After watching many ADC guides, someone recomended me Tonirel's channel. I stumbled upon this video, watched it once or twice, started winning, i was like okay this actually works. Watched the video over 20 times now and i climbed a full rank in the matter of 20 games. I'm still re-watching the video almost every day to remind myself of these habits. Genuinely, 100% guaranteed the BEST ADC guide you will ever come across.
ive watched countless adc guides just trying to figure out what i do wrong and genuinely this was the first guide that has genuinely helped me understand my shortcomings and i truly appreciate it
Seriously unbelievable content. The way you explain the concepts in a straightforward manner and then address how hard it is to learn and how to approach it is top notch. ADC looks so different to me now. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this! I feel like I've gotten more practical information in 30 minutes than I have in all the time I've played league, especially since I main Jinx as well :D
Awesome video! As a primarily support player I recently picked up botlane with Sivir, this helps me put a lot of things into perspective. Really informative and thorough, can't wait to see more!
Incredible video, thank you so much. As a brand new player this is so much more helpful than anything else I've seen. Clear instructions for what to do in the early game was so useful, and giving permission to give up minion last hits early. So often I just die trying to farm my wave against like a caitlyn instead of playing passively because I don't want to lose the cs, but losing a minion is better than dying.
Explanation and examples are very straightforward and clean. I hope to see more solo queue centric guides for adc. + points for non click baity title. Really good content thank you! ^_^
After watching this i have been seeing way more progress in the role. What also helped was not tilting on a loss but accepting it as natural and moving on, focusing on inprovement
In very low elo, the lane is not really dependant on support as they have no clue, it’s entirely dependant on if you recognise that your support is ok or useless and then to remember to play accordingly. It is ok to 4v5 as the useless support usually ends up being good bait or they don’t take exp, so there’s always some form of benefit.
you make more sense and speak better english than the majority of people that are first language speakers. . I feel that comes from not being so comfortable with language that you fill it with ego words well that and knowledge . Good info. Returning player but honestly just doing some arts and crafts seeing who is making content for this game still. TY gj
I've been studying english in school and college, and I even took extra classes outside of school for vocabulary and grammar, I like the language a lot and it's very useful to me as well, so it was a pleasure studying it! I appreciate the kind words :D
at the start of the lane phase and you wait to see if they are trying to cheese from bush, its still worth to sit back even if you lose xp right? or would you still be in xp range for the first 3 melee minions? 🤔 thanks for the video :)
Hi, when you talked about mid game and said that adc should go mid for farming and doing this little turn-based game, you said that you would talk about mid that dont want to swap later but you didnt mention it anymore. Can I ask you what an ADC should do if Mid is occupied? Thanks! 😊
I have a simply algorithm to decide witch secondary spell I go. I go exhaust against Trist, always. Heal against lucian/draven if I wanna fight lane depends on the sup matchups too. Cleanse If I really need and can't pick quicksilver. I go ghost now with champ specific exceptions now. Exaust if I am playing kaisa since it enables several new play because of ult, like if you hit W you can literally go in a solo laner and win the fight with exhaust. Ezreal/caitlyn you go TP for tempo. Since ghost is not good in them. Jhin you go heal since neither tp nor ghost are good and if you need to use exhaust you are prob dead already
I started playing adc because que times are super short. So I brought my swain to bot lane with pretty good success but iv been trying to find a 2nd champ that traditionally fits the role. Hasn't been going to well since a lot of times I would rather just play swain but I also want to learn the role itself. So I'm wondering if my untraditional pick would hurt me learning the role.
