Tony Hawk breaks down skateboarding’s legendary spots

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @Vox
    @Vox  4 года назад +849

    If you’re interested in watching all the skate videos referenced in the video, I made a comprehensive google doc w/ links and timecode. It’s in the description!

    • @uvbe
      @uvbe 4 года назад +24

      I'm not, but I really appreciate the effort!

    • @annalucas6005
      @annalucas6005 4 года назад +3

      No don’t do this anymore. This is the opposite of skate culture.

    • @averousnooresa9791
      @averousnooresa9791 4 года назад +1

      Same as that v the gamecat guy

    • @happyarewewhosmile
      @happyarewewhosmile 4 года назад +11

      While I appreciate this, I feel like it is something you guys should really do in collaboration. Some of the places you've mentioned, such as black hubba in nyc, have been covered in a similar way by Jenkem.
      I see enough difference in your video in order to merit its presence as an outsider's journalism on skating. However I think only hitting up Tony Hawk and footage isn't enough to maintain this as thorough journalism, instead it begins to feel like co-opting of a subcilture.
      Again, I am a fan of this video, which is why I don't want you guys to think you've got the form down, I think a healthy amount of critique is necessary to polish down the pieces in this series.

    • @williamrayburn5314
      @williamrayburn5314 4 года назад +6

      That's awesome, I just may do that. I have a copy of Wheels of Fire on VHS. Thanks for the efforts.

  • @manofgoat
    @manofgoat 4 года назад +1051

    As a skateboarder I shed a tear with the quality and time spent on skate culture. Thank you

    • @mikemikemikemike221
      @mikemikemikemike221 4 года назад +45

      Yeah that was a very well made piece honestly

    • @theredbaron5400
      @theredbaron5400 4 года назад +26

      You could tell by the end of the video she had a genuine like for skate boarding and could possibly continue to watch skate boarding videos

    • @jonathanportellinorris3711
      @jonathanportellinorris3711 4 года назад +3

      Fully agree with u my man :,)

    • @laterskater7781
      @laterskater7781 4 года назад

      For real

    • @SkateSka
      @SkateSka 4 года назад +1

      When Vox doesn't comment on politics it puts out some quality documentary film that's for sure.

  • @MattyBmemes
    @MattyBmemes 4 года назад +3299

    Vox really enjoying google earth to get that B roll

    • @ip5799
      @ip5799 4 года назад +35

      Projectile Live kinda sad

    • @ihavenoname4851
      @ihavenoname4851 4 года назад +96

      I Perry okay Isaac chill out...

    • @SanFranFan30
      @SanFranFan30 4 года назад +19

      It's a style developed by Jon Bois over at SBNation

    • @ryanleethomas
      @ryanleethomas 4 года назад +39

      It's also fast to use Google Studio for these sorts of shots. They're probably juggling so many projects, being able to make something efficiently is important. Can't avoid that watermark with it though.

    • @SkillzorZ021
      @SkillzorZ021 4 года назад +17

      G roll

  • @voi907
    @voi907 4 года назад +401

    This should be a full documentary .. I could watch hours of this. Awesome job.

    • @antiheroflea5879
      @antiheroflea5879 4 года назад +2

      Watch love letters. RIP Grosso

    • @leonbc97
      @leonbc97 4 года назад

      The film Dogtown and Z-boys is a really cool doco into the start of skateboarding and covers some of those pool and school spots

  • @MrTravisCS
    @MrTravisCS 4 года назад +386

    One thing most non skaters don’t realize is how skateboarding changes the way you look at the world. The world becomes your canvas and the board your brush, every small obstacle your inspiration. I love skateboarding! There are very few things in life as pure and satisfying as the feeling of landing a trick you have been trying for hours, days or weeks (in the case of some tricks, years).

    • @andrewcvengros6148
      @andrewcvengros6148 4 года назад +4

      Yo that hit for real

    • @jholotanbest2688
      @jholotanbest2688 4 года назад +5

      Speedrunning seems to have quite similar feeling.

