The reality is that USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers . Remain countries in the video they have helicopter carrier. But video maker not study on that . That's why he makes the wrong video .
France has one carrier and are currently constructing a second one. China has two, with another one yet to be commissioned. Unsure where you got these numbers from, unless you are counting helicopter carriers as well, which are not aircraft carriers.
India have 2 aircraft carriers and 3rd is under construction . Same china also . USA have more than 10 aircraft carriers . Only USA Russia China India and UK have aircraft carriers in the world . Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers . Video maker guy made mistake . I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier .
@@amir2510 You forgot France. Charles De Gaulle's aircraft carrier is not a helicopter aircraft. It's a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for figther jets (Rafale).
I don't know where they got the idea that Brazil has an aircraft carrier in its naval fleet, I'm Brazilian and it's a dream for me to have an aircraft carrier in our fleet. In our country we only have one helicopter carrier
I've never heard of Japan having an aircraft carrier. I know that two helicopter anti-submarine patrol ships are being remodeled to enable carrier-like operations.
Во-первых это не совсем авианосец, а авианесущий крейсер, во-вторых Россия делает ставки на ракеты способные бороться с авианосцами, в третьих если не ошибаюсь в Мурманске строится авианосец "Российская Федерация"
Единственный российский авианосец загорелся несколько лет назад, и в последний раз мы слышали, что он был раздавлен обрушившимся на него краном на верфи. С другой стороны, есть идея помочь российским вооруженным силам: Путин мог бы превратить свой стол в небольшой авианосец, если бы поставил его в ванну😂.
@@kamunurkamunur3468 Этот авианосец старый. В Мурманске строится полноценный авианосец "Российская Федерация", если не ошибаюсь. А вообще, авианосцы это прошлый век, достаточно 1 хорошей ракеты и минус миллиарды долларов, впустую.
@@kamunurkamunur3468 вспомнился вдруг тот случай. Когда за несколько дней до 24.02.2022 президент Франции Эмманюэль Макрон приезжал в Москву на переговоры, и его посадили за 6-метровый стол с Путиным. На котором оба находились на противоположных сторонах.
@user-ko5ew5vw6u Pfff you mean the propaganda rocket that if Russia uses it is intercepted before impact is not a ground target and after that Russia is screwed
What the US considers escort carriers is what the rest of the world considers aircraft carriers. The US's fleet carriers, or super carriers, are another level entirely, with maybe China's under development being the closest in theory, but they seem to be a few decades behind.
Авианосец в современном мире, годится только как тренировочная площадка для моряков и авиаторов, в боевых условиях, они имеют много проблем.. Как сказал человек выше в комментарии: гиперзвуковые ракеты теперь представляют будущее. Нет нужды иметь целую флотилию, что бы наносить точные удары по дальним точкам. Да и в целом, авианосцы создавались с целью дальней обороны или нападения,есть более совершенные и дешёвые средства обороны.
You can't count helicopter carriers and amphibious assault ships as aircraft carriers unless they are USA helicopter assault ships which do carry F-35's
@@mariosebastiani3214 The Italian Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi are aircraft carriers. The Trieste which can handle F-35 is not in service yet to my knowledge as it's in sea trials
@@scovillerepublic5940 Not only still in sea trials, it is a different kind of platform. While bigger than the Cavour, it will be able to accomodate just a dozen F-35B or so, in favor of carrying more helicopters and having a flooding deck for amphibious operations. It is classified as LHD.
@@scovillerepublic5940 Well, Cavour showed up to be pretty versatile itself. But yes, I'd rather have 2 Trieste than one and one. Especially with the increase in natural disasters along the coastlines, where these could bring real relief to the population. I think of the earthquake in Turkey for example.
Actually, if you consider all types of ships capable of aircraft operations, such as amphibious assault ships and helicopter carriers, Italy has 4 carriers: The Cavour, the Giuseppe Garibaldi and two of the three San Giorgio-class landing dock ships were reconstructed to amphibious assault ships with limited aircraft operation capabilities. The two latter ones will soon be replaced by the Trieste, a more modern and larger amphibious assault ship similar to the spanish Juan Carlos I.
And if the USA included all these bullshit, non Aircraft Carriers? We'd be looking at what? 60? Even with this destructive piece of shit, we're the best.
That is a drone carrier not Aircraft Carrier this list is too flawed from what I know only 6 countries have technology to build modern Aircraft Carriers(🇺🇲🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇳🇬🇧🇫🇷)
The video may be wrong, but the infants in the comment section are highly uneducated, by claiming Japan only has helicopter carriers. These youtube comment infants should keep up with what is happening in the world, but I guess that's too hard for them. While the Izumo were the world's longest helicopter carriers originally, their entire deck has been heavily modified, they are a large rectangular ship now, and also coatings were applied as well to this new deck. They were converted to F-35 carriers. On the same note, Australia's Canberra class ships are merely amphibious docks that also house helicopters, which once housed harriers. Yet they don't house any jets today, and they would need deck modification if they were to be converted to F-35 carriers, which may happen in the future as Spain is looking to do a similar thing, as Spain has its own ships that are the same as the Canberra class, as the Canberra class are in fact from Spain. However as of now, none of Australia or Spain's ships could be sensibly called aircraft carriers. You also wouldn't count Japan's Hyuga helicopter carrier as an aircraft carrier, because it has undergone zero changes to launch any jets, and it isn't planned to either, so it is a mere helicopter carrier. However the Izumo easily can be defined as aircraft carriers, and they aren't the same ships they were before modification. So what are the real numbers per nation, meaning carriers actually capable of launching high performance jets? The real number is below. USA = 20. China = 3. Japan = 2. UK = 2. India 2. France = 1. Italy = 1. Russia = 1. That's literally it, the above are the only large surface vessels in the world that actively house and can launch advanced jets. BTW I didn't include a few old carriers that can launch the Harrier, because the Harrier is not a high performance jet. Russia's is sitting in the shipyard being refurbished apparently, will it ever get back into service? The clear dominant power is the USA, which has more ships capable of launching advanced jets, than all other nations combined.
