True and False Prophets - Pr. Doug Batchelor

  • Опубликовано: 28 фев 2015

Комментарии • 86

  • @Shilashmurmu
    @Shilashmurmu 4 года назад

    From India
    I love to listen the sermon.

  • @machiscopac
    @machiscopac 7 лет назад +2

    I watch from Amsterdam God bless you pastor Doug

  • @gladysvarvie8261
    @gladysvarvie8261 7 лет назад +5

    Pastor Dough, the bit about how you were convinced through the Great Controversy by E.G. White makes me recall that I was the same. Married to a Seventh Day Adventist and coming from a different denomination, I was not convinced about the Seventh Day Sabbath, until I had read and re-read this book, including Daniel 7: 25 & Matthew 5: 17-19. I was baptized in 1994 and am still keeping my faith, and will live my life being a Seventh Day Adventist whatever comes. God bless you.

  • @audreynorton7615
    @audreynorton7615 8 лет назад +1

    Thank You Pastor. God Has Chosen You To Do His Work. I Always Love Listening To Your Sermons. I will Keep Praying For you Also.

  • @mariejosieprou7254
    @mariejosieprou7254 Год назад

    Thank you! Wonderful, uplifting hymnal. It is very hard for me, i have been living in a deep depression since 2013, after i have been physically abused by my ex spouse, sustained a horrible head trauma. Please help me in your prayers, i need prayers, please. I am still suffering from the head pain frontal area. Thank you so very much.

  • @franciscoleonardo151
    @franciscoleonardo151 7 лет назад +2

    I love the Sabbath you get to know Jesus so well and love Him

  • @teo5836
    @teo5836 3 года назад

    Hus died in 1415, Luther rose to protest in 1517!!BASICALLY SPOT ON ACCURATE!!

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 8 лет назад

    Things are moving quickly prophetically. What one big sign should Christians be looking for in regards to Christs return?

    • @josephho3099
      @josephho3099 8 лет назад +2

      +J Day Matthew 24:37King James Version (KJV)37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Extreme rebellion against the word and people of God. Sodom and Gomorrah, sexual immorality, homosexuality, One world religion, The rise of antichrist man of false peace. Persecution of Christians. All gather against Israel. War.

  • @tammygaddy4126
    @tammygaddy4126 8 лет назад


  • @thebestcommentary788
    @thebestcommentary788 7 лет назад

    They are a funny couple LoL. Awesome set up there with the lights and the white piano. Where is that church if anyone knows?

  • @evabrown2099
    @evabrown2099 8 лет назад

    where is the lyric of that beautiful song @ the beginning of the program? Please share it with us. Thank you

  • @donnachavez8230
    @donnachavez8230 7 лет назад

    Amos 1:2-The Lord will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shep­herds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither.
    This scripture, you see, reflects the tragedy which took place on the top of Carmel in the days of Elijah. Here we are given the hint that there is to be another show-down between the prophet of God and the prophets of Baal. The prophets of Baal in our day even boast that they are not inspired, that what they teach and preach is what they themselves discovered by deep study and research! They even sneer at those who claim to be inspired of the Lord! They seem to think that God has forsaken the earth; that He cares not to send His Spirit as in former time; that men are now so wise that what the Spirit can do for them, they themselves can do even better? The truth is, though, that if there ever was a need for inspired interpreters of the Scriptures, it is today while many winds of doctrines are blowing from all directions, bringing in confusion, dissension, and disaster everywhere. No one sees eye to eye!
    Of this sad condition the Spirit of Prophecy warns:
    "Those who allow prejudice to bar the mind against the reception of truth can not receive the divine en­lightenment. Yet, when a view of Scripture is presented, many do not ask, Is it true,-in harmony with God's word? but, By whom is it advocated? and unless it comes through the very channel that pleases them, they do not accept it. So thoroughly satisfied are they with their own ideas, that they will not examine the Scripture evidence, with a desire to learn, but refuse to be interested, merely because of their prejudices.
    The Lord often works where we least expect Him; He surprises us by revealing His power through instru­ments of His own choice, while He passes by the men to whom we have looked as those through whom light should come. God desires us to receive the truth upon its own merits,-because it is truth."-Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 105, 106.
    Zechariah 4 proves that ONLY through God's chosen men, His prophets, will be given the inspiration through the Holy Spirit of Truth for interpretation of scriptures. Through these men or women will flow the oil to feed the ministers who in turn feed the flock. ALL others are false prophets. This is why we see so many different winds of doctrine, even in the SDA church. Knowing this first, that no prophecy is of any private interpretation. 2Peter 1:20

  • @preddo53
    @preddo53 8 лет назад +1

    So where in the bible does it say you go to heaven, it says no man has ever gone to heaven except the man who came down, it also says the dead know nothing. So if the dead know nothing then you're dead, asleep, don't people read His word.

