the same goal whether through Integral Yoga or another. I had a query with regards to the teachings of Mehar Babaji if you have any inputs around it please do share me your guidance. 🙏
SA ON TANTRA AND PURANA All the Puranic tradition ,it must be remembered ,draws the richness of its contents form the Tantra . - Sri Aurobindo in Essays On The Gita . -------------- Those who are exploring the field of Tantra , would be greatly benefited in their quest and in the attainment of the Tantric Siddhis if they can do the daily recitation / loud reading of different Puranas . Their are great many things are available in Puranas ,they are like encyclopedias of knowledge and information about Esoteric and Occult sciences ,which our ancient rishis knew and had understanding of .By such reading / recitations a sadhaka begins to get connected with the world of gods and goddesses as it is what is described in these texts . Descriptions of Lokas /Worlds /planes / dimensions of these higher beings with each reading , begins to become more accessible to a sadhaka ,and his / her chances of getting their visions and blessings also increases with each recitation .
I enjoy all your presentations, Raja, and have learned from you. There are very good reasons to limit oneself to a single a teacher, however, at least for a fair amount of time. The Satguru is also a wealth of character as well as knowledge/peace. Good character is the foundation for making spiritual progress. It's true that a student will find lessons in everything and every person. Lessons are waiting everywhere. The Satguru though is someone that knows the disciple personally and his or her karmic patterns. This how the Sanatana Dharma has persisted while other world traditions became memories. Further, by studying from a thousand talking heads, there are bound to be philosophical loopholes. Just my two cents. I have enjoyed long time discipleship and now many years somewhat on my own. Aum Namah Sivaya.
Both TM AND SA talked about the glorious and the luminous body and that would be elastic enough to withstand the onslaughts from hostile beings and not get damaged as the gross body,which is made of five elements ( gods bodies also don't get distorted ,destroyed or damaged in such battles). The luminous body would maintain plasticity and the elasticity because it would be made up of three subtle elements ie. Fire - light, Air - prana and the Akasha- Vyoma , like the bodies of the gods and the Goddess. Since even in the supramental world the battle will keep on happening, as it happens in the heavens of lord Indra,that means the qualities ,behaviour and functions of the supramental body would be similar to the bodies of the gods/angels. So the question is what would be that mind - consciousness by which a supramental being will live by ,as SA says knowing the truth by identifying with the object and that is how the body made of subtle elements can become one with the object as subject and the object duality will obliterated, so in that sense they can attain the state of Adwaitic consciousness at will. But since war between light and the dark powers will be continue, so the duality in the consciousness will also exist to differentiate between I - a being of luminosity and the beings of darkness, ( the bodies of the Asuras are also made up three elements but because of heaviness of the Tamas, their fire element has more of smoke in it, which deprives them of brightness, but makes them capable of battling with the gods. ) In supramental world the liberated beings will have possibility to keep on existing and living on earth as the raised and because of the ascension the fifth dimensional vibrations ( as TM says earth consciousness should be prepared enough to sustain supramental manifestations) will allow such bright beings made of quanta light bodies to manifest ,that means these quanta light beings would be able to function both as the particle and the wave and because of this they can even pass through the walls, can even create as many body copies as gods/angels can do. And in similar ways they can will and bring forth or give birth to their own children or the replicas as all gods do. This way it will be heavens upon the earth. All enlightened beings attain bright and sacred luminous body but like TM AND SA they exist only on nonphysical astral planes but in supramental manifestations they can visit , exist or even remain in the ascended earth atmosphere , like all the ascended Yogis, sages and saints. मैंने अमरत्व को केवल सापेक्षिक उपलब्धि कहा है । शास्त्रों के अनुसार ब्रह्माजी की भी आयु होती है और उसकी समाप्ति के पश्चात वह उससे उपर की पदवी को प्राप्त होते हैं । आध्यात्मिक क्रम विकास देवत्व की पदवीयों में स्थापित और निहित है और उसी प्रक्रियाके आधार से अतिमानस स्रष्टि की रचना होना है क्योंकि भूदेवी जिसे मदर पार्थिव चेतना कहती हैं, का भी आरोहण-उत्सर्पिणी- असेन्सन आध्यात्मिक क्रम विकास और उत्थानमें आवश्यक है ।।
The layout is essentially a city-size yantra inside of which we live and the globe is the meditative power center shaped like the bulb of a lotus flower with 12-petals of the anāhata chakra. Living inside such a yantra helps us take that same idea within where the entire body is the yantra within which inner self lives and concentrates around our own anāhata chakra. Why anāhata of all the chakras available is because for one obvious reason we need to have love harmony peace etc when living packed in a city together, hence the city itself is a Conscious Being. Second is that anāhata is the bridge between our power and higher natures, and the goal of integral yoga is to merge these two natures.
