CAPITULO 485 EN ESPANOL COMPLETO - SEGUNDA PARTE Mientras Kemal corre hacia el hospital, escucha un hombre hablar sobre un accidente. Hombre por teléfono: Hay muchos lesionados por los autos que chocaron. Estoy en el turno de noche en el área de ingreso al hospital. Kemal: Dijiste accidente… Hombre: Si Kemal: como fue? Hombre: Fue hace poco, muy cerca…. Llevaron a todos los heridos al hospital en ambulancia. Kemal: Por qué…..( dice algo sobre la barriga de Narin) Hombre: Espera, Qué crees? En el hospital todos esperan noticias de Beyhan. Llegan Emir y Cavidan. Cavidan a Fidan: Hija, hay algún progreso. Fidan: Todavía estamos esperando Emir: Mamá, siéntate y te aviso si me entero de algo. Emir a Savas: Que se mejore pronto. … Cómo está la situación? Fidan a Emir: Los doctores no han dicho nada, estamos esperando, pero espero que esté bien pronto. Cavidan: Espero!!! Cavidan a Savas: Savas, hijo mío. Lo siento, traté de sostenerla, pero no pude atraparla. No, no pude contenerla. Fidan a Cavidan: Querida, mantén la calma, siéntate de nuevo. Emir: Mamá, vengo enseguida, está bien… Te la encargo. Gulperi continúa vagando desorientada por el bosque. Kemal llega al hospital. Kemal en la recepción: Por favor verifique si trajeron a Narin Tarhun, estuvo en el accidente de tránsito. Secretaria: bien, verificaré. … Espere señor, hubo muchas entradas hoy… es necesario verificar en emergencias. ... Kemal entra al área de urgencias y ve que cubren una mujer con el cabello parecido al de Narin. Kemal: No puede ser….Narin, Narin De pronto Narin aparece y lo toca por el hombro. El se sorprende y alegra. Narin: Ya no te preocupes. Cavidan: Oh Dios, Dios, curaste al cautivo, tráela de regreso a su hijo. Cavidan a Fidan: Gracias. Fidan: Sr. Savas te gustaría tomar té? Emir a Savas: Mira, estás aquí esperando por estas asunto. Yo conozco muy bien las dificultades, incluso es difícil respirar cuando una parte de dentro tu alma lucha por vivir. Emir recuerda palabras de Gulperi. “Gulperi a Emir: Mi madre decía que el té trae una lluvia de abundancia y esperanza.” Fin del recuerdo. Emir a Savas: En una ocasión, una persona cuya palabra valoro mucho me dijo, que el té trae una lluvia de esperanzas. Bebí mi té, ahora es tu turno. Médico: Sr. Savas. Savas: ¿Cómo está la situación? Doctor: Beyhan no está mal, está muy bien. Cavidan: Lo logramos. Kemal: Tuve tanto miedo al escucharte, que aun la voz resuena en mis oídos. Narin: No te preocupes, estoy bien. ….. Kemal: fue demasiado (o algo asi) Narin: Ya pasó, traté de llamarte, pero me bajé a ayudar a la gente, y luego olvidé el teléfono. Kemal: no me llamaste Narin: No pudiste contestarme Kemal: Yo olvidé mi teléfono en el coche por eso no pudiste comunicarte Narin: Kemal, tuve tengo que continuar ayudando, la situación está muy mal Kemal: Narin, como puedes ayudar asi… Narin: No te preocupes, yo estoy bien y los bebés también. La gente necesita mi ayuda, tengo que hacerlo. … Te amo, no te preocupes. Savas: Mamá, no seas así, ¿no me miras a la cara? mira me asustaste mucho. Beyhan: Pensaste en mi cuando me encontré cara a cara con la muerte… Te acuerdas ahora de tu madre, pero no tengas miedo, ya estoy muerta en vida… Permaneceré así hasta que vengues a tus hermanos y tus antepasados. Savas: De todos modos, mamá, no pienses en ellos ahora y descansa bien, que Dios te bendiga lo antes posible. Beyhan: Mira, tú eras mi esperanza, pero nunca recurriste a mí. Ahora viniste y dices que estabas muy asustado. Me estabas amenazando. Savas: Ay, mamá, no lo hagas más, mira qué tiempo y valor es hablar de estas cosas. Beyhan: Hijo mío, si estuvieras pensando en tu madre, estarías pensando en nuestro problemas más que en la granja. No tomaste venganza y me pusiste bajo el mismo techo que ellos. Savas: Te puse ahí porque tú lo querías así, mamá, te dije vámonos pero tu insististe. Beyhan: No vine, me quedaría porque ellos se iban a ir. ¿No me dijiste eso, ah?...¿No dijiste? ¿No dijiste que les quitarías la granja? Savas: ¿Qué quieres mamá? Beyhan: Savas. Respóndeme eh!!! Y de repente Cavidan con juego de serpientes. Savas: Mamá ya es suficiente. Mamá mira vas a ponerte mal otra vez. Beyhan: Esa serpiente... Savas: toma esto. Beyhan: oh! Cavidan! Emir y Cavidan entran a la habitación para ver a Cavidan. Gulperi en el bosque. Gul: No más por favor ayúdenme.. .. Te pido que me ayudes, no depende de mi, lo siento. Dios mio!! No, no, no, mi Dios. Escucha la voz de la abuela: “Gulperi.....cachorrito (bebé)” Gulperi: Donde estás? … qué, qué? Voz: Gulperi, bebé. Gulperi: te extraño mucho abuela. Qué haces? Voz: El pasado siempre te perseguirá mientras lo permitas hija. Gulperi: detente abuela. Voz: Incluso si estás segura de que estás en el camino correcto, cuanto más te detienes y miras hacia atrás, más huyes. Ves los fantasmas que siguen caminando. Gulperi: que es esto? espera, espérame abuela Una vecina que pasaba por allí : Gulperi! Por qué corres y corres dando vueltas? Oh! Dios, Dios. Supongo que la chica tiene prisa. Cavidan a Bayhan: Que te mejores pronto. Estoy muy feliz de que estés bien. Beyhan: Miren aquí, sea un poco honesta, Cavidan ahora está feliz. Cavidan: No hable así, Sra. Beyhan, todos rezamos por ti. Beyhan: Bah! Vienes aquí con tus mentiras, sé un poco valiente y dime la verdad a la cara, si muero ahora mismo, todos ustedes se irán al Parque de la Asociación de Bodas. Emir: Vamos mamá, dejemos a la señora Beyhan descansar. Cavidan: Está bien hijo. Beyhan: Vamos, váyanse para que no pueda ver la cara de los dos. Llegó a las 11 y dice que estaba orando. Enfermera: Sabe hermano la señora Beyhan, no debe incomodarse, aun no está bien. Le daré sus medicamentos. Dormirá un poco. Mientras tanto, puedes hacer el papeleo. CONTINUA
"Gulmir Scenes Translation 485". (Part 1). Scene 1". Savas: Mon,.can you hear me? Mom wake up!! Melike: God, save us all!! Savas: Mom!! Savas to Fidan: Ambulance. Call the ambulance!!! Melike to Fidan: Get the phone!! Run!! Cavidan to Savas: I tired.... I tired to hold her but....But I couldn't stop it.. Savas: Mom, I'm here. You're going to be okay. "Scene 2". Emir to Yiggit: Let's go now!! It'll get better believe me. Look at me. You're very lucky to have found it you're going to heal it. Yigit: Don't worry will be okay if we take my father home by force he won't be in his natural environment like your veteran Brother said. "Flashback of Emir". Gul: But you are very angry I know but I had to do this, because of this endless fight, because of the fear that my bones will be damaged, I was so tired that I had no other choice. Emir: I told you, I was with you, I told you I'm with you, Im showed you other ways. Gul: Because nothing else will cool you down,, your sister-in-law. Emir: You think so, you will pass. Let the pig grow up. "End of Flashback". Emir to Yigit: No trace will not be together. Yes cotton. Happiness is very important,but right he can't stand on his own feet in his natural environment. Yigit: Can't live at home. Emir: Maybe he won't be very happy, but he will get better, then we will come and leave him together in his natural environment. Okay my son. Yigit: Will heal your with the cotton fairy girl and the Shepherd will help you, right, father. Emir: Yes let's go to our house now look, the cotton is bored. "Scene 3". "Gul is running in the forest". Beyjan said: You don't be serious, did you betray us, you betrayed your family by joining your man with you. You're like a man you killed my husband's children, you are like a bad seed like my mother. " Continue".
" Gulmir Scenes Translation". (Part 2) " Scene 4". Melike to Cavidan: You torn yourself over this. With God's help, Ms. Beyhan's going to be okay. Cavidan: I couldn't hold her, Melike. She slipped from my hands Melike: May God help her. Cavidan: She fell right in front my eyes. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't hold her. God... God please don't let anything happen to her. Yigit: Grandma we're home. We're going to. Emir: Mom's what happening?. Yigit: Grandma, are you sad about Pamuk like me? Don't worry. Fairy girl, my dad and I gonna fix her up. I'm gonna go feed Pamuk now. Emir: Okay, son. You go. I'll be right there. Yigit leave. Cavidan: Emir... son....I couldn't hold her. She slipped away.. Emir: Sit down for a minute. What happened? Melike: Ms. Beyhan fell down the stairs. Ms. Cavidan tried to hold her but....We immediately called the ambulance. They are in the hospital now. Emir: Do you know which hospital they are from? Melike: They said they were going to take her to the hospital nearest but..... Cavidan: Son,wait.... Melike: Ms. Cavidan.... Emir: Mom, it's okay. Calm down. Look, I'm going to take care of it, okay. I'll let you know if anything happens. Cavidan: I can't just stay here. Let's go together. I want to see her with my own eyes, Emir: Okay, come with me. "Scene 5". "In the Hospital". Baran to Fidan: He ask for Beyhan. ( not sure) Fidan: There is no news,we are still waiting. Baran: If something happens. " Flashback of Savas". Beyhan: What I said at the end, the way of the mind is one. Savas. Mom, no matter what he says, this will not work, look, throw out what you have in mind and he does not want anything with him or anyone else from now on, If I hear anything under this roof, then you will lose me here, I will go so much that I will be stronger. Write it tomorrow too. " End of Flashback". "Scene 6". Gul continue in the forest. Beyhan's voice: You're killing my teacher's sons. Man : Stop dear and how much money will it be... Gul: Stop...... Stop..... Worth it.... Beyhan's voice: Don't part with you seriously God what have you done.... Have you done...... Gul: No, no these are actually. No... No...he... Beyhan's voice: Is without bad seeds like. Note: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my best in this part, but it's so emotional and very sad. I'm crying right now. "Continue".