    • @chochojesusjunior
      @chochojesusjunior 8 лет назад

      +peter reddington Then you don't believe the Revelation of John, Neither do you believe that " WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" Though people might mistaken the Bosom of Abraham to be where God is, yet since where Abraham is, not being Hell, then we can use Heaven or Paradise for that place, if you could quite remember on the Cross when Christ told da guy who defended him that " I say to you, you will join me in Paradise.

    • @preddo53
      @preddo53 8 лет назад

      But you don't go to heaven when you die, it says, the dead know nothing, again it says, no man has ever gone to heaven but the one who came down, Christ says, heaven is my fathers abode. Christ is coming back to earth, why would you go to heaven, stop listening to the church. Your guides teach you error.

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      +peter reddington enoch and moses and elijah all in heaven

    • @preddo53
      @preddo53 8 лет назад

      Sorry it does not, it says Enoch was no more, it doesn't say he went to heaven. The word of God says no man has ever gone to heaven, only the one who came down from heaven. God says heaven is my abode. His.

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +1

      so your saying that Enoch just went poof!! lol

  • @letsgobrandon1178
    @letsgobrandon1178 6 лет назад

    He believes in the Trinity. But Jesus never taught a Trinity. John 17:3?. How many devine beings did Jesus say we need to know?

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 8 лет назад +3

    I grew up in a penticostal cult. After watching many sermons and studying the background of SDA, my personal opinion is they lean heavily in this direction, cultish. The big one that stands out to me is the emphasis on E. G. White. Our WHOLE observation and learning should come from the bible. Too many weird things about White I can't believe people have fallen for. The teaching of the dead is another issue I believe has been misintrepted by SDA. A lot of assumptions being made that are not scriptural. The new covenant does not discount the commandants but where there is sacrifice there is freedom. Controlling people by saying you must give your sabbath on the exact 7th day is wrong. If Paul said you are in the presence of a friend is offended my your food or drink then do not offend the brother. I don't know the scripture at this moment but Paul discussed elevate not one day over another. Everyday is the sabbath. Let's not focus on the mundane!!

    • @thelasttrumpet8677
      @thelasttrumpet8677 7 лет назад +3

      Question, is it the Seventh day Adventist church setting the day or of worship or is God setting the day. There is a big difference. At the Garden of Eden God created the Sabbath day read Genesis 2:1-2. The command t keep this day was enshrined in the fourth commandment which begins with the words remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. According to this scripture the idea that every day is Sabbath is wrong. While it is true that we are called to worship God every day, the Bible clearly states that the Seventh day is the Sabbath set apart for rest and worship. And that during the other six we are to labor. Which means that the Seventh day is to involve a different type of worship than all of the rest. In speaking of the redeemed ones Revelation 14: 12 says, Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

    • @thelasttrumpet8677
      @thelasttrumpet8677 7 лет назад +2

      Because of the length of the response required, I am going to break this down into parts.
      First the Bible does not say which day Adam offered sacrifice on, nor does it matter, because the offering of a sin offering is not the same as keeping the Sabbath holy. The priest sacrificed every day of the week, but that does not mean that every day is suddenly a holy Sabbath like the one in the 4th commandment. Also take a moment to read Genesis 2: 1-2 and you will find that the Sabbath was instated before the fall of mankind, not after. That means like marriage, the Sabbath was given to Adam and Eve when the world was in a perfect state. It also means that the Sabbath was instituted for all of mankind and not just the Jews, because if Adam and Eve were Jews than all of mankind are Jews.