@@rajadasworld Maybe I had to ask the question to understand what you mean, but part of this is Gurdjief’s “I am” self-sensing mindfulness body scan exercise. Correct? Lend a hand, bro. 🙏
Unconscious (nature) evolution has ended when we have bcm human from plants to animal then human. From humans starts the conscious evolution begins as natures work is finished. It's up to us individual now 😊
luminous and transformed body ------ When we read these Two passages from The Mother ( Pondicherry ) "s collected works(first passage is from vol.9 and second is from vol.3).And from these two passages we come two conclusions which are , supramentalised body will be more similar to Astral/subtle body as we know from Kundalini Yoga all chakras only exist in Subtle body but not in physical body. Inphysical body we have endocrine glands which are controlled and governed by different chakras corresponding to their location.Secondly we know all these transformed bodies in Yogic literature are called Chinmay Deha or TEjomaya Sharir or Body of light made of like sunlight of electronic particle called Photon Quanta-which at the same time functions as particle and wave simultaneously. We know from yogic literature there are hundreds and thousands and even millions of yogis who have attained this transformed luminous body,but they are visible only to those yogis,on physical plane who have developed subtle vision or Divine vision- it is called opening of Sukshma Drishti or Divya Drishti-and because of this they are able to interact with these yogis who exist on astral/subtle plane. But what The Mother is saying here is -with Supramental manifestation these yogis would be visible to ordinary human eyes,that means those subtle-luminous bodies will be visible to ordinary human beings. Before that thing happens we need to have a large number of Enlightened beings whom Sri Aurobindo called , a race of Superman or as theosophist call them next fifth root race.Since we know a luminous body will have more of fire element and that is what will make it so bright,but ordinary humans will have no such capacity or resilience to stand before or even to come near such body made of fire as it will have scorching effect upon their negative karmas,and that is the reason why we need a large portion of Enlightened beings in given population because they can only interact and withstand the scorching heat emanating from these bodies made of light. ================ In the very, very old traditions - there was a tradition more ancient than the Vedic and the Chaldean which must have been the source of both - in that ancient tradition there is already mention of a “glorious body” which would be plastic enough to be transformed at every moment by the deeper consciousness: it would express that consciousness, it would have no fixity of form. It mentioned luminosity: the constituent matter could become luminous at will. It mentioned a sort of possibility of weightlessness which would allow the body to move about in the air only by the action of will-power and by certain processes of control of the inner energy, and so on. Much has been said about these things. April 1957 I don’t know if there ever were beings on earth who had partially realised this, but in a very small way there have been partial instances of one thing or another, examples which go to prove that it is possible. And following up this idea, one could go so far as to conceive of the replacement of material organs and their functioning as it now is, by centres of concentration of force and energy which would be receptive to the higher forces and which, by a kind of alchemy, would use them for the necessities of life and the body. We already speak of the different “centres” in the body - this knowledge is very widespread among people who have practised yoga - but these centres could be perfected to the point where they replace the different organs by a direct action of the higher energy and vibrations on matter. Those who have practised occultism well enough, in its most integral form, it could be said, know the process of materialisation of subtle energies and can put them in contact with physical vibrations. Not only is it something that can be done, but it is something which is done. And all that is a science, a science which must itself be perfected, completed, and which will obviously be used for the creation and setting in action of new bodies which will be able to manifest the supramental life in the material world. =============== One of the greatest victories of this ineffable humility of God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of