When I was young (teens and 20s) I couldn't understand why people didn't understand what I was talking about. I just assumed there were smart people and dumb people. Once I learned about MBTI types, I understood why some people seemed (to me) shortsighted and way too literal. It was a huge "a-ha!" moment when I understood that some people only pay attention to what their senses tell them and do not cogitate on the meanings behind the scenes. I was a true paradigm shift.
As an INTJ, I approve this message. :P Seriously though, I don't think we are ALWAYS right, but we are not often wrong. And the reason for this is we are constantly researching any given subject and looking for the facts that will eventually lead us to the truth. A lot of other types perceive this as arrogance, but in actuality, it is confidence. Often those who question our views and try to point out how we are wrong never take the time to actually research facts like we do.
Just found out that I am an INTJ today. The description of INTJ was unbelievably accurate about my personality. For example, I like improving myself constantly, I enjoy spending time alone, but once I decided to be friends with someone I will build a solid relationship, I keep my emotions to myself, I plan everything, I am a perfectionist, I want people to make sense, I don't care about authority unless they have something worthy of respect, I am good at math and computer etc It's great.
Too funny, but straight on! Being an INTJ is the very reason I chose to pursue the field of Communications, to solve those mishaps that had been occurring in dealing with others not of my personality type. Thank you so much, Mike!
Replying to old comment but Lori you are dead on about how to approach some of our weaknesses. I did not know I was an INTJ until very recently. In my earlier years I stumbled into sales for several years and was very happy but obviously needed more of a challenge. Sunk into a few decades of programming and trying to shut my brain off with booze. Lost nearly everything, got sober, got my mind back, and found a job in marketing with a technology slant and its the best I have ever been. Don't let the "I" in INTJ rule everything. You are much better with people than you realize.
I took the personality test a few times over a year or two and have always come up INTJ. Any decent description I read pretty much hits the nail on the head. It's funny how tired I can get around people and how energized I'll feel when I'm by myself, even on just a break at work. Thanks for the video
Very insightful and thanks for the vid. Knowone wants to admit their flaws in their character or personality. I just wanted to say that I recently became aware that I was an INTJ and throughout my whole life I often wondered what the heck was wrong with me and why I didn't fit in with the status quo. Thanks alot for helping me understand myself and character.
That's a way to do things. I, for one, would devise a plan where he'd lose everything and never know how that came to be. I strike from the shadows and there I rejoice.
It's not that I don't care how I come across to other people, it's that I don't realize how I come across to other people. A very helpful video this was.
One of my good friends is an INTJ and she is unbelievably as well as effortlessly intelligent. A trait that i have long desired. I admire her and all other INTJ's really. Even being an ISTJ.
as a hardcore INTJ i rate your presentation as EXCELLENT. lots of practical suggestions for relating to mainstream folks. frank bunker and lillian moller gilbreth outstanding examples of nt+nf synergy....cheaper by the dozen....book and movie....thank you very much.... lightninrodpbn....:-)
I have always hated the nerve of some people to point out my flaws, but not even have the courtesy and respect to know that they possess flaws themselves that I could easily call out, but I would never do that because that would make me seem more arrogant and rude than I actually am and I respect that others have different mental and emotional attitudes than I do. That makes sense to me...THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!
You're absolutely right. As an intj myself, if someone doesn't meet or exceed my expectations then you don't have my respect and trust. This even includes bosses, management, ect.
I just get to know that I'm INTJ last month.. Currently I am 29 years old.. I used to hate myself for not being able to fit into the society like everyone else.. It was really frustrating for me because as I tried to fit in, I can feel that I'm not being truthful to myself.. But now that I know I'm an INTJ, I appreciate myself more and I embrace both my good and bad sides..
This is really me. I got diagnosed as an INTJ and I was shocked at how accurate it seemed. My mind is one pile of ideas.I can be thinking of ways to improve medicine, health care, welfare, low performing schools, and other social/political issues or I can simply just create my own little (though not so little in my head) world within my mind where everything works as life should work. Basically, it is my own little utopia that most others would consider unrealistic. Oh well, they're just too ordinary to understand. Funny how I've always wanted to major in chemistry (and will next fall) and then go on to medical school to study neuroscience.
Jackie Venom WOW! I am a biology graduate and I am currently studying programming, systems biology, and medical lab technology. I also wanted to study neuroscience and I'm an INTJ.
+Kryzia Mae Aranda This is amazeing. I am also INTJ and I am studying chemisty, also very interested in neuroscience and biochemistry. It's such a nice thing to see people like me.