    • @andrewcvengros6148
      @andrewcvengros6148 4 года назад +4

      martin gonzalez bro what 😂

    • @ilikestripes5709
      @ilikestripes5709 4 года назад +3

      Yeah I’ve been watching a lot of street skating and skating around my town.. and everything just looks like something to skate on😂

    • @Mikemfm666
      @Mikemfm666 4 года назад +1

      Exactly. I skater 13 years been three since I got my last board can do a few things on it.. but no matter where I go I ALWAYS think wow that would be fun to skate 😂 not many understand

  • @KM10HM12
    @KM10HM12 4 года назад +705

    I didn't know skateboarding had this deep meaning...... it's nice to see people having fun in the way they know

    • @SimplyJoshinYa
      @SimplyJoshinYa 4 года назад +84

      You’d be surprised how much a piece of wood with some trucks and wheels can change someone’s life.

    • @pcproductions1753
      @pcproductions1753 4 года назад +42

      We’re a whole culture a piece of wood and some trucks unite us

    • @michaelvazquez9625
      @michaelvazquez9625 4 года назад +7

      You should watch love letters to skateboarding

    • @rustydogg
      @rustydogg 4 года назад +4

      The history's really interesting! The new wheels had a lot to do with the resurgence, but there was the California drought as well, which to save water, the government encouraged people to not fill up their pools. Because there were so many empty pools, people discovered that the emptied pools with rounded edges were perfect for skateboarding! California had surfing culture as well!

    • @rustydogg
      @rustydogg 4 года назад +3

      If you want more on this, I highly recommend listening to "The Pool and the Stream" by 99% Invisible, it's wonderful!

  • @TransWorldSKATEboarding
    @TransWorldSKATEboarding 4 года назад +880

    This was awesome. Thank you!

  • @overlookers
    @overlookers 4 года назад +1541

    "Use Google Earth"
    "but Sire, the quality!!"
    J U S T D O I T

    • @Y1EL
      @Y1EL 4 года назад +6

      End game reference, nice

    • @Corn0nTheCobb
      @Corn0nTheCobb 4 года назад +2

      @Pol Daniel what's your problem?

    • @mrflipflops54
      @mrflipflops54 4 года назад

      @Pol Daniel I feel like your younger than 5

  • @larswillsen
    @larswillsen Год назад +1

    Tony, if you see this - I was a huge fan .. i remember you being 6 years younger and still the champ. Those were the days (today I'm 60).

  • @Wildest_Wahoo
    @Wildest_Wahoo 4 года назад +80

    Man, this brought me back through 20+ years of my life. Makes me sad that my knee is so messed up. I miss skateboarding. 🥺
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane Vox.

    • @GoogleUserGoogle1
      @GoogleUserGoogle1 4 года назад +2

      Hey man my knee is messed up too (i have Osteochondritis dissecans). Try skating mellow transition really gently. Im 34 and just built myself a 2ft quarterpipe and its a ton of fun. Knee gets a lil sore next day but its well worth it

    • @sirKonradical
      @sirKonradical Год назад

      Bro! Learn slappys. I just turned 40 and am having a blast

  • @jonathanjc1131
    @jonathanjc1131 4 года назад +1

    This is the best video about skateboarding by a non-skater run RUclips channel, the amount of history and respect for culture is unbelievable for anyone new to research and understand, very well done

  • @TenThumbsProductions
    @TenThumbsProductions 4 года назад +252

    Heath lipslide El Toro, not a boardslide.

    • @peytondoesthings
      @peytondoesthings 4 года назад +4

      Hey Tyler, I never knew you skated? What’s your favorite video? Mine’s probably The Reason from trans world in ‘99.
      Also for those who don’t know, a fs lip slide is where you turn frontside 90° to the rail. A Frontside Boardslide is a 90° turn backside to your rail.

    • @EmSixTeen
      @EmSixTeen 4 года назад +3

      @@peytondoesthings A lip slide is when your board goes over the rail/ledge and rotates before connecting.

    • @goobiethicc5054
      @goobiethicc5054 4 года назад +2

      @@EmSixTeen he clearly knows that...

    • @EmSixTeen
      @EmSixTeen 4 года назад +1

      Cent Sniffa Shouldn’t have said otherwise then :)

    • @yeahnahsweetas
      @yeahnahsweetas 4 года назад +3

      @@EmSixTeen he didn't say otherwise, he was referring to front and backside like when you do a 180, not in reference to the rail. An easier way to describe a lipslide is to say that the back truck goes over the obstacle, and on a boardslide the front truck goes over it.