fi- nally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were always walking on air, there will be no heaviness or tamas or unconsciousness in it. There will also be no end to its power of adaptability: whatever conditions it is placed it will immediately be equal to the demands made upon it because its full consciousness will drive out all that inertia and incapacity which usually make Matter a drag on the Spirit. Supramental plasticity will enable it to stand the attack of every hostile force which strives to pierce it: it will present no dull resistance to the attack but will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way to it to pass off. Thus it will suffer no harmful consequences and the most deadly attacks will leave it unscathed. Lastly, it will be turned into the stuff of light, each cell will radiate the supramental glory. Not only those who are developed enough to have their subtle sight open but the ordinary man too will be able to perceive this luminosity. It will be an evident fact to each and all, a permanent proof of the transformation which will convince even the most sceptical. The bodily transformation will be the supreme spirit
At Baroda Sri Aurobindo “was put first in the Settlement Department, not as an officer, but to learn the work, then in the Stamps and Revenue Departments; he was for some time put to work in the Secretariat for drawing up dispatches etc. Afterwards without joining the College and while doing other work, he was lecturer in French at the College, and finally at his request was appointed there as Professor of English. All through, the Maharaja used to call him whenever something had to be written which needed careful wording; he also employed him to prepare some of his public speeches and in other work of a literary or educational character.” Afterwards Sri Aurobindo became Vice-Principal of the College and was for some time its acting Principal. “Most of the personal work for the Maharaja was done in an unofficial capacity…. There was no appointment as Private Secretary. He was usually invited to breakfast with the Maharaja at the Palace and stayed on to do this work.”
Objective reality came into existence when Lord Brahma created the veil of Maya -- principle or force which makes it possible for humans to see reality in dichotomy. This is called the devolution of the nondual Satchtananada consciousness where Sat - Truth became falsehood, Chit - Consciousness became unconsciousness, Ananda - Bliss became misery and the suffering, and The Amaratva - Immortality became death and the annihilation. Just the opposite of the what the Nondual Consciousness is. This in the Bible is known as fall from Eden after the tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge, where Adam and the Eve came down to experience dual nature of the world and the universe, so now they can begin their journey back to attain back the power of the tree of life which bestows back the blessings to arrive at nondual - Unitary consciousness THE KAIVALYA - The Absolute Oneness. If there's no dual consciousness of the subject and the object differentiation then humans would not survive in this world where predator and the predatory insects exist. Scientists call it the arrival of Bichemiral mind where men can know hunter and the hunted . So from the ignorance of the unconsciousness a human soul begins its journey to get back to knowledge of the Unitary consciousness and in progress and the process he learns about Infiniteness of even this visible dual reality, explores the mind with all its different sensations, sentiments and the emotions and that enriches its own psyche and journeys on .
The more I listen 👂, like fine 🍷 wine
Only gets better
Hats off to Raja
No words to express my gratitude towards the amazing knowledge that you are sharing with the world...!!!!
I first ran into your videos a couple years ago, because of my love for Shiva, and then, through one of your videos, was guided to Sri M, whom I absolutely love and admire. His books and teachings changed my life. I'm so glad that you're doing these videos and am very thankful for the spiritual wealth you have shared. It has assisted me tremendously on my path towards embracing and awakening my inner Shakti. Thank you.
I made the film back in 2011 - I am not involved with him anymore....Be your own Guru always. Learn from others but be free of crutches
@@rajadasworld great advice. I’m fiercely independent, so being my own guru is a much better path for myself. Thank you
Thank you🙏🏼 I can’t explain how I feel to have found your teaching. It’s truly a gift.
There is No Just One True Way ❤
I love the Hindu way...