Brazil no longer has aircraft carriers. The one I had was very old, bought from France, powered by diesel and was sold to Turkey (if I'm not mistaken) to be dismantled.
O Brasil não tem porta-aviões. Ele tinha até recentemente o porta-aviões São Paulo mas a Marinha brasileira o afundou no oceano Atlântico porque ele já estava velho. O Brasil tem porta-helicópteros.
Verdade mais o Brasil tá pra Recebe um porta aviões da qui pra 2040 mais avançado, mais o Brasil deixou de construir um porta aviões pra construir submarinos mais avançados e já deu início na construção do submarino Nuclear
O vídeo em si trata de embarcações que carregam aeronaves, não necessariamente porta-aviões. Os dois números apresentados como carriers brasileiros no vídeo tratam-se do NAe Atlântico (A-140), que é de fato um transportador de aeronaves, e o Navio Doca Multipropósito Bahia (NDM Bahia), que pode transportar entre 3 e 4 helicópteros em seu convés.
Everyone needs more than their salary to be financial stable. The best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly, because money left for saving always end up used with no returns.
Am looking for something to venture into on a short term basis, I really need to create an alternate source of income, what do you think I should be buying?
A replica of Spain's Juan Carlos-class aircraft carrier has been built in Turkiye. I want to understand why "TCG Anadolu" did not include Turkiye in the list. While you were shooting the video, he had already started his duty in Turkiye?
Everyone always wants to talk down on the US at times rightly so. Make no mistake about it we have the capability and technology to defend freedom on all fronts. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸.
Авианосцем считается корабль способный нести около 90 самолётов и поднять в воздух одновр-но не менее 60 из них. Корабль несущий 5 самолётов и способный одновр-но поднять 3-4, авианосцем ни в коей мере не считается!
Ну да ,всё остальное авианесущие корабли.А конвертированные крейсеры и линкоры в теории могут ими считаться?Крейсера могут переносить около 60 ,линкоры больше 90.Конвертация в том плане,что остаётся чистая палуба ,и практически всё вооружение удаляется.Палуба дополнительно бронируется и снабжается тросами и всем необходимым для посадки и взлёта самолёта.И самолёты обычно идут специальные палубные или обычные тоже можно сажать.
As an Australian I know our two; HMAS Sydney and Melbourne are both scrapped. US total should be close to 100. All carriers fromUSS Langley to the latest Gerald Ford class.
There is always talk of missiles, the carriers can be used anywhere and could fire missiles from any direction. Aircraft carriers are the best fighting machine there is
@@berserker3886такое себе если честно.Авиация сейчас летит значительно дальше и в таких крупных авианосцах с системой катапульты нет сильной нужды.Грубо говоря потратя эти же деньги на линкор или другой тяжёлый корабль,выгода была бы такая же
@@bondy5806 kann das Zeug nicht verstehen aber könnte mir vorstellen was es bedeutet Nein eine hxperschall Atom Rakete ist kein Möglichkeit einen Carrier zu zertören Russland kann einfach von 4 Seiten aus beschossen werden ohne eine einen Atomwaffe das ist ja der Vorteil auch die sofortige luftüberlegenheit ist da
Yes you are absolutely Right . And USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers . Other countries in the video that have only helicopter carrier . He made mistake he takes wrong google data .
O Porta-helicópteros brasileiro é grande o suficiente para decolar aviões, porém o custo para adapta-lo não compensa sendo mais fácil comprar um pronto ou desenvolver 100% nacionalmente.
У РФ никогда не было авианосца, был авианесущий крейсер и тот сломался после похода в Сирию , с ремонта неизвестно когда выйдет и выйдет ли вообще, так что считать его за боевую единицу не как нельзя
Это всего лишь условность что-бы он мог проходить через проливы Басфор и Дарданеллы, основная его функция это нести на себе авиацию, крылатые ракеты вспомогательная штука. А вообще в этом видео за авианосцы считают даже вертолётоносцы, например вертолётоносные крейсера Японии.
@@Divanodav-q8x Классификация для всех одна, просто иногда нужно обойти некоторые согласования, которые блокируют проходы кораблям определенного класса.
Não é isso que importa, no passado porta aviões era indispensável pois era uma arma necessária, mas hoje os tempos são outros, e isso é completamente normal, armas e equipamentos substituírem outras armas. Hoje o porta aviões se tornou um grande alvo, tanto é que os EUA tiveram que sair do golfo pérsico com seu porta aviões, o que ta mandando agora são os míssel hipersônicos
What you say is wrong, the rockets only work theoretically and carriers are always important because you can have air superiority everywhere immediately
para de falar merda mano... porta avioes sao importantes demais, se vc quiser atacar um inimigo mantendo superioridade aérea... e nem precisa invadir, so ficar tacando bomba no inimigo...
Если на перспективу хз конечно на сколько они эффективны будут, ну очень привлекательная и дорогая цель. Но с другой стороны, передвижная авио-база это круто.
Fock, the US has 20 carrier battle groups ! With 20 vice admirals leading each battle group ! The US navy is massive , and promotion opportunities career progression abound
Russia's only aircraft carrier caught fire few years ago and last time we heard it was crushed by a crane collapsing on it in a shipyard. On the other hand, there is an idea to help the Russian armed forces: Putin could turn his desk into a small aircraft carrier if he put it in the bathtub😂.