I'd say Swain is more forgiving that playing an actual adc, but he is also shorter range so he plays differently. Whenever you'll switch to a normal adc, you'll die in situations where playing Swain made the difference, adc champs are high risk high reward basically
New player here that just got done with Ranked placement games. Coming from quickplay queue, I was skinned alive by my placement teammates because apparently everything ive been doing for the past month in quickplay is wrong. I got placed in Iron 4, and even there I was getting abused like an unwanted child. I had no idea what I was doing wrong. Ive gotten a couple S tier games under my belt with Caitlyn in Quickplay, but once I got to Ranked I couldnt get out of D- or D+. Think the highest I got was C-. I couldnt grasp what my teammates had issues with. They just tell the enemy team to report me because apparently Im trolling or feeding or Im a bot. I ask them to tell me what Im doing wrong, or to tell me what I should do because I just, don't, know, what they want from me. I watch countless videos and guides on what to do, yet when I try to do what the guides say I keep getting abused by my teammates more than I do by the enemy team. I have now come across this video. And man... is it eye opening. You actually explain the thought process behind why you do certain moves and dont do other moves. You explain the strategy and why its a yes or no. You explain what the enemy team would be thinking in certain situations. For example I had no idea I can chill on beach and help with vision in the first 2 minutes instead of just chilling by the tower waiting for minions. Guide videos just always say farm till after laning then go mid. But why? Why should I do that? When do I know when to help out a teamfight and when do I stay behind and farm? I dont know any of these things, and every decision I make is wrong according to my team. But now, everything is starting to make sense. Ill need to watch the video a few more times to fully grasp, but I can already feel my wisdom growing. Other Guides always treat you like youre a seasoned League player that was once a legend and now has fallen into low-elo, so you must already know everything. I know nothing. Zip. But this video helped soooo much more. Thanks for this dude! Ill update to let know if my performance is improving :)
A bit old but still very relevant, was wondering if you had some tips vs mage supports like zyra/lux. Currently that's what I have the bigger issue with if my support isnt that good because something like zyra pushes very hard and has a lot of dmg while lux has a lot of range and near garunteed poke (since I play Kaisa, lux e is nearly undodgable if she double taps it on top of me unless I use e or bait it)
@@Tonirel If team ignore botlane is there anything I should do differently or just preserve and try to farm as much as I can without losing hp (was vs zyra MF)
My problem is that, when I saw a lost fight and just push to get turret + farm + pressure to bring 1 or 2 enemies on me, my team rather FF than play... I can be 14/0/7 and legit 1v2 or 1v3, my team wont let me carry them... I never trashtalk them, try to encourage them but its no use, they just want to go next :/
what if im samira ? is it good to prioritize the dragon fight and leave the mid wave, contest the baron 4v5 after senna died ? or do i just play like jinx ?
What do you do if the enemy bot lane never shows ever and they just sit in the bush getting exp while you sit under tower waiting until they show? Why wait until they show if they can just do that and gain exp while u gain none?
Side question: what's the recording software you used? I've been looking for one just like this but it've been though to find. Also really good content, props on your work
Honestly, I really don't know what to do, I only keep getting garbage supports, that manage to not land a single ability for the first 10 minutes of the game, that destroy your waves, overpush, break freezes, straight up int and flame you. And then they keep forcing fights when you're already at a disadvantage, poke supports that do not poke at all... my jungler is nowere to be seen or ganks and insta dies, the enemy jungler perma camping me if I push, or perma diving me. Vision doesn't exist besides my wards which sadly don't last forever. Everybody knows and backs off before I hit lvl 2 first, everybody besides my support. They have a shaco? A Zed? You're automatically dead, they would gladly suicide to oneshot and remove you from any fight. They have an AP malphite? Good luck, he'll hold ult to zone you out of the fight, if you go in you explode gg. And let's not talk about the all that fun shit that gets out of toplane, with perma slows mach10 movespeed and oneshots too, while you have 0/10 teemo top. They have lb, tf or nocturne? You're automatically dead no matter where you're. They have a Karthus with first strike? You either win in 20 minutes or lose the game, since full build only the ult does 1.6k on me with Maw and Wit's thanks to fucking shadowflame and cryptoshit. We want to talk about Briar? If she gets somehow on top of you there is no fucking disengage, you can litterally use everything you have and she will catch you, you can try to kill her if you're fed enough, and I'm not talking about her Ult which is pretty predictable and dodgeable, just her W. Your team won't peel you ever they'll just ignore the guy flanking and assassinating you and go suicide into the enemy team. Pinging achieves nothing, writing in chat only gets you flamed, giving tips to your support either makes him tilt or he just ignores it. Also I get the fucking useless afk bot Yuumi into Draven Nami and get perma dived by Shaco jng, while my Talon gets solokilled 6 times by enemy Ekko and ragequits, my Kayn thinks he is a farming jungler, my toplane wins but whatever he just get two tapped as well. This. Every. Game I play as adc. I play jungle and I have 80% wr, adc 48%, in Silver EUW, last season I was Plat only playing jungle and I could have climbed more but the role gives me cancer, this season I wanted to play adc and here I am with a whole new level of cancer. My sup makes or breaks the lane, if I have human supports I stomp and quadra even when the enemies aram gank bot ez win, granted that my mid/top is not 0/10 into lb, tf or other bullshit. I'm not even mad for shit like Rengar or Fiddlesticks because you can outplay or pay attention to them, they're a treat you can play around. But shit like AD Shaco that litterally you don't see him until your screen is gray with no anticipation whatsoever. And since you can ping wards when you see someone place them they'll often play around your vision to avoid it anyway. This role really does feel miserable.
