DO NOT Visit This Guy's Store In Egypt! 🇪🇬

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 210

  • @Allpremiumaccounts
    @Allpremiumaccounts Месяц назад +12

    I’m from Saudi Arabia, and the same thing happened to me at another souvenir shop. Someone invited me to come in and see what they had, but when I didn’t like anything, they got angry at me.
    Such rude people, disrespecting tourists and tarnishing the reputation of their country 😤🤔

    • @playinggames7397
      @playinggames7397 28 дней назад


    • @soli_soli
      @soli_soli 16 дней назад

      why you go to his shop if you wont buy anything? you are saudi so you are rich, next time buy something😠

    • @zz-ec5os
      @zz-ec5os 13 дней назад

      غني فوق ضهرك ي مصري ​@@soli_soli

    • @chilifn1744
      @chilifn1744 7 дней назад

      @@soli_soliit seems like you’re the businesses owner

    • @ferhatylmaz6113
      @ferhatylmaz6113 4 дня назад

      @@soli_soli birşey satın almak zorunda mıyım :)

  • @TL....
    @TL.... 2 года назад +54

    i was in egypt for a week in 2018 and will never go back
    most of the locals see tourists as an ATM machine and will try to scam you
    taxi drivers, solo tour guide guys, shop owners, market sellers etc

    • @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي
      @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي 2 года назад +11

      Me too i was on Egypt 2016 4 days only. I use 3 day and 4th days i stay on hotel because it’s better for me. If you go anywhere. They follow you and scam and pushing and annoying and get headaches 😂🤣
      Never back to Egypt

    • @TL....
      @TL.... 2 года назад +1

      @@وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي طبعا الف رحمة ونور على روح والدتك .. والله يسكنهة فسيح جناته يارب العالمين .. وبارك الله بيك على هذه الضحية .. ربي يجعلهة في ميزان حسناتك ..

    • @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي
      @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي 2 года назад

      و لوالديك الرحمة حبيبي ربي يحفظ لك احبابك ويعطيك ما تتمنى يارب

    • @batangenasabahrain8023
      @batangenasabahrain8023 2 года назад +1

      True and most of the people there close to the place where pyramids are they were all scammers bad experience ever

    • @TL....
      @TL.... 2 года назад

      @@batangenasabahrain8023 mahirap mamatay ang masamang damo.

  • @princeicio
    @princeicio Год назад +51

    I don't know why I've been watching videos of Egypt for the past 2 weeks. I feel like I don't have to go now. I've seen everything 😂😂😂😂

    • @saidablil3958
      @saidablil3958 Год назад +6

      same here my friend I have been watching many videos some of them made angry 😂😂😂😂

    • @InTheFlow66
      @InTheFlow66 Год назад +8

      Ha...same! 1 Egyptian scam/ travel video led me to 20 other videos and after seeing how annoying these scammers are I crossed Egypt of my list of places to visit.

    • @magiisahera7643
      @magiisahera7643 Месяц назад

      Lol that' me over this weekend. It's easy to walk away. From Houston here , we don't explain to people our business. These channels need content and they are perfect match.

    • @RainImanKhanBringsLahore2U
      @RainImanKhanBringsLahore2U 29 дней назад


  • @MahmoudSuhail
    @MahmoudSuhail 2 года назад +58

    Don’t visit Egypt all! It’s risky.

    • @vulk7183
      @vulk7183 2 года назад +1

      Are you Egyptian?
      So unfortunate because Egypt was and still is such a beautiful place
      Simply too many people with bad hearts
      I'm sorry but I call them fake muslims!!!

    • @Charizard1993
      @Charizard1993 Год назад +3

      its only risky if your nice & talk back.

