Develop REAL POWER In Your LEAD LEG Kicks | Stephen Wonderboy Thompson

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 672

  • @vibe808
    @vibe808 4 года назад +660

    This guy is a good representation of how a fighter should act. Wonderboy

    • @round5fit163
      @round5fit163 4 года назад +3

      Wonderboy is the man!

    • @dromin.official2558
      @dromin.official2558 4 года назад +8

      @@adriandunlay7262 he would break your face

    • @a.k4073
      @a.k4073 4 года назад +5

      Adrian D u won’t say it in his face

    • @qura4607
      @qura4607 4 года назад

      @@adriandunlay7262 salty

    • @ededdison8965
      @ededdison8965 4 года назад +1

      @@adriandunlay7262 he is nerdy. but SSI's comment wasn't about Wonderboy's name. Thompson carries himself like a consummate professional and is a great ambassador for martial arts.

  • @valentinr4752
    @valentinr4752 4 года назад +499

    I began my martial arts journey with karate when I was young and then switched to kick boxing and muay Thai. I lost my leg dexterity even though I developed more power. Wonderboy's videos motivate me to work to get that style back

    • @ishansaha24
      @ishansaha24 4 года назад +20

      Wonderboy and conor are the only two guys in top league mma who found success with the karate stance

    • @2010narutovssasuke
      @2010narutovssasuke 4 года назад +92

      @@ishansaha24 Machida? Cejudo started to adopt that stance as well.

    • @MetricSun
      @MetricSun 4 года назад +9

      Valentin Rain find your mix of the two and perfect it

    • @jitsroller
      @jitsroller 4 года назад

      Me too.

    • @jitsroller
      @jitsroller 4 года назад +7

      @@ishansaha24 Machida, Shane Mosley off top of my head.

  • @jdh6210
    @jdh6210 4 года назад +239

    Wonderboy’s genuine nature is what makes him one of the best in the world. His hard work and honesty with himself is what really stands out to me

    • @drzedd5212
      @drzedd5212 4 года назад +5

      J. D. Hernandez exactly even in interviews after fights whether he wins or loses he’s completely honest whereas other fighters always have to tune what they say to make them look good

  • @BoskoBuha99
    @BoskoBuha99 4 года назад +1271

    If Wonderboy was a dog he would be a Golden Retreiver.

    • @edgarguzman8888
      @edgarguzman8888 4 года назад +15

      He is like the De la Hoya of MMA, does not look like a fighter but def is

    • @corzzthecasual
      @corzzthecasual 4 года назад +99

      He wouldnt be Wonderboy...he'd be Goodboy

    • @surfingtothestars
      @surfingtothestars 4 года назад +11

      Marshall Rogan???

    • @EvilRidingHood
      @EvilRidingHood 4 года назад +12

      He literally LOOKS like a golden retriever 😆

    • @SahilRana-bo4hh
      @SahilRana-bo4hh 4 года назад +2

      @julio1c1saga 🤣😂u totally destroyed this dude 😁
      Good job

  • @zhz6239
    @zhz6239 4 года назад +95

    Damn, it's such a pleasure to watch wonderboy kick. It's like he's playing an instrument.

  • @mattgarr57
    @mattgarr57 2 года назад +2

    I am 65. I took kick boxing for a while back in the mid 90's. Stephen makes me want to take it again.

  • @nazzhk6268
    @nazzhk6268 4 года назад +125

    Bro you're so positive that every time i feel depressed i watch your videos and i swear it fixes my mood and makes me happy again , much love and appreciation Stephen you're the best 🥊🥋

    • @nateborden3260
      @nateborden3260 3 года назад +1

      I feel like you just need better friends..

    • @bedp
      @bedp Год назад +1

      @@nateborden3260 Thank god you told him. Now he can have many good friends and be happy. Depression cured.

  • @RebwarSoløsten
    @RebwarSoløsten 4 года назад +60

    The precision I've learned from karate is unmatched by the strength I got from kickboxing. It's so important to be precise and have the right technique. The snapping of the knee is something I feel every striker needs to learn.

    • @mattimakinen1966
      @mattimakinen1966 4 года назад +4

      I transitioned from taekwondo to kickboxing and I feel the exact same way!

  • @kalebarnold8935
    @kalebarnold8935 4 года назад +119

    I respect you more than anyone...I remember seeing you work with my brother for his blackbelt over 20 years ago in SC....good for you! Maste at your craft! Thank you for all your help amazing info!