  • @nabarunr3
    @nabarunr3 4 года назад +1

    Never knew anything about skateboarding. But seeing that how it brings together so many people, who want to just get better at it, being so dedicated in it, makes me happy.

  • @jayfaisa6016
    @jayfaisa6016 4 года назад +595

    I have no interest in skateboarding. But I got nothing but respect for these men.

    • @newt1016
      @newt1016 4 года назад +71

      And women!

    • @maxx1014
      @maxx1014 4 года назад +6

      Nathan K murdy the dawg szzssh

    • @salimaa9209
      @salimaa9209 4 года назад +5

      @Nathan K and crocodiles

    • @ShutterBud420
      @ShutterBud420 4 года назад +2

      Ride Goofy and bears

    • @IsaacSMILE
      @IsaacSMILE 4 года назад

      and women.

  • @skatechatham
    @skatechatham 4 года назад +47

    Small mistakes aside, this is one of the most interesting skate docs I’ve seen on YT, you should expand into more episodes or make an hour long version

  • @NCHammer326
    @NCHammer326 4 года назад +28

    Oh dang, I remember this from the Hawaii level in Tony Hawk's Underground.

  • @nopeISdope96
    @nopeISdope96 4 года назад +19

    “Skateboarders are a constant reminder that our cities can be creative and rich places.” Thank you skateboarding.

    • @kaitlyn__L
      @kaitlyn__L 2 года назад

      I like the prior line even better, “it challenges our idea of public spaces” (as indeed seen by NIMBYs calling it a menace and teens loving it). Reclaiming a public space for a variety of uses instead of just what they were intended for. It’s like remix and mashup culture almost.

  • @justanothercuriouscat
    @justanothercuriouscat 4 года назад +329

    Grew up skating and playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games while injured.

    • @tl8320
      @tl8320 4 года назад +6

      Nyjah Houston looking headass

    • @o6xb
      @o6xb 4 года назад +1

      TL bruh

    • @o6xb
      @o6xb 4 года назад +1

      TL 😂

    • @fistpump64
      @fistpump64 4 года назад +1

      you ready for that remake?

    • @justanothercuriouscat
      @justanothercuriouscat 4 года назад

      @@fistpump64 ill def play if they release a new one. I still play the old ones in an emulator.

  • @MonkeyHarvester
    @MonkeyHarvester 4 года назад +131

    Was expecting to see the footage of Aaron Jaws Homoki land the Lyon 25. Some pretty epic viewing.

    • @ehkedmc
      @ehkedmc 4 года назад +21

      there was

    • @bee4590
      @bee4590 4 года назад +5

      it was there, very briefly at the end

    • @felicvik9456
      @felicvik9456 4 года назад


    • @AD-df5tm
      @AD-df5tm 4 года назад +1

      It was basically the very last bit of the video.

    • @davidlizom7556
      @davidlizom7556 4 года назад

      Aurelien Giraud one upped him since. Did an ollie without grabbing

  • @TheEyrie
    @TheEyrie 4 года назад +195

    I always felt sad when skate spots in my town disappeared. Its literally bringing the concrete to life.

    • @Stevesk0011
      @Stevesk0011 4 года назад +6

      Yeah. Cuz we always have to "improve" everything, by destroying it, right?

  • @MadhuSudhanpro
    @MadhuSudhanpro 4 года назад +272

    For anyone who don't know he is Tony hawk
    Me: who doesn't know Tony hawk!! He has the coolest name of all time!!

    • @PACKERMAN2077
      @PACKERMAN2077 4 года назад +9

      Eric Sparrow and Bucky Lasek would like to have a word...

    • @Hemuthecookielord
      @Hemuthecookielord 4 года назад +7

      follow his twitter, he has lots of stories of people that don't recognize him

    • @memorandom7484
      @memorandom7484 4 года назад +3

      Nah. I used to work with a guy called Johnny Rocks. And he did, as it happen, rock.

    • @linah1998
      @linah1998 4 года назад

      Hemavati omg yes his Twitter is pure gold 😂

    • @2GoatsInATrenchCoat
      @2GoatsInATrenchCoat 4 года назад

      I didn't recognize him by his face. I know him, I've even watched his videos, but I don't care what his face looks like close up

  • @farizrozali
    @farizrozali 4 года назад +2

    This footage and locations brings back tonnes of memories..thank you, Estelle

  • @cancerino666
    @cancerino666 4 года назад +769

    Short version: concrete wave bois become stair bois.