CAPITULO 485 EN ESPAÑOL - TERCERA Y ULTIMA PARTE Mulay: Bueno terminamos el café. Sheriye: Se acabó? Ya acabó? Y aún no hemos escuchado una confesión de su boca señor. Mulay: a qué se refiere señora? Sheriye: Mire, maestro, mire, lo conocemos bien desde hace un tiempo, sabemos lo que vemos, pero hay cosas que no vemos, claro, por supuesto de esto no hablará. Mulay: ¿Qué es lo que sé, entonces qué puedo decir ahora? Sheriye: Tú también lo sabrás, lo dispararé, Maestro. Mire señor, saliste a tomar café con mi hermana porque yo respondí por ti, no me avergüences, pero no escuché nada malo después de eso. No tienes WhatsApp, cariño, no la llames antes de que sea demasiado tarde, estás a mitad de camino. Mulay: Entonces tengo qué es lo que debo decirles? Sheriye: así, vamos a ver Mulay: Mi búsqueda en trabajos de reparación no fue nada buena, vas a una casa Los hombres siempre hacen este trabajo, así que no me lo pasen a mí, entremos en los objetos, mientras mis manos y mis pies andan errantes, así que me he hecho mucho daño. (O algo así) (no entendí muy bien, pero parece se queja de su trabajo de reparaciones) Sheriye: Dinos, ¿Cuál es tu habilidad? Te levantas por la mañana, qué harías hasta la noche, qué haces? así que déjanos saber, coméntalo. Minuver: Señora Sheriye! Sheriye: Detente, espera un minuto. Si es en serio, primero conozcamos al señor Mulay desde la mañana, ¿de acuerdo? Mulay: Claro que tienes razón, les contaré como es mi día desde la mañana. Me levanto temprano, pongo la tetera en la estufa, me arreglo. Después de desayunar, voy temprano a la tienda, la nuestra está un poco lejos, y luego llego a casa por la noche, como mi cena, me aseo y luego voy a dormir. Minuver: Que vida tan bien organizada tienes. Mulay: El señor de la soledad es un querido amigo del hombre, hablará y charlará. Pero no sé, dije ya que andaba por aquí podríamos ir al cine, Entonces, ¿no sería bueno? Sheriye: pues déjame preparar un té para que podamos dormir al menos. Masal a Mert: Corría junto a él, no podía acostumbrarme, …. Kemal llama a Masal. Masal: Halo papá. ¿Dónde estás, padre, cuántas veces te he llamado? Me preguntaba si estás bien. Kemal: ¿Estás bien, niña? Mi teléfono se quedó en mi auto ¿Pasó algo? Masal: No, cuando no pude comunicarme contigo, solo me dije, no quería llamar a Narin para que no se alarmara. …. Está bien, entonces nos vemos cuando lleguemos a casa. Masal: No pasó nada malo. Mert: Te dije que estás preocupada en vano. Masal: ¿Qué te estaba diciendo? No solo estaba corriendo con la escuela, por supuesto, había una panadería. Hacían unos deliciosos croissants que solía comprar antes de ir a la cama todas las noches para poder comerlos incluso en la mañana. Cavidan: Ni siquiera pensé en el mal por un momento, lo juro. Emir: Mamá, mira, no te preocupes, todos sabemos lo que dice la Sra. Beyhan. Fidan a Cavidan: Ella piensa que todos son como ella. Cavidan a Savas: Savas, hijo, tampoco piensas como tu madre, ¿verdad? Nunca querría que ella saliera lastimada. Solo estaba tratando de hablar con ella para que no fuera tras Gulperi. Estaba devastada. Todo sucedió tan rápido. Intenté agarrar a su madre pero... Emir: Fidan, sácala para que pueda tomar un poco de aire. Enfermera a Beyhan: No te muevas mucho, ¿de acuerdo? Voy a venir y cambiarlo más tarde. Beyhan: Gracias, querida. Enfermera: Voy a traer su medicamento para la presión arterial en una hora. ¿Necesitas algo más? Beyhan: De hecho, sí. Enfermera: Dígame.... Si hay algo que puedo hacer Sheriye a si misma: Sí, pero si se lo digo ahora, la mujer morirá, me esforcé tanto en darle una oportunidad a este hombre. Si no se lo digo, será más agradable cuando la deshonra del hombre salga a la luz. Y si me equivoqué, destruiré una casa antes de que se construya. No, entendí mal, es como adivinar, porque dijo que es su sultana…. Como hacer esto? Sheriye escucha a Mulay a la salida: Me acompaña hasta la puerta señora Minuver. Minuver: Yo iría por favor Mulay: Espero que nos volvamos a ver pronto Sheriye: gracias que finalmente se va Mulay a Minuver al despedirse: Lo siento, el trabajo de la tienda es demasiado, no puede manejarlo solo. Minuver: Lo siento que así sea su trabajo. Que tenga buen día. Mulay: Buenos días. …. No te equivoques, no es un contrato como para salir corriendo hoy, asi que mi interés por ti no disminuye si algún día pudiéramos iríamos a comer un helado. Minuver: No sé si es apropiado ir a comer helado. Mulay: Conozco mucho de música (o algo asi) Minuver: Está bien, es posible Mulay: Buenos días, nos veremos de nuevo Sheriye: ya se fue. Narin a la enfermera: no sé si el hospital aumentó la dosis del fármaco indoloro. También darás un sedante, hablé con el profesor del departamento de psiquiatría para que venga a verla. Enfermera: De acuerdo doctora, hay algo más? Narin: No, iré a ver los pacientes. Kemal: ¿No has terminado con esto todavía? Mira te ves cansada. Narin: Estoy bien no te preocupes Kemal: Puedes decir que hiciste el servicio ( o algo asi) Enfermera: hay que retirar un paciente Narin: está bien, ya voy Narin a Kemal: Ya ves, la gente nos necesita, si me voy a casa…. Kemal: Narin? Narin: qué pasa? Kemal; qué es este rastro? (Narin sangra por su nariz) Gulperi vagando por la calle y un auto casi la atropella. Cavidan: El aire fresco me hizo sentir mejor. Puedo caminar sola. Ustedes relájense. No se preocupen… Fidan: Voy a ir a buscar té caliene. Baran a Cavidan: ¿Te sientes mejor? Cavidad: Estoy bien, hijo. Gracias. Policía: Cavidan Tarhun. Cavidan: Esa soy yo, ¿sí? Emir: ¿Hay algún problema oficial? Policía: Vas a venir a la comisaría con nosotros. Estas bajo arresto. Cavidan: ¿Yo? ¿Qué hice? Emir: ¡¡¡Oficial!!! ¿Por qué detienes a mi madre? Policía: Con el delito de lesionar intencionalmente e intentar matar a Beyhan Aksoy. Retrospección de Beyhan: “Beyhan a la enfermera: llama a la policía, querida. Quisiera presentar una denuncia. Enfermera: ¿Alguien trató de lastimarte? ¿Estás bien? Usted me puede decir. Beyhan: Haz lo que te digo. Pero no le digas a mi hijo ni nadie más. Ve directamente a la policía. El hospital debe tener una policía. Policía: ¿Le gustaría presentar una denuncia? ¿Es eso cierto? Beyhan: Vamos, querida. Policía: Señora, no tiene que tener miedo. La enfermera me dijo que te caíste por las escaleras. ¿Alguien empujó?... Beyhan: No me caí. ella me empujó Fue deliberado. Ella quería matarme. Policía: ¿Fue alguien que conoces? Beyhan: Cavidan. Cavidan Tarhun.” Fin de la retrospección. Emir: Oficial, ha habido un malentendido. Cavidan: Yo no la empujé. Incluso traté de ayudarla. Ella perdió el equilibrio. Savas, te dije esto. Mientras tu madre estaba perdiendo el equilibrio, traté de ayudarla. Fidan: La Sra. Cavidan no haría tal cosa. Policía: si ha habido un malentendido, todo se revelará en la comisaría. Emir: Espera un minuto, esto está mal. Mi madre no trató de matar a nadie. Policía: Por favor, no haga una escena. Cavidan: Pero yo no hice nada. Emir: Está bien, mamá. No te preocupes. Voy a arreglar esto, ¿de acuerdo? Cavidan: No intenté matar a nadie. No traté de matar a nadie. Policía: si ha habido un malentendido, todo se revelará en la comisaría. Tenemos que llevarte después de una querella Cavidan: Emir..... FIN DEL CAPITULO
CAPITULO 485 EN ESPAÑOL COMPLETO - PRIMERA PARTE Savas: Mamá, ¿puedes oírme? Mamá despierta!! Melike: ¡¡Dios, sálvanos a todos!! Savas: ¡¡Mamá!! Savas a Fidan: Ambulancia. ¡¡¡Llama a la ambulancia!!! Melike a Fidan: ¡Consigue el teléfono! ¡¡Corre!! Cavidan a Savas: Me cansé... Traté de agarrarla pero... Pero no pude detenerla... Savas: Mamá, estoy aquí. Tú vas a estar bien. Emir a Yigit: ¡¡Vamos ahora!! Será mejor, créeme. Mírame. Tienes mucha suerte de haberlo encontrado, lo vas a curar. Yigit: No te preocupes, estará bien si no lo llevamos a casa a la fuerza papá. Estará mejor en su entorno natural como dijo el veterinario. "Flashback de Emir". Gulperi: Sé que estás muy enojado debido a que esta lucha es interminable, temo que se haga daño, estaba tan cansada que no tenía otra opción. Emir: Te lo dije, estaba contigo, te dije que estoy contigo, te mostré otros caminos. Gulperi: Solo quería que mi tía se calmara. Emir: Tu tia abandonará la casa a la fuerza, pero ¿no le habríamos hecho un flaco mal entonces? "Fin del flashback". Emir a Yigit: A veces en la vida no podemos estar juntos con los que queremos, pero para Algodón la felicidad es muy importante. Yigit: Pero ahora no puede vivir en casa. Orden: Tal vez no sea muy feliz, pero mejorará, luego vendremos y lo dejaremos juntos en su entorno natural. Está bien, hijo mío. Yigit: La chica hada curará a Algodón, y el pastor la ayudará ¿verdad, papá? Emir: Sí, vamos a nuestra casa ahora mira, Algodón está cansado. Gulperi va corriendo desorientada por el bosque. Recuerda las palabras de Beyhan. “Beyhan: No hables en serio, ¿nos traicionaste, traicionaste a tu familia al unirte a tu hombre? Eres como un hombre que mataste a mis hijos y mi esposo, eres como una mala semilla como igual que tu madre.” Kemal: No, no, aquí hay algo raro… por favor, Narin me escuchas?... Narin… Secretaria: Sr. Kemal, esto es para la reunión….. Kemal: la reunión será luego.. Minuver: Bienvenido Mulay: Bienvenida Minuver: tome asiento Mulay: Solo vine para charlar Mulay le entrega el ramo de flores: No son dignas de ti. Minuver: Son flores muy hermosas Mulay: Puedes ponerlas junto a ti. Sheriye escucha a escondidas y recuerda la llamada de Mulay: “Mulay: Mi Sultana, ….no lo sabia Sheriye: Así que tienes trabajo con tu sultana? Mulay: ¿Te he olvidado alguna vez?, te lo digo, si no llamas te paso a buscar un rato. … Ok está bien, no te preocupes, llego temprano como hablamos….ah! llevaré hígado, lo cocinarás, lo comeremos… ¿Tiene alguna otra solicitud? …Bueno Te veo pronto.” Fin del recuerdo. Sheriye a si misma: Qué te pasa? Coges y tomas el hígado para llevarlo algún lugar, veré a ver qué se trae este cocinero. Pero esto fue lo que escuché… Melike a Cavidan: Te agotaste por esto. Con la ayuda de Dios, la Sra. Beyhan va a estar bien. Cavidan: No pude agarrarla, Melike. Ella se escapó de mis manos. Melike: Que Dios la ayude. Cavidan: Ella cayó justo en frente de mis ojos. No pude detenerla. No pude agarrarla. Dios... Dios, por favor, no dejes que le pase nada. Yigit: Abuela estamos en casa. Fuimos a…. Emir: ¿Mamá qué está pasando? Yigit: Abuela, ¿estás triste por Pamuk como yo? No te preocupes. La Niña hada, mi papá y yo la sanaremos. Voy a ir a alimentar a Algodón ahora. Emir: Está bien, hijo, anda tu. Estaré ahí. Cavidan: Emir... la última... no pude abrazarla. Ella se escapó. Emir: Siéntese por un minuto. ¿Qué sucedió? Melike: La Sra. Beyhan se cayó por las escaleras. Fue en un milisegundo. Cavidan trató de sostenerla pero... Inmediatamente llamamos a la ambulancia. Están en el hospital ahora. Emir: ¿Sabes en que hospital están? Melike: Dijeron que la iban a llevar al hospital más cercano pero..... Cavidan: Hijo, espera.... Melike: Sra. Cavidan.... Emir: Mamá, está bien. Cálmate. Mira, me voy a encargar de eso, está bien. Te avisaré si pasa algo. Cavidan: No puedo quedarme aquí. Vamos juntos. quiero verla con mis propios ojos, Emir: Está bien, ven conmigo. En el hospital. Baran a Fidan: ¿Hay noticias de la Señora Beyhan? Fidan: No hay noticias, seguimos esperando. Baran: Si pasa algo. Savas recuerda: “Beyhan: Lo que te dije es final, hay un solo camino. Savas: Mamá, no importa lo que digas, esto no funcionará, mira, tengas lo que tengas en mente, yo no quiero nada con ella ni con nadie, de ahora en adelante, si escucho algun evento bajo este techo con alguna persona, entonces me perderás. Me iré de aquí.” "Fin del flashback". Gulperi continúa vagando por el bosque. Sigue recordando los insultos de Beyhan haciéndola responsable por la muerte de sus hijos y su esposo. También recuerda cuando un hombre quería atacarla. Los malos recuerdos y abusos la siguen atormentando y corre desesperadamente. Kemal: Aún no hay respuesta, algo malo ha pasado, maldita sea. Kemal entra en un atasco en el tránsito: hermano, date prisa, tengo un trabajo que hacer. Hombre: No nos paramos a disfrutar. A mi esposa le ocurre algo, tan pronto termine nos vamos (o algo asi). Kemal queda atrapado entre los autos: Maldita sea! Sale corriendo y deja el teléfono en el auto. Mulay a Minuver: Esta ha sido mi vida durante años, ¿está lejos de todos? Tuve una vida fresca, como puedes ver, soy un jubilado, mi casa, mi auto, teno suficientes ahorros para mí, me entretengo en esta tienda. No me malinterpretes cuando digo todo lo que tengo Si esperas te lo puedo ofrecer, lo tendrás todo. Minuver: ¿Qué pasa, señor? no soy propiedad de nadie. Mulay: Oh! No me malinterpretes, veo que estás muy bien aquí. Sé que no es asi, solo hablamos. Minuver: Bien, traeré un té para continuar. Llega Sheriye con el café y dice: Minuver, tengo que decirte algo. Minuver: Está bien, vamos… Mulay: hermana Sheriye, espero que estén complacidos con lo último que les envié. Sheriye: No falta nada, muchas gracias. Minuver: Qué te pasa? Sheriye: Se trata del café, en lugar de hacerlo con poca azúcar, creo lo hice completo Minuver: Si era eso lo que querías decir, no te preocupes, no pasa nada. Mulay: Salud a sus manos. Sheriye: Espero se te atasque en la garganta. Mulay: Dijo algo? Sheriye: Si, que lo disfrute. Minuver: Muchas gracias hermana Sheriye. Sheriye: ¡Sí, eh! Díganos , Señor Mulay vamos a conocerlo un poco mejor. CONTINUA
Kemal felt his heart ripped from his chest 💔 🥵 when he sees 👀😢 the Doctor cover the sheet over that person. No papi it's not Narin,she's not hurt . Thank God 🙏🏽❤💕🌹💕
I am glad that Narin is well and she continues to do her job as a doctor. I want to see more happy events in Yemin 4 than bad ones, but especially I want to see Emir happy. Too much unhappiness in Yemin 4...and it really doesn't make sense......💔💔💔💔
Summary E485: Savaş, sees his mother and is shocked worried and for the first time we could see a scared Savaş, holding on to his mother. He reaches out to her, hoping that she would hear him and get back to her senses, but in vain. Beyhan is unconscious and in the arms of her only son, who assures her that he’s next to her. - “Ben Burdaiym! - I’m here!” is a reference to the current situation between Beyhan and Savaş. Earlier the day, Savaş told his mother that he would leave while now he desperately tries to hold on to her and remind her he’s by her side. But it also can be taken as a reference to Beyhan, who keeps holding herself to her dead children, while Savaş tries to tell her with that sentence “I’m by your side, alive and I wont go anywhere. - a very deserved and yet sad scene from Savaş’s point of view who holds is only living mother in his arms, fearing to lose her too. - The women at home are all devastated seeing the proud Beyhan laying on the floor, helpless. Mostly Cavidan, who tries to explain to Savaş, that she was trying to hold on to her but couldn’t. Savaş hears her and totally understand the situation knows that it was an accident and unfortunately his mother is the only one to be blamed in this situation. Meanwhile Emir and Yigit had quite an adventure in the forest babysitting the injured Pumuk. As it’s time to leave, Yigit is worried and sad about Pumuk if he won’t heal. But Emir is there to motivate his son, that that Pumuk will be fine. As this worry got vanished, Yigit now is worried if Pumuk would be happy if they forcibly take him out of his natural environment and away from his family. These wise words of his 5 year old son made Emir think carful again, about him and Gülperi and the unpleasant conversation they had yesterday. Accusing her of being weak and low while she can’t endure it any longer, that her loved ones might be in danger again. And Emir regrets the words he said, while he finally understood what Gülperi tried to tell him. - He regrets and yet is still upset. To all who always doubt Emir. Emir can never be angry at Gülperi longer than a few hours while his mind is boiling. Even during Ahmet, during the marriage with Savaş, during the truth and now again, he was never angry. He was upset, he was disappointed, he was annoyed but he never pulled her out of his heart. The deeper the love the more painful the situation. I know I repeat myself, but somehow that the only way to make you understand it. - - The conversation of these two is easily, because Gülperi too is being taken out forcibly away from her loved ones (Emir and co). that’s where the word “Zor” which Gülperi said was the key point to the conversation. - Yigit is still sad and Emir reminds him that sometimes you have to take something out of his environment out of force in order to heal. Even if he might not be happy, the importance is that he’ll heal. When he heals, he will be released again. A positive hope for Yigit, who’s looking forward to help Pumuk heal with the help pf his Peri Kizi of course. Arriving home, a devastated, scared and shocked Cavidan is welcoming Emir, who still unaware about the current circumstances at home. As soon as Yigit left, Cavidan freed her tears and told Emir what happened. Beyhan fell down the stairs - Well deserved. Now I somehow feel bad that I always wrote that and it happened after all! - while Cavidan couldn’t hold her. Emir is shocked and is willing to keep an eye on the Emir is shocked and immediately wants to go to check on the situation. But not alone. Cavidan, who is struggling with her deep shock, also wants to go to calm herself a little bit. To the hospital, it’s Fidan who accompanied Beyhan and Savaş, while Baran came shortly after wards. Savaş is dragging himself in to his guilt and last conversation he had with his mother. Words of anger which were a warning to his mother. Him leaving her, if she keeps pulling this matter with all of them. Savaş lungs are tight, his heart furious and his thoughts lost. Guilt and the anger at himself surround him and he can’t get rid of them. - Truly Beyhan knows how to play with the mind of adults. - Cavidan and Emir arrive at the hospital and see how everyone is worried about Beyhan and buried in their thoughts. Savaş is the one who’s just silent and in his own world surrounded by his thoughts. Emir tries to reach out so Savaş, as he understands his feelings. He sees in front of him a human being, a son and not an enemy, just like Savaş did during the time Yigit got lost. Emir tries to talk with him, to pull him out of the tunnel he pushed himself in to by asking him questions, which Fidan answers. - Ah Fidan! If you take a closer look it’s Fidan and Baran’s fault as they found the ring and gave it back to Beyhan😉 - Cavidan sees a lost Savaş in front of her that she tries to ease her heart by explaining to him the whole situation again. But Savaş doesn’t hear her nor listen to her, he’s in his own world haunted by his thoughts, anger and fear while for now Cavidan has to witness it. Now it’s Savaş who’s being strong and yet weak through his guilt and anger at himself, that again he’s all alone. - Savaş is just falling in to his own anger, because he gives himself the fault, that his mother fell deep, while he was just trying to protect her. She already was falling deeper every day, that his own words towards her, gave her the last push to fall all the stairs she once climbed. Savaş is lost and Emir’s tires to help him out, just like Savaş did with Emir. And Emir explains to Savaş, that he perfectly understands him and the struggle he is in as he tries to breathe and yet can’t. This situation reminds Emir about a quote of Gülperi, which her grandmother used to say and helped him in a time of need. “Rain gives blessings, while tea gives hope.” Words which now Emir forwards to Savaş, in order to help him and pull him pout of where he is. He explains to Savaş, that these are words which he values very much and have been told by someone. Therefore, Emir tells Savaş, that he brought him the tea and hands him over, as it’s now his turn, to hold on to the hope. And Savaş accepts the tea, which Emir has brought i in order to give him some hope. - For Emir this is not a payback, this is an act of kindness, understanding Savaş and imagining what he goes through. He just tries to be a human being and not an enemy. Someone who perfectly understands him. BTW Emir never had a close friend since the beginning of season 2. He always struggled alone with his problems or had a woman by his side. Emir needs a friend - A sip from the tea of hope, the doctor came right on time and explains that the patient is fine. Not only Cavidan is able to breathe again, Savaş is too. That he took a deep sight to reveal his inner storm which couldn’t be calmed. - Everyone is happy and of course Beyhan would survive, snakes have more than one life after all! - Next to his mother, able to see her breathing and alive, Savaş tries to be there for her. But as strong as Savaş is, Beyhan’s stubbornness is double the amount. Savaş take a deep breathe and starts to reach out to her. He takes his mother’s hand, holding her and being their for her. He admits, that he was very scared about her but it change anything. Pulling back her hand, not willing to see Savaş, she turns to him and confronts him with her own betrayal and reality ““Now you remember your mother!” and so she puts more fuel in to Savaş’s guilt of fire. She assures Savaş not to be scared about her as she’s already dead while being alive. Even though she was almost “dying” Beyhan is not letting go of her Intikam - Revenge, that she again reminds Savaş about her disappointment in him. She will remain like this as long as he doesn’t revenge the life of his brothers. Now that Beyhan has said her last words again about her unchanged situation, she moves her head away from Savaş, impossible to look him in the eyes. Not willing to let go of his mother, Savaş tries to calm her not to think about that right now as he takes her hand again showing and proving to her, that he’s next to her. But Beyhan is Beyhan and even the near-death experience didn’t change her and does what she can best, pressing on the guilt of others. And so, she refers to her disappointment in Savaş, who used to be her hope, but threatened her to leave her while now he’s all of the sudden scared about her. But this means nothing to Beyhan. And she keeps talking about the same thing over and over again. He should let go of her and if he thought about his mother he would get rid of the troubles in that farm house. He wouldn’t be crawling around them and would take their revenge. But instead he put her under the same roof as them. - Well Beyhan who moved in yourself! - Savaş tries to stay calm, and reminds his mother, that she wanted to stay, while he wanted to take her out of their, but she refused. Struggling to even breathe freely, the stubbornness of Beyhan wont hold her back from anything, that she even won’t accept the fact that she would be the one leaving. Because for Beyhan the Tarhun’s should be the ones leaving the house, as Savaş always told her that he would take over of the home. - In one sentence Beyhan didn’t want to leave because in her eyes sooner or later it would be hers. So she moved in and got herself comfortable, because in her eyes, it was her right, even though it’s not theirs yet. But as long as she can burn them it’s fine for Beyhan. - PART2 down below!