    • @thelasttrumpet8677
      @thelasttrumpet8677 7 лет назад +1

      I did a little research on your 613 laws. The idea of there being 613 laws is a manmade theory according to Wikipedia the idea of the 613 laws did not even begin until the 3rd centurary .(Hebrew: תרי"ג מצוות‎‎: taryag mitzvot, "613 mitzvot") is the number of mitzvot in the Torah, began in the 3rd century CE"
      The tradition of the 613 laws does not originate in the Bible but in the Talmud and there is controversy as to the exact number of laws.
      “The Talmud tells us (Tractate Makkot 23b) that there are 613 commandments in the Torah; 248 Positive Commandments (do's) and 365 Negative Commandments (do not's). However, the Talmud does not provide us with a list of these commandments. “
      In your response you claimed that if I am going to keep the Sabbath, than I must keep all 613 laws, there is a deep flaw in your theory, because as one site I came across aptly pointed out, only some of the 613 laws were required for all to keep, because they come from the law of Moses and cover everything from how a priest was to conduct a sacrifice to what a Nazarite could or could not eat during the time of their vow. Here is the link to that article:
      Also here is a link I found to the list of the 613 laws so you can see for yourself what these laws deal with.
      Even a quick reading will show that not everyone was required to keep all 613 laws. Some of the laws did apply to all of mankind, but others were meant to be observed by a portion. But let me give you a couple of examples of laws that did not have a broad application to all of mankind.
      Under The Temple, the Sanctuary and Sacred Objects
      436.To prepare the oil of anointment and anoint high priests and kings with it (Ex. 30:31) This law clearly does not apply to anyone but the high priest when he was anointing a king.
      441.To remove the ashes from the altar (Lev. 6:3) Again, here is a law that applies only to the priest .
      485.Not to put frankincense on a sin-offering made of flour (Lev.5:11) Again, this law was given to the priest whose duty it was to make the sin-offering.
      Under Nazarite
      588.That a Nazarite shall not drink wine, or anything mixed with wine which tastes like wine; and even if the wine or the mixture has turned sour, it is prohibited to him (Num. 6:3)
      589.That he shall not eat fresh grapes (Num. 6:3)
      590.That he shall not eat dried grapes (raisins) (Num. 6:3)
      591.That he shall not eat the kernels of the grapes (Num. 6:4)
      592.That he shall not eat of the skins of the grapes (Num. 6:4)
      593.That the Nazarite shall permit his hair to grow (Num. 6:5)
      594.That the Nazarite shall not cut his hair (Num. 6:5)
      595.That he shall not enter any covered structure where there is a dead body (Num. 6:6)
      596.That a Nazarite shall not defile himself for any dead person (by being in the presence of the corpse) (Num. 6:7)
      597.That the Nazarite shall shave his hair when he brings his offerings at the completion of the period of his Nazariteship, or within that period if he has become defiled (Num. 6:9)
      These laws did not apply to the general population, and applied only to the Nazarite during the time of his or her vow. Before or after that time they were free to cut their hair, drink grape juice, and eat grapes. Therefore it is clear that the keeping of the 613 laws has no impact on our ability to keep or not keep the 10 Commandments.
      So yes I agree, we cannot keep all 613 laws, but that is because We were NEVER MEANT TO!
      Therefore you are wrong, just because I say that the Bible says that we are to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, does not mean that I am suddenly required to keep all 613 laws.
      Before I leave this subject I would like to point out that there is a clear difference between the 613 and the Divine Law of God as codified in the 10 Commandments, which includes the 4th. The 613 laws as they are called had areas that applied to the broad population, but it also had areas that applied only to a limited portion of the population. This is in direct contrast to the 10 Commandments which was given to all. And as I pointed out, the 4th command was given in the Garden of Eden before sin and over a thousand years before the Jewish dispensation.