    • @ahmedabdlaziz337
      @ahmedabdlaziz337 Год назад

      Egypt for egyptian only go to hell

    • @mmrr3757
      @mmrr3757 Год назад +5

      No it's nor risky. It's fantastic

    • @Kiwiiforfan
      @Kiwiiforfan Год назад +3

      Its only risky if you are armed with nothing but a weak will and a weak mind

  • @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي
    @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي 2 года назад +22

    لما ترى رجل بهذا السن يحتال و يقوم اجبار السائح على الشراء.
    تسأل نفسك وتقول. فما بالك بـ الشباب ماذا تفعل من احتيال و مضايقات السائحين
    اسوء دولة في السياحة هي مصر. ومبروك لوزارة الداخليه المصرية على ما يحدث وانتم تتفرجون

    • @ahmedabdlaziz337
      @ahmedabdlaziz337 Год назад

      ياعم متجوش بلدنا يتكوا القرف مصر بغني عنكم سواء عرب او اجانب مصر للمصريين غوره بعيد

    • @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي
      @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي Год назад +13

      الله وكيلك تندمت لما جئت الى مصر
      كانت اسوء رحلة في حياتي. كنت محسب مصر نفس ما نراها في المسلسلات ولكن طلع العكس
      لو تذهب لافقر دولة في افريقيا. لا تجدهم يفعلون مثل ما يفعل المصريين تجاه السائحين
      السائح يحسب في مخيلته انه ذاهب يتونس ويستمتع بلاجواء في مصر
      و النصاب يضع في مخيلته ان السائح جاء لمصر لاجل هذا النصاب.
      انا جئت من امريكا الى مصر ثم الاردن ثم العراق. نزلت ٤ ايام في مصر. قلت الحمد لله انني لم اعيش في هذا البلد. ليس انتقاص من مصر الحبيبة
      وانما انصدمت لما شاهدت عدم حياء النصابين و سماح الحكومة لهذه المظاهر التي تسيء للسمعه و المجتمع.
      تطمن عزيزي المصري. لم أتي الى بلدك مرة اخرى

    • @freedoom8233
      @freedoom8233 7 месяцев назад

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 دولة الشحاتيييييييييين هااااااهاها​@@ahmedabdlaziz337

    • @m-a-sh
      @m-a-sh 4 месяца назад +2

      @@وليدالمرسومي-ج8ينفس الكلام الله وكيلك من اول ماتدخل المطار حتى ترجع والنصب شغال بكل مكان لو الدولة وضعت لهم رادع لما تمادوا في تطفيشهم لسياح والمصيبة الاخ الي رد عليك يقول خلوا مصر للمصريين وكلنا عارفين احد اهم اقتصادات مصر السياحة فبلاش مكابرة

    • @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي
      @وليدالمرسومي-ج8ي 4 месяца назад +2

      عاش لسانك. يقول لا تجون مصر. ولكن في المقابل المصري يروح للخليج و لدول بلاد الشام عادي. ههههههه

  • @ateeqs9586
    @ateeqs9586 Год назад +19

    Thanks for the video brother... I see all RUclipsrs are struggling in Egypt .. Will never go there at all.

    • @masry2050
      @masry2050 Год назад +1

      There is so many positive things in Egypt dont follow these youtubers who only want more viewers

    • @GhofraneAbdelaziz
      @GhofraneAbdelaziz 4 месяца назад

      @@masry2050 يعني نكذب السياح و نصدقك أنت

    • @andrewcarter425
      @andrewcarter425 2 месяца назад +1

      Atteeqs please go to Egypt if you have the opportunity. With scammers and shop keepers just don't engage with them and say no walk off. Egypt is a beautiful country and offers more. I've been 15 times and love the country.

  • @InsightFlix07
    @InsightFlix07 2 года назад +25

    If you turn these pieces over, you will find that they are made in China😅

  • @starton5420
    @starton5420 2 года назад +16

    الله يهديهم الاخوه المصريين بعضهم يظن انه اذا نصب على الآخرين سوف يطلع با للفائده ونسي انه اساءه الي نفسه وبلده وفوق هذا حرام من أجل كم جنيه لا تسمن ولا تغني من جوع.