PART2: Almost dying and trying to find the air to breathe, Beyhan is not willing to let go from anyone, that now Cavidan got added on her list of snakes. Right on time as Beyhan was talking about her which according to Savaş expression clearly was not the right time for them, Emir and Cavidan came in to look after her. Entering with a white flag of sincerity, Beyhan only sees and hears through the words of Cavidan, lies. But the proud of Beyhan is still as high as the mountains, despite her fall, that she’s not willing to see the friendly and sincere visit and worry of Cavidan and Emir. Emir tries to stay calm and ignoring the insults of Beyhan, while Savas being ashamed about his own mother. He sits there listens and sees everything and truth behind the act of kindness and for now just remains silent. Leaving after a one second visit, Beyhan even keeps yelling behind them, that for sure she doesn’t wanna see them in front of her eyes. Troubles and a never-ending story which Savaş has to hear while he has to witness how his mother is destroying herself all over again. Cavidan still doesn’t want to be covered by the false accusations of Beyhan she defends herself again towards Savaş, explaining him the purpose of the conformation with his mother, which was just to protect Gülperi who again got attacked by Beyhan. The words of Cavidan bring Savaş in troubles of thinking, that he finds himself trapped again and teared apart, and yet he already knows the truth. Back from the fresh air of calm all of them are jits worried about the situation reagidng Beyhan, that they can’t clam down. As Savas is willing to enter the room of his mother and check up on her, all of the sudden two police officers come out looking out for Cavidan Tarhun. Everyone confused, Emir steps in right away. And the reason they are looking out for her is that Cavidan Hanim will be arrested, a shocking moment for everyone around Cavidan. Especially Savaş! The accusations: trying to kill Beyhan Aksoy. A victory for Beyhan who only listens to the arrest in front of her room, while her own son is devastated about the move of his mother and ashamed at the same time. - Beyhan always knows how to play, and she called the police through the unknown nurse. - They are all standing there not able to do anything, because the complaint has been made and the arrest needs to be done. Emir tries to calm his mother, who finds herself trapped. At the same time, Savaş can’t believe what’s happening in front of his eyes, while he already knows what his mother is trying to achieve with this move of hers. And Savaş is angrier than ever now, through the unthoughtful acts of his mother. While everyone is worried about Beyhan and the outcome of her fall, Gülperi already escaped the house, where she couldn’t stay any longer, not able to breathe at all. She keeps waling while the words of Beyhan talking about betrayal and comparing her with her mother and insulting her. Being accused of killing her uncle and her cousins. Gülperi is in the middle of the forest. Everywhere she looks she can’t escape nor move forwards, she stands still and is being haunted by her painful past. The insults, the abuse, the fear, the escape, the pain, the burn. Everything is haunting her at once, that she finds herself trapped. She trapped in the past, while she’s actually in the present. She’s trapped in a situation and in a place where she should be able to breathe. Gülperi can’t and tries to hold on to herself as she finds herself lost. She holds her head tightly not willing to loose it even more, that she prays “dear God, take care of my mind. / God be on my mind.” Because Gülperi doesn’t want to fall for the games her mind is playing with her, while reminding her about everything bad happened to her and not giving her the space for the good things in her life. But Gülperi can’t win the game against her own mind nor her inner struggles, that she keeps falling and trying to concentrate herself, that everything is just a game of her mind. Again she desperately tries to reminds herself and the accuser (Beyhan), that her mother is innocent, and yet she can’t. Haunted by the memories of her mind, Gülperi tries to escape them and runs again, and keeps running, while she looks behind her, hoping that no one and nothing is falling her. - Gülperi tries to escape her memories in this scene, and while she looks behind her, she hopes that those memories remain in the past, or at least where she left them and fears that they would keep haunt her. - Still in the middle of the forest, Gülepro just keeps running. She herself doesn’t know where to go but she senses that something is after her. The strong and yet scared Gülperi is tried. She hears the voices and the sound of pain, fear and her past, who keep running after her. Gülperi keeps holding on to her mind, reminding herself that her mind is playing with her while she tries to beg god for help and protecting her and her mind. But Gülperi can’t hold on to herself any longer. With every steps she takes out of force, she falls deeper until she not able to stand on her feet any longer and she falls down. On the ground she keeps holding on to her mind, bagging it to stop while she just has herself during this moment. Gülperi got caught by her mind and the pain it kept collecting until it was time to reveal them complete and not one by one. - I literally cried during that scene, rewatching it again and writing about it. It’s painful to see Gülperi falling out of tiredness. She can’t take it any longer and is not able to stand up again. But Gülperi needs to fall to be able to raise again, stronger, more confident and value herself. - But one positive memory of Gülperi found its way through all the painful and devastating past, the sound of her grandmother. All of the sudden, Gülperi doesn’t feel alone any longer, as she hears and sees her grandmother, the only happiness of her past. She gets up wilting to catch up with her grandmother and hold on to her. But her grandmother didn’t came to stay or to take Gülperi with her, she only came to remind Gülperi about something more important. And the imagination of the grandmother, tells Gülperi what I kept telling you the whole time, “The past will follow you as long as you allow it. Even if you were on the right track, the more you stop and look back, the longer you will be haunted. Keep walking my child.” - Just like I explained above. I translate and explain every scene individually while watching and rewatching no connection attached to the upcoming scenes.🥰 - - Why the grandmother? It’s the imagination of the grandmother, because she was the last one who stayed with the Gülperi the longest during her childhood. As Gülperi lost her parents in an early age, and doesn’t really remember what they might have told her, she spent most of her childhood with her grandmother. That’s why she always is referring to her grandmother, if she tells Emir or Yigit something out of her past. Her grandmother has helped her to become who she is, taught her and mostly raised her, that her grandmother is the to whom Gülperi would listen too about any advice she might need. Even though this is only the subconscious of Gülperi and yet it proves how devastated Gülperi truly is about her family, that in a moment of a burning fire she needs the one she loves the most. Yes, she has Emir who also told her the same over and over again, but during this imagination, Gülperi is actually facing herself in the presence of her grandmother. You don’t face your fear automatically, so your mind plays with you in order to face them as he connects them with something positive. Therefore, you won’t run away from them but run after them willing to face them. Psychology 101! Only Gülperi is able to close the chapter of the past to be able to move on. She has to do that by herself, no matter how often someone would tell her it’s not her fault, it’s in the past, she did nothing wrong etc. In order to heal, Gülperi needs to convince herself from those facts, and deep down Gülperi actually knows that, that’s why this imagination of her grandmother, she’s just afraid. I don’t wanna repeat myself as I already explained this situation since last week. - Gülperi doesn’t want to let go of her grandmother and so she runs after her until she ended up on the street. Gülperi is not Gülperi anymore. She doesn’t know where to go nor what to do anymore, while she feels like that she just has to keeps walking in order to get somewhere. - Our dear Gülperi can't take it any longer. She just wanted to be free and yet she never was able to. Now she's caught in the cage of her own feelings, her inner storm is covering everything up from her. She's free to walk but she's not free to live nor to feel. Everything got to much that her tiredness became a wound for her soul and she can't hold on to herself any longer like she did the whole time. Gülperi broke in so many pieces that now she doesn’t have the energy to collect those pieces in order to stand again.. - The neighbor saw Gülperi running in the forest calling out to her, but Gülperi didn’t hear her. - It was not a coincidence that Nazmiye allowed the neighbor to appear all of the sudden. Mark my words! 😉- That’s It! MayaMary Today's summary is divided by location, because our main cast, Gülperi, Emir and Savas were in two different locations. Gülperi's monotonous and endless escape in the forest, and the worries about Beyhan in the hospital.
For the first time our main cast was separated, and Senetay got the chance to prove her acting skills again. But Ali also brought out another side of Savas, a caring, hurt, worried side which we have rarely or never seen before. Most of the airing time was taken over by Narin/Kemal and now Münerve's love story, that our main cast was not seen that often today.
Кино жуда хам зур гап йук 4 йилдан буён кураман бу кинони шу актёр актриса лар билан кулса кулиб йигласа йиглайман шу охиринда хамма бахтли булсин иншоллох Саваш хам бахтли булсин
CAPITULO 485 Parte 1ra: El culmen. Para poder regresar el conejo a su ambiente natural tiene que estar fortalecido, porque de lo contrario el ambiente que se supone lo haga feliz será su ruina y morirá. Savaş nunca tuvo cerca tantas personas que lo amaran y esto lo desconcierta. Todos lo acompañan a esperar el resultado de los golpes recibidos. El que criticó recientemente a Gülperi por guardar silencio es incapaz de articular una palabra, de esbozar una sonrisa de manifestar con lágrimas su dolor. El hombre de negro, no sabe de colores, ni de emociones. Sin embargo sufre porque ha descubierto la perversidad de la única persona que le mostró afecto. En aquel hospital dos hijos sufren por dos madres .. Emir ve a la suya esposada como sospechosa de intentar un asesinato, acusación falsa, que es la escalada perfecta para culminar la venganza. El otro hijo sufre porque ha descubierto la perversidad se su madre y como ella lo ha manipulado Dos madres, Cavidan que compadece al hijo que por complacer a la madre le ha hecho la guerra y se siente defraudado. La otra madre sólo siente ODIO y va de maldición en maldición. Savaş ante la tumba de Kasin manifestó cuanto daño le hizo pero aún así le sembró flores a su tumba y cuidó de regar muy bien las flores y con agua limpiar la tarja con si nombre. Por Kasin ni una sola lágrima, pero con agua suplirá aquellas que nunca vertió ni vestirá Jamás. Emir se refugia en su hijo y en su madre. Melike es quien único echa de menos a la niña, y por esas palabras Emir extraña a la mujer.. Gülperi ha enloquecido..
GULPERY nu o poate înlocui , nici pe mama lui Yigit ( Reyhan ) , nici pe REYHAN , soția moartă a lui Emir . Emir are nevoie de o soție pura și buna așa cum a fost Reyhan !
😍😍😍thnk god narin is fine BUT she is stubborn why she can t take rest and after she gives birth to her twins 👶👶so anticipated she come back to her job 😩😩kemal today is dead and relive 💞💞AND NOW she is bleeding💔
Gulperi was truly terrified. She was in her own world right then. She cried with real fear and dropped to the ground her mind back to those days when her uncle and aunt had tortured her so bad. She had a haunted expression on her face and beyond a shadow of a doubt. They’d not only tortured her but had done it so badly that she was no longer in control of herself.
Yes, it is, I'm sure there's going to be a GULMIR ending, Emir and Gulperi suffered enough already, I think they deserve to be happy as a real family once and for all 😁
@@nancyrobayo5266 yes, they have suffered a lot nd i want them to confess their love to each other face to face. It's been a long time since they have been holding their feelings. They better do it now since there's only very few episodes left......