    • @CrazyRandomLord
      @CrazyRandomLord 4 года назад +3

      what is bios

    • @morebaklavapls3637
      @morebaklavapls3637 4 года назад +46

      ​@@CrazyRandomLord Bios is an acronym Basic Input/Output System is firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on startup), and to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs. But bois is bois

    • @zyansheep
      @zyansheep 4 года назад +7

      @@CrazyRandomLord BIOS has been mostly replaced with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) which supports mouse and better graphics. Kinda like how "boys" has become "bois" slang is an ever-changing culture.

  • @paulb6278
    @paulb6278 4 года назад +26

    As a skater I loved the video but I wish that the iconic love park in Philly was mentioned and a little more about the NYC black hubba

  • @Chris_Love
    @Chris_Love 4 года назад +25

    Your documentaries are the absolut best and have the coolest subjects, keep it up!

  • @SirLucian
    @SirLucian 4 года назад +1289

    “Tony Hawk is like the oldest teenager I’ll ever know”

    • @cantthinkofnameyeah7249
      @cantthinkofnameyeah7249 4 года назад +8

      Recycling comments I see

    • @大家族団子団子
      @大家族団子団子 4 года назад +19

      Tony Hawk and Billie Joe Armstrong

    • @degaysteved.7932
      @degaysteved.7932 4 года назад +4

      @@大家族団子団子 billie joe just doesn't age at all

    • @yakxattack
      @yakxattack 4 года назад +4

      Search “Chad Muska”...

    • @mysticalone9135
      @mysticalone9135 4 года назад +1

      Google global truth project and read "the Present" if you want to learn the truth about life/death in just a few pgs. Nothing is more important than checking it is true

  • @midgettiger6389
    @midgettiger6389 4 года назад +362

    More like: Iain Borden breaks down skateboarding’s legendary spots

    • @TimelessTimothy
      @TimelessTimothy 4 года назад +7

      Lol, yeah!
      Nothing like taking advantage of a (likely) more popular name! Gotta get those clicks! (if you know what I mean)

    • @notorious_majora
      @notorious_majora 4 года назад +20

      True but I actually enjoyed the video more because of it.

    • @chives9998
      @chives9998 4 года назад +1

      That wouldn’t make for a very good title would it

  • @LLusion
    @LLusion 4 года назад +11

    fantastic content right here baby

    • @peytondoesthings
      @peytondoesthings 4 года назад +1

      LLusion wow! Do you skate or know stuff about it?

    • @LLusion
      @LLusion 4 года назад

      Peyton Kontny since i was 6! love the culture beyond belief

    • @peytondoesthings
      @peytondoesthings 4 года назад

      LLusion What is your favorite video part?

  • @josemaria1035
    @josemaria1035 4 года назад +337

    That Guy looks like Tony hawk

    • @jopan6736
      @jopan6736 4 года назад +8

      yeah.. He kinda does

    • @PACKERMAN2077
      @PACKERMAN2077 4 года назад +7

      Really looks like Kareem Campbell to me I mean maybe it's the hat...

    • @InTecknicolour
      @InTecknicolour 4 года назад +7

      no that's eric koston

    • @whoremongeringass-wipe5733
      @whoremongeringass-wipe5733 4 года назад +5

      That's Rodney mulllen

    • @FrightNFight
      @FrightNFight 4 года назад +8

      Can't believe they got Danny way for this video and not the hawkster himself. Gotta wonder what he's doing nowadays

  • @dasav6724
    @dasav6724 4 года назад +1

    This video is well crafted. I don't know much about skating, but I am now intrigued by all the the different spots of skating.

  • @KneeJerk
    @KneeJerk 4 года назад +6

    As a skateboarder for more than 30 years, this is amazing!

  • @tylerfontenot6622
    @tylerfontenot6622 4 года назад +1

    This made me well up. I used to skate pier 7 hubbas and the Embarcadero when I was younger. I could watch hours of this. Thank you.

