Amazing! I'm currently reading Nasser's book. I have always wanted to study the Quran and Islam without Muslim scholars sugar-coating concepts to keep my faith. I love that you are very respectful when discussing these subjects. I discovered the variant readings as a child when my teacher recited in a different version. It never bothered me, as a born Muslim. I have to say, I am absolutely fed up with the way I have been taught Islam. Honestly, studying Islam in a non-Muslim setting is much better because you don't have to worry about being labeled an apostate and so on. Of course, everyone is biased, but that's human. The truth remains - that you can't do an honest study under duress. I hope freedom of conscience will prevail in Islam, which ironically the Quran seems to advocate for. But will wait for the Ummah to catch up, I guess. Also, my respect and gratitude to scholars and the Khulafa Ar-Rashidun for their wonderful efforts to preserve the Quran.
The problem with variant reading is your scripture is supposed to be perfectly preserved and transmitted. Not a single error. This is what Allah says. If you think about it that way, variant readings or scriptures should not even exist! Again, this is not what I say, but what your scripture says Allah says.
@عبدالرحمنعبدالله-ز4م if Tom Holland is Dr. Reginald’s hero what is it to you? Can’t he express his opinion or are you the Internet Thought Police who invokes the blasphemy law?
The standard storyline makes less sense every time we revisit it. Unless we have enough courage to engage academic critical textual and source discussions, we are not progressing beyond the mythical.
@@uthman2281It does not make sense. Firstly nobody has ever proven by evidence Mecca even existed. Because of this the Narrative collapses owing to any historical proof. If you can't prove a City of Muhammad you have zero credibility
The first collection of the Quran by Abu Baker was of the quranic records that were written at the order of Prophet on receiving the revelation and has been validated by him. He would ask the scribe to write the Ayat and then recite it back to ensure that wrote it correctly . Abu Baker wanted to ensure that the original record were preserved and copied in sheets by one of the Prophet Scribe. Needless to see people memorised the Quran at the time. The required testimony is for the person to attest that these Ayat were written at the time of revelation and validated by the Prophet himself.
DO you understand what is *a Book?* 38:29 *(This is) a Book We have revealed it to you,* blessed, that they may ponder (over) its Verses and may be reminded those of understanding. So, did your Abu Bakar write this book? _peace_ *The Quran explains everything in detail.*
In case you may be not aware of Nicholas of Cusa's [1401-1464] screening the Qur'an some 500 plus years ago, he will surprise you with many more facts. The latin/english translation is still around. J. Hopkins, Nicholas of Cusa's De pace fidei and Cribratio Alkorani. Translation and Analysis, Minneapolis 1994, 75-189 In addition, some close to 900 pages are found in Ludovico Marrraccio's works Sura by Sura in his book "Refutio Alkorani "from 1896... latin/arabic
Nicholas of Cusa, also known as Nicholas of Kues and Nicolaus Cusanus, was a German Catholic bishop and scholar who was active as a philosopher, theologian, jurist, mathematician, and astronomer (wikipedia) Ludovico Marracci, the Catholic Evangelist gained much fame for editing and publishing the Quran in Arabic and its translation into Latin. Alcorani Textus Universus Arabicè et Latinè, was published in Padua in 1698 in two volumes. His version of the Quran contains the life of Muhammad, with notes, and refutations of Muslim doctrines. It was the result of forty years of hard work and careful research by the Benedictines. He also published in 1691, in Latin, a refutation of the Quran entitled Prodromus Ad Refutationem Alcoran. (wikipedia). LOOK!! Guess what religion Nicolas of Cusa and Ludacio were? Catholic!! Why are there always infidels involved in falsifying the Quran, no wonder..even the Bible itself was edited by Christians themselves🤣. There is no surprising fact from what you said other than revealing the rottenness of your religion. Whatever you want, changing, editing, falsifying the Quran...has been easily known by Muslims and then destroyed. You do it only for missionary and apostate purposes. Because the Quran is protected and has been promised by Allah SWT. Since it was revealed, it has been memorized and written down. What does it mean for a Catholic with mediocre Arabic language skills to think that he understands the Quran? 🤭. Know that you are just infidels who worship humans, and your nature has been previously informed by the Messenger of Allah SAW.
And they say, it's a Christian who wasn't an eyewitness, who told Muhammad that what he saw I an angel, and from that day Muhammad keep saying is the angel Gabriel 😊
@@deltadom33 chatpet 2: 97 Say, "Whoever is an enemy to GABRIEL - it is he who has brought it down upon your heart, by permission of Allāh, confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers."
The quran is originally a christian preaching book used by the anti-trinitarian christians called nazarenes, they are called "nasara" (نَصَرَ) in the quran, while the trinitarian (orthodox) christians whom they hated are called "mushrikuns" (مشركون) ie "associators" or "polytheists" because they associate Jesus to God (which is "shirk" شِرْك that opposes to Allah's unicity called "tawheed" تَوْحِيدُ )
God, who is protector of Quran 15:9 has set sequence of Surah in Quran. God is not bound to consult you before doing so. Over 40 reports show: Quran as Book was present in the life of Prophet Mohammad
Did the city of Mecca even exist ? there were no archeological remains or artefacts (coins, potteries, ruins, bones etc) discovered in Mecca dating from before circa year 700 It is impossible that a large city would leave no trace at all of its past ??
💯 Quran 6:116: "And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead you away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but assumption, and they do nothing but guess." ⛔️ Hadiths and Tafsir books are unreliable sources, often containing false narratives propagated by enemies of Islam or individuals with malicious intent. Many of their interpretations and directives contradict the teachings of the Quran. ☢️ The Quran explicitly advises believers against adhering to any sources or narratives as authorities aside from God's revelation (refer to Quran 7:3 and 45:6). - Quran 45:6: "Those are Allah’s verses We recite/read to you in truth. So in which 'Hadith' (statement/discourse), after Allah and His verses, will they believe?" - Quran 7:3: "Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow other masters/protectors apart from it. Little do you remind yourselves." 🔻 Thus, Sharia law based on sources outside the Quran must be scrutinized. 🔴 It's crucial to emphasize that all sources apart from the Quran, including Hadiths and Tafsir books, are susceptible to errors or fabrications, potentially diverging significantly from Quranic teachings. 📛 The Quran categorizes adherence to sects as polytheism, a grave sin unforgivable by God (see Quran 30:31-32, 4:48, and 4:116). ☝️ The Quran unequivocally does not allow practices like child marriage, honor violence, or forced marriage. 💥 Notably, the disputed phrase "اللائي لم يحضن" ("those who have not menstruated") in verse 65:4 refers to divorced women who may experience delayed menstruation, indicating their status as sexually mature adults, not children. 💯 It's essential to note that in the Quran, there is no exact synonymy, meaning that no two words have precisely the same meaning, emphasizing the uniqueness of each term's significance. 👼 The Quran solely mentions the equivalent term for "child," which is "Al-Tifl" (singular) and "Al-Atfal" (plural) (refer to Quran 24:31 and 24:59). ℹ️ Notably absent from the Quran are references to circumcision or the term "Hijab" as women's head covering. ✅️ Similarly, Quranic injunctions for stoning or the death penalty for offenses like adultery, homosexuality, disbelief, or apostasy are absent. ◻️ Understanding Quranic verses on warfare and fighting requires contextualization, aligning with the Quran's overarching message of restraint and defense: - Quran 2:190: "Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you, but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not love the transgressors." ◻️ When quoting from Surah 9, consider verse 13 to clarify its historical context of defending against aggressors. 🔆 Regarding interactions with the People of the Book, the Quran encourages respectful discourse and emphasizes shared beliefs in one God (see Quran 29:46).