@@mariyamargretjose The chemistry between Gul and Emir was so special ,deep , obvious, almoust real chemistry between two of them ..And then... everything stopped..Someone didn"t like that chemistry to ignite..They still love each other but at the distant..As someone was afraid of that ..There are a few scenes where they are alone and close to each other..They will be together but in tha last episode ..The one after while...We would not know how it all happened .I also think that the production decided to show everyone how great potential Setenay has.. It seems to me that Gokberk now plays a secundary role ..
Nonsense... They all know that she would be next to Beyhan..Emir will find her ..Our hero ..She will be in hospital and he will be next to her ..After that he will be angry again.. Until the last episode.. But how they would solve all this , we will not see..
Beyhan is always grumbling and her health is getting worse and poor savas can't stand his mother behaviour but at the same time cannot utter a words to stop his mother. And the other side gulperi mental is getting weaker and cannot control herself all this tortured.
CAPITULO 484/485 Parte 1: Invisible. El dolor logró quebrar a Gülperi. El ataque de Beyhan al honor de su madre, a su honor fue la peor venganza Gülperi nuevamente corre huyendo pero su dolor la persigue como su sombra no se aparta. Quienes se supone la aman no han podido protegerla porque las heridas están tatuadas en su espíritu. Emir la aparta porque siente que ella no confía en él y entonces no hay esperanza para ellos. Savaş le juzga con la misma responsabilidad de Beyhan. Su juicio también está desajustafo por el desamor, por las necesidades de quien lo le compró. 😌
@@Summerlilly2022 I understand it’s her body it’s her right but from the past her pregnancy is risky and with twins it’s double risky. I agree with Kemal. He is just trying to protect his unborn babies. Drs are usually like that ,take care of the patients before themselves so Narin is no different. Definitely get advice from the obstetrician.
@@tanseelou806 oh! I m totally with Kemal on this one! But Narin being Narin will put up a fight, won't she. She s used to getting her way with Kemal.. we ve been seeing that from the beginning.
@@Summerlilly2022 lol yep and usually she’s right but this time she’s wrong. If she have healthy pregnancy I will agree with her but in this case she’s wrong. She will relent in the end because she will understand Kemal side. I just know it lol
One thing I really loved is when emir thinks about gulperi and the conversation they had on his office you can tell he truly regrets the way he spoke to her, and he knows he shouldn’t have spoke to her that way. But also loved when he gave sat next to savas he thought about when gulperi sat next to him and gave him tea when kadriye was dying, he also remembered what she told him, and he told savas somewhat of the same thing she told him, and I loved how emir is being there for savas, plus savas saw emirs kindness and realized emir is just a sweet guy. Love the character development savas has now, he’s giving up on revenge but also he just wants to leave emir and gulperi and emirs family alone, like he doesn’t want to harm anyone. Plus he even get cavidan out of jail, I’m so happy he helped emir and emir looked thankful to him and now I think they’ll become like close not close as an best friends but maybe just friends. But also feel like savas might just end up with oya, especially since he has a huge character development.
Já estou vendo Emir correndo atrás de Gulperi e as conversas bestas dela de culpa, que fez a tia bruxa sofrer, que ela merece morrer... blá-blá-blá. Emir é o único que cuida dela, se humilha, estende a mão e só falta dar papinha de bebê na boca dela. Surtou e ainda se sente culpada? Ah não! Mágica por favor, façam uma mágica para aparecer uma mulher que ame Emir e Yigit. Claro, que Emir retribua esse amor merecido. Antes eu era Gulmir, mas depois da traição do casamento com o Savas assassino, não sou mais. A escritora dessa série não é boa. EMIR É O PERSONAGEM PRINCIPAL!!!!!!
@@yasminvitoria3162 Suna dejó la serie en la segunda temporada para ser la protagonista de Emanet. Zeynep pobre nadie recuerda que pasó con ella ja... Está alargando, pero tampoco es como dice Suzi M, Gülperi está en un quiebre pero Suzi no tiene la más mínima empatía porque solo le interesa Demirci aparentemente, se olvida que todos hacen parte de la historia ¬¬ Por cierto, Gul se arriesgó 3 veces por ellos, arriesgó su vida, entonces no creo que Emir encuentre a alguien que los ame a él y a su hijo más que la propia Gül que estuvo dispuesta a todo.... Solamente hay que entender un poco mejor lo que está pasando...
@@yasminvitoria3162 No final da segunda temporada a Suna foi estudar na Inglaterra e saiu da série para ser protagonista em outra serie. Zainep não sei o fim que deram a ela.
I saw that not from the very begining bur soon.. Sometimes I have impression that the production now has intention to show to everyone Setenay"s potential.. More than to give us a love story between Gul and Emir..Okay..Good for Setenay... But not for us,Gulmir fans..
Sinteti toate niște reptile balonase și cu creierul lipla dacă o criticați pe aceasta actrița talentata și foarte frumoasa, care a făcut din s 4 împreună cu Gok un regal actoricesc. Sinteti nebune și cu un mare handicap mental dacă nu faceți diferența dintre ficțiune și realitate. Sa jignești o persoana numai ca interpretează un personaj într-un serial asta arată cit sinteti de reduse muntal
Eee Cavidan i-ți aduci aminte când i-au pus cătușele lui Reyhan, fiind nevinovată, când ai planificat cu Cemre răpirea lui Zeynep, ce râdea-ți amândouă din ușă când a luat-o poliția, acum s-a întors la tine fapta ta, nu ai plătit îndeajuns tot ce i-ai făcut lui Reyhan, întoarce-te unde ți-e locul defapt, după gratii! Cavidan Gulperii000000000000000! Emir Reyhan=Yemin =lov Lov lov! 💞👫🥇💞👫🥇💞👫🥇💞👫🥇💞
Cavidã aprontou muito,mais sua estadia na prisão fez com que ela mudasse,e mudou muito, Beyhan pertence à Satã, rolou as escadas sozinha,não morreu,e acusou Cavidã, agora ela aproveita pra escravizar Gulperi, aff, essa Gulperi é submissa demais, parece que gosta de sofrer
Cit ești de obsedata și paranoica 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Măcar sa ai asemenea simtomne pentru cineva wow, dar pentru un rebut care se crede actrița și nu a făcut decit figurație în Juramintul, ca dacă nu intervenea Gok nu termina nici sezonul 1 la cit de proasta este în realitate, dar bine ca a părăsit serialul ca o dădea cei de la producție afara. Ce dracu nu ști ca doar ești fana ei (fraiera) ei😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dokuz canli bu beyhan denen kadin Merdivenlerden aşagı yuvarlandi ama sapasaglam ayakta Bari biraz hafızasını filan kaybetseydi az da olsa inandırıcı olurdu ama
Quanta tristeza porque causa do odio de uma pessoa contra a outra inocente coitada da Gulperi ,mas ela sempre terá o Emir e a família dele coitado do Savas só agora descobriu o que é o amor de uma família e coitada da mãe do Savas está doente enlouquecida pelo odio precisa ser tratada internarnada talvez é o que eu acho porque essa atriz é boa no seu papel e deve ser um papel difícil de interpretar mas irritante assim como o da Gulperi ela tem mostrado um bom trabalho o Savas está emocionado por ver o carinho e a preocupação que estão tendo com ele coisa que ele nunca teve isso é bonito é acredito em um final feliz para todos menos para a mãe do Savas
i think narin might have a disease 😒... several times she has fainted scenes... the first time narin had a problem with erhan😕 a fan of narkem i want to see if her fate will be the same as her best friend reyhan😧
I can tell gulperi just misses her nana so much, one thing is she wishes that her nana was there by her side, especially in her hard times. Gulperi has Emir who truly loves her a lot and she loves him a lot too but she also misses her grandma and wishes that she had her grandma to speak to and just be comforted by, Emir is there for her as her lover but she also needed her grandma to help her out in some ways. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s ep, it looks like no one knows where gulperi was they’re too busy with cavidan and beyhan that they thought gulperi was okay, but our girl is out there having a mental break down and she now wants to leave the world, I can tell emir will be hurt but also I can tell he’ll be afraid when he sees her in the water and her shoes just laying in the sand, I kind hope this is what leads emir to blurt out his love for her that would be beautiful to see, and I know he’ll probably pull her out of the water as fast as he can. I can’t wait to see what unfolds, cavidan will be free soon tomorrow, and I think the focus will swift more on Gulmir tomorrow.
Esto va cada vez peor la Beyjan no para ahora culpando a Cavidan tiene otro chantaje para que Gulperi haga lo que ella quiere y Gulperi la pobre se está volviendo loca
EMIR 💘💘 GULPERI 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Piękna, dojrzała i wzajemna MIŁOŚĆ od pierwszego wejrzenia 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 ❤ GULPERI 💝 EMIR 💝 YIGIT ❤️ SUPER !!! KOCHAJĄCA SIĘ RODZINA 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Czemu każdy martwi się o behan ale emir też powinien poznać prawdę co się wydarzyło w domu podczas jego nieobecności i zapytać o gulperii jak ona się czuje i gdzie jesteś
Kemalin telaslari bizi nasil etkiledi,aferim,mutluluklari pozulmasin insallah...
Mientras Kemal corre hacia el hospital, escucha un hombre hablar sobre un accidente.
Hombre por teléfono: Hay muchos lesionados por los autos que chocaron. Estoy en el turno de noche en el área de ingreso al hospital.
Kemal: Dijiste accidente… Hombre: Si Kemal: como fue?
Hombre: Fue hace poco, muy cerca…. Llevaron a todos los heridos al hospital en ambulancia.
Kemal: Por qué…..( dice algo sobre la barriga de Narin)
Hombre: Espera, Qué crees?
En el hospital todos esperan noticias de Beyhan. Llegan Emir y Cavidan.
Cavidan a Fidan: Hija, hay algún progreso.
Fidan: Todavía estamos esperando
Emir: Mamá, siéntate y te aviso si me entero de algo. Emir a Savas: Que se mejore pronto. … Cómo está la situación?
Fidan a Emir: Los doctores no han dicho nada, estamos esperando, pero espero que esté bien pronto.
Cavidan: Espero!!!
Cavidan a Savas: Savas, hijo mío. Lo siento, traté de sostenerla, pero no pude atraparla. No, no pude contenerla.
Fidan a Cavidan: Querida, mantén la calma, siéntate de nuevo.
Emir: Mamá, vengo enseguida, está bien… Te la encargo.
Gulperi continúa vagando desorientada por el bosque.
Kemal llega al hospital.
Kemal en la recepción: Por favor verifique si trajeron a Narin Tarhun, estuvo en el accidente de tránsito.
Secretaria: bien, verificaré. … Espere señor, hubo muchas entradas hoy… es necesario verificar en emergencias. ...
Kemal entra al área de urgencias y ve que cubren una mujer con el cabello parecido al de Narin.
Kemal: No puede ser….Narin, Narin
De pronto Narin aparece y lo toca por el hombro. El se sorprende y alegra.
Narin: Ya no te preocupes.
Cavidan: Oh Dios, Dios, curaste al cautivo, tráela de regreso a su hijo.
Cavidan a Fidan: Gracias.
Fidan: Sr. Savas te gustaría tomar té?
Emir a Savas: Mira, estás aquí esperando por estas asunto. Yo conozco muy bien las dificultades, incluso es difícil respirar cuando una parte de dentro tu alma lucha por vivir.
Emir recuerda palabras de Gulperi.
“Gulperi a Emir: Mi madre decía que el té trae una lluvia de abundancia y esperanza.”
Fin del recuerdo.
Emir a Savas: En una ocasión, una persona cuya palabra valoro mucho me dijo, que el té trae una lluvia de esperanzas. Bebí mi té, ahora es tu turno.
Médico: Sr. Savas.
Savas: ¿Cómo está la situación?
Doctor: Beyhan no está mal, está muy bien.
Cavidan: Lo logramos.
Kemal: Tuve tanto miedo al escucharte, que aun la voz resuena en mis oídos.
Narin: No te preocupes, estoy bien. …..
Kemal: fue demasiado (o algo asi)
Narin: Ya pasó, traté de llamarte, pero me bajé a ayudar a la gente, y luego olvidé el teléfono.
Kemal: no me llamaste
Narin: No pudiste contestarme
Kemal: Yo olvidé mi teléfono en el coche por eso no pudiste comunicarte
Narin: Kemal, tuve tengo que continuar ayudando, la situación está muy mal
Kemal: Narin, como puedes ayudar asi…
Narin: No te preocupes, yo estoy bien y los bebés también. La gente necesita mi ayuda, tengo que hacerlo. … Te amo, no te preocupes.
Savas: Mamá, no seas así, ¿no me miras a la cara? mira me asustaste mucho.
Beyhan: Pensaste en mi cuando me encontré cara a cara con la muerte… Te acuerdas ahora de tu madre, pero no tengas miedo, ya estoy muerta en vida… Permaneceré así hasta que vengues a tus hermanos y tus antepasados.
Savas: De todos modos, mamá, no pienses en ellos ahora y descansa bien, que Dios te bendiga lo antes posible.
Beyhan: Mira, tú eras mi esperanza, pero nunca recurriste a mí. Ahora viniste y dices que estabas muy asustado. Me estabas amenazando.
Savas: Ay, mamá, no lo hagas más, mira qué tiempo y valor es hablar de estas cosas.
Beyhan: Hijo mío, si estuvieras pensando en tu madre, estarías pensando en nuestro problemas más que en la granja. No tomaste venganza y me pusiste bajo el mismo techo que ellos.
Savas: Te puse ahí porque tú lo querías así, mamá, te dije vámonos pero tu insististe.
Beyhan: No vine, me quedaría porque ellos se iban a ir. ¿No me dijiste eso, ah?...¿No dijiste? ¿No dijiste que les quitarías la granja?
Savas: ¿Qué quieres mamá?
Beyhan: Savas. Respóndeme eh!!! Y de repente Cavidan con juego de serpientes.
Savas: Mamá ya es suficiente. Mamá mira vas a ponerte mal otra vez.
Beyhan: Esa serpiente... Savas: toma esto. Beyhan: oh! Cavidan!
Emir y Cavidan entran a la habitación para ver a Cavidan.
Gulperi en el bosque.
Gul: No más por favor ayúdenme.. .. Te pido que me ayudes, no depende de mi, lo siento. Dios mio!! No, no, no, mi Dios.
Escucha la voz de la abuela: “Gulperi.....cachorrito (bebé)”
Gulperi: Donde estás? … qué, qué?
Voz: Gulperi, bebé.
Gulperi: te extraño mucho abuela. Qué haces?
Voz: El pasado siempre te perseguirá mientras lo permitas hija.
Gulperi: detente abuela.
Voz: Incluso si estás segura de que estás en el camino correcto, cuanto más te detienes y miras hacia atrás, más huyes. Ves los fantasmas que siguen caminando.
Gulperi: que es esto? espera, espérame abuela
Una vecina que pasaba por allí : Gulperi! Por qué corres y corres dando vueltas? Oh! Dios, Dios. Supongo que la chica tiene prisa.
