You can kill exactly 49. Play manually on around 46-49 so you don't kill an extra one. So the next team only need to kill one. Always exit after the second team to reset the party. Easier because you can bring 4 weak heroes to lvl up (1 Pref not fodder which can deal dmg with high lvl, usually resistance hero with high level but needs higher lvl and 3 fodder) and only needs to kill 1 unit (Ranged enemy has low def so it's quite easy to kill) Translate: Bunuh 49. Mainin manual waktu 46-49 biar ga mati yang ke 50. Bisa masuk pakai 4 hero yang lemah (Biasanya 1 jangan fodder tapi pakai hero yang lvlnya agak tinggi, cuman perlu lvl agak tinggi lagi, kayak hero2 resistance). Masuk lagi cuman perlu bunuh 1 (dimanual bunuh yang range karena def & hp nya rendah) Thanks for the guides. Keep it up!
Nice video. This is what I ask in your stream last night. Good job buddy :) nice Contain.( I was asking you last night, how you level up so many unit without exp potions.) thank
You can kill exactly 49. Play manually on around 46-49 so you don't kill an extra one. So the next team only need to kill one. Always exit after the second team to reset the party. Easier because you can bring 4 weak heroes to lvl up (1 Pref not fodder which can deal dmg with high lvl, usually resistance hero with high level but needs higher lvl and 3 fodder) and only needs to kill 1 unit (Ranged enemy has low def so it's quite easy to kill)
Bunuh 49. Mainin manual waktu 46-49 biar ga mati yang ke 50. Bisa masuk pakai 4 hero yang lemah (Biasanya 1 jangan fodder tapi pakai hero yang lvlnya agak tinggi, cuman perlu lvl agak tinggi lagi, kayak hero2 resistance). Masuk lagi cuman perlu bunuh 1 (dimanual bunuh yang range karena def & hp nya rendah)
Thanks for the guides. Keep it up!
Pinned this hahahaha
nice tips bro 👍👍
Great levelling tip! Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure sir :)
nice trick thank you ivan!
My pleasure sir !
mantap tipsnya bang ivan 👍👍
Wohahahah siapp bang
Nice video. This is what I ask in your stream last night. Good job buddy :) nice Contain.( I was asking you last night, how you level up so many unit without exp potions.) thank
Yazhhh hahahah
Thanks 👏
Ayy mate !
Gacoan aing 👍
Asyappppp 🙏🙏🙏
yo man, with accessories u think is better for Evan?
Decrease damage received i think is the best for now bro
Very Nive Tip. But you Need to Stay active for doint. =)
Theres always some effort needed bro , you dont get everything easily
@@ivanharo7979 Yes, this is the BEST way. What i seem. You are Really Good for Sharing.
Bro tes arena dong diupload, ane point 3900 mentok euy ketemunya ga sesuai wkwk
wahwah untuk sekarang, arena itu agak parah sih, saya jg mentok 4600 naik turun
Masih bug kah? Auto arena jg kaga gabisa ya bang
Auto arena masih ngebug jg bro, 3:1 ga berhasilnya hahah
Bg mw tnya upgred divinity Dari 7 ke 8 kok ggal mlu mau pensi gue jadinya dah 4 hari ini ggl trus error Kah?
Chance nya memang udh kecil sih ya soal nya ekkwkw
profiensinya yg dapat last team donk bro?
Iya bener, wkwkwk
jos gandos bang 😂
Hobahahaha mantapp ya