How Darth Vader and the 501st SLAUGHTERED 8 Jedi At Once... Because of 1 Idiotic Jedi - Star Wars

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • As the Clone Wars came to an end and the troopers who served the Republic turned on their Jedi Generals in the events of Order 66, only very few Jedi were able to escape with their lives. These few remaining survivors were forced to scramble across the galaxy and hide in any way that they could, to avoid the wrath of Darth Vader. One Jedi Master however attempted to gather a group of surviving Jedi together so that they could strike back at Palpatine’s new empire and restore light to the galaxy… At least, that’s what she told the others… in reality, she wanted to lure Darth Vader to her group of survivors, which would force them to take action and kill the dark lord… So, lets find out how this attempt went…
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    So the story begins all the way out on Eriadu, deep in the outer rim, and also the homeworld of Tarkin. A group of prowling clone troopers are on the hunt, only a very short time after Order 66, hunting for their Jedi General who managed to evade their attacks.
    The clone commander calls for his men to get moving more quickly as he believes he has a trace on the master. The group of troopers eventually come to a dead end, wondering where the Master could possibly have gone. The second in command of the group asks his commander “What does it matter? The Jedi are dead… those left are scattered”... The commander however responds, telling him that Order 66 still remains in effect and so if they spot one, they absolutely must kill it…
    Moments later, their cunning Jedi general leaks out into the pouring rain of Eriadu with his lightsaber steaming, telling the clones that perhaps the Jedi are not so easy to kill when they actually know who their enemies are…
    After this, the Master leaps through air and his green blade slices through the clone trooper’s backs killing each one sees and finally taking off the head of his once good friend and former commander. After wiping out all of the men in his former squad, he hears a distant voice call out and tell him that he did a good job. Master Tsui Choi is concerned by this, raising his green blade and demanding that the person show themself. To his relief, if is another Jedi knight, Bultar Swann who has come to his rescue. Master Choi is absolutely shocked that she managed to live and she tells him that she was on duty at a med station, checking the wounded when the clones suddenly turned against her and attacked. Master Choi says that he was in transit with his starfighter when he heard the false return signal coming from the Jedi temple and then later the one from Obi-Wan telling the Jedi to stay away… At that point, he ditched the fighter and played dead… After saying this, he feels more sadness wash over him as he recounts hearing the reports about the younglings being slaughtered in the temple.

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