Good advice, Mike. Unfortunately, where I live, "thinkers" are in short supply. The locals have a great interest in titties and beer. But anything intellectual? Less so. Of course, you can find people online to brainstorm with, but it's not the same as having an actual, physical conversation.
It's so strange, but most of the people deeply involved in my life whom I've gotten to take the personality test have turned out to be an INTJ as well. I guess us INTJs need to stick together in this chaotic world. We're a rare species, us INTJs.
@Craptron2000 i have the same experience. Its why I took communication classes as well. After them, I wasn't as adverse to small talk as every other intj claims they are because I could really see the value in toward building other conversations.
This video 100 percent describes me. I found out about personality types yesterday searching for 'why are people so shallow in their thinking' . that has been my question. for years I am an INTJ . I am a programmer and hold two engineering degrees (biomedical engineering and simulation engineering). I hold high standards and if someone doesn't meet it, I get upset (not good).
Agreed here too. I tend to be polite, but I hate small talk just as much as any other social ritual. I see all social ritual as superficial and pointless, but at the same time, I realize how important it is to others so I try to be at least tolerant of it.
Alot of us have anger problems too, and can mentally take it out on the wrong people and/or things. It often comes across as arrogance, when really it's our strengths outwitting our sense of logic and reason. Given time, it can be controlled effectively, but only if given enough attention by those who recognize it within themselves. Otherwise, you can be seen as a stone faced loner or a tyrant with anger issues, who most would find hard to talk to or deal with effectively.
I totally agree with this. In my way of thinking, emotion clouds judgment and therefore has no place in logic. Emotional detachment is built in with INTJs. As far as anger goes, it takes quite a bit to get me angry, but once I'm there, there will be absolutely NO doubt about it, and very likely it will take me several hours to get past it. Best to just leave me alone at that point.
As an INTJ It’s difficult not to be dismissive sometimes when people offer up ridiculous solutions for problems which only took seconds to realize some fatal flaws, the process of explaining the reason it would fail would take more time than I am willing to spend on that problem. I’m already half way to a viable solution or maybe already started on a new problem by then. I do try to be more patient and helpful, but there are so many problems to be solved and so little time!
Kind of like making a move too quickly in chess, our impulses are partially motivated by our eagerness and impatience. We try to get things over with when a game becomes a teadius chore, forsaking the best results. We say " we can hack it" even in times we know better, Though we think differently, ego still effects decisions.
We can hack it! Sounds so right :D It is like a game and there has to be room for that to break through the complexities and innovate. A funny example of it would be the series HBO Silicon Valley.
And I agree, I don't know where the whole "if you get angry, you lose" thing came from. A major thing about INTJs is that they try not to lose control of their emotions. Not getting angry is a strength of INTJs, not something that needs work.
Thanks. I really appreciate the tips, eventhough I know it's really going to be difficult because I'm already used to people calling me a snobbish prick behind my back.
I'm a direct mix between an ENTJ and INTJ, one of my closest friends (who we joke around with as him and I are considered the Yin and Yang of friendship) is an INFJ. It's true, now; we're exactly the opposite.
INTJ here with a diagnosed social phobia = A recipe for disaster... I recognize the flaws he mentions and everything else also matches me. I've always been interested in intellectual things and I tend to focus 100% to some subject I find fascinating and that focus stays there for a long time. I have suspected a mild form of Aspergers but that hasn't been diagnosed as of yet.
I agree. When I was younger I used to wonder what would happen if you got every bright intj child and taught them separatly from other children what might happen?
Interesting, the first time I meet these definition. I do share most of the "Symptoms" if I may, except the planing ahead of things. I did that when I was young but with time I realized it's probably the hardest thing to do. Calculate all the possible outcomes in a conversation for example so you are prepared for it before it happens. Because my life didn't go the way I planned as usual, I hat to adapt my way of thinking. I can't say that I am INTJ, but I like to go on some forums now.
Besides academia - in tech, psychology or related, like to innovate, put new systems in place. There are videos on the quality of the work environment and the possibilities of progress, that it offers for the intj to thrive. Instead of just the certain field, which would fit.
The best way to find your type is likely through the cognitive functions. Check to see if you have Ni-Te, or Ti-Ne. I have broken down both types on my channel.