    • @thelasttrumpet8677
      @thelasttrumpet8677 7 лет назад +2

      It is interesting that you point to Jeremiah 31:31 but I notice that you did not quote it. Here is what that verse says,
      But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
      Where in this verse does it say or imply that the law was or ever will be done away with? The only change implied is the location of where that law would be placed. Jeremiah says that at that time the law of God will be placed in our hearts. He never states that it will be done away with.
      While you point to Paul for his statement that we are not to argue over holy days and Sabbaths,
      Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days: Colossians 2:16
      As evidence that the Sabbath of the 4th commandment is done away with, why did you not point to the next verse which says,
      Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2:17
      If you follow the Bible principle of letting the Bible interpret itself, it is clear that Paul was talking about something that pointed to something else. Like the Passover which pointed to the death of Christ. Paul could not be referring to the 7th day Sabbath in this verse because the Sabbath is not a shadow of things to come. It was given in the Garden of Eden before the fall of mankind, before sin entered the world. Unlike the Passover which was given to the Jews at the Exodus. So that verse does not add any weight to your argument that the Sabbath was done away with.

    • @thelasttrumpet8677
      @thelasttrumpet8677 7 лет назад +3

      You say that the preachers who argue for the keeping of the Sabbath are law makers seeking to build control. But do you consider it control if they preach that we must keep the other nine commandments? Or were these done away with by the New Testament? Or for some unknown reason did God only chose to do away with the only command that begins with the words remember?
      Before insisting that it is mere men creating rules of bondage I ask you what about Bible text such as Romans 3:31, which states,
      Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
      As a matter of fact that Bible is full of references to the law. Here are just a few of those verses.
      Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. Psalms 78:1
      If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Psalms 89:30-32
      So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever. Psalms 119:44 ( notice it says I will keep the law for ever and ever.)
      For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: Proverbs 6:23
      For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us. Isaiah 33:22
      (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Romans 2:13
      What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Romans 6:15
      The Bible is obviously full of lawgivers, because there are a lot of verse referring to the law.
      God declares of those who will be saved,
      Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      And do not forget the Bible injunction that says,
      To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20
      Near the end of your argument you declare that the Sabbath will be done away with. But the Bible shows how important the Sabbath is to God when it says
      And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 66:23
      And we already saw that Psalms 119:44 says that the law is forever, and the law includes the 4th commandment.
      So then is it just men who are uplifting the law, or are they only declare what the Word of God has made abundantly clear?

  • @kevingolden4683
    @kevingolden4683 4 года назад

    I watched this video with the hope that you would mention William Branham and mention whether he was false or not, and you didn't. Why? I'll look at some of your other videos when I have time. Wasted over an hour for almost nothing.

