I honestly thought dragon riding would be a short-lived gimmick but it has transformed the game. Quest hubs no longer have to cluster a few qs in a tiny area. Spreading them out makes the whole map feel more organic and the storytelling more interesting. They've made travel fun, fast and intrinsic to the story of the expansion.👏
it sure is a game changer. I really hope they will keep it after dragonflight as a default flying system from now on and just let us use our old mounts with it, or at least be able to apply their appearances to dragonflying mounts
100% this. i love traversing the zones, it does feel bad when youre grounded without vitality but honestly its a downside that makes 95% of the time youre travelling fun and interesting. i seriously hope they open dragonriding for the old world during or after DF.
just need dragon riding everywhere now. i wana go 800 mph across eastern kingdoms, maybe even fly from Kalimdor to EK that last one probably wont happen anytime soon though
I'm taking it step by step, going back and doing old quests that I missed, exploring places, etc... .and reminding myself that we're still at the start of the expansion.
I have enjoyed levelling and just exploring the lands, fishing, etc that i hit level 70 just as i was starting in the azure span! definitely my fave levelling experience of an expansion which i think will also translate into my alts having a fun time too.
Yeah same, the side quests and campaign quest is laid out so well to where you don't feel like you're going out of your way to pick up and finish out all the side quests plus main story quest at the same time. I hit lvl 70 right as I was finishing the 2nd zone which feels good because the levels aren't this drawn out daunting process where you aren't seeing real experience progress after a big quest hub turn in. It just feels comfy and like a true video game exploring experience.
I absolutely love the dragon racing, did each of every one at lvl 63, some advanced ones are a little tricky even frustrating, but it's so damn satisfying when you finish.
I'm having a blast! - the side quests are just brilliant and there are so many of them. I just hit 70 last night so I'm continuing the campaign - also loving it. Wow - WoW HAS changed and for the better (thankfully).
OK this us copium. The quest are no different then they have ever been. The expac is fine but side quest? Boy did you choose a funny ass thing to hone in on. It's copy paste of all their previous quests
@@Odyssey636 It isn't copium simply because you disagree. The quality of quests and dialogue is very present. To me, that's a plus. Quit being such a negative cunt and cry elsewhere.
@@Odyssey636 Mechanically, quests play no differently than they've always been--the formula has served them pretty well for 18 years so I don't see what needs to change there. But when looked at as vehicles for narrative, the side quests are some of the best WoW has done--and they actually give meaningful rewards in the way of faction rep. That's just good game design. But don't take my word for it--multiple people in this comment section have mentioned (unprompted) how much they've enjoyed the side quests. That's probably evidence the WoW team did something right this time around.
@@Odyssey636 “tHIS IS cOpiUm” internet and memes have poisoned you so much you can’t let people have an opinion on enjoying side missions in a video game
I'll hit 70 on my main (Havoc DH, with herbalism and skinning) tonight. Then I'll work on my other toons (resto druid, BM hunter) here and there. I'm really enjoying this expac so far. It feels more fun, but also more real, maybe even "organic" (in that fantasy world real sense). I have not missed Sylvanas, or the Jailer, or really, anyone from SL. Ya did good, Blizz. Keep it up.
This has been so far the best expansion in a decade, I feel like I've barely touched the surface and so far I just love the crafting and the dragonflying races. And even better I don't feel any kind of grind stress (obiviously not too late for some bs later on but good so far). Guddamn I'm actually liking the game again. Thank you Blizz.
Most of the weekly stuff - the Keep assault, the Hunt, the Soup, and the following things, seem to be on a 2 hour timer each, and seem to reward gear slightly higher than your current gear. Two more really important but super easy to miss weekly sources of gear: the Trial of Flood and Trial of Elements. In the south center of the Ohn’ahran Plains there's a locked chest at around 56, 78.6. Just click it to start a wave defense, and at the end you can loot the chest for a chance at gear. In the Primalist Future (you can go back there after the Thaldraszus story by going back and talking to Chromie there), in the back of the area around 27,26 there is a locked chest in a cave. Do the same here as the trial of flood for another weekly chance at gear.
@@patatejambom6310 I think the point is that you can get really decent gear without spamming m0s. That's what people want. Maybe not you. But plenty of people.
@@patatejambom6310 My dude, most of the weekly lockout events reward gear either at M0 or even 10 ilvl above it, same with certain daily rares that can give 10 ilvl above M0. So for people that want to min-max their gearing before M+ comes out, there's still daily and weekly things to do. Not to mention that crafted gear using the M0 titan training matrixes also gets up higher than M0.
@@Cvpakke you can, but i swear if we duel, you with your questing gear, and me, with my mythic one, im mostly sure that il have the won. maybe, MAYBE yourt a legendary skill arena master, but in the most common case, what im saying its wath will happen. YOur crazy in your head if you think that questing gear can be as efficient as honor or mythic one
I feel like I HAVE to get through the story. I already hit 70 doing the centaur quests and I’m just bored now. Want to pvp with good gear but I have to grind
I did all the side quests as I went through each area. I was 70 in the plains. Finally got to Valdrakken last night and finished the campaign. The side quests are so good they feel like main campaign quests I loved it!