That's because they aren't 'weaknesses', merely just lesser preferred preferences. There is a clear difference between 'un-interest' and 'in-ability', an INTJ is far more likely the former rather than the latter, the latter is one who IS interested but is unable to do, whereas an INTJ is not going to do something that 'you' would consider a 'weakness', merely because they do not hold the same level of interest in it as you or other types would. Every type is better at something than others.
@riverlioness I have a good friend who is an INTJ and I am an INTP, and we agree and see eye to eye on a lot things that others appear to be oblivious about. The major difference I think is his constant insistence that he is right and his tendency to become very heated when people disagree with him or aren't able to see where he is coming from. I think the major weakness of the INTP is a level of social unsureness, whereas INTJ are so sure about themselves, they are disrespectful
Asperger's IS a thing. It is essentially the same as high functioning autism. There is some overlap in characteristics, but INTJ and Asperger's are not the same thing. Some INTJ's score very high on Autism tests while others score in the normal or even below average range.
That's why I'm watching these videos. I'm still confused and I've been scanning this over the MBTI for weeks. I vary in the J and P by 1% in tests, all tests, every time! I'm beginning to think ether I still can't look past a fake persona I've developed to socialize in a decent (and hopefully for a productive) life or these personality types just can't put all people in boxes, categories, and/or letters. The last theory intimidates me though.
I've taken multiple myers-briggs tests multiple times and I've continued to get INTJ. I figured that statistically, the more of one result I get, the more likely I am to be that result. And I've consistently gotten INTJ. 90% of the time. I really don't feel like an INTJ because a) I'm really self-conscience about how others think of me b) I consider myself to be compassionate, and c) I can be pretty outgoing. But the thing is, my ratios on each individual trait tend to be 6:4 or less. Hmm...
I've taken many Myers Briggs tests and I keep getting INTJ. Only some of the description holds true with how I perceive myself. I am definitely open to talking with people, although often I prefer seclusion. I'm very insecure about how I come off to people though, sometimes. I don't think I'm weird, but I'm worried other people think I am. Maybe I'm only relating the generalities of the type.
how accurate is myeres briggs? my friend and i are in a debate over it. I believe in it,but she thinks that each and every person is different. while i agree that people may be a little different, i think personality types can be found.any ideas? also its odd bc INTJ has me spot on in my way of thinking, but INFP does as well. ive been trying to figure out which one i am more similar to but cant seen to figure it out. i to hate my INFP qualities, and tend to supress them as much as i can. Thanks
how accurate is myeres briggs? my friend and i are in a debate over it. I beleive in it seeing as it has me pretty spot on, but she thinks that each and every person is different. while i agree that people may be a little different, i think personality types are generally correct. any ideas?
I don't confide in personality tests too much (I treat them as I treat horoscopes), though, the description of the INTJ is really head-on if I am one. Apparently, personality descriptions need work in typifying quantitative intelligence (the intelligence you need to test for)... Many of these self-proclaimed INTJ's don't seem like the brightest bulbs on the Times Square ball, if you know what I mean.
I see what you are saying as a fellow INTJ, however, it depends on what is meant by "scientist." A scientist should not really be described as someone who observes and explains physical phenomenon but as someone who is about the business of investigating at the highest level. Science is a way of investigating, so in a way even philosophical ideas can be run through the scientific method. so, there doesn't have to really be a distinction.
Not all of them. I'm an ENFP and I still have asperger's, but it's INSANELY mild. Most of my friends growing up who had more severe cases of asperger's tended to lean toward INTJ personalities though, so it's a delicate balance to find out exactly how to categorize them. ENTJ aspies for example tend to be kinda awkward conversation initiators (I know cause I used to be one). Asperger's is an interesting condition to analyze, and should be more deconstructed in relation to Myers-Briggs.
As an INTJ, I do make an effort to work on my people skills, but there's that persistent feeling that I might be rebuffed. When that happens, I just console myself with the thought that it's their loss.
Yep, I like to work alone as well. But I kinda like to be surrounded by people, it's fun. I don't mean in the center of attention, I don't like that, but being surrounded by fun people it's fun :)
I always get mixed up between INTJ and INTP. And I went through your videos - and I found both of them to be almost the same. Please share some more insights.
That is true for me. But, many people don't like showing their cards emotionally. INTJ's, myself and others I've know, need time to reflect and figure out how we feel and how it fits into the context of our lives. Possibly why we don't hate being alone for slightly longer periods than some other types.
LSpeechles recently found out im an intj and they listed arrogance in the negatives column. i made myself laugh when i audibly said "but so what?". and realised they were right.