    • @moe1782
      @moe1782 2 года назад +2

      100 like 👍🏼

    • @funnyfox278
      @funnyfox278 2 года назад +1

      بعضهم يسئ للآخرين دا راجل رخم اللي في الفيديو مفكر نفسه ناصح وهوا ساذج...

    @HEADSPINSTV 2 года назад +66

    Everyone has always issues in Egypt . I’m never going there.

    • @ahmedabdlaziz337
      @ahmedabdlaziz337 Год назад

      You not welcome in my country go to hell

    • @rayofsunshine6688
      @rayofsunshine6688 Год назад +9

      100% If you go to one of these shops you will have a problem if you don't buy anything. We ended up buying stuff we didn't want.

    • @life4bitch
      @life4bitch Год назад +2


    • @MohamedAli-eu3xy
      @MohamedAli-eu3xy Год назад +4

      So don’t

    • @kingd8484
      @kingd8484 Год назад +2

      Twice was goin backpacking around Egypt,first time solo and second time with girlfriend,it was best adventure so far in my life…so not everyone have trouble!!!

  • @Assassinclips
    @Assassinclips Год назад +7

    You are just too nice buddy, just say no thanks and walk away!! no one will force you to buy

    • @aarshranka
      @aarshranka Год назад

      He was saying but the man was only just so terrible how the hell you can be sure he won’t have forced

  • @pacificblue3955
    @pacificblue3955 Год назад +21

    someone's only pushy if you let them be pushy. tell them once you don't want anything, quit talking to them, and leave the store. if they stand in your way, tell them once nicely to please move, if they don't move, move them. never let anyone bully, harass, intimidate or try and sell you stuff you don't want.

    • @zz4753
      @zz4753 Год назад +3

      It’s only for content and views

  • @احمدشاكر-ذ5ت9ت
    @احمدشاكر-ذ5ت9ت 2 года назад +15

    السياحه في مصر تجيبلك الضغطان كنت لاتعاني من الضغط اذهب إلى مصر وسوف تصاب بضغط ضمانه مائه في المائه

  • @بحرالدموع-م3د
    @بحرالدموع-م3د Год назад +4

    It s a wonder to be not scammed on every step in Egypt .

  • @WishList617
    @WishList617 8 месяцев назад +2

    250 EGP is 6-7$. Your currency conversion in the videos is wrong. It would be wise to ensure accuracy when speaking about the price and the conversion. Your loyal viewers appreciate it. We base our decision to travel based on accurate real accounts from RUclipsrs. In any case, I love all your videos can’t thank you enough for bringing us on your journeys. ❤

    • @mikelacals4865
      @mikelacals4865 8 месяцев назад +2

      He filmed this a year ago. The currency conversion was different then. Relax

  • @asmasadeq1251
    @asmasadeq1251 15 дней назад +1

    When you ever smile or laugh, that’s it you’re gonna be in big trouble

  • @MrSvengineer
    @MrSvengineer Месяц назад

    @ 10:28 did you really place your cigaret on the floor and walk away, even tho there was trash can in arms reach. Don't litter!!!

  • @TheRedsAreRunning
    @TheRedsAreRunning Год назад +12

    I proudly place myself among the most stingiest people on earth! This man would probably declare war on me if he met me!! 😂

  • @victor0039
    @victor0039 Год назад +11

    It’s crazy how calm and polite you are

  • @antaxari
    @antaxari Месяц назад

    I am not an Egyptian and never visited Egypt. As for the 1st store, EGP 250 was around USD 9.8 back then (2 years ago, when you made this video). For me, this price is still reasonable enough, given the items you got. Even in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, you will get same range of the price.

  • @GlobetrotterGary
    @GlobetrotterGary 2 года назад +6

    Haha, I've met him too!

  • @hemligt4367
    @hemligt4367 2 года назад +7

    LOL , This is just tooo funny!
    The perfume shops is entirely a tourist trap , You are just too nice... They eat you! xD
    Egypt will make you tough Insha'Allah =D

  • @Patriottes
    @Patriottes 2 года назад +9

    The "falafel" In egypt is actually called ta3meya 😁 its different than any other variant, we use fava beans instead of chick peas, hence the green colour.