Me: Wondering why they all have the same number, 69 written on them. After 30 seconds of watching I realised they were all the same model being displayed. LMAO
First you have to understand the definition of aircraft carrier .Why it is necessary .It depends on its type, class and need in warfare. For example, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has a helicopter destroyer not an aircraft carrier.
А чё ракетоносцы существенный вклад внесут в современнцю войну дронов, беспилотников и коптеров? Думаю эффектнее и эффективнее иметь малый корабль способный тихо и незаметно приплыть, затем послать роботов-самолетов и выполнить миссию.
The bottom line people is that the US owns the seas! We have the best, most capable carriers and crews in the world! Not to mention the fleet that accompanies each carrier. That's why it's called a carrier fleet! I was stationed aboard the Kitty Hawk from '71 to '73..........Tonkin Gulf Yaght Club.
Brazil have 2 helicopter carriers . Not aircraft carrier . In reality USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers . Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers . Video maker guy made mistake . I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier .
The title of the video is misleading because France 🇨🇵 currently only has one aircraft carrier (the second under construction for over 10 years but hey... les Grèves etc...) and 3 Helicopter doors
Bro u made wrong vidoe 😂 Aircraft carrier and helicopter carrier are different . Brazil ,Thailand, Spain, Australia , Italy, Egypt , South korea france Japan have helicopter carrier . This countries have not aircraft carrier . USA Russia china India UK have aircraft carriers . This countries are capable to make their own aircraft carrier . Plz study in detail . Don't spread missinform . Hope u learn somthing today and makes accurate vidoes in future . Support you to from india 🙏❤️
Russia aircraft carrier had been broken for a long time, they just put it at the base and haven't used it for years. The reason they can't fix it because russia doesn't have the manpower expert to fix it ever since the soviet union collapsed.
This is ridiculous, Russia is the 4th largest industrial power. I have to disappoint you, Russia has a workforce of 86 million people. (with new territories). As for the ship, it was used in active service after the collapse of the USSR for a total of 25 years, it is now being overhauled and modernized and will be returned to active use at the beginning of next year.
@@justlove91762 If you don't believe me, then watch youtobe about the aircraft carrier, just a few months ago the ship caught on fire when they try to repair the ship. The repair of the ship had been going on for several years already but still no development, and the ship even caught smoked several times already. Maintenance aircraft carrier are very hard, russia may have the manpower but not enough expect for this type of ship.
@@gal.m.8669 USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers . Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers . Video maker guy made mistake . I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier . And same turkiye have helicopter carrier . Turyiye have not any aircraft carriers . Even spain have not any aircraft carriers .
@@mariosebastiani3214 I would call it an aircraft carrier, along with any other ship built to be capable of operating multiple fixed-wing combar aircraft. This video includes the USN's amphibious warfare ships in its aircraft carrier count, so Trieste should be counted, too.
The title of the video is misleading because France 🇨🇵 currently only has one aircraft carrier (the second under construction for over 10 years but hey... les Grèves etc...) and 3 Helicopter doors
Countries Secret Aircraft Carriers = USA 11 Russia 4 China 3 India 2 Italy 2 UK 2 France 1 Spain 1 Helicopter Carriers = USA 9 Japan 6 France 3 China 2 and 1 Under development Russia 2 Australia 2 South Korea 2 Egypt 2 Brazil 1 Thailand 1 India 1 Under Development
Russia's only aircraft carrier caught fire few years ago and last time we heard it was crushed by a crane collapsing on it in a shipyard. On the other hand, there is an idea to help the Russian armed forces: Putin could turn his desk into a small aircraft carrier if he put it in the bathtub😂.
@@СяргейСтрыгельскі конечно, кучка банкиров-растовщиков, учредителей фрс - убийц нескольких президентов США, развязывателей двух мировых войн и войн по всему свету - это офигительный выбор!!
REAL data : aircraft carrier numbers: china - 2 , US - 11
Нет Сша 13
The reality is that USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers .
Remain countries in the video they have helicopter carrier.
But video maker not study on that . That's why he makes the wrong video .
China = 3
Amerika = 19
@Amir Not really. Even Italian light aircraft carriers may carry F-35.
The data in this video is completely crazy and unreal
because you dont want it to be real
Half of the aircraft carriers in the video should be amphibious assault ship and they all have the same model the video is not very accurate at all
Helicopter carriers are added in them.
@@deusvultenjoyer8109 more and more helicopter carriers are becoming light carriers so it's not completely frivolous. "The F-35B made that possible
I think Iceland has 1 F35 B that can perform STOL maneuvers from a 20 ft Fishing Boat
France has one carrier and are currently constructing a second one. China has two, with another one yet to be commissioned. Unsure where you got these numbers from, unless you are counting helicopter carriers as well, which are not aircraft carriers.
Yes half these listed are helicopters carriers!
India have 2 aircraft carriers and 3rd is under construction .
Same china also .
USA have more than 10 aircraft carriers .
Only USA Russia China India and UK have aircraft carriers in the world .
Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers .
Video maker guy made mistake .
I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier .
@@amir2510 Thailand does have one also.
@@amir2510 Italy has 2, they carry the F-35B
@@amir2510 You forgot France. Charles De Gaulle's aircraft carrier is not a helicopter aircraft. It's a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for figther jets (Rafale).
Real data:
Usa(in service)-11
China(in service)-3
France(in service)-1
Many countries of that video have helicopter carrier not aircraft carrier
India - 2
And UK also have aircraft carrier..
And rest of these countries only have helicopter carrier..
Right Brother
Italy has 3 aircraft carriers since 2020:
- Giuseppe Garibaldi
- Cavour
- Trieste
@@maximilianpeer6098 Italy has two light weight aircraft carriers and one is a just 8000 tonne ship that shouldn't consider as aircraft carrier.