I'm an INTJ as well and yes it is normal to take offense no one likes to be belittled or humbled. But as an INTJ you should also understand if the problem is not know how can it possibly be fixed?
HeavyProfessor I was trying to portray the typical "socially isolated" INTJ but I guess your stupid ass couldn't figure that out by yourself. ANd why would you reply to a comment made in 2014? It's almost 2017.
I don't usually care much for one's feelings, I don't really care what I'm thought of, nor do I really care to think on them either unless it's something factually beneficial to know, I have no interest in what they go on about unless I find it interesting, I don't use emotion or feelings to make decisions or judgements, but reasoning and logic instead. I have come across many who do though and say I should, but now I understand why I just don't, because it's not in my nature, as I am an INTJ.
Found out like a week ago that I am an INTJ (female) and I'm 21.... Haha, good to know I am not a total freak. I do not believe in horoscopes - I am a leo lol - an with numerology I got a number 8. But there is not much fact to it.... The analysis of my personality is perfect. I study food science - haha, although I can get extremely bored with some modules. I tend to pass the difficult modules well and with the easier modules I barely pass. Is it common that we get bored and passive quickly?
Yes, because god forbid you face your flaws in order to better yourself... Take it in and do whatever you want with it. Honestly, improvement seems to be a better choice than getting offended.
I don't think we all think we're always right. Some might, but most probably don't. As a matter of fact, we are listening. We came up with that idea as well and dismissed it as not the best way to go. Maybe we should explain that better. That's our weakness. Not that we are rigid, always think we're right (though we usually are), and don't want to hear your idea. Come with good ideas and good arguments and we're all ears. Because anything to get the best result and to improve ourselves.
Was pretty much born high ( child of the 70's, mid to later half of generation X prodigy. Folks in those times "experimented" with whatever the 60's had left over...aside from that I just call myself a deep thinker of sorts, though I still come off "sounding" high.)
I am more of a philosopher as well. I think they just call us scientists because we're so logical. But Carl Jung was an INTJ and he was both logical AND spiritual... and that equals philosopher I think
it started off a big negative compared to say the esfp which lists all good points at the start. that said you give some good advice. i can see the advice of it's not responsibility even though they're doing the wrong. and then the smell the roses. essentially intj's need to understand that positivity and negativity (i still dont like the words happiness and sadness) are present.
It is hard to meet people with my disposition (INTJ). If I met a female INTJ, we would be best friends for life...I had a really good ISTJ female friend but I have never met an INTJ.
I am studying math and loving it! Discovering that I am an INTJ was the best thing that happened to me in a long time
When I was young (teens and 20s) I couldn't understand why people didn't understand what I was talking about. I just assumed there were smart people and dumb people. Once I learned about MBTI types, I understood why some people seemed (to me) shortsighted and way too literal. It was a huge "a-ha!" moment when I understood that some people only pay attention to what their senses tell them and do not cogitate on the meanings behind the scenes. I was a true paradigm shift.
As an INTJ, I approve this message. :P
Seriously though, I don't think we are ALWAYS right, but we are not often wrong. And the reason for this is we are constantly researching any given subject and looking for the facts that will eventually lead us to the truth. A lot of other types perceive this as arrogance, but in actuality, it is confidence. Often those who question our views and try to point out how we are wrong never take the time to actually research facts like we do.
I Germany we say "the tone makes the music".
Like the presenter said: in a constructive instead of a destructive way.
At 2:35 its not that I ignore others ideas. I have already analyzed that angle and came up with a better way.
Just found out that I am an INTJ today. The description of INTJ was unbelievably accurate about my personality. For example, I like improving myself constantly, I enjoy spending time alone, but once I decided to be friends with someone I will build a solid relationship, I keep my emotions to myself, I plan everything, I am a perfectionist, I want people to make sense, I don't care about authority unless they have something worthy of respect, I am good at math and computer etc It's great.
Too funny, but straight on! Being an INTJ is the very reason I chose to pursue the field of Communications, to solve those mishaps that had been occurring in dealing with others not of my personality type.
Thank you so much, Mike!
Replying to old comment but Lori you are dead on about how to approach some of our weaknesses. I did not know I was an INTJ until very recently. In my earlier years I stumbled into sales for several years and was very happy but obviously needed more of a challenge. Sunk into a few decades of programming and trying to shut my brain off with booze. Lost nearly everything, got sober, got my mind back, and found a job in marketing with a technology slant and its the best I have ever been. Don't let the "I" in INTJ rule everything. You are much better with people than you realize.
