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Thanks for presenting very informative video. Have a question: Rental car woud be better or public transportation? We are two and will be in area for 3 complet days. Amalfi, Positano ate our main goal to spent time there. Thanks
As per our opinion, renting a car will be more stressful for a visitor due to the traffic jams, narrow roads and extremely limited and expensive parking the in coastal towns. Public transportation is the better option for most visitors to the Amalfi Coast and Positano, as it is cheaper, more convenient, and less stressful than renting a car. The only potential downside is that buses can get crowded, especially in high season. But overall, the benefits of using public transport outweigh the drawbacks for most travelers to this region.
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SCAM ALERT: This is to inform you that We NEVER offer money or ask for money in exchange for subscribing to our channel. We have noticed that there is a SCAM going in Turkey, India and other countries via WhatsApp and Telegram using our brand name. Since we do not offer money in exchange for subscribing to our channel, people who visit our channel for money be aware that your are a part of a CYBER SCAM already. So please report those WhatsApp numbers and telegram numbers to the POLICE or Cyber Crime Center in your country. Our previous SCAM Alert is here for your reference >>
Italy got beautiful beaches in the world. Very beautiful. Love it Scenic Hunter
It really is! ❤❤❤
Amalfi è meravigliosa bellissimo video che panorama splendido
Thanks for the visit ❤❤❤
Great video. Love the visuals
Thank You ❤️❤️❤️
Will be back this summer ✨✨✨
Wow ❤
Bella Italia ❤
Thanks ❤❤❤
Costiera amalfitana ( SALERNO❤)
Thanks for presenting very informative video.
Have a question: Rental car woud be better or public transportation? We are two and will be in area for 3 complet days. Amalfi, Positano ate our main goal to spent time there. Thanks
As per our opinion, renting a car will be more stressful for a visitor due to the traffic jams, narrow roads and extremely limited and expensive parking the in coastal towns. Public transportation is the better option for most visitors to the Amalfi Coast and Positano, as it is cheaper, more convenient, and less stressful than renting a car. The only potential downside is that buses can get crowded, especially in high season. But overall, the benefits of using public transport outweigh the drawbacks for most travelers to this region.
@@scenichunter Thank you so much. I will be use bus and train.
@@mohammadkarimsaleh840 Enjoy and have a Safe Journey.. ❤❤❤❤❤
Türkiye'de yaşıyorum ve insanları iyi❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
"Italy Iravel Guide"? Check video's title
Thank you very much for showing that. 🫣 ❤️❤️❤️
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