  • @redsnflr
    @redsnflr 2 года назад +1

    6:21 A quick lead-leg high kick with no step or telegraph is one of the most beautiful techniques

  • @ryanramsahai4637
    @ryanramsahai4637 4 года назад +55

    Such a master. Saw a comment saying it's like he's playing an instrument. Couldn't agree more

  • @flamingjob2
    @flamingjob2 4 года назад +29

    Damn coronavirus makes a couch potato like me love Wonderboy even more .The best coach on RUclips for mma

  • @kiltrofilms
    @kiltrofilms 4 года назад +26

    this is like the opposite of bass rutten style, and works just fine for skinny ppl like me who have mor DEX points than STRG points. thank you man, thx to people like you and horiguchi i was encouraged to fight amateur kickboxing

    • @MrDeathbydying
      @MrDeathbydying 4 года назад +3

      DEX builds represent

    • @shazamsakazaki
      @shazamsakazaki 4 года назад +4

      Bas is also a Karate guy, but his school (Kyokushin Karate) is more about brute force.
      I also was impressed by Kyoji Horiguchi. His speed was beast. Imagine throwing a mawashi geri while circling around. And the guy always keeps himself busy moving in all direction. If Machida is the representative of the traditional "Go no Sen" approach (waiting for the opponent's attack to counter) and Wonderboy is the representative of a more Westernize "Go no Sen" approach, Horiguchi is definitely that "Sen no Sen" guy (attacking before the opponent begins)

    • @Mrraerae
      @Mrraerae 4 года назад +1

      @@shazamsakazaki kyokushin guys throw their lead leg up without telegraphing as well. Bas is just a tank of a man, I think that's why his style was like that

    • @shazamsakazaki
      @shazamsakazaki 4 года назад +1

      @@Mrraerae It's not like I'm saying Kyokushin guys telegraph when throwing lead leg kicks. On the contrary they can throw a kick even in close distance where people expect exchange of punches and don't think a kick is possible, and that's great about them. I just comment about why Bas style is different than Thompson.

    • @govou3000
      @govou3000 4 года назад

      @@shazamsakazaki Rumble has a nasty lead kick too and he was able to throw it in a tight space against DC

  • @yellowjoe.2000
    @yellowjoe.2000 2 года назад +1

    Awesome video Wonder boy. the king of Front leg round kicks, hook kicks and side kicks is Bill Super Foot Wallace!

  • @omarthegreat4332
    @omarthegreat4332 4 года назад +1

    Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Practitioner since i was 14. 28 now and love the Bushido life. Wonderboy is my fav guy to watch in MMA. Much love and respect to him. Hope to have a Convo with the man one day!

  • @SenseiSeth
    @SenseiSeth 4 года назад +19

    Also, love the isolated movement drills. SNAP 😂👏

  • @M-a-k-o
    @M-a-k-o 4 года назад +1

    At an amazing #5 in the welterweight devision Wonderboy is a refreshingly humble and down to earth bloke. Probably one of the nicest killers around.

  • @NotoriousNickMMA
    @NotoriousNickMMA 4 года назад +7

    I’ve always wondered how to stretch the hips to get my legs in the air like you. Thank you Thompson. Found my new favorite stretch

  • @jackofnone9439
    @jackofnone9439 4 года назад +2

    Been involved in the martial arts for 42 years...gave private lessons when I was...well, a long time ago...and I still learn something from every one of your videos...rock on Wonder Boy!!! This is a little like superfood bill Wallace it Bro!!! subbed!!!

  • @chandansingh9795
    @chandansingh9795 4 года назад

    This guy is so natural and nothing is fabricated about him. Wonderful is a justified title for such a wonderful person

  • @ushalweerathunga7081
    @ushalweerathunga7081 4 года назад +16

    This guy is not wonderboy anymore. He's WONDERMAN now.

  • @kravmagacaveira
    @kravmagacaveira 4 года назад +30

    Great video bro

    • @nathelm8693
      @nathelm8693 4 года назад

      Thanks, I put a lot of work into it!

    • @ghostwolf5586
      @ghostwolf5586 3 года назад

      So cool to see a comment from Mestre Gimenez on a WB video. Really unexpected

  • @WlSD0M
    @WlSD0M 4 года назад +9

    Yo!! Wonderboy!! How did I miss this vid?? I’ve been looking for something just like this for soooo long. Dennis Siver had an amazing lead leg head kick without any set up and I couldn’t find anything on RUclips to help me learn it lol. Thanks for this info!!

  • @MsHaiducu
    @MsHaiducu 4 года назад +3

    Thanks Sensei! Would love to see one for the back leg and how to build strength for power kicks. A humble student from across the world bows!

