How Bad Was Your Roommate ?

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
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    How Bad Was Your Roommate ?
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  • @gallagherthewolf5845
    @gallagherthewolf5845 Год назад +2422

    can you make a visual que to show when you are responding to something because it can be quite confusing to follow

    • @UnknownRager96
      @UnknownRager96 Год назад +220

      I know a few of these channels use orange text when the narrator is speaking, so that would be a good start

    • @ameronsspirit1672
      @ameronsspirit1672 Год назад +119

      @@UnknownRager96 he already sometimes whenever he is talking, turns the color of text a light shade of blue now I don't know if he did it in this video because I haven't watched it yet but most times he does

    • @Musement1hz9oj
      @Musement1hz9oj Год назад +24

      Good idea, maybe he’ll see this or another comment about it and change.

    • @lying_lynx
      @lying_lynx Год назад

      Imagine being a furry couldn't be me 😊

    • @youssef3656
      @youssef3656 Год назад

      Shut up furry

  • @ZigKid3
    @ZigKid3 Год назад +221

    I had a condo and a roomate once. He was a hoarder. Was constantly buying random crap on Amazon. There would be a new package on the doorstep every day. He took up all the counter space in the house because of this. It felt so cluttered. On top of this he was also divorced and had a 3 y/o daughter who'd occasionally visit. Problem is he'd let his daughter be as loud as she wanted, she's ride her tricycle in the house, would constantly be stomping on the floor. We're in a 2nd floor unit, i felt so terrible for the people living below me. Luckily they only came up to complain once but im surprised they didn't more often.

    • @coltonwilkie241
      @coltonwilkie241 Год назад +13

      He couldn't be bothered to take his child outside? Surprised you guys avoided eviction.

    • @zirconthecrystal1150
      @zirconthecrystal1150 Год назад +2

      me fr
      well, I order a whole lot of random shit online as an adult (I have a bit of an impulse buying problem)
      When I was little, I was a huge peppa pig fan, peppa pig always used to skip, so of course so did I, indoors in a flat, top floor.
      I also was a huge earlybird, and I'm not talking typical earlybird, I'm talking like consistently 5-6 am naturally, this would continue until I was about 16
      I'm so sorry for the people in the flats below us who had me waking up at 5:30 AM and skipping to the kitchen to get water or to my parents room

  • @kenabbott8585
    @kenabbott8585 Год назад +178

    9:20 In several Asian countries, it's the habit to throw your TP in a trashcan instead of flushing it.
    Especially in the old days when the toilets were squatters, they could get clogged fairly easily.
    Bathrooms in Korea actually put up signs basically saying "Just flush the stuff."

    • @lechking941
      @lechking941 Год назад +19

      i had a feeling it was related to being from veitnam considering theres MANY things differant with how culture alone i knew it was somethign she was used to think god korea made it known the pluming can take it.

    • @danietijerina
      @danietijerina Год назад

      It’s like that in a Mexican family. I lived with my step dads parents. They were 80 and 90. Never flushed toilet paper. Always in the trash can. Disgusting 🤢

    • @barnabusdoyle4930
      @barnabusdoyle4930 Год назад +16

      A lot of people who live in the country do the same thing. I guess toilet paper is not good in septic tanks so they just trash it instead. Then when they come to work for you, the bathroom always smells because they are so used to just trashing it. It took me way too long to realize what was going on with that

    • @zytr0x108
      @zytr0x108 Год назад +1

      Always when we are in vacation in Greece I have to get used to not drop the TP after using it and put it in a bin instead

    • @newt2120
      @newt2120 Год назад +1

      had a female Korean roommate that i shared a bathroom with. she literally always piled her TP's in the trash instead of flushing them. so it seems those signs didn't do much for her before she travelled over

  • @soulgamer8327
    @soulgamer8327 Год назад +378

    One of my favorite roommate stories to tell: In my junior year of college, I lived with two girls that I went to school with. This was during the summer, so my roommates had gone home to be with their families. It was just me in the apartment most of the time since I was in the process of moving out and needed to pack. My roommates would drop by from time to time, but I was mostly on my own. One night, one of my roommates comes back to the apartment, cooks dinner with some grilled peaches for dessert (this becomes important later), stays the night, and leaves the next morning. When I woke up, I saw that my roommate hadn't put anything away from when she cooked the night before. We're talking, dishes piled up in the sink and making it unusable, ingredients left out, and the griddle she used for the peaches sitting on the counter dirty. I was going on vacation in a couple days and texted my roommate to let her know. Turns out she was out of town and wouldn't be coming back for a week, so I had to wash her dishes. The best part about that was that when she grilled the peaches she made some caramel for them, so the griddle was covered in hardened caramel. I spent the night before my vacation cleaning the kitchen and scraping old hardened caramel off the griddle because my roommate left the apartment without doing a bit of cleanup

    • @oreSimic
      @oreSimic Год назад +27

      This is horrible and I also feel for you. I'm currently with this roommate, but I'll get rid of him in March. He never cleans after himself. Leaves hairs in the shower, clogging the drain. Doesn't wash his dishes with soap, and has one small pot which he uses to cook everything. He just refuses to clean, and when I first came to this apartment he hadn't cleaned for so long I had an aggressive allergic reaction to the amount of dust and soon got pretty sick. I was constantly forcing him to clean, but I gave up at some point. My side of the shared room is squeaky clean with everything orderly, while his side is filled with shopping bags, used dishes and for a couple days he just had a banana peel sitting on the floor. He is probably the most disgusting person I have met. They say don't judge a group by a few bad apples, but the ethnic group regarding this guy (won't name it here) in my town is either super dirty people or deadbeat chainsmokers, so until I see a clean person who studies regularly instead of binging sitcoms while failing all subjects, I'm sticking to my gut instinct to protect my health. I may be a person who judges unjustly, but at least I'm a clean healthy person who judges unjustly until proven wrong.

    • @MamaMOB
      @MamaMOB Год назад +15

      But she was coming back… So why did you clean it? It was her mess, she’d be back in a week, she could’ve cleaned it in a week. You didn’t have to do anything.

    • @MamaMOB
      @MamaMOB Год назад +8

      @@oreSimic that’s an interesting way to justify racism.

    • @soulgamer8327
      @soulgamer8327 Год назад +11

      @@MamaMOB We didn't want a bug problem. Leaving the kitchen in that state for that long with no one in the apartment could cause some issues. So somebody has to clean it

    • @newt2120
      @newt2120 Год назад +6

      @@soulgamer8327 you said you were packing to move out? you didn't even need to clean her dishes right?

  • @ph34rbucket91
    @ph34rbucket91 Год назад +32

    One of my former roommates is actually a good cautionary tale: A former Navy buddy of mine moved in with me while I was living with another Navy buddy of mine (this one still enlisted, I had gotten out a few years earlier). This guy was a pretty good buddy of mine when we were both enlisted, but not long after he moved in, he became the roommate from hell. Never cleaning up, not bothering with finding a job, always playing video games instead of helping out (with some really nasty gamer rage), and always butting into conversations that he initially wasn't a part of. Not only that, he would constantly put others down while expecting to be praised for just flat out being there. If you ever called him out on his bullshit, he'd either get all pissy or depressed and make comments about self termination. Not only that, but he was very creepy with any and all females. One example was when we went to an anime convention, he nearly got us kicked out for creeping out a lot of the female cosplayer, saying shit like "Oh my god, I'm totally wanking off to you tonight". Bunch of incel shit. After a year of dealing with his toxic bullshit (the place we were living at were barracks assigned to our enlisted buddy, so I had no say in kicking him out, which was another load of crap), I packed as much of my shit as I could (leaving what I couldn't fit into my truck) and moved back to my home state across the country. Funny part is our final conversation was him asking if he could move in with me after I got settled in. All he got in response was me laughing directly into his face and telling him to go fuck himself, since that seemed to be all he was good for. Completely blocked all his social media and haven't heard from him in two years now.
    I guess you could say is the cautionary tale is be careful who you let stay with you. Just because they were good to hang out with deployed doesn't mean they won't be good to live with. Something I learned the hard way.

  • @darklightmagus1222
    @darklightmagus1222 Год назад +51

    Yup. Having roommates you know nothing about is a bad idea. Friendships can also end by being roommates. Out of six of my closest friends, only three of them would I ever want to be roommates with.
    I "couch surfed" 2 to 3 days out of the week to get peace from the drama that is my family. I hardly ever slept on the couch. I would usually sleep in the guest room, their bed and they would sleep in the empty roommates' bed or simply share their bed.
    Two of my friends said I couldn't stay over. From the few times I visited their homes, I got the vibe from their mothers as to why. They don't do anything around the house to help and an extra body will just add to the pile of house work.
    From the other I wouldn't stay over with, I quickly found out that he relied on his twin brother. He kept losing his job because he was irresponsible with remembering his schedule. He also would put off doing things until his brother would get after him for it. As for his brother, who is also my friend, he is the cleanest of us. Always getting things done as needed and never putting them off. He cleans dishes right after eating, puts stuff away after he finishes using them, has a set schedule for weekly vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms.
    My other two friends are good at keeping up with the house work. One of them just needs a bit of motivation and will gladly do the work if he gets help. However, unlike our very clean friend, these two and myself have a habit of having what I like to call an organized clutter. We tend to be like two year olds that don't like putting stuff away because it's a hassle to just take it out again the next day. This isn't done in a common room. We each have a room dedicated to console or tabletop gaming in our homes. The rooms are not dirty. They just appear messy because of the clutter.
    I never actually had roommates but I definitely heard how bad it was with the first two I mentioned. Friendships were put to the test. Eventually, they were told to pack up and go back to their parent(s). The third one, his brother eventually kicked him out too.

    • @lechking941
      @lechking941 Год назад

      its all down to how one lives :P i know unless i changed gears i would be like them in the lazy factor. but when i was at school cleaning from cooking class (i know the name but not the spelling of the word) i did clean up a lot, so maybe if the idea of shared main room with a as you are cluttered looking but perficly organised chaos personal things for me maybe ok but i dont want to push it.

  • @zakarymcleod1850
    @zakarymcleod1850 Год назад +157

    The first bird story absolutely terrified me. I have a bird and a roommate that doesn't like her. That could easily happen to my poor parrot.
    Edit: turns out there's another parrot story near the end so I had to clarify.

    • @scoobygooby6660
      @scoobygooby6660 Год назад


    • @ChromicQuanta
      @ChromicQuanta Год назад

      @@scoobygooby6660 19:15

    • @lemmethink7647
      @lemmethink7647 Год назад

      Me too! I am so scared of getting a roommate. My bird is easy to love, but she can be annoying.

  • @hypnoticbacon17
    @hypnoticbacon17 Год назад +29

    Out of the 3 roommates I ever had, my twin was the only bad one. He liked to keep every dish in the house in his room until they turned moldy. I made him a plate of spaghetti one day, and he left it in the fridge for over a year. The dinner I made for him on our birthday I saw over a year later in a plastic bag just thrown his trunk a year later. One day I came down with bronchitis and stomach flu at the same time, so I couldn't cook as usual. He comes home from workwork and yells, "Why isn't supper ready?!" I reminded him that I'm sick and would end up giving him stomach flu if I cooked his food. He yelled even louder and closer to my face, "WHY ISNT SUPPER READY?!?!?!" After explaining it again and that he'd have to cook this one day, he stormed off and cooked only for himself. Another roommate brought me soup after watching this go down. I have no contact with him today for different reasons, and I don't miss him. I'd just be his slave or dead if I moved in with him again like he tried to get me to do after moving back with our parents and moving out again.