Cavidan a Bayhan: Que te mejores pronto. Estoy muy feliz de que estés bien.
Beyhan: Miren aquí, sea un poco honesta, Cavidan ahora está feliz.
Cavidan: No hable así, Sra. Beyhan, todos rezamos por ti.
Beyhan: Bah! Vienes aquí con tus mentiras, sé un poco valiente y dime la verdad a la cara, si muero ahora mismo, todos ustedes se irán al Parque de la Asociación de Bodas.
Emir: Vamos mamá, dejemos a la señora Beyhan descansar.
Cavidan: Está bien hijo.
Beyhan: Vamos, váyanse para que no pueda ver la cara de los dos. Llegó a las 11 y dice que estaba orando.
Enfermera: Sabe hermano la señora Beyhan, no debe incomodarse, aun no está bien. Le daré sus medicamentos. Dormirá un poco. Mientras tanto, puedes hacer el papeleo. CONTINUA
Mil gracias por la traducción❗❗👏👏
Gracias por la traducción 🙏🏻
Thank you very much, Myrna, for your kind help to translate all these episodes. With much love for you 😘😘
Gracias Myrna por tu tiempo
BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Cox şükür Narin de bebeklerde iyi Narkem cox gözel👏👏👏👏👌♥️
"Gulmir Scenes Translation 485". (Part 1).
Scene 1".
Savas: Mon,.can you hear me? Mom wake up!!
Melike: God, save us all!!
Savas: Mom!! Savas to Fidan: Ambulance. Call the ambulance!!!
Melike to Fidan: Get the phone!! Run!!
Cavidan to Savas: I tired.... I tired to hold her but....But I couldn't stop it..
Savas: Mom, I'm here. You're going to be okay.
"Scene 2".
Emir to Yiggit: Let's go now!! It'll get better believe me. Look at me. You're very lucky to have found it you're going to heal it.
Yigit: Don't worry will be okay if we take my father home by force he won't be in his natural environment like your veteran Brother said.
"Flashback of Emir".
Gul: But you are very angry I know but I had to do this, because of this endless fight, because of the fear that my bones will be damaged, I was so tired that I had no other choice.
Emir: I told you, I was with you, I told you I'm with you, Im showed you other ways.
Gul: Because nothing else will cool you down,, your sister-in-law.
Emir: You think so, you will pass. Let the pig grow up.
"End of Flashback".
Emir to Yigit: No trace will not be together. Yes cotton. Happiness is very important,but right he can't stand on his own feet in his natural environment.
Yigit: Can't live at home.
Emir: Maybe he won't be very happy, but he will get better, then we will come and leave him together in his natural environment. Okay my son.
Yigit: Will heal your with the cotton fairy girl and the Shepherd will help you, right, father.
Emir: Yes let's go to our house now look, the cotton is bored.
"Scene 3".
"Gul is running in the forest".
Beyjan said: You don't be serious, did you betray us, you betrayed your family by joining your man with you. You're like a man you killed my husband's children, you are like a bad seed like my mother.
" Continue".
Thank you so much @Yaimery 👏👏👏🥰
Muito obrigado ❤️
" Gulmir Scenes Translation". (Part 2)
" Scene 4".
Melike to Cavidan: You torn yourself over this. With God's help, Ms. Beyhan's going to be okay.
Cavidan: I couldn't hold her, Melike. She slipped from my hands
Melike: May God help her.
Cavidan: She fell right in front my eyes. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't hold her. God... God please don't let anything happen to her.
Yigit: Grandma we're home. We're going to.
Emir: Mom's what happening?.
Yigit: Grandma, are you sad about Pamuk like me? Don't worry. Fairy girl, my dad and I gonna fix her up. I'm gonna go feed Pamuk now.
Emir: Okay, son. You go. I'll be right there. Yigit leave.
Cavidan: Emir... son....I couldn't hold her. She slipped away..
Emir: Sit down for a minute. What happened?
Melike: Ms. Beyhan fell down the stairs. Ms. Cavidan tried to hold her but....We immediately called the ambulance. They are in the hospital now.
Emir: Do you know which hospital they are from?
Melike: They said they were going to take her to the hospital nearest but.....
Cavidan: Son,wait....
Melike: Ms. Cavidan....
Emir: Mom, it's okay. Calm down. Look, I'm going to take care of it, okay. I'll let you know if anything happens.
Cavidan: I can't just stay here. Let's go together. I want to see her with my own eyes,
Emir: Okay, come with me.
"Scene 5".
"In the Hospital".
Baran to Fidan: He ask for Beyhan. ( not sure)
Fidan: There is no news,we are still waiting.
Baran: If something happens.
" Flashback of Savas".
Beyhan: What I said at the end, the way of the mind is one.
Savas. Mom, no matter what he says, this will not work, look, throw out what you have in mind and he does not want anything with him or anyone else from now on, If I hear anything under this roof, then you will lose me here, I will go so much that I will be stronger. Write it tomorrow too.
" End of Flashback".
"Scene 6".
Gul continue in the forest.
Beyhan's voice: You're killing my teacher's sons.
Man : Stop dear and how much money will it be...
Gul: Stop...... Stop..... Worth it....
Beyhan's voice: Don't part with you seriously God what have you done.... Have you done......
Gul: No, no these are actually. No... No...he...
Beyhan's voice: Is without bad seeds like.
Note: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my best in this part, but it's so emotional and very sad. I'm crying right now.
Thank you so much for doing this😊
@@yaimery3076 Thank you so much, Big Hugs.💖😇
Mulay: Bueno terminamos el café.
Sheriye: Se acabó? Ya acabó? Y aún no hemos escuchado una confesión de su boca señor.
Mulay: a qué se refiere señora?
Sheriye: Mire, maestro, mire, lo conocemos bien desde hace un tiempo, sabemos lo que vemos, pero hay cosas que no vemos, claro, por supuesto de esto no hablará.
Mulay: ¿Qué es lo que sé, entonces qué puedo decir ahora?
Sheriye: Tú también lo sabrás, lo dispararé, Maestro. Mire señor, saliste a tomar café con mi hermana porque yo respondí por ti, no me avergüences, pero no escuché nada malo después de eso.
No tienes WhatsApp, cariño, no la llames antes de que sea demasiado tarde, estás a mitad de camino.
Mulay: Entonces tengo qué es lo que debo decirles?
Sheriye: así, vamos a ver
Mulay: Mi búsqueda en trabajos de reparación no fue nada buena, vas a una casa
Los hombres siempre hacen este trabajo, así que no me lo pasen a mí, entremos en los objetos, mientras mis manos y mis pies andan errantes, así que me he hecho mucho daño. (O algo así) (no entendí muy bien, pero parece se queja de su trabajo de reparaciones)
Sheriye: Dinos, ¿Cuál es tu habilidad? Te levantas por la mañana, qué harías hasta la noche, qué haces? así que déjanos saber, coméntalo.
Minuver: Señora Sheriye!
Sheriye: Detente, espera un minuto. Si es en serio, primero conozcamos al señor Mulay desde la mañana, ¿de acuerdo?
Mulay: Claro que tienes razón, les contaré como es mi día desde la mañana.
Me levanto temprano, pongo la tetera en la estufa, me arreglo. Después de desayunar, voy temprano a la tienda, la nuestra está un poco lejos, y luego llego a casa por la noche, como mi cena, me aseo y luego voy a dormir.
Minuver: Que vida tan bien organizada tienes.
Mulay: El señor de la soledad es un querido amigo del hombre, hablará y charlará. Pero no sé, dije ya que andaba por aquí podríamos ir al cine, Entonces, ¿no sería bueno?
Sheriye: pues déjame preparar un té para que podamos dormir al menos.
Masal a Mert: Corría junto a él, no podía acostumbrarme, ….
Kemal llama a Masal. Masal: Halo papá. ¿Dónde estás, padre, cuántas veces te he llamado?
Me preguntaba si estás bien.
Kemal: ¿Estás bien, niña? Mi teléfono se quedó en mi auto ¿Pasó algo?
Masal: No, cuando no pude comunicarme contigo, solo me dije, no quería llamar a Narin para que no se alarmara. …. Está bien, entonces nos vemos cuando lleguemos a casa.
Masal: No pasó nada malo. Mert: Te dije que estás preocupada en vano.
Masal: ¿Qué te estaba diciendo? No solo estaba corriendo con la escuela, por supuesto, había una panadería. Hacían unos deliciosos croissants que solía comprar antes de ir a la cama todas las noches para poder comerlos incluso en la mañana.
Cavidan: Ni siquiera pensé en el mal por un momento, lo juro.
Emir: Mamá, mira, no te preocupes, todos sabemos lo que dice la Sra. Beyhan.
Fidan a Cavidan: Ella piensa que todos son como ella.
Cavidan a Savas: Savas, hijo, tampoco piensas como tu madre, ¿verdad? Nunca querría que ella saliera lastimada. Solo estaba tratando de hablar con ella para que no fuera tras Gulperi. Estaba devastada. Todo sucedió tan rápido. Intenté agarrar a su madre pero...
Emir: Fidan, sácala para que pueda tomar un poco de aire.
Enfermera a Beyhan: No te muevas mucho, ¿de acuerdo? Voy a venir y cambiarlo más tarde.
Beyhan: Gracias, querida.
Enfermera: Voy a traer su medicamento para la presión arterial en una hora. ¿Necesitas algo más?
Beyhan: De hecho, sí.
Enfermera: Dígame.... Si hay algo que puedo hacer
Sheriye a si misma: Sí, pero si se lo digo ahora, la mujer morirá, me esforcé tanto en darle una oportunidad a este hombre. Si no se lo digo, será más agradable cuando la deshonra del hombre salga a la luz. Y si me equivoqué, destruiré una casa antes de que se construya. No, entendí mal, es como adivinar, porque dijo que es su sultana…. Como hacer esto?
Sheriye escucha a Mulay a la salida: Me acompaña hasta la puerta señora Minuver.
Minuver: Yo iría por favor
Mulay: Espero que nos volvamos a ver pronto
Sheriye: gracias que finalmente se va
Mulay a Minuver al despedirse: Lo siento, el trabajo de la tienda es demasiado, no puede manejarlo solo. Minuver: Lo siento que así sea su trabajo. Que tenga buen día.
Mulay: Buenos días. …. No te equivoques, no es un contrato como para salir corriendo hoy, asi que mi interés por ti no disminuye si algún día pudiéramos iríamos a comer un helado.
Minuver: No sé si es apropiado ir a comer helado.
Mulay: Conozco mucho de música (o algo asi)
Minuver: Está bien, es posible
Mulay: Buenos días, nos veremos de nuevo
Sheriye: ya se fue.
Narin a la enfermera: no sé si el hospital aumentó la dosis del fármaco indoloro.
También darás un sedante, hablé con el profesor del departamento de psiquiatría para que venga a verla.
Enfermera: De acuerdo doctora, hay algo más? Narin: No, iré a ver los pacientes.
Kemal: ¿No has terminado con esto todavía? Mira te ves cansada.
Narin: Estoy bien no te preocupes
Kemal: Puedes decir que hiciste el servicio ( o algo asi)
Enfermera: hay que retirar un paciente
Narin: está bien, ya voy
Narin a Kemal: Ya ves, la gente nos necesita, si me voy a casa….
Kemal: Narin? Narin: qué pasa?
Kemal; qué es este rastro? (Narin sangra por su nariz)
Gulperi vagando por la calle y un auto casi la atropella.
Cavidan: El aire fresco me hizo sentir mejor. Puedo caminar sola. Ustedes relájense. No se preocupen…
Fidan: Voy a ir a buscar té caliene.
Baran a Cavidan: ¿Te sientes mejor?
Cavidad: Estoy bien, hijo. Gracias.
Policía: Cavidan Tarhun.
Cavidan: Esa soy yo, ¿sí?
Emir: ¿Hay algún problema oficial?
Policía: Vas a venir a la comisaría con nosotros. Estas bajo arresto.
Cavidan: ¿Yo? ¿Qué hice?
Emir: ¡¡¡Oficial!!! ¿Por qué detienes a mi madre?
Policía: Con el delito de lesionar intencionalmente e intentar matar a Beyhan Aksoy.
Retrospección de Beyhan:
“Beyhan a la enfermera: llama a la policía, querida. Quisiera presentar una denuncia.
Enfermera: ¿Alguien trató de lastimarte? ¿Estás bien? Usted me puede decir.
Beyhan: Haz lo que te digo. Pero no le digas a mi hijo ni nadie más. Ve directamente a la policía. El hospital debe tener una policía.
Policía: ¿Le gustaría presentar una denuncia? ¿Es eso cierto?
Beyhan: Vamos, querida.
Policía: Señora, no tiene que tener miedo. La enfermera me dijo que te caíste por las escaleras. ¿Alguien empujó?...
Beyhan: No me caí. ella me empujó Fue deliberado. Ella quería matarme.
Policía: ¿Fue alguien que conoces?
Beyhan: Cavidan. Cavidan Tarhun.”
Fin de la retrospección.
Emir: Oficial, ha habido un malentendido.
Cavidan: Yo no la empujé. Incluso traté de ayudarla. Ella perdió el equilibrio. Savas, te dije esto. Mientras tu madre estaba perdiendo el equilibrio, traté de ayudarla.
Fidan: La Sra. Cavidan no haría tal cosa.
Policía: si ha habido un malentendido, todo se revelará en la comisaría.
Emir: Espera un minuto, esto está mal. Mi madre no trató de matar a nadie.
Policía: Por favor, no haga una escena.
Cavidan: Pero yo no hice nada.
Emir: Está bien, mamá. No te preocupes. Voy a arreglar esto, ¿de acuerdo?
Cavidan: No intenté matar a nadie. No traté de matar a nadie.
Policía: si ha habido un malentendido, todo se revelará en la comisaría. Tenemos que llevarte después de una querella
Cavidan: Emir.....
Gracias por la traducción ❤️
Mil gracias por la traducción❗❗👏👏
MYRNA MEDINA, GRACIAS, por traducir en castellano, saludos desde Formosa, Argentina
Thank u ❤️
MUCHAS Gracias 🙂
Savas: Mamá, ¿puedes oírme? Mamá despierta!!
Melike: ¡¡Dios, sálvanos a todos!!
Savas: ¡¡Mamá!! Savas a Fidan: Ambulancia. ¡¡¡Llama a la ambulancia!!!
Melike a Fidan: ¡Consigue el teléfono! ¡¡Corre!!
Cavidan a Savas: Me cansé... Traté de agarrarla pero... Pero no pude detenerla...
Savas: Mamá, estoy aquí. Tú vas a estar bien.
Emir a Yigit: ¡¡Vamos ahora!! Será mejor, créeme. Mírame. Tienes mucha suerte de haberlo encontrado, lo vas a curar.
Yigit: No te preocupes, estará bien si no lo llevamos a casa a la fuerza papá. Estará mejor en su entorno natural como dijo el veterinario.
"Flashback de Emir".
Gulperi: Sé que estás muy enojado debido a que esta lucha es interminable, temo que se haga daño, estaba tan cansada que no tenía otra opción.