I took the personality test a few times over a year or two and have always come up INTJ. Any decent description I read pretty much hits the nail on the head. It's funny how tired I can get around people and how energized I'll feel when I'm by myself, even on just a break at work. Thanks for the video
Very insightful and thanks for the vid. Knowone wants to admit their flaws in their character or personality. I just wanted to say that I recently became aware that I was an INTJ and throughout my whole life I often wondered what the heck was wrong with me and why I didn't fit in with the status quo. Thanks alot for helping me understand myself and character.
You dare to think me egotistical and megalomaniacal?
I shall _crush_ you for your insolence, fool!
That's a way to do things. I, for one, would devise a plan where he'd lose everything and never know how that came to be. I strike from the shadows and there I rejoice.
+The Artful Me duh! XD
It's not that I don't care how I come across to other people, it's that I don't realize how I come across to other people. A very helpful video this was.
I was hoping this was an actual INTJ scientist from the thumbnail. Because I do admire people who are good at stuff I like. He is right.
One of my good friends is an INTJ and she is unbelievably as well as effortlessly intelligent. A trait that i have long desired. I admire her and all other INTJ's really. Even being an ISTJ.
as a hardcore INTJ i rate your presentation as EXCELLENT. lots of practical suggestions for relating to mainstream folks. frank bunker and lillian moller gilbreth outstanding examples
of nt+nf synergy....cheaper by the dozen....book and movie....thank you very much....
This is one of those great informational vids that I'll try to watch every month so as to get the info through my THICK skull. Thank you.
Kramer649 As thick as Thicke?
I'm also intj, Im interesting at finance, psychology
I have always hated the nerve of some people to point out my flaws, but not even have the courtesy and respect to know that they possess flaws themselves that I could easily call out, but I would never do that because that would make me seem more arrogant and rude than I actually am and I respect that others have different mental and emotional attitudes than I do. That makes sense to me...THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!
I must be well developed. Almost none of the weaknesses apply to myself
You're absolutely right. As an intj myself, if someone doesn't meet or exceed my expectations then you don't have my respect and trust. This even includes bosses, management, ect.
I just get to know that I'm INTJ last month.. Currently I am 29 years old.. I used to hate myself for not being able to fit into the society like everyone else.. It was really frustrating for me because as I tried to fit in, I can feel that I'm not being truthful to myself.. But now that I know I'm an INTJ, I appreciate myself more and I embrace both my good and bad sides..
This is really me. I got diagnosed as an INTJ and I was shocked at how accurate it seemed. My mind is one pile of ideas.I can be thinking of ways to improve medicine, health care, welfare, low performing schools, and other social/political issues or I can simply just create my own little (though not so little in my head) world within my mind where everything works as life should work. Basically, it is my own little utopia that most others would consider unrealistic. Oh well, they're just too ordinary to understand. Funny how I've always wanted to major in chemistry (and will next fall) and then go on to medical school to study neuroscience.
So cool to know another female INTJ in the same field of study ! I'm a cognitive neuroscience major 👍
Jackie Venom WOW! I am a biology graduate and I am currently studying programming, systems biology, and medical lab technology. I also wanted to study neuroscience and I'm an INTJ.
+Kryzia Mae Aranda This is amazeing. I am also INTJ and I am studying chemisty, also very interested in neuroscience and biochemistry. It's such a nice thing to see people like me.
+Marcela Enamorado Fellow INTJ. I can relate to that surprisingly well.
Dejan Plohl stay away from neuroscience. Get into biochemistry and biophysics. It's good with a chemistry background.
Good advice, Mike. Unfortunately, where I live, "thinkers" are in short supply. The locals have a great interest in titties and beer. But anything intellectual? Less so. Of course, you can find people online to brainstorm with, but it's not the same as having an actual, physical conversation.
Good educational video. I'm a part of one of the biggest INTJ groups on Facebook, so everyone is welcome!
It's so strange, but most of the people deeply involved in my life whom I've gotten to take the personality test have turned out to be an INTJ as well. I guess us INTJs need to stick together in this chaotic world. We're a rare species, us INTJs.
"Having other people to feed you information..." He knows how to talk to us
@Craptron2000 i have the same experience. Its why I took communication classes as well. After them, I wasn't as adverse to small talk as every other intj claims they are because I could really see the value in toward building other conversations.
I smiled and laughed through the whole thing because its all true. Made me feel cold and reserved like a mad scientist though but I am brilliant.