    • @starrilysky
      @starrilysky Год назад +7

      Your twin sounds like an entitled nightmare. I have a twin myself and I could never imagine expecting her to cook for me and yelling in her face when she doesn't! Wtf??

  • @tarynjones9780
    @tarynjones9780 Год назад +25

    i have never had a roommate...and after hearing these stories, i am so glad i haven't had to endure this!

  • @dunderthunder9858
    @dunderthunder9858 Год назад +59

    I feel like a lot of these roommates could stand to either be a little more assertive about what bothers them in the future; few of them could simply learn that when you live with people you see things.

    • @Robynhoodlum
      @Robynhoodlum Год назад +4

      My roommates and I had a full on intervention with our problem roomie. His parents cut him off. He stole from us and never bought anything or cleaned. We were begging our landlord to kick him out since the house reeked of pot 24/7 and he wasn't paying bills. He adopted pets that he didn't care for even though it was a no pets policy. He tried to kill himself and punched holes in the walls. Nothing worked. We literally couldn't get any more assertive except to call the police, but where we live, the police would've arrested US for HIS drugs.

  • @Kay.Mo63
    @Kay.Mo63 Год назад +30

    Had a roommate in junior/senior of college who gave me trouble from the first day meeting her. She made a big deal about making sure I was a clean person, told me she couldn't stand living in a dirty house but would routinely leave dirty bandaids on the couch, food stuck to kitchen counters, dishes in sink, etc. The worst was a bloody razor blade she left in the shared shower after presumably partaking in SH. She bullied me any chance she got, routinely told me I was a bad and dirty person and tried to schedule an intervention between the two of us and the office staff at our off campus apartment. She finally crossed the line when she scared my best friends cat, prompting the cat to scratch her (admittedly, it was pretty bad but still), and threatened to kill the cat. Said she would get lawyers involved and everything to have the cat put down and went to the office to tell them that living with the cat was like living with her r**ist. We took our pets out of the apartment for fear she would hurt them and when she realized she didn't have access to my best friends cat or my dog, she poured dish soap in our fish tank, effectively killing all 17 fish we had in there and flooding the apartment in lemon-y suds. We called the cops on her and she was forced to move out of the apartment, and that's the last I've ever heard of her. Thank God.

  • @psuedomyspace
    @psuedomyspace Год назад +41

    One of our roommates (not the ones I've posted about on my channel, those two were really chill and we're still friends to this day) slept over at other people's houses all the time and ended up giving us bedbugs. I don't think I need to add more detail to this. If you've ever had bedbugs, you know this pain.

    • @hoofly1323
      @hoofly1323 Год назад

      I had bedbugs once and man, they are painful. Hope that guy gets punched by everyone person he's ever given bedbugs to.

  • @josiahlundstrom4566
    @josiahlundstrom4566 Год назад +24

    Had a punk rocker renting a room from my dad back when I was still in highschool, he was the back up vocalist and guitarist for some minor metal band near where I live. We assumed it was where he was making money to pay rent, because we rarely saw him leave the house aside from getting groceries or alcohol during the day, and he was gone most nights. He was pretty chill and was a nice roommate aside for random guitar solos and him loudly having sex in his room with strangers every other night
    Turned out he was actually smuggling heroin into the state, and using his rented room as storage, and was secretly siphoning coins from my dads silver coin collection.
    We never found out until he showed up on the news having been arrested for punching a cop while sampling his product during a sting.

  • @purplesushi4837
    @purplesushi4837 Год назад +72

    I had a pet ferret named Jasmine. (She passed away not long ago) you kinda get used to the smell but if you take good care of them, clean their litter boxes regularly, give them bathes, and clean their cages & anything like fabrics that are inside. (Jasmine had a little hammock and some blankets. she had a huge cage.) then the smell is not as bad and is much more tolerable.

    • @davhot4107
      @davhot4107 Год назад +5

      They are like a Loooooooong rat. I love them. :)

    • @Brittany_Whitlow
      @Brittany_Whitlow Год назад +3

      Aww, I had a ferret named Jasmine too! She passed around 5 years ago now but she was such a sweetheart and she lived for almost 9 years. But everytime I had people over they said they were "shocked it doesn't smell in here" and I would always tell people "the smell isnt bad/ is nonexistent if you actually take care of your pets 🤷‍♀️"

    • @purplesushi4837
      @purplesushi4837 Год назад +3

      @@Brittany_Whitlow my ferret lived 8 years and was the runt of the litter. That's true, that's with any pet. Take good care of your pet, you won't have a smelly home and a well behaved pet

  • @EminayDrackoness
    @EminayDrackoness Год назад +9

    I gotta say the room mate who came up with weird meals, 1. was at least trying to provide 2. Accepted critisism and 3. Used the critisism to make the meal better.

  • @rebeccabriggs9452
    @rebeccabriggs9452 Год назад +22

    Once had a roommate that was an ex of mine (we remained friends at the time), and another room mate who I was kinda into, and she was -definitely- in to. I had the upstairs room as she had a bird that would do well in the living room with the curtains open for plenty of sunlight (although she ended up keeping those curtains closed all the damn time).
    Long story short, other room mate decided he really wasn't keen on her, and me and him got along as friends at least.
    She was so jealous of our friendship growing based on our mutual growing disdain/dislike for her, that she insisted he helped her move all her stuff upstairs to my room and all my stuff downstairs to her room.. got about quarter of the way done and gave up upon realising that my room was smaller than hers and her stuff wouldn't fit in there nicely, plus due to her weight the floorboards would sink inwards when she stepped on them and did not feel super safe for her to walk around in (genuine realisation on her side not a criticism about the weight).
    Made him move it all back down and proceeded to sulk at me when I got home with me only finding out later why. Apparently she was upset that he'd come into my room while I was sleeping (he gets insomnia something crazy sometimes) to use my PC (he didn't have one of his own at the time but was saving for one), and wanted him to do it with hers instead. A fact I find actively hilarious as one of the reasons we broke up originally was because she would be on her PC at all hours of the night even to the cost of her own health and I cruelly and shockingly suggested that she maybe not be on the PC if she was both ill and tired because I actually cared about her health.. ok.. and just kinda wanted her to stop complaining about how tired and ill she felt both online and outloud constantly, and she snapped back that I should "Just stop caring then". Found that way too easy apparently, it was the final reason for my breaking up with her at the time). he would have literally never been able to be on it.

  • @barrydheil
    @barrydheil Год назад +11

    These stories make me feel a lot better about how I live.

  • @johnlock6328
    @johnlock6328 Год назад +14

    My worst roommate was first year at university. This guy lost his key multiple times a week, NOT exaggerating. I overextended myself taking 7 classes and was always studying so I WAS THE ONE who had to let him in multiple times a day. Before the first semester was over we had our locks changed 8 time.
    Positive note. Other roommate was best. Poster child stoner. Guitar, skateboard, knit hat, scruffy face. Couldn't stand the smell of him lighting up, never liked the odor, but that was minor for how awesome he was in terms of roommates and genuinely good human being. Wished I stayed in touch.

  • @Scruffy_Hobo
    @Scruffy_Hobo Год назад +60

    I had a rough home life, dad left when I was two, mom left when I was 11, and from 11 to 19 I had a physically and very verbally abusive caretaker. circa 2017. I had a chance to move down to Atlanta with some friends I had met online 6 months prior, and I took it to escape from the home life. At first it was fine, it was 4 of us guys in a 3 bedroom apartment. (We curtained off the living room and made it the 4th bedroom.) We were supposed to be a "gaming house" where we all made content and grew our channels together. Only three of us made content, only two of us streamed, and I was the only one trying to improve all around. First Red Flag. Eventually the guy in the livingroom got a girlfriend, and after visiting on and off, she practically moved in. Second Red Flag. They would do "it", almost all, the, time. She was never quiet, and neither was he. I was unfortunate enough to share the wall between them and my room, so I would be forced awake every single night. I got absolutely 0 sleep. Averaged 5 hours per night when they would F. I would always ask them to turn on music, or bang on the wall to keep them quiet, which they never did either. After driving home one night after weeks of this happening, and almost falling asleep at the wheel, I decided it was time to take action. I asked my landlord what it would take to get him kicked out. He just said we all 3 need to vote on it. I went to the other two guys with my complaints, and they were shocked and pissed at me for even asking that. Third red flag. A week later they all voted and decided to kick ME out. I had 30 days to find a place, but had about 150$ in my bank account. I even loaned one of the guys 100$ just so he could buy some groceries because without it, he wouldn't be able to eat. That was a mistake, because when I asked to get it back he told me to F off. With no money, I had to live in my suv. So for all of April of 2018, I was completely homeless. (Hence my username) I heard that the day I left they couldn't afford my portion of rent though, and were kicked out a few months later. That girlfriend btw stole my roommate's xbox, and all 300$ in savings he had in a safe. That's Karma for you. I'm actually still friends with one of the guys, but the other two can go eat a bag of D's.

    • @nutcracker4266
      @nutcracker4266 Год назад +5

      Dayummm they sound like they suck. U doing a lil better now?

    • @GanyuMain_
      @GanyuMain_ Год назад

      Woah that's a wild ride. Classic example of what happens when you move in with 3 other buffoons that all share 1 collective brain cell.

    • @Scruffy_Hobo
      @Scruffy_Hobo Год назад +5

      @@nutcracker4266 Leagues better. Thank you for asking man!

    • @nutcracker4266
      @nutcracker4266 Год назад +4

      @@Scruffy_Hobo awesome! :D

    • @Lynxy197
      @Lynxy197 Год назад +2


  • @intangur
    @intangur Год назад +45

    I used to live in a house with 4 roommates, coed. It was fine, until we got a new guy roommate in that kind of sketched me out. Guy was an ahole and treated his girlfriend like a slave. One of the worst moments of my life was when I found out he got one of our female roommates completely wasted and proceeded to R her when she was starting to black out. She was not into guys and it traumatized her so much her family came to move her stuff out the next day. That is when I found out about it. I was a few doors down and had no idea, and that tore me apart. I saw the girl a few years later in a mental health ward when I was visiting someone else. Was coincidence. I wrote them a letter just saying I wished I could have done more and that I hope she is ok. She wrote back thanking me, talked a bit about that night and that she managed to get professional help. It's been 10 years but I still have that letter.
    She never pressed charges against the guy (I wish she did, but that is of course her choice) but I last heard the guy was in prison for selling cocaine. I hope he rots there.