Huge appreciation, as one willing to connect w an Ancient European Tradition, & thanks to Aurobindo's teachings i think i can ❤ that means i can better, yogicly**
Medicine! Thank you so much! I've been a bit too worked up with everything going on lately, but this really brought me back to my heart and my spirit, especially the opening prayer ❤
What a great explanation of tantra and Vedanta! I understand through my relative experience. Thank you for your talks
This is pure gold
This lesson alone has lit 🔥 me on fire to sign up for Raja private study
This lesson is a masterpiece
Thanks from Argentina! You are such a great teacher!! I love when you sing and explain mantras and their rythims 🙌🏼✨💗✨🎶💫
Thanku love u 😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 from nepal
Hello from Turkey, may you please add to automatic translate Turkish subtitle as well as all of the videos. We all humanity family need your knowledge, experience and wisdom who are on their spiritual path,,,Thank you,,,🙏🌹🌹🌹
Welcome! And thank you for your donation
Beautifully expressed, so grateful for your teachings 🙏
Amazing! Thank you @raja chaudhary always for putting up such deep information, so enriching 🙏
Wonderful Wonderful and yet again Wonderful - my heart sings with it all, Au revoir!
Amazing, so valuable to know the evolution of these insights, thank you
I am absorbed into the spiritual experiences of you.
Thank you
Congratulations, you are such a good narrator and teacher, great video, thank you so much
Thank you for all your teachings 🙏
Thanks . Incredible experience of feeling the touch of Mother and Sri Aurobindo as if I am in the ashram .
Thanks 🙏🏼
Thanks for these lectures.
Thank you to share your experiences and knowledge. Vidya daan is greatest of all charities.
Love you ❤ thank you 🙏🌼
I hope you and your loved ones are ok. My prayers and hope for India to recover quickly from the virus. My deepest condolences to all the lives that have been lost♥️🙏🕉
best explanation so far thankyou for this beautiful lesson
Amazing. Super greatful Hari Om tat sat ✨🙏
Wow, this resonates and might be life-changing. Bless you🙏
Thank you so much...this was very interesting...💗💗💗
Mind blowing content as usual from you Raja Sir.
Maa saraswati manifesting thru you.
Thank you.
May you be more empowered by the divine ❤.
I like your giggles 😂
Thank you. Blessings
Much thanks very interesting this integration I think integration of the whole of life 🙏🎁🙏
my favorite Guru
Beautiful 💙
Thank you so much for this Raja. Love and many blessings from America
I am in America now
Loved it 🙏🏼
Feel proud to have been a student there
Thank you 🙏 Sir for such a great discourse 🌹 Looking forward to meeting you in person someday 🙏💐❤️
You have a great ability to breakdown the wonderful philosophy of enlightenment to a simple man like myself
I really enjoy your desire to feed us your findings!!! This is so much appreciated! Love be always your path!
Your approach towards seeking Spirituality & Esoteric knowledge, I find most comforting and engaging it pretty much how I suppose Buddha may have pursued going from Guru's to Guru and finally going within. Although I am not suggesting that we are being disrespectful to any Guru's and their perception of attaining Awakening or Enlightenment or attaining that blissful state in our daily living.
But the confines of each School or Philosophies or Thought Circle is that Majority Guru's but not all tend to be perceive or rather conclude that their experience may the only way they can teach to their students and seek everyone to follow it that way.
But it's pretty much contrary to say so against the saying that we are the very unique expression of divinity itself thus each may experience their own unique Spiritual journey in their own way.
That is the beauty of many paths to reach the same goal whether through Integral Yoga or another.
I had a query with regards to the teachings of Mehar Babaji if you have any inputs around it please do share me your guidance. 🙏
Meher Baba was another one of those great mystics that the 20th century produced. There were many...
I see Lord varys(GOT) wisdom in you☺️
I like it but I am no Eunuch
All the Puranic tradition ,it must be remembered ,draws the richness of its contents form the Tantra . - Sri Aurobindo in Essays On The Gita .
Those who are exploring the field of Tantra , would be greatly benefited in their quest and in the attainment of the Tantric Siddhis if they can do the daily recitation / loud reading of different Puranas .
