Yemin 487. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 487

  • Опубликовано: 20 янв 2025
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    The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?
    Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

Комментарии • 731

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +88

    Beyhan: Ignoraste mis palabras, fuiste a testificar por esa mujer, Ah!, ¿por qué lo hiciste?, ¿por qué?, ¿cómo es que estás con ellos?
    Savas: ese no es el punto, lo principal es hacer lo correcto y eso es lo correcto.
    Narin: Puedo pasar?.... No me gusta estar distanciados bajo el mismo techo, sé que a ti tampoco, hablemos y entendámonos.
    Kemal: Tengo trabajo que hacer, ¿podemos hablar más tarde?
    Narin: No hagas eso Kemal, no me obligues a elegir entre mi familia y mi trabajo, como tu esposa no quiero hacer nada sin tu consentimiento.
    Kemal: Bueno, entonces no habrá ninguna charla, porque no estoy de acuerdo que trabajes hasta el día del parto.
    Narin: Por favor, me estás obligando a elegir entre las dos cosas que más quiero en mi vida, mi familia y mi trabajo.
    Kemal: Por cierto, aparte de ti, están nuestros bebés, no quiero que te esfuerces trabajando, eso es todo.
    Narin: Sí, está bien, sé lo que piensas, que todo sería peor si yo quiero trabajar.
    Suena el teléfono de Narin: Si Dr. Fatih
    Dr Fatih: Como estás Narin? Me preguntaba si has mejorado.
    Narin: Estoy bien gracias.
    Dr. Fatih: Que bueno, quería saber si puedes venir, no tengo a nadie para esta noche
    Narin: Estoy bien, estaré de guardia esta noche.
    Mientras Emir camina por el bosque buscando a Gulperi, recuerda cuando ella le explicó por qué se casaría con Savas y Emir le dijo que ella era una mujer muy débil.
    También recordó los consejos de tio Hassan.
    Emir a si mismo: Elegí escucharte, te buscaré.
    Beyhan a Fidan: Despacio, nunca había visto algo así, se trata de mi vida.
    Fidan: No existe tal cosa señora Beyhan, hago lo que puedo, lo hago de corazón.
    Beyhan: Obviamente me agarraste por la punta de mi brazo así, me acabo de levantar de la cama de enferma, voy a corriendo detrás de ti.
    Baran a Savas: Hermano, iré por el auto para que Beyhan no se canse.
    Beyhan: También piensas Baran?, Ah! que novedad, estoy atascada aquí, anda busca el coche.
    Baran: No te preocupes, el coche estará listo cuando salgas. (o algo asi)
    Beyhan: Quiero irme lo antes posible. ….Baran, ¿no escuchaste lo que te dije?
    Savas: Baran, llevaré a mi madre a mi casa. Baran: Está bien hermano.
    Beyhan: Baran, escucha lo que te digo, no lo volveré a decir, vamos a la granja, me quedaré allí.
    Beyhan a Savas: No te entrometerás en esto, eso ya lo hiciste, me iré, tengo una cuenta para ver con esa mujer. Tu volverás a casa.
    Savas: Vendrás mamá. Baran: hermano….
    Emir continua por el bosque buscando y recordando algunas escenas que tuvo con Gulperi.
    Emir a sí mismo: ¿Dónde estás, dónde?
    Emir se encuentra con una vecina que vio a Gulperi.
    Vecina: No, espero que no haya nada malo, no parecía como ella, pero vi a Gulperi, la llamé, pero no me escuchó. Desapareció por el camino. Te juro que no pude seguirla.
    Una pareja observa a Gulperi caminando en el mar.
    Hombre: No me parece sensato. Mujer: Deberíamos llamar la policía, quien sabe qué le pasa.
    Hombre: vamos a hablar con ella
    Mujer a Gulperi: ¿Estás bien?
    Hombre: Señora, …..Lo siento mucho, no quise asustarla.
    Gulperi se aleja de ellos.
    Narin se prepara para ir al hospital a hacer la guardia.
    Narin: No te puedes aguantar, me estabas vigilando
    Kemal: No hay necesidad de que vayas a la guardia. El doctor Fatih se comunicará con otra persona, mira en realidad él te ofreció la guardia pero tú la aceptaste.
    Narin: ¿Cómo es eso? ¿Le dijiste al doctor Fatih que no iré?
    Kemal: Si, lo hice, se relaciona con tus bebés, y tú también debes escuchar
    Narin: No, tengo que estar en el trabajo en este momento. Necesito atender a mis pacientes.
    Kemal: Si fuera mi salud, ¿qué no harías por mí? Mira, si mañana o pasado mañana les pasa algo a nuestros bebés, qué haríamos, lo lamentarías. Te molestarás, no permitiré que eso pase. No quiero lastimarte,… por favor.
    Savas al teléfono: ¿No dijiste que la encontrarías? ¿Qué quieres decir con que no hay noticias?
    Entonces usa más hombres. Vas a enviarlos a más lugares. Vas a poner la tierra patas arriba si es necesario. ¿Me escuchas? Será mejor que te apures.
    Savas llama a Emir.
    Emir: hola Savas: ¿alguna novedad?
    Emir: No, todavía estoy buscando.
    Savas: Está bien, te llamaré si hay alguna noticia.
    Emir: Te lo haré saber, y tú también.
    Savas para sí mismo: te encontraré
    Flashback de Emir llevando a Gulperi al agua por primera vez.
    Gulperi: Nunca lo había visto tan cerca.
    Emir: El mar se relaja
    Gulperi: simplemente está ahí, azul, las olas van y vienen
    Emir: Entonces pondrás los pies adentro. vamos.
    Fin de la retrospectiva
    Emir descubrió dónde está.
    En la playa, Gulperi pisa un caracol que le corta el pie y recuerda el significado del caracol
    Escena retrospectiva:
    “Emir: ahora puedes saber que lleva el viento dentro (el caracol)
    Gulperi: quien ¿este?
    Emir: también el hombre lleva viento en su interior pero hablo del caracol
    Gulperi: ¿Qué quieres decir con eso?
    Emir: si lo pones así, puedes escuchar el viento.
    Gulperi: ¿cómo sería dentro de esta pequeña cosa?
    Emir: Escucha el viento.
    Gulperi: Es realmente como si hubiera viento ahí dentro.”
    Fin de la retrospectiva
    Gulperi escucha el viento en el caracol.
    “La voz de Emir: Mantenlo como tuyo
    La voz de Gulperi: ella es su propio viento
    La voz de Emir: Puedes escucharlo a donde quiera que vayas.”
    Gulperi para sí misma: Gracias, pero no podré….ya no tengo casa en la noche, … será lo mejor…
    Gulperi recuerda cuando le dispararon con el arma que compró Tulay. También cuando le dispararon a Ismail.
    Un joven observa a Gulperi y hace una llamada teléfonica.
    Gulperi para sí misma: En realidad se acabó, fue real, todo quedó atrás. Se acabó, se acabó, se acabó. CONTINUA

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +82

    Sheriye y Minuver en la cocina. Sheriye está molesta por lo que recuerda del señor Mulay.
    Minuver recuerda cuando Mulay le preguntó qué había decidido sobre su propuesta y ella se respondió que su respuesta era positiva.
    Sheriye recuerda cuando escuchó a Mulay llamar “mi sultana” a alguien por teléfono
    Sheriye a si misma mientras pica con coraje las zanahorias: no sé cuántas piezas picarás, no lo sé, no hay remedio.
    Minuver: señora Sheriye? …. Sheriye, qué te pasa?
    Sheriye: me asusté
    Minuver: vamos, té pasó algo? Sheriye: pero habría alguna cosa para eso?
    Minuver: no, no, es como si algo te molestara, cálmate un poco, es como si estuvieras peleando con alguien. Sheriye: No
    Minuver: Cuantos días llevas cuidándome, no te he preguntado cómo estás, si tienes un problema, dímelo amiga, juntaremos nuestras cabezas y lo resolveremos.
    Sheriye: No Minuver, no hermana.
    Minuver: En ese caso, Sheriye, tengo algo que decirte.
    Sheriye: estuviste con él? Minuver asiente.
    Sheriye: Minuver, dime que te detiene.
    Minuver: Espera, déjame decirte ahora mismo antes de que alguien venga.
    Sabes, te dije que íbamos a encontrarnos para un postre, cuando estábamos juntos, él me pidió una respuesta a su oferta.
    Sheriye: Qué prisa tiene esto? Minuver: señora Sheriye, Qué pasaría si te digo que estoy de acuerdo con la oferta de Mulay? Si, lo estoy…… Qué pasó, no lo querias?
    Sheriye: bueno, pensé que tu no querías.
    Minuver: No, no lo descarté, ya sabes, el Sr. Mülay es una buena persona. Pero mira, no fuiste tú la que me dijo "Haz un hogar". Que te pasó de repente? Te di la noticia de que dije que sí, ¿pasó algo?
    Sheriye: Esta vez, Minuver, es como una caricatura, eso creía, hasta que lo escuché en una conversación telefónica. Minuver: ¿Qué escuchaste, Sheriye, ah? Qué fue lo que escuchaste?

    Emir llega a la playa, cree haber encontrado a Gulperi y la confunde con otra mujer
    Emir: Te encontré, lo siento, por favor discúlpame, te confundí con otra persona.
    Mujer: Está bien, está bien, pasa
    Emir que tengas un excelente día
    Anciano: Joven, no habías vuelto, viniste solo, dónde esta tu mujer?
    Emir: la estoy buscando
    Anciano: Hijo, no te preocupes y cálmate. Cuarenta años por una taza de café La vida puede terminar, pero no puede poner distancia entre los corazones de las personas. No te preocupes, seguramente encontrarás a tu esposa.
    savas en el bosque.
    Savas: ¿Dónde estás, Gulperi dónde estás?
    Suena el teléfono de Savas
    Savas: encontraste algo?
    Hombre: La encontré, pero ¿cómo puedo decir esto?
    Savas: Habla
    Hombre: vi una mujer parecida a la que buscas en la playa junto al muelle.
    Savas hace una llamada telefónica a Emir.
    Emir: alguna noticia?
    Savas la vieron caminando por el muelle
    Emir: Está bien, estoy en la playa, voy al muelle.
    Savas: Emir, hay una cosa más que tengo que decirte. …Es que solo se parece a Gulperi.
    Emir recuerda las palabras de Gulperi:
    “Gulperi: No puedo aguantar, no lo ves, estoy indefensa, estoy cansado de ver a mis seres queridos lastimarse frente a mis ojos, estoy cansada de vivir con miedo todos los días. Estoy cansada de sentir que pertenezco a algún lugar y de tenerle miedo. Si tuvie algunos días de paz, los pasé contigo, y ahora quiero desaparecer porque estoy atrapada en medio de una tormenta que no puedes controlar, como un pequeño bote en el que estoy a la deriva. Entiende que no puedo simplemente arrastrarte conmigo.”
    Final del recuerdo
    Gulperi ve un bote en la playa y recuerda las palabras de Emir.
    “Emir: Mira, dentro de poco va a llegar un barco al puerto y te llevará a donde tú quieras y yo no sabré a dónde va, no voy a saber a dónde estarás. Traté de entender lo que estás haciendo.
    Sólo aléjate de mí haz lo que quieras lejos de mí, de acuerdo.”
    Final del recuerdo
    Gulperi tropieza y se cae. Recuerda los insultos de Beyhan:
    “Beyhan: Cállate, serás como tu madre sin honor y serás como un perro en tu derecho.” “Te juro que no volverás a ver a ese hombre.”
    Final del recuerdo
    Gulperi a si misma: No podía hablar lo juro, no pasó nada, No hice nada. No hice nada. No, no, por Dios. CONTINUARÉ LUEGO