  • @vincentvanghool6723
    @vincentvanghool6723 Год назад +20

    When I Was in college, I had a roommate that would take the cardboard rolls out of the toilet paper, and leave the toilet paper in a pile on the floor. the other three of us didn't know why, and when we asked, he got mad and stormed off. My film major roommate and I put a camera in my room(he split a room with me) and when I went to class, we turned it on. He was taking the rolls, and using them to smoke. Later, I noticed the VERY expensive laptop he'd brought was missing, and then later his TV. He started staying out longer, and when he'd come home, he'd be so out of his mind that we'd have to carry him to the couch. One day, his mother showed up, and asked to speak to me, and asked me about his belongings that were missing and his behaviour, saying she'd gotten a call from the school that he'd been missing a lot of classes, and that we'd reported him missing a few times(We had, including that week). Now, I cannot bring myself to lie to a person's mom, so I told her what I knew about what was going on. She asked me to call her when he finally showed back up, and three days later I called her. She showed up within 10 minutes(She'd booked a week at a local hotel) and snatched him up off the couch, screaming in front of all of us, my one roommate's boyfriend and the girl I'd been seeing. She dragged him out, and we didn't see him again. Flash forward a month, and I'm at my parents' house on a break, and his mother calls me. Apparently, he'd gotten on several drugs in the short time he was in our apartment, and had sold his possessions to get drugs. She and his aunt put him in rehab.

  • @BootyCrusader
    @BootyCrusader Год назад +17

    Not a roommate (thank GOD) but this awful girl I knew would order a huge bag of fries (like 6 people’s worth) for the two of us, while her house was infested with gnats. She then left the bag in the living room where the gnat infestation was. I figured later that evening the bag should probably be thrown away, and a whole CLOUD of bugs flew up when I moved it. I never stayed over after that. She would also never clean her stuff after her while staying over at my place, insulting my mother when she asked her to clean it up. She was generally pretty awful.

  • @eatchas
    @eatchas Год назад +15

    Everyone leaving their home for the first time should listen to this.

  • @gavindonnelly5885
    @gavindonnelly5885 Год назад +11

    Last year I had an awful roommate and a good roommate that were paired with me randomly. The awful roommate asked to have the smaller room for himself that I was supposed to have and I let him have it. Good roommate and I got along great, but bad roommate didn't clean. Left trash out, had his tv on all the time, had randoms in and out all day, didn't clean but claimed he did, made me take out his trash and clean his garbage, smoked weed then closed the windows because it was "cold", and generally made it very hard to do anything with school. Before me and good roommate moved out, bad roommate left the door unlocked while everyone was out and someone came in and cut his tv cable. Me and good roommate moved out without telling him and every time we see him we avoid him like the plague. It doesn't help that we moved out 3 months after he was supposed to because my school is stupid about that.

  • @ace_of_cakes
    @ace_of_cakes Год назад +4

    Damn, these make my college roommates seem angelic. There was the roommate who would videochat with her boyfriend every waking hour (I had to tell her that she couldn't be talking on the phone in the room we shared when I was trying to sleep). Then there was the one who I caught sh*t talking me for unplugging our 3rd roommate's air freshener because it was aggravating my asthma (which I left a note explaining when I unplugged it because everyone else was asleep). She would also blast music or movies until 2 or 3 am despite the fact that I had to get up at 6 am. Then there was the roommate whose sleep schedule was opposite mine and who would get up early in the morning while I was trying to sleep, turn on her desk light in our bedroom, and study (rather studying in the common room of our apartment), but would throw a fit if I made the slightest bit of noise in our room at night when she was in bed. She was so entitled too, I offered her a cupcake because I made extra once and she told me "You make a lot of chocolate things but I don't like chocolate". Like I didn't make them for her, I was just trying to be nice and share. The only good part of graduating during COVID was that I got to move away from her 2 months early.
    But thankfully I've never had any disgusting roommates. In fact, the one good college roommate I had would stress clean, so our apartment was always pristine. I told her repeatedly that I wanted to split the cleaning evenly but she assured me that cleaning helped her relax and she wanted to do it.

  • @tooth2887
    @tooth2887 Год назад +20

    the sweatpants story dude reminds me of my cousin, he is a MASSIVE slob and wouldn't do anything for anyone and expected the people he was speaking with to do EVERYTHING for him. he did so much more and in the end, he caused my great aunt and or his mother to die with how bad he got. she didn't deserve that, and he STILL hasn't learned his lesson and expects everyone to drop everything and anything for him. my grandma had to witness her sister's dying breath along with my younger sibling and mother. I didn't go because I didn't want to see her like that and just wanted the good memories I had of her instead of her in that horrendous state he caused her to go into. a little more detail on specifics though was when his mother broke her hip, she became bedridden and needed someone to take care of her, he was the only option as her husband is also just as trash as her son is, but he was also unemployed and refused to leave his home. spoiler he is still alive and now the one dealing with the cousin. but back on topic, she couldn't leave her bed at all but could move her upper body completely (this changed later, and she actually had to ask others to do her work because of how bad it got which ended up in her retiring but he tried to get her ANOTHER job claiming, "he wouldn't have any more money to pay for HIS things!" not to pay for the house, not to pay for her medicine or anything, not to pay for medical help to get her to recover, but for his constant spending.) and as such ended up getting a colonoscopy bag and had to wear diapers so she could use the restroom and not need to worry about leaving bed, he never changed her diapers and also never changed the bag until it literally popped from how full it got... ugh I'm nearly vomiting remembering the sight of it popping and leaking all over her bed side while she was apologizing because I gagged at what had occurred, I felt terrible and said she had no need and tried to get some help to take care of it, smell barely left after we cleaned it. she also ended up getting scabs everywhere on backside due to her butt not being cleaned properly and shit getting into her open wounds. also, quick important detail, he was like 25 to 30 something I forget because I hate thinking of him. another thing was before we came along to try and help was, he would leave her alone for HOURS whenever he could and just hung out in his car or in a Popeyes, did I also mention he was in college, and that he never did literally anything for his classes and had his MOTHER DO HIS COLLEGE COURSES? then when she couldn't help, he asked MY DAD TO DO IT INSTEAD, plus he REFUSED to get a job because he needed to "study and concentrate on school".... forgot to mention he was also physically abusive and caused her to get what looked like a knife wound that was caused by him grabbing her and because of how weak her body was it actually tore her skin. he also was the reason she broke her hip in the first place because, you guessed it, he grabbed her, and she fell. hard. then as she was in her dying moments he proceeded to go on vacation in Italy for school and ended up nearly getting kicked off that too because emotional outbursts caused by people not spoiling him further! by the time he was back she was dead, and last detail to add to his shittiness was he crashed I believe it was.... 4 cars? and he had her pay for literally all of them and then when she couldn't anymore asked to borrow my father's Van. he said no quite obviously. just as I think I'm done typing I remember another shit thing he did every day, he had I believe 5 therapists before his latest one and anytime they DIDN'T agree with what he said or didn't believe him 200 percent of the time he would drop them until the latest one who is doing nothing for him, a new quick sign of how shit he was, one time after I dealt with some of her stuff and was helping her with medication she said, "I wish you were my son." because I was doing THE BARE MINIMUM TO SUPPORT HER. HOW SHIT WAS HE THAT THAT'S WHAT TRIGGERS SOMEONE WISHING THEY HAD A DIFFERENT CHILD INSTEAD. he also had like 5 cats, 2 at his father's and 3 with his mother who we took those 3. anytime he visited they would run and hide if that says anything about if he was at least good to animals. I hope I remember nothing else about him as he is a waste of space.

    • @ADunleavy
      @ADunleavy Год назад

      If that was my aunt, my uncles would have killed him. Not even kidding.

    • @oposeidon1021
      @oposeidon1021 Год назад +4

      I ain’t readin allat

    • @tooth2887
      @tooth2887 Год назад +4

      @@oposeidon1021 fair i was just ranting lmao

    • @Roeclean
      @Roeclean Год назад

      @@oposeidon1021 facts

    • @howdypartner8326
      @howdypartner8326 Год назад +3

      Read it all and, holy, curse that cousin and may your great aunt _at least_ find some peace in the grave.
      I'm not sure if severely neglecting your bedridden relative instead of at least putting them in hospital care or a retirement home is illegal, but it really feels like it should be to me.

  • @PrettyAliceNight
    @PrettyAliceNight Год назад +5

    My first roommate was quite a bit older than me- I was 17 and she was 28. Our apartment allowed 2 small dogs and she and 3 so kept it a secret from the landlord. Im allergic to dogs and also just don’t like them much but she was always expecting me to take care of her dogs and take them out for walks. I told her I didn’t want to and they weren’t my responsibility so she wouldn’t take them out and they would go to the bathroom on the kitchen/living room floor and my room mate would get mad because I refused to pick it up. She also once let her sister stay with us and while I wasn’t home the sister went into my bedroom and stole all my hair best tools like my hair dryer, diffuser, straightener and 2 curling irons. My roommate said she’d talk to her sister but I never got them back or any apology.

  • @JayBigDadyCy
    @JayBigDadyCy Год назад +9

    Honestly my old roommate (I'm a guy) as a female was awesome. We became very good friends and still are. And no we never banged. Though it probably could've happened a few times. Anyways, the only thing she ever did that was irritating was - when I met my current GF, she (my gf) made me a batch of chocolate chip cookies. And they were amazing. She made about 16 or so. I went to work the next day and came home to find my roommate had been home sick all day. As I went to the kitchen to grab a few of the delicious cookies my gf has made I couldn't find them. That's when my roommate notified me she had eaten ALL 12 OF THEM!!! Just for perspective here, these were not tiny store bought sized cookies. They were bulky and large. Like 2 or 3 would fill you up. I honestly couldn't believe she did that. I didn't talk to her for a day or so and she tried to say "I'm sorry" she bought me six of those crappy Publix cupcakes. I refused to eat them lol. Obviously we got past this instance, but I still cannot understand how she thought that was ok. It was clear my gf (who I had just started dating) had made those for me out of a gesture of love. I also don't understand how the F she ate all of those. You would've seriously have had to work to accomplish such a task.

  • @Simon_Electric
    @Simon_Electric Год назад +2

    Legend has it that they're still pranking each other till this day the epic war has not ended.

  • @somethingelse334
    @somethingelse334 Год назад +3

    Two things:
    1: FRIENDS! Never trust a roommate or anyone to pay the bills, don't just take their word for it. Always get on the bill, or force them to produce a receipt! Even then occasionally call the company to confirm!
    2: Yeah dude, it's insane how entitled people get. It's always the same, you help someone out of a bad situation And they are profusely grateful. But within months they are the most hateful, spiteful, terrible people towards you.
    Makes you wonder if they got themselves into that situation in the first place.

  • @roax206
    @roax206 Год назад +5

    Did a student exchange to Singapore. The dorms were practically 1 room with a bed on each end. Roommate was local (its practically 2 hours from one end of the country to the other stopping all stations). Seemed to be studying in the room 24/7 and was annoyed if I made any noise. One time I made the mistake of exiting and entering the room too many times in short succession. He locked me out until I managed to open the door and undo the chain.
    I said I didn't want to pay extra for AC when I signed up for the room (being Aussie I was fine with a fan) but the roommate insisted that the AC stay on all the time then complained that I wasn't paying for it (I gave him $50 when he complained). Also had his girlfriend over often. Luckily there were frequent times when he wouldn't use the room for a while.
    I spent most of my time either playing solo games on my laptop (not making any noise) or wandering around Singapore. I think we shared maybe 3 normal conversations in the 4 months I was there which was probably beaten by the number of random strangers that I was able to just chat with like a good friend.