Correction : _"... Discuss the History of the Qur'an According to the __-Muslim-__ Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian, modern-day Arabic speakers, Sources._ _peace_
*Quran itself shows that Quran was present as a book during the life of Prophet.* God commanded Mohammad, no one should touch Quran unless he is clean. Now, a rational question is: could people touch the Quran if Quran was not existing physically? Concerning Hadith Literature, Sectarians give priority to Book of Bukhari. We read in Book of Bukhari that after the death of Mohammad, when his companions entered in his Room, they found only Quran. There are others over 50 traditions which show that Quran as Book was present during the life of Mohammad. We read in the oldest history of Islam Seera Ibn Hisham that Umar bin Khattab (2nd Caliph Umar) converted to Islam when he saw, her Sister was reading from book of Quran. We read several reports in Hadith Literature that Prophet Mohammad forbade people to carry Quran to the lands of Enemy. Now, a rational question arises, which is: could people carry Quran from one place to other place if Quran was not existing physically during the life of Prophet Mohammad? Apart from this, which I have mentioned above; in order to have a CHECK on Quranic text, Prophet Mohammad memorized whole Quran. Then his thousands Companions memorized whole Quran. Then millions of Muslims of the next generations memorized the whole Quran. Today, there are over 50 million Muslims who memorize the whole Quran. These 50 million Muslims (Hafiz) recite same Quran which was recited by Prophet Mohammad 1400 years ago because in 1400 years, Quranic memorization chain never broke even for a fraction of a second. This is how God has protected Quran. In Quran, God says: He has sent down the Quran, and He Himself will protect it 15:9, 18:88, 41:42. If we throw all books and all computer archives into sea; Quran will be right back. Just bring one Hafiz (a person who memorizes the whole Quran) and print Quran again. Because Hadith Literature is blend of True and False Reports; so there are also some reports which were forged by hypocrites in order to discredit Quran like solitary report of Battle of Yamamah, Seven Haroof and Story of Uthman. *Professor Dr. John Burton PhD (non-Muslim Scholar) wrote a book "The collection of the Quran". After heavy argumentation, he concluded in his book that Quran which we have today is the same Quran which was with Mohammad.* *On the Contrary;* according to Bible Scholars, Four Gospels are anonymous books. In the whole New and Old Testament; not even one book is in its original shape. Book of God Aramaic Injeel given to Jesus was lost after Jesus; and Original Torah was lost after the death of Prophet Aaron (brother of Moses). Please read our Research on "Compilation of Quran"
It didn't exist as a book in life-time of mohammed. 100% of islamic scholars accept that quran was compiled by first caliph. Are you trying to rewrite history, habibi? If it existed as a book, breastfeeding and stoning verses arent supposed to be missing. A goat (of aisha) ate these verses and nobody couldnt rewrite it. These verses are still missing 😆
@@TENGRI-101 What you have posted is a lie. Have you read my comments before posting your rant? I have explained RATIONALLY in my comments that Quran as Book was present during the life of Prophet, There are over 50 reports which show: Quran was compiled during the life of Prophet. A few stories which tell that Quran was compiled by Abu Bakar or Uthan were fabricated by your Anti-Islam ancestors to discredit Quran. *BUKHARI writes: Quran as Book was with Mohammad.* So what your so-called Scholars? Should you believe in 50 reports or in 2 or three reports?
@@TENGRI-101 There are, 162 ancient Scholarly Records which show that Quran as book was with Mohammad. For Example Tabaqat of Ibn Sad and even Bukhari tells that Mohammad left behind only Book of Quran
Lol. So you basically said that the sahabah, tabiyin etc were liars because they attested that it was compiled during Uthman? Muslim's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
lt seems a strange argument that the reason why quran was not collected during the life time of the prophet is due to his being alive and the possibility of abrogated versus, as if they are not in the quran today. İf the aim was to keep whatever descended, it was already done in this way or that way. Possibly the prophet pbuh has no that kind of duty and he already did what he was obliged to do.
There are over 50 reports which show that Quran as Book was compiled in the life of Prophet. Abrogation is a Lie invented by Oldi Sunni Imams to advance their forged hadiths. Quran never abrogates its own verses but Outdated laws of Previous scriptures, 2:105-106, and this is the stand of Top Muslim Professors of Today
Agreed. It sounds like post facto reasoning to explain why it did not happen as expected. My theory is that the Quran was written down because its followers saw themselves as the latest installment of the Abrahamic faith, which necessitated having written holy scriptures, like the Christians and the Jews.
@@stevesmith4901 Even Non-Muslim Scholar Professor John Burton PhD concluded in his Book on compilation of Quran that Quran which we today is same Quran which was with Mohammad
@@stevesmith4901 Well said: God tells in several verses in Quran that the duty assigned to Mohammad was NO MORE THAN to deliver Quran. Then how could God call Mohammad back even without the Compilation of Quran? God says in 15:9: I have sent down the Quran and I will protect it
@abdar-rahman6965 😂😂😂😂 today's Quran is not the same. There is absolutely no logic in claiming an illiterate society would keep the same book lol. There at least 29 Quran versions just based on its grammar and nukdas..
Obviously the ‘believers’ will not want to validate the historical perspective. Any messianic religion is inherently doubtful - God had other ways to transmit his message than choosing an individual to do it for him and then testing everyone to believe that individual. All religions are patently absurd when you declutter your mind to think honestly and dispassionately about things.
