BF3 Showdown - Spas 12 vs 870 MCS


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  • @emullin89
    @emullin89 12 лет назад +1

    I only use slugs, so I'm gonna give it to the SPAS since I only use shotguns in close quarters they do the same damage but the SPAS shoots a hair faster.

  • @intheworksmedia
    @intheworksmedia  12 лет назад

    I took a different approach with this week's showdown. I didn't focus so much on stats but rather what I felt worked better for me from playing with each weapon

  • @BoRaXiN72
    @BoRaXiN72 12 лет назад

    I have
    129 service stars with 870
    126 service stars with spas

  • @foughtwolf
    @foughtwolf 12 лет назад

    The 1014 suffers from also being a tube fed though, so its slow to reload. Its sort of the middle ground between the semis and pump actions. Yes, it can blow through its tube quick, but then you are reloading it for twice as long.

  • @FriezaReturns00001
    @FriezaReturns00001 12 лет назад

    Well you can choose, do you want to have a extra pellet like for the 870MCS or do you prefer to have the ability to spam your shots like for the Spas? It's all up to you.

  • @intheworksmedia
    @intheworksmedia  12 лет назад

    Its literally like .4s to .48s I don't know if that makes much difference in the long run in terms of pump speed :)

  • @SirShizuka
    @SirShizuka 12 лет назад

    symthic shows that both have the same muzzle velocity. Where did you see 870 is faster than spas?
    I use spas+slug just about always in any situation other than long range at the moment, only difference i knew of with slugs is the aspect and the fact i have a few more service stars on it.

  • @markarthguard
    @markarthguard 12 лет назад

    I read on one video the 870MCS has a 12-pellet buckshot but the SPAS-12 has an 11-pellet buckshot which isn't that bad of a difference, however the SPAS-12 has a slightly faster rate of fire. Sorry if this is already stated in the video, I don't have the Spas yet but from the looks of it it's better.

  • @Wassamattawityou
    @Wassamattawityou 11 лет назад

    the only time the spas's muzzle velocity is lower than the 870 is when using flechette. other than that every other round has the same speed.

  • @jaaarbas
    @jaaarbas 11 лет назад +2

    USAS-12 Frag
    ... remember the times, guys? :D

  • @mrflapjacklover
    @mrflapjacklover 12 лет назад

    the spas is sort of the range between semi auto shotguns and the 870 but the the 870 for up close takes the cake when using buckshot

  • @ckssid
    @ckssid 11 лет назад

    I'm pretty sure that slug velocities for both 870 and SPAS are same...I usually run with SPAS w/ slug, KOBRA and ext. mag

  • @bluefoz
    @bluefoz 12 лет назад +1

    M26 Frag
    Over 9000 service stars
    Over 9000% accuracy
    Always MVP, baby, even when I'm going EOD Bot only.

  • @questionabletacos
    @questionabletacos 11 лет назад

    not necessarily, buckshot does more damage not more pellets, but the range is worse than flechette outside of 10m, flechette usually has a faster bulletspeed, and piecers through people better

  • @nfsfanAndrew
    @nfsfanAndrew 12 лет назад

    hey youtubes buffering reticle fits perfectly inside the shotguns hipfire reticle! can you get the buffering reticle in bf3?

  • @AJ27rider
    @AJ27rider 12 лет назад

    They both have an advantage over eachother. I think your choice comes down to which one looks better to you

  • @DigitalDyslexia
    @DigitalDyslexia 12 лет назад

    i like the long range aspect of the spas, plus its fire rate is faster (reload and recock wise). put a slug on the spas and its an absolute beast

  • @AleXandroX28
    @AleXandroX28 12 лет назад

    because the scar l is only good for long range the aug have the higher mobility while ADS and tighter hip spread with a comparable long range capabilities that is why

  • @itzMoTioNZ95
    @itzMoTioNZ95 12 лет назад

    you didnt mention that with slugs the damage difference disappears so yes the 870 has faster velocity but the spas has faster rof

  • @TheWolverine1333
    @TheWolverine1333 12 лет назад

    870 with slugs
    spas with flech
    just up to what shell is better suited form the map

  • @joshlongley
    @joshlongley 12 лет назад

    if you look closely the left dog tag for the usas it looks like a spas 12 with a folded stalk and i actually think it looks better than the left dog tag for the spas so if you have the spas mastery tag try that out

  • @BadCompanyMisFits
    @BadCompanyMisFits 12 лет назад

    I agree. The Spas seems really inconsistent frustrating while as the 870 is more reliable.

  • @TheFanego799
    @TheFanego799 12 лет назад

    All right, you talked about the advantages and disadvantages of slugs, buckshot, and flechete rounds for the two shotguns, but you never talked about which shotgun does better with frag rounds? I know that they are shit now ever since that big patch that came months ago, but still, it would be nice to know which shotgun frags work with. As for which shotgun is better, I'd personally prefer the 870 simply because I'm a bad shot, so I can't take advantage of the tight spread the spas has to offer.