  • @sevrynhowes6042
    @sevrynhowes6042 Год назад +25

    As a kid we had a roommate who got a deep fryer and gave the used oil to our dog. He also only had our dog's shampoo in his shower, he didn't have a dog of his own. Dude also had 4ft tall laundry piles, I don't think he did laundry the entire year we lived there. He's a successful filmmaker now lol

    • @albertb9018
      @albertb9018 Год назад +4

      This trip called life sure is crazy💀

  • @NinjaBray
    @NinjaBray Год назад +9

    3 words.
    W̧̩̣̮̺̫̾͗̈́̀̏H̼̣̗̫͔̩̉̋̏͗̿ͅȂ̡̡͔̪̜̖̪̙͚̐́̊̉̽͘͢T̯͈̰̬̝̬̩̯̋͌̒̓̉̓͛̕͝ T̹̝̥̪̰͖̙̰̉̎̿̀͛̔ͅḦ̢̜͉͈͇͍̗̫́̌̅́̉̿̒̅̚͜͜Ę̵̩͇͚͔͓̳̯̊̐̓́̆̈́͑͢͠ F̻͍͔̭̓͊̀̆̾́̀͡͡ͅU̘̠̖̠̜͒̈́̏̕͟͞ͅḈ̵̛̠̩̲̠̿͋͠K̶͍̠͖͕̩̱̼͎̟̋̓͆̿̇̂͠͡

  • @Azhrei2
    @Azhrei2 Год назад +52

    For the story with the roommate and girlfriend doing the "danger fricking", I would have created a "Got Caught" jar. Everytime I catch them they both have to put in $10. Either they would stop with the risky business, get better at hiding it so I'd never know, or I'd make a decent amount of extra money. Whichever option happens, I win.

    • @GatorDontPlayNoShit69
      @GatorDontPlayNoShit69 Год назад +3

      You are a genius

    • @KnakuanaRka
      @KnakuanaRka Год назад +3

      Like a swear jar?

    • @Azhrei2
      @Azhrei2 Год назад +3

      @@KnakuanaRka pretty much.

    • @SeemsLogical
      @SeemsLogical Год назад +2

      The problem with that idea is they have to agree to participate. I would imagine that they would laugh off your suggestion and tell you to grow up or something. They are going to do what they want and don't need your permission to inconvenience you.

    • @Azhrei2
      @Azhrei2 Год назад +1

      @@SeemsLogical That's when I go with Plan B: Start playing the most embarrassing and somehow appropriate music I can find when I catch them at it. Think "Hooked on a Feeling" or "Oh, You Touch My Tra La La". Sheer embarrassment should get them to stop.

  • @maggiemcgonnell6754
    @maggiemcgonnell6754 Год назад +6

    Me and my now boyfriend lived with a now estranged friend. One day he went out for a run and left his key at the apartment, my bf and I left to go hang out at his parents house for a bit. Former roommate KICKED THE DOOR IN, that was the last straw for us.

  • @flickcentergaming680
    @flickcentergaming680 Год назад +9

    My roommate is from Japan, and we never say anything to each other. It's awesome.

  • @EminayDrackoness
    @EminayDrackoness Год назад +1

    I love how "no where to go" is in quotes as if she had access to money, she could to a hotel or motel long enough to rent some where... No where to go implies no resources and no support other than what ever door step they showed up at...

  • @lonewolffang
    @lonewolffang Год назад +79

    Almost 7 years to this day, there was three of us living together and the third one(we'll call him Tosh) was living off SSI checks and barely took care of his dogs which one of them barked and bit us but this starts way before we got to the apartment. He was constantly on a laptop that was a going away present for me and hid this frim me until we got to the apartment, he went through my alphabetized game collection to play a game with the other roommate who told him not to go through the box, he put the other roommate's D&D books under the air conditioner which had a leak(this water got on his books), he yelled at my internet service provider about the internet being too slow for his liking, wouldn't bath while smelling like a cow pasture while letting his dog's puppies sleep on th couch and they pee and pooped on the rug(sorry I forgot to add the puppies part) so my brother had to burn the couch and rug because of fleas and excrements, ate and drank my stuff without permission, and as we started the move worn my swag from anime conventions and gamestop. Now after the move, I found him tearing apart my gifted laptop and tried to lie about it, he argued with the other roommate about spending more time with his girlfriend who lived in the state we moved to than him, argued about rent splitting(something we already agreed on), lost or stole some of my dvds as well as damaged the other roommate's book collection, wasted food constantly, used our neighbor's internet service while not paying him for it, let his dogs try to mate again even though he agreed to get one neutered or spayed, freeloaded off us for food and other items, and went home for Thanksgiving never to return leaving us to have to take up his part of the rent becausehe left before the contract expired. As we gathered his stuff, he had knives, hidden knives in belt buckles, and along with a lighter with a Nazi flag on it(he was obsessed with his "German" heritage) and threatened to call the police on us if we moved his stuff to the garage. Also found out he stole things from his family too. Have heard from him since, which is good. And he never paid tge other roommate for his books.

    • @ravnhaveland9594
      @ravnhaveland9594 Год назад +5

      You should have either called the cops on him, or sued him.
      There is asshole, and then there is whatever your old roommate was!

    • @lonewolffang
      @lonewolffang Год назад +2

      @@ravnhaveland9594 Sorry for the late response. He went home for Thanksgiving to be with his "family" and told us he'd be back by the beginning of December. We waited for thst day and he didn't get in touch with us. So we text him and he made up some excuses of he had no other choice but to stay. Found out his SSI check got revoked and he planned on leaving not to come back on purpose. We moved his stuff to the garage and let him know so he tried to threaten us with his so called knowledge of the law and expected us to send his stuff with our money but we told him if he wanted it back he'd have to send the money. He did so and whatever got left behind we split it between each other. After that he cut ties with us.

  • @KittenKid404
    @KittenKid404 Год назад +5

    When I was a kid my mom was really sick and she spent so long making a nice cereal for both of us, left it on the counter and my cat ate it all when she wasn't looking. She said in a sad voice "My cereal!" and started crying because she spent so long making it and my cat at it the threw it up. :(

  • @toritori2299
    @toritori2299 Год назад +9

    She was okay until she met her boyfriend. She was 19, me and another roommate were 20, and he was 34. Then she turned into the worst roommate. Arguing and yelling loudly, started smoking and drinking (smoked in the kitchen despite us asking her not to), paused her studies, the two of them would stay in the shared kitchen (it's tiny and it's hard to get around it with even 2 people) for literal hours, preventing us from using it (they would hang out there, despite her having a room 3x and 6x bigger than ours + a balcony). They're loud as fuck, slam doors, loudly laugh and yell and listen to music even when me and my roommate are trying to sleep (we're in med school 🫠). I asked them to split utilities into 4, she refused cause they're "one person". She does her dishes like once a month, leaves food in the fridge for months (she finally cleaned out the massive soup pot that was sitting in there for about 1.5 months. It was MOLDY. her 2 week dumplings are still in the fridge) yet she bitched about us leaving food in the fridge when leaving for the weekend because it "might" spoil. She constantly uses my dishes and cups and never cleans them. The kitchen is an absolute mess cause her boyfriend would cook and make a mess but never clean it. He would never clean in general, it was all her. He would shave and leave his beard hairs everywhere, the sink, the washing machine. I had to get a new toothbrush cause his hair was covering it. My roommate cleaned up after him. Both of my roommates never take trash out, leave moldy food to just sit there instead of throwing it out.
    She steals my food and I do my best to clean up but it's so hard when you know you're cleaning up after an adult and their adult 34 year old man, and that a day or two later it will all be messed up again cause they don't give an f
    The roommate used to do well with money, but now she owes friends, family and the bank 2k (not a little sum of money here..) and is stripping. Her boyfriend ended up getting kicked out of the flat cause our landlord got a call from emigration services (he was illegally staying in the country without documents), came over, talked to the guy, the guy gave him a fake ID.
    The boyfriend is back now tho and I hate my life more and more.

    • @anonymouscausewhynot
      @anonymouscausewhynot Год назад +1

      I hope you can movr out as soon as possible. Best of luck dealing with your roommates and med school! I'm sure you'll make a great doctor one day and you'll be out of that mess!

    • @cniknik9863
      @cniknik9863 Год назад

      I'm so sorry to hear. Hope you find a plan to get out or get them out.

  • @TarisLuna
    @TarisLuna Год назад +1

    The stories about people with no personal hygiene get me the most.
    I get that some people can't or don't want to shower every day, since I'll get very dry skin if I do it. But you still need to do something to avoid smelling like you don't even know what a shower is.
    Here are some tips for the days between showers:
    - use a wet, clean washcloth every morning to clean your underarms and personal areas
    - use anit-persperant, since it keeps the sweating at bay and not just masking the smell
    -all clean clothes everyday

  • @Discontinued_account
    @Discontinued_account Год назад +9

    Had a flatmate first year of uni, we called her the Trolley Goblin for good reasons. So it was an all girls flat, there was four of us. two of the other girls were great we got along amazingly even though one of them was barely in for most of the year. but there was Trolley, she was an international student from China which was fine as i love to meet people from other countries and cultures and even have some friends who are intentional students too. but first day of moving in the flat was TRASHED, and i mean trashed. there was a trolley (shopping cart for non British people) in the bathroom, toilet paper everywhere and the kitchen was a state. i know now that i was the second person to move in and she had already been there for at least 2 weeks by herself. so i got rid of the trolley and cleaned the place up and within a week everyone had moved in. within that year she did many things, she had a boyfriend and even though he lived in the most richest and fanciest student dorms money could buy and his own studio flat he practically lived in our flat the entire year and every night they got drunk or screamed at each other. even when me and my other two flatmates reported him for living here for several months and it being a legit offence the accommodation staff did nothing. She smashed our oven and didn't tell nobody at all and left it for us to report and clean up (she did get fined for it). she took up 80% of our small kitchen with all of her food but barely ate it (including the fridge, she literally left her food to rot inside of it), one time i caught her throwing around an alive octopus in the kitchen and then boiling it alive, she constantly had her friends over and every time they would steal a trolley from the local Tesco nearby and just leave it in the flat (they got banned from that same Tesco by the end of the year), she left poop covered toilet paper on the floor all the time in the shared bathroom and ended up giving us silverfish for the whole year (it was vile). one time we had flat inspections cause to see if we were cleaning and living not in filth. me and the other two flatmates passed the inspection with flying colours, but the goblin herself refused to open her door (you had to be in for the inspection or they'd come at a later time if you had class etc) but once they got a key and opened her door all i heard was "WHAT THE FUCK?", me and the other flatmate who i still talk to now and again walked outside our rooms and got a peek into her room. the floor was not visible by the amount of trash visible, the room was stacked high with bags, trash and you guessed it she had a trolley in her room with poop inside. meanwhile she just sat on the bed glaring at the staff, she instantly got told to leave the premises while they contacted her parents to sort this out. all her parents did was offer them money for a cleaner, which apparently went through. last i heard of her she quit uni in second year and left back to china as no accommodation partnered or near my uni wanted to let her have a room from the shit she pulled in that dorm. she did more stuff like cover our entire bathroom in hair dye and threw trash outside her window but this post is long enough lmao

  • @Ixidora
    @Ixidora Год назад +4

    Bad roommate story:
    TL/DR: Alcoholic drug addict roommate let's their facade slip and I correct his behavior with a swift headbutt.
    So I was helping a coworker who had found themselves homeless and it was fine for like a month. Then he stopped cleaning, started bringing his gf over and getting completely hammered all the time, started falling behind on rent and then one night I come home and as I'm walking up the stairs hear him and my other roommate screaming at each other. As soon as I open my apartment door I see blood on the wall, not a lot just a couple streaks, then I see two holes in the wall that weren't there when I left and more streaks of blood across the walls. At this point I snap, I holler "cut the f'ing sh*t!" and drunk roommate decides I'm his new opponent, he gets right in my face the moment I step into the kitchen, I have a serious anger problem when my personal space is intruded upon, I grabbed both his wrists as he tried to swing on me because he is slow and drunk. I pushed him back against the counter and gave him 1 opportunity to correct his behavior before I corrected it for him, he tried to headbutt me and I instantly slammed my own head forward with enough force to bounce his head off the cabinet above the counter and directly back into my forehead. He dropped to the floor like a loose sack of rocks just groaning and unable to even begin to pick himself up. At this point my other roommate tells me the drunk one had grabbed a knife at one point and while trying to stab the sober one had cut HIMSELF because he was THAT DRUNK!! He was out the following morning.
    Later found out him and his gf had been doing heroin and smoking crack in my backroom. (When I came home, I showered, went to bed and left bright and early to work. That's why I never noticed.)
    Bonus for those that made it this far: Found out later the sober roommate was taking some of our rent money each month, I only found out when my landlord called me asking why we were a month behind when, by my reckoning, we should have been nearly two months AHEAD.