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +54

    Minuver y Sheriye en la cocina.
    Sheriye: Así fue Minuver. … Nadie te detiene ahora. Estoy terminando mis palabras, así que sigamos adelante y nos reuniremos. Bien. De acuerdo. (no se entiende bien la transcripción)
    Minuver: No hacemos nada en vano. Por eso te dije que esto no podía ser después de cierta edad.
    Asi es el destino.
    Sheriye: estuviste ocupada haciendo tu trabajo, pero no juguemos
    Minuver: No Sheriye, en este asunto se corren riesgos de todos modos.
    Sheriye: No te ofendas, solo quería decirte
    Minuver: No es necesario Sheriye, ya lo entiendo todo. Está bien.
    Sheriye: Minuver, hermana, tal vez mi oídos escucharon mal, no estoy segura, tal vez hay algo más en esto. No concluyas nada sobre esto por ahora. ….. Debemos esperar por ahora.
    Minuver: Será verdad?
    Sheriye: Yo también no lo creo. Ya lo sé, pero no está bien.
    No te preocupes, por la gracia de Alá ya encontrarás tu camino.
    Narin camina con los ojos vendados por el jardín con Kemal.
    Narin: ¿Kemal, qué haces? ¿Qué está pasando?, ¿Los niños vendrán, estarán con nosotros?
    Kemal: Estoy tratando de hacer feliz a mi esposa. ¿Qué hay de malo en eso?
    Narin: Y ahora qué? Kemal: No te preocupes, estoy contigo, dame tu mano que no te caerás. Ya casi estamos listos.
    Narin: Ya está bien? Puedo abrir los ojos? Kemal: Ya todo está listo.
    Narin: ¿Cómo prepárate todo eso sin que me diera cuenta?
    Kemal: Siempre pienso en algo para hacerte feliz, ahora te pondré este hermoso marco, pero si preguntas cómo lo hice, no puedo decirlo. Es un secreto.
    Narin: Sí, así es, como cuando llamaste al maestro Fatih y cancelaste mi guardia. Está bien, mi amor, no hablaré de eso, todo estuvo genial.
    Kemal: Mira, tienes un paraguas para protegerte del sol, ven, vamos.
    Narin: Hacía tiempo quería leer este libro. Kemal: Lo sé, por eso elegí este libro.
    Narin: No importa lo que hagas, te juro que lograste conquistar mi corazón.
    Gulperi está dentro del bote y escucha a Emir llamándola por su nombre.
    Emir: ¡¡Gulperi!! ¿Estas cerca Gulperi?
    La voz de Beyhan en la mente de Gulperi: Gulperi!! Gulperi!!
    Gulperi: No, no, no lo hagas, que me dirá? Allah!, Allah!
    Emir: No tengas miedo, ya pasó, está bien, estoy aquí, no tengas miedo.
    Narin en su habitación revisa expedientes médicos y recibe llamada del hospital.
    Enfermera: Disculpe que la moleste señora.
    Narin: Hay algo importante?
    Enfermera: Nos ordenó que la llamáramos tan pronto estuvieran los resultados de la resonancia magnética de Yunus Celik. Narin: Está bien envíamela para verla ahora.
    Enfermera: Se la enviaré por correo electrónico Narin: Está bien, lo estoy esperando
    Luego de revisar los resultados Narin llama a la enfermera: Burcu, vamos a hacer pruebas al paciente y sus familiares sobre médula ósea. ¿Puedes hacerlo?
    Enfermera Burcu: Maestra, nunca lo he hecho, qué pasaría si hago algo mal?
    Narin: Tienes razón, el maestro Fatih está ahí? Burcu: No señora, hace una hora que se fue.
    Narin: La situación es bastante urgente, asi que iré yo misma. ¿De acuerdo? Nos vemos allá.
    Narin se prepara para ir al hospital sin que nadie en la casa la vea. Cuando va a salir, escucha la voz de Sheriye que dice: “Qué estás haciendo ahí?”… Sefer, no te he dicho que no vayas a ese lugar…. Supongo que no tomarás la leche de animal sacrificado (helal), verdad?
    Narin se va al hospital sin ser vista.
    Cavidan: Muy bien hija mía, está bien, ahora estás a salvo, no tengas más miedo.
    Vamos, Melike, ¿trajiste las cubiertas? Tienes frio, siéntate bien, hija mía, así.
    Cavidan y Melike ayudan a Gulperi a acomodarse en su cama.
    gulperi: ¿cómo, cállate? (está divagando)
    Melike: qué tal si la llevamos al hospital?
    Cavidan: Hijo, ella ha estado en la misma condición durante dos horas, llamemos a un médico.
    Emir: Lo llamaré ahora mismo
    Cavidan: Melike, preparemos agua caliente para limpiarla y luego cambiemos su ropa, vamos. Mi hermosa hija
    Savas sentado pensativo frente al puente en el Bósforo.
    Emir está hablando por teléfono con el médico. Emir: Sí, doctor, lo estamos esperando.
    Savas llama a Emir,. Emir: Te escucho Savas: ¿Cómo esta?
    Emir: Aún no entra en razón, el Doctor, está en camino.
    Savas: si hay algo que pueda hacer
    Emir: No, nos estamos encargando de eso, te lo haremos saber. Lo que sea necesario ya se está haciendo.
    En casa de Savas
    Baran llega a la casa y Beyhan lo recibe. Ella recuerda el incidente de las escaleras.
    “Cavidan: La crueldad que le has infligido a esa chica no traerá de vuelta ni a tu esposo ni a tus hijos, por Dios piénsalo, piénsalo.” “Beyhan: Cállate!!!”
    Fin del recuerdo.
    Beyhan a Baran: ¿Pensaste que me atarías las manos y los brazos manteniéndome aquí?
    Baran: Sra. Beyhan!!!!
    Beyhan: Harás lo que te dije.
    Baran: Haré lo que me pidas, pero no puedo ir en contra de las palabras de Savaş.
    Beyhan: ¿Le tienes miedo?
    Baran: No puedo ir contra de mi hermano. Crees que le tengo miedo, pero no es así, quiero a mi hermano Savas, porque lo respeto, porque confío en sus decisiones.
    Beyhan: y tienes que tomarlo como es. No seguirás a Savas, sino lo yo que diga. ¿Qué pasa si no saldo mis cuentas y los quemo a todos?
    Baran: Haz lo que quieras pero aun así no dejaré las órdenes del Hermano Savas
    Beyhan: Levántate!, Ya saben lo que voy a hacer. Eres consciente sobre lo que haré con tu hermano Savas. Lo tiraré al suelo! (el barco que Savas a montado)
    Baran: Señora, que haces? Suéltalo, suéltalo.! Beyhan: Déjame, déjame!!
    Narin en el hospital. Narin: Burcu, prepara al paciente, voy enseguida.
    Burcu: De acuerdo doctora.
    Narin entra a su oficina y descubre que Kemal está esperándola con mala cara.
    Cavidan: ¿Por qué tardará tanto la doctora? Espero que no sea nada grave.
    Melike: Espero que haya buenas noticias.
    La doctora termina su examen a Gulperi.
    Cavidan: ¿Cómo es esta la situación Doctora?
    Doctora: Tuvo una situación psicológicamente cargada que la agobia. Desafortunadamente su tranquilidad ha sido perturbada por traumas del pasado.
    Melike: ¿Sería bueno si pudiéramos apoyarla de todos modos?
    Doctora: Ayuda, pero no es suficiente, aunque no soy un experto en este tema, pero la ansiedad y el síndrome de agotamiento que está experimentando es profundo, por lo que puede comprender que la situación es muy grave.
    Emir: ¿Qué pasa con el tratamiento?
    Doctor: He hablado con una colega que es experta en el tema y necesita tomar medicación psiquiátrica regular.

    • @adabeatriz4017
      @adabeatriz4017 2 года назад +2


    • @claudiayanez1748
      @claudiayanez1748 2 года назад +3

      Muchísimas gracias,Myrna Medina,🤩🤩🤩,mil bendiciones!!

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +2

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @tca7379
      @tca7379 2 года назад +3

      muchas gracias ☺️😀💐

    • @leti3672
      @leti3672 2 года назад

      Muchas gracias Myrna por la traducción 🤗😍🇺🇾🇺🇾

  • @maureenfadri4563
    @maureenfadri4563 27 дней назад +1

    It is beautiful when reyhan is alive but when the story became on its ending its good also .

  • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
    @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 года назад +32

    💕 NarKem 💕🦋 seni çok seviyorum 🦋

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 года назад +32

    Thank you Emir for saving Gulperi. She’s really suffering. Thank you Emir for not giving up ❤️♥️❤️♥️

    • @mohanieramsaran6555
      @mohanieramsaran6555 Год назад

      Poor child even though its a movie it is so painful to watch becaus3 in real life people go through these kind of things

    • @nushgjondrekaj6524
      @nushgjondrekaj6524 3 месяца назад


    • @nushgjondrekaj6524
      @nushgjondrekaj6524 3 месяца назад


  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 года назад +70

    Gulmir translation (Scenes 1 - 8)
    Scene 1
    Beyhan: You disregarded the promise that you made. You testified, Aha.
    Why did you do it? Why did you do it? How are you with me or them?
    Savas: That's not the issue, the main issue is to do the right thing and that was the right thing to do, that's it.
    Scene 2
    Emir is in the forest searching for Gulperi
    Order: No, nowhere, nowhere.
    Gulperi: but I know you are very angry, but I had to do it out of fear that my loved ones would be harmed by this never-ending fight I was so tired I had no choice
    Emir: I told you, look, I'm on your side. I told you I'm on your side. I showed you another way out. Her anger will pass
    Gulperi: Nothing else will cool my aunt down
    Emir: You think so, you think so, I said it will pass, I said his anger will say, I think, you are so weak, you are so weak.
    End of flashback
    Uncle Hasan's voice: Life throws all sorts of paths in front of you, you choose one, you don't choose, your destiny is not to choose but to live it
    Emir: I chose to listen to him, I'll find you.
    At the hospital
    Beyhan: I've never seen you run like this when you were working slowly. Do you have an intention on my life?
    Fidan: No way Beyhan, I'm doing everything I can for you and I'm doing it from the heart.
    Beyhan: Obviously I grabbed you by the end of my arm, I just got up from the sick bed, I will run after you
    Baran: I'll go get the car, Mrs Beyhan, but I won't tire you any more
    Beyhan: You too, Baran, did you just think of this? Did you just think of this?
    Baran: Don't worry, the car will be close by when you get out.
    Beyhan: I want to leave as soon as possible
    Baran and Savas share a look
    Beyhan: Baran didn't you hear what I told you?
    Savas: Baran, you're taking mom home.
    Baran: Okay, fine, brother.
    Beyhan stops Baran from leaving
    Beyhan: Baran I heard what you said I will not say it again we are going to the farm I will stay there.
    Beyhan to Savas: You are not going to get involved in this, you have already done what you did
    I have an account to settle with that woman. You'll come home.
    Savas: you will go, mom
    Savas leaves
    Baran to Savas: you too
    In the forest
    Emir is still looking for Gulperi
    Emir is watching Gulperi picking up some more medicinal herbs
    Emir: A little touch can sometimes lead to big things, can't it?
    Thanks to you, this little tree will grow unbroken
    Are we going to leave the grass with auntie?
    Gulperi: It needs to dry, better if we take it tomorrow
    Emir: is your mom/ grandma the one who taught you all this?
    Gulperi: Because of my uncle we have never seen the light of day. With what happened to her, we could not go the doctor, she had to this to heal herself.
    She knew what every plants/seeds that lives in the ground is good for. I thought she would never leave me.
    End of flashback
    Emir: Where are you? where where where where?
    Lady: No, I hope there is nothing bad, Gulperi did not seem fine, not herself, I called after her but I couldn't make my voice heard.
    Emir: which way?
    Lady: I swear I didn't find her well that he went towards that way
    At the beach, a couple is talking about Gulperi
    Man: I wonder if she is not in her right mind, let's call the police
    Woman: Who knows what's wrong with her, should we go and talk?
    Man: Let's go
    Woman to Gulperi: Are you okay?
    Man : Ma'am, I apologize very much, I didn't mean to scare you.
    Gulperi goes away from them.
    Scene 4
    Savas on the phone: Didn't I say you'd find her?
    What do you mean there's no news?
    then use more men
    You're going to send them to more places. You're going to turn the earth upside down if you have to. You hear me? You better hurry up.
    He hangs up. He calls Emir
    Emir: Hello.
    Savas: any news?
    Emir: No I'm still looking
    Savas: Okay, I'll call you if there's any news.
    Emir: I'll let you know, and so will you.
    After hanging up
    Savas to himself: I will find you
    Flashback to Emir taking Gulperi in the water for the first time.
    Gulperi: I've never seen it so close.
    Emir: The sea relaxes
    Gulperi: (I did not understand what she said)
    Emir: Then you will put your feet in.
    Come on.
    End of Flashback
    Emir figured out where she is.
    At the beach, Gulperi steps on a shell which cuts her foot and remembers the significance of the shell
    Emir: Now you may know that you carry the wind
    Gulperi: Who? This?
    Emir: also man carries wind inside him but I'm talking about shells
    Gulperi: What do you mean by that?
    Emir: if you put it like this, you can hear the wind.
    Gulperi: how would it be inside this tiny thing?
    Emir: The wind will do something
    Gulperi: It's really like there's wind in it like this
    End of Flashback
    Gulperi listens to the wind in the seashell
    Emir's voice: You keep it as your own
    Gulperi's voice: she is her own wind
    Emir's voice: You can take it wherever you want intensively
    Gulperi: Thank you, I don't have a house to take away my wind, I don't have oneanymore
    Gulperi remembers when she was shot with the gun that Tulay purshased. Also when Ismail was shot.
    Gulperi to herself: In reality it was over and done with, it was real, it was left behind
    It's over, it's over, it's all over.
    Scene 5
    Emir arrives at the beach, he thinks he found Gulperi and mistakes another woman for her
    Emir: I found you, I'm sorry, please excuse me, I mistook you for someone else
    Woman: It's okay, it's okay, it happens
    Emir Have a great day
    Old man: that young man is gone, you came alone where is your wife?
    Emir: I am looking for her
    Old man: Son, don't worry and calm down. Forty years for the sake of a cup of coffee Life can be over, but it can't put a distance between people's hearts. Don't worry, you'll find your wife.
    In the forest
    Savas: Where are you Gulperi where are you?
    Savas' phone rings
    Savas: you found something Earless
    Man: I found her, but how can I say this?
    Savas: talk out of your mouth
    Man: you look for a similar person on the beach by the pier
    He makes a phone call to Emir
    Emir: any news?
    Savas They saw her going to the pier
    Emir: Okay I'm on the beach I'm going to the pier
    Savas: Emir, there's one more thing I have to tell you.
    Gulperi: I can't hold on, don't you see, I'm helpless, I'm tired of watching my loved ones get hurt in front of my eyes, I'm tired of living in fear every day.
    I'm tired of feeling like I belong somewhere and being afraid of it.
    If you had a few peaceful days, they were spent with you, and now I want to disappear because I'm stuck in the middle of a storm you can't control, like a small boat I'm drifting away on it
    Understand that I can't just drag you along with me.
    End of flashback
    Gulperi sees a boat on the beach
    Emir: Look, soon a boat will be arriving at the harbor and I'll take it to wherever you want to take it and I won't know where it's going, I won't know where it's going. I tried to understand what you are doing.
    Just go away from me do whatever you want to do away from me ok
    End of flashback
    Gulperi gets stuck and falls
    Beyhan: You will be like your mother in this honor shut up and you will be like your mother and you will be like a dog in your right.
    End of flashback
    Gulperi: I couldn't speak I swear, nothing happened
    You didn't do anything I didn't do.
    Nothing, you're nothing
    Scene 6
    Gulperi is inside the boat and hears Emir calling her name
    Emir: Gulperi!! Are you around Gulperi?
    Beyhan's voice in her mind: Gulperi Gulperi
    Gulperi: No, no, no, forget it, she'll ask me.
    Emir: Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid.
    To be continued

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 года назад +10

      I am going to finish the last part tomorrow. Have a wonderful night everyone 😊❤️

    • @sutirahsutirah1689
      @sutirahsutirah1689 2 года назад +2

      @@island_girl97 it's okay, just take your time... happy weekend 💐❤️

    • @fizabatool5820
      @fizabatool5820 2 года назад +1

      Thnk U Sooooooo Much Island girl luv U 😘❤️

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +1

      Thanks dear 😘

    • @prasannabalaji.m9201
      @prasannabalaji.m9201 2 года назад +1

      Thank you very much

  • @beeicecream
    @beeicecream 2 года назад +7

    I like how Savas is showing his strength with Behan and standing for justice and doing what is right as much as he can. I wonder what is his next move.

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +31

    NAR💝KEM are GREAT actors💞 we appreciate you 💖🌷. Your chemistry together is phenomenal 🌷🤔 😘❤we will miss you a lot💋

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +4

      They match each other💗

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +4

      So nice but she need to be wearing swim suit and relaxing on beach chair, Kemal even should get his swim trunks. Lol . He looks so stuffy at home in a suit and tie. He want Narin to relax but clearly he’s not relaxed

  • @pujifauziah1854
    @pujifauziah1854 2 года назад +26

    Kasihan Narin ..tapi Kemal juga baik maksudnya biar Narin gak lelah ...
    Narin makin cantiik 👍❤❤❤

  • @valeriavarjasnebalazs1431
    @valeriavarjasnebalazs1431 2 года назад +32

    Nekem Savas a kedvencem. Nagyon nagy ötlet volt őt behozni a sorozatba. Nagyon egyedi karakter.

  • @donnawasan5246
    @donnawasan5246 2 года назад +42

    Kemal really knew his wife, now she's caught red-handed. NARIN, you're so stubborn. I think Kemal wants to lighten Narin's work so he went to her office ahead. Hahaha, the grumpy man is back.

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +3

      He can be grumpy but it’s Narin choice and he have to accept. Also as long the dr said it’s alright to work. Why can’t she?

    • @donnawasan5246
      @donnawasan5246 2 года назад +4

      The feeling that Narin died is just too devastating for Kemal. It's true Narin can work but she can also lie low a bit for the sake of her condition. Driving alone pregnant is risky unless Kemal drives her to and fro the hospital. The only thing Kemal wants is their safety.