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  2 года назад +3

      Ahhhh, thank you very much for the information 👍

    • @Rabolisk
      @Rabolisk Год назад

      Now you don't understand. He did the right thing by wasting the scammer's time and he got nothing in return. If he ignored him he would have moved on to someone else.

  • @youfirst.
    @youfirst. 2 года назад +11

    Yum Yum used to be good, food was cold, guy used his bare hands to fill the plate, yuck 🤮 I had stomachache for days

  • @vadikkaz112
    @vadikkaz112 2 месяца назад +1

    250 EGP it means you overpaid to Abdullah about 4 times. All that junk you got is around 60 EGP all together

  • @Tony.Technics.1200s
    @Tony.Technics.1200s Год назад +5

    I would spend that money on feeding the poor doggies roaming the street.

    • @Ghosts-of-York
      @Ghosts-of-York Месяц назад

      My thoughts exactly, how the loacals ignore and tourist , sad ..

  • @taniac4063
    @taniac4063 2 года назад +6

    Would of been not even a $1 each thing

  • @youfirst.
    @youfirst. 2 года назад +9

    he keeps nagging till you buy, when you see him just run

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  2 года назад


    • @Aminatii
      @Aminatii 2 года назад +2

      Mais depuis que je regarde tes vidéos je me fâche vite.mais comment tu peux être si calme . j'aime être généreuse mais avec des gens qui mis pas leur main dans mes poches et ca jai vue que tu as eu plusieurs fois.jai voyager un peu partout mais jamais oser egypte.mais la en octobre et je m'inquiète car j'ai le sang marocains meme jai grandie en belgique je suis vite furieuse contre ce genre des gens.mais tu sais quoi.vous etes bien venu au maroc

    • @kimliew4106
      @kimliew4106 Год назад +1

      nags even worse than my ex lol

  • @rakanrakan1214
    @rakanrakan1214 2 года назад +6

    انت المغفل وغلطان لانك سمعت كلامه ودخلت معه المحل وسمحتلو انه يعرضلك اغراضه + لو اتكلمت عربي كان تجنبت كل هالمضايقات

    • @Sir5lo
      @Sir5lo 2 года назад

      بس هو ما يتكلم عربي يعني انت المغفل الي مو فاهم وتدافع عن شخص نصاب ومحتال

    • @Blue_Eyed_Samurai
      @Blue_Eyed_Samurai Год назад

      Calm down muppet

  • @monjiaitaly
    @monjiaitaly Год назад +1

    Never follow him into his store, just say no thank you and walk away, laa shoukran and walk the hell away.

  • @melissanasser3249
    @melissanasser3249 Год назад

    What city is this?

  • @yannytummy2956
    @yannytummy2956 Месяц назад +1

    I have seen this man on RUclips more than once with more than one different tourist. I do not like this man and I do not feel comfortable with him. Even the looks in his eyes show you that he is a thief. A robber. So in Egypt, if someone calls you, walk behind him. Do not believe him or you will be in trouble.

  • @linkinpark4everize
    @linkinpark4everize 2 года назад +1

    Where is this area in Dahab ?

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  2 года назад +3

      This is right in the main centre square with all the restaurants and stores

  • @Nanoparticle7
    @Nanoparticle7 2 года назад +3

    Hey bro can you recommend a hotel near the pyramids, leaving to Cairo soon

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  2 года назад +1

      Hey man! Depends how much you want to pay. There’s a lot of nice hotels in that area, but they can get a little pricey. Then there’s also a bunch of cheap ones. I only stayed mainly in Airbnb’s, but I did stay at the Marriott mena house and it was absolutely amazing. Highly recommend it if it’s in your budget 👍

    • @Nanoparticle7
      @Nanoparticle7 2 года назад

      @@michaelmaams7103 thanks for the tip

  • @777djin
    @777djin 2 года назад +2

    Just say even free i don't want it , to short cut the deal or fall down the price ...
    Funny old man trusting you advancing items , nice shop antik style ...

