Saudi doctors fifth best in world As many as 326 Saudi doctors and physicians enrolled for fellowship programs in the United States in the past three years, indicating an increase in the number of trainees in that country over the years. Moreover, the outstanding performance of Saudi doctors makes them the fifth best in the world in terms of specialist graduate rankings.
Maasha allah bulshadu wey u baahan tahay xarumo caafimaad oo tayo leh waana guul somaliland u soo hoyatey somaliland guul forever insha allah❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Manshalaah Manshalaah Manshalaah tabrakala Alle hadin barkeeyo waxwanaagsenbad sameseene
Maansha allaah alle haydiin barakeeyo
Maaaha alaah ilaahy ha idin barakeeyo
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم.
صلو علي النبي
Maasha allaah alloo noo siyaadi nimcadaada
Masha Allah
Ilaahay hayno siyaadiyo.
Maash Allah
Subxaaanalllah ilaaahow ubarakee❤
Masha Allah. Mabruuk ❤🎉❤🎉
Saudi Health Center Najaax baan u rajaynayaa insha allah.
ما شاء الله مشروع تحتاج له صوماليلاند و اهم شي انهم يشتغلوا بكل امانه ويحافظوا على حياة المرضى
👍 good
Ilaahay kugumaguuleeyo kugudun. Alle kaama arsaaqo
Waakuwiikuusoodiray soomaaliya
Masucudigaa inofuray
Free hospital miya? Business miyaa.
Waar Saudi Arabian xitaa ma oggola in passport Somalland in Cumra lagu tago . Qof uun baa iska samaystay ee maaha wax uu Saudi Arabian samaystay.
hada dhoof lagama had laayo ninba meesha bugtaa isagay belbeshaa
1991 Siyaad Barre last tv propaganda.
Saudi doctors fifth best in world
As many as 326 Saudi doctors and physicians enrolled for fellowship programs in the United States in the past three years, indicating an increase in the number of trainees in that country over the years. Moreover, the outstanding performance of Saudi doctors makes them the fifth best in the world in terms of specialist graduate rankings.
Saudi they don’t have doctors
Nacalaakuyaala adiga iyo sucuudigaba balaa yokaaraacday