The "goblins" on the gold making subreddit are pissed about the profession changes because they don't get to corner the market as easily with work orders. This is a good thing.
There are also two events you can do for even more gear; the Trial of Flood and Trial of Elements. They can be done weekly for more gear and resources.
Somehow, the thing that pulls me along the most is actually leatherworking. I've had SUCH a good time getting patterns and slowly increasing my skills, and it's super exciting when you get a drop that increases your skill ranks in it! I've been lusting after a pair of 368 gloves I can make with just a liiiittle more work, and then I can even upgrade it more as I get more skill. I've used the same equipment for like half my time in the dragon isles because I made it all and then upgraded them with better materials as I got more skilled! I never had any interest in professions barring a little stint in Vanilla, but now it's my current favorite thing.
@@beingofstrange Have you done any of the crafting? It's so much better now. It's cool having basically a talent tree for your profession, each little circle has something to work for, so when you find a thing out in the world that gives you +3 knowledge it's like three new talents points. I always hated farming for mats but I find myself doing it and not minding now.
I have yet to do a single dungeon past level 70. Did ruby pools and the nokhud offensive while leveling. I've been truly enjoying getting all the dragonriding glyphs and then herb gathering and inscription. I'm sure I will eventually get tired of the herbing and inscriptioning, but they have really done a great job with it. So much so that I'm a but worried they won't keep it up for future patches and expansions.
Ion specifically said they’re steering away from that. So you can expect the profession system and some sort of dragon flying to stick around for future expansions. Go watch the preach interviews
When people eventually get to bringing alts around, make sure to check out the other professions. Blacksmithing and mining has been pretty enjoyable too. Cheers
@@peeko_luxx2873 seconding this! blacksmithing/mining has been really fun so far. I swear i’ve probably gained a whole level just by running around mining and exploring and crafting stuff.
The little Tuskaar kids running around making zoomie noises while chasing a baby elephant sold me on the world building. That and the quest to kill dragons just to hear an old warrior lady tell stories.
Today I did the old dragonmaw soldier side-quest and the whole conversation hit me deep, to be executed is mercy, so he chooses to stay a live, among them in constant guilt as punishment 😢 I love and missed doing quests like these, it just makes the world so immersive for me 💯👍🏼👍🏼
Thanks Bellular, I was getting really bad FOMO being only able to log a few times a week. I just hit 70 and things are lookin like I’ll be able to keep up
its good to note that some rares can give you items, i have gotten a weapon with higher IL than mythic gear. twice. that guy was somewhere where wrathion is stationed and idk if other rares can give other gear but one rare in that place can give you a weapon. i got a 1handed mace
@@MichaSennin those aren’t really rares more or less so elites that drop set items. Rares are able to be killed over and over on respawn and have a chance to drop things from their loot table
I'm having the most fun gathering ore and doing blacksmithing, something I never thought I would ever say. Mining just feels so satisfying with dragon riding, can roam around faster in a more fun way. The actual skill with specialisation for example "elemental" makes it a whole lot more interesting.
In regards to "Side quests are good now," I highly suggest a quest from a dwarf-visaged dragon called "veritistraz" at the ruby lifeshrine. It's very well-written, despite it just being, literally, a waiting simulator. I've been genuinely impressed with this expansion's quality.
I am so happy to see other people like this quest! I was raving about it to my friends. So happy to see some RPG style quests and writing in WoW. Dragonflight has seriously impressed me.
"There's SO MUCH!" Kind of a shill statement, outside of a few rep grinds (the ones that aren't time gated) and the weeklies (including the storm sigils) there is F all to do outside of your typical M+ key runs.
I have played since I was 13 yrs old back in 2007. I have done it all, and growing older I have found it much harder to keep up with the top tier players. I was still able to get to top tier but at a much slower rate. I work swing shift so very hard for me to get on a raid team. The zereth mortis item transformer to get tier from was a godsend for me. I really hope I can get gear of similar caliber this expac. So far am only level 67 but have been doing every quest. I have always hated questing, legion was pretty good though. This time though I have been really enjoying questing! I had come into this expansion with doubts, but it feels good so far!
I love that rather than making you have to do everything it is very friendly to people who only play a few hours, and you can still do most of the men progression without having to play bunch of per week
I've spent a good bit of my time so far in df just going for the mounts i really wanted, i got both the scrappy world snail and one of the otters. It was very fun getting them and they are great mounts. Also gearing in pvp is something to do
Me personally once I maxed out my dragon riding it made traveling so much funner and faster. I only take flight points now if I want to step out side for a smoke.
I'm trying to dive back in after basically.. 8 years off? Totally overwhelmed, but enjoying my experience so far. These videos are helpful. Anyone happen to have a small but "required" list of add-ons currently relevant?
I just started playing wow retail again, after like 10 years. Your videos are just so clear and helpful, thanks for your work! Would be super great to have time stamps though!
I love that there’s so much to do and that people have literally already hit renown 25 if they wanted to. I’m renown 8 for my highest right now and that’s fun too but it’s nice that I have that option available if I want it, a lot less time gated nonsense which is a big win for blizzard imo.
