【袮的愛】- CHC Chinese - 城市豐收敬拜讚美詩歌集7《在基督裡》

  • Опубликовано: 7 окт 2024
  • 袮的愛Your Love
    曲:Caroline Tjen
    (Verse 1)
    我雖面對苦難 卻不喪膽
    Though there are trials I am not losing heart.
    因祢使我心腸 得享平安
    You are the one who blesses me with peace in my heart.
    我雖遭遇患難 卻不絕望
    Though there are trials I am not losing hope.
    因祢將我高舉 在磐石上
    You are the one who holds and places me on the rock.
    (Verse 2)
    我雖經歷試煉 仍有盼望
    Though there are trials I am still having hopes.
    祢對我的應許 給我力量
    It is from Your promises, I gain strength.
    我雖面對挑戰 心仍堅強
    Though there are trials my heart is still firm.
    因祢賜下聖靈 使我心更勇敢
    It is from Your Holy Spirit, I gain courage.
    (Chorus 1)
    我心渴慕祢 生命救主
    My heart desires You, the savior of our life.
    吸引我靠近 引導我腳步
    You draw me closer to every step you have instructed.
    Hiding me to the most secret and secure place.
    Your love solidifies my life even more.
    (Chorus 2)
    我心倚靠祢 復活救主
    My heart desires You, the resurrector of our life.
    雖軟弱無力 聖靈幫助
    Though we are weak and forceless, the Holy Spirit will assist us.
    No matter how tough is the path lies ahead of us.
    Your love will guide me to the way of life.
    祢是我的力量 信心的盼望
    You are my strength and the hope of my faith.
    我要定睛仰望 仰望祢榮光
    I want to fix my eyes upon You and look up to Your glory.
    音樂編輯自: • 祢的爱
    英文歌詞來源:Ting Yu Hsieh於 • 祢的爱 之留言

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