  • @mattbonaccio3522
    @mattbonaccio3522 4 года назад +3

    Everyone pour one out for the Carlsbad Gap. I remember growing up watching Baker 3 over and over again. Erik Ellington's bigspin and Antwuan Dixon's nollie heelflip over the gap will always be the sickest tricks in skateboarding!

  • @seide8110
    @seide8110 4 года назад +2

    Love the use of Bruce Brown’s footage. RIP to an absolute legend ❤️

  • @michaelbird
    @michaelbird 4 года назад +5

    I get choked up at fail clips, and especially at the Cole footage. Never underestimate the will to overcome failure. It may be the important human attribute.

  • @notorious_majora
    @notorious_majora 4 года назад

    Don't skate much anymore but ill always enjoy watching the legendary clips from these spots.

  • @SavouryLobster
    @SavouryLobster 4 года назад +3

    As a skateboarder I'm very impressed by this. Well done on your research!

  • @h2oskiaddict
    @h2oskiaddict 4 года назад

    One of the best skateboarding location history videos I've ever seen. Thank you.

  • @ColossusFitness
    @ColossusFitness 4 года назад +25

    This was awesome, amazing stuff.

  • @TheWhyer
    @TheWhyer 4 года назад

    Mad props to Estelle and everyone else who put this video together. Does a great job of breaking down skate history and clearly has a lot of respect for the sport.

  • @matthewwilliams5532
    @matthewwilliams5532 4 года назад +10

    We need a tv show where every episode is focused on the history of a different skate spot!

    • @vhs0828
      @vhs0828 4 года назад +1

      jenkem mags evolution of.. series is basically a shorter version of that, theyre all really good

  • @thestrangeceleb
    @thestrangeceleb 4 года назад

    Puts a lump in my throat thinking about the good times skateboarding. I miss it a lot. Especially the comradery between fellow skaters.

  • @samsheffer
    @samsheffer 4 года назад +11

    such a great video

  • @chrislair6832
    @chrislair6832 3 года назад

    Easily one of the best videos I've seen on RUclips in years. Keep up the good work

  • @JoonVeen
    @JoonVeen 4 года назад +56

    "Tony Hawk occasionally chips in on skateboarding's legendary spots"

    • @byron1dagg80
      @byron1dagg80 4 года назад +2

      tony would have provided all the information for the vox person

    • @chives9998
      @chives9998 4 года назад +2

      More views this way. Don’t blame em, still good vid

  • @MichaelGoodrum
    @MichaelGoodrum 4 года назад +1

    Very surprised at the quality of the content in this video. Y’all covered some of the most iconic spots and aspects of skate culture that non skate media outlets rarely cover well. Great job!

  • @ethan60645
    @ethan60645 4 года назад +7

    i’ve never skateboarded once but this is suuuper interesting

  • @frapippo420
    @frapippo420 4 года назад

    3 weeks ago I started skating again after watching this video. It's been 10 years (haven't skated since I was 16), but I'm starting to feel comfortable again doing some basic stuff like dropping off quarters, ollies and pop shuvits.
    Thanks for the awesome inspiring video.

  • @jjpoltergeist
    @jjpoltergeist 4 года назад +33

    It’s nice to see outsiders to skateboarding acknowledging that we exist and how we see the world. Vox rules.

  • @jumongjumong1824
    @jumongjumong1824 4 года назад +1

    Chris cole's treflip in wallenberg will always be a monumental moment in skateboarding history.

  • @rockstar6790
    @rockstar6790 4 года назад +4

    Love this video. Those skate spots are so iconic.

  • @jedidoesjiujitsu3177
    @jedidoesjiujitsu3177 4 года назад +1

    I’m impressed Great breakdown of skateboarding history!

  • @Chodda
    @Chodda 4 года назад +78

    LOVE PARK IN PHILLY ????!!!!?!

    • @paulb6278
      @paulb6278 4 года назад +10

      Yep, that's probably the biggest thing they missed.

    • @partlycurrent
      @partlycurrent 4 года назад +26

      Others like Brooklyn banks oaks are missing too, but it can't feature them all

    • @chrishumetewa1658
      @chrishumetewa1658 4 года назад +11

      Hubba hideout and the Davis gap

    • @maxx1014
      @maxx1014 4 года назад

      People who complain about 'xy missing in yz' are annoying

    • @paulb6278
      @paulb6278 4 года назад +3

      @@maxx1014 I agree but love park is a pretty big one that they should have just stated when they stated the other big spots

  • @aidan33
    @aidan33 4 года назад +1

    Very well done vox... as a skater I was pleasantly surprised as to how well informed and researched this vid was.