This expansion has been amazing. The quests I have done have been awesome, Dragon riding is fantastic, new professions are actually fun. This Expansion is 100% an improvement on the typical formula. As someone who has been taking extended breaks from WoW on and off since WOTLK, I will defiantly be out there grinding for a long time to come.
Really liking Dragonflight. Would rate it about equal to Legion so far. My only complaints: 1. There are weekly quests (I think; Leatrix was treating them as weeklies anyway) that are neither on the world map nor in a central hub. Like I was half way through doing the obvious black dragon weeklies then found another quest in the middle of nowhere. It really bothers me not knowing whether or not I missed something just due to it being in an obscure location. 2. It's also not super clear how to advance profession specializations. Knowledge seems to be VERY frontloaded then HEAVILY timegated to the point that it will take years to max everything out on some of them (maybe longer than the expansion even lasts). It'd be nice if you could grind professions as much as you want and continue to advance it slowly but indefinitely. Have some easy knowledge as a weekly, sure, though there's no reason to cap it when it doesn't directly affect player power. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding and that is how it works. That's the problem; it's not clear.
I will have to disagree with you, wanting everything put out on your face and as easy as possible is not good, because you'd be done so quickly and then complain about the game not having enough content, also this expansion rewards exploration, explore the map, don't just go headbutting quests. I also prefer that professions are slow to level because then the whole purpose of having a specialization wouldn't make any sense, people would just max everything and never use the order system since they would be able to craft everything for themselves.
I'm genuinely worried about the fact that they have forced so much of the "content" to be locked behind renown levels for factions about whom I don't care and do not understand and don't remember despite having finished every one of their quests while getting to 70. It is as if I wanted spaghetti marinara with meatballs and grated parmesan.....but they have the parmesan locked in a drawer and the meatballs locked in a safe and the pasta locked in the attic and the marinara sauce locked in the cellar outside. Then they give me a list of chores I have to do for a month to unlock one piece at a time of what I should have gotten all together as one complete entree at the very beginning.
I've been doing quests, running dungeons, and picking up dragon riding glyphs wherever I find them. I'm pretty far along that tree already. Dungeons will still be my main source of gear, because I SUCK at crafting, and I still haven't quite figured out the new system. But at least those world events offer an alternative. Unlocking those campaign quests that are locked behind renown will take time, though. But leveling gave me a headstart with Valdrakken Accord renown, and rep farming will get faster for alts.
My plan was to hit 70 and go do mage tower as I've just discovered it's a permanent feature now. Guess that wont happen for some time as they've removed it for the launch of dragonflight
Watching what to do videos just causes even more of an overwhelming feeling. I attempted all these videos with Shadowlands. Nope, didn’t help see the light. I’m loving just playing dragon flight without all the videos popping up in my mind as a reminder oh you should do this.. just my opinion!
Well this video is more of "what is there to choose to do" instead of go do this now. He's just mentioning the different activities out there for you to choose which one you like most when playing or trying out.
Will say my only frustration so far is the profession quests that require you to fill out work orders, and some of the bugs. But that’s nothing time can’t fix. Just frustrating when there’s rarely any work orders for me as a jewelcrafter to work on and when I do see some they’re stuff I don’t have recipes for yet
@@beingofstrange Yeah, I have felt the lack of activities at 70. I did my M0 dungeons, I did some world quests to get some epic loot, I leveled up my professions and that's it. Flying is fun, but it starts to become a chore after a while (especially when you have to collect herbs : sure, you can gather on your mount, but if there is a lot of nobs to collect, you will have to land/gather/wait for the drake's energy to return).
I'm enjoying leveling more than any other expansion. I'm taking my time and I have a folder of screenshots I think I'll print off in a book of my journey through dragonflight. I got screenshots with so many gorgeous backgrounds and epic fights.
Nothing more to do now than previous expansions. Just less reasons to do them. By all means, I always did the stuff in game as I thought was fun. But the formula is the same now as before. Renown/Rep grind is the same thing in as in Shadowlands, just another label on it. WQs the same as before, quests are quests, and instanced content is the same. Professions are better, and Dragonriding is a unique little thing and I love that. But wrapping up content with nice paper doesn't change the fact that it is the same as always. If you like it now, you liked it in Shadowlands, BfA and Legion as well. Its nothing new or amazing.
it only takes about 10 hours to level a character from 1-60 i believe, and if you buy the deluxe version (80$~~ Canadian ) instead of (50 canadian) they give u a boost and some cosmetics.
Im gonna be honest. This is the most enjoyable wow has ever been to me. Diving deep into the proffesions has been so engaging and interesting. I love it. Pushing mythic plus with my friends is the only missing piece and that is due very soon. Im damn excited to continue my journey in the dragon isles, cause this is looking really promising !
So with the longer world quests time frame, does that mean completing them all on day one, mean you won't have world quests to do until the middle point of the week?
@@RealDreanix Well that's unexpected and I think it's rather dumb. I liked doing the world quests, there were an easy source for rep, gold, and whatever resource.
@@anicedan90 I can't speak for anyone else, but I never felt like I had to do WQs or Dailies. If I wanted to do them, then I did, if I didn't then I did not.