  • @jamesmccluskey9175
    @jamesmccluskey9175 5 лет назад

    Millions believe that you have an immortal soul that either goes to heaven or hell when you die. Yet the words “immortal soul” are nowhere to be found in your Bible. Think for a moment, if you already have an immortal soul then why do you need God? You already have something that lives forever inside of you, why would you need a relationship with God? The concept and teaching of the immortality of the soul do not come from the Bible! Philosophers like Plato and Socrates came up with the concept as they speculated about the state of the dead. What does the Bible really say about immortality?
    In Genesis 2:7 the text is that Adam was not given a nephesh but “became a living nephesh…”
    Do you believe that all men will eventually die and never live again?
    The Spirit that is in you is God Himself. You have no Spirit of your own. The Soul is not of the metaphysical. The Soul is something that has to be breathing and living.
    As exemplified in Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man BECAME A LIVING SOUL. Notice the words BREATH, LIFE, LIVING= SOUL.
    And not BREATH, LIFE, LIVING= DEATH. As exemplified in Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, IT SHALL DIE. To some preachers die means you are some how still alive in some way, But to the Word of God it means you are dead and you don't exist in any form or realm spiritual or otherwise.
    Genesis 3: 1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”
    2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, LEST YOU DIE.’”
    4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “YOU WILL NOT SURELY DIE."
    God says to Adam and Eve don't do this sin or you will die. Stephenie Hamilton does this statement to you seems like you will go on living in any form or realm spiritual or otherwise. No. Adam and Eve died in a saved state because they were forgiven but they still died.
    On the other hand like the serpent said and some preachers preach “YOU WILL NOT SURELY DIE" like you are in some metaphysical state after you die is not Biblical.
    Psalms 115:17 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.
    Psalms 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish
    Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANY THING, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion FOR EVER in any thing that is done under the sun.
    The disciples thought when Jesus said Lazarus was sleeping that he would be OK. So Jesus had to plainly say "Lazarus is dead." Before going on, I must interject as to the main reason Jesus calls death "sleep" here. It is because He knows that everyone will awaken one day out of death as we awaken each morning from sleep. Some will awaken to receive eternal life, and others will awaken to be destroyed in eternal damnation.
    John 5:28-29, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation."
    Getting back to Lazarus we discover that a few verses later we realize how long Lazarus would have been sleeping the sleep of death if Jesus had not raised him from the dead later on in verse 43.
    John 11:23,24 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection AT THE LAST DAY .
    Martha, the sister of Lazarus understood the biblical truth about the state of the dead. She knew Lazarus wasn't going to awaken until the last day when Jesus splits that eastern sky at His second coming.
    The book of Job also mentions the length of sleep for the dead.
    Job 14:12 So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
    Notice the word till in that verse. This means the dead will not, or cannot awaken until the last day as Martha calls it in the previous verse shared.
    We have another Biblical story that says their is no life after death.
    Acts 13:22 And when he had removed him, he raised them up David to be king: to whom giving testimony, he said: I have found David, the son of Jesse, A MAN ACCORDING TO MY OWN HEART, who shall do all my wills.
    Here God speaks very highly of King David say he's A MAN ACCORDING TO MY OWN HEART. Seems like according to this preacher he should be alive and kicking in heaven. But wait there is more.
    We find in
    Acts 2:29 Ye men, brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David; that he died, and was buried; and his sepulchre is with us to this present day.
    Peter is speaking one thousand years after King David died. saying also
    "and was buried; and his sepulchre is with us to this present day".
    And now in Acts 2:34 Peter is saying something contrary to what this preacher is saying.
    Acts 2:34 For David ASCENDED NOT IN TO HEAVEN;
    According to Peter, King David is still in the grave. Even today he's still in the grave.
    The Bible does not mention anybody dying and going directly to heaven.
    Not one person in the old testament or new testament NOT A SINGLE ONE.
    Everyone who has died are still in the grave until the second coming of Jesus. You are not some spirit floating around somewhere.
    Acts 2:29
    Tombs of the Patriarchs
    one of the most famous in the Holy Land, was constructed in Hebron by King Herod over the traditional site of the cave of Machpelah, which was purchased by Abraham as a family burial site (Gen. 23). Significant Events: Burial site of Sarah (Gen. 23) and Abraham (Gen. 25:9). Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah were buried here as well (Gen. 49:30-31). Jacob’s body was brought from Egypt to Canaan and buried in the cave (Gen. 50
    Controdiction about Heaven:
    If people went to heaven at death there would be NO need for resurrection or judgement day. It is written in the scripture: "The DEAD knows NOTHING".
    The body without the spirit is DEAD. When we pass away the Spirit that is in us returns to Yahweh. Eccl. 12:7.
    The DEAD are sleeping in their graves awaiting resurrection on judgement day. Rev. 20:14-15. Mat. 5:5 proves the teaching of going to heaven is FALSE.
    The meek shall inherit the earth made NEW. May Yahweh bless you.
    1. John 3:13
    No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man.
    2. John 17:5
    5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
    3. Acts 2:29
    "Fellow Israelites, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day.
    God told Adam
    "Dust you are to dust you will return" gen 3:19
    Biggest truth ever told
    Wasn't it always about death, since the original sin? "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."
    1. Now on to the biggest lie ever told
    Satan, "Eat it Eve, YOU SHALL NOT SURELY DIE." [you will live in hell forever] traditional hell = believing the first lie of Satan himself, plainly shown in the word of God, from the very start.
    We dont posses immortality as God does- 1 Timothy 6:16.
    Humans are made from dust Gen 2:7;3:19.
    We are not spirits living in a body of flesh. We are physical creatures, so no part of us survives death. When we die, our brain dies too, and our thoughts perish. Thus, Lazuras said nothing about his experience of death because the dead are unconscious.
    Psalms 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5,610.
    God told adam:
    "Dust you are to dust you will return" Gen 3:19
    Lord of Lords, 1Ti 6:16a soulNLY hath immortality, only God has an immortal soul. Not a man.
    When ppl say we have a sound is wrong. Scripture state that we BECAME a living soul. Gen 2:7. I think ppl say we have an immortal soul in just a desperate attempt to uphold (eternal torment.)
    Acts 2:29 KJV
    [29] Men and brethren, lesepulcherly speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.
    David himself is in the grave! Very clear. We became a living soul!
    Genesis 2:7 KJV
    [7] And the Lord, and formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
    Not a ghost or living element. Our Spirit is the breath of life, not a living entity.
    Ecclesiastes 9:5 KJV
    [5] For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, anything! ave they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
    Dead don’t know anything!
    1 Corinthians 15:52-54 KJV
    [52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [53] For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. [54] So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on mother reality, then shall be brought t,o pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in the victory.
    forever return of Jesus, those true sons of God shall receive immortality and reign with Him forever.
    We are not immortal! We die, the Bible refers to sleep plain and simple. Study to make yourself worthy of the truth.
    If hell is as painful as Christians believe it to be, then the time will certainly come when the souls there will think they have had enough and repent and go back to God.”****