  • @Tbird1123
    @Tbird1123 12 лет назад

    How effective is jumping while sprinting vs just sprinting? It seems I move slower while jump-sprinting yet I may be a harder target to hit? What are your thoughts? I notice you jump while sprinting occassionally.

  • @FanatecSystem
    @FanatecSystem 12 лет назад

    if you want even tighter spread with spas 12, aim down sight

  • @scarboy3000
    @scarboy3000 12 лет назад

    In the works, ts may be a little cheap but would really like you to film this for your self and post.
    The map which you were on ( not sure the name), by c flag up the spiral star case. right above is a chandalier which you can break off and place c4 on it. After you can roll t down the stairs and it will roll right next to the c flag. which you can use to blow up enemies who try to cap.
    please video record if you decide to do it :3

  • @me4919
    @me4919 12 лет назад

    They're both great I find it really depends on the map. Super small maps with little to no long range shot and lots of people and a good choke point 870 with buckshot is king because you can just shot in it's direction and the 12 pellets just kill everthing in that area. more general maps that can have some longer shots and there's no choke points the spas with flechette. I found that the tighter group is enough to compansate for one less pellet at close range.

  • @TheMusicManizz
    @TheMusicManizz 12 лет назад

    But the M98B and the JNG-90 are the most similar snipers... And i wanna know what is better..

  • @bustalip810
    @bustalip810 12 лет назад

    That last clip where you were using the 870, what ammo type were you using? because those were some nice kills

  • @projectspartan1
    @projectspartan1 12 лет назад

    In my opinion, the 870 has a tighter spread along further distances

  • @Highonwater3X
    @Highonwater3X 12 лет назад

    i've been using the spas a lot, only recently got bf3 pc, and i really love it with slugs. but just started using the 870 today and i gotta say it destroys

  • @sadakuk
    @sadakuk 12 лет назад

    The guns r both good but depends on your playstyle on how effective the gun will be for u.

  • @Madsacre92
    @Madsacre92 12 лет назад

    Far as i remember, the buckshot deals 20 damage at close range contra the 14.7 (or was it .3?) flechette does. Quick math will then tell you that you need 5 buckshot pellets or 7 flechettes to kill an enemy at close range. What does that mean? That means the 870 MCS and the SPAS' extra round really are just there for fucking show. So if you ask me, i'd definitely go with a tighter spread anyday rather than an extra because the guy close up can't tell the fucking difference anyway.

  • @Killord101Adam
    @Killord101Adam 12 лет назад

    I checked out some stats the L86A2 somehow get less horizontal AND vertical recoil with the foregrip,so I think the L86A2 should be used with extended mags and foregrip while the M27IAR is more accurate(better ads spread)so the M27IAR should be used with HB and bipod because based off stats L86A2 has less recoil with just foregrip + better hipfire and longer reload means this is beast up close with extended mags. M27IAR has better ads spread and reload so HB & bipod makes it better at a range.

  • @CynGenshin
    @CynGenshin 12 лет назад

    I really have no idea what side im on. I do good with the m1014, spas-12, and the 870mcs. So really, i cant pick a side, as I do almost the excact same with all of them.

  • @MasterXploder123456
    @MasterXploder123456 12 лет назад

    isn't it the 870 military combat shotgun, not 870 modular combat shotgun?

  • @theyoyo007117
    @theyoyo007117 11 лет назад

    fletchette shoots further but with less pellets ( more for longer ranges )
    buckshot shoots more pellets but lower bullet speed ( shorter ranges )

  • @timcammitch
    @timcammitch 12 лет назад

    yes i know that but it still has a spread pattern

  • @kratos948
    @kratos948 12 лет назад

    i want to go with spaz but gotta go with 870 because i only use the spaz with slugs and 870 with flecthette

  • @TheBladePenguin
    @TheBladePenguin 12 лет назад

    At 3:00, he uses the m1911. Didn't he prefer he mp443?

    @ITSPLANEWHACKHIM 12 лет назад

    they are point farms; revives give 100 points, and healing gives you 10 a shot. a bit more for squad heals and revives. basicly, they point harvest.

  • @jehosafatify
    @jehosafatify 12 лет назад

    SPAS fires slightly faster and with slugs does the same damage per shot. I like the slugs more than the flechettes because I find they are more reliable. In 2 v 1 or 3 v 1, if I make a good shot, I can move on without waiting for kill confirmation - buckshot and flechettes will sometimes not kill, even with an accurate shot, so you have to shoot a second time just to be sure.