  • @Pipkiablo
    @Pipkiablo Год назад +5

    Honestly, that corn flour roommate story doesn't even sound like an awful roommate story, just a weird one.

  • @wendyaston9419
    @wendyaston9419 Год назад +12

    When i was active duty living in the barracks, I guess the B.P.O. noticed how happy I was having a room to myself. Immediately a roommate was assigned to me after having been there for about a month. A week later, she had her momma living there! Yup! It was a two bed room with a community kitchen and bathroom. Thank God at that point I had already met my fiancee (now husband of 23 years) and moved the F outta there into our own apartment! 😏

  • @oldwoman5942
    @oldwoman5942 Год назад +4

    I rented out the 2 bedroom basement suite in my house to a female college student. She lasted less than a month. She would enter the upstairs, where I lived, to use my bathroom. She had a perfectly good bathroom in her suite but insisted in using mine as well as using my toilet paper, bath products, toothpaste (which she would spit into and onto the sink and counter then leave it to dry). Eat my food and leave the dirty dishes everywhere and when confronted denied everything. I finally called her parents who apologized and took her home. I never rented out the suite again.

    • @starrilysky
      @starrilysky Год назад

      Idk how people can be this entitled and comfortable violating other people's privacy and boundaries. I will never understand it. Whenever I go to someone else's house, i feel bad just asking for a glass of water.

  • @shawnarthur1516
    @shawnarthur1516 Год назад +4

    Here's a clue: If you don't like birds, don't move in with someone with a bird. Seems simple enough.
    The OP who had the insanely long list of nightmare roommates is, I'm almost positive, equally effed up in some way. My personal guess is that they are one of those people who exaggerate someone's flaws into an imagined psychosis.

  • @wisecatstudioz
    @wisecatstudioz Год назад +3

    not a roommate but you talking about how people who say they don't smell are just used to their scent reminded me, I knew a kid back in grade school that reeked like. smelled like they had never taken a shower in their life, apparently the faculty did a sort of wellness check on the student's house and everything was fine, running water, soap, everything. that kid in the 2 years I knew them always smelled like that and it seemed like they only washed their hair and nothing else. one of my friends who knew this kid later on in highschool said that they would constantly brag about how little they needed to shower and how their genetics were superior so they didn't have to wash.

  • @fr3akvankuchen825
    @fr3akvankuchen825 Год назад +5

    Tbh i was the bad roommate looking back.
    I have autism and i am extremely socially akward but also was very into taxidermy. I had a single room due to my condition but occacionally the dorm would put someone in my room due to you had me , a socially akward guy with thick glasses in a room that smelled constantly of chemicals , cleaning producs and boiled meat , animal skulls on the shelf and a racoon hide in the corner.
    Tbh now with the dahmer netflix show i wonder how many of the people who knew me back then think im a serial killer

  • @warriorsorb1111
    @warriorsorb1111 Год назад +41

    For me, no. My last roomates were my first roommates and they're my best friends. We just had an emergency move-out because of terrible plumbing that the landlord didn't bother to fix. My friends had a super toxic roommate before I moved in (they kicked him out and asked me to move in). Can't tell their story without their permission but I can say from my experience, the ST (super toxic) roommate loved to instigate fights when he didn't get his way (even threatens you with weapons) and he's the absolute WORST person to play any games with because he'll berate you and threaten you no matter what, even more so if you beat him in a game. He was also a super heavy doob smoker, as in he buys enough weed to feed an army then smokes it all in about a single day or two and he's the only one I ever knew who does that. Of course he and I were pretty much on edge with each other up until the day my friends kicked him out.

  • @sazahmed4225
    @sazahmed4225 Год назад +5

    Worst roommate I had? Well not sure since I’m only on my 2nd apartment in my life, but my first roommate situation is probably the highlight. I first moved into the apartment with a guy and a girl. She moved out 2 months after I moved in since her lease was up, so me and the other roommate got well together, and thought it’d be just us, we were both okay with it since we were both over the age of 21, fast forward couple weeks later, we suddenly get assigned this 18 year old guy. This guy would always smoke weed in the living room and his room, then him and his gf would use my dishes to cook and never clean them after, one night I literally heard from my bathroom that he was beating up his gf and his own dog, had to call the cops and confront him about the dirty dishes, he got mad at me so I just ignored him till our leases were up, I’d just do my own dishes and that’s it. When I moved out I decided not to tell them and silently moved out 2 weeks before lease was up

  • @JohnnyRico118
    @JohnnyRico118 Год назад +4

    I've never had a roommate myself, but my best friend from high school has become the biggest mooch ever since he moved out and into an apartment. Lies to his friends for money, saying he can't afford rent, and then he's suddenly got a $300 bong and takes a vacation from work, that sorta thing. My friend's poor financial skills have really hurt our friendship, because he resents me for having more spare cash than him too. Him having a roommate would help him out a ton money-wise, but no one wants to do it because no one wants to babysit a 30yo manchild. I don't think he holds a candle to most of the roommates in this video though lol.

  • @NotSoBrown
    @NotSoBrown Год назад +2

    I had a roommate that was very neglectful when it came to cleaning up after his dog and himself. Whole carpet ruined with dog pee and poop. So annoying to clean up after all of this because I am a dude who was working over 70 hours a week between both of my jobs. I never got sleep cuz he worked nights and his dog cried a lot. I never treated the dog bad just took it out made sure it had water and food. Every time it woke me up I took it out just in case even if it was just 30 mins ago. One day he has a really hot chick from tinder over she looks into my nicely organized and clean room and then sees his room and says "I'll be right back" She comes to me says "your roommate is disgusting" and gave me her contact info. She went back to my roommate and said how disgusting he was and that his dog being locked up with sh*t in its cage is crazy! I went over to her place later that week ;) I also explained all of what was happening with my roommates "Emotion support animal..." (more like emotional abuse animal is you ask me) to the building manager and I got my deposit while my roommate didn't when we moved out. I really hope that dog is okay. Edit: roommate also had ferrets, that stunk as well

  • @phatchick96
    @phatchick96 Год назад +3

    Not my first roommate, but definitely the weirdest. She was a new age devotee who would fall for ANYTHING weird, spiritual or cosmic that came along. The final straw came when she channeled Elvis. No I'm not kidding. One evening we were watching one of those silly 80s TV show that asked "Where are they now?", which reported that Elvis had been spotted in some fast food joint in the middle of Iowa. I had asked "Do you think he's really there?" knowing full well the King had passed this life a decade before.
    She replied, He's dead."
    Being a smartass, I asked her, "How do you know?"
    "He told me."

  • @Yoshuzimo
    @Yoshuzimo Год назад +2

    I had some roommates from Nepal. They were great at first. Then I introduced them to root beer floats... They thought they were amazing and keep trying to get people to eat them EVERY MEAL. not a huge deal, more annoying.
    Then checking checks came up... Somehow they made the kitchen even more dirty when they cleaned it. I had to scrape the walls with a spatula cause they were fuzzy. I thought it was a one off type situation... Until the third time it happened... As an apartment, we agreed they didn't need to help us clean... It was easier for everyone that way.

  • @radosbarner1734
    @radosbarner1734 Год назад +10

    My living conditions ended with me having to be escorted out of my home by police because the person I was living with had a mental breakdown and threatened me with a knife.
    Basically, the entire time I was there, I had to clean excessively, I even missed a family get together because I had to clean the bathroom for 3 hours. On a Saturday. Eventually, I was told I had to move out. It came 2 days before my birthday, and around 12 o'clock at night, and was more of a passing remark than anything else. According to my contract, as well as the law in the country I live in, I had 3 months to move out of my room, as it was unfurnished. However, upon telling me I had to leave, this person would force me to about 3x more chores than anyone else, and continually started treating me worse and worse.
    Eventually, I ended up getting in contact with one of my relatives whose an attorney. I already had a place to move to at this point, and was planning to move in about a month (at that point I just wanted to get out of that place as fast as possible). I also, contacted the public home services to ask about the case. It was there that I discovered that, because no written notice had been given to me, I actually still had 3 weeks, and because there was no clause in my contract stating I could be kicked out at the end of a month, I could have stayed in that place until May the next year. Needless to say, I held quite a bit of power at this point.
    At one point, I got a message from this person ,stating that she didn't care what was in my contract, and that I had to go as soon as possible. I waited about a day before returning a long email stating that I had gone to an attorney as well as the public services, and that what she was threatening me with was illegal, but that I'd be willing to move out in a month provided she gave me a written document stating that I was moving out, and repaying me for the dues I was owed for moving out earlier.
    Well, it was about 7 o'clock in the evening, and I was coming home from a long day. I heard some voices through the door, but at the time thought nothing of it. As I entered the house, this person, and their father, pulled me into the kitchen, where both of them began shouting things along the lines of "how dare you threaten us like this?" at me. When I tried to respond, they laughed at me because apparently I couldn't speak their language (won't state which language for privacy, but needless to say, I had a pretty good grasp of it at the time, and had just passed a test proving as much). I ended up having to calm down the father, telling him that I had gone to an attorney for my own defence, and I was able to convince him, though he threatened me numerous times throughout the conversation. As I had convinced the father, the person I was living with got angrier and angrier, and at one point tried to take my key from me and kick me out. I told them that was illegal, and they told me they "didn't give a s***." As their father restrained them, they ended up with a knife in their hand, and screamed out "No, he has to pay for what he has done." while thrusting it in my general direction. I believe the father slapped it to the ground at one point.
    At that point, the father became violent with them. He later came back in, and I reassured him that I was going to move out in a month, provided my requirements were met. Sure enough, he shook on it, and told me I was free to go to my room. I locked myself in said room, and proceeded to hear the two of them get more and more violent, until eventually the father just...left. I soon got a phone call from the mother who told me at all costs to stay in the room, where I had to sit and calm the person down through the door. Eventually, around midnight, I had packed a bag, and a relative had come to pick me up. At this point, our other housing partner had come home, and both had gone to bed. I took my bags, and snuck to the door, only to open it and find two police officers sitting outside.Turns out my relative had called them. Good call. Turns out this person was already known to the police.
    I've kept this very vague on purpose. I don't really want to get into any further details. The police have all the evidence I had of this occasion, including a recording I had in regards to said incident, from my phone in my breast pocket. Needless to say, I had a lot to deal with after that. Still do to an extent to this day.
    Wishing you all a happy December, stay safe out there.