Emir: Te lo dije, estaba contigo, te dije que estoy contigo, te mostré otros caminos.
Gulperi: Solo quería que mi tía se calmara.
Emir: Tu tia abandonará la casa a la fuerza, pero ¿no le habríamos hecho un flaco mal entonces?
"Fin del flashback".
Emir a Yigit: A veces en la vida no podemos estar juntos con los que queremos, pero para Algodón la felicidad es muy importante.
Yigit: Pero ahora no puede vivir en casa.
Orden: Tal vez no sea muy feliz, pero mejorará, luego vendremos y lo dejaremos juntos en su entorno natural. Está bien, hijo mío.
Yigit: La chica hada curará a Algodón, y el pastor la ayudará ¿verdad, papá?
Emir: Sí, vamos a nuestra casa ahora mira, Algodón está cansado.
Gulperi va corriendo desorientada por el bosque. Recuerda las palabras de Beyhan.
“Beyhan: No hables en serio, ¿nos traicionaste, traicionaste a tu familia al unirte a tu hombre? Eres como un hombre que mataste a mis hijos y mi esposo, eres como una mala semilla como igual que tu madre.”
Kemal: No, no, aquí hay algo raro… por favor, Narin me escuchas?... Narin…
Secretaria: Sr. Kemal, esto es para la reunión….. Kemal: la reunión será luego..
Minuver: Bienvenido Mulay: Bienvenida
Minuver: tome asiento Mulay: Solo vine para charlar
Mulay le entrega el ramo de flores: No son dignas de ti.
Minuver: Son flores muy hermosas Mulay: Puedes ponerlas junto a ti.
Sheriye escucha a escondidas y recuerda la llamada de Mulay:
“Mulay: Mi Sultana, ….no lo sabia
Sheriye: Así que tienes trabajo con tu sultana?
Mulay: ¿Te he olvidado alguna vez?, te lo digo, si no llamas te paso a buscar un rato. … Ok está bien, no te preocupes, llego temprano como hablamos….ah! llevaré hígado, lo cocinarás, lo comeremos…
¿Tiene alguna otra solicitud? …Bueno Te veo pronto.” Fin del recuerdo.
Sheriye a si misma: Qué te pasa? Coges y tomas el hígado para llevarlo algún lugar, veré a ver qué se trae este cocinero. Pero esto fue lo que escuché…
Melike a Cavidan: Te agotaste por esto. Con la ayuda de Dios, la Sra. Beyhan va a estar bien.
Cavidan: No pude agarrarla, Melike. Ella se escapó de mis manos.
Melike: Que Dios la ayude.
Cavidan: Ella cayó justo en frente de mis ojos. No pude detenerla. No pude agarrarla. Dios... Dios, por favor, no dejes que le pase nada.
Yigit: Abuela estamos en casa. Fuimos a….
Emir: ¿Mamá qué está pasando?
Yigit: Abuela, ¿estás triste por Pamuk como yo? No te preocupes. La Niña hada, mi papá y yo la sanaremos. Voy a ir a alimentar a Algodón ahora.
Emir: Está bien, hijo, anda tu. Estaré ahí.
Cavidan: Emir... la última... no pude abrazarla. Ella se escapó.
Emir: Siéntese por un minuto. ¿Qué sucedió?
Melike: La Sra. Beyhan se cayó por las escaleras. Fue en un milisegundo. Cavidan trató de sostenerla pero... Inmediatamente llamamos a la ambulancia. Están en el hospital ahora.
Emir: ¿Sabes en que hospital están?
Melike: Dijeron que la iban a llevar al hospital más cercano pero.....
Cavidan: Hijo, espera....
Melike: Sra. Cavidan....
Emir: Mamá, está bien. Cálmate. Mira, me voy a encargar de eso, está bien. Te avisaré si pasa algo.
Cavidan: No puedo quedarme aquí. Vamos juntos. quiero verla con mis propios ojos,
Emir: Está bien, ven conmigo.
En el hospital.
Baran a Fidan: ¿Hay noticias de la Señora Beyhan?
Fidan: No hay noticias, seguimos esperando.
Baran: Si pasa algo.
Savas recuerda:
“Beyhan: Lo que te dije es final, hay un solo camino.
Savas: Mamá, no importa lo que digas, esto no funcionará, mira, tengas lo que tengas en mente, yo no quiero nada con ella ni con nadie, de ahora en adelante, si escucho algun evento bajo este techo con alguna persona, entonces me perderás. Me iré de aquí.”
"Fin del flashback".
Gulperi continúa vagando por el bosque. Sigue recordando los insultos de Beyhan haciéndola responsable por la muerte de sus hijos y su esposo. También recuerda cuando un hombre quería atacarla. Los malos recuerdos y abusos la siguen atormentando y corre desesperadamente.
Kemal: Aún no hay respuesta, algo malo ha pasado, maldita sea.
Kemal entra en un atasco en el tránsito: hermano, date prisa, tengo un trabajo que hacer.
Hombre: No nos paramos a disfrutar. A mi esposa le ocurre algo, tan pronto termine nos vamos (o algo asi). Kemal queda atrapado entre los autos: Maldita sea! Sale corriendo y deja el teléfono en el auto.
Mulay a Minuver: Esta ha sido mi vida durante años, ¿está lejos de todos?
Tuve una vida fresca, como puedes ver, soy un jubilado, mi casa, mi auto, teno suficientes ahorros para mí, me entretengo en esta tienda. No me malinterpretes cuando digo todo lo que tengo
Si esperas te lo puedo ofrecer, lo tendrás todo.
Minuver: ¿Qué pasa, señor? no soy propiedad de nadie.
Mulay: Oh! No me malinterpretes, veo que estás muy bien aquí. Sé que no es asi, solo hablamos.
Minuver: Bien, traeré un té para continuar.
Llega Sheriye con el café y dice: Minuver, tengo que decirte algo.
Minuver: Está bien, vamos…
Mulay: hermana Sheriye, espero que estén complacidos con lo último que les envié.
Sheriye: No falta nada, muchas gracias.
Minuver: Qué te pasa?
Sheriye: Se trata del café, en lugar de hacerlo con poca azúcar, creo lo hice completo
Minuver: Si era eso lo que querías decir, no te preocupes, no pasa nada.
Mulay: Salud a sus manos.
Sheriye: Espero se te atasque en la garganta. Mulay: Dijo algo?
Sheriye: Si, que lo disfrute. Minuver: Muchas gracias hermana Sheriye.
Sheriye: ¡Sí, eh! Díganos , Señor Mulay vamos a conocerlo un poco mejor. CONTINUA
Mil gracias por la traducción❗❗👏👏
Muchas gracias 😌 MYRNA MEDINA 🙏🏻
Thanks 🌹🏵🌹
Thank you MYRNA MEDINA ! I must say I don’t watch the episode until I see your translation. You do it the best! Thank you for your kindnesses!
ياريت لو سمحتي تترجمي باقي الحلقات
I Feel Soo Happy When Emir Misses Gulperi 3:49🥰🥰🤗🤗❤️❤️
Kemal felt his heart ripped from his chest 💔 🥵 when he sees 👀😢 the Doctor cover the sheet over that person. No papi it's not Narin,she's not hurt . Thank God 🙏🏽❤💕🌹💕
Omg!!! The anxiety Kemal felt from thinking Narin died 😖😩😫😭💔such good acting
All of them are great actress and actors
Love it! Can do a great performance.
Superb acting Kemal!
Hepsi harika oyuncu Narin ❤️Kemal ⭐🧿👍
Kemalin Hastanede alaması şarkı super olmun Narine sarılması mhteşem Dizi deyilde Flim gibi Teşegül 🙏Canverel ⭐Yağmur şahbazova⭐👏👏👏👏👏👈👈👈
Narin Kemal Masal mert😍😍😍😘😘😍😘😘😍😘
And two babies are coming!!!! How nice, 4 children!
Me dejo impresionada la actuación de Setenay!! bravo!! 👏👏👏👏
Kemal and narin!! ❤️❤️🌹🌹👏👏
I am glad that Narin is well and she continues to do her job as a doctor. I want to see more happy events in Yemin 4 than bad ones, but especially I want to see Emir happy. Too much unhappiness in Yemin 4...and it really doesn't make sense......💔💔💔💔
I am happy too Narim it's ok too much drama and revenge for nothing valuable
Episodio 485 brutto bruttissimo scenario bruttissimo ..circussss Psicopatico Gulper y Setenay disastrosa insignificante patetica REYTING TOTALE 00000000000000000
@@concettaimbrogiano3557 you are so scary 🤢 grow up! Get a life!
For the last few weeks..... we''ve been waiting for things to get better for Emir🤔 but it seems the author hasn't decided , yet😔
Summary E485:
Savaş, sees his mother and is shocked worried and for the first time we could see a scared Savaş, holding on to his mother. He reaches out to her, hoping that she would hear him and get back to her senses, but in vain. Beyhan is unconscious and in the arms of her only son, who assures her that he’s next to her.
- “Ben Burdaiym! - I’m here!” is a reference to the current situation between Beyhan and Savaş. Earlier the day, Savaş told his mother that he would leave while now he desperately tries to hold on to her and remind her he’s by her side. But it also can be taken as a reference to Beyhan, who keeps holding herself to her dead children, while Savaş tries to tell her with that sentence “I’m by your side, alive and I wont go anywhere. - a very deserved and yet sad scene from Savaş’s point of view who holds is only living mother in his arms, fearing to lose her too. -
The women at home are all devastated seeing the proud Beyhan laying on the floor, helpless. Mostly Cavidan, who tries to explain to Savaş, that she was trying to hold on to her but couldn’t.
Savaş hears her and totally understand the situation knows that it was an accident and unfortunately his mother is the only one to be blamed in this situation.
Meanwhile Emir and Yigit had quite an adventure in the forest babysitting the injured Pumuk. As it’s time to leave, Yigit is worried and sad about Pumuk if he won’t heal. But Emir is there to motivate his son, that that Pumuk will be fine. As this worry got vanished, Yigit now is worried if Pumuk would be happy if they forcibly take him out of his natural environment and away from his family. These wise words of his 5 year old son made Emir think carful again, about him and Gülperi and the unpleasant conversation they had yesterday. Accusing her of being weak and low while she can’t endure it any longer, that her loved ones might be in danger again. And Emir regrets the words he said, while he finally understood what Gülperi tried to tell him.
- He regrets and yet is still upset. To all who always doubt Emir. Emir can never be angry at Gülperi longer than a few hours while his mind is boiling. Even during Ahmet, during the marriage with Savaş, during the truth and now again, he was never angry. He was upset, he was disappointed, he was annoyed but he never pulled her out of his heart. The deeper the love the more painful the situation. I know I repeat myself, but somehow that the only way to make you understand it. - - The conversation of these two is easily, because Gülperi too is being taken out forcibly away from her loved ones (Emir and co). that’s where the word “Zor” which Gülperi said was the key point to the conversation. -
Yigit is still sad and Emir reminds him that sometimes you have to take something out of his environment out of force in order to heal. Even if he might not be happy, the importance is that he’ll heal. When he heals, he will be released again. A positive hope for Yigit, who’s looking forward to help Pumuk heal with the help pf his Peri Kizi of course.
Arriving home, a devastated, scared and shocked Cavidan is welcoming Emir, who still unaware about the current circumstances at home.
As soon as Yigit left, Cavidan freed her tears and told Emir what happened. Beyhan fell down the stairs - Well deserved. Now I somehow feel bad that I always wrote that and it happened after all! - while Cavidan couldn’t hold her. Emir is shocked and is willing to keep an eye on the
Emir is shocked and immediately wants to go to check on the situation. But not alone. Cavidan, who is struggling with her deep shock, also wants to go to calm herself a little bit.
To the hospital, it’s Fidan who accompanied Beyhan and Savaş, while Baran came shortly after wards. Savaş is dragging himself in to his guilt and last conversation he had with his mother. Words of anger which were a warning to his mother. Him leaving her, if she keeps pulling this matter with all of them.
Savaş lungs are tight, his heart furious and his thoughts lost. Guilt and the anger at himself surround him and he can’t get rid of them. - Truly Beyhan knows how to play with the mind of adults. -
Cavidan and Emir arrive at the hospital and see how everyone is worried about Beyhan and buried in their thoughts. Savaş is the one who’s just silent and in his own world surrounded by his thoughts.
Emir tries to reach out so Savaş, as he understands his feelings. He sees in front of him a human being, a son and not an enemy, just like Savaş did during the time Yigit got lost. Emir tries to talk with him, to pull him out of the tunnel he pushed himself in to by asking him questions, which Fidan answers. - Ah Fidan! If you take a closer look it’s Fidan and Baran’s fault as they found the ring and gave it back to Beyhan😉 -
Cavidan sees a lost Savaş in front of her that she tries to ease her heart by explaining to him the whole situation again. But Savaş doesn’t hear her nor listen to her, he’s in his own world haunted by his thoughts, anger and fear while for now Cavidan has to witness it.
Now it’s Savaş who’s being strong and yet weak through his guilt and anger at himself, that again he’s all alone. - Savaş is just falling in to his own anger, because he gives himself the fault, that his mother fell deep, while he was just trying to protect her. She already was falling deeper every day, that his own words towards her, gave her the last push to fall all the stairs she once climbed.
Savaş is lost and Emir’s tires to help him out, just like Savaş did with Emir. And Emir explains to Savaş, that he perfectly understands him and the struggle he is in as he tries to breathe and yet can’t. This situation reminds Emir about a quote of Gülperi, which her grandmother used to say and helped him in a time of need. “Rain gives blessings, while tea gives hope.”
Words which now Emir forwards to Savaş, in order to help him and pull him pout of where he is. He explains to Savaş, that these are words which he values very much and have been told by someone. Therefore, Emir tells Savaş, that he brought him the tea and hands him over, as it’s now his turn, to hold on to the hope. And Savaş accepts the tea, which Emir has brought i in order to give him some hope.
- For Emir this is not a payback, this is an act of kindness, understanding Savaş and imagining what he goes through. He just tries to be a human being and not an enemy. Someone who perfectly understands him. BTW Emir never had a close friend since the beginning of season 2. He always struggled alone with his problems or had a woman by his side. Emir needs a friend -
A sip from the tea of hope, the doctor came right on time and explains that the patient is fine. Not only Cavidan is able to breathe again, Savaş is too. That he took a deep sight to reveal his inner storm which couldn’t be calmed. - Everyone is happy and of course Beyhan would survive, snakes have more than one life after all! -
Next to his mother, able to see her breathing and alive, Savaş tries to be there for her. But as strong as Savaş is, Beyhan’s stubbornness is double the amount.
Savaş take a deep breathe and starts to reach out to her. He takes his mother’s hand, holding her and being their for her. He admits, that he was very scared about her but it change anything. Pulling back her hand, not willing to see Savaş, she turns to him and confronts him with her own betrayal and reality ““Now you remember your mother!” and so she puts more fuel in to Savaş’s guilt of fire.
She assures Savaş not to be scared about her as she’s already dead while being alive.