  • @badass_seabass
    @badass_seabass 4 года назад +2

    I never knew Wonder Boy was so chill. You can tell he's not being phony either.

  • @NobeiMedia
    @NobeiMedia 4 года назад +4

    I've just started watching this channel. I was already a fan of the way it seems you carry yourself in and outside of the ring. You've done such a great job with these videos. Thanks Stephen for the motivation to get up and train when I needed it. Cheers

  • @elvino4990
    @elvino4990 4 года назад +4

    This is who I trust to get MMA technique from, a proven A1 Fighter.

  • @ImpactMMAFitness
    @ImpactMMAFitness 3 года назад

    I was super lucky to learn the LEAD LEG Hook-Round-Side kick from Bill "Superfoot" Wallace in 1975 & 1976 when I was in the US Navy and stationed outside Memphis, TN (Elvis' Tennessee Karate school!). This video is AWESOME - this is the "ADVANCED SUPERFOOT LEAD LEG" Kicks!

  • @alternalife
    @alternalife 3 года назад

    Wonderboy is Amazing. I feel Martial Artists like this are a dying breed these days . Plenty of Fighters out there but Wonderboy is a true classic Martial Arts and a badass Fighter .

  • @sheffcoleman3518
    @sheffcoleman3518 2 года назад

    I’m 45 and still practice my taekwondo and kickboxing at the gym with the 20yr olds. Stretching is everything in kicks, then muscle it out. Awesome video. Toughest I’ve done at a visit to an American Muy Thai academy was a half hour of squat kicks against the heavy bag. Front squat side squat round squat switch leg repeat and one. Then they finally allowed me to spar with them. My legs were rubber bands for two days. Now it is a regular work out. Awesome content.

  • @nickbrummer
    @nickbrummer 4 года назад +1

    Great stuff. These are some of the exact same things my master drilled into me and that I've been drilling into my students for the last 20+ years. I have a lot of great drills for hip control, endurance and strengthening. Nice breakdown and emphasis on correct form first. This proper form isn't just important for the speed and power of the kick but also the health of the hip and knee.
    The sheer lack of kicking form that exists overarchingly in MMA drives me crazy. It is something that has really set you apart from the crowd and something that has gotten me interested again in watching the sport.

  • @agustinbonforte5608
    @agustinbonforte5608 4 года назад +4

    Thanks steve!!! Im practising sanda, and my sifu keeps insinsting and insisting on NOT TELEGRAPHING MY KICKS!! Amateurs practitioners, or at least me, think (no I dont) that taking the shit out of the opponent with superpower or superstrenght its the thing to do. Now, thanks to my coach repetitive advices, i'm learning to think of an intelligent fight, wich includes waiting for the gap, analysing, keeping distance, make the oponent react, get in his head and taking him into your game. This kick (in sanda we do it practically equal) helps you to make the time in the fight while you start anoying your oponent but, as my sifu and you keep saying and saying, you dont have to telegraph it!! Thanks very much from argentina! Technique tuesdays are my favourite items since I follow the channel. You talked about silva, maybe you can make some videos deconstructing the best mixed martial artist or the ones that you thing it worths for both theoretical and practical aims. Thanks again!!

    • @MrDeathbydying
      @MrDeathbydying 4 года назад +2

      I wish you luck on your martial arts journey!

    • @agustinbonforte5608
      @agustinbonforte5608 4 года назад

      @Zeek Banistor i'm just another crazy looney that got absorbed by traditional martial arts, and of course, martial sports! What's the one you practise??

    • @agustinbonforte5608
      @agustinbonforte5608 4 года назад

      @@MrDeathbydying what martial art do you practise?

    • @agustinbonforte5608
      @agustinbonforte5608 4 года назад

      @@MrDeathbydying what martial art do you practice?

    • @agustinbonforte5608
      @agustinbonforte5608 4 года назад

      @Zeek Banistor my sifu keeps telling me martial arts are for life. I'm a late starter, but kung fu absorved me quite quikly, and change my life notoriously. I practice sanda and bajiquan. Now making some quarantine exersices (alrady have a heavy bag im my little apartment)

  • @UnleashedTraining101
    @UnleashedTraining101 4 года назад +1

    Love it. The lead leg is my favourite weapon these days. Originally just for the side kick, but I've been working on a good roundhouse and a sliding axe kick off the lead leg.

  • @laurencewade9523
    @laurencewade9523 4 года назад

    Thank you so much Wonderboy for those tips. I've doing Martial arts for 27 years. Everything you give for information is so vital for me. Thank you for being there too Sweet T! Papa Wonderman also! I love you guys! Keep on kicking!