    • @raxomema1411
      @raxomema1411 2 года назад +3

      shes like me we born in the same month February 😍

    • @luisrosario1401
      @luisrosario1401 5 месяцев назад

      Cuanto llora esta mujer por donde quiera llorando la gul. Todavía no entiendo porque se deja manipular de la vieja esa

  • @merlypineda2227
    @merlypineda2227 2 года назад +25

    Kemal and Narin truly love and support each other..... I love how Kemal insist that Narin has to stop working for their twins... Narin has to rest....
    And I also love how Narin tries to reason with Kemal and says that she doesn't want to choose between her job and her family.....

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +7

      In the end decision she has to choose family because she always tell Kemal that family more important than job. Yeah but let them fight. Very realistic situation in a marriage 👍

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 года назад +5

      Kamel é muito pegajoso, não deixa a mulher respira,entendo que ele tá com cuidados para que Narin não perca os bebês,
      Mais tem que pensa positivo né

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +3

      In season 2, Narin always reminds Kemal that family comes first and Kemal listens to her... Now it's happening to her...

  • @MuhammadAsif-cb8ul
    @MuhammadAsif-cb8ul 2 года назад +57

    Everyone is talking like this in the comments (Reyhan and Emir),(Reyhan and Emir)
    Reyhan she didn't care of her audience she left the series so Reyhan time is over this is Gulperi time so respect her and support her...

    • @rnayusubova455
      @rnayusubova455 2 года назад +12

      Aferin,bravo,Gülperiye destek!!!!!!

    • @elizenel8438
      @elizenel8438 2 года назад +9

      Yes some are totally nuts here

    • @MsIsma22
      @MsIsma22 2 года назад +9

      They will not understand you.

    • @MuhammadAsif-cb8ul
      @MuhammadAsif-cb8ul 2 года назад +7

      @@MsIsma22 Right..

    • @murieljah5480
      @murieljah5480 2 года назад +5

      Exactly, she left to do another series of her own will. those comments are so irritating and silly 😏

  • @yaimery3076
    @yaimery3076 2 года назад +14

    "Gulmir Scenes Translation 487". ( Part 1)
    "Scene 1".
    Narin: Can I come too I don't like staying away under the same roof I know you don't like it either I know let's talk.
    Kemal: Let's work out I have business then can't we talk.
    Narin: Then don't come here Kemal. Please don't force me to choose between my family and my wife that day I don't want to do anything without your consent.
    Kemal: Well then there won't be any conversation because working until the birth my heart won't be satisfied who is there.
    Narin: Please you are forcing me to choose between the two people I love most in your life either my family or my job.
    Kemal: Closed to the outside by the way, your babies are on one side. You won't work for a mess. Just that much.
    Narin: Yes okay, I know, do you think that? Aww!! bad
    (I don't understand the conversacion between Narin and Dr Fatih on the phone. I'm sorry.)
    "Scene 2".
    Kemal: He offered it himself but you accepted.
    Narin: You didn't. How so, Fatih Hodja, I said I won't come.
    Kemal: Yes, I said so if something happens to our babies tomorrow we will drive us too tomorrow. You will be upset I won't let it happen. I want to hurt you please.
    Narin: Okay.
    "Scene 3".
    Sheriye and Minuver are in the kitchen.
    "Flashback of Minuver".
    Minuver to Meral: And your answer is positive Meral Bey.
    " End of Flashback".
    " Flashback of Sheriye".
    Meral on the phone: Sleep Sultan. I'm listening to you.
    "End of Flashback".
    Sheriye: I don't know how many pieces you're doing I don't know how many pieces you do.
    Minuver: Sheriye hanim. Are you okay?
    Sheriye: I'm going to wear it.
    Minuver: No, no, you have something to be a pest. And since it's a little quiet today, if you fight with someone on, how many days have you been taking care of me? I've never asked you how are you, if you have a problem, tell my friend.
    Sheriye: I guess we'll figure it out, how big is this Prophet?
    Minuver: Let me tell you right away we were going to meet at the pudding house ( not sure ). What happened?
    Sheriye: Hello, I'm not alive.
    Minuver: No, I don't delete you, you know, Mr. Mulayim is a good person, vouch for him, talk to him, weren't you the one who said " Make Home". What happened? Who suddenly gave the news of the man's death?
    Sheriye: Cartoon holding my totem but I I haven't heard the time yet.
    Minuver: What did we hear the phone calls stay in the city. Ha ha!! only purpose what did you hear..
    Sheriye: Who is it stop now I'm finishing the word I'll write more then move on so that you meet Good okay, if my children didn't hear, there would still be no control, so he likened my child to.
    Minuver: So let's do nothing in vain. This is what happens, this is why this is what. I said, it can't happen later.. Don't take any risks in this business,it should have started at all.
    Sheriye: Do not disturb the conscience.
    Minuver: Let me ask you a question to a
    Sheriye: And my ears were in love I can't be sure, maybe there is something else. This. Yes, don't swallow anything now. I think my son who is learning, think the original is never in the name of the product. Wait let's not buy it today.
    Minuver: Okay.
    Sheriye: I'm awesome and I'll find your way, don't worry.
    " Continue tomorrow".

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +2

      " Narkem Scenes Translation". ( Part 2)
      "Scene 4".
      Narin: Kemal, what are you doing, guys, they'll make fun of us.
      Kemal: Is the age to surprise us, and I'm Trying to make your wife happy.
      Narin: When did I prepare it before I saw it.
      Kemal: I'm always thinking about something to make my beautiful wife happy, but if you ask me how I did it, I can't tell you. It's a secret.
      Narin: Yes, it's true, you called Fatih Hodja and cancelled your shift. Okay, I'm sorry, I won't bring up that topic, everything is very good.
      Kemal: Really look, there's also an Umbrella just in case you get cold and the sun will bother you. Come on.
      Narin: The moon I've been wanting to read it for a long time.
      Kemal: That's why I chose that book anyway.
      Narin: No matter what you manage to win my heart that.
      "Scene 5".
      Narin is in his room. She is on the phone.
      Nurse: I'm sorry I'm bothering you at this hour Estagfurullah.
      Narin: Is there something important or consequences. You said let me know as soon as it comes out, I was going to look at him now.
      Nurse: I sent you an email.
      Narin: Okay, now wait. Burcuoglu, let's do a test of loving family to the patient, how can we tie it with bone? Can you do it teacher.
      Nurse: I've never done this before if you do something wrong,
      Narin: You're right Fatih is the teacher there?
      Nurse: No teacher came out an hour ago.
      Narin: The situation is urgent. Them I'm coming by myself , okay see you.
      End of Call.
      Sheriye's voice: What are you saying the most. Safer I'm not going there again right? I guess I won't give my milk halal o me.
      Narin to Nurse: Burcu prepare the cake, it's coming right away.
      Burcu's Nurse: Okay, sir.
      " The End".

    • @rikamartawati3734
      @rikamartawati3734 2 года назад +3

      Thank you, dear Yaimery 😍

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +1

      Thank you 🌷🌺🌷

  • @mariyamargretjose
    @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +28

    Poor Baran. He have been left to deal with crazy Beyhan. He must have been wondering wht he had done to deserve this situation 😂😂😂

    • @marikatsirdava8515
      @marikatsirdava8515 2 года назад +8

      @mariya margret jose not only Baran, I am sure even Savas dreams Beyhan hadn't saved him

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +3


    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 года назад +3

      Barão e Salvas estão pegando coragem e enfrentar a velha louca,tem que ir pro hospício

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад

      @@marikatsirdava8515 😂😂😂

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +3

      Tranquila, él no era "una blanca paloma"

  • @kasimxojaeva2724
    @kasimxojaeva2724 2 года назад +19


  • @sutirahsutirah1689
    @sutirahsutirah1689 2 года назад +8

    ...and now Narin has straight hair... 💕💕💕 But I prefer she's in curly hair 😆

  • @rnayusubova455
    @rnayusubova455 2 года назад +21

    Keçi Narin,,,,Kemal bey doğru deyir,,dinlenmən lazım,,,,,,,,🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐Söze qulaq as,eşini incitme!!!!!!!!

  • @khairiehel-ghouch863
    @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +9

    487 مترجمه
    بيحان: لقد تجاهلت الوعد الذي قطعته. لقد شهدت يا آها.
    لماذا قد قمت بفعلها؟ لماذا قد قمت بفعلها؟ كيف هو حالك معي او معهم؟
    سافاش: ليست هذه هي القضية ، القضية الرئيسية هي القيام بالشيء الصحيح وكان هذا هو الشيء الصحيح الذي يجب القيام به ، هذا كل شيء.
    أمير في الغابة يبحث عن جولبيري
    امير: لا ، ولا اي مكان ، لا مكان.
    جولبيري: لكنني أعلم أنك غاضب جدًا ، لكن كان علي أن أفعل ذلك خوفًا من أن يتضرر أحبائي من هذا القتال الذي لا ينتهي ، لقد كنت متعبه للغاية ولم يكن لدي خيار آخر
    أمير: قلت لك ، انظري ، أنا في صفك. قلت لك إنني في صفك. لقد أظهرت لك طريقة أخرى للخروج. سوف يمر غضبها
    جولبيري: لا شيء آخر سيبرد عمتي
    أمير: أنت تعتقدي ذلك ، تعتقدي ذلك ، قلت أنه سيمر ، قلت إن غضبها سيزول ، على ما أعتقد ، أنت ضعيفه جدًا ، أنت ضعيفه جدًا.
    نهاية الفلاش باك
    صوت العم حسن: الحياة تطرح أمامك كل أنواع المسارات ، تختار واحدًا ، لا تختار ، مصيرك ليس أن تختار بل أن تعيشه.
    أمير: اخترت أن أستمع إليكي ، سأجدك.
    في المستشفى
    بيحان: لم أرَاك تركضي هكذا عندما كنتيي تعملي ببطء. هل لديك نية على حياتي؟
    فيدان: بأي حال من الأحوال سيده بيحان ، أنا أفعل كل ما بوسعي من أجلك وأنا أفعل ذلك من قلبي.
    بيهان: من الواضح أنني أمسكت بك بنهاية ذراعي ، لقد نهضت للتو من سرير المرضى ، وسأركض خلفك
    باران: سأذهب لأخذ السيارة يا سيدة بيحان ، لكنني لن أتعبك بعد الآن
    بيهان: أنت أيضًا يا باران ، هل فكرت بهذا الأمر للتو؟ هل فكرت في هذا للتو؟
    باران: لا تقلق ، ستكون السيارة قريبة منك عندما تخرجي.
    بيحان: أريد المغادرة في أسرع وقت ممكن
    باران وسافاس يتشاركان نظرة
    بيحان: باران ألم تسمع ما قلته لك؟
    سافاس: باران ، أنت تأخذ أمي إلى المنزل.
    باران: حسنًا ، حسنًا ، أخي.
    بيهان تمنع باران من المغادرة
    بيحان: باران سمعت ما قلته لن أقولها مرة أخرى نحن ذاهبون إلى المزرعة وسأبقى هناك.
    بيحان لسافاش : لن تتورط في هذا ، لقد فعلت ما فعلته بالفعل
    لدي حساب لتسويته مع تلك المرأة. ستعود للمنزل لسافاش.
    سافاش: سوف تذهبي يا أمي
    باران إلى سافاس: أنت أيضًا
    في الغابة
    أمير لا يزال يبحث عن جولبيري
    أمير يراقب جولبيري وهو تجمع المزيد من الأعشاب الطبية
    أمير: لمسه قليله يمكن أن يؤدي أحيانًا إلى أشياء كبيرة ، أليس كذلك؟
    شكرًا لكي ، ستنمو هذه الشجرة الصغيرة دون أن تنكسر
    هل سنتركي العشب مع الخاله؟
    جولبيري: يجب أن يجف ، من الأفضل أن نأخذه غدًا
    أمير: هل والدتك / جدتك هي التي علمتك كل هذا؟
    جولبيري: بسبب عمي لم نرَ ضوء النهار قط. مع ما حدث لها ، لم نتمكن من الذهاب إلى الطبيب ، كان عليها أن تشفي نفسها.
    لقد عرفت ما هي فائدة كل نبات / بذور تعيش في الأرض. اعتقدت انها لن تتركني ابدا
    نهاية الفلاش باك
    أمير: أين أنتي؟ اين اين اين
    سيدة: لا ، آمل ألا يكون هناك شيء سيء ، لم تبدو جولبيري بخير ، ولا هي نفسها ، لقد ناديتها ولكني لم أستطع أن أجعل صوتي مسموعًا.
    أمير: أي طريق ذهبت؟
    السيدة: أقسم أنني لم أجدها على ما يرام أنها ذهبت في هذا الاتجاه

    • @khairiehel-ghouch863
      @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +5