  • @PreloadedMind
    @PreloadedMind 4 года назад +3

    Jaws finally making the Lyon 25, such feels.

  • @joitaylor3765
    @joitaylor3765 3 года назад

    I got emotional watching this. This hobby is so important to me and learning its history and how important it is culturally. Its amazing.

  • @edupbeat
    @edupbeat 4 года назад +127

    Why doesn’t no one never mention the movie “Thrashing” with Josh Brolin? That movie made me start skating..

    • @zxp3ct3r41
      @zxp3ct3r41 4 года назад +1

      I'm kinda annoyed that I get all the skate related content after mine got stolen

    • @sirtrollalot7762
      @sirtrollalot7762 4 года назад +13

      Lords of dog town did it for me

    • @alidelatierra
      @alidelatierra 4 года назад +3

      Its notorious for being corny no shade that's just what I've heard

    • @HomebrewHorsepower
      @HomebrewHorsepower 4 года назад +3

      I remember watching Thrashin in the early 90s when I was probably 9 years old. I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It inspired me to grab my dad's old 70's banana board and learn to skate. The sad thing is that after a month or two I gave up on it because none of my friends were interested. Oh well.

    • @threeredsuns
      @threeredsuns 4 года назад

      ZXp3ct3R your what got stolen?

  • @humidddddd2247
    @humidddddd2247 4 года назад

    Hope to see another part for this. So much more to cover such as spots like love park and other plazas that have changed the culture

  • @kneadmo
    @kneadmo 4 года назад +44

    Never caught vox uploading early! My first catch :D

  • @NikkeSillanpaa
    @NikkeSillanpaa 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Vox for making this video and spreading the word of skateboarding to a larger audience! Skateboarding and public spaces have a massive impact on each other, and I hope that city councils and future architects would take that into consideration when building new spaces. Skateboarding can actually bring life to a city and help young people find who they are and also avoid problems and loneliness by starting to skate! Massive love to you all, from Finland.

  • @punchy77855
    @punchy77855 4 года назад +40

    When you forget the drone at home:
    _google earth_

    • @leedergs
      @leedergs 4 года назад +7

      or you know, coronavirus?

    • @punchy77855
      @punchy77855 4 года назад +1

      Lee Thurston that would have been a good excuse a month ago but now California is a bit more open, even though they shouldn’t be.

    • @shinqqing5161
      @shinqqing5161 4 года назад +3

      @@punchy77855 Maybe juuuust maybe that the video production was over a month ago and not yesterday you know.

  • @matzungus
    @matzungus 4 года назад

    Amazing video, very rarely is skateboarding broken down like this by mainstream media. Skateboarding is incredible and changes many peoples lives. Well done Vox!

  • @joarfunaya7361
    @joarfunaya7361 4 года назад +52

    The fact that they shot this in Google earth 😅

    • @BosseCory
      @BosseCory 4 года назад +23

      You do what you gotta do in quarantine!

  • @gagan1760
    @gagan1760 4 года назад

    This is one of the most see through well documented video. The best one.

  • @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun
    @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun 4 года назад +43

    I thought the title said "Tony Hawk breaks down skateboarder's leg"

  • @sashagames3160
    @sashagames3160 4 года назад +1

    I never skated, but always had a special love for it through the THPS games. I remember wanting to go to America just because of THPS and seeing all the skate spots in the game, thinking every street would be like a skatepark in real life. This video gave me a weird nostalgic feeling and a really strong sense of missing out on all this history. Man... loved the video, thanks!

  • @loverboybaby111
    @loverboybaby111 4 года назад +4

    Great video. Idk how you don’t mention love park when making a video about influential skate spots though. Love park was the east coast embarcadero and inspired a generation of the often overlooked east coast skaters. If you want to talk about public space It is arguably one of the most important plazas in skateboarding and it now has basically been destroyed/skate stopped to the point where it has completely lost its heart and soul.

  • @SHEAdTeeVee
    @SHEAdTeeVee 4 года назад +1

    This was really amazing and well done. Been skateboarding for a long time and the history shared in this is one all skaters know and its amazing to see it presented to others in this way. I want more videos about skateboarding please!! There is so much history to share.