I don't know where they got the idea that Brazil has an aircraft carrier in its naval fleet, I'm Brazilian and it's a dream for me to have an aircraft carrier in our fleet. In our country we only have one helicopter carrier
The AC who were in France and the brazilian gov sunk a couples of month...
India has smaller😅
@@XLR83D---R3CONNA1S4NCE last time they were in action a new country was added 😂😂
@@diganta8286 it didn't 😂but you people must buying more small ships from Israel 💀😂
@@XLR83D---R3CONNA1S4NCE it didn't? Really? Then what is Bangladesh? 😂😂😂 You Chinese botb😂😂
The Egyptian Nation ❤ الأمة المصرية ❤
تحيا مصر ❤وتحيا الأمة المصرية الخالدة
Только авианосный флот америки несет демократию, мир и процветание!
You forgot *Ironie off
Eu amo a democracia... longe de mim! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Это был сарказм? )
Америка несёт смерть и войны ....
Excellent video ❤🎉❤
Авианосцы - очень удобная цель для гиперзвуковых ракет! Большая и заметная.
Как крейсер москва?
@@uadev9913 Как жопа твоей мамаши))
Solo entendí que eres pobre
@@uadev9913К чему это?
Там,такая защита ПВО,что ой-ой-ой.
Это не старое корыто,,ф. лагман москва"😂😂😂.
И американцы не такие глупые,что бы триллионы на ветер пускать.
I've never heard of Japan having an aircraft carrier.
I know that two helicopter anti-submarine patrol ships are being remodeled to enable carrier-like operations.
The list is flawed and misleading.
That is CV but avoid the regal provision ( law). Change class to be destroyer aircraft carrier ship but actually she is real CV.
They mostly were sunk during WW2...Since then we have become important ALLIES.
Сильно сомневаюсь, что авианесущий крейсер адмирал Кузнецов будет когда нибудь бороздить моря и океаны.
Во-первых это не совсем авианосец, а авианесущий крейсер, во-вторых Россия делает ставки на ракеты способные бороться с авианосцами, в третьих если не ошибаюсь в Мурманске строится авианосец "Российская Федерация"
Он так и написал ведь
Единственный российский авианосец загорелся несколько лет назад, и в последний раз мы слышали, что он был раздавлен обрушившимся на него краном на верфи. С другой стороны, есть идея помочь российским вооруженным силам: Путин мог бы превратить свой стол в небольшой авианосец, если бы поставил его в ванну😂.
@@kamunurkamunur3468 Этот авианосец старый. В Мурманске строится полноценный авианосец "Российская Федерация", если не ошибаюсь. А вообще, авианосцы это прошлый век, достаточно 1 хорошей ракеты и минус миллиарды долларов, впустую.
@@kamunurkamunur3468 вспомнился вдруг тот случай. Когда за несколько дней до 24.02.2022 президент Франции Эмманюэль Макрон приезжал в Москву на переговоры, и его посадили за 6-метровый стол с Путиным. На котором оба находились на противоположных сторонах.
Aircraft carriers are always important and versatile because they can be deployed quickly anywhere and have air superiority, which is essential
@user-ko5ew5vw6u Pfff you mean the propaganda rocket that if Russia uses it is intercepted before impact is not a ground target and after that Russia is screwed
@user-ko5ew5vw6u anti-missile tech lol, show of force, floating base to launch ground, sea and air attacks. powerful nations can show strength
Время авианосцев ушло, очень дорого обходятся, с каждым нужна группа кораблей для защиты и обслуги авианосца. А живучесть его почти ноль.
What the US considers escort carriers is what the rest of the world considers aircraft carriers. The US's fleet carriers, or super carriers, are another level entirely, with maybe China's under development being the closest in theory, but they seem to be a few decades behind.
Авианосец в современном мире, годится только как тренировочная площадка для моряков и авиаторов, в боевых условиях, они имеют много проблем.. Как сказал человек выше в комментарии: гиперзвуковые ракеты теперь представляют будущее. Нет нужды иметь целую флотилию, что бы наносить точные удары по дальним точкам.
Да и в целом, авианосцы создавались с целью дальней обороны или нападения,есть более совершенные и дешёвые средства обороны.
Helicopter carriers are not aircraft carriers. By that logic, even Corvettes which carry 1 helicopter may be called aircraft carriers.
Hi bro rate my works also
Helicopter carriers such a Frances “Mistral” Carrier carry’s up to 16 helicopters for assault and transport purposes. Big difference.
@@MrAmhara A true carrier should carry fixed wing aircraft to provide air defence and longer range air strike capability
US Marine vessels like the former Tarawa Class which could manage at least STOVL ops can qualify as carriers.
Helicopter carriers are Aircraft carriers because most countries still operate jets from them. Like the US does with Harriers and F35s
Nicely done, Puts it into perspective
К 0:45 -- у Британии теперь 1 авианосец. "Принц Уэльский" списали на запчасти из-за постоянных проблем с гребными и винтами.
Absolutely !amazing...
I wish all the best from 🇵🇱🕊️🤝
China 5 ???? They have two operational and third one is in ongoing sea trail how it becomes 5 ???
exactly and USA have 11 and video says 20 XD, meanwhile japan have 0 and video says 4 and same for france as they got 1
Y Brasil no tiene porta aviones.
And that folks is why America is the most powerful nation in the World!!
Yes indeed. Well, maybe except for Vietnam and Afghanistan.
The aircraft carrier 🛫 that Spain (0:10 🇪🇸) has is called: “Juan Carlos I”. Proud that we are among the countries that have aircraft carriers. 💪🏻😎
We Indians Also Have It self Manufacturing
Maliyeti faydalarından daha fazladır
That's not aircraft carrier .