      على الشاطئ ، يتحدث زوجان عن جولبيري
      الرجل: أتساءل إذا لم تكن في عقلها الصحيح ، فلنتصل بالشرطة
      المرأة: من يدري ما خطبها هل نذهب ونتحدث؟
      الرجل: لنذهب
      المرأة إلى جولبيري: هل أنتي بخير؟
      الرجل: سيدتي ، أعتذر كثيرًا ، لم أقصد إخافتك.
      غولبيري تبتعد عنهم.
      المشهد 4
      سافاش على الهاتف: ألم أقل أنك ستجدها؟
      ماذا تقصد ليس هناك أخبار؟
      ثم استخدم المزيد من الرجال
      سترسلهم إلى المزيد من الأماكن. ستقلب الأرض رأسًا على عقب إذا كان عليك ذلك. هل تسمعني؟ من الأفضل أن تسرع.
      انهى المكالمة. يتصل بي أمير
      أمير: مرحبًا.
      سافاش: هل من أخبار؟
      أمير: لا ما زلت أبحث
      سافاس: حسنًا ، سأتصل بك إذا كان هناك أي أخبار.
      أمير: سأخبرك ، وأنت كذلك.
      بعد قطع الاتصال
      سافاش لنفسه: سأجدك
      الفلاش باك لأمير وهو يأخذ جولبيري في الماء لأول مرة.
      جولبيري: لم أراه بهذا القرب من قبل.
      أمير: البحرالازرق يريح الناس
      جولبيري: (لم أفهم ما قالته)
      أمير: انتي لم تضعي قدميكي في البحر منذ زمن.
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      اكتشف أمير مكان وجودها.
      على الشاطئ ، تخطو جولبيري على صدفة جرحت قدمها وتتذكر
      أمير: الآن قد تعلم أنك تحمل الريح
      جولبيري: من؟ هذه؟
      أمير: أيضا الرجل يحمل الريح بداخله لكني أتحدث عن الصدفه
      جولبيري: ماذا تقصد بذلك؟
      أمير: إذا وضعتها هكذا يمكنك سماع الريح.
      جولبيري: كيف سيكون داخل هذا الشيء الصغير؟
      أمير: الريح ستفعل شيئاً
      جولبيري: يبدو الأمر كما لو أن هناك ريحًا مثل هذه
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      جولبيري تستمع إلى الريح في الصدف
      صوت أمير: احتفظي بها
      صوت جولبيري: هي رياحها الخاصة
      صوت أمير: يمكنكي أن تأخذيها أينما تريدي
      جولبيري: شكرًا لك ، ليس لدي منزل لأخذ منه الريح
      تتذكر جولبيري عندما أطلقت عليها النار من البندقية عندما كانت تولاي تسعى وراءها. أيضا عندما أصيب إسماعيل بالرصاص.
      جولبيري لنفسها: في الواقع ، انتهى الأمر وانتهى ، كان حقيقيًا ، وتم تركه وراءه
      انتهى الأمر ، انتهى الأمر كله.
      يصل أمير إلى الشاطئ ، ويعتقد أنه وجد جولبيري ويخطئ في امرأة أخرى
      أمير: لقد وجدتك ، أنا آسف ، أرجو المعذرة ، لقد ظننت أنك شخص آخر
      المرأة: لا بأس ، لا بأس ، هذا يحدث
      أمير أتمنى لك يوماً سعيداً
      الرجل العجوز: ذاك الشاب رحل ، جئت بمفردك أين زوجتك؟
      أمير: أبحث عنها
      الرجل العجوز: يا بني ، لا تقلق واهدأ. أربعون عامًا من أجل فنجان قهوة يمكن أن تنتهي الحياة ، لكنها لا تضع مسافة بين قلوب الناس. لا تقلق ، ستجد زوجتك.
      في الغابة
      سافاش: أين أنت جولبيري ، أين أنت؟
      يرن هاتف سافاش
      سافاس: لقد وجدت شيئًا بلا أذن
      الرجل: لقد وجدتها ولكن كيف أقول هذا؟
      سافاش: تحدث من فمك
      الرجل: أنت تبحث عن شخص مشابه على الشاطئ بجوار الرصيف
      يقوم بمكالمة هاتفية إلى أمير
      أمير: أي أخبار؟
      سافاش رأوها ذاهبة إلى الرصيف
      أمير: حسنًا ، أنا على الشاطئ ، سأذهب إلى الرصيف
      سافاش: أمير ، هناك شيء آخر يجب أن أخبرك به.
      جولبيري: لا يمكنني الصمود ، ألا ترى ، أنا عاجزه ، لقد سئمت من مشاهدة أحبائي يتأذون أمام عيني ، لقد سئمت من العيش في خوف كل يوم.
      لقد سئمت من الشعور بأنني أنتمي إلى مكان ما وأنني خائفه منه.
      إذا كان لدي بضعة أيام سلمية ، فقد أمضيتها معك ، والآن أريد أن أختفي لأنني عالقه في وسط عاصفة لا يمكنك السيطرة عليها ، مثل قارب صغير أنجرف به بعيدًا
      افهم أنه لا يمكنني فقط جرك معي.
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      ترى جولبيري قاربًا على الشاطئ
      أمير: اسمعي ، قريبًا سيصل قارب إلى المرفأ وسأخذه إلى أي مكان تريدي أخذه ولن أعرف إلى أين يتجه ، ولن أعرف إلى أين يتجه. حاولت أن أفهم ما تفعليه.
      فقط تريدي ان تبتعدي عني ، افعلي ما تريدي أن تفعليه بعيدًا عني
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      تعلق جولبيري وتسقط
      بيحان: ستكوني مثل والدتك بلا شرف اسكتي وستكون مثل والدتك وستكون مثل الكلب في حقك.
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      جولبيري: لم أستطع التحدث أقسم ، لم يحدث شيء
      لم افعل أي شيء لم أفعله.
      لا شيء ، لا شيء
      المشهد 6
      جولبيري داخل القارب وسمعت أمير ينادي باسمها
      أمير: جولبيري !! هل أنت بالقرب جولبيري؟
      صوت بيهان في عقلها: جولبيري جولبيري
      جولبيري: لا ، لا ، لا ، انسى الأمر ، سوف تسألني.
      أمير: لا تخافي ، لا بأس ، لا بأس ، أنا هنا ، لا تخافي

    • @khairiehel-ghouch863
      @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +5

      جافيدان: جيد جدًا يا ابنتي ، لا بأس ستكوني بخير ، أنتِ بأمان لا تخافي بعد الآن
      تعال يا ميليكه هل أحضرت الأغطية؟
      اجلسي جيداً يا ابنتي هكذا.
      يساعد جافيدان وميليكه جولبيري على الاستقرار في سريرها.
      جولبيري: كيف ؟! (هي متجولة)
      مليكة: ماذا لو نقلناها إلى المستشفى؟
      جافيدان: بني ، لقد كانت في نفس الحالة لمدة ساعتين ، دعنا نتصل بالطبيب
      أمير: أنا الآن ساتصل
      جافيدان: ميليك ، لنعد الماء الساخن ثم نغير ملابسها ، هيا.
      أحسنت. هذه فتاتي الجيدة.
      أمير على الهاتف مع الطبيب
      أمير: نعم ، نحن في انتظارك.
      سافاش يتصل بي أمير
      أمير: أصغي
      سافاش: كيف حالها؟
      أمير: ما زالت غير مستيقظه ، الدكتور ، في طريقه.
      سافاش: إذا كان هناك أي شيء يمكنني فعله
      أمير: لا ، نحن نعتني بها ، وسنعلمك بذلك. كل ما هو ضروري يتم القيام به بالفعل.
      في منزل سافاش
      جافيدان: إن القسوة التي ألحقتها بتلك الفتاة لن تعيد زوجك أو أبنائك ، ولن يخففها الله بعد الآن.
      بيحان: اخرسي
      نهاية الفلاش باك
      بيحان لباران : هل تعتقد أنك ستربط يدي وذراعي بإبقائي هنا؟
      باران: بيحان هانم !!!!
      بيحان: لقد أخبرتك
      باران: سأفعل ما تطلبيه ولكن لا يمكنني أن أعارض كلام سافاش
      بيحان: أنت خائف
      باران: إنها لحظة أن تخاف إذا أردت لكنها ليست كذلك ، أنا أتحمل كلامه لأنني أثق في قراراته لأنني أحترمه لأنني أحبه.
      بيحان: وعليك أن تأخذها كما هي. أنت لست من سافاس ولكن من حديثي إذا لم أغلق حسابي فسوف أحرقكم جميعًا.
      باران: افعلي ما تريد ولكني لن أترك أوامر الأخ سافاس
      بيحان انهض ، أعطني الحقوق ، هل تعرف ما سأفعله ؟ أنت تضع عقلك عليه
      باران: ماذا تفعلين؟ ضعيه أرضا، أنزليه. ضعيه أرضا، أنزليه.!
      جافيدان: لماذا استغرقت وقتًا طويلاً مع الطبيبه؟ لا أعتقد أنه شيء خطير ، لكن
      مليكة: آمل أن تكون هناك أخبار جيدة
      تخرج الطبيبه
      جافيدان: كيف حال هذا يا دكتوره؟
      الطبيبه: أخذت وضعا نفسيا ثقيلا أثقلها
      ولسوء الحظ ، فقد تسببت صدمات الماضي في عدم راحة البال لديها.
      ميليكه: هل سيكون من الجيد لو تمكنا من دعمها بأي حال؟
      الدكتورة: إنها تساعد ، لكنها ليست كافية ، بالرغم من أنني لست خبيرًا في هذا الذراع ، إلا أن القلق ومتلازمة الإرهاق التي تعاني منها هي عميقة ، لذا يمكنك أن تفهمي أن الوضع خطير جدًا.
      أمير: وماذا عن العلاج؟
      الطبيب: لقد تحدثت إلى زميلة خبيرة في هذا الموضوع وتحتاج إلى تناول أدوية نفسية منتظمه

    • @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث
      @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث 2 года назад

      الف شكر حبيبتي ع الترجمة تسلم الأيادي

    • @daliayehia4742
      @daliayehia4742 2 года назад

      @@khairiehel-ghouch863 شكرا

    • @daliayehia4742
      @daliayehia4742 2 года назад

      الف شكر لحضرتك

  • @sanaanaboulsi2950
    @sanaanaboulsi2950 2 года назад +17

    This episode is the worse ever. Repeating scenes that we saw thousand times makes me sick. It's not worth wasting time watching.

    • @manuelamiari4618
      @manuelamiari4618 2 года назад +4

      Your telling me. At least half an hour of these scenes are repeats. I fast forward it. 😌

    • @gigileblo363
      @gigileblo363 2 года назад

      Please keep these negative complaints to yourself …respect the ones who are watching and eager to watch the next episode…

    • @sanaanaboulsi2950
      @sanaanaboulsi2950 2 года назад +3

      Keep your advice for yourself. You have to learn how to respect others opinions

  • @MsIsma22
    @MsIsma22 2 года назад +13

    Kemal let the prego woman works, pregnancy is not handicapping we can do our job while carry another human.

    • @dearbrave4183
      @dearbrave4183 2 года назад +6

      But she just had an accident. It's called being careful

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +2

      To love somebody and kemal does it

  • @gigileblo363
    @gigileblo363 2 года назад +11

    Big love for ke il and Narin!❤️❤️💋💋

  • @rudarudawa6065
    @rudarudawa6065 2 года назад +31

    Totalne dno!!!!! Wielka scenario nazyme spieprzyła taki piękny film jaki był 1 i 2 sezon z Reyhan i Emirem w roli głównej. oglądało się z wielką przyjemnością.Skonczyla nagrywac to badziewie powtorkami bo już nie miala pomyslu co dalej, a kazano jej skończyć nagrywać bo była bardzo mała oglądalność.

    • @bozenajaron526
      @bozenajaron526 2 года назад +12

      WŁASNIE tak jest jak pani powiedziala niemal zerowa ogladalnosc ludzie nie hca ogladac powtorek i udawac ze wszystko co bylo nie ma znaczenia 4 sezon jest najbardziej powtorkowym sezonem Gokberk dostal nagrode zajal 1 miejsce w kategorii chyba najlepszy aktor od widzów ale nie yemin tylko on sam .

    • @nanasordia4577
      @nanasordia4577 2 года назад +5

      Amen lady’s. Your saying true, this amazing season 1&2 was destroyed by Nazime. When this Oscar wining Season 3&4 is finishing? Please someone tell me a can’t take unstable women act

    • @wiesawaczajkowska8190
      @wiesawaczajkowska8190 2 года назад +15

      @@bozenajaron526 gdyby był konkurs na najlepszy w sezonie tym Yemin moim zdaniem nie dostałby nawet nominacji przy takiej oglądalności. Pomimo tego Gokberk w różnych zajmuje wysokie miejsca to świadczy, że jego gra jest dobrze odbierana pomimo dennego scenariusza i facet ewidentnie nim zmęczony. Ale dla mnie go ciągnął na ile dawał radę. Aktorka grająca Gulperi dopiero teraz zaczyna grać, ale wcześniej niestety kładła go totalnie. Gratuluję Gokberkowi zwycięstwa tym bardziej, że jest to ocena widzów różnych krajów. Dla mnie należy mu się za grę i wytrwałość, że nie uciekł z tonącego okrętu. Myślę, że teraz przeglądajac oferty wybierze też ciekawą, bo jak czytam ma ich sporo.

  • @silmararamos3806
    @silmararamos3806 2 года назад +44

    Emir e gulperi merecem serem felizes.
    Emir foi feliz com Rheian mas ela morreu.
    Quando uma história termina outra começa.
    Mas a cabeça da autora da novela é tão complicada.
    Que eu estou achando que a gulperi vai acabar em um hospital de loucos.
    Ela já sofreu muito.
    Eu quero a felicidade e vcs
    Mas é a dona Naz.
    Perdoe o comentário.
    Mas já vivemos cercados de tanta coisa ruim,que gostaríamos de ligar nossos aparelhos e ver momentos de alegria e amor.
    A vida tá muito sofrida
    E as novelas nos permitem sonhar um pouco.

    • @creusafeliciano2954
      @creusafeliciano2954 2 года назад +6

      Pura verdade

    • @Rremruati
      @Rremruati 2 года назад

      Mmmmmmmmmm mm mm mmmm mmm m mm. M mmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmm mm MNL m mmm m mm MNL m mm mm mm mm mm mmmmm mm BM my NC o

    • @carmennicolette11
      @carmennicolette11 2 года назад +4

      You are right. We want to dream a little, but dream beautifully.

    • @sylviasalas4127
      @sylviasalas4127 2 года назад +6

      Bravo, well said, lets all hope for a happy ending. Gulmir ❤️❤️❤️

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +5

      É verdade esta história desde o início teve doidos psicopatas maldade com fartura os momentos felizes Emir Rayhan foram os melhorezinhos mas já passou agora é de a felicidade bater a a porta da Gulperi pela mao do Emir seria lindo mas??????

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +24

    Rayting za wczoraj odc 486 Total 1,23 AB 0,37 ABC 0,81 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙊

  • @sandrapayano1387
    @sandrapayano1387 2 года назад +6

    Sava es belloooooo tan bien Dios Le Bendiga Cuanto papiii belloooooo en Turkije ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

  • @doloreslore2811
    @doloreslore2811 11 месяцев назад

    Setenaj aktore spetakolare ! Me Gokberkun kanë formuar një çift fantastik aktorial ! 👑👑❤️❤️❤️💎💎💎🌟⭐✨👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @devigeorgieva997
    @devigeorgieva997 2 года назад +28


  • @dearbrave4183
    @dearbrave4183 2 года назад +23

    Reyhan had a face of angel, Gulperi has a depressed face. Despite Reyhan's difficulty she was happy, self reliant, resilient, optimistic, and talented. Gulperi has no skills and is constantly crying and making everyone rush to her rescue. Watching her is mentally exhausting.

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +12

      Another widow🙈🙈🙈 Reyhan didn't have the difficult life Gülperi had... she was boring just because ¬¬ and I think Reyhan scenes were never so close to the challenged experiences Gülperi had to show, so the talented one is Gülpery/Setenay by far, no discussion at all. Reyhan only open her eyes and stretch her neck, that's all she knew 😅😅😅😅😅 If you didn't watch S4 as to learn about it, you shouldn't write.

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +7

      Gulperi had hard life. Nobody protect her. If life is hard very hard to have happy face. Reyhan only happy with Emir all other people make her sad and tortured her. Cavidan and Cemre always target Reyhan . Reyhan always crying even very loud and fainting. She fainted on practically every episode. But I miss Reyhan lol

    • @anitacintas5283
      @anitacintas5283 2 года назад +9

      @@MarcelaSosa cuidado que la envidia y los celos matan, para que te enteres la audiencia es el gran jurado, y se fue con la gran estrella! Özge! 💞 ☀️ La gran protagonista de Yemin ❤️. Y Setenay es tan grande para ti, que acabaron las grabacione a mediados de Mayo, y no la han llamado ni para hacer un reportaje fotográfico, así que deja de mariposear por los comentarios que te producen tanta envidia, que pareces un moscardon en la sopa de la buena gente!!!

    • @Petina-m5j
      @Petina-m5j 2 года назад +4

      @@MarcelaSosa nonsense!