This video 100 percent describes me. I found out about personality types yesterday searching for 'why are people so shallow in their thinking' . that has been my question. for years I am an INTJ . I am a programmer and hold two engineering degrees (biomedical engineering and simulation engineering). I hold high standards and if someone doesn't meet it, I get upset (not good).
That is very insightful and good advice about the quick decision-making situations. Thank you very much.
Well done mate. INTJ, both a blessing and a curse.
Very proud to be an INTJ.
Yes I was, I kept checking the bullet points to make sure I was on track, I know it is not very professional, but hopefully gave you some insights!
Thank you for your lovely video. To make sure you are on track using a check list, reflects your high level of professionalism : )
the true identity of the male introvertseanmessenger.hubpages.com/hub/Why-Beautiful-Women-Love-Introverts-Like-You
Agreed here too. I tend to be polite, but I hate small talk just as much as any other social ritual. I see all social ritual as superficial and pointless, but at the same time, I realize how important it is to others so I try to be at least tolerant of it.
Alot of us have anger problems too, and can mentally take it out on the wrong people and/or things. It often comes across as arrogance, when really it's our strengths outwitting our sense of logic and reason. Given time, it can be controlled effectively, but only if given enough attention by those who recognize it within themselves. Otherwise, you can be seen as a stone faced loner or a tyrant with anger issues, who most would find hard to talk to or deal with effectively.
rly good video ... hearing my weaknesses were very insightful
Wow..This explains so much..
I really appreciate seeing this on RUclips, and it even inspired me to make a page for INTJ's in Norway.
I was INFJ in highschool now Im INTJ
I don't care if it was a script or not. This is a cool video. I'm an INTJ.
I totally agree with this. In my way of thinking, emotion clouds judgment and therefore has no place in logic. Emotional detachment is built in with INTJs. As far as anger goes, it takes quite a bit to get me angry, but once I'm there, there will be absolutely NO doubt about it, and very likely it will take me several hours to get past it. Best to just leave me alone at that point.
INTJs are always right all the time. Very very difficult to prove them wrong.
This describes me pretty well. This personality type seems to fit my profession very well too. Love it.
As an INTJ It’s difficult not to be dismissive sometimes when people offer up ridiculous solutions for problems which only took seconds to realize some fatal flaws, the process of explaining the reason it would fail would take more time than I am willing to spend on that problem. I’m already half way to a viable solution or maybe already started on a new problem by then.
I do try to be more patient and helpful, but there are so many problems to be solved and so little time!
Kind of like making a move too quickly in chess, our impulses are partially motivated by our eagerness and impatience. We try to get things over with when a game becomes a teadius chore, forsaking the best results. We say " we can hack it" even in times we know better, Though we think differently, ego still effects decisions.
We can hack it!
Sounds so right :D
It is like a game and there has to be room for that to break through the complexities and innovate.
A funny example of it would be the series HBO Silicon Valley.
And I agree, I don't know where the whole "if you get angry, you lose" thing came from. A major thing about INTJs is that they try not to lose control of their emotions. Not getting angry is a strength of INTJs, not something that needs work.
Thanks. I really appreciate the tips, eventhough I know it's really going to be difficult because I'm already used to people calling me a snobbish prick behind my back.
I'm a direct mix between an ENTJ and INTJ, one of my closest friends (who we joke around with as him and I are considered the Yin and Yang of friendship) is an INFJ.
It's true, now; we're exactly the opposite.
As an INTJ planning ahead of time is crucial for me
i am an INTJ. thanks for suggestions.
INTJ here with a diagnosed social phobia = A recipe for disaster... I recognize the flaws he mentions and everything else also matches me. I've always been interested in intellectual things and I tend to focus 100% to some subject I find fascinating and that focus stays there for a long time. I have suspected a mild form of Aspergers but that hasn't been diagnosed as of yet.
I agree. When I was younger I used to wonder what would happen if you got every bright intj child and taught them separatly from other children what might happen?
Interesting, the first time I meet these definition. I do share most of the "Symptoms" if I may, except the planing ahead of things. I did that when I was young but with time I realized it's probably the hardest thing to do. Calculate all the possible outcomes in a conversation for example so you are prepared for it before it happens. Because my life didn't go the way I planned as usual, I hat to adapt my way of thinking. I can't say that I am INTJ, but I like to go on some forums now.
excellent presentation
I enjoyed it.
Glad to know I am in the right field of work
this was pretty accurate with my personality
Gosh.. As an INTJ who enjoys reading Camus, the whole world is just too dark to me.. I have to stop and smell the roses
Jenna Zhang french post modernists are depressing
I thought the INTP was the ideal scientific type of thinker while INTJ works best in academia and law?