@@gornur8292 I started playing again mid SL and let me tell you, to catch up you absolutely HAD to do every single daily existing to be able to do current content. This is all thought for new players also, it's not meant for 15 year old accounts
Definitely great for wifi players. World content no lagging and I'm barely getting my 2nd dragon flying dragon in the campaign and I'm already level 70
Deffinately one of the better expansions blizzard have made, im so glad to be back in the world of wow after quiting shadowlands after season one knowing the way it was going. Id say a job well done so far.
I'm sure World of Warcraft classes are still just as homogenized as ever. They all basically get the same spell but with a different name and spell effect. Blizzard started culling any true uniqueness from classes years ago starting with the removal of Paladin Divine Intervention. Tell me they put back in Divine Intervention and I'll believe they are finally bringing back true class diversity and interesting gameplay. Tell me they removed the in-game store. Tell me they removed "pay to look the best" cosmetics.
I’m freshly 70 and I need tons of tailoring profession knowledge so I can craft my nice chest and leg pieces. Right now still finishing the quest campaign but after that I’m not sure where to go to snag more knowledge
I'm back to WoW after 7 years and having fun again. Is your center bar with abilities and cool downs made with Weakauras? If so do you have a string to duplicate it?
Okay, I unsubscribed to WOW two years ago. You've convinced me, Bellular. I'm downloading it. I haven't resubbed for a long time...but I'll dip my toe back in. (I used to LOVE to do professions; I had an alt for all of them...I've missed that for the later years I'd played. I am looking forward to hearing your deep dive into that. I'm already thinking about what profession I want, what class to roll....)
I honestly thought dragon riding would be a short-lived gimmick but it has transformed the game. Quest hubs no longer have to cluster a few qs in a tiny area. Spreading them out makes the whole map feel more organic and the storytelling more interesting. They've made travel fun, fast and intrinsic to the story of the expansion.👏
it sure is a game changer. I really hope they will keep it after dragonflight as a default flying system from now on and just let us use our old mounts with it, or at least be able to apply their appearances to dragonflying mounts
100% this. i love traversing the zones, it does feel bad when youre grounded without vitality but honestly its a downside that makes 95% of the time youre travelling fun and interesting. i seriously hope they open dragonriding for the old world during or after DF.
just need dragon riding everywhere now. i wana go 800 mph across eastern kingdoms, maybe even fly from Kalimdor to EK that last one probably wont happen anytime soon though
@@ContemporaryCompendium STFU and go back to classic.
@@ContemporaryCompendium cool dude 👍🏽
I'm taking it step by step, going back and doing old quests that I missed, exploring places, etc... .and reminding myself that we're still at the start of the expansion.
lol ok?
@@OregonCrow lol what?
I love doing old content as well.
Yeah, me too - it's only just started
Also remember that exploring and flying on a dragon isnt content. Ita garbage for 20 bucks/month lol..
I have enjoyed levelling and just exploring the lands, fishing, etc that i hit level 70 just as i was starting in the azure span! definitely my fave levelling experience of an expansion which i think will also translate into my alts having a fun time too.
I have just been flying around and doing things that come up on my map that sound interesting. It’s been great
Yeah same, the side quests and campaign quest is laid out so well to where you don't feel like you're going out of your way to pick up and finish out all the side quests plus main story quest at the same time. I hit lvl 70 right as I was finishing the 2nd zone which feels good because the levels aren't this drawn out daunting process where you aren't seeing real experience progress after a big quest hub turn in. It just feels comfy and like a true video game exploring experience.
This is the most fun i've had in WoW, I don't feel pressured to stomp and robot my way through the game...
It's very *very* nice to be able to want to do things in wow instead of having to do something in wow.
i miss grinding artifcat power for my heart of azrath
i mean, you do kind of HAVE to grind faction rep.
@@fleezybaby As its not tied to character power, no.
I don't know. i cannot shake that feeling that things are going to turn to crap again. can't bring myself to resub/buy the xpac
@@Dave-vq6gq sorry you feel that way
I absolutely love the dragon racing, did each of every one at lvl 63, some advanced ones are a little tricky even frustrating, but it's so damn satisfying when you finish.
gotta say i appreciate the amount of flavor dialogue options while questing xD
I'm having a blast! - the side quests are just brilliant and there are so many of them. I just hit 70 last night so I'm continuing the campaign - also loving it. Wow - WoW HAS changed and for the better (thankfully).
OK this us copium. The quest are no different then they have ever been. The expac is fine but side quest? Boy did you choose a funny ass thing to hone in on. It's copy paste of all their previous quests
I missed some side quests, i prefer to do them later.
@@Odyssey636 It isn't copium simply because you disagree. The quality of quests and dialogue is very present. To me, that's a plus. Quit being such a negative cunt and cry elsewhere.
@@Odyssey636 Mechanically, quests play no differently than they've always been--the formula has served them pretty well for 18 years so I don't see what needs to change there. But when looked at as vehicles for narrative, the side quests are some of the best WoW has done--and they actually give meaningful rewards in the way of faction rep. That's just good game design. But don't take my word for it--multiple people in this comment section have mentioned (unprompted) how much they've enjoyed the side quests. That's probably evidence the WoW team did something right this time around.