Their are great many things are available in Puranas ,they are like encyclopedias of knowledge and information about Esoteric and Occult sciences ,which our ancient rishis knew and had understanding of .By such reading / recitations a sadhaka begins to get connected with the world of gods and goddesses as it is what is described in these texts . Descriptions of Lokas /Worlds /planes / dimensions of these higher beings with each reading , begins to become more accessible to a sadhaka ,and his / her chances of getting their visions and blessings also increases with each recitation .
Than you!
I enjoy all your presentations, Raja, and have learned from you. There are very good reasons to limit oneself to a single a teacher, however, at least for a fair amount of time. The Satguru is also a wealth of character as well as knowledge/peace. Good character is the foundation for making spiritual progress. It's true that a student will find lessons in everything and every person. Lessons are waiting everywhere. The Satguru though is someone that knows the disciple personally and his or her karmic patterns. This how the Sanatana Dharma has persisted while other world traditions became memories. Further, by studying from a thousand talking heads, there are bound to be philosophical loopholes. Just my two cents. I have enjoyed long time discipleship and now many years somewhat on my own. Aum Namah Sivaya.
Both TM AND SA talked about the glorious and the luminous body and that would be elastic enough to withstand the onslaughts from hostile beings and not get damaged as the gross body,which is made of five elements ( gods bodies also don't get distorted ,destroyed or damaged in such battles). The luminous body would maintain plasticity and the elasticity because it would be made up of three subtle elements ie. Fire - light, Air - prana and the Akasha- Vyoma , like the bodies of the gods and the Goddess. Since even in the supramental world the battle will keep on happening, as it happens in the heavens of lord Indra,that means the qualities ,behaviour and functions of the supramental body would be similar to the bodies of the gods/angels. So the question is what would be that mind - consciousness by which a supramental being will live by ,as SA says knowing the truth by identifying with the object and that is how the body made of subtle elements can become one with the object as subject and the object duality will obliterated, so in that sense they can attain the state of Adwaitic consciousness at will. But since war between light and the dark powers will be continue, so the duality in the consciousness will also exist to differentiate between I - a being of luminosity and the beings of darkness, ( the bodies of the Asuras are also made up three elements but because of heaviness of the Tamas, their fire element has more of smoke in it, which deprives them of brightness, but makes them capable of battling with the gods. ) In supramental world the liberated beings will have possibility to keep on existing and living on earth as the raised and because of the ascension the fifth dimensional vibrations ( as TM says earth consciousness should be prepared enough to sustain supramental manifestations) will allow such bright beings made of quanta light bodies to manifest ,that means these quanta light beings would be able to function both as the particle and the wave and because of this they can even pass through the walls, can even create as many body copies as gods/angels can do. And in similar ways they can will and bring forth or give birth to their own children or the replicas as all gods do. This way it will be heavens upon the earth. All enlightened beings attain bright and sacred luminous body but like TM AND SA they exist only on nonphysical astral planes but in supramental manifestations they can visit , exist or even remain in the ascended earth atmosphere , like all the ascended Yogis, sages and saints.
मैंने अमरत्व को केवल सापेक्षिक उपलब्धि कहा है । शास्त्रों के अनुसार ब्रह्माजी की भी आयु होती है और उसकी समाप्ति के पश्चात वह उससे उपर की पदवी को प्राप्त होते हैं । आध्यात्मिक क्रम विकास देवत्व की पदवीयों में स्थापित और निहित है और उसी प्रक्रियाके आधार से अतिमानस स्रष्टि की रचना होना है क्योंकि भूदेवी जिसे मदर पार्थिव चेतना कहती हैं, का भी आरोहण-उत्सर्पिणी- असेन्सन आध्यात्मिक क्रम विकास और उत्थानमें आवश्यक है ।।
I have a doubt in life everything is predetermined or we can change our destiny through meditation ?
We can change our destiny through meditation ...or any intentionally done karma
Things are going deeper.
After watching all of the other video of yours ,make me think different.