@@Tonirel I get it, I dodge everything dodgeable, I try to position correctly, but I mostly play immobile adc besides Zeri, but if I don't have flash or ghost there are fights where I'm just unable to join because the moment I do I'm insta dead, and that's fine, in those cases I just try to get something else on the map away from the treat. What really breaks my mental are the coinflip supports, I legit prefer playing botlane alone 1v2. In one game I had a Shaco support with smite which was playing off meta double jungle and was never in lane, into Varus Lux, and I won hard the lane abusing the xp advantage. But in lanes like Jinx, Draven or Tristana, if my support suicides the lane is simply over and I can't play, I honestly wish I had a good sup duo that would make it much easier
Shove bot then go mid and hover around. If a fight happens it will be a 5v4 because an enemy has to go bot and catch the wave you just got, you will lose minions overall, but it wins you the game!
@@Tonirel Im struggling as Jinx in lower elo (silver 5, yesterday promoted), especially with my positioning. One wrong step and I am dead. And I need to adapt my mind that I should fight from front till back. Thank you for your video's.
Xd not even best players always do the right decisions and you aren't probably even chalanger and saying this. You are at your elo because you play the same as players in your elo stop flaming athers and focus on yourself.
the higher elo you go, the less risks you can take, one mistake and they could completely stomp you, but pretty much all of these ideas apply, plus we add some new ones like how to prevent 4 man dives for example
Adcs, please adapt to your support not the other way round. If you see your sup is passive, go passive and farm. If you see your sup is full aggro, give up cs and go full ham with him
And what can you do when your supp start trolling min 2 forcing you to play 1v2, see how you're not getting salty and just try to cs and scale he proceed to steal your cs, fck your freezes and then your jungler decides to rundown and start chasing you stealing even more cs from you leaving you like 100 cs behind with no items when enemy adc has 3 and every one oneshots you cause youre alone all time and with no items :D eh and saying not a single word dying inside telling to yourself why the heck am i still playing this rol
In a situation like that, you hope your top laner gets 20 kills by himself and carries the game. Some situations you can't fix by just playing better. Just accept the loss and move onto the next game. There's no point being tilted and flaming over one loss.
@@coolbrotherf127 i never flame, it only cause the troll to even troll more, if you dont flame you have the chance or comebacking and the troll to stop trolling and start trying but... every game i go adc happens the same thats why i switched to my main rol jung again cause i can even carry alone dont giving a f the trolls :D
being 5v4 doesn't guarantee a win, and mechanics do matter. if the enemy team has a malphite and I don't have the mechanics to flash his R, I'm going to get ulted and killed for free and then it's a 4v4 that could go any way. I've seen so many situations where I call to go in because we are 5v3 and then we just lose. I had to zhonyas Yone R (as Viktor) and then got oneshot when it ended and then watched everyone on my team die
After watching many ADC guides, someone recomended me Tonirel's channel. I stumbled upon this video, watched it once or twice, started winning, i was like okay this actually works. Watched the video over 20 times now and i climbed a full rank in the matter of 20 games. I'm still re-watching the video almost every day to remind myself of these habits. Genuinely, 100% guaranteed the BEST ADC guide you will ever come across.