Besides academia - in tech, psychology or related, like to innovate, put new systems in place.
There are videos on the quality of the work environment and the possibilities of progress, that it offers for the intj to thrive.
Instead of just the certain field, which would fit.
The best way to find your type is likely through the cognitive functions. Check to see if you have Ni-Te, or Ti-Ne. I have broken down both types on my channel.
That's because they aren't 'weaknesses', merely just lesser preferred preferences.
There is a clear difference between 'un-interest' and 'in-ability', an INTJ is far more likely the former rather than the latter, the latter is one who IS interested but is unable to do, whereas an INTJ is not going to do something that 'you' would consider a 'weakness', merely because they do not hold the same level of interest in it as you or other types would.
Every type is better at something than others.
I have a good friend who is an INTJ and I am an INTP, and we agree and see eye to eye on a lot things that others appear to be oblivious about. The major difference I think is his constant insistence that he is right and his tendency to become very heated when people disagree with him or aren't able to see where he is coming from. I think the major weakness of the INTP is a level of social unsureness, whereas INTJ are so sure about themselves, they are disrespectful
Asperger's IS a thing. It is essentially the same as high functioning autism. There is some overlap in characteristics, but INTJ and Asperger's are not the same thing. Some INTJ's score very high on Autism tests while others score in the normal or even below average range.
whats competence? i looked at the definitions, but how do i use it?
That's why I'm watching these videos. I'm still confused and I've been scanning this over the MBTI for weeks. I vary in the J and P by 1% in tests, all tests, every time! I'm beginning to think ether I still can't look past a fake persona I've developed to socialize in a decent (and hopefully for a productive) life or these personality types just can't put all people in boxes, categories, and/or letters. The last theory intimidates me though.
@LMPMAPS I think your video was informative and I enjoyed watching it. Well done. Sorry, I was having a bad day when I made the other comment.
I've taken multiple myers-briggs tests multiple times and I've continued to get INTJ. I figured that statistically, the more of one result I get, the more likely I am to be that result. And I've consistently gotten INTJ. 90% of the time. I really don't feel like an INTJ because a) I'm really self-conscience about how others think of me b) I consider myself to be compassionate, and c) I can be pretty outgoing. But the thing is, my ratios on each individual trait tend to be 6:4 or less. Hmm...
I've taken many Myers Briggs tests and I keep getting INTJ. Only some of the description holds true with how I perceive myself. I am definitely open to talking with people, although often I prefer seclusion. I'm very insecure about how I come off to people though, sometimes. I don't think I'm weird, but I'm worried other people think I am. Maybe I'm only relating the generalities of the type.
Yeah... We rarely do... We ignore the emotional side and only focus on the solution.
how accurate is myeres briggs? my friend and i are in a debate over it. I believe in it,but she thinks that each and every person is different. while i agree that people may be a little different, i think personality types can be found.any ideas? also its odd bc INTJ has me spot on in my way of thinking, but INFP does as well. ive been trying to figure out which one i am more similar to but cant seen to figure it out. i to hate my INFP qualities, and tend to supress them as much as i can. Thanks
how accurate is myeres briggs? my friend and i are in a debate over it. I beleive in it seeing as it has me pretty spot on, but she thinks that each and every person is different. while i agree that people may be a little different, i think personality types are generally correct. any ideas?
I wish everyone and every type could hear and take that advice on anger~
at the end...
*mouth moves*
*rock song fade in*
I don't confide in personality tests too much (I treat them as I treat horoscopes), though, the description of the INTJ is really head-on if I am one. Apparently, personality descriptions need work in typifying quantitative intelligence (the intelligence you need to test for)... Many of these self-proclaimed INTJ's don't seem like the brightest bulbs on the Times Square ball, if you know what I mean.
I see what you are saying as a fellow INTJ, however, it depends on what is meant by "scientist." A scientist should not really be described as someone who observes and explains physical phenomenon but as someone who is about the business of investigating at the highest level. Science is a way of investigating, so in a way even philosophical ideas can be run through the scientific method. so, there doesn't have to really be a distinction.
Not all of them. I'm an ENFP and I still have asperger's, but it's INSANELY mild. Most of my friends growing up who had more severe cases of asperger's tended to lean toward INTJ personalities though, so it's a delicate balance to find out exactly how to categorize them. ENTJ aspies for example tend to be kinda awkward conversation initiators (I know cause I used to be one). Asperger's is an interesting condition to analyze, and should be more deconstructed in relation to Myers-Briggs.