@@zionisthindurepublican7989 early "islamic" coins show christian and zorotastrian motives, only ~680 under Abdul Malik they change to arabic script. Mecca is another issue, there is no proof it was a settlement before the 8th century, also it had no Agriculture so food for people and Animals had to be imported wich is stupid for a trading Hub where Caravans want to restock groceries. The Hadith come 100- 200 year later and develop into an Industry, where 1000s upon 1000s are produced, many of them with very detailed stories about Persons, their Relations and Names but even more are rejected by the scholars because Muslims made up Hadith to fit their own Agenda.
@@zionisthindurepublican7989What wasn't factual about the comment? The RUclips comments section is not the best place for long responses, but I will give you one factual example: Why, with all the building of skyscrapers, which need _very_ deep foundations, in Mecca, have _no_ artifacts supporting the standard Islamic narrative been found? Many other ancient cities with similar building projects (Jerusalem, Jericho, even London, for example), require builders to stop laying foundations if they come across potentially valuable archeological material. Mecca? Not so much. "The more they dig, the less they find!" This, to date, is a fact. If you have factual information to the contrary, I would sincerely like to hear it.
historical and archaelogical is just as biased and will have evolving new theories and there is no standard islamic narrative there are many interpretations by many muslim scholars
We must understand that the contentions (or disagreements) over the “Perfect Preservation of the Quran” is a thing of great importance to Muslims. How else can a Muslim assumes his divine human superiority over his fellow human beings if the Quran has been tempered with (or moderated) by man? Allah tells Muslims that they alone, when compared to the rest of mankind, are the superior human beings ever created. Quran 3:110 reads, “You (Muslims) are the best of people ever raised up for mankind.” In Hadith Riyas as-Salihin 1839, Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, explains Quran 3:110: “The best people for mankind are those who bring them (mankind) with chains around their necks till they embrace Islam…” * Thus, the Muslim must fiercely contend for his human supremacy by insisting the Quran, from God, is a decree that cannot be changed for all eternity. Surely, you do not expect the Muslim to give in to the claim “All men are created equal” - a claim he attributes to a “supposedly” corrupt book?
@@stevesmith4901 He is a Biased Hater or an Ignorant. I can show him over 50 reports which show Quran as Book was present in the life of the Prophet. Shaddy and Gibarel type people are from their Core Atheists, and they spread lies *deliberately.* For example: Well known Scholar of 8th Century Ibn S'ad writes in his Well Known Book Tabaqaat Al-Kubra that Quran was compiled as Book during the life of Prophet. Sunni Sect consider Book of Bukhari the most authentic. That book writes: after the death of Mohammad, only Quran was found in his Room. So what proof you need more than this?
Big Scholar of 8th Century Imam Malik wrote that Prophet Mohammad forbade people to carry Quran to the lands of enemy. Could they carry Quran from one place to other place if Quran was not present as a Book? Will you not use your reason!
@user-gc6wd7dm4w No need to be rude. If you cannot produce evidence for yhe teacjings of your religion then ask questions don't just take what someone else tells you. If you do take things blindly you become brainwashed and unable to think or see clearly what others have to say. Your problem unfortunately. Ask, ask, and ask again for evidence of what you are taught.
the idea of abrogations is absurd and it destroys the argument of Allah being all knowing wise and not doing mistakes secondly it destroys the argument of quran being perfect and without any doubt the starting verses tell us this is a book which has no doubts and then people come and say there are abrogations and they even dont know how many verses and which verses exactly As Islamic scholar or researcher who believes in the word of god and genuinity of it One should try to find better sources logical sources authentic sources
Kitab means book, in different surah Allah called it a kitab so how scattred sheets can be called kitab or book. When prophet Muhammad died he left Quran in the shape of a Book.
Allah couldn't distinguish a book from recitations? To call the compiled stuff a book then call it Quran was after death of Mohamed. These were additions by compilers.otherwise the Quran can't write about the Quran.. It would have read this revelation but not this book the Quran......
Why do you lie? Muslims generally agree no Quran as a book at death of Mohamed otherwise why compile one after his death from Memory Skins Leaves Stones Bones then a second one by uthman and the one compiled by Abubakar burnt.alsi those by ibn masud,ubbay bin kab... Why Because of variations hence he standardized a codex. Don't you smell a rat? Political..religious manouvor
@@MakaiJohnkenneth _38:29__ _*_(This is) a Book We have revealed it to you,_*_ blessed, that they may ponder (over) its Verses and may be reminded those of understanding._ What is a book? Furthermore, how can you STUDY/ponder over something that is it someone else's head? _peace_
What I find amusing is Shady's body language .. this is not the body-language of the a confident scholar who knows that his narrative is true and factual ... I highlighted two problems in his narrative in previous comments and there are plenty more ... As for Gabriel, we know his bias and prejudice .. nothing new ..
Shaddy is such a shaddy character , he didnt mention that Usman was a Hafiz and codex of Abu Bakr was already with him. . . dishonesty is apparant. . .
To create a human being you need 46 chromosomes Mary already had her 23 chromosomes So Allah that created two trillion Galaxies added another 23 chromosomes , In normal circumstances a male add his 23 chromosomes but in this case Gabriel came to add the other 23 chromosomes ... it's actually not that hard for God to do so after creating the whole Universe , So the Myth that Jesus the son of God debunked in two seconds it took only 23 chromosomes to make people spin and create fantasies for two thousand years ..
Uthman forced to have only one dialect of Quran, I.e Quraish. How the variant reading style resulted from one dialect?? Why Othman burned other existing Quran of Mohammad time (the parts of 7 Ahruf) like ibn Masuud, ibn Kaab, Ali, etc??
The conception of the written Quran is filled with confusion If we do not have the original sayings of Mohammad then how can we trust it as the word of god Also Mohammad himself is a mystery in that his history does not exist meaning was he really a person? The god Allah is taken from the moon god Lah the pagans worshipped during the time. And if you read the Quran you find passages taken from the Old and New Testament and also other stories from Jewish and Greek writings. So the Quran is a collection of these already in existence passages for hundreds of years The Quran is not the word of God and Allah is a pagan god and Mohammad created a cult to get followers that’s the history of the Islam
Quran was written down and compiled during the life of the Prophet. There are tons of Reports which show this. And God said: he is protector of Quran. So you do not need to worry, but if you are a kaafir, then you can make tons of stories which will never change the truth
@@abdar-rahman6965your comment is a perfect example of Islamic flaws. You claim the Torah is corrupt but Quran, G-d made sure it was never changed. Why couldn't G-d make sure the Torah was never changed? You can't answer that because your claims don't make logical sense. There is only one G-d given book and it's called the Torah. Everything else is a forgery a d ya'll imposters. Saying G-d would guarantee Quran is not changed is nothing but a leap of faith. I don't believe in mohamad or quran... your claims sound stupid
@@abdar-rahman6965 which Quran was written down during the prophets time? Wasn’t it all collected and only one burned except one Quran from Hafs 300 years after the prophet?