@@Odyssey636 “tHIS IS cOpiUm” internet and memes have poisoned you so much you can’t let people have an opinion on enjoying side missions in a video game
I'll hit 70 on my main (Havoc DH, with herbalism and skinning) tonight. Then I'll work on my other toons (resto druid, BM hunter) here and there. I'm really enjoying this expac so far. It feels more fun, but also more real, maybe even "organic" (in that fantasy world real sense). I have not missed Sylvanas, or the Jailer, or really, anyone from SL. Ya did good, Blizz. Keep it up.
This has been so far the best expansion in a decade, I feel like I've barely touched the surface and so far I just love the crafting and the dragonflying races. And even better I don't feel any kind of grind stress (obiviously not too late for some bs later on but good so far). Guddamn I'm actually liking the game again. Thank you Blizz.
Still looks like the same chore treadmill with a new shiny coat of paint.
Most of the weekly stuff - the Keep assault, the Hunt, the Soup, and the following things, seem to be on a 2 hour timer each, and seem to reward gear slightly higher than your current gear.
Two more really important but super easy to miss weekly sources of gear: the Trial of Flood and Trial of Elements.
In the south center of the Ohn’ahran Plains there's a locked chest at around 56, 78.6. Just click it to start a wave defense, and at the end you can loot the chest for a chance at gear.
In the Primalist Future (you can go back there after the Thaldraszus story by going back and talking to Chromie there), in the back of the area around 27,26 there is a locked chest in a cave. Do the same here as the trial of flood for another weekly chance at gear.
bro just go bg or clear your m0 and your more geared then you can ever archive with questing.
@@patatejambom6310 I think the point is that you can get really decent gear without spamming m0s. That's what people want. Maybe not you. But plenty of people.
@@patatejambom6310 My dude, most of the weekly lockout events reward gear either at M0 or even 10 ilvl above it, same with certain daily rares that can give 10 ilvl above M0.
So for people that want to min-max their gearing before M+ comes out, there's still daily and weekly things to do.
Not to mention that crafted gear using the M0 titan training matrixes also gets up higher than M0.
@@Cvpakke you can, but i swear if we duel, you with your questing gear, and me, with my mythic one, im mostly sure that il have the won. maybe, MAYBE yourt a legendary skill arena master, but in the most common case, what im saying its wath will happen.
YOur crazy in your head if you think that questing gear can be as efficient as honor or mythic one
Yeah ofc crafting gear, but your changing topic here, we was talking about questing gear vs mythic one.
The cataloging and climbing world quests are so fun and unique. I love them.
I found myself doing stuff because I WANT to and not because I HAVE to. It's refreshing.
I feel like I HAVE to get through the story. I already hit 70 doing the centaur quests and I’m just bored now. Want to pvp with good gear but I have to grind
I did all the side quests as I went through each area. I was 70 in the plains. Finally got to Valdrakken last night and finished the campaign. The side quests are so good they feel like main campaign quests I loved it!
I agree!!!!
you're definitely a bot
Hard agree, I was 70 by the time I got into Azure Span just because all the side quests were so good, I am loving this expansion
This video is timed so well! I just got my Loremaster of the Dragon Isles last night and literally said out loud “Now what?”
The "goblins" on the gold making subreddit are pissed about the profession changes because they don't get to corner the market as easily with work orders. This is a good thing.
There are also two events you can do for even more gear; the Trial of Flood and Trial of Elements. They can be done weekly for more gear and resources.
Where are those?
both got nerfed. so people who dont even know about its over. they nerfed it yesterday for both.
@@MichaSennin what nerf? I just did it and got 372 x 2 gear pieces
Nerfed how? I did this today and got a good drop
@@imleadguitar2 Can you tell me where to start with that event?
Somehow, the thing that pulls me along the most is actually leatherworking. I've had SUCH a good time getting patterns and slowly increasing my skills, and it's super exciting when you get a drop that increases your skill ranks in it! I've been lusting after a pair of 368 gloves I can make with just a liiiittle more work, and then I can even upgrade it more as I get more skill. I've used the same equipment for like half my time in the dragon isles because I made it all and then upgraded them with better materials as I got more skilled! I never had any interest in professions barring a little stint in Vanilla, but now it's my current favorite thing.
Yer a goblin now
Paid comment? Cause you just press the craft button, i dont see how its fun
@@beingofstrange just cos someone likes something you don't doesn't mean it's an ad lol
@@beingofstrange Have you done any of the crafting? It's so much better now. It's cool having basically a talent tree for your profession, each little circle has something to work for, so when you find a thing out in the world that gives you +3 knowledge it's like three new talents points. I always hated farming for mats but I find myself doing it and not minding now.
I have yet to do a single dungeon past level 70. Did ruby pools and the nokhud offensive while leveling. I've been truly enjoying getting all the dragonriding glyphs and then herb gathering and inscription. I'm sure I will eventually get tired of the herbing and inscriptioning, but they have really done a great job with it. So much so that I'm a but worried they won't keep it up for future patches and expansions.
As new player to wow, its been cool to do just random stuff and learn slowly. Still im not even that far behind more advanced players.