    • @crazystemlady
      @crazystemlady 10 месяцев назад

      Good luck

    • @radosbarner1734
      @radosbarner1734 10 месяцев назад

      @@crazystemlady You'll be relieved to hear things are a lot better now than they were then.

  • @davidhowell1415
    @davidhowell1415 Год назад +13

    My roommate tried to get me charged with gRape because his girlfriend blew me 3 years before they met and she denied it so him and her 19 year old son tried to get me to sleep with one of her friends. This is why I quit working at that restaurant because yes we all worked together. Her son and his friend wanted to “ talk to me outside “ they didn’t have the conversation they thought they were going to have police showed up and they admitted to trying to set me up on a gRape charge and all I was told by the police is “ watch yourself around those people “ seriously they said I couldn’t file any charges on attempted fraudulent shrexual assault claim.

  • @melissasmith1301
    @melissasmith1301 Год назад +2

    While living with my then boyfriend (after he dumped me he claimed that he and I were just "roommates" but stupidly put stuff online for 5 years that I was his girlfriend - same with him telling people this as well, so go figure *face palm!*) he would leave used condoms everywhere (the bin was right next to him when he walked past it to play video games), he put used tissues that he used for his runny nose on the floor, he would piss in FRONT of the toilet then tried to blame it on me (im female btw and always sit on the toilet to pee.) left his crap- literal, in the toilet to try and show me (he left the place when he was 28 years old), he left dirty dishes, dirty clothes EVERYWHERE and when we had to move out of the place, as revenge for him cheating on me and leaving me for his then male, now female best friend, he peed everywhere! I mean everywhere!!! (After my family and I cleaned the house and he knew of this). Oh the joys.. thank goodness I dodged a nuke.. but lost $400 in the bond due to what he did..

  • @LavenderSystem69
    @LavenderSystem69 Год назад +13

    The difference between me and the ONLY roommate I've ever had, is that I used headphones and had the courtesy to ASK before adjusting the thermostat and/or opening/closing the window. Especially in the dead of winter, when the lows were hitting -10F. My transfer request was approved during winter break, and I proceeded to shut off the master breaker (in the breaker box that I was the ONLY one to bother learning the location of) and leave the window wide open. Man liked the cold and relied on his whiteboard for keeping his schedule straight... and dry erase markers have a freezing point. One giant headache of a mess to clean up to make up for having been forced to spend an entire semester living in the Stanford Prison Experiment seems like a fair trade to me

  • @checker5908
    @checker5908 Год назад +2

    clicked on the video for the hot anime girl picture, stayed for the epic modded l4d2 gameplay

  • @NiikoKnacko
    @NiikoKnacko Год назад +19

    Does my family count as my roommates?

  • @coolcoop1000
    @coolcoop1000 Год назад +2

    TLDR: My roommate went crazy tried to attack me, hit his girlfriend with his car, got evicted and stole money from me and my roommate. $596 from me and $600 from my roommate
    Moved into a 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 of my friends. One of my roommates was awesome never had an issue with him. He paid his rent on time and in full, mostly he kept to himself. The other roommate not so much. I moved in because at the time he was paying for the house by himself with a job he had for a while. Didn't think much of it since he obviously could take care of the rent so I thought. We moved in but never put our names on the lease. (sidenote don't know why we never did but it worked out for the better) About a month into living together the place was a mess. Living room full of trash sink full of dirty dishes bathroom full of empty beer cans and so on. 90% of the trash was the bad roommates and he never picked it up nor cared it was a mess. We asked him to pick it up but never did. He also had quit his job that week and kept getting money from his parents to live there. I helped out a bit with the rent on his side because he didn't have the money and I didn't particularly want to move as it had only been a month and I figured he'd get a job. A few months pass and he's stealing my food asking me for money all the time and playing my playstation constantly. Still no job. I lived in this apartment for about 6-7 months and he had paid most of his portion of rent but not all of it and I chipped in on his end, he said he'd pay me back. My good roommate and I worked for the same place and we got him a job delivering pizzas with us since we knew he could cover rent with it. He ended up quitting within two weeks. It comes to the end of the 7th month and his girlfriend had been living there the entire month. We all knew she would be moving in and had agreed that she would take over another 4th of rent. I only agreed since it meant I most likely wouldn't be covering his side from now on and she could handle it. End of the month is coming up and I had gotten off a 10 hour shift and just got some food to eat for the first time that day so I wasn't in the best of moods. Bad roommate comes up to me and starts talking about the electrical bill from when his old roommates had lived there that he expected me to pay. I told him since it wasn't my electric bill I wasn't gonna pay it. He starts getting mad and I was pretty mad due to my hunger. I say that I don't care right now and I'm gonna eat my food. He proceeds to start screaming in my face how if I don't care that I can move out of "his" fucking house. I snap back at him. He starts pushing me but it wasn't very affective (He's 5'8" and 150 pounds while i'm 6'3" and 300 pounds) I shove him into the wall cause I've had enough at this point and he starts freaking out saying he's calling the cops and to get the fuck out of his house since I'm not on the lease. My other roommate comes down due to the amount of noise we're making to mediate. I yell back to him that "It's not your house when you can't pay the fucking rent." He gets really mad and starts to walk towards me with his fists balled up like he's gonna hit me. My other roommate stops him and reminds him that I could reck his shit at any moment. I walk downstairs to my room and calm myself down. He calms himself down and we go back to normal. A few days pass and rent day is upon us. Like always he doesn't have his portion of rent but doesn't tell me at first. He says to me "Hey my gf is going to take care of the electric bill this month." I said Ok and thought nothing of it till he hands me his portion of rent and I don't get any portion from his gf. Turns out she had quit her job too and didn't have the full 4th of rent only the electric bill. I was furious because I thought she was paying her portion and the electric bill as helping us out due to the fact that he described it in that sense. We have a roommate discussion between me and the og roommates exc. gf. I tell him I'm not paying her portion and my other roommate says he won't either. He starts flipping out saying "You're just gonna kick her out on the streets?" I tell him that if she doesn't have the money why is she living here. I already have to pay for more than my share with him I definitely am not gonna pay for his gf. He flips out again and starts calling me out for being a bigot and so on. I tell him flat out I'm not paying for someone I don't get to even fuck. This was a lie actually because me and his gf were secretly having sex behind his back. He starts acting all tough. (Kind of like a Chihuahua) I can see this is going nowhere and he says he doesn't have his portion of rent either. I am fed up at this point and I say "You know what, you can figure out your portion, her portion, and my portion. I'll be out before the end of the week. The next day I'm at work and come back to my room which has been trashed, he had a party downstairs in my room while I was at work. Needless to say I just grabbed my things left all the trash for him to clean up and moved out. At the end of this he owed me $596 it has been 4 years and I've never gotten a cent from him. After I left the story gets even crazier. He wen't psycho, they weren't gonna have enough for rent a few months later and he tells his gf he's gonna commit not living. She tries to stop him and blocks his car from leaving. He then proceeds to hit her with his car and leaves. They couldn't pay rent and got evicted. He went to a psychiatric ward for a week and she stayed with her parents. He used the money my roommate gave him for rent to pay his medical bills and never paid either of us back.

    • @Imbatman107
      @Imbatman107 5 месяцев назад


  • @GalacticLimes
    @GalacticLimes Год назад +5

    I once had a roommate who refused to use the dishwasher, only doing dishes by hand.
    When I asked why he was so reluctant on using the dishwasher, he told me it was because of a past roommate who always gave him hell for how he loaded the dishwasher, even when they weren’t doing dishes and long after he stopped using the dishwasher.
    I never pressed for more details but it sounds to me like they were just holding the biggest grudge for the pettiest thing.

  • @spencerlukay5809
    @spencerlukay5809 Год назад +2

    Some of these roommates make literal sewers seem more hospitable.

  • @ConsistantlyInconsistant
    @ConsistantlyInconsistant Год назад +5


  • @GlacialSpectre
    @GlacialSpectre Год назад +2

    My ex roommate lord where do I start??
    1] my cat died and after awhile I was asked by my coworker if I would like to adopt one of his cats as he wasn't getting along with the other cats. I said yes and brought the cat home and my roommate was like "Oh he's perfect my girlfriend would love him" (??????) proceeded to tell his girl it was his cat and then kept the cat in his room the whole time so... I got an opportunity to adopt unwanted kittens and agreed to take them. After 3 months roommate and his gf broke up and he was no longer interested in the cat and I ended up with 3 cats to take care of because he was refusing to help.
    2] Roommate would beg me to cook so I'd make a big batch of food for the week and that's when I found out he refuses to eat left overs. Waste of money, food and time.
    3] I was an immigrant at the time on a work permit and he offered to marry me for citizenship.... if I agreed to let him 'feel up dem titties' when he wanted....
    4] mofo was SO FUCKING LOUD... he got us evicted...AND had the audacity to ask me to look for places to move with him because he 'doesn't know where to look' for rentals places. I left him.

    • @vinnie4v277
      @vinnie4v277 Год назад

      The 3rd option. Is just a basic transaction imo. I would never ask or do it. But yeh

    • @GlacialSpectre
      @GlacialSpectre Год назад

      @@vinnie4v277 lol I told him I'd rather get deported 🤣

    • @vinnie4v277
      @vinnie4v277 Год назад

      @@GlacialSpectre You did great ahahahaha

  • @btymania1026
    @btymania1026 Год назад +9

    After every story: *Bad to the Bone riff plays*

  • @gracemccolley7490
    @gracemccolley7490 10 месяцев назад

    This compilation is amazing motivation. It's Saturday, which is my cleaning day, and my house is a mess. I have three young kids and a dog, plus we homeschool. I jazzed to spend concentrated cleaning time!