  • @gusto8585
    @gusto8585 Год назад +1

    These ppl DO NOT know how to take NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!!!

  • @knochenkotzer500
    @knochenkotzer500 Год назад +11

    Never visit 3rd world places. Sadly they visit us permanently.

    • @horacecomegna335
      @horacecomegna335 Год назад +7

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 True!

    • @claudiiusmaximus652
      @claudiiusmaximus652 Год назад +1

      They come and scam all over in Europe as well, difficult to find economic reason on why they do this, go to tourist sites in Italy and France you’ll find the same one, although much more darker, you those with fake bracelets sellers

  • @John-oe5nb
    @John-oe5nb Месяц назад

    Ok, I won't visit this shop for one reason. I won't be there to visit anything in Egypt because I won't be there at all after watching several of these videos. I have always wanted to see the pyramids, but I will have to settle for pictures as Egypt is no longer on my bucket list.

  • @therichtershow
    @therichtershow 2 года назад +1

    thanks for the tip

  • @fadyramaihi1975
    @fadyramaihi1975 2 года назад +2

    Hi there when you talk Arabic you sound Lebanese are you ?

  • @ebby5266
    @ebby5266 2 года назад +5

    No it wasn’t a good price. You could of got a pair of shoes for that price.

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  2 года назад

      Yeah, I figured. Probably could have gotten all that stuff for like 50EGP haha

    • @ebby5266
      @ebby5266 2 года назад

      @Michael Maams yes but next time you know better. Good luck my friend enjoy 😊

  • @kermitTheFrog466
    @kermitTheFrog466 Месяц назад

    trying to be too polite and devalue your time, thats why they get rude. i would have told him to get lost in seconds

  • @apocryfex6494
    @apocryfex6494 11 месяцев назад +3

    You really are going to bargain $8 usd lol bro if you are that broke dont travel

    • @jasminahmic6279
      @jasminahmic6279 11 месяцев назад

      He is asking discount for a such a small amounts ; guy is huge scum. 😂

  • @gametrekkerisoic
    @gametrekkerisoic 5 месяцев назад +1

    Should have tried to give him something

  • @user-fq2ty
    @user-fq2ty 2 года назад +9

    But he said "keep it, I trust you", why not just take it and leave?

    • @vulk7183
      @vulk7183 2 года назад +1

      You don't always reap what you sow right away
      Sometimes a storm brewing can discontinue the harvest of worldly fruits
      That, at least once for a while

    • @pulakification
      @pulakification Год назад

      If he just took it how will he make this RUclips video? Its all for your content and headlines.

    • @Rabolisk
      @Rabolisk Год назад +1

      Because then he will become the jerk for stealing something (even if it has very little value). Turns out this store owner is the jerk.

  • @mickanton7285
    @mickanton7285 Месяц назад

    Simply don't go.

  • @taniac4063
    @taniac4063 2 года назад +2

    In egyot it’s called tameya not falafel and it’s made out of split fava beans not chick peas

  • @Michelle-qd9gm
    @Michelle-qd9gm 2 года назад +2

    Yep holy shit 😂 you know to run next time 😂

  • @johnnohra955
    @johnnohra955 Месяц назад

    He said he wanted the smoke guy says pay me later and he goes I might not come back ? Like you lead the guy on man that’s not on

  • @masry2050
    @masry2050 Год назад +1

    So why you went to his shop you are the real scammer you made a deal with him and accepted the price the man trusted you left the gift with you

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  Год назад +1

      Hush now

    • @zz4753
      @zz4753 Год назад

      @@michaelmaams7103you wasted his time

    • @mikelacals4865
      @mikelacals4865 8 месяцев назад +1

      Cry more

    • @apuapustaja4444
      @apuapustaja4444 Месяц назад

      It's not a scam to cancel a deal. Anyway, he was only trying to leave an uncomfortable situation. Though to be fair, the whole thing was for views anyway.