Ion specifically said they’re steering away from that. So you can expect the profession system and some sort of dragon flying to stick around for future expansions. Go watch the preach interviews
When people eventually get to bringing alts around, make sure to check out the other professions. Blacksmithing and mining has been pretty enjoyable too. Cheers
@@newjerseyjustin Ion specifically said a lot of things over the years that never panned out.
@@peeko_luxx2873 seconding this! blacksmithing/mining has been really fun so far. I swear i’ve probably gained a whole level just by running around mining and exploring and crafting stuff.
Just amazing game so far !! Love the dragon ridding
The little Tuskaar kids running around making zoomie noises while chasing a baby elephant sold me on the world building. That and the quest to kill dragons just to hear an old warrior lady tell stories.
Today I did the old dragonmaw soldier side-quest and the whole conversation hit me deep, to be executed is mercy, so he chooses to stay a live, among them in constant guilt as punishment 😢 I love and missed doing quests like these, it just makes the world so immersive for me 💯👍🏼👍🏼
Wait theres a dragonmaw orc living with the reds?
@@MortarGuyX below the ruby life pools at the inn. Cool short quest.
@@MortarGuyX that's what thought when I went through the quest 😬😆
Do you even know who Deathwingurlugull is?!
This expansion is incredible. It's amazing how much the dev team listened to feedback. This is the old WoW that we know and love.
Awesome video and very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to make it
Thanks Bellular, I was getting really bad FOMO being only able to log a few times a week. I just hit 70 and things are lookin like I’ll be able to keep up
its good to note that some rares can give you items, i have gotten a weapon with higher IL than mythic gear. twice. that guy was somewhere where wrathion is stationed and idk if other rares can give other gear but one rare in that place can give you a weapon. i got a 1handed mace
How do you have such a high iLvl? The expansion just came out.
I killed every rare on the map and got the explorer achievment for it and not a single rare did drop a piece of gear. i got 13 new toys thats it. lmao
@@MichaSennin those aren’t really rares more or less so elites that drop set items. Rares are able to be killed over and over on respawn and have a chance to drop things from their loot table
I'm having the most fun gathering ore and doing blacksmithing, something I never thought I would ever say. Mining just feels so satisfying with dragon riding, can roam around faster in a more fun way. The actual skill with specialisation for example "elemental" makes it a whole lot more interesting.
Ever played wotlk - this is what you describe lol
@@danbill9165 no lol
@@jordanwhite1547 yes
In regards to "Side quests are good now," I highly suggest a quest from a dwarf-visaged dragon called "veritistraz" at the ruby lifeshrine. It's very well-written, despite it just being, literally, a waiting simulator. I've been genuinely impressed with this expansion's quality.
Came here to post this. That quest gave me a legit sense of melancholy.
That was boring asf
I am so happy to see other people like this quest! I was raving about it to my friends. So happy to see some RPG style quests and writing in WoW. Dragonflight has seriously impressed me.
+1 - this one was a surprise.
That quest sold me on the thought that maybe the people who did this expansion actually care.
"There's SO MUCH!" Kind of a shill statement, outside of a few rep grinds (the ones that aren't time gated) and the weeklies (including the storm sigils) there is F all to do outside of your typical M+ key runs.
although I do not agree with the "shill" framing, there is fuck all to do ur right
Spot on @bellulargaming always a pleasure to watch your videos!
Heard it had slowed way down since you made this video
I just started working on my chanting and mining extras. It is a bit overwhelming. But cool. Enchanting work orders and not just stuff for myself.
Man, this expansion is pretty good. I had given up hope, but im having a blast.
I have played since I was 13 yrs old back in 2007. I have done it all, and growing older I have found it much harder to keep up with the top tier players. I was still able to get to top tier but at a much slower rate. I work swing shift so very hard for me to get on a raid team. The zereth mortis item transformer to get tier from was a godsend for me. I really hope I can get gear of similar caliber this expac. So far am only level 67 but have been doing every quest. I have always hated questing, legion was pretty good though. This time though I have been really enjoying questing! I had come into this expansion with doubts, but it feels good so far!
I love that rather than making you have to do everything it is very friendly to people who only play a few hours, and you can still do most of the men progression without having to play bunch of per week
I've spent a good bit of my time so far in df just going for the mounts i really wanted, i got both the scrappy world snail and one of the otters. It was very fun getting them and they are great mounts. Also gearing in pvp is something to do
So happy to return
Me personally once I maxed out my dragon riding it made traveling so much funner and faster. I only take flight points now if I want to step out side for a smoke.
feels nice to hear bellular say " they got their shit right , what can i say"
My fav part the Ysera quest line. Watched the video on RUclips... Was Awesome
I already can feel how dragonflight has s been built with love, unlike BFA and shadowlands
I'm trying to dive back in after basically.. 8 years off? Totally overwhelmed, but enjoying my experience so far. These videos are helpful. Anyone happen to have a small but "required" list of add-ons currently relevant?
I haven’t checked out the videos myself yet but bellular made a couple of add-on guide videos recently that you can check out
I just started playing wow retail again, after like 10 years. Your videos are just so clear and helpful, thanks for your work! Would be super great to have time stamps though!