Even though she was almost “dying” Beyhan is not letting go of her Intikam - Revenge, that she again reminds Savaş about her disappointment in him. She will remain like this as long as he doesn’t revenge the life of his brothers. Now that Beyhan has said her last words again about her unchanged situation, she moves her head away from Savaş, impossible to look him in the eyes.
Not willing to let go of his mother, Savaş tries to calm her not to think about that right now as he takes her hand again showing and proving to her, that he’s next to her. But Beyhan is Beyhan and even the near-death experience didn’t change her and does what she can best, pressing on the guilt of others.
And so, she refers to her disappointment in Savaş, who used to be her hope, but threatened her to leave her while now he’s all of the sudden scared about her. But this means nothing to Beyhan. And she keeps talking about the same thing over and over again. He should let go of her and if he thought about his mother he would get rid of the troubles in that farm house. He wouldn’t be crawling around them and would take their revenge. But instead he put her under the same roof as them. - Well Beyhan who moved in yourself! -
Savaş tries to stay calm, and reminds his mother, that she wanted to stay, while he wanted to take her out of their, but she refused. Struggling to even breathe freely, the stubbornness of Beyhan wont hold her back from anything, that she even won’t accept the fact that she would be the one leaving. Because for Beyhan the Tarhun’s should be the ones leaving the house, as Savaş always told her that he would take over of the home.
- In one sentence Beyhan didn’t want to leave because in her eyes sooner or later it would be hers. So she moved in and got herself comfortable, because in her eyes, it was her right, even though it’s not theirs yet. But as long as she can burn them it’s fine for Beyhan. -
PART2 down below!
Almost dying and trying to find the air to breathe, Beyhan is not willing to let go from anyone, that now Cavidan got added on her list of snakes.
Right on time as Beyhan was talking about her which according to Savaş expression clearly was not the right time for them, Emir and Cavidan came in to look after her. Entering with a white flag of sincerity, Beyhan only sees and hears through the words of Cavidan, lies. But the proud of Beyhan is still as high as the mountains, despite her fall, that she’s not willing to see the friendly and sincere visit and worry of Cavidan and Emir.
Emir tries to stay calm and ignoring the insults of Beyhan, while Savas being ashamed about his own mother. He sits there listens and sees everything and truth behind the act of kindness and for now just remains silent.
Leaving after a one second visit, Beyhan even keeps yelling behind them, that for sure she doesn’t wanna see them in front of her eyes. Troubles and a never-ending story which Savaş has to hear while he has to witness how his mother is destroying herself all over again.
Cavidan still doesn’t want to be covered by the false accusations of Beyhan she defends herself again towards Savaş, explaining him the purpose of the conformation with his mother, which was just to protect Gülperi who again got attacked by Beyhan.
The words of Cavidan bring Savaş in troubles of thinking, that he finds himself trapped again and teared apart, and yet he already knows the truth.
Back from the fresh air of calm all of them are jits worried about the situation reagidng Beyhan, that they can’t clam down.
As Savas is willing to enter the room of his mother and check up on her, all of the sudden two police officers come out looking out for Cavidan Tarhun. Everyone confused, Emir steps in right away.
And the reason they are looking out for her is that Cavidan Hanim will be arrested, a shocking moment for everyone around Cavidan. Especially Savaş!
The accusations: trying to kill Beyhan Aksoy. A victory for Beyhan who only listens to the arrest in front of her room, while her own son is devastated about the move of his mother and ashamed at the same time. - Beyhan always knows how to play, and she called the police through the unknown nurse. -
They are all standing there not able to do anything, because the complaint has been made and the arrest needs to be done. Emir tries to calm his mother, who finds herself trapped. At the same time, Savaş can’t believe what’s happening in front of his eyes, while he already knows what his mother is trying to achieve with this move of hers. And Savaş is angrier than ever now, through the unthoughtful acts of his mother.
While everyone is worried about Beyhan and the outcome of her fall, Gülperi already escaped the house, where she couldn’t stay any longer, not able to breathe at all. She keeps waling while the words of Beyhan talking about betrayal and comparing her with her mother and insulting her. Being accused of killing her uncle and her cousins.
Gülperi is in the middle of the forest. Everywhere she looks she can’t escape nor move forwards, she stands still and is being haunted by her painful past. The insults, the abuse, the fear, the escape, the pain, the burn. Everything is haunting her at once, that she finds herself trapped. She trapped in the past, while she’s actually in the present. She’s trapped in a situation and in a place where she should be able to breathe. Gülperi can’t and tries to hold on to herself as she finds herself lost. She holds her head tightly not willing to loose it even more, that she prays “dear God, take care of my mind. / God be on my mind.” Because Gülperi doesn’t want to fall for the games her mind is playing with her, while reminding her about everything bad happened to her and not giving her the space for the good things in her life.
But Gülperi can’t win the game against her own mind nor her inner struggles, that she keeps falling and trying to concentrate herself, that everything is just a game of her mind. Again she desperately tries to reminds herself and the accuser (Beyhan), that her mother is innocent, and yet she can’t.
Haunted by the memories of her mind, Gülperi tries to escape them and runs again, and keeps running, while she looks behind her, hoping that no one and nothing is falling her.
- Gülperi tries to escape her memories in this scene, and while she looks behind her, she hopes that those memories remain in the past, or at least where she left them and fears that they would keep haunt her. -
Still in the middle of the forest, Gülepro just keeps running. She herself doesn’t know where to go but she senses that something is after her. The strong and yet scared Gülperi is tried. She hears the voices and the sound of pain, fear and her past, who keep running after her.
Gülperi keeps holding on to her mind, reminding herself that her mind is playing with her while she tries to beg god for help and protecting her and her mind. But Gülperi can’t hold on to herself any longer. With every steps she takes out of force, she falls deeper until she not able to stand on her feet any longer and she falls down. On the ground she keeps holding on to her mind, bagging it to stop while she just has herself during this moment.
Gülperi got caught by her mind and the pain it kept collecting until it was time to reveal them complete and not one by one.
- I literally cried during that scene, rewatching it again and writing about it. It’s painful to see Gülperi falling out of tiredness. She can’t take it any longer and is not able to stand up again. But Gülperi needs to fall to be able to raise again, stronger, more confident and value herself. -
But one positive memory of Gülperi found its way through all the painful and devastating past, the sound of her grandmother. All of the sudden, Gülperi doesn’t feel alone any longer, as she hears and sees her grandmother, the only happiness of her past. She gets up wilting to catch up with her grandmother and hold on to her. But her grandmother didn’t came to stay or to take Gülperi with her, she only came to remind Gülperi about something more important.
And the imagination of the grandmother, tells Gülperi what I kept telling you the whole time, “The past will follow you as long as you allow it. Even if you were on the right track, the more you stop and look back, the longer you will be haunted. Keep walking my child.”
- Just like I explained above. I translate and explain every scene individually while watching and rewatching no connection attached to the upcoming scenes.🥰 -
- Why the grandmother? It’s the imagination of the grandmother, because she was the last one who stayed with the Gülperi the longest during her childhood. As Gülperi lost her parents in an early age, and doesn’t really remember what they might have told her, she spent most of her childhood with her grandmother. That’s why she always is referring to her grandmother, if she tells Emir or Yigit something out of her past. Her grandmother has helped her to become who she is, taught her and mostly raised her, that her grandmother is the to whom Gülperi would listen too about any advice she might need. Even though this is only the subconscious of Gülperi and yet it proves how devastated Gülperi truly is about her family, that in a moment of a burning fire she needs the one she loves the most. Yes, she has Emir who also told her the same over and over again, but during this imagination, Gülperi is actually facing herself in the presence of her grandmother. You don’t face your fear automatically, so your mind plays with you in order to face them as he connects them with something positive. Therefore, you won’t run away from them but run after them willing to face them. Psychology 101! Only Gülperi is able to close the chapter of the past to be able to move on. She has to do that by herself, no matter how often someone would tell her it’s not her fault, it’s in the past, she did nothing wrong etc. In order to heal, Gülperi needs to convince herself from those facts, and deep down Gülperi actually knows that, that’s why this imagination of her grandmother, she’s just afraid. I don’t wanna repeat myself as I already explained this situation since last week. -
Gülperi doesn’t want to let go of her grandmother and so she runs after her until she ended up on the street. Gülperi is not Gülperi anymore. She doesn’t know where to go nor what to do anymore, while she feels like that she just has to keeps walking in order to get somewhere.
- Our dear Gülperi can't take it any longer. She just wanted to be free and yet she never was able to. Now she's caught in the cage of her own feelings, her inner storm is covering everything up from her. She's free to walk but she's not free to live nor to feel. Everything got to much that her tiredness became a wound for her soul and she can't hold on to herself any longer like she did the whole time. Gülperi broke in so many pieces that now she doesn’t have the energy to collect those pieces in order to stand again.. -
The neighbor saw Gülperi running in the forest calling out to her, but Gülperi didn’t hear her. - It was not a coincidence that Nazmiye allowed the neighbor to appear all of the sudden. Mark my words! 😉-
That’s It!
Today's summary is divided by location, because our main cast, Gülperi, Emir and Savas were in two different locations. Gülperi's monotonous and endless escape in the forest, and the worries about Beyhan in the hospital.
For the first time our main cast was separated, and Senetay got the chance to prove her acting skills again. But Ali also brought out another side of Savas, a caring, hurt, worried side which we have rarely or never seen before. Most of the airing time was taken over by Narin/Kemal and now Münerve's love story, that our main cast was not seen that often today.
A cobra Beyhan tem 7 vidas
😂😂😂😂, Resumo perfeito como sempre 👏♥️🌻🇧🇷
@@MayaMaryDrama thank you for your effort. Appreciate it so much. 🌹
@@idazzack2285 you're welcome! 🥰
Кино жуда хам зур гап йук 4 йилдан буён кураман бу кинони шу актёр актриса лар билан кулса кулиб йигласа йиглайман шу охиринда хамма бахтли булсин иншоллох Саваш хам бахтли булсин
لأن أداء الممثلين مبدع وصدقني قولهم وافعالهم سواء بكاء أو ضحك أو حب أو اسي❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kemal Narin cok guzel 😍😍💘💘💋💋💞💞❣❣💯💯
Oh My Gorgeous Narin I'm glad that you're fine ❣️💋
Parte 1ra: El culmen.
Para poder regresar el conejo a su ambiente natural tiene que estar fortalecido, porque de lo contrario el ambiente que se supone lo haga feliz será su ruina y morirá.
Savaş nunca tuvo cerca tantas personas que lo amaran y esto lo desconcierta. Todos lo acompañan a esperar el resultado de los golpes recibidos. El que criticó recientemente a Gülperi por guardar silencio es incapaz de articular una palabra, de esbozar una sonrisa de manifestar con lágrimas su dolor. El hombre de negro, no sabe de colores, ni de emociones. Sin embargo sufre porque ha descubierto la perversidad de la única persona que le mostró afecto.
En aquel hospital dos hijos sufren por dos madres .. Emir ve a la suya esposada como sospechosa de intentar un asesinato, acusación falsa, que es la escalada perfecta para culminar la venganza.
El otro hijo sufre porque ha descubierto la perversidad se su madre y como ella lo ha manipulado
Dos madres, Cavidan que compadece al hijo que por complacer a la madre le ha hecho la guerra y se siente defraudado.
La otra madre sólo siente ODIO y va de maldición en maldición.
Savaş ante la tumba de Kasin manifestó cuanto daño le hizo pero aún así le sembró flores a su tumba y cuidó de regar muy bien las flores y con agua limpiar la tarja con si nombre. Por Kasin ni una sola lágrima, pero con agua suplirá aquellas que nunca vertió ni vestirá Jamás.
Emir se refugia en su hijo y en su madre. Melike es quien único echa de menos a la niña, y por esas palabras Emir extraña a la mujer..
Gülperi ha enloquecido..
GULPERY nu o poate înlocui , nici pe mama lui Yigit ( Reyhan ) , nici pe REYHAN , soția moartă a lui Emir . Emir are nevoie de o soție pura și buna așa cum a fost Reyhan !
Muy triste.😭😭😭Gracias. 🥰😍
Merci pour votre analyse je ressens beaucoup de tristesse et d'amertume pour la pauvre Gulperi elle vraiment rejetée de tous
Muchas gracias por tu resumen
Mil gracias❗❗👏👏
Gulperi is doing a good job in portraying the dynamic character🥰🥰🥰 🌹🌹🌹
Muito pamonha, Gulperi tem que se defender,já tá dando nas teias essa novela
Awesome work from her
@@elizenel8438 You're right
Kemal bey deli olacaq Narını itirmək qorxusundan,aman tanrim,gözəl ifa,Bu ikilinin duyguları Real hisslərdir,💔👍👍👍👍
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته رجؤكم نريد ترجمة بلعربي
@@yunsyuns7051 aleyküm salam ,erebce bilmirəm ,uzurlu hesab et
seteny acted so well in today's episode 👏👏👏👏❤
Setenay 👎👎👎
Seteney, You are Wonderfull Actoress!!!!❤👏👏👏👏bravissimo!!!🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Setenay - GULPERY ! 👎👎👎💩💩💩
She nailed every single episodes.
😍😍😍thnk god narin is fine BUT she is stubborn why she can t take rest and after she gives birth to her twins 👶👶so anticipated she come back to her job 😩😩kemal today is dead and relive 💞💞AND NOW she is bleeding💔
لانها عنيدة ولازم تجنن كمال ، من اول يوم شافها مجننته وهو تعود وامره لله 😂
@@kafikafo5661 امشكل هي حامل 🤰وحملها صعب و كمال خايف عليها و على توام وراح تخليه يكلم نفسه و العام كله لحد 🚼🚼ما تولد
Əyər Narin ölsəydi Kamal nə edərdi? Yəqin ki, havalanardı.Allah heç bir sevənləri bir-birindən ayırmasın 🤲 Bir ömür birlikdə mutlu yaşasınlar.🤲
Gulperi was truly terrified. She was in her own world right then. She cried with real fear and dropped to the ground her mind back to those days when her uncle and aunt had tortured her so bad. She had a haunted expression on her face and beyond a shadow of a doubt. They’d not only tortured her but had done it so badly that she was no longer in control of herself.
Quick question nobody realizes that she is missing from the farm house? Melike Yiguit Emir Fidan Savas Cavidan Baran?
@@sandraherrera2247 Beyhan's situation makes them worried the most.
@@dadiduda718 you are absolutely right
@@sandraherrera2247 And tomorrow they are busy releasing Cavidan Hanim. Everyone thinks Gulperi is in a good term.
@@dadiduda718 yes I agree with you 100 %
Well, Emir thought abt Gul twice. That's a good sign 😊
Yes, it is, I'm sure there's going to be a GULMIR ending, Emir and Gulperi suffered enough already, I think they deserve to be happy as a real family once and for all 😁
@@nancyrobayo5266 yes, they have suffered a lot nd i want them to confess their love to each other face to face. It's been a long time since they have been holding their feelings. They better do it now since there's only very few episodes left......