  • @teithompson
    @teithompson 12 лет назад

    I think so too but I see a lot of other people use them so they could be useful in the right hands

  • @imran1998ful
    @imran1998ful 12 лет назад

    whats the difference between the spas 12 and the spas 12 that was in bad company 2 both look very different

  • @gbpack333
    @gbpack333 12 лет назад

    THIS. You sir, are correct. That is my favorite combo, although I go with extended mags.. or pipe.

    @DA2THFA1RY 12 лет назад

    The 870 is my second most used gun on my battle log... Also I have gotten BF3 Premium yet but will be getting sometime this week, maybe next week. The gun I have to most kills with is the SV98.

  • @RxZ95sssPG
    @RxZ95sssPG 12 лет назад

    A general tutorial on the different ammo types would be very useful!

  • @ahmetmanzak459
    @ahmetmanzak459 12 лет назад

    spas 12 and for next week usas vs m1014 maybe ?

  • @lsr423
    @lsr423 12 лет назад

    i prefer 870 and slugs vs the spas, im not sure why i use slugs on both

  • @playLOUDtv
    @playLOUDtv 11 лет назад

    Try aiming down the sights with a shotgun. You'll find they put people down a lot faster with less point blank misses.
    Both pump actions will destroy people, the SPAS-12 just looks meaner!

  • @kolinmartz
    @kolinmartz 12 лет назад

    why? they both have the same bolt cycle speed but the M98B has a better damage so is it even a choice?

  • @islekid96
    @islekid96 12 лет назад

    Why doesn't the SPAS have a semi-auto function? This is one of the few shotguns that is both Pump and Semi-Auto.

  • @SamuElDeLaPlata
    @SamuElDeLaPlata 12 лет назад

    Actually, the 870 has a faster muzzle velocity with slugs, so its better in the hands of an accurate shooter. The SPAS12 is more forgiving due to the faster fire rate, which is why some people say its a noob weapon.

  • @0ldPlayer
    @0ldPlayer 12 лет назад

    what you posted is the equiv. of saying "NUH UH!"

  • @ridered300
    @ridered300 12 лет назад

    I have an 870 Wingmaster and I wish DICE would give us a wood grain/blued steel camo option for the MCS. That would be beautiful :)

  • @fire1starter
    @fire1starter 12 лет назад

    wow i just asked you to do this. this is freaking awesome im so happy :'D

  • @copan212350
    @copan212350 12 лет назад

    879MCS VS SAIGA12k I want to see which one is better please do this one

  • @FarmersOutdoors
    @FarmersOutdoors 12 лет назад

    And can u do a showdown on the different ammo types for shotguns

  • @sttp01
    @sttp01 12 лет назад

    Spas 12 because on Metro I was taking out snipers with slugs from the ticket booth to the RU deployment on conquest. RDS aswell none of that rifle scope crap.

  • @JCRocky5
    @JCRocky5 12 лет назад +1

    Spas-12 is useless, shot a sniper in the face point blank & it knocked his health to 20% & he killed me! No such problems with the 870.

  • @VamKnosen
    @VamKnosen 12 лет назад

    @intheworksmedia hi, spas12+flechette+us holo+? which last assecciore do u like most??

  • @timcammitch
    @timcammitch 12 лет назад

    IMO the best way to run the spas is Flechette it has spread like the buck but has more range and penetrating power

  • @Sebaztien1
    @Sebaztien1 12 лет назад

    can do that with 870 too got 100+ kills with it a lil while ago on metro of course

  • @galg
    @galg 12 лет назад

    If you have good aim use slug on the spas, it is a beast for all distances

  • @cerikzytris222
    @cerikzytris222 11 лет назад

    870MCS M145(3x4) tactical light and 12G Slug best combination try it out

  • @WarrenH85
    @WarrenH85 12 лет назад

    I feel like it's all just personal preference and what works for you. What fits my play style may not be your cup of tea. But for me Ive used the 870 more so than the SPAS, but only because it just came out. But so far my vote for the MCS

  • @RagsTheHyena
    @RagsTheHyena 12 лет назад

    As an almost exclusive slug round user, I have to also side with the 870. But I will use them both.
    I just love slinging my slugs.

  • @VideoGameMovies
    @VideoGameMovies 12 лет назад

    I am a shotgun guy , and I found the spas more accurate due the the narrow spread; bit out of range ? pull out your 44 magnum no problem.

  • @Llamanator_
    @Llamanator_ 12 лет назад

    Bought BF3 in January. Haven't played any CoD since even though I have all CoDs from CoD1 to MW3.

  • @sm9496
    @sm9496 12 лет назад

    does the spas pump faster than the 870 mcs?

  • @SamuElDeLaPlata
    @SamuElDeLaPlata 12 лет назад

    The slower fire rate makes it less forgiving than any other shotty if you miss that first shot.