  • @HolmRose
    @HolmRose 6 лет назад

    why would anyone ONLY READ FROM ONE "HOLY BOOK" this is called TUNNEL VISION.

  • @boreansoldier8658
    @boreansoldier8658 5 лет назад


  • @nobodygoody2455
    @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад

    How can anyone tell others how to know a false prophet, when they themselves are following a false prophet. Go Figure that one out?

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 6 лет назад

      like to explain?

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 6 лет назад

      Brad Sexson, Christ Jesus tells exactly how to identify a false prophet in the book of Mark 13.
      Christ Jesus said that false Christ's and false prophets shall rise verse 22
      Then in verse 23 Jesus said I have fortold you all things.
      since Christ Jesus said that he has fortold all things. That's how you will know a false prophet.
      When someone comes to give prophecy about the end times, Jesus already foretold all things.
      This is exactly how to identify a false prophet.

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 6 лет назад

      a prophet from God will clarify { Elijah clarified }and Jesus never said that there will never be anymore prophets just that there will be false ones

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 6 лет назад

      Brad Sexson You said that Jesus never said that there will never be anymore prophets.
      Jesus just did, by saying that he has fortold all things.
      Therefore there will not be no more Prophet's sent by Jesus.
      Otherwise what need would there be for Jesus to tell all things, if he's going to send a prophet to tell what he already did.