Honestly, thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! There's more guides to come, I'm working on them this week!
check out professor DDang for more advanced things
ive watched countless adc guides just trying to figure out what i do wrong and genuinely this was the first guide that has genuinely helped me understand my shortcomings and i truly appreciate it
I'm glad to hear that, now go get that LP!!
One of the best video's I've seen about the ADC roles. Thank you so much!!!
I'm glad it helped you!!
Seriously unbelievable content. The way you explain the concepts in a straightforward manner and then address how hard it is to learn and how to approach it is top notch. ADC looks so different to me now. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you so much for this! I feel like I've gotten more practical information in 30 minutes than I have in all the time I've played league, especially since I main Jinx as well :D
Glad it was helpful!
@jaxthejaximus6296 He said that the match up matters. Vs draven + nauti you do not want to force lvl 2 fight, even if u get it first as jinx.
Good one! Often other people in videos say do "this" without much of an explanation why.
I agree, there must be a reason behind every decision!
This has been the most informative video on the ADC role. Thank you so much!
You're so welcome!
Awesome video! As a primarily support player I recently picked up botlane with Sivir, this helps me put a lot of things into perspective. Really informative and thorough, can't wait to see more!
Glad I could help!
This video is so gold. Sadly i usually cant focus hard enough and forget half of the information i just learned
no worries, just take it one step at a time
Incredible video, thank you so much. As a brand new player this is so much more helpful than anything else I've seen. Clear instructions for what to do in the early game was so useful, and giving permission to give up minion last hits early. So often I just die trying to farm my wave against like a caitlyn instead of playing passively because I don't want to lose the cs, but losing a minion is better than dying.
Explanation and examples are very straightforward and clean. I hope to see more solo queue centric guides for adc. + points for non click baity title. Really good content thank you! ^_^
My upcoming video will be another guide, stay tuned!!!
What an amazing video it breaks down pretty much every situation and it’s clear about what you should do as an adc
my biggest problem so far while learning league was lacking knowledge. this is insane knowledge. tysm
If only my teammates also watched this guide...
Thank you! This was genuinely, actually so helpful!
After watching this i have been seeing way more progress in the role. What also helped was not tilting on a loss but accepting it as natural and moving on, focusing on inprovement
Your explaining is so easy to understand, ill be your student from now on
Just found your videos bro. I love the breakdown of the different phases of the games. Ty so much for sharing.
Welcome aboard! :D
One of the best videos for s14 if you want to pick bot role
I appreciate the kind words! :D
Nice guide! Could you maybe do a segment or another video on wave management?
I'll write this down!
In very low elo, the lane is not really dependant on support as they have no clue, it’s entirely dependant on if you recognise that your support is ok or useless and then to remember to play accordingly. It is ok to 4v5 as the useless support usually ends up being good bait or they don’t take exp, so there’s always some form of benefit.
you make more sense and speak better english than the majority of people that are first language speakers. . I feel that comes from not being so comfortable with language that you fill it with ego words well that and knowledge . Good info. Returning player but honestly just doing some arts and crafts seeing who is making content for this game still. TY gj
I've been studying english in school and college, and I even took extra classes outside of school for vocabulary and grammar, I like the language a lot and it's very useful to me as well, so it was a pleasure studying it! I appreciate the kind words :D
at the start of the lane phase and you wait to see if they are trying to cheese from bush, its still worth to sit back even if you lose xp right? or would you still be in xp range for the first 3 melee minions? 🤔 thanks for the video :)
try being in XP range if possible, but if not, losing the XP is better than getting caught!
Great Video, Love your content!
I really appreciate it!!
@schnoepsy1530 Kaisa abuser
U are awesome man thank u for all the vids. They are so useful!
Glad you like them!
great video, sums up all your teachings :)
Toni-sensei used his powers to enlighten thy self once again!
Great guide!! Kudos for you!
Glad it was helpful!
Hi, when you talked about mid game and said that adc should go mid for farming and doing this little turn-based game, you said that you would talk about mid that dont want to swap later but you didnt mention it anymore. Can I ask you what an ADC should do if Mid is occupied? Thanks! 😊
get side wave quickly, then rotate mid and hover your midlaner, that's basically all you can do
This was awesome and so simple to understand
Great stuff!!
Thank You!!