  • @dgtldead
    @dgtldead 12 лет назад

    Why would you put a rifle against its LMG variant? They're pretty much the same weapon. The L86A2 has increased ROF and muzzle velocity, but sacrifices ADS and hip spread. It also has more upward recoil, while the L85A2 is more side to side, due to the difference in weight. The L86A2 would win between the two, unless the L85A2 had heavy barrel.

  • @ArrvaxxJr
    @ArrvaxxJr 12 лет назад

    but the velocity is a big problem.

  • @restlessgamer75
    @restlessgamer75 12 лет назад

    hey intheworks i was wondering what you use to get your videos in HD quality

    @EV1LDRAG0N 10 лет назад +1

    870 is kick ass with SLUGS!!!

  • @kingofnicke
    @kingofnicke 12 лет назад

    why didn't you talk about the rate of fire?

  • @Spuhify
    @Spuhify 12 лет назад

    You should post a rating for the video, it says there's a age restriction due to no rating from author.Thanks.

  • @DeBlackKnight
    @DeBlackKnight 12 лет назад

    Yeah it is suprising if your not thinking hard about it lol. I had the same thing back in Black Ops... 100% accuracy with the Spaz-12 at like 5th prestige. I was shocked haha

  • @boxdynomite3
    @boxdynomite3 12 лет назад

    The spas spreads so little i feel awkward when using it since i have to aim more

  • @BrickOnAStick
    @BrickOnAStick 11 лет назад

    Flechete have a tightens spread and are much better in longer ranges

  • @HomicideJack187
    @HomicideJack187 12 лет назад

    Spas-12, I've loved it ever since seeing it in Hitman: Contracts. Though they fucked up the ammo count, it should be 8+1 in the chamber, rather than 6+1.

  • @DNSchank
    @DNSchank 12 лет назад

    And the DAO-12?

  • @MrLolx2u
    @MrLolx2u 12 лет назад

    Spas 12 for small maps like Metro, Grand Bazaar and those from CQ DLC. Spas should be used with RDS, Extended mag and Flechette. 870 MCS for big maps like Oman, Wake Island etc with 3.4x or ACOG, Extended mag and Slugs or RDS for Bucks. Edge: Spas. Reason? Looks cooler, faster action than the 870 and better with hip-fire due to the tight spread and faster ROF.

  • @Epselon100
    @Epselon100 12 лет назад

    do a "back to karkland" vs "close quarters" showdown

  • @rooneyfire9901
    @rooneyfire9901 12 лет назад

    best mash up yet good vid in theworks

  • @Kallyman1998
    @Kallyman1998 12 лет назад

    Spas in my opinion it is the better weapon without question i use buckshot and i find i get a lot more one shot kills with the spas then the 870 and i dont realy notice the one less pellet plus i also noticed the longer reload on the 870

  • @Presaved
    @Presaved 12 лет назад

    Why didnt u talk about the spas faster pump?

  • @paolomendoza7706
    @paolomendoza7706 12 лет назад

    25 RPM isn't too much, but neither is 16 dmg. The spread on the MCS helps you hit a multiple foes at a time, but the SPAS' spread makes it accurate one one guy.

  • @blouieable
    @blouieable 12 лет назад

    isn't the Spas 12 supposed to be semi-auto?

  • @raisukeuzarachi
    @raisukeuzarachi 12 лет назад

    hmm lets have a showdown between similar assault rifles: the ak74m and the scar l

    @BLACKBF3 12 лет назад

    somehow when playn whit the 870 iron sigts i aim and schoot under the target and the spas whit optic obove the target am i the onlyone whith this problem please tel me

  • @restlessgamer75
    @restlessgamer75 12 лет назад

    870 with red dot sight
    flechette rounds
    extended mags
    i haven't tested the spas yet don't have premium and CQ get's released in 3 days

  • @musicboy997
    @musicboy997 12 лет назад

    not sure if trolling.... A lot of people have mastery in a lot of guns. It's very easy to get.

  • @neroxen_
    @neroxen_ 12 лет назад

    I really like both, but i think i've been doing better with the Spas 12

  • @bestinracing
    @bestinracing 12 лет назад

    on what console or pc because on xbox 360 the no1 globol in not lvl 100

  • @danielturner88
    @danielturner88 12 лет назад

    Defiantly the spas but hardly use shot guns unless the other teams spamming them

  • @johnson22551
    @johnson22551 12 лет назад

    870mcs i like it because if u shoot it fast in fells like an automatin and i like the sight. i personally love the spaz 12 and 870cms.

  • @benniebees
    @benniebees 12 лет назад

    can anyone tell me what shotgun has the best one shot kill range with slugs?

  • @Lucy_Pyre
    @Lucy_Pyre 12 лет назад

    I personally have to choose the Spas, simply because I like using Slugs and the Slugs feel more reliable on the Spas than the 870.

  • @WoRstVoRt3x
    @WoRstVoRt3x 12 лет назад

    do u play on