Only USA Russia china India UK France have aircraft carrier .
He adds helicopter carrier 😂
@Amir Probably carriers for search and rescue but what's really important isn't who owns military equipment but rather who manufacturers it
@@amir2510 que mala es la envidia no es un porta bicicletas 😅😅😅😅🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦😆😆🇪🇦💪💪💪💪VIVA Franco
Seeing the Indian flag is an emotion🇮🇳❤️
You can't count helicopter carriers and amphibious assault ships as aircraft carriers unless they are USA helicopter assault ships which do carry F-35's
So do Italian ones
@@mariosebastiani3214 The Italian Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi are aircraft carriers. The Trieste which can handle F-35 is not in service yet to my knowledge as it's in sea trials
@@scovillerepublic5940 Not only still in sea trials, it is a different kind of platform. While bigger than the Cavour, it will be able to accomodate just a dozen F-35B or so, in favor of carrying more helicopters and having a flooding deck for amphibious operations. It is classified as LHD.
@@mariosebastiani3214 100% correct. A much more versatile platform than Cavour and perfect for Mediterranean deployment
@@scovillerepublic5940 Well, Cavour showed up to be pretty versatile itself. But yes, I'd rather have 2 Trieste than one and one. Especially with the increase in natural disasters along the coastlines, where these could bring real relief to the population. I think of the earthquake in Turkey for example.
Actually, if you consider all types of ships capable of aircraft operations, such as amphibious assault ships and helicopter carriers, Italy has 4 carriers: The Cavour, the Giuseppe Garibaldi and two of the three San Giorgio-class landing dock ships were reconstructed to amphibious assault ships with limited aircraft operation capabilities. The two latter ones will soon be replaced by the Trieste, a more modern and larger amphibious assault ship similar to the spanish Juan Carlos I.
And if the USA included all these bullshit, non Aircraft Carriers? We'd be looking at what? 60?
Even with this destructive piece of shit, we're the best.
well, no - then no again... you need to stop at the "actually" then get in your spot. then pick a team and contribute! or - - - lose. not hard.
@@decibellone696 Sorry, but i really don't know what you want to say.
@@marinequeyras5863 doch
Indonesia yoo 🇮🇩👏👏👏🇮🇩semangat nduwe siji siji lah
There is also an aircraft carrier in Turkey, my friend🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺❕
You guys can carry only 💩
That is a drone carrier not Aircraft Carrier this list is too flawed from what I know only 6 countries have technology to build modern Aircraft Carriers(🇺🇲🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇳🇬🇧🇫🇷)
@@BHARATIYA_TIGERDude, no one knows because it has just been built, but there is an aircraft carrier in Turkey.
That's not an aircraft carrier, it's an amphibious assault ship@@BHARATIYA_TIGER
Please tell me the name of background music
De que sirve tener tantos contra los misiles hipersonicos 🤔
บทความทหารเป็นความลับ เรื่องจริงไม่เปิดเผย ข้อมูลคลาดเคลื่อน ดูเจตนาผู้นำเสนอ
Brazil doesn't have an aircraft carrier anymore.
Piye opo ora iso, aq ngomong ngene ora ngerti dek ne
The video may be wrong, but the infants in the comment section are highly uneducated, by claiming Japan only has helicopter carriers.
These youtube comment infants should keep up with what is happening in the world, but I guess that's too hard for them. While the Izumo were the world's longest helicopter carriers originally, their entire deck has been heavily modified, they are a large rectangular ship now, and also coatings were applied as well to this new deck. They were converted to F-35 carriers.
On the same note, Australia's Canberra class ships are merely amphibious docks that also house helicopters, which once housed harriers. Yet they don't house any jets today, and they would need deck modification if they were to be converted to F-35 carriers, which may happen in the future as Spain is looking to do a similar thing, as Spain has its own ships that are the same as the Canberra class, as the Canberra class are in fact from Spain. However as of now, none of Australia or Spain's ships could be sensibly called aircraft carriers.
You also wouldn't count Japan's Hyuga helicopter carrier as an aircraft carrier, because it has undergone zero changes to launch any jets, and it isn't planned to either, so it is a mere helicopter carrier.
However the Izumo easily can be defined as aircraft carriers, and they aren't the same ships they were before modification.
So what are the real numbers per nation, meaning carriers actually capable of launching high performance jets? The real number is below.
USA = 20.
China = 3.
Japan = 2.
UK = 2.
India 2.
France = 1.
Italy = 1.
Russia = 1.
That's literally it, the above are the only large surface vessels in the world that actively house and can launch advanced jets. BTW I didn't include a few old carriers that can launch the Harrier, because the Harrier is not a high performance jet.
Russia's is sitting in the shipyard being refurbished apparently, will it ever get back into service?
The clear dominant power is the USA, which has more ships capable of launching advanced jets, than all other nations combined.
Brazil no longer has aircraft carriers. The one I had was very old, bought from France, powered by diesel and was sold to Turkey (if I'm not mistaken) to be dismantled.
The only 3 countries that have their aircraft carriers equipped with catapult technology are USA, France, China.
@@JohnKickboxing what? 😂😂😂
@@O_MagroBranco The video showing aircraft carriers above is all catapult type. 🤣
@@JohnKickboxing hmmmm
@@JohnKickboxingrussia have 1 and one avia creiser
Excelente Video. Muy interesante el poderío naval de estos paises.
O Brasil não tem porta-aviões. Ele tinha até recentemente o porta-aviões São Paulo mas a Marinha brasileira o afundou no oceano Atlântico porque ele já estava velho. O Brasil tem porta-helicópteros.
