Crewe is pothole capital of Cheshire East.Potholes trebled since 2014/15 but 23% LESS being repaired

  • Опубликовано: 26 июн 2023
  • Crewe is the pothole capital of Cheshire East.
    Potholes have nearly trebled since 2014/15 .......but 23% LESS are being repaired.
    And that is despite huge increases in the Government funding for pothole repairs.
    Up from zero in 2015/16 to £5.8milliin last year.
    What is that money being spent on if not on repairing potholes?
    Parts of Crewe resembles a Third World country.
    Crewe residents pay their taxes and get little back in return.
    #CreweFirst is campaigning to get lasting repairs done to ALL the potholes in the town.
    Crewe's Labour Councillors have badly let down the people they purport to represent.

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