I'm from Pondicherry, what do you think is the purpose of Mother's vision of designing the city around the globe?
The layout is essentially a city-size yantra inside of which we live and the globe is the meditative power center shaped like the bulb of a lotus flower with 12-petals of the anāhata chakra.
Living inside such a yantra helps us take that same idea within where the entire body is the yantra within which inner self lives and concentrates around our own anāhata chakra.
Why anāhata of all the chakras available is because for one obvious reason we need to have love harmony peace etc when living packed in a city together, hence the city itself is a Conscious Being. Second is that anāhata is the bridge between our power and higher natures, and the goal of integral yoga is to merge these two natures.
Is he burning Nag Champa?
Namaste Raja ji, may I know your view on Sidda Vidya Sadhana of Sri Sivananda Paramahansa from Kerala.
I do not follow or advocate any living Gurus. My message to you is to be your own Guru - learn from teachers and books but seek your own enlightenment
@@rajadasworld Thank you Raja ji. Love your advice. By the way, he is not a living guru.
What’s the practical How-to regarding this practice? There’s such a build up to next week’s teaching. I look forward to learning more.
Self observation is the only practice in this higher work
@@rajadasworld: yes, but how?
@@rajadasworld Maybe I had to ask the question to understand what you mean, but part of this is Gurdjief’s “I am” self-sensing mindfulness body scan exercise. Correct? Lend a hand, bro. 🙏
Unconscious (nature) evolution has ended when we have bcm human from plants to animal then human. From humans starts the conscious evolution begins as natures work is finished. It's up to us individual now 😊
Very well said, "Why limit ourselves to one teaching alone?" Can't agree more on this.
luminous and transformed body
When we read these Two passages from The Mother ( Pondicherry ) "s collected works(first
passage is from vol.9 and second is from vol.3).And from these two
passages we come two conclusions which are , supramentalised body will
be more similar to Astral/subtle body as we know from Kundalini Yoga
all chakras only exist in Subtle body but not in physical body.
Inphysical body we have endocrine glands which are controlled and
governed by different chakras corresponding to their location.Secondly
we know all these transformed bodies in Yogic literature are called
Chinmay Deha or TEjomaya Sharir or Body of light made of like sunlight
of electronic particle called Photon Quanta-which at the same time functions
as particle and wave simultaneously.
We know from yogic literature there are hundreds and thousands and
even millions of yogis who have attained this transformed luminous
body,but they are visible only to those yogis,on physical plane who
have developed subtle vision or Divine vision- it is called opening of
Sukshma Drishti or Divya Drishti-and because of this they are able to
interact with these yogis who exist on astral/subtle plane.
But what The Mother is saying here is -with Supramental manifestation
these yogis would be visible to ordinary human eyes,that means those
subtle-luminous bodies will be visible to ordinary human beings.
Before that thing happens we need to have a large number of
Enlightened beings whom Sri Aurobindo called , a race of Superman or as theosophist
call them next fifth root race.Since we know a luminous body will have more
of fire element and that is what will make it so bright,but ordinary
humans will have no such capacity or resilience to stand before or
even to come near such body made of fire as it will have scorching
effect upon their negative karmas,and that is the reason why we need a
large portion of Enlightened beings in given population because they
can only interact and withstand the scorching heat emanating from
these bodies made of light.
In the very, very old traditions - there was a tradition more
ancient than the Vedic and the Chaldean which must have been
the source of both - in that ancient tradition there is already
mention of a “glorious body” which would be plastic enough to
be transformed at every moment by the deeper consciousness:
it would express that consciousness, it would have no fixity
of form. It mentioned luminosity: the constituent matter could
become luminous at will. It mentioned a sort of possibility of
weightlessness which would allow the body to move about in
the air only by the action of will-power and by certain processes
of control of the inner energy, and so on. Much has been said
about these things.