I have a simply algorithm to decide witch secondary spell I go.
I go exhaust against Trist, always.
Heal against lucian/draven if I wanna fight lane depends on the sup matchups too.
Cleanse If I really need and can't pick quicksilver.
I go ghost now with champ specific exceptions now.
Exaust if I am playing kaisa since it enables several new play because of ult, like if you hit W you can literally go in a solo laner and win the fight with exhaust.
Ezreal/caitlyn you go TP for tempo. Since ghost is not good in them.
Jhin you go heal since neither tp nor ghost are good and if you need to use exhaust you are prob dead already
Just watched this and queued up a game. Went 18 - 3 - 15 with 9cs/m.
Way to go!
Very informative GJ !
I'm glad you found it useful!
I started playing adc because que times are super short. So I brought my swain to bot lane with pretty good success but iv been trying to find a 2nd champ that traditionally fits the role. Hasn't been going to well since a lot of times I would rather just play swain but I also want to learn the role itself. So I'm wondering if my untraditional pick would hurt me learning the role.
I'd say Swain is more forgiving that playing an actual adc, but he is also shorter range so he plays differently. Whenever you'll switch to a normal adc, you'll die in situations where playing Swain made the difference, adc champs are high risk high reward basically
After watching ur video u made me want to main jinx
Go for it, you won't regret it!
New player here that just got done with Ranked placement games. Coming from quickplay queue, I was skinned alive by my placement teammates because apparently everything ive been doing for the past month in quickplay is wrong. I got placed in Iron 4, and even there I was getting abused like an unwanted child.
I had no idea what I was doing wrong. Ive gotten a couple S tier games under my belt with Caitlyn in Quickplay, but once I got to Ranked I couldnt get out of D- or D+. Think the highest I got was C-.
I couldnt grasp what my teammates had issues with. They just tell the enemy team to report me because apparently Im trolling or feeding or Im a bot. I ask them to tell me what Im doing wrong, or to tell me what I should do because I just, don't, know, what they want from me. I watch countless videos and guides on what to do, yet when I try to do what the guides say I keep getting abused by my teammates more than I do by the enemy team.
I have now come across this video. And man... is it eye opening. You actually explain the thought process behind why you do certain moves and dont do other moves. You explain the strategy and why its a yes or no. You explain what the enemy team would be thinking in certain situations. For example I had no idea I can chill on beach and help with vision in the first 2 minutes instead of just chilling by the tower waiting for minions.
Guide videos just always say farm till after laning then go mid. But why? Why should I do that? When do I know when to help out a teamfight and when do I stay behind and farm? I dont know any of these things, and every decision I make is wrong according to my team. But now, everything is starting to make sense. Ill need to watch the video a few more times to fully grasp, but I can already feel my wisdom growing.
Other Guides always treat you like youre a seasoned League player that was once a legend and now has fallen into low-elo, so you must already know everything. I know nothing. Zip. But this video helped soooo much more.
Thanks for this dude! Ill update to let know if my performance is improving :)
Great to hear that!
I plan to make an updated version this season so hopefully that one will also help you!
Did I just find the Coach Curtis / Shok of ADC?
Can you make an updated guide for season 15, becuase I think it’s a little outdated with the ghost instead of barrier?
I plan to do that right when the new season starts!
A bit old but still very relevant, was wondering if you had some tips vs mage supports like zyra/lux. Currently that's what I have the bigger issue with if my support isnt that good because something like zyra pushes very hard and has a lot of dmg while lux has a lot of range and near garunteed poke (since I play Kaisa, lux e is nearly undodgable if she double taps it on top of me unless I use e or bait it)
preserve hp at all costs, then wait for team to help you, is what usually should happen
@@Tonirel If team ignore botlane is there anything I should do differently or just preserve and try to farm as much as I can without losing hp (was vs zyra MF)
thanks, Learned a lot
Glad it was helpful!