  • @Ihyabond009
    @Ihyabond009 4 года назад +13

    _breathes in_
    *_SO HERE I AM_*

  • @nathanbellamy3308
    @nathanbellamy3308 4 года назад

    Great little vid. Nice to see such famous spots in a new light/angle

  • @patsgarage8593
    @patsgarage8593 4 года назад +5

    My teen years were spent skating and watching skate videos with punk music playing. Good times lol

  • @ImportsEveryday
    @ImportsEveryday 4 года назад +1

    As a skater of 19 years, I thank you Vox for making this amazing documentary about my culture.

  • @andrenemmais
    @andrenemmais 4 года назад +6

    10:27 it's a front side lipslide

    • @whochairs
      @whochairs 4 года назад

      Didn't want to nitpick but not gonna lie this was bugging me too lol

  • @AsherIsbrucker
    @AsherIsbrucker 4 года назад +1

    I moved to London last year, and whenever I'm on the Southbank I stop and watch the skaters at the graffitied skatepark mentioned in this video. I could watch them for hours. A few weeks ago I was there and watched this one skater make dozens of attempts at a 360 flip. He got visibly frustrated, throwing his board and cursing, and was so close to landing so many times. He'd really concentrate, put his headphones in and just meditate about the move and what he had to do with his feet, his arms, his body, in order to get the board to perform this manoeuvre. Other skaters would roll by and encourage him with a pat on the shoulder or a fist bump. When he finally landed it after like 30 tries, everybody was so stoked for him, gave him a fist bump and egged him on, and I could see such pure joy and accomplishment on his face. Such a great sense of community there. Sometimes makes me wish I never stopped skating.
    I grew up skateboarding and watching skate videos. After the bell rang we used to walk over to the local high school and skateboard in the parking lot, trying to learn how to ollie or kickflip, all the while eating chips and drinking RC cola from the convenience store across the street. I stopped skating when I was 12 after I broke my wrist ollying over another skateboard, but whenever I see skateboarders today it makes me nostalgic for those care-free days when I was young.
    Brilliant video.

  • @SceneComparisons
    @SceneComparisons 4 года назад +67

    the sport that Marry McFly invented

  • @khurrammazharamir1151
    @khurrammazharamir1151 4 года назад

    hes one of my childhood heroes I remember playing pro skater on ps2 and watching his skating videos online inspired me to skate as a teenager

  • @Jackson-ny6it
    @Jackson-ny6it 4 года назад +3

    RIP Lincoln memorial in Melbourne, RIP Brooklyn banks, RIP all the long and forgotten dead spots

  • @owenstokes3917
    @owenstokes3917 4 года назад

    I love skateboarding so much it’s one of the best things in life and I wish everyone would try it, it will change you’re perspective on the world

  • @batmanismexican1873
    @batmanismexican1873 4 года назад +15

    💥 Lords of Dogtown

  • @LtColSoundboard
    @LtColSoundboard 4 года назад +3

    This was soooo cool to watch! Please do more of these "hidden culture" videos. It's an amazing feeling to learn about thing like this, which you never knew existed.

    • @whochairs
      @whochairs 4 года назад

      Totally agree with this. I'd love to see important 'spots' in other sports I otherwise wouldn't look twice at

  • @askneldiven2177
    @askneldiven2177 4 года назад +11

    Can you imagine: A whole city, stream and wave like in design. It would be aerodynamic too! A perfect transport system 🤩🤩🤩

    • @ambertapping7919
      @ambertapping7919 4 года назад +4

      Literally all the pavements/sidewalks in Barcelona are banked - ostensibly this is probably an accessibility thing, but also skate tourism is massive for BCN and the curbs mean you can skate from one end of the city to the other and almost never have to pick up your board.

    • @askneldiven2177
      @askneldiven2177 4 года назад +1

      @@ambertapping7919 omg really?! I guess I will visit barcelona after corona. Thanks for the tip 👍👍👍

  • @rayneozier
    @rayneozier 4 года назад +1

    I was one of those kids who feel in love with skating and never really got good at it, but I still really enjoy it. I can ollie, pop shove it, and kickflip (if given enough attempts) but I just love riding around and hanging out with my friends. I spent a lot of long summer days and nights in middle school riding around the city with the boys.