@@davereinhardt615 Over 1062 ancients Records show that Quran as BOOK was compiled during the life of Prophet. Besides, Millions of People memorize *SAME* Quran for 1400 years. So all other tales are fabricated by hypocrites. _Quran of today is the same Quran which was with Mohammad_ (Professor John Burton, PhD, in "The Collection of the Quran")
Just to highlight how the hopeless status of Islamic studies in the West has reached.. here is two so-called professors of Islamic studies from Harvard & Notre Dame asking at 10:39 why the second Caliph Umar did not hand-over through Quran compiled by Abu Bakr to the Third Caliph Usman .. instead he handed it over to his daughter Hafsa who was the widow of the Prophet ... here is why this kind of question shows the ignorance of both of them ... Usman was selected as Caliph by a committee that was established by Umar before his death. The Committee reached a decision four days after Umar's death .. Hafsa (daughter of Umar and widow of the Prophet) was the only option for Umar till Muslims elect their leader.
*God took responsibly to protect His last Book.* Millions of Hafiz are protecting Quranic text for 1400 years. Quran 15:9 (God says) *We have sent down the Quran Ourself, and We Ourself will guard it.* Quran 41:42 *No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it: It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise.* Quran 17:88 Say: *If all mankind and all invisible beings would come together with a view to producing the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce its like even though they were to exert all their strength in aiding one another!*
Quran was written by prophet Mohammad as he was instructed by God. Quran refers to itself as the book. There is no variant Quran i.e multiple versions of Quran. There might be discrete different style of reading the Quran. Anyway huge thanks to the host for the discussion.
The narrative if an sngel called gabriel is not in quran but on a biography of mohamed by a ibn ishaq who was a forger and liar by his contemporaries. The matter of abrogation is not accepted by some because ayah mostly refers to signs which are replaced by others better off this however sounds like the OT law being replaced by NT.Muslimd argue against to this but here we are. Some of Allahs words become obsolete! Then burning of other quran writtings Then later addition of dots,vowels and diacritical marks made by people after 60 years after death of Mohamed.
There are over 50 traditions which show that Quran as Book was present in the hands of Prophet Mohammad and there are also a few reports which were forged by hypocrites to discredit Quran. But Enemies of Islam, like this Video Owner, and Nasser, show to people only those forged hadith which discredit Quran but will not show those over 50 reports which show that Quran as Book was present in the hands of Mohammad. Sunni Imams also do the same in order to validate their own unsound beliefs
That's the problem with tradition .it's not history. Who compiled the book and gave it the name Quran? Was it Mohamed. In Islamic sources clearly There were different recitations which Quran doesn't mention but is reason why Uthman standardizes a codex. Then we had before ones by ibn masud,ubbay bin kab and others. So what's the truth about Quran . Was book there at time of Mohamed? What did Zaid rewrite with abubak then uthmam? The word Quran should not appear in that book because it wasn't a book and the name was given after compilation
@@MakaiJohnkenneth There are over 45 ancient records which show that Quran was compiled during the life of Mohammad. Mohammad told in his last sermon: I am leaving behind Book of Allah (Quran), if you follow it, you will not go astray. A few stories which show that Abu Bakr compiled Quran were FORGED by hypocrites in order to discredit Quran. Should you rely on a few reports or on 50 reports? Quran itself call a BOOK, over 100 times
This Shady Nasser should not talk about the Quran if he is talking about validity of the Quran he sound he have doubts if he is a christian Arab I wouldn't bother listening to him , In Surah the Prophets Al Anbia God description of the Big bang the creation of the universe and Time " أولم ير الذين كفروا أن السماوات والأرض كانتا رتقا ففتقناهما وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي أفلا يؤمنون ( 30 ) ) " Let me translate ... Heaven and Earth were one creation and I separated them with great force ... Again God description of a Black hole in Surah Al Takweer " فلا أقسم بالخنس الجوار الكنس " Let me Translate .... I swear with the void that sweeps all its surroundings " So in the Quran Allah speaking to future generations with the language of science ... Okay .. There are no doubts The Quran is the Book from God I can talk for days about what I discovered in the Quran and being an Amature astronomer the Quran is my proof of the existence of God no other book can be true or accurate .
Amazing! I'm currently reading Nasser's book. I have always wanted to study the Quran and Islam without Muslim scholars sugar-coating concepts to keep my faith.
I love that you are very respectful when discussing these subjects. I discovered the variant readings as a child when my teacher recited in a different version. It never bothered me, as a born Muslim. I have to say, I am absolutely fed up with the way I have been taught Islam.
Honestly, studying Islam in a non-Muslim setting is much better because you don't have to worry about being labeled an apostate and so on. Of course, everyone is biased, but that's human.
The truth remains - that you can't do an honest study under duress.
I hope freedom of conscience will prevail in Islam, which ironically the Quran seems to advocate for. But will wait for the Ummah to catch up, I guess.
Also, my respect and gratitude to scholars and the Khulafa Ar-Rashidun for their wonderful efforts to preserve the Quran.
the quran does not promote that. it forces you to believe
The problem with variant reading is your scripture is supposed to be perfectly preserved and transmitted. Not a single error. This is what Allah says.
If you think about it that way, variant readings or scriptures should not even exist! Again, this is not what I say, but what your scripture says Allah says.
Beautifully, ad so eloquently said. I agree.
Thats it.
They're being trapped in their funny claim 'being a preserved book'.
His Book is a book of Lies. He knows nothing about Islam. Seems: his certificates are fake or he is a hater
Babe wake up, new Saeed interview dropped. 🎉
Saeed who?
@@inquisitivemind007 Gabriel's middle name is سعيد
It's not new. This is an excerpt from the original interview published here quite some time ago.
if Tom Holland is Dr. Reginald’s hero what is it to you? Can’t he express his opinion or are you the Internet Thought Police who invokes the blasphemy law?