  • @RhiFoxx
    @RhiFoxx Год назад +3

    'I remember my first gay knife fight' sent me

  • @emileelamica7701
    @emileelamica7701 Год назад

    #36 was the cutest. "It was alright." 😂

  • @stephentheriot9912
    @stephentheriot9912 Год назад +3

    So I was renting a trailer from my girlfriend's family at the time. We broke up and she moved back in with her family since she was essentially a housewife and didn't work. They ask if I'd let a friend who just got out of prison stay there in my spare room while he got his business sorted out so he could be close to his kids. I said sure cause I knew him well enough and came from a family of second chances.
    It was fine and eventually he started hooking up with the mom of one of my ex's friends (we were in our early twenties he was in his mid thirties.
    I like her she's cool she eventually starts staying over more and more and eventually moves in. She tends to come out of their room in either just her underwear or at most a football jersey and pretty much encouraged the two of us to dress in a similar state.
    She cleans the common areas and even does my laundry for cig money
    Things go good until one night they have a drunken fight and he breaks his hand punching the wall only to hit a stud.
    After that ex's parents banned alcohol.
    Then I find out they hadn't been paying their half of the light bill and it's now over $300 because they've been running electronics non stop.
    One night the power goes out and I guess they thought it was shut off not knowing I'd paid it and they leave. Stealing a TV a coffee pot and all my trash bags.
    I moved out to the west coast for a while but eventually came back. Learned she'd crashed my car that I'd sold her when I bought my truck and terminated upon hitting a telephone pole high on snow
    He moved two towns over with his iced up baby mama. Their sun has been suspended several times, their daughter was caught having inappropriate online chats with older men and planning to meet up with them and child services were called.
    Morale of the story... There is none. People are weird

  • @Seraph68
    @Seraph68 Год назад +1

    It was not a typical "roommate" situation, I was teaching English overseas and lived in the apartment the school rented for their native English teacher. I was going to be traveling for two months and my substitute would be living in the apartment while I was gone. But there was about 2 weeks on either side of that traveling that we shared the apartment.
    The first two weeks he was cool, a little aloof but excited to be in that country. So I left to travel for two months. When I returned to the apartment, it was a total mess. Dirty dishes stacked across the counter and table (the only clean spot is where he'd set his laptop to play his game), his clothes laid across the floor, but the biggest mess was the garbage. For the two months that I had been gone, he never once took the trash out. He said he was confused in sorting the trash and he never got up in the morning to take it out (trash could only be put out at a certain time). I gave him plenty of opportunities to redeem himself by cleaning up, but he'd only do it when I brought it up, for five minutes, then go back to his games with practically no progress. I would settle for cleaning up after him once he left, but I was informed I was going to have a guest from the school stay in that second bedroom right after my roommate was scheduled to leave, so the apartment needed to be clean by the day he left. I gave him every opportunity to participate in cleaning (encouraging him that once the apartment was clean, I would take him to see some of the local sights, and I'd even pay his way for them) but I ended up doing everything while he spent his last week in the country sitting in the apartment, playing the same old game on his laptop. I'd give him some slack for the class work he was also doing, but he had been procrastinating that stuff too.
    So in the end, his last week in the country (which we both had the time off) he spent most of his time playing a game, which he could play at any other time, instead of getting to see the country he was so excited to visit. I honestly felt more pity than anger towards him in the end.
    The guest after him was okay, I soon realized we had completely different views on things (politics, religion, etc.), so we kept to polite conversation or kept to ourselves for the few days he had stayed at the apartment.
    If either of these were long term roommates, I probably would have handled them differently.

  • @samueleveleigh2767
    @samueleveleigh2767 Год назад +3

    in my first flat we had 2 bathrooms, even though we were meant to keep to our own bathroom the flatmate who i shared the bathroom with did not clean it at all (it was agreed that we would clean after each use).
    eventually i started using the second bathroom to see just how bad it would get.
    well fast forward 3 months and toilet 2 goes out of commission for a couple days forcing everyone back into the first bathroom which again had been used exclusively by 1 man who in all other aspects of life was a clean freak.
    the base of the toilet was literally cracking, mold in the shower, cobwebs upon cobwebs in the corners and something had grown over the window to the point where it could no longer be opened...
    toilet 2 got a speedy repair...

  • @fastertrackcreative
    @fastertrackcreative Год назад +1

    The random ingredients one wasn't so bad 😆. Just nutty. Maybe some day he'll invent a bestselling new food product based on whatever random cheap stuff he could find.
    "In the end it was chili-flavoured strips of corn flour crust, cucumber chunks seasoned with vanilla protein powder then fried in sesame oil, in a bowl with milk and crushed cornflakes." 😆

  • @ViridianFlow
    @ViridianFlow Год назад +7

    So my bad roommate story is a little sad.
    I had a friend who was living with their parents but was trans. Their parents were not accepting of trans people do I let them come live with me, rent free for a few months so they could get access to our countries social security system, drove them to their medical sessions with psychs and the like so they could start their transition. That part was fine.
    Then they started transitioning and fell down the Tumblr rabbit hole. As soon as they started their hormones their personality switched. I'd walk out to my own kitchen to them and be greeted by "Sup scum", they'd constantly start saying stuff like "You should be ashamed of your gender" and "All men are rapists". They began coming into my room or the lounge and unplug the tv if I was watching something like The Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park and insist that those shows were only for psychopaths then they'd physically hit me with whatever was nearby. Sometimes they'd hold onto the doorframe of communal areas like the kitchen and say it's a "man free zone" and if I even tried to just duck under their arms to go get a snack they'd move to prevent me from doing so and say I'm assaulting them if I even brushed up near them.
    I had it with feeling like a prisoner in my own home, told them to start paying rent and they told me they'd burn the place down and made multiple weepy posts to their followers on their transition blog and tell lies about me to try and get me "cancelled".
    Ended up having to get the police to remove them from my home which apparently made me the worst human transphobe ever instead of it being a consequence of their actions.
    Like no, I was happy to help but I'm not going to let you try and dictate my life and take over my own house just because some Tumblr people led you down an insane path of extremism. The internet really can just radicalise people out of nowhere sometimes and on both ends of the political spectrum.

    • @alfsleftnut9224
      @alfsleftnut9224 11 месяцев назад

      Its sad people fall into mind sets like that when they should know better. I had an online who I watched fall down the same rabbit hole after they went threw a traumatic event. Would rant and rave about all men being "perverts" and "pedophiles" and other nasty things, and if anyone called them out on it, then obviously they supported pedos

    • @crazystemlady
      @crazystemlady 10 месяцев назад

      Shit like this is what doesn’t make the damn news. So sorry u experienced literally Someone taking advantage of ur kindness

  • @nUmBskulLL
    @nUmBskulLL Год назад +1

    My roommate stole everything I owned and never came back.
    He was my friend too for years before that.
    I lost so many things I can't replace.

  • @lieffian
    @lieffian Год назад +15

    Mine was BAD black dude, slept in my bed, ripped ass in my face constantly when I slept, ate off my plate, never did what was told of him. Cared more for cuddling and playing games. Now that I think about it, he was a good dog. I miss my Sammy boi, may I see him on the rainbow bridge

    • @niggasgang8784
      @niggasgang8784 Год назад +1

      What did I just read 😵‍💫

    • @Subscriber9192
      @Subscriber9192 Год назад

      @@niggasgang8784 someone who loved their dog

    • @lieffian
      @lieffian Год назад +6

      @@niggasgang8784 my roommate was a black lab mix, passed away a few years ago. Those were some of his highlights when he was naughty

    • @humanbeing3551
      @humanbeing3551 Год назад +1


    • @OakCash
      @OakCash Год назад +5

      He got us in the first half not gonna lie

  • @tairunner5009
    @tairunner5009 Год назад +2

    One girl washed her dirty underwear over our dishes. Another one period on my bed and didn't clean it after I found out One other girl let her kids clogged the toilet and have my dad fix it. And another time was when her kids were hungry she just slept and had me do it. She gave me and dad money but at that time we didn't have food stamps etc. I used it . She gave my dad 100 dollars and he said just give it to me she said oh no I'll take it ...We didn't let her take it.

  • @kenabbott8585
    @kenabbott8585 Год назад +10

    Had a roommate who was an absolute stoner. Dude had already been in prison for stealing his dads business checks and having a meth spree, but I didn't know that at the time. What I did know was that even for the 2000's $200 for half a trailer was cheap, and since job prospects at the time were crap, it sure beat going back to my parents or some crap.
    The misadventures with this ijit were endless, but among the highlights....
    Stole just about everything I left alone for a minute. When my Ma sent me some extra asthma inhalers he stole them in hopes of getting high.
    Stepped out of my room one afternoon to find him on the couch, in his underwear, hitting a bong and watching "Ambush Makeover."
    Discovered that the real reason he'd offered half the place was because he thought I would help him make meth.
    Got angry when I accidentally cut down one of his marijuana plants. While mowing the lawn. In the front yard.
    Made homemade bombs to light off with his kid. Threw the duds in the trash. We burned our trash.
    Got angry because it seemed I didn't like his kid. The reason he thought that was because I didn't; kid was a little shit.
    Took $200 for my half of the rent--turned out his parents were letting him live there free and there was no 'half'. $200 for half a trailer wasn't bad, so I rolled with it. Did NOT roll with letting him do the grocery shopping and claiming that I owed $100 for my share of what was clearly nowhere near $200 worth of food.
    Tried claiming I didn't pay rent, to the extent that I wrote out receipts and made him sign them whenever I paid.
    When my brother, an Iraq war vet, visited, the very first thing he said was to ask if he'd killed anyone.
    Bought a car, which I had to drive because he had no license. Wanted me to drive him to town to meet his girlfriend, because she couldn't drive until she was out of the halfway-house. Asked if we could stop and buy weed on the way. I told he we could not, and he decided he didn't need to visit his girlfriend after all.
    He asked me if I could help him find some shells for his shotgun (yes, as a felon it was illegal for him to have one) and we had none. When I left after less than a year, he demanded I pay for a broken water heater, and was utterly confused when threatening to bring out the shotgun brought no result.
    That's off the top of my head, but I know there's more I'm forgetting.

    • @VerbalVantage
      @VerbalVantage Год назад +1

      Dammnnnnn and I thought my roommate was bad.

  • @riccardocalosso5688
    @riccardocalosso5688 Год назад +1

    For the broke college student.
    Mix corn flour (small amounts at a time) with salted, boiling water, and add half a stick of butter.
    Cooking slowly for 45 minutes, you should have a fairly dense goo. It's delicious with cheese, or beans, or omelettes, or stewed meat.

  • @Jenny-vm3yu
    @Jenny-vm3yu Год назад +4

    These are so wild! My story is about living with a complete control freak. So there were 4 roommates and we and all met control freak (CF) in first year and become friends with him. I always knew CF was anal retentive and had a strong type A personality. This didn’t bother me at first, as I get on well with most types of people. We were study partners I thought he was a decent guy. Anyway, nobody from his halls wanted to live with him, only people from our course who had never lived with him. Looking back, it was probably a red flag. Fast forward to move in, CF immediately created a chore rota and spreadsheet for outgoings. Fair enough. But then he called a house meeting (one of hundreds to follow lol) to create house rules, which he printed out and hung on the wall. CF would call house meetings every day, for crimes such as leaving a spoon out on the side after making a coffee. Or leaving one bowl in the sink. CF wrote down the names of “approved guests” and nobody else could enter the house without permission. He would then ban guests from the house if they broke any rules, even friends and family members of myself and the other roommates.
    Things escalated when he started entering our rooms without permission (nobody had locks UGH) and organising our stuff. CF also thought one roommate was overweight and unhealthy (which was true but not his business) so he banned any takeaways from the house. He would shout and scream if anyone bought home fast food, yet he could do so himself. CF tried to force one roommate on a diet and banned any “non platonic male or female visitors” from the house. So basically nobody was allowed to bring their partner round or hook up. One roommate left very quickly, I lasted 6 months and the third actually stayed living with CF. Although they went through multiple roommates a year for the next two years. It was absolute madness. I’m so glad I got out of there. Living with CF was genuinely like living under a totalitarian regime. 😂 I since found out he did the same thing to his roommates before us. The guy is a real little Hitler and will never change.