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +1

      @@anitacintas5283 ayyyyyyyy Anita tan dulce y tan tierna jajajaja de qué envidia hablás, para celos y envidias están ustedes!!!!! Encima de un personaje aburrido que salió 2 temporadas atrás 😅😅😅😅 Tan ciegas q no sé que siguen haciendo acá, solo por Demirci? No lo creo "señora" 😂 solo hacen mención de la finada y se burlan con amargura de todo lo q ven como si las 2 primeras temporadas hubiera habido algo mejor ni actuación hubo porque estaban viviendo lo mismo q sus personajes. Pero intentar explicarles a ustedes q tienen el disco rayado aburre tanto como aburre su reina😴💤💤💤💤 Tu reinita necesitó volver a sacar Ozberk de la galera porque sino no podía publicitar más q sus fracasos y trabajos de modelito de marcas desconocidas. Así q bajá los humos, y andá tratar de sermonearte a vos misma frente al espejo.
      Ahhhh en cuanto a la audiencia te referís al poco rating q tuvo la T1 y T2 a pesar de la pandemia con la gente pegada a la pantalla xq no había otra cosa??? Y así y todo solo se hablaba de Hercai que son los verdaderos ReyMir???? Hercai sí se vendió y tuvo éxito en el mundo, Ebru sí tuvo éxito y verdadero rating, no como Yemin 1 y 2 q mienten q fue un boom q no fue mas éxito para ustedes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Compara a Ebru con tu "reinita" y enseguida se te van a bajar los humos amargos q tenés. A pesar de toda la publicidad q hicieron y entrevistas q dieron para el canal, nunca alcanzaron a Hercai. Así q las aburridas y malas personas son ustedes, viudas tóxicas y amargas, vayan a ver la temp 1 y 2 q acá las tienen, pero noooooo vuelven como el perro a esta temp 4 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ y sobre todo vos q ni siquiera salís de los textos tristes de mujer despechada cambiá un poco el disco mamu, de verdad das pena y vergüenza ajena 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

  • @kiranmohan8133
    @kiranmohan8133 Год назад

    Emir love with reyhan and ferida was not at first sight but his love for gulperi was at first sight

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +26

    Reyhan è Emirrr TARUN ASKA REYHAN 💞💞💞💞

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 2 года назад +19

    Emir needed answers to what had happened to her. He may have appeared calm on the outside but inside he was a madman. He stepped back into the bedroom and found her sleeping on the bed. Gulperi looked a bit better but her face was still white and he wasn’t happy he’d been the one to make her look that way.

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +6

      Let's wait until next week. I wonder what happened when Gulperi Daddy will be in the series

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +5

      Emir se siente arrepentido y culpable por las palabras que le dijo la ultima vez y tambien porque en el fondo sabe que por sus celos e inseguridades no ha sido capaz de protegerla de la Bruja de Beyhan que no ha hecho lo suficiente. Saludos amiga 🥰😍🥰

    • @elizenel8438
      @elizenel8438 2 года назад

      Daddda what did the doctor say to them ad the end that Emir gets so worried that he even go to look at her

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +30

    Tymi powtórkami tak chcą utrwalić w pamięci widzów ten 4 sezon, pewnie na koniec Yemin będą robić klasówkę z powtórek.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈🙊👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +25

    Nie mają już pomysłu na treść tego 4 sezonu to wstawiają takie głodne pożałowania kawałki. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙉🙉🙉🙉🤣🤣🤣🤣🙊🙊👎🏽👎🏽

    • @wubabebebeu8298
      @wubabebebeu8298 2 года назад +12

      Nie oglądać jak się nie podoba , tyle innych jest seriali tureckich może któryś się spodoba

  • @gigileblo363
    @gigileblo363 2 года назад +31

    If the viewers are not satisfied with the series…please give us a favour and do not watch!! But please keep your negative and annoying comments to yourself!!.,

    • @luisrosario1401
      @luisrosario1401 5 месяцев назад

      Sacas debe dejarla q sea feliz el sabe todo lo q ella a pasado y sobre todo q no quiere el es q debe decir q no quiere casarse

    • @luisrosario1401
      @luisrosario1401 5 месяцев назад

      Y dejarla q sea feliz junto a Emir

    • @ZeynepCalskan-bg9mi
      @ZeynepCalskan-bg9mi 5 месяцев назад

      ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊 7:45

  • @danutazerbok2434
    @danutazerbok2434 2 года назад +21

    Dzisiaj powtórki pobiły wszelkie rekordy nie każdy chce oglądać sto razy muszelkę tak to można ten serial ciągnąć bez końca ale kto to będzie ogladal

    • @bazylianowak1135
      @bazylianowak1135 2 года назад +22

      Witam. To prawda, miałam wrażenie że cały odcinek składał się tylko z powtórek. Może niech zaczną od początku dla utrwalenia ale bez powtórek, na jedno wyjdzie. Nie ma nawet ochoty na komentowanie.

    • @danutazerbok2434
      @danutazerbok2434 2 года назад +7

      @@bazylianowak1135 dzień dobry to prawdamamy podobne odczucia też nie miałam zamiaru nic pisać ale jak zobaczyłam te muszelkę awlasciwie muszle to nie wytrzymałam który to już raz podobnie jak inne sceny ale jakoś ta muszelka mnie szczególnie wkurza pozdrawiam

    • @bazylianowak1135
      @bazylianowak1135 2 года назад +10

      Dzień dobry. Mnie dla odmiany wkurza filiżanka a właściwie dwie. Jedna się rozbiła potem znów się pojawiła, raz jest jedna, raz dwie nie wiem o co chodzi. Starają się z tych z tych gadżetów zrobić motyw przewodni ''wielkiej miłości'' i może by to nie drażniło tak gdyby równie ważne pamiątki, a może ważniejsze bo należące również do Yigita nie wylądowały w dole, jak śmieci. Ta scena zrobiła na mnie takie wrażenie że na myśl o serialu jako pierwsza staje przed oczami. Jednym pociągnięcie łopaty starano się skasować 2 bardzo fajne sezony i według mnie tak się właśnie stało. Szkoda. Pozdrawiam. Miłego dnia.

    • @bozenakromer2793
      @bozenakromer2793 Год назад +1

      @@bazylianowak1135 To świetne podsumowanie 4 sezonu Yemin, bardzo nudnego i nieudanego.

    • @bazylianowak1135
      @bazylianowak1135 Год назад

      Witam. To prawda że bardzo nudny i bardzo nieudany sezon, ale zapewne nie dla wszystkich. Mnie z pewnością nie skusi żeby kiedyś odwiedzić 3 i 4 sezon, a 1i 2 to i owszem z przyjemnością.

  • @MayaMaryDrama
    @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +14

    Hey my dears, I didn’t forget about you, Asla! Just something came up, so I had to delay the upload. Therefore enjoy and happy weekend!
    Summary E487:
    Savaş keeps holding Beyhan not willing to let go of her until she calms down either way somehow. He ignores her accusation of disappointment, where she points out to him on which side he is, while she keeps falling in to her haul of disappointment.
    She pulls herself out of his arms and just looks at him, not knowing what to say any longer, while her eyes say more than enough. He points out that it's about doing the right thing, and that's what it was.
    Two strong characters now look at each other, Savaş who is slowly losing his patience and is tired of trying not to lose control over his mother and Beyhan who is a master of conspiracy.
    - With Savaş holding his mother, he makes her understand that he wants to rescue her and not hurt nor betray her, but Beyhan can’t see anything despite the fire of her revenge and the disappoint of her own son, who all of the sudden seems to think for himself. -
    Now it’s Fidan’s turn becoming the target of Beyhan’s ungrateful attitude towards the world and her the ones around her, that Savaş already finds it difficult to continue hear the never-ending complaint about his mother, while Baran can’t defend his Fidan (Fidanim) and just witnesses and remains silent, but only out of respect.
    Even though, Savaş order her to go straight to his home, the stubborn big baby Beyhan wants to go to the Tarhun’s. Therefore, the big one’s fight, through their argument and furious eyes, while the child named Baran is in the middle. Beyhan instructs Baran to drive them to the farmhouse, and orders Savaş not to interfere, because Beyhan needs to confront that woman. A hopeless case for Savaş, who evades the situation, leaving Baran confused.
    - I ´told a few of you, that she will use Baran to get to the house of the Tarhun’s. And I was right, because she knows that Baran would do everything for her. -
    Emir is in the forest and takes the same path as Gülperi once did trying to find her somewhere like he always did, even in the darkest nights. He keeps walking until he finds himself at the end of the road in front of two paths.
    He remembers his last conversation with Gülperi and this time he listens carefully to what he remembers. The pain in Gülperi’s eyes, who just wants to protect the ones she loves, while Emir said harsh words, und pushed Gülperi away from him. Words he regrets desperately and give him the last push to find her. Now Emir has to choose either one of the paths, that he finds himself helpless and yet determined to find Gülperi. Because he knows he’ll find her. And he chooses the one his heart leads him to.
    Taking every step trying to find Gülperi while the trees help him to take the right path, Emir is being accompanied by his own meaningful memories he shares with Gülperi. The first memory, the one which reminds him about Gülperi’s pain of loss and left alone, like her grandmother did. A memory which deepens his own words from yesterday even more and puts him in the middle of nowhere trying to find her but can’t.
    Right on time, a little light in the darkness comes by and it’s our lovely neighbor, who informs Emir, that Gülperi doesn’t look like herself at all. A information, which makes Emir more furious than he already is.
    Meanwhile Gülperi is drowning in the middle of the see. She’s drowning inside, trying to feel the freedom and let go of her struggles, while she keeps an eye to the wide and open sea. She’s lost in her thoughts and the feeling of letting go, until a worried couple pulled her out of the sea and back to reality. Terrified, Gülperi flees the situation and tries to continue her way to nowhere.
    But it’s not only Emir who tries to find Gülperi. While Emir searches for her in the woods, Savaş puts even more pressure on his underworld SWAT team to deliver progress instead of excuses.
    A phone call to Emir, which Emir more than happily answers, lets both know that they are on the same side. After a few words of keeping each other updated, the call ends and the search continues. But not only Emir assure Gülperi to find her, the worried Savaş promises to do the same.
    All of the sudden Emir remembers a moment, where the definition of freedom had the importance to him and to Gülperi. The next piece of his puzzle to find Gülperi and be closer to her which brings a little bit of hope back to him. Their place of peace.
    - And just like I wrote two days ago, where can you be free if not within the sea. -
    As Emir is on his way to the sea side and their favorite place, and Gülperi just keeps wandering around now at the seaside. She feels the sand on her feet, but it doesn't mean anything to her. She wanders around without paying any attention, until a small prick reminds her that she is still alive.
    This way Gülperi is brought back to life and encounters a memory that showed her how freedom can sound through the sound of the ocean.
    Gülperi holds on to the shell which captures it’s own wind. She listens to the wind of the sea which, gets close to is and feels the freedom. She listens to the wind of the shell and takes herself wherever she wants, just like Emir once recommended to her. She hears the wind, and feels the wind and takes herself for a moment where she wants to be.
    But the moment of joy didn’t last long and disappeared as Gülperi remembers that she has no place to go. And the longing for a home she never had, deepens while Gülperi knows that there is nowhere the wind could take her, she has no place, not a home.
    To fill this emptiness for a little bit longer Gülperi just keeps holding on to the sound and the feeling of the wind, which gives her the freedom and calm, the shell shares with her just enjoys it, while her view is focused on the wide sea.
    Absorbed in her own pain, which Gülperi tries to soothe, she suddenly is torn out of it, and the painful past has caught her again and took over. She tries to remind herself, that everything is over but she’s still not that strong.
    Willing to escape her own painful memories again, someone saw Gülperi and informs his headquarters immediately. - Gülperi is not alone after all, in this big world! -
    Emir finally arrived where he wanted to be looking out for Gülperi. His worry and search disappear as soon as he sees someone sitting at the table, calmly and with curly black hair. Finally, it’s Gülperi is shining eyes are saying. He smiles and finds himself arrived and rushes to her, but the result is a disappointment and his smile and happiness vanished immediately.
    It’s not Gülperi! Rushing back, willing to find her anywhere, the big supporter of Gülperi and Emir, the wise tea Amca, reminds Emir, that nothing can cut the distance to a person’s heart he shouldn’t worry and he will find his wife.
    Meanwhile Savaş too is frustrated as they still can’t find Gülperi. - He’s worried too! - Suddenly he receives a call hoping for some developing news and not in the mood for some chit chat. Someone looking like Gülperi, has been seen at the pier, awaking around.
    Finally, and just like they promised each other, Savaş calls Emir right away who too hopes for some developing news from him. Gülperi has been seen near the pier, where Emir is too and will look out for her.
    But that’s not everything Savaş has to tell Emir, whom he informs about it. Curious about what Savaş is willing to tell him, Savaş words need to be said face to face and through the phone.
    Now it’s not the time to think about Savaş, while Gülperi is the target and Emir remembers, the struggles Gülperi once went through and still does. The moment she found herself drowning in the sea through the unstable storm she carries inside. The moment, Emir told her that he wants to be her port where she can drop her anchor and arrive.
    - One of my favorite scenes, which makes me feel every pain of Gülperi. Gülperi finally started to open herself and just let go of the struggles she’s been carrying with her. The first-time, Gülperi admitted that she’s tiered and can’t hold it any longer. The first time Gülperi admitted that she doesn’t want her loved ones to be hurt any more. The first time Gülperi admitted that the few beautifully days she had were with Emir. The first time both of them talked about what they truly mean to each other through other words of care. Her having her peace when she’s with him, Emir willing to be her port forever. And this is where both of them knew, about their feeling for each other without saying it, because it was after Emir telling her that he wants to know her more. -
    - As Emir takes the path of finding Gülperi, he also takes the path to every meaningful and heart touching memory he shares with her. This is not only a way to find Gülperi but also to reconnect with her and remind himself, what she’s been telling him all the time. Because he still can’t forget the moment, he called her weak/low and kicked her out, even though he knows that Gülperi is everything but not weak. -
    Not only Emir is connected to that memory at the pier Gülperi is too and remembers the words of Emir, where a boat takes it path on the sea unaware where it could land. Surrounded by those boats, who could take her somewhere, Gülperi falls.
    Again, the painful past filled with insulting accusations haunts her and caught her. This time Gülperi is not able to stand up again, because she falls very deep in the hole of pain, depression and fear. - Like I wrote under today’s post, before being found, Gülperi will still fall deeper because she is struggling to face herself, her past and her present. -
    Part2 down below!