The standard storyline makes less sense every time we revisit it. Unless we have enough courage to engage academic critical textual and source discussions, we are not progressing beyond the mythical.
according to you
@@uthman2281It does not make sense. Firstly nobody has ever proven by evidence Mecca even existed. Because of this the Narrative collapses owing to any historical proof. If you can't prove a City of Muhammad you have zero credibility
Thank you very much. That was very informative 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
The first collection of the Quran by Abu Baker was of the quranic records that were written at the order of Prophet on receiving the revelation and has been validated by him.
He would ask the scribe to write the Ayat and then recite it back to ensure that wrote it correctly .
Abu Baker wanted to ensure that the original record were preserved and copied in sheets by one of the Prophet Scribe. Needless to see people memorised the Quran at the time.
The required testimony is for the person to attest that these Ayat were written at the time of revelation and validated by the Prophet himself.
Aisha herself confirmed hundreds of verses wereosr even before it was writen down. This even before Uthmann burnt the copies on 652/4 AD
DO you understand what is *a Book?*
38:29 *(This is) a Book We have revealed it to you,* blessed, that they may ponder (over) its Verses and may be reminded those of understanding.
So, did your Abu Bakar write this book?
*The Quran explains everything in detail.*
*According to 112+50=162 Muslim Sources; Quran as Book was present in the hands of Prophet Mohammad*
In case you may be not aware of Nicholas of Cusa's [1401-1464] screening the Qur'an some 500 plus years ago, he will surprise you with many more facts.
The latin/english translation is still around.
J. Hopkins, Nicholas of Cusa's De pace fidei and Cribratio Alkorani. Translation and Analysis, Minneapolis 1994, 75-189
In addition, some close to 900 pages are found in Ludovico Marrraccio's works Sura by Sura in his book "Refutio Alkorani "from 1896... latin/arabic
Nicholas of Cusa, also known as Nicholas of Kues and Nicolaus Cusanus, was a German Catholic bishop and scholar who was active as a philosopher, theologian, jurist, mathematician, and astronomer (wikipedia)
Ludovico Marracci, the Catholic Evangelist gained much fame for editing and publishing the Quran in Arabic and its translation into Latin. Alcorani Textus Universus Arabicè et Latinè, was published in Padua in 1698 in two volumes. His version of the Quran contains the life of Muhammad, with notes, and refutations of Muslim doctrines. It was the result of forty years of hard work and careful research by the Benedictines. He also published in 1691, in Latin, a refutation of the Quran entitled Prodromus Ad Refutationem Alcoran. (wikipedia).
LOOK!! Guess what religion Nicolas of Cusa and Ludacio were? Catholic!! Why are there always infidels involved in falsifying the Quran, no wonder..even the Bible itself was edited by Christians themselves🤣. There is no surprising fact from what you said other than revealing the rottenness of your religion. Whatever you want, changing, editing, falsifying the Quran...has been easily known by Muslims and then destroyed. You do it only for missionary and apostate purposes.
Because the Quran is protected and has been promised by Allah SWT. Since it was revealed, it has been memorized and written down. What does it mean for a Catholic with mediocre Arabic language skills to think that he understands the Quran? 🤭. Know that you are just infidels who worship humans, and your nature has been previously informed by the Messenger of Allah SAW.
Hello, does Sade Nasser have another platform where you can talk to him, for example Gmail?
Doesn’t the Sanaa Palimpsest which is apparently dated to 570-630AD prove that there was a book albeit in different versions?
With the angel Gabriel narritive that comes from the hadiths which is along time after
And they say, it's a Christian who wasn't an eyewitness, who told Muhammad that what he saw I an angel, and from that day Muhammad keep saying is the angel Gabriel 😊
@@theman8070 the text of the Quran itself says it is Gabriel who brought the revelation down by the permission of God
@@WiseWisdom94 the Qur'an doesn't say it is Gabriel
@@deltadom33 chatpet 2: 97
Say, "Whoever is an enemy to GABRIEL - it is he who has brought it down upon your heart, by permission of Allāh, confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers."
Quran tells that Revelations were downloaded on the heart of Prophet, and read Surah Qayamah
The quran is originally a christian preaching book used by the anti-trinitarian christians called nazarenes, they are called "nasara" (نَصَرَ) in the quran, while the trinitarian (orthodox) christians whom they hated are called "mushrikuns" (مشركون) ie "associators" or "polytheists" because they associate Jesus to God (which is "shirk" شِرْك that opposes to Allah's unicity called "tawheed" تَوْحِيدُ )
What is the criteria for a surah to go in the quran
God, who is protector of Quran 15:9 has set sequence of Surah in Quran. God is not bound to consult you before doing so. Over 40 reports show: Quran as Book was present in the life of Prophet Mohammad
I think the criteria was simple. If word of God, place in Quran.
The concept of ordering Suras was invented long after the death of Mohammad. Earlier manuscripts can confirm that.
Did the city of Mecca even exist ?
there were no archeological remains or artefacts (coins, potteries, ruins, bones etc) discovered in Mecca dating from before circa year 700
It is impossible that a large city would leave no trace at all of its past ??
What happened to katub a wahee?
Prof.Dr Nasir Fazal Cambridge
💯 Quran 6:116:
"And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead you away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but assumption, and they do nothing but guess."
⛔️ Hadiths and Tafsir books are unreliable sources, often containing false narratives propagated by enemies of Islam or individuals with malicious intent. Many of their interpretations and directives contradict the teachings of the Quran.
☢️ The Quran explicitly advises believers against adhering to any sources or narratives as authorities aside from God's revelation (refer to Quran 7:3 and 45:6).
- Quran 45:6:
"Those are Allah’s verses We recite/read to you in truth. So in which 'Hadith' (statement/discourse), after Allah and His verses, will they believe?"
- Quran 7:3:
"Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow other masters/protectors apart from it. Little do you remind yourselves."
🔻 Thus, Sharia law based on sources outside the Quran must be scrutinized.
🔴 It's crucial to emphasize that all sources apart from the Quran, including Hadiths and Tafsir books, are susceptible to errors or fabrications, potentially diverging significantly from Quranic teachings.
📛 The Quran categorizes adherence to sects as polytheism, a grave sin unforgivable by God (see Quran 30:31-32, 4:48, and 4:116).
☝️ The Quran unequivocally does not allow practices like child marriage, honor violence, or forced marriage.
💥 Notably, the disputed phrase "اللائي لم يحضن" ("those who have not menstruated") in verse 65:4 refers to divorced women who may experience delayed menstruation, indicating their status as sexually mature adults, not children.
💯 It's essential to note that in the Quran, there is no exact synonymy, meaning that no two words have precisely the same meaning, emphasizing the uniqueness of each term's significance.