@@mariyamargretjose The chemistry between Gul and Emir was so special ,deep , obvious, almoust real chemistry between two of them ..And then... everything stopped..Someone didn"t like that chemistry to ignite..They still love each other but at the distant..As someone was afraid of that ..There are a few scenes where they are alone and close to each other..They will be together but in tha last episode ..The one after while...We would not know how it all happened .I also think that the production decided to show everyone how great potential Setenay has.. It seems to me that Gokberk now plays a secundary role ..
@@anajakovljevic9540 everything at the very last episode 😒
فخامة من جميع الكادر 💞
Love❤️ شكرا لتكملت تسلسل الحلقات 😘😍💝🌸
And no one is alert on why is Gulperi no where. They didn't even notice is she now where
Nonsense... They all know that she would be next to Beyhan..Emir will find her ..Our hero ..She will be in hospital and he will be next to her ..After that he will be angry again.. Until the last episode.. But how they would solve all this , we will not see..
Beyhan is always grumbling and her health is getting worse and poor savas can't stand his mother behaviour but at the same time cannot utter a words to stop his mother. And the other side gulperi mental is getting weaker and cannot control herself all this tortured.
Cok. Gözel Şarkı 👍👍👍👈
CAPITULO 484/485
Parte 1: Invisible.
El dolor logró quebrar a Gülperi. El ataque de Beyhan al honor de su madre, a su honor fue la peor venganza
Gülperi nuevamente corre huyendo pero su dolor la persigue como su sombra no se aparta.
Quienes se supone la aman no han podido protegerla porque las heridas están tatuadas en su espíritu.
Emir la aparta porque siente que ella no confía en él y entonces no hay esperanza para ellos.
Savaş le juzga con la misma responsabilidad de Beyhan. Su juicio también está desajustafo por el desamor, por las necesidades de quien lo le compró. 😌
Muchas gracias
Merci beaucoup pour votre analyse
qué arte tienes😃😊
Mil gracias❗❗👏👏
La cosa piu bella di cuesto episodio e stato vedere mettere le manette a cavidana .😂🇮🇹
E domani lo sarà libero 🇦🇷 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@nancyrobayo5266 spero che patisca cuello che a fatto a reyan. 😣🇮🇹
@@mariacali4755 Bravo 👏👏 🌹
What’s wrong with Narin now?..Eish… 😱😱😱
But she s ready for a fight tomorrow 😁
@@Summerlilly2022 I understand it’s her body it’s her right but from the past her pregnancy is risky and with twins it’s double risky. I agree with Kemal. He is just trying to protect his unborn babies. Drs are usually like that ,take care of the patients before themselves so Narin is no different. Definitely get advice from the obstetrician.
@@tanseelou806 oh! I m totally with Kemal on this one! But Narin being Narin will put up a fight, won't she. She s used to getting her way with Kemal.. we ve been seeing that from the beginning.
@@Summerlilly2022 lol yep and usually she’s right but this time she’s wrong. If she have healthy pregnancy I will agree with her but in this case she’s wrong. She will relent in the end because she will understand Kemal side. I just know it lol
Kemal and Narin 😢😢😢💝💝💝
💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏
من جد
Bethany 👏👏👏👍👍👍😘😘😘😘♥️
Cavidan , polis 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Narin and Gulperi so beautiful & great actresses in Yemin 4 🤩🤩🤩👍❤️🤗🥰
One thing I really loved is when emir thinks about gulperi and the conversation they had on his office you can tell he truly regrets the way he spoke to her, and he knows he shouldn’t have spoke to her that way. But also loved when he gave sat next to savas he thought about when gulperi sat next to him and gave him tea when kadriye was dying, he also remembered what she told him, and he told savas somewhat of the same thing she told him, and I loved how emir is being there for savas, plus savas saw emirs kindness and realized emir is just a sweet guy. Love the character development savas has now, he’s giving up on revenge but also he just wants to leave emir and gulperi and emirs family alone, like he doesn’t want to harm anyone. Plus he even get cavidan out of jail, I’m so happy he helped emir and emir looked thankful to him and now I think they’ll become like close not close as an best friends but maybe just friends. But also feel like savas might just end up with oya, especially since he has a huge character development.
Reyhan ve Emir 😘🔥
Já estou vendo Emir correndo atrás de Gulperi e as conversas bestas dela de culpa, que fez a tia bruxa sofrer, que ela merece morrer... blá-blá-blá. Emir é o único que cuida dela, se humilha, estende a mão e só falta dar papinha de bebê na boca dela. Surtou e ainda se sente culpada? Ah não! Mágica por favor, façam uma mágica para aparecer uma mulher que ame Emir e Yigit. Claro, que Emir retribua esse amor merecido.
Antes eu era Gulmir, mas depois da traição do casamento com o Savas assassino, não sou mais. A escritora dessa série não é boa.
Vc dabe dizer o que aconteceu com a Suna e a Zenype? realmente a escritora perdeu a mao
@@yasminvitoria3162 Suna dejó la serie en la segunda temporada para ser la protagonista de Emanet. Zeynep pobre nadie recuerda que pasó con ella ja... Está alargando, pero tampoco es como dice Suzi M, Gülperi está en un quiebre pero Suzi no tiene la más mínima empatía porque solo le interesa Demirci aparentemente, se olvida que todos hacen parte de la historia ¬¬ Por cierto, Gul se arriesgó 3 veces por ellos, arriesgó su vida, entonces no creo que Emir encuentre a alguien que los ame a él y a su hijo más que la propia Gül que estuvo dispuesta a todo.... Solamente hay que entender un poco mejor lo que está pasando...
@@yasminvitoria3162 No final da segunda temporada a Suna foi estudar na Inglaterra e saiu da série para ser protagonista em outra serie. Zainep não sei o fim que deram a ela.
Emir ve Reyhan 😻💓
E. R . Y . 👍💐👍💐👍💐
Gulperi and her acting skills will go places, sorry Reyhan supporters, she can't match Gul acting.
Totally agrees
I saw that not from the very begining bur soon.. Sometimes I have impression that the production now has intention to show to everyone Setenay"s potential.. More than to give us a love story between Gul and Emir..Okay..Good for Setenay... But not for us,Gulmir fans..
Out standing performance n she is so beautiful ❤️
Sinteti toate niște reptile balonase și cu creierul lipla dacă o criticați pe aceasta actrița talentata și foarte frumoasa, care a făcut din s 4 împreună cu Gok un regal actoricesc. Sinteti nebune și cu un mare handicap mental dacă nu faceți diferența dintre ficțiune și realitate. Sa jignești o persoana numai ca interpretează un personaj într-un serial asta arată cit sinteti de reduse muntal
Eee Cavidan i-ți aduci aminte când i-au pus cătușele lui Reyhan, fiind nevinovată, când ai planificat cu Cemre răpirea lui Zeynep, ce râdea-ți amândouă din ușă când a luat-o poliția, acum s-a întors la tine fapta ta, nu ai plătit îndeajuns tot ce i-ai făcut lui Reyhan, întoarce-te unde ți-e locul defapt, după gratii!
Cavidan Gulperii000000000000000!
Emir Reyhan=Yemin =lov Lov lov!
Cavidã aprontou muito,mais sua estadia na prisão fez com que ela mudasse,e mudou muito, Beyhan pertence à Satã, rolou as escadas sozinha,não morreu,e acusou Cavidã, agora ela aproveita pra escravizar Gulperi, aff, essa Gulperi é submissa demais, parece que gosta de sofrer
Emir , Reyhan. 👍👍🍀🍀🌹🌹
خفه شو ...
چقدر احمقی تو ابله.....🤢🤮
Cit ești de obsedata și paranoica 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Măcar sa ai asemenea simtomne pentru cineva wow, dar pentru un rebut care se crede actrița și nu a făcut decit figurație în Juramintul, ca dacă nu intervenea Gok nu termina nici sezonul 1 la cit de proasta este în realitate, dar bine ca a părăsit serialul ca o dădea cei de la producție afara. Ce dracu nu ști ca doar ești fana ei (fraiera) ei😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Traducción en español capitulo completo por favor MYRNA MEDINA por favor muchas gracias y bendiciones 🙏🏻
Dokuz canli bu beyhan denen kadin
Merdivenlerden aşagı yuvarlandi ama sapasaglam ayakta
Bari biraz hafızasını filan kaybetseydi az da olsa inandırıcı olurdu ama
Yemin 1, 2 sezon piękny 💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞
من جد والله صادقه واحلا شى لو مافيه جاهده وجمرى الشياطين
Quanta tristeza porque causa do odio de uma pessoa contra a outra inocente coitada da Gulperi ,mas ela sempre terá o Emir e a família dele coitado do Savas só agora descobriu o que é o amor de uma família e coitada da mãe do Savas está doente enlouquecida pelo odio precisa ser tratada internarnada talvez é o que eu acho porque essa atriz é boa no seu papel e deve ser um papel difícil de interpretar mas irritante assim como o da Gulperi ela tem mostrado um bom trabalho o Savas está emocionado por ver o carinho e a preocupação que estão tendo com ele coisa que ele nunca teve isso é bonito é acredito em um final feliz para todos menos para a mãe do Savas
Ta wiedźma nie do zdarcia diabeł jej nie dorówna 😈🤣😂😱
I wish every woman has a Kemal in her life....
Evil, evil Beyhan is so despicable, full of hatred awful woman
Sheriye should tell minuver she heard the butcher talking to his wife on the phone
مسلسل روعة روعة روعة
المرجو منك ان تعطيني موجز قصير عن المسلسل ماعلاقة كوبري بالمرأة الكبيرة وماهو المشكل لتنتقم منها جزاك الله خيرا
İnsallah Narine bebeklere bisey olmaz amin insallah
Mercedes Sosa, se reivindicó; ya lo aprecio
Holaaa desde manicomios les saludo asistiendo yemin 🤣🤣🤣😃
i think narin might have a disease 😒... several times she has fainted scenes... the first time narin had a problem with erhan😕 a fan of narkem i want to see if her fate will be the same as her best friend reyhan😧
No,they will be happy..Don"t worry! But it is hard for Nasmie to give them happiness and piece until the end..
Bu dizi niye hala bitmedi?
Final olsun!
final yakinda
la série se termine en septembre
@@samiaplu3014 épisode?
@@samiaplu3014 damnn
niye final olsun
Reyhan ! 💐💐💐👍👍👍
Reyhan ❤💐💐💐💐
What's the title of the music in NarKem scenes in hospital someone can tell me please 🙏
Ayşe Çınar - Öyle Sev Ki
@@julawikki thank you dear ❤️
ايه دا جولبيري غزال بيجري في الغابه مش ممكن الجمال والحلاوه دي تبارك الله ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Will this beyhan episodes never end?one mad demented lady and nobody can control her
اريد اعرف هذوله الجدد منو وليش مامترجمه
What an evil woman 🤮
I can tell gulperi just misses her nana so much, one thing is she wishes that her nana was there by her side, especially in her hard times. Gulperi has Emir who truly loves her a lot and she loves him a lot too but she also misses her grandma and wishes that she had her grandma to speak to and just be comforted by, Emir is there for her as her lover but she also needed her grandma to help her out in some ways. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s ep, it looks like no one knows where gulperi was they’re too busy with cavidan and beyhan that they thought gulperi was okay, but our girl is out there having a mental break down and she now wants to leave the world, I can tell emir will be hurt but also I can tell he’ll be afraid when he sees her in the water and her shoes just laying in the sand, I kind hope this is what leads emir to blurt out his love for her that would be beautiful to see, and I know he’ll probably pull her out of the water as fast as he can. I can’t wait to see what unfolds, cavidan will be free soon tomorrow, and I think the focus will swift more on Gulmir tomorrow.
remedios placer estoy de acuerdo gulperi mejor actriz y más linda miro solo por ella y emir muy linda pareja ojalá vuelvan a trabajar juntos otra vez
Gulperi 🌻🌻🌻🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Gulperi is having a nervous breakdown in the forest
@@SharleyOne1 Yeah 👍🥰
Piękna scena nareszcie Cavidan do więzienia. Kara za całe zło, ktore zrobila Reyhan , tylko szkoda, że tak późno. 👿👿👿😈😈😈🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh stop! They will release her very soon!! Its yeminnnn
Ya estuvo presa pago su traición y cambio
Ale wyjdzie bo Sabasz ja uwolni zeznaniem i to przykre i ta Melika okropne to jest kochana moja Halinko 💓💓
Hope gulperi wont go mad now😂
Bu filmin hər seriyasının tən yarısı xatirlamalardan ibarətdir. Tamaşaçını yormayin
Rayting za wczoraj odc 484 Total 1,16, AB 0,38 ABC 0,65 🙈🙉🙊
Dzięki 🌹
Jak będzie pani znała Rayting odc:485 proszę podać go w odc:486.🌹
Emir seems to have lost weight dealing with all these problems😢😢
I hope cavidan gets out of jail because savas is fuming mad now , he remembers his mom’s desire for revenge
Essa bruxa não morre de jeito nenhum🤣
Reyhan ve Emir
Charity Rich you are also crazy you go yemin 1*2 and 3 you make comment dont make comment in yemin season 4 Reyhan seytan died
Reyhan este mama lui Yigit moarta sau vie , GULPERY este o nulitate ! 👎👎👎🔱🔱🔱💩💩💩
Agora Beyhan não tem mais desculpa de ficar na casa de EMIR 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Ela tem que dar no pé 😂😂😂😔
😂😂🤣🤣coś psychol scenariusz wymyśli by nas tu trzymać
"3:49"... It seems that Emir regrets for snapping at Gulperi.... 😭😭😭💔🙂
Esto va cada vez peor la Beyjan no para ahora culpando a Cavidan tiene otro chantaje para que Gulperi haga lo que ella quiere y Gulperi la pobre se está volviendo loca
Beyhan le transmitio la locura a Gulperi!
Only narin kemal love ❤️❤️😘😘
بهيان تمثيلها بجديه احسنت
Gulperi ve Emir 💕🌿💕🌿💕
Emir seviurum😘😘😘😍😍
Beyhan will file the complaint against cavidan to blackmail gulperi into marrying savas
Kemal y Narin se aman mucho❤
Gulperi ve Emir ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gokberk will appear in uzkiz kardes (3sisters)
Setenay 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤
Piękna, dojrzała i wzajemna MIŁOŚĆ od pierwszego wejrzenia
How long will gulperi be running in the forest😂
Gulperi was brilliant tonight. 👏👏
جمال عيونك جوكبيرك وسيم جوكبيرك وسيم جوكبيرك
Only happy normal couple is kemal n narin❤❤
Mali glumac je fenomenalno odglumio lik decaka Jigita. Izuzetno drago dete.
Bu bölümde yine iyice saçmaladılar Gülperi nihayet kendi kendini bitirdi şimdi deli gibi ormanlarda koşuyor tövbe tövbe
Śmieszą mnie już te sceny pięciolatek lepsza bajkę by wymyślił.Gulperi zniknij już
Czemu każdy martwi się o behan ale emir też powinien poznać prawdę co się wydarzyło w domu podczas jego nieobecności i zapytać o gulperii jak ona się czuje i gdzie jesteś