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +10

      Gülperi tries to hold on to herself and just begs her mind and prays that everything should come to an end and leave her alone. She didn’t do anything, she repeats to herself.
      - It’s a hard process for Gülperi, because her heart and her mind are now weaker than they were before. She decides to face her past and her pain while she focuses herself on the positive things in her life during her escape. But her mind also filled with painful memories takes over immediately as soon as she feels happy and relaxed even for a short moment. Gülperi lets herself go during that moment’s because she can feel herself breathing again and yet becomes weak to her pain while she’s willing to be strong again. -
      Suddenly, Gülperi hears her name and yet can’t see who it is. Is this positive sound of Emir’s voice an illusion or reality? And again, as she feels something positive connecting to that sound, painful sound connected to her name haunt her again that she lets herself surrounded by it. - like I explained above! -
      She wants to escape but can’t until she feels that someone came and found her after all. But is the one standing inform of her real or again an illusion, that Gülperi is just traumatized and perplexed looking at Emir. She sees him and yet not at the same time.
      Emir arrived where he has to be and can’t endure the state in which he sees Gülperi, alone and lost. He reaches out to her assuring her that it’s him, he’s by her side, and everything is over. Finally, able to see that it’s Emir who found her like always, Gülperi still is not with him.
      - Truly my favorite words from Nazmiye are the words “Ben Burdayım, Yanindayim, Korkma! - I am here, I am with you, Don’t be afraid! - The specialty of Yaman Kirimli in Emanet but they suit Emir too, that’s for sure! -
      Finally, home, everyone sees the broken Gülperi. They try their best to be there for her, heal her somehow as much as they can, at least to what they can reach out to.
      - But as much as they try to heal and help the body of Gülperi, they can’t reach out to her soul and her mind which needs the actual treatment. Nothing can warm Gülperi from the inside where she feels cold, lost and alone. It’s she herself, who needs to allow the warmth of her own heart, reach out to her soul. Just like she lets it to reach out to other people but never to herself.
      And the night has reached out the Yemin world and Savaş is lost in his thoughts but also worried about Gülperi, informing Emir, that if they need anything. Not being able to finish the sentence, Emir stops him right away, and informs him, they take care of everything.
      Savaş knows that Gülperi is in good hands and safe, that he took a trip back in to his thoughts and thinking about his next steps he needs to take.
      Well, as the day was already troublesome enough for everyone, Beyhan is burning in the cage her son has put her in. Baran is now the new target of Beyhan, to whom she keeps yelling, that they can’t keep her inside. Willing to escape this place, for the first time Baran stays strong.
      Beyhan sees his strength of standing in front of her as a weakness, because he might be scared of Savaş, but Baran makes her understand that he’s not scared at all. He’s not allowing it because of his Savaş Abi and his trust in him and his loved one.
      - That’s what loyalty looks like. Beyhan thinks because she likes to scare everyone in order to control them, he son might be the same. People like Beyhan, think they win because of the hatred and fear they spread. But they barely understand why those people act like that. It’s not because they are scared, it’s because they have enough. They actually win in another direction anyways. -
      As Baran might not be scared from his Savaş Abi and he trust him that much, Beyhan wants him, that he should be scared from her. - A moment which worries Baran, but still he stays strong, Savaş Abi icin! -
      Calling Baran a coward and scared Beyhan has lost the control of everything, because of her pride and her stubbornness.
      In her eyes, they all step on their ancestors and their mother, that she knows what to do. She rushes to the one thing, which means a lot to Savaş, willing to break it, just like he broke her. - A ship means control, strength, focus and rescue, character features which represent Savaş very well! - - Beyhan is quite fed up by the loyalty her son gets while she lost it! -
      Gülperi’s issue is not the pain outside her bubble but inside, her mental health. A very worried subject for everyone especially for Emir. - The doctors result, anxiety and burnout syndrome. -
      Gülperi is surrounded by the people she loves and yet she feels like the loneliest person alive. Emir sees her Gülperi in front of him, willing to help her and rescue her, and yet this time he’s lost himself.
      That’s it!
      Finally, we reached out to the end of escape and now we are going to take the path confrontation which will then be followed by the path of healing. Everything step by step.
      In this episode, despite Gülperi looking weak for me she was strong, because she tried to focus herself on the positive things in herself which she had so far, connected with Emir. She tried to suppress her pain and her mad memories and concentrate on the things which brought her a little bit of hope, happiness and calm.

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +6

      @@MayaMaryDrama your analysis. Beautiful as always. But i got so sad when she said she has no home 🥺

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +4

      @@mariyamargretjose me too! I head tears in my eyes while wirting about that scene! 🥺. - while watching I just watch but when I wrote I get more attached to the words 🥺

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +6

      In my free time I go to specific grocery store looking for donations for the homeless the city that I live every Tuesday night a group prepare food for them I take care of the snacks and desserts. I know exactly how people feel without a home nobody deserves that situation 😪

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +5

      @@MayaMaryDrama thanks for your translation and analysis I really appreciate and enjoy. Hopefully next week we'll better waiting for Gulperi's daddy role in the series Gulperi and Emir deserve be a happy family like Narim and Kemal. I don't think that's too much to ask 😪

  • @Abirat.sabil1234
    @Abirat.sabil1234 2 года назад +7

    قصه جبريل مثل قصه فريده حتى فريده ابوها قتل ا امها اليس كذلك يعني اعاده السيناريو هذه الكاتبه والمخرجه على ما اظن عندما كانوا يكتبوا هذا السيناريو الموسم الثالث والرابع يتعاطون الاشياء غريبه خلاتهم ينسى وكل شيء

  • @yaimery3076
    @yaimery3076 2 года назад +12

    This is the translation of Yesterday's Episode.
    "Translation of Episode 486 in English". (Part 1)
    "Scene 1".
    Emir to Cavidan: Calm Mom look don't be troubled okay I'll fix it as soon as possible I'm coming to Hatay behind you.
    "Scene 2".
    Gul on the street.
    Man to Gul: You crasy woman you were dying in the middle of the road. What are you doing? God, God, God, let the..
    "Scene 3".
    Savas to Nurse: Nurse dies soon, leave the station alone.
    The nurse leave.
    Savas to Beyhan: Oh mother, why did I do this.
    Beyhan: What did I do?
    Savas: Why did I complain about it?
    Beyhan: Ms. Cavidan even if you saw me wrong, she went down the stairs on purpose. It wasn't an accident. He wanted to kill me on purpose. I was going to make a complaint.
    "Scene 4".
    Yigit to Melike: What is he doing in (I don't understand this part too much)
    Yigit: I've looked everywhere.
    Melike: Let's see.
    Yigit: If this is Mustafa blue thing..
    Melike: No way.
    Yigit: How long was he in this stages?
    "Scene 5".
    Gul is walking on the beach.
    "Flashback of Gul".
    Gul to Kazim: Uncle, why don't you believe me, you don't believe me,
    Kazim: With my own hands. I wasn't cold for me, he perceived it with my own hands Mecep How do you like it.
    Kazim on the phone: If you catch up, let's say it's enough for you, we'll leave you first, we'll settle a reckoning. Now decide for myself, what's not more Kececi?
    Gul to Kazim: If you love the hundred God, but don't mince me, do whatever you want to do. What's wrong with him? Let him not separate him from his son.
    Kazim: Its joke. He's very crippled.
    "End of Flashback"
    "Scene 6".
    Cavidan to Officer: Did we drop our own.
    Police: Good, agreed custody area
    Emir: Do you need this can.
    Police: This is because your mother has a criminal record. Unfortunately, we cannot release him until he swells,.
    Lawyer to Emir: The matter will go to court. Under these conditions, he does not have to be detained.
    Police: Look, the statement of the other party is very clear, there is an international attempt to kill him, there is no witness saying the opposite of the such a case it is not appropriate for us to leave.
    Emir to Cavidan: Don't worry, okay.
    Lawyer to Emir: Don't worry, whole heartedly. We'll get it out of here.
    Emir: It's not befitting for us to defend ourselves with such a hurtful accusation that you do not.

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +1

      Episode 486". (Part 2)
      "Scene 7".
      Minuver to Sheriye: This city Ms. I prepared the cookies I put them on the tray. When the oven heats up, you give a horse,right?
      Flashback of Sheriye".
      The man is calling on the phone with someone.
      Man: My sultan. I'm listening to you.
      "End of Flashback".
      Minuver: I cook in 20 minutes it's already hot, that's what it is. Are you okay?
      ( I don't understand this part)
      Sheriye: We couldn't talk to him, I wondered how you would answer Ibrahim Efendi's marriage proposal. Did you think about it? I couldn't decide, but of course, this is something like this. It can't be rushed, it's not in a hurry.
      (I don't understand this part of the conversation)
      "Scene 8".
      Dr.Fatih to Kemal: Her condition is fine but she wanted him to see what she wrote to be sure. Don't worry by Everything is under control.
      Dr. Fatih on the phone: Yasemin. Narin The Great God says that the Kazan he did is a week away. But I did the checks again. It says whichever one, but I want to see you. Well then, see you,.
      "End of Call".
      " Scene 9".
      Lawyer to Emir: You do not want to make a claim about Mr. Emir. Beyhan Aksoy transportation Melekli, but Ms. Cavidan cannot prove that the event was an accident, which is very difficult for us to find out otherwise. Because there is no eyewitness, she only has a definite statement.
      Emir: There must be another way to get my mother out of here. Do a search.
      "Scene 10".
      Savas to Beyhan: Fire of Vengeance in blinded your eyes. We both know that he didn't make you fall from the stairs.
      Beyhan: What are you doing? The war that he left us and joined our enemies.
      Savas: Mom, look, don't do this to me, I don't join anyone's side. I learned both the right, the law and the justice from you. Where did the woman who tsught me these things voted mother.
      Beyhan: Tarjun? God the Huns are very guilty, my sons are under the ground because of them Lan, take a little of what I did to them.
      "Scene 11".
      Cavidan: I'm fine son. Don't worry but I don't want you to see me behind bars like this past so I want you to make a promise to me. You won't come here again so you won't be on.
      Emir: The ice Mom look it's not your fault it's true. Yes it will come out. Don't make yourself sad.
      Cavidan: Son if you're going to ask for all of this, if this revenge is going to end, if it's going to end,, I'm willing to stay here as long as nothing happens in the industry. I'm a mother. My peace is already.
      Emir: Mom it's your place, we're alone,, I won't let anything else happens.
      " Continue".

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад

      " Episode 486". (Part 3)
      "Scene 12".
      Narin to Kemal: Get the blanks out and Fatih Hodja will come soon.
      Kemal:Hi. Dr. Fatih: Hello. This is Narin so examining the results. Don't worry about what it means you too.
      Kemal: My teacher, all the results are fine.
      Dr. Fatih: Very unhealthy we said, let's do the check again. Your brother Suleyman. Is there any problem? It's good to take the precaution.
      Narin: Okay, teacher, I don't sleep.
      Ibrahim to Minuver: You didn't break me.
      Man: This Welcome Bland Brother you have given honors.
      Ibrahim: We are welcome. We are welcome.
      Man: Ali I am brother Ahmet's brother. Maybe you don't remember me but we receive you every day. We pray every day thanks to you my nephew got well and our family was blessed.
      Ibrahim: God bless you it means.
      Man: May Allah be pleased with us all, you are a man like Khidr, you didn't help, stay home. Thanks to you, there is no house where meat does not come in. God bless you,.
      Ibrahim: You will work here.
      Man: How are things good.
      Ibrahim: Thank goodness, the main character Mashallah, say hi to Ahmet too. I kiss the little one on his eyes.
      Kemal: Narin I know you're still sick.
      Narin: I know I'm fine.
      Kemal: I really didn't have anything Fatih Hodja says I heard, you need to rest for the purpose.
      Narin: Kemal I'm fine.
      Kemal: I'm really scared. I can't leave you here after all the stress. I've learned my friends are going to take care of your disease and we're going.

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад

      Thanks a lot " Shoukran "

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +2

      Episode 486". (Part 4)
      "Scene 13".
      Gul: Tonight I can't hold on.
      "Flashback of Gulperi".
      Gul to Ahmet: What are you doing?
      Emir: You...
      " End of Flashback".
      " Flashback 2".
      Ahmet to Gul: Where did you disappear? Where did you hide, get out and see if I find it, I'll do bad.
      Gul to Emir: You're not here.
      Emir: Don't be afraid I'm here can't do nothing. Don't let it happen. Is over now I'm repeating it's gone.
      " End of Flashback".
      Emir is on the phone.
      Emir: What do you understand me? Do it make sure my mother comes home from the prosecutor's office..
      (I don't understand this part of conversation)
      End of Call.
      Fidan to Emir: I'm in the kitchen, I ran to the sounds. But you can just.
      Emir: Okay go on the floor.
      " Scene 14".
      Melike to Yigit: Oh.. but how did we find our food, we had a good time, we're here again, now Pasha.
      Yigit: What a great angels, my father, grandmother, Perikizi.
      Melike: Is not going out, my daughter, she has work, they will come soon..
      The Melike's phone is ringing.
      Hello, this is Melike sister.
      Emir: Hello, I will ask you something.
      Melike: This work was done.
      Emir: This was the work of Mr. Mrs. Beyhan. Did you see anything about the moment she fell down the stairs.
      Melike: The last Gulperi I brought my salami and then I went to the kitchen to get water. Emir will be saved including right.
      Emir: Will the lady be saved.
      Melike: Hunter but I hope my son I hope you will come with good news soon. I hope by the way, everything is fine for me too. Don't worry.
      Emir: Yes ok, Melike sister. Thanks.
      " End of Call.
      " Scene 15".
      Ibrahim to Minuver: Look at the night I'm dating, isn't it? I don't want to bore you, but I can't help but ask that's your opinion. Now.
      Minuver: Answer, Meral Bey, it's my..
      " Scene 16".
      Police: Voters, it's a new development.
      Officer to Emir: I have good news for you Mr. Emir, you can take your mother home soon.
      Emir: How did it happen?
      Officer: Witness Savas as a result of the land statement, your mother was released.
      Emir: Thank you.
      " Flashback of Savas".
      Savas to Police: Cavidan Tarjun is innocent, choose a file. I want to testify. As I said, at the time of the incident, we too, everything is just an accident. My mother is on the side of the mosque, because of the enmity between them, she misunderstood the situation with her turmoil and made a mistake in this direction. I have to say Cavidan Tarjun God shut up and it should be released immediately memelik.
      " End of Flashback".
      " Scene 17".
      Narin y to Kemal: We came to that house, who is there for happiness now.
      Kemal: Yes I'm very happy look if you were in my place tell me the same thing I'm sorry don't work like this. I can't let you water.
      Sheriye: My master you have a health job you are there.
      Minuver: Shouldn't you be in Hasan.
      Narin: It was supposed to be mom.
      Kemal: But I didn't stay any longer we'll talk inside.
      Masal: Welcome.
      Kemal: We're welcome.
      Masal: What's going on Dad is something wrong, what's wrong with you?
      Minuver: Yes come on son tell me why he came so early.
      Kemal: Wow a little what happened in the traffic accident.
      Masal: What....
      Sheriye: Oh Allah!!!
      Masal: Oy Narin now are you okay?
      Narin: I'm fine.
      Kemal: Don't worry it was a distant accident we went to the hospital all the tests were done. Thank God, good babies.
      Minuver: He,he, thank goodness, my daughter.
      Sheriye: We have never had any Charity given to me.
      Masal: There is music so let's go to the garden that doesn't get stuck inside.
      Mert: Exactly. Also, my love makes you sleepy mom and sister.
      Sheriye: Now I was making some tea branches and cookies, you're throwing them together.
      " Continue".