As an INTJ, I do make an effort to work on my people skills, but there's that persistent feeling that I might be rebuffed. When that happens, I just console myself with the thought that it's their loss.
True, I feel the same :p
Yep, I like to work alone as well. But I kinda like to be surrounded by people, it's fun. I don't mean in the center of attention, I don't like that, but being surrounded by fun people it's fun :)
the true identity of the introvert
I always get mixed up between INTJ and INTP. And I went through your videos - and I found both of them to be almost the same. Please share some more insights.
That is true for me. But, many people don't like showing their cards emotionally. INTJ's, myself and others I've know, need time to reflect and figure out how we feel and how it fits into the context of our lives. Possibly why we don't hate being alone for slightly longer periods than some other types.
Having a giggle at all the negatives while ticking them off in my mind.
LSpeechles recently found out im an intj and they listed arrogance in the negatives column. i made myself laugh when i audibly said "but so what?". and realised they were right.
I'm an INTJ as well and yes it is normal to take offense no one likes to be belittled or humbled. But as an INTJ you should also understand if the problem is not know how can it possibly be fixed?
I didn't even know their were social niceties until now.
Cbreezy because you are stupid
HeavyProfessor I was trying to portray the typical "socially isolated" INTJ but I guess your stupid ass couldn't figure that out by yourself. ANd why would you reply to a comment made in 2014? It's almost 2017.
It's the current year!
I don't usually care much for one's feelings, I don't really care what I'm thought of, nor do I really care to think on them either unless it's something factually beneficial to know, I have no interest in what they go on about unless I find it interesting, I don't use emotion or feelings to make decisions or judgements, but reasoning and logic instead.
I have come across many who do though and say I should, but now I understand why I just don't, because it's not in my nature, as I am an INTJ.
Found out like a week ago that I am an INTJ (female) and I'm 21.... Haha, good to know I am not a total freak. I do not believe in horoscopes - I am a leo lol - an with numerology I got a number 8. But there is not much fact to it.... The analysis of my personality is perfect.
I study food science - haha, although I can get extremely bored with some modules. I tend to pass the difficult modules well and with the easier modules I barely pass. Is it common that we get bored and passive quickly?
Yes, because god forbid you face your flaws in order to better yourself... Take it in and do whatever you want with it. Honestly, improvement seems to be a better choice than getting offended.
I don't think we all think we're always right. Some might, but most probably don't. As a matter of fact, we are listening. We came up with that idea as well and dismissed it as not the best way to go. Maybe we should explain that better. That's our weakness. Not that we are rigid, always think we're right (though we usually are), and don't want to hear your idea. Come with good ideas and good arguments and we're all ears. Because anything to get the best result and to improve ourselves.
Sarcastic? Quick tempered? Intolerant of weaknesses? Are you spying on me?
@@CarnivalofLVX thanks. Fixed
I think it's a sliding scale you could be INXJ so you'd be right in the middle of F and T.
Was pretty much born high ( child of the 70's, mid to later half of generation X prodigy. Folks in those times "experimented" with whatever the 60's had left over...aside from that I just call myself a deep thinker of sorts, though I still come off "sounding" high.)
I am more of a philosopher as well. I think they just call us scientists because we're so logical. But Carl Jung was an INTJ and he was both logical AND spiritual... and that equals philosopher I think
What if you get INTJ and INTP, sometimes cause I get half and half sometimes or more of INTJ or sometimes more of INTP
@Craptron2000 What do you do now?
it started off a big negative compared to say the esfp which lists all good points at the start. that said you give some good advice. i can see the advice of it's not responsibility even though they're doing the wrong. and then the smell the roses. essentially intj's need to understand that positivity and negativity (i still dont like the words happiness and sadness) are present.
my bf is an INTJ but is no good at math and i am an INFJ i think both our personality types are rare
@riverlioness Same here! Sometimes they even realise theyre being irrational but they often don't seem to mind. I feel your frustration, lol.
to live forever at all costs. same.
Makes sense💯
That sounds pretty cool
It is hard to meet people with my disposition (INTJ). If I met a female INTJ, we would be best friends for life...I had a really good ISTJ female friend but I have never met an INTJ.
express your anger!!! dont walk away yet! assert yourself!
As an INTJ I agree
the true identity of the introverted male
The Scientist is just some kind of name anyway... People should disregard that I agree.
This describes me very well!