Verdade mais o Brasil tá pra Recebe um porta aviões da qui pra 2040 mais avançado, mais o Brasil deixou de construir um porta aviões pra construir submarinos mais avançados e já deu início na construção do submarino Nuclear
O vídeo em si trata de embarcações que carregam aeronaves, não necessariamente porta-aviões. Os dois números apresentados como carriers brasileiros no vídeo tratam-se do NAe Atlântico (A-140), que é de fato um transportador de aeronaves, e o Navio Doca Multipropósito Bahia (NDM Bahia), que pode transportar entre 3 e 4 helicópteros em seu convés.
Não sabia disso
Everyone needs more than their salary to be financial stable. The best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly, because money left for saving always end up used with no returns.
Who is your financial coach, do you mind hooking me?
Am looking for something to venture into on a short term basis, I really need to create an alternate source of income, what do you think I should be buying?
@@maxiecharles2842 Cryptocurrency investment, but you will need a professional guide on that.
Facebook 👇
Evelyn C. Sanders
A replica of Spain's Juan Carlos-class aircraft carrier has been built in Turkiye. I want to understand why "TCG Anadolu" did not include Turkiye in the list. While you were shooting the video, he had already started his duty in Turkiye?
Everyone always wants to talk down on the US at times rightly so. Make no mistake about it we have the capability and technology to defend freedom on all fronts. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸.
Shut up
The real data that US ,china ,india,russia,France ,Italy and Uk have aircraft carrier rest of have helecopter carrier
Rússia não tem.
Recent satellite imagery showed large cracks in the landing gear on China's aircraft carriers, indicating they were unusable.
China’s carriers have landing gear?
@@filster1934наверное имелось в виду самолёты палубные,которые на нём находяться
Авианосцем считается корабль способный нести около 90
самолётов и поднять в воздух одновр-но не менее 60 из
них. Корабль несущий 5 самолётов и способный одновр-но
поднять 3-4, авианосцем ни в коей мере не считается!
при всем уважении...откуда инфа?..на чём основаны ваши утверждения?
В "Савейскам Саюсе" заканчивал военное училище. Сойдёт?
Ну да ,всё остальное авианесущие корабли.А конвертированные крейсеры и линкоры в теории могут ими считаться?Крейсера могут переносить около 60 ,линкоры больше 90.Конвертация в том плане,что остаётся чистая палуба ,и практически всё вооружение удаляется.Палуба дополнительно бронируется и снабжается тросами и всем необходимым для посадки и взлёта самолёта.И самолёты обычно идут специальные палубные или обычные тоже можно сажать.
Im betting that some time in the next 2 years the US finds out that an Aircraft carrier is just a big floating target in modern warfare.
Turkey 🇹🇷 has one too
Hi bro rate my works also
You ask too much
I am not afraid of anything having so big Fleet of ships keeping peace on our planet.
As an Australian I know our two; HMAS Sydney and Melbourne are both scrapped. US total should be close to 100. All carriers fromUSS Langley to the latest Gerald Ford class.
choppers carriers
USA: our deadly fleet has 20 aircraft carriers;
Russians: Mmm, what a big mess
все 20 пойдут на дно)
Con los mísiles hipersónicos de largo alcance, los portaaviones no pueden marcar la diferencia.
There is always talk of missiles, the carriers can be used anywhere and could fire missiles from any direction. Aircraft carriers are the best fighting machine there is
@@berserker3886такое себе если честно.Авиация сейчас летит значительно дальше и в таких крупных авианосцах с системой катапульты нет сильной нужды.Грубо говоря потратя эти же деньги на линкор или другой тяжёлый корабль,выгода была бы такая же
@@bondy5806 kann das Zeug nicht verstehen aber könnte mir vorstellen was es bedeutet
Nein eine hxperschall Atom Rakete ist kein Möglichkeit einen Carrier zu zertören
Russland kann einfach von 4 Seiten aus beschossen werden ohne eine einen Atomwaffe das ist ja der Vorteil auch die sofortige luftüberlegenheit ist da
When this video was published the São Paulo was already sunk.
Aircraft carriers are so awesome!! 💯
Artık Türkiyenin de var ve dünyada ilk insansız Tcg Anadolu
brasil ja nao tem portavioes tinha o sao paulo mas ja nao tem isso nao esta atualizado esse canal
Presently, Australia doesnt have any Aircraft Carrier, nor does china have five. This list is incorrect.
I think he added helicopter carriers.
กองทัพแข็งแกร่งและคุณภาพของชาติ ญี่ปุ่น เกาหลีใต้ ไต้หวัน จีน เกาหลีเหนือ
รัสเซีย คาซัคสถาน เบรารุส เซอร์เบีย แอลเบเนีย กรีซ ฟินแลนด์ โปแลนด์ สวีเดน ฝรั่งเศส อังกฤษ เยอรมัน อิตาลี สเปน เบลเยี่ยม สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ ออสเตรีย ฮังการี โครเอเชีย โรมาเนีย เช็ก ตุรกี อิหร่าน อิรัก ซีเรีย ยูเออี กาตาร์ ซาอุดิอาระเบีย คูเวต อินเดีย ปากีสถาน ไทย มาเลเซีย เวียดนาม ออสเตรเลีย แอฟริกาใต้ แองโกลา โมร็อกโก
Brasil tem porta helicópteros não tem mais porta aviões infelizmente
Yes you are absolutely Right .
And USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers .
Other countries in the video that have only helicopter carrier .
He made mistake he takes wrong google data .
Both helicopters and fighter jets are aircraft. A helicopter carrier can launch a vertical takeoff fighter jet if needed.
@@MrAmhara both have .
Study abouts that .
Many differences are their .
O Porta-helicópteros brasileiro é grande o suficiente para decolar aviões, porém o custo para adapta-lo não compensa sendo mais fácil comprar um pronto ou desenvolver 100% nacionalmente.