April 1957
I don’t know if there ever were beings on earth who had
partially realised this, but in a very small way there have been
partial instances of one thing or another, examples which go to
prove that it is possible. And following up this idea, one could go
so far as to conceive of the replacement of material organs and
their functioning as it now is, by centres of concentration of force
and energy which would be receptive to the higher forces and
which, by a kind of alchemy, would use them for the necessities
of life and the body. We already speak of the different “centres”
in the body - this knowledge is very widespread among people
who have practised yoga - but these centres could be perfected
to the point where they replace the different organs by a direct
action of the higher energy and vibrations on matter. Those who
have practised occultism well enough, in its most integral form,
it could be said, know the process of materialisation of subtle
energies and can put them in contact with physical vibrations.
Not only is it something that can be done, but it is something
which is done. And all that is a science, a science which must
itself be perfected, completed, and which will obviously be used
for the creation and setting in action of new bodies which
will be able to manifest the supramental life in the material
One of the greatest victories of this ineffable humility of
God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently
the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of fi-
nally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to
be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness,
adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body
is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were always walking
on air, there will be no heaviness or tamas or unconsciousness
in it. There will also be no end to its power of adaptability:
whatever conditions it is placed it will immediately be equal to
the demands made upon it because its full consciousness will
drive out all that inertia and incapacity which usually make
Matter a drag on the Spirit. Supramental plasticity will enable it
to stand the attack of every hostile force which strives to pierce
it: it will present no dull resistance to the attack but will be,
on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way
to it to pass off. Thus it will suffer no harmful consequences
and the most deadly attacks will leave it unscathed. Lastly, it
will be turned into the stuff of light, each cell will radiate the
supramental glory. Not only those who are developed enough
to have their subtle sight open but the ordinary man too will
be able to perceive this luminosity. It will be an evident fact to
each and all, a permanent proof of the transformation which
will convince even the most sceptical.
The bodily transformation will be the supreme spirit
Beautiful, thank you 🕉️🙏
Loved it as usual! Although I half expected to see you do a coin vanish in the middle of the video! :p
Now you want me to do standard Guru parlor tricks....not my style
Immensely thankful to you!
He didnt join baroda's king as clerk but as personal advisor.
At Baroda Sri Aurobindo “was put first in the Settlement Department, not as an officer, but to learn the work, then in the Stamps and Revenue Departments; he was for some time put to work in the Secretariat for drawing up dispatches etc. Afterwards without joining the College and while doing other work, he was lecturer in French at the College, and finally at his request was appointed there as Professor of English. All through, the Maharaja used to call him whenever something had to be written which needed careful wording; he also employed him to prepare some of his public speeches and in other work of a literary or educational character.” Afterwards Sri Aurobindo became Vice-Principal of the College and was for some time its acting Principal. “Most of the personal work for the Maharaja was done in an unofficial capacity…. There was no appointment as Private Secretary. He was usually invited to breakfast with the Maharaja at the Palace and stayed on to do this work.”
Objective reality came into existence when Lord Brahma created the veil of Maya -- principle or force which makes it possible for humans to see reality in dichotomy. This is called the devolution of the nondual Satchtananada consciousness where Sat - Truth became falsehood, Chit - Consciousness became unconsciousness, Ananda - Bliss became misery and the suffering, and The Amaratva - Immortality became death and the annihilation. Just the opposite of the what the Nondual Consciousness is. This in the Bible is known as fall from Eden after the tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge, where Adam and the Eve came down to experience dual nature of the world and the universe, so now they can begin their journey back to attain back the power of the tree of life which bestows back the blessings to arrive at nondual - Unitary consciousness THE KAIVALYA - The Absolute Oneness. If there's no dual consciousness of the subject and the object differentiation then humans would not survive in this world where predator and the predatory insects exist. Scientists call it the arrival of Bichemiral mind where men can know hunter and the hunted . So from the ignorance of the unconsciousness a human soul begins its journey to get back to knowledge of the Unitary consciousness and in progress and the process he learns about Infiniteness of even this visible dual reality, explores the mind with all its different sensations, sentiments and the emotions and that enriches its own psyche and journeys on .
Thank you
Thank you