My problem is that, when I saw a lost fight and just push to get turret + farm + pressure to bring 1 or 2 enemies on me, my team rather FF than play... I can be 14/0/7 and legit 1v2 or 1v3, my team wont let me carry them... I never trashtalk them, try to encourage them but its no use, they just want to go next :/
What is your keybinds noticed u hit sidebutton and scroll on mouse allot
I have a video on my setting and another one on how I move my camera, they should be in my "Important Educational Videos" playlist
I go rat, Q and ward enemy blue/red-raptor if possible👌
what if im samira ? is it good to prioritize the dragon fight and leave the mid wave, contest the baron 4v5 after senna died ? or do i just play like jinx ?
generally speaking, taking a 4v5 is not great, but ofc there are exceptions so feel free to experiment and see what you can do
@@Tonirel thank u
Is for exhaust and the short range my Lucian ADC a good exception?
It could work, summoner spells are also personal preference, so take it if you need it
What do you do if the enemy bot lane never shows ever and they just sit in the bush getting exp while you sit under tower waiting until they show? Why wait until they show if they can just do that and gain exp while u gain none?
you can stay max XP range and be safe and the enemies will always leave the bush to grab the first 3 melee minions (unless they're crazy)
Side question: what's the recording software you used? I've been looking for one just like this but it've been though to find. Also really good content, props on your work
I'm using OBS Studio
Honestly, I really don't know what to do, I only keep getting garbage supports, that manage to not land a single ability for the first 10 minutes of the game, that destroy your waves, overpush, break freezes, straight up int and flame you.
And then they keep forcing fights when you're already at a disadvantage, poke supports that do not poke at all... my jungler is nowere to be seen or ganks and insta dies, the enemy jungler perma camping me if I push, or perma diving me.
Vision doesn't exist besides my wards which sadly don't last forever.
Everybody knows and backs off before I hit lvl 2 first, everybody besides my support.
They have a shaco? A Zed? You're automatically dead, they would gladly suicide to oneshot and remove you from any fight.
They have an AP malphite? Good luck, he'll hold ult to zone you out of the fight, if you go in you explode gg.
And let's not talk about the all that fun shit that gets out of toplane, with perma slows mach10 movespeed and oneshots too, while you have 0/10 teemo top.
They have lb, tf or nocturne? You're automatically dead no matter where you're.
They have a Karthus with first strike? You either win in 20 minutes or lose the game, since full build only the ult does 1.6k on me with Maw and Wit's thanks to fucking shadowflame and cryptoshit.
We want to talk about Briar? If she gets somehow on top of you there is no fucking disengage, you can litterally use everything you have and she will catch you, you can try to kill her if you're fed enough, and I'm not talking about her Ult which is pretty predictable and dodgeable, just her W.
Your team won't peel you ever they'll just ignore the guy flanking and assassinating you and go suicide into the enemy team.
Pinging achieves nothing, writing in chat only gets you flamed, giving tips to your support either makes him tilt or he just ignores it.
Also I get the fucking useless afk bot Yuumi into Draven Nami and get perma dived by Shaco jng, while my Talon gets solokilled 6 times by enemy Ekko and ragequits, my Kayn thinks he is a farming jungler, my toplane wins but whatever he just get two tapped as well. This. Every. Game I play as adc.
I play jungle and I have 80% wr, adc 48%, in Silver EUW, last season I was Plat only playing jungle and I could have climbed more but the role gives me cancer, this season I wanted to play adc and here I am with a whole new level of cancer.
My sup makes or breaks the lane, if I have human supports I stomp and quadra even when the enemies aram gank bot ez win, granted that my mid/top is not 0/10 into lb, tf or other bullshit.
I'm not even mad for shit like Rengar or Fiddlesticks because you can outplay or pay attention to them, they're a treat you can play around. But shit like AD Shaco that litterally you don't see him until your screen is gray with no anticipation whatsoever. And since you can ping wards when you see someone place them they'll often play around your vision to avoid it anyway.
This role really does feel miserable.
This is how the role works, glass cannon!
It's definitely not for everyone 😅
@@Tonirel I get it, I dodge everything dodgeable, I try to position correctly, but I mostly play immobile adc besides Zeri, but if I don't have flash or ghost there are fights where I'm just unable to join because the moment I do I'm insta dead, and that's fine, in those cases I just try to get something else on the map away from the treat.
What really breaks my mental are the coinflip supports, I legit prefer playing botlane alone 1v2.