👼 The Quran solely mentions the equivalent term for "child," which is "Al-Tifl" (singular) and "Al-Atfal" (plural) (refer to Quran 24:31 and 24:59).
ℹ️ Notably absent from the Quran are references to circumcision or the term "Hijab" as women's head covering.
✅️ Similarly, Quranic injunctions for stoning or the death penalty for offenses like adultery, homosexuality, disbelief, or apostasy are absent.
◻️ Understanding Quranic verses on warfare and fighting requires contextualization, aligning with the Quran's overarching message of restraint and defense:
- Quran 2:190:
"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you, but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not love the transgressors."
◻️ When quoting from Surah 9, consider verse 13 to clarify its historical context of defending against aggressors.
🔆 Regarding interactions with the People of the Book, the Quran encourages respectful discourse and emphasizes shared beliefs in one God (see Quran 29:46).
That’s an Islam I would be interested in exploring. The one propagated at speakers corner is not.
@@dodgysmum8340 👍search Quranism then look up a Quran. 🤲
Correction : _"... Discuss the History of the Qur'an According to the __-Muslim-__ Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian, modern-day Arabic speakers, Sources._
*Quran itself shows that Quran was present as a book during the life of Prophet.* God commanded Mohammad, no one should touch Quran unless he is clean. Now, a rational question is: could people touch the Quran if Quran was not existing physically? Concerning Hadith Literature, Sectarians give priority to Book of Bukhari. We read in Book of Bukhari that after the death of Mohammad, when his companions entered in his Room, they found only Quran. There are others over 50 traditions which show that Quran as Book was present during the life of Mohammad. We read in the oldest history of Islam Seera Ibn Hisham that Umar bin Khattab (2nd Caliph Umar) converted to Islam when he saw, her Sister was reading from book of Quran. We read several reports in Hadith Literature that Prophet Mohammad forbade people to carry Quran to the lands of Enemy. Now, a rational question arises, which is: could people carry Quran from one place to other place if Quran was not existing physically during the life of Prophet Mohammad?
Apart from this, which I have mentioned above; in order to have a CHECK on Quranic text, Prophet Mohammad memorized whole Quran. Then his thousands Companions memorized whole Quran. Then millions of Muslims of the next generations memorized the whole Quran. Today, there are over 50 million Muslims who memorize the whole Quran. These 50 million Muslims (Hafiz) recite same Quran which was recited by Prophet Mohammad 1400 years ago because in 1400 years, Quranic memorization chain never broke even for a fraction of a second. This is how God has protected Quran. In Quran, God says: He has sent down the Quran, and He Himself will protect it 15:9, 18:88, 41:42.
If we throw all books and all computer archives into sea; Quran will be right back. Just bring one Hafiz (a person who memorizes the whole Quran) and print Quran again. Because Hadith Literature is blend of True and False Reports; so there are also some reports which were forged by hypocrites in order to discredit Quran like solitary report of Battle of Yamamah, Seven Haroof and Story of Uthman.
*Professor Dr. John Burton PhD (non-Muslim Scholar) wrote a book "The collection of the Quran". After heavy argumentation, he concluded in his book that Quran which we have today is the same Quran which was with Mohammad.*
*On the Contrary;* according to Bible Scholars, Four Gospels are anonymous books. In the whole New and Old Testament; not even one book is in its original shape. Book of God Aramaic Injeel given to Jesus was lost after Jesus; and Original Torah was lost after the death of Prophet Aaron (brother of Moses). Please read our Research on "Compilation of Quran"
It didn't exist as a book in life-time of mohammed.
100% of islamic scholars accept that quran was compiled by first caliph.
Are you trying to rewrite history, habibi?
If it existed as a book, breastfeeding and stoning verses arent supposed to be missing.
A goat (of aisha) ate these verses and nobody couldnt rewrite it. These verses are still missing 😆
What you have posted is a lie. Have you read my comments before posting your rant? I have explained RATIONALLY in my comments that Quran as Book was present during the life of Prophet, There are over 50 reports which show: Quran was compiled during the life of Prophet. A few stories which tell that Quran was compiled by Abu Bakar or Uthan were fabricated by your Anti-Islam ancestors to discredit Quran. *BUKHARI writes: Quran as Book was with Mohammad.* So what your so-called Scholars? Should you believe in 50 reports or in 2 or three reports?
Read my previous comments. Your irrational argument is already rationally debunked in my previous comments
There are, 162 ancient Scholarly Records which show that Quran as book was with Mohammad. For Example Tabaqat of Ibn Sad and even Bukhari tells that Mohammad left behind only Book of Quran
Lol. So you basically said that the sahabah, tabiyin etc were liars because they attested that it was compiled during Uthman? Muslim's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
lt seems a strange argument that the reason why quran was not collected during the life time of the prophet is due to his being alive and the possibility of abrogated versus, as if they are not in the quran today. İf the aim was to keep whatever descended, it was already done in this way or that way. Possibly the prophet pbuh has no that kind of duty and he already did what he was obliged to do.
There are over 50 reports which show that Quran as Book was compiled in the life of Prophet. Abrogation is a Lie invented by Oldi Sunni Imams to advance their forged hadiths. Quran never abrogates its own verses but Outdated laws of Previous scriptures, 2:105-106, and this is the stand of Top Muslim Professors of Today
Agreed. It sounds like post facto reasoning to explain why it did not happen as expected. My theory is that the Quran was written down because its followers saw themselves as the latest installment of the Abrahamic faith, which necessitated having written holy scriptures, like the Christians and the Jews.
Even Non-Muslim Scholar Professor John Burton PhD concluded in his Book on compilation of Quran that Quran which we today is same Quran which was with Mohammad
Well said: God tells in several verses in Quran that the duty assigned to Mohammad was NO MORE THAN to deliver Quran. Then how could God call Mohammad back even without the Compilation of Quran? God says in 15:9: I have sent down the Quran and I will protect it
@abdar-rahman6965 😂😂😂😂 today's Quran is not the same. There is absolutely no logic in claiming an illiterate society would keep the same book lol.
There at least 29 Quran versions just based on its grammar and nukdas..
Nasser: You have weird hair. Oddball!
Obviously the ‘believers’ will not want to validate the historical perspective. Any messianic religion is inherently doubtful - God had other ways to transmit his message than choosing an individual to do it for him and then testing everyone to believe that individual.
All religions are patently absurd when you declutter your mind to think honestly and dispassionately about things.
This Standard Islamic Narrative make no sense when we comparing such narrative to historical and archeological record.