    • @tahmeenaahmad7567
      @tahmeenaahmad7567 2 года назад +1

      @@yaimery3076 thank you so much dear 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @hannarie5768
    @hannarie5768 2 года назад +9

    Feeling sad because there is no translated NarKem family conversation and also There was not in episode 485

    • @rikamartawati3734
      @rikamartawati3734 2 года назад +5

      Yes, I feeling sad too, no Narkem scenes translation. Everybody translate Gulmir, make its summary, review etc. Why they don't do the same on Narkem. Their story are more or less the same intersting. For me myself, Narkem story is more enjoyable

    • @nassimagrani1545
      @nassimagrani1545 2 года назад +3

      @@rikamartawati3734 I agree with you

    • @kafikafo5661
      @kafikafo5661 2 года назад +5

      There is a FB group for the Narkem only , every scene is translated daily

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +1

      La traduccion de la escenas de Narkem estan listas. Pueden buscarlo en los comentarios. Saludos 🥰🥰🥰

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +2

      The translation of Narkem are ready. Look in the conment. Greetings 🥰🥰🥰

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +30

    I especially loved the ending part it was cute to see, emir entering the room and the way he looks at her ❤️. You can tell he’s worried for her a lot and he just wants to protect her with all his heart, he wants to know what caused her to be this shocked and that’s why he asked savas what was gulperi’s past like, and he learns that her dad is in fact alive and he killed her mother. I can’t wait to see what unfolds next week it’s going to be very very interesting. Savas probably thinks gulperi knows her dad is alive and that’s why he feels bad and asked emir how is she. I don’t think she knows her dad is alive but she’ll end up knowing next week, I’m glad gulperi has a doctor and I think the doctor is there to help gulperi overcome all her traumatic pasts, I think that’s why the doctor asked emir is there something about her past I don’t know of. Because in order to help her the doctor needs to know a lot about gulperi’s past and all her trauma so that way gulperi overcomes it.

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +5

      He is really worried about her Samira Omar and regret every words and actions against Gulperi hopefully she will recuperate soon and stay together as a real family GULMIR ❤❤❤

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 года назад +2

      @Sandra Herrera Gulmir ❤❤❤

    • @elizenel8438
      @elizenel8438 2 года назад +5

      Do you think they will send her away to a place to do the therapy. Like Emir told Yigit you have sometimes to remove some one from its place to get them to be better. With the little rabbit

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 года назад +3

      @@elizenel8438 I think Emir's words had some meaning back then. The point was that the rabbit had to be cured first and then a healthy rabbit had to be released into the wild. It will be the same with Gulperi - he will probably go to some center to heal her and return home. Emir will make every effort to heal her. Yigit and Emir are her best therapists and medicine, later at home.

    • @marinabanijas9906
      @marinabanijas9906 2 года назад +1

      emir 🥰🥰🥰❤❤naj bolji glumac volim te emir

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +1

    Gulperi thinks emir will never forgive her that’s why she had a nervous breakdown

  • @فاطمةشري
    @فاطمةشري 2 года назад +13

    بالتوفيق والنجاح لكم الجميع بالخير والعافية وصحة جميعان 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад

      تسلمي اخت فاطمة " ولك بالمثل"

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +2

    Emir needs some lessons fr kemal in showing his love and feelings to gulperi, he is so distant

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +1

    Kemal is so sweet to narin flowers and special meal for two like a date❤❤❤🎉🎉

  • @nurjiyakamdon7029
    @nurjiyakamdon7029 2 года назад +8

    Am I the one that still hoping for Reyhan to comeback alive😔😔 I want Reyhan back... please make a twist... I can't find chemistry for Emir and Gulperi

    • @annaprzybyszewska3433
      @annaprzybyszewska3433 2 года назад

      Oni są aktorami jest w mogą ciągle grać razem.

    • @gigileblo363
      @gigileblo363 2 года назад


    • @ВераАубакирова-г2й
      @ВераАубакирова-г2й 2 года назад

      Nurjiya Kamdon 👆👏👏👏👍👍👍🌺❤Reyhan queen Yemina♥️♥️♥️Gulpari Setenay Suer photoshop 🙈🙈🙈🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️👵👵👵silikon aktris

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +24

    Yemin 1, 2 sezon piękny 💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞

  • @gulluhmdov8698
    @gulluhmdov8698 2 года назад +13

    Savaş möhteşem oyunçu

    • @amm3753
      @amm3753 2 года назад +2


  • @دعاءوحيد-ك2ي
    @دعاءوحيد-ك2ي Месяц назад

    على فكره المحلى الدراما بيهان موقع الشر تمثيلها قوى جدا وعم حسن الخير كله واضح انكم لم تقتنعوا بكبار الممثلين احنا عندنا فى مصر هم بيكونوا سبب لنجاح المسلسل

  • @gigileblo363
    @gigileblo363 2 года назад +5

    Complain! Complain! Complain!please watch and stop complaining!!!😢

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +1

      Yes... Enjoy ... it's easier to tell in written form than scene by scene and they have done a great job...

  • @halinamikowska7370
    @halinamikowska7370 10 месяцев назад +1

    ❤ EMIR 💕💕 GULPERI ❤
    Piękna, dojrzała i sprawdzona MIŁOŚĆ od pierwszego wejrzenia

  • @НатальяЧехова-ш7ф
    @НатальяЧехова-ш7ф 2 года назад +19

    Бедный Эмир. Теперь еще и неадекватная Гюльпери ! Нет счастья в его жизни.а которое было с Рейхан, быстро закончилось. На этом можно было бы и поставить точку в сериале. Дальше сплошные повторы и жесть...сериал ООООчень затянут...

    • @truly5609
      @truly5609 2 года назад

      It is ending 2 weeks left then its done finished.

    • @devigeorgieva997
      @devigeorgieva997 2 года назад +4

      "Супер" Гюлка, няма втора като нея! Със свещ да я търсиш, не можеш да я намериш! 🤭

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +29

    I honestly love how emir and gulperi both have their special flashbacks of the time they spent together. Emir thinking about the time that gulperi was picking up herbs and the way he was looking at her was just so beautiful. And when he listens to his heart and he ends up choosing the right path that leads him one step closer to gulperi. And he comes across the neighbor and she tells emir she saw gulperi but she wasn’t herself. And when emir again has a flashback of when he and gulperi were at the beach, when he took her there they’re very first time to their special spot. And he remembered them entering the water without their shoes and seeing her happy and all smiley made him extremely happy too. And gulperi when she’s stepped on the seashell she thought about emir and the time that they were listening to the seashells together, and she looked so much in peace and she was able to calm down for a bit. Loved the entire scenes of their flashbacks they’re deeply connected no matter what and where❤️

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +5

      Yes, both Emir and Gulperi had flashbacks 🤔but Emir's flashbacks were related mostly about their nice moments while Gulperi's were related to painful moments in her life😭😱

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +5

      @@nashali1758 gulperi had one flashback of her and emir and it was the seashell scene that was beautiful. She felt at peace when listening to the seashell and also she was remembering emir too❤️

    • @marinabanijas9906
      @marinabanijas9906 2 года назад +3

      emir seviurum 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤💙💙💜💜💋💋💋

    • @marinabanijas9906
      @marinabanijas9906 2 года назад +4

      @@samiraomar7566 emir gulperi seviurumm🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +2

    Emir can be so cold n mean when he is jealous n angry

  • @rukhsanamoghul1389
    @rukhsanamoghul1389 2 года назад +6

    Now the gulperi does not attract the audiences with the same type of acting and expressions

  • @geaninamanita73
    @geaninamanita73 2 года назад +17

    Demirci. unfortunately it shows me that he cannot create a connection with the main actress! Either that or the script says that he must not approach her in any way!

    • @remediosplacer4998
      @remediosplacer4998 Год назад +1

      remedios placer yo estoy esperando que se casen lo más pronto posible Ami me encantan gulperi y emir se merecían . mejores partes espero verlos en algo mejor pronto porque ya tengo 86 años y no quiero perderlo. y por favor en español

  • @romilaagard7621
    @romilaagard7621 7 месяцев назад +1

    Wao wao sufrió lo que dicen un colapso, demasiado por esa presión de la Tía y el hijo; la llevo hasta como el máximo punto:(
    Es especie necesita atención tiene demasiado odio, el rencor se la carcome, solo con la expresión facial. Por que no la sacan de ese error / engaño que vive, y le dicen la verdad de sus difuntos, el que no eran tan santos como ella quiere hacer ver.:(
    Narin Narin que le pasa, exponiéndose, no solo ella; si no a las niñas:(

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +28

    Reyhan è Emirrr giuramento 1y2 Superrrr favolosa 👫❤❤❤👑👑

  • @danielazamfir3251
    @danielazamfir3251 4 месяца назад

    Emir +Gulpiri =dragoste matura, adevărată și trainica la prima lui vedere și care se va încheia cu o frumoasa căsătorie. Nu a fost impusa și forțată ca prima data așa cum a fost cu 😂fosta, ci a fost alegerea lui de cum a văzut-o. De ce să nu fim obiectivi și din invidie și răutate toți o critica pe frumoasa și talentata actrița Setanay Suer care a jucat rolul perfect, în comparație cu cele doua care doar au mimat Felicitări Gokberk și Setanay, va iubesc ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +21

    I can tell gulperi is deeply traumatized and all the bad memories are hitting her deeply at once, and like she hears a gunshot and she remembers when Tulay shot her and also she remembers when beyhan pulled her hair and was saying your like your mother. Gulperi learned something she never knew about and this is deeply shocking to her and she can’t breath she feels like she stuck in a spot not able to move..

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад

    I dont understand why the words from beyhan would cause gulperi’s nervous breakdown i think it’s the hopelessness after emir told her to leave when he heard her agree again to marry savas

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 2 года назад +9

    Emir ve Gulperi 🌹🌹🌹💛💛💛💛💛

  • @miyassarxajayv5264
    @miyassarxajayv5264 2 года назад +4

    Savaş harika 😘

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +18

    CAPITULO 487
    Parte 1ra. Prueba de amor:
    Toda la vida ha estado con miedo, encerrada, pero su misión es ser reina. Ella no es fruto del odio sino del amor, por eso la maldad no pudo crecer en su alma. La bondad de Gülperi fue abonada con amargura, hasta que llegó Emir a su vida.
    Emir nunca se ha conformado con la mediocridad, la bondad y justicia lo hicieron superar sus angustias, pero luego de la muerte de la madre de su hijo, no podía imaginar el AMOR, hasta que vio a Gülperi.
    Emir ha cometido errores y no ha comprendido que en Gülperi la pureza de su bondad sólo pueden apreciarla sino quien es como ella: Yiğit.
    El aprendiz de sultán sufrió la tragedia de perder a su madre al nacer y Gülperi no sólo la pierde sino que la calumnia y eso ella no lo soporta.
    Yiğit sin embargo no puede ayudar a Gülperi a que supere su pasado, porque esos monstruos sólo son demasiado poderosos.
    El pasado de Gülperi está más herido de lo que le nace su conciencia. El desamor que recibió en su niñez y adolescencia tiene un misterioso contenido que ha envenenado su espíritu.
    Beyhan la odia por la muerte de su esposo e hijos o hay razones que le dijo y por eso Gülperi aceptó la locura como defenza?
    Y muchos se preguntan por qué complicarle la vida a Emir? No era mejor que se quede solo con su hijo?
    El pasado no puede ser fuente de vida y en Emir renació el hombre que yacía en la tristeza cuando conoció al hada de su hijo.
    Algunos piensan que la madre de su hijo es el alma gemela de Emir, pero el Emir que la amó a ella ya no existe. La madre de su hijo centró al alocado hombre y lo hizo un hombre de familia, pero al morir la locura lo embargó y sólo Yiğit lo pudo volver en razón. Si alguno sabe de dolor es Emir y por eso puede acompañar a Gülperi a sanar su pasado.
    El alma gemela de Emir es Gülperi, el amor vivido en el pasado ya no duele. El sufrimiento que siente por lo que sucede a Gülperi es el impulso para que luche por ella y puedan vivir su amor plenamente
    La madre de Emir era una mujer verdaderamente malvada pero el dolor la purifica y el amor la transformó en una buena persona. La expresión máxima de amor que sanó a Cavidan fue el perdón de su hijo Emir y por eso ambos sanaron.
    Durante su caminar Gülperi ha sufrido toda clase de vejaciones, que la han hecho más fuerte. En una ocasión explicó que aprendió la sabiduría de crear medicinas con hierbas porque su abuela la enseñó porque Kasin no las llevaba al médico. El olor de un jabón era un festejo que la unía al recuerdo de su abuela, los lobos eran amigos porque se respetaban. Ni necesitó el dinero, ni la embelleció la vanidad de los vestidos, maquillajes y alhajas. El odio y el maltrato no contaminó su corazón, NO SABE otro lenguaje que no sea el de amor. Sólo con Savaş se defendió con fuerza porque insultó a su madre y porque creyó que Savaş secuestró a Emir. Siquiera Ahmet, Tullay y Beyhan lograron quebrantar su espíritu.
    Pero, por qué ha enloquecido, entonces? Porque Beyhan en su último ataque le contó lo que siquiera podía sospechar y por eso huye...
    Se quiere esconder Gülperi? En verdad ella ha perdido el sentido de la realidad pero la protegen las experiencias vividas con Emir, y sigue la ruta de su corazón ❤.
    A Emir le hiere no haberla escuchado, a Savaş no haberla protegido más de Beyhan. En esta ocasión no irá a casa de Tío Hassan sino irá a refugiarse a aquel lugar donde con Emir fue feliz.
    En el último encuentro Gülperi fue echada de la oficina por Emir, pero la sostiene lo vivido, por eso recurre a la Concha de mar buscando....?
    Gülperi se pierde para que Emir la encuentre, por eso Gülperi reacciona desde que siente su sombra. Emir, no le había dicho una sola palabra y ella comienza a levantarse, porque él único que necesita es a Emir. Las palabras sagradas: ya estoy aquí, no tengas miedo... Y sin oponer resistencia se irá con Emir. Ya no es "la indomable Gülperi que lucha para evitar ser violada, no le entierra una tijera, lo acompaña.
    Cuando Ahmet la secuestró Emir le dijo esas palabras, en esta ocasión los que han secuestrado a su espíritu son más peligrosos, pero el AMOR logrará vencerlos.
    En esta ocasión Emir no actúa a escondidas, la lleva a los que la aman y la protegerán. Ya Savaş no es enemigo, tampoco será el enamorado, será el amigo que Emir necesita.
    Cavidan le dijo a Emir mientras estuvo en la cárcel que esa experiencia le serviría para seguir purgando su pasado, que no quería que la viera allí. Pero la ternura con que recibe a Gülperi enferma es prueba de la definitiva muerte de la orgullosa Cavidan. Ella sabe que Emir la ama, pero nunca más decidirá por su hijo.
    La cruel realidad de ver a Gülperi desvalida no es nuevo para Emir, pero en esta ocasión hay algo que no entiende.... pero hay una cosa muy clara para Emir: LA AMA.