@@amir2510Rússia não tem
Makeup a new listing for which allied countries has the most carriers total combined Force afloat
Thailand, South Korea,Brazil and Turkeye have Helicopter Carrier not Air craft carriers.
Alright this ranking analysis is pretty messed up.... I think the channel is counting helicopter careers/docks as well!
20 aircraft carriers means there are 2 more ships available at the end of the year. There may be 24 aircraft carriers by the end of 2024
У РФ никогда не было авианосца, был авианесущий крейсер и тот сломался после похода в Сирию , с ремонта неизвестно когда выйдет и выйдет ли вообще, так что считать его за боевую единицу не как нельзя
Вышел из ремонта и недавно был в походе до Черного моря 😊
Это всего лишь условность что-бы он мог проходить через проливы Басфор и Дарданеллы, основная его функция это нести на себе авиацию, крылатые ракеты вспомогательная штука. А вообще в этом видео за авианосцы считают даже вертолётоносцы, например вертолётоносные крейсера Японии.
Чел, авианесущий крейсер = авианосец. У разных стран разная классификация
@@Divanodav-q8x Классификация для всех одна, просто иногда нужно обойти некоторые согласования, которые блокируют проходы кораблям определенного класса.
@@ТимурЖаворонков-м1кну вообще конверсированные линкоры и крейсеры ,можно считать авианосцами
Expensive carrier
Não é isso que importa, no passado porta aviões era indispensável pois era uma arma necessária, mas hoje os tempos são outros, e isso é completamente normal, armas e equipamentos substituírem outras armas.
Hoje o porta aviões se tornou um grande alvo, tanto é que os EUA tiveram que sair do golfo pérsico com seu porta aviões, o que ta mandando agora são os míssel hipersônicos
Pois é... e drones fazem a festa...
a lot of mistakes....
Это круто 🇱🇷
What you say is wrong, the rockets only work theoretically and carriers are always important because you can have air superiority everywhere immediately
para de falar merda mano... porta avioes sao importantes demais, se vc quiser atacar um inimigo mantendo superioridade aérea... e nem precisa invadir, so ficar tacando bomba no inimigo...
nice video
I thought there was only one left in the UK, and in the USA there are only 11 of them on the move and 2 are being sawed for scrap metal
Если на перспективу хз конечно на сколько они эффективны будут, ну очень привлекательная и дорогая цель. Но с другой стороны, передвижная авио-база это круто.
В чём сила америки?! 😁
@@Николай-1854 👈🐓🐓🐓😂
@@Николай-1854 Во всем - вооруженные силы, экономика, наука, передовые технологии, уровень жизни - список очень длинный
@@kamunurkamunur3468 Так не пойдёт - где ФАКТЫ?! Факты в студию, домыслы, сопли, эмоции себе оставьте... По порядку - 1)вооружение... Жду.
Что там за авианосец у России? Кто знает?
Адмирал Кузнецов
@Sunset line 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👌
@@mayor1-divan_. дифицит 😂
@Sunset line Да крейсеры! Да вот только у нас не 1 А 4 их! Почему тогда тут 1 показывают, не понятно!
Interesting video, but let's be real, only one nation has a carrier fleet that can project its power at will.
Türkiye 1. TCG Anadolu is an amphibious assault ship of the Turkish Navy that can be configured as a V/STOL aircraft carrier.
Update this video because Türkiye :1. Twin of Spain's Juan Carlos aircraft carrier. Thanks 🇪🇸!
1😊 like
Magnifica melodia impone poder y grandeza como se hace llamar esa melodia?
Fock, the US has 20 carrier battle groups ! With 20 vice admirals leading each battle group ! The US navy is massive , and promotion opportunities career progression abound
Russia's only aircraft carrier caught fire few years ago and last time we heard it was crushed by a crane collapsing on it in a shipyard. On the other hand, there is an idea to help the Russian armed forces: Putin could turn his desk into a small aircraft carrier if he put it in the bathtub😂.
The story is that it caught fire, but since its powerplant smokes like a burning tire dump, how could anyone tell?
Yeah you should distinguish between aircraft carrier, helicopter carrier and amphibious landing ship
my country has 79 of them. I am from Greece and we have 79 islands in our country.
you are a joker...
Me: Wondering why they all have the same number, 69 written on them. After 30 seconds of watching I realised they were all the same model being displayed. LMAO
First you have to understand the definition of aircraft carrier .Why it is necessary .It depends on its type, class and need in warfare. For example, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has a helicopter destroyer not an aircraft carrier.
Hello Mavericks top noch crew🎱
А чё ракетоносцы существенный вклад внесут в современнцю войну дронов, беспилотников и коптеров?
Думаю эффектнее и эффективнее иметь малый корабль способный тихо и незаметно приплыть, затем послать роботов-самолетов и выполнить миссию.
это давно просчитывали. щас время другое. 1 кинжал на дно со всеми самолетами авианосец пошлет@@georgiyzakharov6107
italy 3: IT Giuseppe Garibaldi, IT Cavour and IT Trieste.
The bottom line people is that the US owns the seas! We have the best, most capable carriers and crews in the world! Not to mention the fleet that accompanies each carrier. That's why it's called a carrier fleet! I was stationed aboard the Kitty Hawk from '71 to '73..........Tonkin Gulf Yaght Club.
But maybe if you spent your tax payers dollars on infrastructure and healthcare, the average US citizen would benefit,
Владимир из России стал на ваши кораблики с помощью кинжалов.