Facts not sweeping islamiphobe statements would be better
@@zionisthindurepublican7989I want evidence as well, but how is anything he wrote Islamophobic?
@@zionisthindurepublican7989 early "islamic" coins show christian and zorotastrian motives, only ~680 under Abdul Malik they change to arabic script.
Mecca is another issue, there is no proof it was a settlement before the 8th century, also it had no Agriculture so food for people and Animals had to be imported wich is stupid for a trading Hub where Caravans want to restock groceries.
The Hadith come 100- 200 year later and develop into an Industry, where 1000s upon 1000s are produced, many of them with very detailed stories about Persons, their Relations and Names but even more are rejected by the scholars because Muslims made up Hadith to fit their own Agenda.
@@zionisthindurepublican7989What wasn't factual about the comment? The RUclips comments section is not the best place for long responses, but I will give you one factual example: Why, with all the building of skyscrapers, which need _very_ deep foundations, in Mecca, have _no_ artifacts supporting the standard Islamic narrative been found? Many other ancient cities with similar building projects (Jerusalem, Jericho, even London, for example), require builders to stop laying foundations if they come across potentially valuable archeological material. Mecca? Not so much. "The more they dig, the less they find!"
This, to date, is a fact. If you have factual information to the contrary, I would sincerely like to hear it.
historical and archaelogical is just as biased and will have evolving new theories and there is no standard islamic narrative there are many interpretations by many muslim scholars
We must understand that the contentions (or disagreements) over the “Perfect Preservation of the Quran” is a thing of great importance to Muslims. How else can a Muslim assumes his divine human superiority over his fellow human beings if the Quran has been tempered with (or moderated) by man? Allah tells Muslims that they alone, when compared to the rest of mankind, are the superior human beings ever created. Quran 3:110 reads, “You (Muslims) are the best of people ever raised up for mankind.” In Hadith Riyas as-Salihin 1839, Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, explains Quran 3:110: “The best people for mankind are those who bring them (mankind) with chains around their necks till they embrace Islam…”
Thus, the Muslim must fiercely contend for his human supremacy by insisting the Quran, from God, is a decree that cannot be changed for all eternity. Surely, you do not expect the Muslim to give in to the claim “All men are created equal” - a claim he attributes to a “supposedly” corrupt book?
Tons of Evidence shows that Quran as Book was present during the life of Prophet, same Quran which we have today
@@abdar-rahman6965 If that is the case, then why is Shady Nasser who is an expert on this subject not aware of this so called "tons of evidence"?
He is a Biased Hater or an Ignorant. I can show him over 50 reports which show Quran as Book was present in the life of the Prophet. Shaddy and Gibarel type people are from their Core Atheists, and they spread lies *deliberately.* For example: Well known Scholar of 8th Century Ibn S'ad writes in his Well Known Book Tabaqaat Al-Kubra that Quran was compiled as Book during the life of Prophet.
Sunni Sect consider Book of Bukhari the most authentic. That book writes: after the death of Mohammad, only Quran was found in his Room. So what proof you need more than this?
He is not an Expert but a Liar hater.
Big Scholar of 8th Century Imam Malik wrote that Prophet Mohammad forbade people to carry Quran to the lands of enemy. Could they carry Quran from one place to other place if Quran was not present as a Book? Will you not use your reason!
@user-gc6wd7dm4w No need to be rude. If you cannot produce evidence for yhe teacjings of your religion then ask questions don't just take what someone else tells you. If you do take things blindly you become brainwashed and unable to think or see clearly what others have to say. Your problem unfortunately. Ask, ask, and ask again for evidence of what you are taught.
the idea of abrogations is absurd
and it destroys the argument of Allah being all knowing wise and not doing mistakes
secondly it destroys the argument of quran being perfect and without any doubt
the starting verses tell us
this is a book which has no doubts
and then people come and say there are abrogations
and they even dont know how many verses and which verses exactly
As Islamic scholar or researcher who believes in the word of god and genuinity of it
One should try to find better sources logical sources authentic sources
Correctly said
Kitab means book, in different surah Allah called it a kitab so how scattred sheets can be called kitab or book. When prophet Muhammad died he left Quran in the shape of a Book.
Allah couldn't distinguish a book from recitations?
To call the compiled stuff a book then call it Quran was after death of Mohamed.
These were additions by compilers.otherwise the Quran can't write about the Quran..
It would have read this revelation but not this book the Quran......
Why do you lie?
Muslims generally agree no Quran as a book at death of Mohamed otherwise why compile one after his death from
Bones then a second one by uthman and the one compiled by Abubakar burnt.alsi those by ibn masud,ubbay bin kab...
Because of variations hence he standardized a codex.
Don't you smell a rat?
Political..religious manouvor
@@MakaiJohnkenneth _38:29__ _*_(This is) a Book We have revealed it to you,_*_ blessed, that they may ponder (over) its Verses and may be reminded those of understanding._
What is a book?
Furthermore, how can you STUDY/ponder over something that is it someone else's head?
I agree with you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉@@shukriyusof2104
What I find amusing is Shady's body language .. this is not the body-language of the a confident scholar who knows that his narrative is true and factual ...
I highlighted two problems in his narrative in previous comments and there are plenty more ...
As for Gabriel, we know his bias and prejudice .. nothing new ..
So in one way you are saying the degree in Quran history he got from Harvard is useless and the university is not credible?
@@Hazara26 He moves too much to have any serious knowledge lel
@@donaldmcronald8989 your statement doesn't make any sense for me? Explain please?
Maybe you should stick with your mullahs filling your head with pious nonsense rather than getting triggered with real scholarly works.
Why do you watch this channel then? Just to wind yourself up? Honestly, please go out and touch grass Instead.
Is shady a Muslim?? Talks about Dearest Prophet SWM as John or Tom. No respect.
Shaddy is such a shaddy character , he didnt mention that Usman was a Hafiz and codex of Abu Bakr was already with him. . . dishonesty is apparant. . .
To create a human being you need 46 chromosomes Mary already had her 23 chromosomes So Allah that created two trillion Galaxies added another 23 chromosomes , In normal circumstances a male add his 23 chromosomes but in this case Gabriel came to add the other 23 chromosomes ... it's actually not that hard for God to do so after creating the whole Universe , So the Myth that Jesus the son of God debunked in two seconds it took only 23 chromosomes to make people spin and create fantasies for two thousand years ..
How dishonest of Rynald Gibriel to again and again say variant without clearifying that these are not actually 'veriant" but just style of readings.