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 6 лет назад

      tell me what did the prophet Elijah prophecy to the false prophets of baal? and please dont say their deaths because he never said that they would die and what did the 2300 year prophecy found in the book of Daniel point to.....once again Jesus never said that there will be no more prophets never in all scripture ....what Jesus said was that His life and death was the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy................there also was the daughters found d in the books of acts I believe that prophesied years after the death and ascension of last thing you have not read any of her books ...if not then you speak from ignorance you have judged someone without knowing them ........will you say "I dont need to know falsehood" well The Word of God says is a prophet of God ....there is more to a prophet than just foretelling the future a prophet is also a messenger and a teacher .....there were even schools for the prophets in the O T the prophet Samuel was a graduate for one
      The Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible. The writings of Ellen
      White are not a substitute for Scripture. They cannot be placed on the same
      level. The Holy Scriptures stand alone, the unique standard by which her and all
      other writings must be judged and to which they must be subject.
      1. The Bible the supreme standard. Seventh-day Adventists
      fully support the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, the Bible as
      its own interpreter and the Bible alone as the basis of all doctrines. The
      founders of the church developed fundamental beliefs through study of the Bible;
      they did not receive these doctrines through the visions of Ellen White. Her
      major role during the development of their doctrines was to guide in the
      understanding of the Bible and to confirm conclusions reached through Bible
      Ellen White herself believed and taught that the Bible was the ultimate norm
      for the church. In her first book, published in 1851, she said, "I
      recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and
      practice. By that Word we are to be judged."[2]
      She never changed this view. Many years later she wrote, "In His Word, God
      has committed to men the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures
      are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will. They
      are the standard of character, the revealer of doctrines, and the test of
      experience."[3] In 1909,
      during her last address to a general session of the church, she opened the
      Bible, held it up before the congregation, and said, "Brethren and sisters,
      I commend to you this Book."[4]
      In response to believers who considered her writings an addition to the
      Bible, she wrote, saying, "I took the precious Bible and surrounded it with
      the several Testimonies for the Church, given for the people of God. . .
      . You are not familiar with the Scriptures. If you had made God's Word your
      study, with a desire to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian
      perfection, you would not have needed the Testimonies. It is because you
      have neglected to acquaint yourselves with God's inspired Book that He has
      sought to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, calling your attention to the
      words of inspiration which you had neglected to obey, and urging you to fashion
      your lives in accordance with its pure and elevated teachings."[5]
      2. A guide to the Bible. She saw her work [p. 228] as that
      of leading people back to the Bible. "Little heed is given to the Bible,"
      she said, therefore "the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and
      women to the greater light."[6]
      "The Word of God," she wrote, "is sufficient to enlighten the
      most beclouded mind and may be understood by those who have any desire to
      understand it. But notwithstanding all this, some who profess to make the Word
      of God their study are found living in direct opposition to its plainest
      teachings. Then, to leave men and women without excuse, God gives plain and
      pointed testimonies, bringing them back to the Word that they have neglected to
      3. A guide in understanding the Bible. Ellen White
      considered her writings a guide to a clearer understanding of the Bible. "Additional
      truth is not brought out; but God has through the Testimonies simplified
      the great truths already given and in His own chosen way brought them before the
      people to awaken and impress the mind with them, that all may be left without
      excuse." "The written testimonies are not given to give new light, but
      to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed."[8]
      4. A guide to apply Bible principles. Much of her writings
      apply the Biblical counsels to everyday life. Ellen White said that she was "directed
      to bring out general principles, in speaking and in writing, and at the same
      time specify the dangers, errors, and sins of some individuals, that all might
      be warned, reproved, and counseled."[9]
      Christ had promised such prophetic guidance to His church. As Ellen White noted,
      "The fact that God has revealed His will to men through His Word, has not
      rendered needless the continued presence and guiding of the Holy Spirit. On the
      contrary, the Spirit was promised by our Saviour, to open the Word to His
      servants, to illuminate and apply its teachings."[10]
      The Challenge to the Believer. Revelation's prophecy that the "testimony
      of Jesus" would manifest itself through the "spirit of prophecy"
      in the last days of earth's history challenges everyone not to take an attitude
      of indifference or disbelief, but to "test everything" and "hold
      on to the good." There is much to gain--or lose--depending on whether we
      carry out this Biblically mandated investigation. Jehoshaphat said, "Believe
      in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and
      you shall prosper" (2 Chron. 20:20). His words ring true today, as well.

  • @kevingolden4683
    @kevingolden4683 4 года назад

    I'm so sorry Doug, but those prophecies you mentioned about Ellen White are really not so different from the one's like saying "there's person with lower back pain" really not different because the bible had already predicted those things before Ellen wrote them. They are just not specific enough.

  • @nateellenberger6043
    @nateellenberger6043 6 лет назад

    Doug Batchelor needs to get a REAL music director. Just being honest here(no disrespect intended), but the music at Amazing Facts ministries, STINKS! Very boring and "unmoving" music. Just because you love Jesus doesn't mean you have to play boring music and it's a sin to enjoy good rhythm.

  • @MrMoyoT
    @MrMoyoT 8 лет назад +1

    how can he know about true and false prophets when he is not a prophet himself...its like having a single woman being a marriage counselor

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +5

      +MrMoyoT I can tell you eating dung will make you sick , now do I have to eat dung to tell you that! NO!

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +1

      Beware yes but God didn't say that He wouldn't send one! God gave is signs/test to judge .If you take those and be honest with yourself and to God I am 100% sure you will find Mrs. White to be a true prophet sent by God for His people.
      It is important though to not just pick up the first thing you find on the internet . Gave us a brain to reason. He also gave us His Word ,the Bible . No you dont have to be a prophet to know one . If you will like I can give you a few web sites that are impartial and have the truth as opposed to "Wikipedia" theology. no pressure though

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      As I explain to you before one does not need to be a prophet to know a prophet. Also there are tests for a prophet. I said all of this before

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      ok cool

    • @joviepaches56
      @joviepaches56 8 лет назад

      Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon be ready hold every one our faith and sanctify our self trust every word of God and promises God bless us all

  • @solascriptura9546
    @solascriptura9546 5 лет назад

    SDA: cult