    @DOMINIK_NOWAK Год назад +2

    wszyscy skończymy na oddziale terapeutycznym, gdzie ja będę panem doktorem i będę badał

  • @Michelle-qd9gm
    @Michelle-qd9gm 2 года назад +2

    That’s what they did to us you take no we said we trust you 😂

  • @vitocorleone3486
    @vitocorleone3486 5 месяцев назад +2

    Dude you are to paranoid and lying to much saying you will be back. Just say no and leave. It’s not that hard

  • @Summerasl
    @Summerasl 3 дня назад

    Throwing the cigarette’s bud
    It’s not that nice

  • @sh1026-b3r
    @sh1026-b3r 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm never going there ❤

  • @danishkapadia9401
    @danishkapadia9401 2 года назад +10

    Good thing you didn't took that pot .
    He could have easily complained that you took it without paying or that you stile it

  • @claymore9032
    @claymore9032 Год назад

    This was painful to watch this guy was so desperate and pushy to MAKE you take it to garantee you buying it its crazy and yea he got mad and angry that you went back in to give it cuz now he knew you werent comming back lool i'd never go egypt or morocco

  • @vadikkaz112
    @vadikkaz112 2 месяца назад

    thats why they starting 5 times high . Because few times a day the y will find a dummy who will pay that . Business goes on .

  • @lionking2801
    @lionking2801 7 месяцев назад +1

    البياعين في مصر يعملوا كذا عشان الحياه صعبه عندهم ...ومع ذلك هذا اسلوب غبي و مزعج و ينفر السياح...

  • @kattypants7391
    @kattypants7391 6 месяцев назад +2

    He finessed you so bad. He charged you for things that cost literally $.30, literal cents.

  • @jerryswallow
    @jerryswallow 2 года назад +1

    Greeting from CANADA, take care, you may get the hotel porter scam, some guy comes up to you, says remember me from hotel, l carry your bag,,blah blah, and ask you can help buy cake for his daughters birthday, go,s on and on but a real kool scam....thinking he was a hotel worker..😅

  • @kareemelattar8251
    @kareemelattar8251 6 месяцев назад

    dont throw the cigarette but on the ground. you cannot dare to do that in ur country

    • @Brancoladage-zk3xr
      @Brancoladage-zk3xr 5 месяцев назад +1

      As if Egypt is not a slum 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Even my dogs kennel is cleaner than Egypt😂😂😂😂

  • @tiegosetshego5558
    @tiegosetshego5558 8 месяцев назад

    If your mother's Lebanese aren't you at least part Lebanese, what's with Canadian nonsense ? They confused for an Egyptian, which means they're curious about your "Ethnicity" not "Nationality" ? Your insistence of you being Canadian when ethnicity is questioned baffles me
    Why do you convert to USD and not CAD ? Wouldn't it better to convert in your own currency ?

  • @danielghenade6421
    @danielghenade6421 11 месяцев назад +1

    that s why i never gonna visit Egipt

  • @MelGibs-v7j
    @MelGibs-v7j 3 дня назад

    I would take it.

  • @adrianlozano3437
    @adrianlozano3437 4 месяца назад

    Man you speak Arabic, speak to them in Arabic, la shukron msh maghtag haga and walk away, even I know that 😂😂

  • @arellanoa94
    @arellanoa94 2 года назад +2

    Wonder what would have happened if you would have taken the item and never returned? 😂😂😂

    • @fireburn95rs
      @fireburn95rs 2 года назад +3

      probably knows people will come back, then he'll massively inflate the price and guilt trip.
      If they don't come back, its a small novelty that didnt cost much anyway

    • @Rabolisk
      @Rabolisk Год назад

      This is a very small town, not Cairo. He would have followed you and guilt you to paying more. In a larger city he won't do this because you can just dissapear.

    • @ahmedabdlaziz337
      @ahmedabdlaziz337 Год назад

      F off don't want you go to hell

  • @Ali01007
    @Ali01007 2 месяца назад

    You have poor dealing. Why sit down and pretend you’re buying things.