The Old Dwarf quest, written very well and the story is engaging.
I got a 360 piece from the hunt. Surprised the heck out of me when I opened my bag.
I love that there’s so much to do and that people have literally already hit renown 25 if they wanted to. I’m renown 8 for my highest right now and that’s fun too but it’s nice that I have that option available if I want it, a lot less time gated nonsense which is a big win for blizzard imo.
whats there to do? bot comment?
I'm wearing the same frames you are in this video. Also I love Dragonflight a lot so far
This expansion has been amazing. The quests I have done have been awesome, Dragon riding is fantastic, new professions are actually fun. This Expansion is 100% an improvement on the typical formula. As someone who has been taking extended breaks from WoW on and off since WOTLK, I will defiantly be out there grinding for a long time to come.
I haven’t had had this much fun since MoP!!
Quests and campaign is so awesome in df! So much fun
Really liking Dragonflight. Would rate it about equal to Legion so far. My only complaints:
1. There are weekly quests (I think; Leatrix was treating them as weeklies anyway) that are neither on the world map nor in a central hub. Like I was half way through doing the obvious black dragon weeklies then found another quest in the middle of nowhere. It really bothers me not knowing whether or not I missed something just due to it being in an obscure location.
2. It's also not super clear how to advance profession specializations. Knowledge seems to be VERY frontloaded then HEAVILY timegated to the point that it will take years to max everything out on some of them (maybe longer than the expansion even lasts). It'd be nice if you could grind professions as much as you want and continue to advance it slowly but indefinitely. Have some easy knowledge as a weekly, sure, though there's no reason to cap it when it doesn't directly affect player power. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding and that is how it works. That's the problem; it's not clear.
You can grind i knowledge without cap its just not very fast
I will have to disagree with you, wanting everything put out on your face and as easy as possible is not good, because you'd be done so quickly and then complain about the game not having enough content, also this expansion rewards exploration, explore the map, don't just go headbutting quests. I also prefer that professions are slow to level because then the whole purpose of having a specialization wouldn't make any sense, people would just max everything and never use the order system since they would be able to craft everything for themselves.
@@mailybabytli7619 Great. How?
@@anicedan90 100%
So you do everything then what? No WQ, nothing from the hunts, m0 cleared
We just grind 25 rep items until we hit max renown?
I'm genuinely worried about the fact that they have forced so much of the "content" to be locked behind renown levels for factions about whom I don't care and do not understand and don't remember despite having finished every one of their quests while getting to 70. It is as if I wanted spaghetti marinara with meatballs and grated parmesan.....but they have the parmesan locked in a drawer and the meatballs locked in a safe and the pasta locked in the attic and the marinara sauce locked in the cellar outside. Then they give me a list of chores I have to do for a month to unlock one piece at a time of what I should have gotten all together as one complete entree at the very beginning.
Say what you will, gonna get OLD fast
I've been doing quests, running dungeons, and picking up dragon riding glyphs wherever I find them. I'm pretty far along that tree already. Dungeons will still be my main source of gear, because I SUCK at crafting, and I still haven't quite figured out the new system. But at least those world events offer an alternative. Unlocking those campaign quests that are locked behind renown will take time, though. But leveling gave me a headstart with Valdrakken Accord renown, and rep farming will get faster for alts.
Where is my fishing content Bellular?!
Dragonflight story is actually good and the game is super fun!
This expansion has been amazing
Me waiting 2-3 more months to see all the hype down the drain and the issues start occurring just like any previous expansion past MoP
I love the expac so far and look forward to these things, also wonder how many went Sir von Swoopandbite xD
im just taking my time slowly to enjoy every moment of dragon isles..
I have really enjoyed the quests so far. I hope I don’t have to repeat them a hundred time though.
Tons of fun so far.
Toejam the Terrible best side quest
My plan was to hit 70 and go do mage tower as I've just discovered it's a permanent feature now.
Guess that wont happen for some time as they've removed it for the launch of dragonflight
I wish there was a way to keep your transmog armor in cinematics instead of having janky looking leveling armor.
Watching what to do videos just causes even more of an overwhelming feeling. I attempted all these videos with Shadowlands. Nope, didn’t help see the light. I’m loving just playing dragon flight without all the videos popping up in my mind as a reminder oh you should do this.. just my opinion!
Well this video is more of "what is there to choose to do" instead of go do this now. He's just mentioning the different activities out there for you to choose which one you like most when playing or trying out.
It's so weird not being pressured to login. I like it.
Will say my only frustration so far is the profession quests that require you to fill out work orders, and some of the bugs. But that’s nothing time can’t fix.
Just frustrating when there’s rarely any work orders for me as a jewelcrafter to work on and when I do see some they’re stuff I don’t have recipes for yet
I basiclly quit already once i hit the rep wall
are most comments/videos paid off? literally nothing to do at 70, who are these grown adults flying for "fun" and collecting pointless bs? its weird
@@beingofstrange Yeah, I have felt the lack of activities at 70. I did my M0 dungeons, I did some world quests to get some epic loot, I leveled up my professions and that's it. Flying is fun, but it starts to become a chore after a while (especially when you have to collect herbs : sure, you can gather on your mount, but if there is a lot of nobs to collect, you will have to land/gather/wait for the drake's energy to return).