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +4

      I love how u ended it as 'HE LOVES HER' ❤️

    • @fellousnaima2099
      @fellousnaima2099 2 года назад +1

      Je vous félicite de tout mon coeur et je vous dit BRAVO pour votre magnifique analyse vos paroles vont droit au coeur vous donnez toujours une très bonne et magnifique description de Gulperi en tant que personne c'est exactement ce que je ressens moi aussi et la preuve c'est que Yhigit l'a aimé tout de suite parce que les enfants ne se trompes sur les personnes qui les aime â la fin je vous demande gentiment de me traduire la conversation de sa tante dans les escaliers qui la poussée à s'en fuir et merci d'avance

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 года назад

      Mais uma vez sua análise do seu episódio foi perfeita!! Uma análise assertiva do começo ao fim! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +2

      @@anabrito4442 quisiera complacerte pero no sé turco 😟, Island girl, Yaimery, marymaya o Mildred Molina son las traducciones. Yo escribo con lo que percibo de los gestos y modulaciones de voz y cuando logro la traducción de algunas palabras automáticamente.
      Sin embargo, tienes mucha razón en querer saber lo que Beyhan le dice a Gülperi estando cerca de las escaleras es crucial porque es la razón por la que ella desespera y pierde la razón, (por poco tiempo, es un sindrome causado por stress ).De esta conversación una parte no se conoce, tenemos que ver en los próximos capítulos los diálogos con Savaş, los insultos de Beyhan y lo que Gülperi diga inconsciente.
      Quizás, cuando esté calmada diga algo a Emir o a Cavidan /Melike porque lo hablaría con el tío Hassan pero este creo no estará más.

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +3

      @@mariyamargretjose Aunque Gökberk Demirci en su interpretación está muy frío, ( está parte fue grabada para el tiempo de su crisis emocional por la "ruptura " con su novia). Emir está muy enamorado de Gülperi por eso la busca y hará todo porque ella sane)

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +19

    💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +19

    Emir is regretting the way he spoke to gulperi in the office you can tell it makes him said as well. And I think he told himself like It was me who didn’t listen to you, and he said something else as well. I love how he was having memories of them together spending time alone, and emir realized the place that gulperi would love to be at especially is their special spot at the beach. And when he makes it to the beach he sees this curly headed who he believed was gulperi and you can see before he walks up to her his eyes is filled with sparks and it’s shining but when he goes to the lady and puts his hand on her he realizes it wasn’t gulperi the woman he deeply loves it was a stranger. And emir ends up having a flashback of the time gulperi said she feels like she’s floating aimlessly out in the ocean without no control and like how she’s afraid to lose those she loves. And she told him please understand, and I love the old man was like talking about love I think to emir.

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +5

      I think, you are right👌 . The old man is referring to love as well as to the two golden cups that he gifted to Gulperi and Emir. I think the cups are symbol of eternal love 🥰

    • @marikatsirdava8515
      @marikatsirdava8515 2 года назад +2

      @Samira Omar as usual, Emir shouts, only then thinks and is eaten by remorses

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +4

      @@nashali1758 yesss I loved how he speaks about that to emir. He knows Gulmir they usually drink coffee together by the beach, they’re his regular customers

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +3

      It's a habit and he can't get rid of it !@@marikatsirdava8515

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +2

      As usual (: ....But he has a good heart @@marikatsirdava8515

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +13

    Que pena me deu o Savas está ficando um bom rapaz 🤔🤔🤔

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 года назад +2

      Ele merece alguém que o ame de verdade e o respeite,Savas precisa se livrar da bruxa da Tetê, heita velha diabólica, rolou as escadas sozinha,não morre,acusa Cavidã e ainda queria volta pra uma casa que não é dela só pra inferniza a vida de todos la,mais Savas esta sendo mais autoritário, que ele encontre a mulher certa e o faça feliz,mais longe da psicopata da Tetê

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +3

      @@alicebiazzi8258 concordo viu o ninguém quer uma mãe assim mas a Gulperi não é a mulher certa para ele, ele conhece o passado dela mas ela não é ajuda para ninguém ela precisa ser ajudada. Coitada é o Savas coitado também mas??? O tal ditado anda com bons serás igual a ele anda com maus serás pior que eles e agora ele está com gente humana mas boa é descobriu um menino que é amado e sabe amar porque seu pai o vem educando assim e era isso que o Savas não teve🤔🤔🤔💞💞💞

  • @claudiayanez1748
    @claudiayanez1748 2 года назад +7

    Traducción al.español por favor! Myrna Medina, espero estés bien!!!Bendiciones

    • @myrnamedina4978
      @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +3


  • @amrgg6476
    @amrgg6476 2 года назад +15

    أمير وريحان❤️

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +34

    Reyhan ve Emir

  • @taislaoliveira6796
    @taislaoliveira6796 2 года назад +21

    EMIR mostrando pra Savas quem é dono de Gülperi 😂😂😂😂,ele só queria ver ela 🤭

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +5

      Ayyyy si, pobre mi Savitas jajajajjajaj Ni le dejó terminar la frase Emir, enseguida Yok Yok jajajajajja

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 года назад +4

      Tadinho Savinhas todo preocupado 😅😅

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 года назад +1

      SAVAS todo preocupado dava pra ver nas suas expressões 🥺🥺🥺
      Ainda falam que ele não é apaixonado por GULPERI 🤔🤭

  • @consuelomoreno3671
    @consuelomoreno3671 2 года назад +2

    Xf alguien misericordioso k traduzca al español los pocos capítulos k kedan es una pena grande k después d seguirla hasta ahora pues no entender lo k esta pasandoen estos últimos capitulos

  • @taislaoliveira6796
    @taislaoliveira6796 2 года назад +16

    Baran daqui a pouco vai enlouquecer também, coitado quem será que ele escuta Beyhan ou SAVAS 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +1


    • @carmennicolette11
      @carmennicolette11 2 года назад +2

      And now poor Baran was left alone in Beyhan's hands

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +3

      @@carmennicolette11 yes poor Baran she wants to destroy Savas wood Boat incredible

    • @carmennicolette11
      @carmennicolette11 2 года назад

      @@sandraherrera2247 Because she's mentally sick .Baran's look îs priceless. He seams really scared of her.

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +3

      Más tierno Baran, yo que él me pongo a buscar otro laburo pensando en la vida que le va a dar a Fidan con esa bruja jajajajaj

  • @endzim1889
    @endzim1889 2 года назад +12


  • @krystyna9008
    @krystyna9008 Месяц назад

    Chcąc znależć zaginioną trzeba myśleeć tak jak ona.Jaki Emir był zadowolony,gdy dostrzegł długie włosy przy stoliku.Savas i Emir zwarli szeregi w poszukiwaniu Gulperi z pozytywnym rezultatem.Wdowa gotowa wokół siebie wszystko obrócić w perz.Narin nie posłuchała męża i zaskoczona w gabinecie zastała "rozjuszonego byka"

  • @lookatram
    @lookatram 2 года назад +1

    Can you please bring back Rehan. We really miss her presence

  • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
    @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 года назад +22

    I'm glad that Gulperi is OK...and Emir found her.....💕💕💕💕💕💕.

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +9

      Yes she's not ok at all but she'll have the love of Cavidan Melike Yiguit and Emir

    • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
      @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 года назад +4

      @@sandraherrera2247 Yes she is not OK at all .....but at least she's not dead....💓💓💓💓

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +6

      @@mariacarmenmoraru5901 exactly I agree with you. Have a wonderful weekend you and all the girls in the chat 🌎🤗❤

    • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
      @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 года назад +3

      @@sandraherrera2247 Thank you....💕💕💕

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 года назад +5

      @Sandra Herrera thank you ❤❤❤, have a wonderful weekend too my dear 🥰🥰

  • @guliytojiboyiva3073
    @guliytojiboyiva3073 2 года назад +2

    Наринни аннаси бу яшдан сора эра чикмак айб олурми уттанмаслар не агламасия

  • @dariamajchrzak624
    @dariamajchrzak624 2 года назад +3

    No teraz to już całkiem przesadzili , 15 minut nowych wątków a reszta to same powtórki

  • @juanitagarcia1628
    @juanitagarcia1628 Год назад

    It saddens me that beautiful Gulperi has a
    Phenomenon breakdown !!! N handsome Emir worries about her very much after finding her !!!😱

  • @marinabanijas9906
    @marinabanijas9906 2 года назад +6

    mert kemal masal narin seviuru🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +16

    O capítulo de hoje não foi mau, me deixou ansiosa até acharem a Gulperi. Mas o amor neste capítulo foi o vencedor menos com a cruela de vile o romance agora está por conta do Kemal bonito??? Sim!!!! Mas eu queria ver um pouco de romance com o Emir que nele com aquela voz fica muito mais bonito!!! 💞💞💞💞 Mas já há uma esperança!!!! Fiquei com pena do Savas descobriu que foi educado erradamente em vez de amor foi maldade 😢😢😢 gosto muito da Sherid ♥️ Kemal!! Cavidan!!! Sefer!! Acompanharam o Emir do primeiro capítulo ao ultimo parabéns por aguentarem o bom e o menos bom boa sorte nos próximos trabalhos e na vida pessoal

    • @sylviasalas4127
      @sylviasalas4127 2 года назад +3

      Absolutely, I also feel bad and sad for Savas, his so called mother is completely crazy his pain, suffer and unhappiness is Beyhan’s fault, 💔

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +2

      @@sylviasalas4127 💔 yes

  • @gulzartagiyeva608
    @gulzartagiyeva608 2 года назад +1

    Şehriyə hanum Münəvvər hanumu məcbur etdin Mülayim bəylə görüşsün deyə.İndi çək cəzanı.Münəvvər xanım ,sən də əvvəl Mülayimlə görüşməyə etiraz edirdin, indi evlənmə təklifinə əvət deyirsən.

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +23

    Todays episode was truly amazing, I really loved all the flashbacks that both emir and gulperi had. They’re deeply connected and truly in love that they constantly think about each other and the special moments they had together. Emir was scared but also worried for gulperi that he just wanted to find her and bring her back home and to be near her again I can see that he’s regretting the way he spoke to her when they had they’re last conversation. And how her didn’t listen to her he tells himself it was me who didn’t listen to you, me. And I loved how gulperi was finding peace at the place she and emir go to all the time, especially the beach which is their special spot. And she listens to the seashell and it calmed her down so fast and she was able to feel peace. Beyhan is definitely haunting gulperi she constantly remembers her saying your like your mother. So I wonder if beyhan told gulperi some other secret that gulperi never knew about or if she learns that her dad is alive and he killed her mother, I feel like if she knew this she would have went into a deeper shock. So I think beyhan told gulperi another secret first or let’s wait to see what beyhan said that was muted to us the audience.

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +5

      I loved it, too😊 I feel relax after the stress 😘 I hope things will be better from now on😊

    • @darlenepaul2630
      @darlenepaul2630 2 года назад +5

      I thought she told Gulperi that she is a bad seed like her mom? Does that mean they were conceived without being married or was a good person who Beyhan and her husband hated and maybe jealous of , because kasem seemed a cruel and hard man and maybe he treated Beyhan that way to. Maybe we will find out the truth next week, and they can reconcile to help Gulperi heal !!!!!👍😊💜💕❤️

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +5

      @@darlenepaul2630 Remember on Tuesday episode when beyhan is yelling at gulperi and she was insulting gulperi and her mother. But also when gulperi tried to leave beyhan grabbed her and that’s when whatever she said was muted. By gulperi’s face we can tell beyhan was telling her something she never knew of, and like before gulperi would stand up for her mom as always but she would go silent afterwards but this time it was different she was yelling enough enough and said that my mother is innocent. And she also told beyhan that you stayed silent you and my uncle stayed silent and didn’t believe my mother. So beyhan definitely told gulperi things she wasn’t aware of, and also in yesterday ep when she gets home and like she lies down she said to herself “How? How?” To me that makes me believe she is aware of something and that probably related to her father. But I don’t think she’s aware that he’s alive, only emir knows since savas told him. I think savas just genuinely cares for gulperi as family and he wants to be by emir and gulperi’s side.

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 2 года назад +1

      Till now we are not sure@@darlenepaul2630

  • @angelbabayeva393
    @angelbabayeva393 2 года назад +1

    Kim bilir bu dizi ne zaman final yapacak cok uzandı ve her defa bir sey cikiyor

  • @matildaefrosi6689
    @matildaefrosi6689 Год назад +2


  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +30


  • @marcelamengual3646
    @marcelamengual3646 2 года назад +6

    Alguien que tradusca al español el avance porfa no entiendo nada

  • @parifouladvand5800
    @parifouladvand5800 2 года назад +11

    this is the best turkish serial i have ever seen everybody in their own character play amazing and strong and honestly if it was oscar given in turkey it should be given to this strong serial

    • @dearbrave4183
      @dearbrave4183 2 года назад +4

      Oscar for the actors not the serie. The serie is lousy , they only hired good actors

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 2 года назад +8

    Gulperi 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏🎖🏆🏆🏅

  • @MayaMaryDrama
    @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +21

    Don't forget: “You want a summary notification, write ME and you’ll get it like always!
    MayaMary 🥰
    Happy Weekend!

  • @ИгорьГетман-ь2э
    @ИгорьГетман-ь2э 2 года назад +7

    Кемаль втратив двох новонароджених дочок - одну від першої дружини (її підмінили Массал), іншу - від Нарін. Звісно ж він дуже переживає аби чогось поганого знову не сталося. Тим більш близнюки це ускладнена вагітність, слабкі діти з малою вагою і часто недоношені. То Нарін роками не з'являлася на роботі, а тут прямо побігла. Чоловіка треба слухатися. Вагітні обидва батьків, в чоловіків навіть токсикоз може бути, а психологічно їм важче, бо жінку гормони заспокоюють. Нарін - лікар повинна це знати.

    • @dearbrave4183
      @dearbrave4183 2 года назад +3

      Very well said ❤️

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +2

      Like your comment, If Narin stays stubborn, the power of Kemal's prayers will overcome everything

  • @fizabatool5820
    @fizabatool5820 2 года назад +4

    Translation into English please 🙏🏻

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +20

    Aww gulperi is just in so much shock, so I think she might have learned the truth beyhan must have told her. I’m so happy emir found her and the way they looked at each other, gulperi looked relieved to see emir and emir looked worried but mostly relieved that he found her. And I love the ending when emir enters the room and he’s looking at her sleep, that scene was cute to see. Savas I think knows that gulperi might have learned the truth that her father is alive and not dead and that he was the one who killed her mother, or beyhan told gulperi another secret gulperi didn’t know of. But savas thinks that gulperi is shocked and acting that way because she might have learned that her dad is alive. I loved todays ep it was definitely amazing ❤️

  • @مشاعر-ذ8ب
    @مشاعر-ذ8ب 2 года назад +5

    ذا الامير غلب علي كل المحبين. في حبه حنون. حتي مع جولبيري

  • @ankakowalska1623
    @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +27


  • @valnew2711
    @valnew2711 11 месяцев назад

    What to watch next.anybody..after this complete series.

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад

    Gulperi has really thick hair what shampoo does she use maybe coconut or aloe vera?

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад

    Setenay the actress has a striking resemblance to philippines actress kc concepcion