  • @mediolanumhibernicus3353
    @mediolanumhibernicus3353 Год назад +2

    Horrible. Just horrible.

  • @MyAi-rr9kf
    @MyAi-rr9kf 3 месяца назад

    تاخذ المحل كلة ب ٢٠ جنية مصري نصابين احذروا منهم

  • @sebolkasia
    @sebolkasia Год назад +1


  • @user-le7pr7rz9r
    @user-le7pr7rz9r Год назад +1

    $15 FOR ur girlfriend 😅

  • @jaybreak8123
    @jaybreak8123 2 года назад +1

    Holy shit!

  • @shauncorless8965
    @shauncorless8965 10 месяцев назад

    Don't worry I won't be going in 😅

  • @yassergabry8219
    @yassergabry8219 12 дней назад

    I would have taken the thing, and give him anything , 😢 you never know how hard and difficult his life is , he was so desperate to sell anything instead of begging

  • @IsmailSal98
    @IsmailSal98 Год назад

    10:51 I am ganna get scammed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @MsBlonde0000
    @MsBlonde0000 6 дней назад

    You call this pushy?? My god you people are so thin skinner 😂😂 try being a woman traveling alone though north Africa, you'll find out what pushy means

      @BRANCOLADAGE-v8u День назад

      Morocco is North Africa but nothing like this tho.

  • @CR-bs1tl
    @CR-bs1tl Год назад +3

    You don't understand how rude you were to him. He was being really nice and trusting to allow you to pay the next day. It's a sign of friendship. But you kept rejecting it, like "no, stop I won't be your friend". It would be different if you just said "I don't want it", but you kept saying you wanted it and could pay tomorrow... and yet you reject his kindness and offer of friendship

    • @michaelmaams7103
      @michaelmaams7103  Год назад +4

      Yes, I’m sure that’s what he wanted. Is to be my friend lol

    • @CR-bs1tl
      @CR-bs1tl Год назад +1

      @@michaelmaams7103 Obviously he was trying to sell you something, but rejecting it in the way that you did was rude. Can you take any criticism, bro? hahaha

    • @mikelacals4865
      @mikelacals4865 8 месяцев назад +1

      This is so stupid. He doesn't have to take it if he doesn't want to. He can choose to come back or not at all. Cry more

    • @CR-bs1tl
      @CR-bs1tl 8 месяцев назад

      @@mikelacals4865 I literally said in the original post it would be fine to say "I don't want it". Maybe learn to read before you say stupid stuff.

    • @apuapustaja4444
      @apuapustaja4444 Месяц назад +1

      @@CR-bs1tl These shopkeepers never want to take "no" for an answer. The evidence is all over RUclips in many many videos. People are so tired of how pushy they are, and that is why some people may choose to try different methods of getting out of the situation (like saying they'll come back later).

  • @MarKac9090
    @MarKac9090 6 месяцев назад +1

    You scammed the poor guy saying “I definitely take it “🤦‍♂️ and now playing a victim for views 🤮

    • @apuapustaja4444
      @apuapustaja4444 Месяц назад

      How is it a scam? There was no exchange of goods or money.

  • @احمدالجندياغا
    @احمدالجندياغا 2 года назад +1


  • @Thex-W.I.T.C.H.-xMaster
    @Thex-W.I.T.C.H.-xMaster 10 месяцев назад

    Nasty food 🤢.

  • @Kemet3.0
    @Kemet3.0 Год назад

    As you can see, these are Arabs... I laugh, thinking these people are the descendants of ancient Kemetic, nope not even close. Go to the Nubian people, the real Kemetic.

    • @QQ0005
      @QQ0005 7 месяцев назад +1

      What do you mean these are Arabs !!! The real Arabs are GCC countries and you can immediately recognise how generous they are when you arrive at their countries and you might not even pay 1$ , Egyptians aren’t Arab, I don’t really care about the sh*t that you are talking about but the conclusion those people aren’t Arab also you stup*d Kemetic

  • @davedaly3863
    @davedaly3863 Год назад

    A kip