I'm enjoying leveling more than any other expansion. I'm taking my time and I have a folder of screenshots I think I'll print off in a book of my journey through dragonflight. I got screenshots with so many gorgeous backgrounds and epic fights.
"everything to do at 70" = world quests for renown
Happy to hear you’re back enjoying the game
What nameplate addon do you use? As a feral, I'd love to have my bleeds on top again
I'm using Threat Plates and my bleeds are on top by default, could be that.
This helped me alot! Thx! Also what is that quest addon ?
this is all very great but as a returning player it’s been insanely overwhelming lol
Nothing more to do now than previous expansions. Just less reasons to do them. By all means, I always did the stuff in game as I thought was fun. But the formula is the same now as before. Renown/Rep grind is the same thing in as in Shadowlands, just another label on it. WQs the same as before, quests are quests, and instanced content is the same. Professions are better, and Dragonriding is a unique little thing and I love that.
But wrapping up content with nice paper doesn't change the fact that it is the same as always. If you like it now, you liked it in Shadowlands, BfA and Legion as well. Its nothing new or amazing.
If you start dragon flight fresh without any previous characters, do you get a boosted character to go into the new expansion?
it only takes about 10 hours to level a character from 1-60 i believe, and if you buy the deluxe version (80$~~ Canadian ) instead of (50 canadian) they give u a boost and some cosmetics.
Veritisztras. It's been some time since a story brought me to tears. Twice...
Im gonna be honest. This is the most enjoyable wow has ever been to me. Diving deep into the proffesions has been so engaging and interesting. I love it.
Pushing mythic plus with my friends is the only missing piece and that is due very soon. Im damn excited to continue my journey in the dragon isles, cause this is looking really promising !
Engaging? You mean preasing the craft button?
So with the longer world quests time frame, does that mean completing them all on day one, mean you won't have world quests to do until the middle point of the week?
Tested this, yes exactly that. some pvp ones rotate faster, but main ones reset for me today.
@@RealDreanix Well that's unexpected and I think it's rather dumb. I liked doing the world quests, there were an easy source for rep, gold, and whatever resource.
@@gornur8292 no one wants to sit everyday and do dailies around the map, you have many activities to choose from, it's way better this way
@@anicedan90 I can't speak for anyone else, but I never felt like I had to do WQs or Dailies. If I wanted to do them, then I did, if I didn't then I did not.
@@gornur8292 I started playing again mid SL and let me tell you, to catch up you absolutely HAD to do every single daily existing to be able to do current content. This is all thought for new players also, it's not meant for 15 year old accounts
Nice^^ I would play it, but 50 bucks is way too much for me.
Definitely great for wifi players. World content no lagging and I'm barely getting my 2nd dragon flying dragon in the campaign and I'm already level 70
Deffinately one of the better expansions blizzard have made, im so glad to be back in the world of wow after quiting shadowlands after season one knowing the way it was going. Id say a job well done so far.
What addon is it to get the world quests on the quest log and full world map like that? Thanks
Would also love to know this.
You mean the addon WorldQuestsList which has been out since Legion?
World quest list show outside my quest log, his was built in. Is there an option to change it?
@@mikesmith6419 came here to also say this, dont think it is the same addon.
Good title change, perfect for the intro too lol 😝
i quit this game in Shadowlands and it feels so good
trust me, these are paid videos/bot comments. its the same bs
@@beingofstrange yes im a bot bitch aahh 🤣
I'm hoping for dragon riding pvp races even if it's just a leaderboard
"We've got the soup. The community soup. Defend the soup. Just make some soup, Defend the soup and uh you know... take a sip" 7:32
What is that 3d modeled wrist piece from?? I MUST KNOW
Finally found it, it's called Memory of Ysera
@@jfarmer808 you are an absolute champion among men
Dont forget about the Trial of water And Trial of Elements. this gives guaranteed loot once a week. :)
I'm sure World of Warcraft classes are still just as homogenized as ever. They all basically get the same spell but with a different name and spell effect. Blizzard started culling any true uniqueness from classes years ago starting with the removal of Paladin Divine Intervention. Tell me they put back in Divine Intervention and I'll believe they are finally bringing back true class diversity and interesting gameplay.
Tell me they removed the in-game store.
Tell me they removed "pay to look the best" cosmetics.
Great video, i watched it twice.
So pretty much all the same stuff we've been doing at max lvl in all the other wow expansions...
I’m freshly 70 and I need tons of tailoring profession knowledge so I can craft my nice chest and leg pieces. Right now still finishing the quest campaign but after that I’m not sure where to go to snag more knowledge
I'm back to WoW after 7 years and having fun again. Is your center bar with abilities and cool downs made with Weakauras? If so do you have a string to duplicate it?
Okay, I unsubscribed to WOW two years ago. You've convinced me, Bellular. I'm downloading it. I haven't resubbed for a long time...but I'll dip my toe back in. (I used to LOVE to do professions; I had an alt for all of them...I've missed that for the later years I'd played. I am looking forward to hearing your deep dive into that. I'm already thinking about what profession I want, what class to roll....)