Когда то я наблюдал в перископ "Интерпрайз", и ваш " сикинг " висел над трубой РДП моей подлодки. 🤝
@@Николай-ц1ъ9двладимир из кремля понимает что АУГ не пятиэтажка в Харькове, а вот вам в уши он лапшу кладёт
Not every carrier saying “69” at the end 💀
O Brasil poderia pelo menos ter 2 desses navios de guerra 🇧🇷⛴️⛴️
Na verdade não tem nenhum kkkkk o porta aviões São Paulo já foi desativado
Brazil have 2 helicopter carriers .
Not aircraft carrier .
In reality USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers .
Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers .
Video maker guy made mistake .
I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier .
@@rotenesroy1051 e se eu não estiver errado, já deve estar embaixo do oceano
@@ibizablack6978 exatamente
@@amir2510Rússia não tem. França tem.
Have you noticed the number that is on the deck of the aircraft carriers? 69 Dude! Thumbs Up to the author.
Hi bro rate my works also 🙏
La mayoría solo tiene porta helicópteros y no porta aviones, los datos son incorrectos
Hi bro rate my works also
The title of the video is misleading because France 🇨🇵 currently only has one aircraft carrier (the second under construction for over 10 years but hey... les Grèves etc...) and 3 Helicopter doors
I was so confused at first, they are just using the general model to represent the carrier.
Bro u made wrong vidoe 😂
Aircraft carrier and helicopter carrier are different .
Brazil ,Thailand, Spain, Australia , Italy, Egypt , South korea france Japan have helicopter carrier .
This countries have not aircraft carrier .
USA Russia china India UK have aircraft carriers .
This countries are capable to make their own aircraft carrier .
Plz study in detail . Don't spread missinform .
Hope u learn somthing today and makes accurate vidoes in future .
Support you to from india 🙏❤️
Hi bro rate my works also
Italy can operate the F-35B from the carriers, so the are indeed aircraft carriers.
Rússia não tem.
I think the question we are all really asking is "HOW THE F- IS EGYPT ABLE TO AFFORD TWO AIRCRAFT CARRIERS?!"
Russia aircraft carrier had been broken for a long time, they just put it at the base and haven't used it for years. The reason they can't fix it because russia doesn't have the manpower expert to fix it ever since the soviet union collapsed.
This is ridiculous, Russia is the 4th largest industrial power. I have to disappoint you, Russia has a workforce of 86 million people. (with new territories). As for the ship, it was used in active service after the collapse of the USSR for a total of 25 years, it is now being overhauled and modernized and will be returned to active use at the beginning of next year.
@@justlove91762 If you don't believe me, then watch youtobe about the aircraft carrier, just a few months ago the ship caught on fire when they try to repair the ship.
The repair of the ship had been going on for several years already but still no development, and the ship even caught smoked several times already.
Maintenance aircraft carrier are very hard, russia may have the manpower but not enough expect for this type of ship.
@@justlove91762 Russia can't even beat Ukraine. Stow it until you've even sailed down the new lake you made in the Dnipro!
@@davefranklyn7730 ngomong opo cok koe bedes
@@davefranklyn7730 ngomong opo cok koe bedes
It's not how many each country has that matters😉 it's how many combined carriers is there in one force of allied countries 💥🩸🧔🧑🍼🗽
You forgot Turkey
@@dfar2303 Why not? Its model is based on the Spanish model
@@gal.m.8669 USA Russia china India and UK have aircraft carriers .
Other countries which shown in video they have aircraft carriers .
Video maker guy made mistake .
I think he confused between aircraft and helicopter carrier .
And same turkiye have helicopter carrier .
Turyiye have not any aircraft carriers .
Even spain have not any aircraft carriers .
@@amir2510 I agree with you but I thought he was going for a slightly broader definition in the video that's why I mentioned Turkey.
What software is this???
I like this powerful aircraft
actually, Italy has 3 aircraft carriers:
1) C551 "Garibaldi",
2) CVH 550 "Cavour",
3) L9890 "Trieste" (the latter being completed)
Trieste is not an aircraft carrier; it is an (excellent) amphibious landing platform with STOVL capability.
@@mariosebastiani3214 ok, but it's cool to say it's an aircraft carrier ;)
Зачем Италии авианосец, где и кого пугать?
Нам нужно вас напугать, русские идиоты.@@user-zm7uh7eu5z
@@mariosebastiani3214 I would call it an aircraft carrier, along with any other ship built to be capable of operating multiple fixed-wing combar aircraft. This video includes the USN's amphibious warfare ships in its aircraft carrier count, so Trieste should be counted, too.
wow that great americana navy...
good keep up american shipyard drydock must build many more better bigger strongger aircratfta carriers
About France they have only 1 ???? How it became 4 ??
Doivent compter les portes hélicoptères ?
The title of the video is misleading because France 🇨🇵 currently only has one aircraft carrier (the second under construction for over 10 years but hey... les Grèves etc...) and 3 Helicopter doors
Countries Secret
Aircraft Carriers =
USA 11
Russia 4
China 3
India 2
Italy 2
UK 2
France 1
Spain 1
Helicopter Carriers =
Japan 6
France 3
China 2 and 1 Under development
Russia 2
Australia 2
South Korea 2
Egypt 2
Brazil 1
Thailand 1
India 1 Under Development
Russia's only aircraft carrier caught fire few years ago and last time we heard it was crushed by a crane collapsing on it in a shipyard. On the other hand, there is an idea to help the Russian armed forces: Putin could turn his desk into a small aircraft carrier if he put it in the bathtub😂.
Keichy Rewin said frist spot in FSm.
Они нужны США наводить свои "порядки" в мире, где отказываются от доллара.
Где один человек хочет править пожизненно и убивать, сажать всех- кто с эти не согласен...
@@СяргейСтрыгельскі конечно, кучка банкиров-растовщиков, учредителей фрс - убийц нескольких президентов США, развязывателей двух мировых войн и войн по всему свету - это офигительный выбор!!