In one game I had a Shaco support with smite which was playing off meta double jungle and was never in lane, into Varus Lux, and I won hard the lane abusing the xp advantage.
But in lanes like Jinx, Draven or Tristana, if my support suicides the lane is simply over and I can't play, I honestly wish I had a good sup duo that would make it much easier
What am I supposed to do when I destroyed t1 turrert and my mid does not want to switch + my support is going mid and stays there?
Shove bot then go mid and hover around. If a fight happens it will be a 5v4 because an enemy has to go bot and catch the wave you just got, you will lose minions overall, but it wins you the game!
@@Tonirel Thanks for the answer. The other guy advised me to go bot again after hovering mid for a bit. Would you do the same
What if they keep pushing you under turret and they can just auto for free the turret?
try keeping your HP high and focus on farming. if you have to give the caster minions so you don't take poke, do it!
@@Tonirel Im struggling as Jinx in lower elo (silver 5, yesterday promoted), especially with my positioning. One wrong step and I am dead. And I need to adapt my mind that I should fight from front till back.
Thank you for your video's.
I always do the right decisions as you mentioned but i lose cuz my team do bad team fights 😮💨
Xd not even best players always do the right decisions and you aren't probably even chalanger and saying this. You are at your elo because you play the same as players in your elo stop flaming athers and focus on yourself.
Do you have any tips on how to handle when your support just starts running it?
I'm now working on a video about being weakside, and playing without a support, hopefully it will answer your questions!
@@Tonirel thank you, in my last 10 games I have always tried to follow what you said and my lane opponent still goes 10/0
in conclusion, duo or play solo lane/jungle. noted.
i love this soo much. can we have another macro video where you play from behind and win game?
Yes!! The video will come in 2 days from now!
@@Tonirel yessss because its so hard to do something mid game when whole team wants to give up
does low elo count diamond 2-4? how might these ideas change from emerald and higher?
the higher elo you go, the less risks you can take, one mistake and they could completely stomp you, but pretty much all of these ideas apply, plus we add some new ones like how to prevent 4 man dives for example
@@Tonirel Thanks for your advice!
Good video but can’t leash not season 2
useful stuff 👍
Glad you think so!
Actually you shouldn't leash at all. It just puts you behind in lane
Adcs, please adapt to your support not the other way round. If you see your sup is passive, go passive and farm. If you see your sup is full aggro, give up cs and go full ham with him
bro's literally playing against one of the best dravens.
30 min and only one thing. Pray (stick) and pray(stick).
And what can you do when your supp start trolling min 2 forcing you to play 1v2, see how you're not getting salty and just try to cs and scale he proceed to steal your cs, fck your freezes and then your jungler decides to rundown and start chasing you stealing even more cs from you leaving you like 100 cs behind with no items when enemy adc has 3 and every one oneshots you cause youre alone all time and with no items :D eh and saying not a single word dying inside telling to yourself why the heck am i still playing this rol
In a situation like that, you hope your top laner gets 20 kills by himself and carries the game. Some situations you can't fix by just playing better. Just accept the loss and move onto the next game. There's no point being tilted and flaming over one loss.
@@coolbrotherf127 i never flame, it only cause the troll to even troll more, if you dont flame you have the chance or comebacking and the troll to stop trolling and start trying but... every game i go adc happens the same thats why i switched to my main rol jung again cause i can even carry alone dont giving a f the trolls :D
5:31 / 29:12
half of these are actually used even in silver tbh, more advanced "siple things" would do
being 5v4 doesn't guarantee a win, and mechanics do matter. if the enemy team has a malphite and I don't have the mechanics to flash his R, I'm going to get ulted and killed for free and then it's a 4v4 that could go any way. I've seen so many situations where I call to go in because we are 5v3 and then we just lose. I had to zhonyas Yone R (as Viktor) and then got oneshot when it ended and then watched everyone on my team die
you're talking about specific cases, 95% of the time you win 5v4 no matter what!
Get good scrub
i like how in every example senna gets caught HAHA, bro knows what hes talking abt just off this
So what to do if mid doesnt want to swap?
catch side wave then go back mid and fight 5v4 while an enemy catches the side wave
@@Tonirel Thx i know it all now.