    • @Cablebet
      @Cablebet 10 месяцев назад

      Bro type out this is longer then some of my work form collage

  • @jakesgaming682
    @jakesgaming682 Год назад

    I've never laughed so goddamn hard at, "This friday night, it's OP and the Scatmates."

  • @Wendy_O._Koopa
    @Wendy_O._Koopa Год назад +4

    31:18 "All right... this is the third knife fight I've broken up today and the second one using actual knives." - *Turanga Leela* - s2e06 - *Brannigan, Begin Again* (paraphrased)

  • @korbanpyke5996
    @korbanpyke5996 Год назад +2

    Why do people HAVE to have roommates, are they not allowed to rent a place by themselves? Idk anything about it

  • @tuntalia
    @tuntalia Год назад +3

    I lived in a suite last year. 4 of us.
    Me and my best friend who I met through being roomed together believe our 3rd roommate had a personal vendetta against her. She treated me like her child. I firmly believe she stole her promise ring. There's no other explanation. It up and disappeared and she was devastated. I had to reassure friend that her boyfriend, whom I am also good friends with, wouldn't be mad. He agrees with my theory. That girl calls my friend "roommate from hell". That's the icing on the cake for me
    Edit: this year isn't any better, but next year I'm rooming with friends and applying on time

  • @autumnfaraday5649
    @autumnfaraday5649 Год назад +1

    Sophmore year of college, I got a 4 bedroom apartment with my 2 friends and a random girl assigned to us. Rando would leave food to rot in the fridge and sink, and hung her clothes to dry IN THE HALLWAY CLOSET. She let her cat scratch up the furniture, and would bring in random men without telling us first. I once found out that some guy had been living with us for THREE DAYS on my way to the shower. I was the most confrontational of my friends, so I was the one throwing out men on a weekly basis. She also never paid her share of utilities. I ended up chasing her out by mothering her. Apartment tried to fill her room with another rando, but the smell of cat poop never left the room.

  • @nonstoryadict
    @nonstoryadict Год назад +10

    3 years ago, I had a roommate who would have guys over almost every night and most of the time went in the bedroom to have but one day, I was studying and one of the boys came in my room to do the same to me because I think he thought "Oh if she is a $l*t then her "friend" might be one too" but as soon as he tried to touch me I kicked him out and locked my door and then the next day my roommate was so pissed that I kicked her $*x buddy out of MY room and even tho I tried to tell her that I wasn't going to let anyone touch me just because they are her guest she didn't want to hear any of it and then a few hours of silence from her I went to feed my pet fishes but when I got there they were gone and then I heard noise in the kitchen (yea I'm pretty sure you guys know what happened by now) so I went to the kitchen to see my roommate COOKING MY PET FISHES and then she said "if you really loved them then you would have not messed with me." And that was when I moved out

    • @nekofan5606
      @nekofan5606 Год назад +1

      Yooooo what...

    • @Instinctuality
      @Instinctuality Год назад +5

      I would've called the police. They were your pets, not hers. She had no right to do that at all. You would've been able to solve two problems at once: getting a new place while the whole court thing went down, AND you would've gotten a seriously instable person behind bars. I don't want anyone in jail, but if someone behaves like that, I'd rather they be in a secure environment than outside where anything like that can happen to anyone.

    • @cmndrkool321
      @cmndrkool321 Год назад +1

      That is psychotic.

    • @duckmaster1018
      @duckmaster1018 Год назад +1

      That’s just wrong

    • @shadowling77777
      @shadowling77777 Год назад +2

      Lmfao wtf she ate ur fishes

  • @mindlessmeat4055
    @mindlessmeat4055 Год назад +1

    My wife, for some reason, invited a childhood friend and her husband to stay with us. It was a living nightmare for me. We were barely managing to scrape by as it was without these two freeloaders. I would buy sandwich material, turkey slices and bread and such, to last the week or two but by the time I got home my two weeks worth of food was gone. That was my food that I had budgeted so I didn't have to buy fast food. It was a nightmare for me.

  • @Tannic_Lawyer
    @Tannic_Lawyer Год назад +4

    some of these darn stories are just down bad

    • @masterklaw4527
      @masterklaw4527 Год назад

      Not all of us are down bad, we just need help with our homework.
      As if we don't have enough things to slam on our desk and do all night.

    • @Tannic_Lawyer
      @Tannic_Lawyer Год назад

      @@masterklaw4527 yes, I said "some", meaning not all.

    • @masterklaw4527
      @masterklaw4527 Год назад

      @@Tannic_Lawyer I know, I just saw an opportunity to make a joke.

    • @Tannic_Lawyer
      @Tannic_Lawyer Год назад

      @@masterklaw4527 I understand, master.

  • @Katt30
    @Katt30 Год назад +1

    Nearly put me, and my disabled mother, out on the streets by taking thousands out of our bank account. Why? So he could get his balls off at strip clubs. He also crashed our car, probably going to said clubs. But the money is the worst offense. My sister, his mom, some how convinced us to let him stay with us again. He was never allowed to use the bank card. I'm convinced he's a habitual liar, and that 99% of everything he's ever told me, if he told me anything, were lies. Like we were roommates for 2 years after my mother passed away. He promised to pay me for babysitting his daughter when she was down for the summer. He never did. One month he claimed he was a $100 short on his half of the rent. Instead when I got to the office, I found out he'd been LATE paying the full amount of his half, and we had a $100 late fee tacked on.
    Now my sister, because I live in a kinda crappy place owned by a crappy company, keeps trying to convince me to move up to Ohio, and be his roommate AGAIN. Because he's in a house he can just barely afford. I've told her I do not trust him, and do not want to live with him, and she keeps bringing it up.

  • @caorsi
    @caorsi Год назад +3

    Had an ex who wouldn’t flush the toilet for whatever reason to save water. We don’t pay for water at all so that didn’t make sense. Unhygienic and throw clothes everywhere on the floor when I got a perfectly hamper.

  • @benedictekorsager407
    @benedictekorsager407 Год назад +1

    This makes my roommate sounds like an angel. She wakes me up too clean our other roommates clothes up. She knows it isn’t mine and the other people will be back in under an hour. I need the sleep but she think it is more important that the room is not messy. And the most infuriating thing is that it is her responsibility to take out the trash every morning. I do that. I clean after all her friends and I don’t get to sleep

  • @mattyice1095
    @mattyice1095 Год назад +3

    Will always hate my sophomore year Roomate. He was a random Roomate selection. Even before school started he left a real bad first impression. I when finding out his name sent him a message trying to get to know him before hand and try to plan out who would bring like tv fridge. He responds with asking me if I want to move to a different room since he wanted room with his friend and was offering me money to move out. I didn’t want to and that ticked him off. So we didn’t start off on the best terms. Then not to Long into year he gets a GF who basically moves into our room and if you can imagine a typical size for a college room size for doubles. I would sometimes hang with them and smoke pot in the room but most of my hanging with them was just not to cause trouble that I did not need. He would also invite friends over to party when he didn’t have class the next day and I had I also remember the time coming after going to Florida for my grandma 100th birthday and I got sick so I wanted a quiet rook so I nicely asked my Roomate if his GF could not sleep over since I wanted to rest when I got home. Turns out she was sick too and he had to take care of her in our room instead of you know his GFs room. I did have my petty revenge later on I had taken him and his girlfriend to a bar to drop them off about 30 mins away from the college. I drop them off drove home and got ready for bed. As I was lying down got a text from him saying the bar is closed and he needs me to pick them up. Told him nope I was tired and wanted to go to bed. He keeping like come on and I’ll smoke you up (again pot) I was like nah and I put down my phone and went to bed. No idea how they got back assuming Uber. Luckily he ended up losing a bunch of his friends since he neglected them to instead spend almost every waking moment with his GF.

  • @madchessLeviathan
    @madchessLeviathan Год назад +2

    Try a rommate (shared room) that wakes you up yelling that I'm snoring, every night. I could not go back to sleep but he could, and while I could not help snoring once in a while (I was sleeping after all) he intentionally woke me up every time, worst month of my life. Also experienced sharing with several people not washing up or being generally disgusting, sadly it is a hit and miss, and some people have not matured enough to share with other people.

  • @jfwfreo
    @jfwfreo Год назад +3

    So many of these seem like a "why the hell didn't the OP do something about it if their roommates were so bad" situation.

  • @UnicornMcMuffin
    @UnicornMcMuffin Год назад +2

    Had a girl stay with me in my apartment for free as long as she would watch my kid when I needed to work and do the dishes. Found out she was letting my 2 year old do whatever whole she hid in the bathroom and got high and refused to do any of the dishes. When I told her I couldn't keep letting her stay for free and that she needed to be out by that Saturday she disappeared but left all her crap. A few months after she left I heard she got knocked up and honestly I thought it was karma but that's not fair on The poor kid she had.

  • @apairofsteeltoedboots4729
    @apairofsteeltoedboots4729 Год назад +6

    I just realised the girl on the thumbnail is ruby rose from RWBY. Now I’m sad

    • @InterdictionAirsoft
      @InterdictionAirsoft Год назад +3

      Was looking through the comments to see if anyone realized who it was

    • @izzy-nil
      @izzy-nil Год назад +2

      Lol same

  • @Didartie
    @Didartie Год назад +2

    This motivated me to get up and wash the dishes 💀💀💀

  • @KaiFoxx
    @KaiFoxx Год назад +6

    One time I was feuding with my roommates and refused to do the dishes for a couple weeks.
    When my roomie finally did them, the cutting board was mouldy.
    I celebrated my petty victory

  • @NimbleInfringement
    @NimbleInfringement Год назад +2

    I've had a couple "interesting" roommates (like the one who stole $200 from me and then looked me in the eye and said, "Jesus don't like stealing, I wouldn't do that!" when we were literally the only two people there...), however, the worst had to be the one roommate in college who was NASTY nasty. Not just clutter, actual filth. I don't know if she had never been taught how to clean or maybe grew up with someone always picking up after her, but she gave 0 effs when it came to cleaning anything. Our dorms were "suite" style with 4 people: each person had their own bedroom, then there were 2 bathrooms and a shared kitchen/living room space. She would leave her stuff everywhere, including trash. Her room was so messy that clothes would get caught on her feet on her way out and she just left it wherever they landed. I came back from class one day and there was a clearly dirty pair of underwear chilling in the living room. She left used "feminine products" on the back of the toilet or floor of the bathroom (as if she missed the trash and was just like, "Oh well!"). The worst was when we were leaving for Spring Break and she left a mountain of dishes behind, so the 3 of us put them in her bathroom sink (the other 3 of us used the other bathroom by this point). When we all came back after a week and change, I heard her on the phone crying because there were maggots and mold on her stuff. I felt kinda bad but at the same time, what did she expect??? She left the school after that semester (I think because she found out she was pregnant actually). Hopefully she got better about keeping a space clean..
    TL;DR: Had a gross roommate that left gross stuff around and she was somehow shocked when those gross things got more gross.