This man Rynald is a biggg liar and other man Shaddy which he called in Video is even a bigger liar. They are haters, and misguiding people
Uthman forced to have only one dialect of Quran, I.e Quraish. How the variant reading style resulted from one dialect??
Why Othman burned other existing Quran of Mohammad time (the parts of 7 Ahruf) like ibn Masuud, ibn Kaab, Ali, etc??
These men are scholars, not clerics. Their conclusion are based on scholarly works not on pious nonsense.
@@fedesetrtatio1 what i said. ?
@@asattar973 Whatever you said makes no sense. What do you mean by "style of reading".
The conception of the written Quran is filled with confusion
If we do not have the original sayings of Mohammad then how can we trust it as the word of god
Also Mohammad himself is a mystery in that his history does not exist meaning was he really a person?
The god Allah is taken from the moon god Lah the pagans worshipped during the time. And if you read the Quran you find passages taken from the Old and New Testament and also other stories from Jewish and Greek writings. So the Quran is a collection of these already in existence passages for hundreds of years
The Quran is not the word of God and Allah is a pagan god and Mohammad created a cult to get followers that’s the history of the Islam
Quran was written down and compiled during the life of the Prophet. There are tons of Reports which show this. And God said: he is protector of Quran. So you do not need to worry, but if you are a kaafir, then you can make tons of stories which will never change the truth
@@abdar-rahman6965your comment is a perfect example of Islamic flaws. You claim the Torah is corrupt but Quran, G-d made sure it was never changed. Why couldn't G-d make sure the Torah was never changed?
You can't answer that because your claims don't make logical sense. There is only one G-d given book and it's called the Torah. Everything else is a forgery a d ya'll imposters.
Saying G-d would guarantee Quran is not changed is nothing but a leap of faith. I don't believe in mohamad or quran... your claims sound stupid
@@abdar-rahman6965 which Quran was written down during the prophets time? Wasn’t it all collected and only one burned except one Quran from Hafs 300 years after the prophet?
Over 1062 ancients Records show that Quran as BOOK was compiled during the life of Prophet. Besides, Millions of People memorize *SAME* Quran for 1400 years. So all other tales are fabricated by hypocrites.
_Quran of today is the same Quran which was with Mohammad_ (Professor John Burton, PhD, in "The Collection of the Quran")
@@abdar-rahman6965 so you accept the Hadith? The sayings of Mohammad?
Just to highlight how the hopeless status of Islamic studies in the West has reached.. here is two so-called professors of Islamic studies from Harvard & Notre Dame asking at 10:39 why the second Caliph Umar did not hand-over through Quran compiled by Abu Bakr to the Third Caliph Usman .. instead he handed it over to his daughter Hafsa who was the widow of the Prophet ... here is why this kind of question shows the ignorance of both of them ...
Usman was selected as Caliph by a committee that was established by Umar before his death. The Committee reached a decision four days after Umar's death ..
Hafsa (daughter of Umar and widow of the Prophet) was the only option for Umar till Muslims elect their leader.
*God took responsibly to protect His last Book.* Millions of Hafiz are protecting Quranic text for 1400 years.
Quran 15:9 (God says) *We have sent down the Quran Ourself, and We Ourself will guard it.*
Quran 41:42 *No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it: It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise.*
Quran 17:88 Say: *If all mankind and all invisible beings would come together with a view to producing the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce its like even though they were to exert all their strength in aiding one another!*
You can believe in your own lies if you want to. It doesn't matter whether a false book is preserved or not, it still remains a false book.
You are shameless Liar who is buring in his own ignorance like these *two Fakes* of this Video
Quran was written by prophet Mohammad as he was instructed by God. Quran refers to itself as the book. There is no variant Quran i.e multiple versions of Quran. There might be discrete different style of reading the Quran. Anyway huge thanks to the host for the discussion.
The narrative if an sngel called gabriel is not in quran but on a biography of mohamed by a ibn ishaq who was a forger and liar by his contemporaries.
The matter of abrogation is not accepted by some because ayah mostly refers to signs which are replaced by others better off this however sounds like the OT law being replaced by NT.Muslimd argue against to this but here we are.
Some of Allahs words become obsolete!
Then burning of other quran writtings
Then later addition of dots,vowels and diacritical marks made by people after 60 years after death of Mohamed.
And not all hadiths are reliable
There are over 50 traditions which show that Quran as Book was present in the hands of Prophet Mohammad and there are also a few reports which were forged by hypocrites to discredit Quran. But Enemies of Islam, like this Video Owner, and Nasser, show to people only those forged hadith which discredit Quran but will not show those over 50 reports which show that Quran as Book was present in the hands of Mohammad. Sunni Imams also do the same in order to validate their own unsound beliefs
Stop posting this new bs everywhere
That's the problem with tradition .it's not history.
Who compiled the book and gave it the name Quran?
Was it Mohamed.
In Islamic sources clearly
There were different recitations which Quran doesn't mention but is reason why Uthman standardizes a codex.
Then we had before ones by ibn masud,ubbay bin kab and others.
So what's the truth about Quran .
Was book there at time of Mohamed?
What did Zaid rewrite with abubak then uthmam?
The word Quran should not appear in that book because it wasn't a book and the name was given after compilation
There are over 45 ancient records which show that Quran was compiled during the life of Mohammad. Mohammad told in his last sermon: I am leaving behind Book of Allah (Quran), if you follow it, you will not go astray.
A few stories which show that Abu Bakr compiled Quran were FORGED by hypocrites in order to discredit Quran. Should you rely on a few reports or on 50 reports? Quran itself call a BOOK, over 100 times
To go deep into history is to cease being a Muslim.
This Shady Nasser should not talk about the Quran if he is talking about validity of the Quran he sound he have doubts if he is a christian Arab I wouldn't bother listening to him , In Surah the Prophets Al Anbia God description of the Big bang the creation of the universe and Time " أولم ير الذين كفروا أن السماوات والأرض كانتا رتقا ففتقناهما وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي أفلا يؤمنون ( 30 ) ) " Let me translate ... Heaven and Earth were one creation and I separated them with great force ... Again God description of a Black hole in Surah Al Takweer " فلا أقسم بالخنس الجوار الكنس " Let me Translate .... I swear with the void that sweeps all its surroundings " So in the Quran Allah speaking to future generations with the language of science ... Okay .. There are no doubts The Quran is the Book from God I can talk for days about what I discovered in the Quran and being an Amature astronomer the Quran is my proof of the existence of God no other book can be true or accurate .
History and islam do not go together in one sentence.