    • @whochairs
      @whochairs 4 года назад

      Every one of the professionals in this video have been through the same thing. No big deal, just because you're not 'good' now, it doesnt mean you wont be good forever

    • @rayneozier
      @rayneozier 4 года назад +1

      whochairs yeah I’m not gonna front I haven’t put in the work to get good, but like I said I really like riding around and just hanging out.

  • @stefan-x9g
    @stefan-x9g 4 года назад +10

    Wow, they named a person after a game! Tony Hawk!

  • @jasonball171
    @jasonball171 4 года назад

    Excellent video showing progression and history . Thank you

  • @JollySpace
    @JollySpace 4 года назад +4

    8:20 is Tony Hawk's American Wasteland not Tony Hawk's Underground 2

    • @shadebug
      @shadebug 4 года назад

      No, THUG2 was a world tour

    • @JollySpace
      @JollySpace 4 года назад

      @@shadebug The level in the clip is Kyoto, which is in both THUG2 and American Wasteland. (But only THUG2 Remix, not the original version of the game)
      American Wasteland's classic mode features levels from past games. The clip is from that version. You can tell by the balance meter (THUG2 has a blue and black balance meter) and the skater appearance.

  • @roelfrizzle
    @roelfrizzle 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this piece. You've illustrated skateboaring very well in my opinion as a longtime skater. People who just started out have to know the history and culture of skaeboarding. Positive vibes!

  • @138_paul
    @138_paul 4 года назад +4

    Check out Grosso Loveletters.
    Skate history as told by tjose who were there

  • @lochieaxon
    @lochieaxon 4 года назад +1

    Spot on, thanks for putting in the time to get it right. We appreciate it.

  • @prod.ajaton2
    @prod.ajaton2 4 года назад +3

    Tony : 😐
    Hawk : 😎

  • @nottherealChickenJoe
    @nottherealChickenJoe 4 года назад

    Such a well made video with a lot of respect for the scene and culture. Thank you.

  • @ProfessorEGadd
    @ProfessorEGadd 4 года назад +5

    12:36 Amazing. Very well edited and well researched video, and somehow you manage to list four internationally famous locations and mispronounce every one.

  • @austint19
    @austint19 4 года назад

    Big salute to the skaters that push their bodies to the limits just for getting some tricks. There’s no better feeling! Awesome video, Vox. I would watch a full length skate doc if you guys put one out. Get all the biggest skaters for interviewees and it would be dope!

  • @hillaryrodhamclinton8031
    @hillaryrodhamclinton8031 4 года назад +7

    Amazing! I might go there, with Bill!

  • @TomsGarage007
    @TomsGarage007 4 года назад

    good job on this one! fantastic representation of skate spots and skateboarding, and you got Ian Borden & tony hawk to top it all off! Skating a proper fullpipe and pool is on my bucket list

  • @Chandasouk
    @Chandasouk 4 года назад +5

    One of the sports I wanted to get into

    • @purplegill10
      @purplegill10 4 года назад +2

      Why don't you now?

    • @Chandasouk
      @Chandasouk 4 года назад +2

      @@purplegill10 A lot older now and my health insurance isn't so good that I can afford new injuries lol

    • @purplegill10
      @purplegill10 4 года назад

      @@Chandasouk Ah dang, I get that. I'm disabled personally so I had to stop as well

  • @DanielPangemanan
    @DanielPangemanan 4 года назад

    Thank you for this, brings back a lot of good memories of my youth skateboarding life 😭😭

  • @2KL4SKL26
    @2KL4SKL26 4 года назад +4

    I jumped the gap for the record - Tony Hawk

  • @NatCanuel
    @NatCanuel 4 года назад

    As skateboarders we thrive in public spaces like plazas and parks. It breeds community and gives young people a positive outlet. Skateboarding is a beautiful thing!

  • @Skip6235
    @Skip6235 4 года назад +8

    Wow, the guy they interviewed looks just like Tony Hawk!

    • @whochairs
      @whochairs 4 года назад +1

      Wonder what he's doing these days

  • @eppyz
    @eppyz 4 года назад

    very nice video about some very remarkable and memorable skate spots. Thanks for taking the interest in Skateboarding and sharing the sport with the world 👍😎