Simple - Purple Sweet Potato Angku Kueh 紫薯红龟粿 | Nanci’s Kitchen 南希的厨房

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Hi everyone, my name is Nanci from Nanci’s Kitchen. Do enjoy my simple and easy recipes.
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    Purple Sweet Potato Angku Kueh 紫薯红龟粿
    Ingredients (Approx. 14 to 19 pieces)
    食材(大约14 至19个)
    Purple Sweet Potato - 120g, sliced
    紫薯 - 120克, 切片
    Sugar - 1 tablespoon
    糖 - 1汤匙
    Glutinous Rice Flour - 125g
    糯米粉 - 125克
    Tapioca Flour - 25g
    木薯粉 - 25克
    Water - 110ml
    水 - 110毫升
    Cooking Oil - 2 tablespoons
    食用油 - 2汤匙
    Pandan Leaves - 20 pieces (about 6.5cm each)
    香兰叶 - 20片 (每个约6.5厘米)
    Fillings 馅料
    Green Split Bean - 100g
    绿豆瓣 - 100克
    Sugar - 3 tablespoons
    糖 - 3汤匙
    Pandan Leaves - 2 stalks, tie into a knot
    香兰叶 - 2茎, 打成一个结
    Directions 说明
    1.Soak the green split bean for at least 2 hours.
    2.Peel the purple sweet potato and sliced it.
    3.Steam for 15 minutes over medium heat.
    4.Add in the sugar, mix and mash it.
    加入糖, 搅拌并捣碎。
    5.Set it aside.
    6.Rinse and drain the green split bean.
    7.Transfer the green split bean and pandan leaves onto a plate.
    8.Steam for 25 minutes over medium heat with a lid. Turn off the fire and let it simmer for 10 minutes with lid.
    盖上盖子中火蒸25分钟。熄火, 盖上盖子让它闷煮10分钟。
    9.Transfer the steamed green split bean to a bowl.
    10.Remove the pandan leaves, add in the sugar.
    取出香兰叶, 加入糖。
    11.Mix and mash it.
    12.Divide the filling into small ball shapes (about 15g each).
    将馅料切揉成小球形 (每个约15克)。
    13.Apply some cooking oil to the steamer.
    14.Prepare the glutinous rice flour and tapioca flour in a mixing bowl.
    15.Mix it.
    16.Add in the mashed purple sweet potato.
    17.Mix it briefly.
    18.Pour in the water gradually.
    19.Mix it briefly.
    20.Knead it into dough. If the dough is sticky, you may add some tapioca flour to it.
    揉成面团。如果面团发黏, 可以在其中加入一些木薯粉。
    21.Add in the cooking oil, knead it.
    加入食用油, 揉成面团。
    22.Divide the dough into small ball shapes (About 20g each), cover the dough with a wet cloth so to keep it moist.
    将面团切揉成小球形 (每个约20克), 用湿布覆盖面团, 使其保持湿润。
    23.Apply some tapioca flour to the mould.
    24.Flatten the dough by hand, add in the filling, wrap it.
    用手将面团压扁, 加入馅料, 然后包好。
    25.Place the dough into the mould and press it firmly.
    将面团放入模具中, 然后用力按压面团。
    26.Invert and place it on a piece of pandan leave.
    27.Place it in the steamer, brush some cooking oil on the purple sweet potato angku kueh.
    放入蒸锅, 在紫薯红龟粿上刷一些食用油。
    28.Place the steamer on a pot and steam for 6 minutes over medium heat.
    把蒸笼放在锅上, 用中火蒸6分钟。
    29.Ready to serve.

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