  • @evanchen388
    @evanchen388 4 года назад +1

    His technique is so solid, great lookin athletic build too. So much insight and information to digest

  • @Jack-xv9xp
    @Jack-xv9xp 4 года назад +1

    Yo these videos are really helpful

  • @tomurwin2787
    @tomurwin2787 4 года назад +78

    7:35 I'm not really hitting it hard thWAAAAPPPPPPP

    • @stubley3432
      @stubley3432 4 года назад +5

      Moon自殺 being a bodybuilder can mean you have mad muscle imbalance from the perspective of a fighter

    • @Phospion
      @Phospion 4 года назад +3

      @Moon自殺 yea bodybuilding doesnt mean anything in the scope of fighting

  • @samimkarimi5138
    @samimkarimi5138 3 года назад

    Done this and trust me it only take 2 weeks to see the results and it’s crazy sick. All thanks to the one and only Wonderboy.

  • @keaponlaffin6737
    @keaponlaffin6737 4 года назад

    4:32 frikkin' hilarious sence of humour!!! 👍👍👍

  • @notvisible3754
    @notvisible3754 4 года назад

    I naturally switch between a Muay Thai and Karate stance too!! I always wondered why I started doing that without thinking about it whether it was that I got it from watching you or what but thats so cool that Anderson does that too.

  • @BoyBlessing
    @BoyBlessing 4 года назад +1

    I’m about to do these exercises every other day. I’ll come back here and update you guys on my progress weekly.

  • @martyrart13
    @martyrart13 4 года назад +1

    When I started TKD I would also do rear round house kicks. My coach told me that if you have a strong front leg kick, I could be a problem for people when I compete. So I practiced for a while and when I started I'd fire it off and knock people off balance or catch them completely off guard! I adapted the front leg to low kicks when I started Muay Thai and it makes me happy

  • @anthonygerber8261
    @anthonygerber8261 4 года назад +2

    Great video sir. I found that a lot of Muay Thai and mma fighters without a traditional TKD or karate background, couldn't deal with my lead leg kicks. I'd use it to stop them from closing the distance but have also dropped many people in sparring with it.

    • @RyanMaurer2001
      @RyanMaurer2001 Год назад

      As a Muay Thai guy with a TKD background, which kicks do you use with the front leg that worked best? Just lead leg round kicks?

  • @blackenskatography9928
    @blackenskatography9928 4 года назад +1

    this drills work will help my JKD as well, as JKD involve with a lot of LEAD LEG Kicks in all direction, thanks Wonderboy's!!!

  • @daviddoenges6200
    @daviddoenges6200 2 года назад

    I always knew you were great at stand up, but now I’m realizing you’re hilarious.
    Being that I’m just getting into kickboxing, these videos are a massive training tool. Thank you very much!

  • @DarkAristocrat
    @DarkAristocrat Год назад

    As a JKD practitionewr who fights sideways and places high emphasis on front leg(arm) techniques, Wonder Boy's and Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace lessons are really helpful for me. They really complement my training.

  • @emnegrido75
    @emnegrido75 4 года назад

    this channel is a blessing amongst karatekas.

  • @eliaszoghby2586
    @eliaszoghby2586 4 года назад

    Man So much knowledge for free . Appreciate what u are doing and helping all of us to better ourselves , we will meet one day ...

  • @tayh8948
    @tayh8948 4 года назад +5

    A way to develop power in your lead leg kicks... is to strengthen your rear leg specifically make it very strong when you are balancing on it.

    • @billedwards2657
      @billedwards2657 4 года назад

      tay h no joke all the lead leg attack days make your groin on the rear leg very sore. Constant training and stretching ftw

  • @Brantendo64
    @Brantendo64 2 года назад

    There's something about the way his body flows right before and as he's throwing kicks. Even the "soft" ones. It's like a waving motion. Pretty awesome to watch.

  • @luigilongo6947
    @luigilongo6947 4 года назад

    I was just looking for excercise to strenghten the hips...i love you stephen, these are fire

  • @YouRegolo
    @YouRegolo 9 месяцев назад

    Probably the best ambassador mma has aver had. Thanks for the videos Wonderboy.

  • @gameday6900
    @gameday6900 4 года назад

    Thanks for the tips. These excersises might help me recover faster from my knee surgery.

  • @ravindudias4528
    @ravindudias4528 4 года назад

    Bro your stepping/shuffling guide video and conditioning guide improved my sparring level by 3 folds :) Definitely adding this one to my routine. Wish you all the best!

  • @garretmurphy4544
    @garretmurphy4544 3 года назад

    You are really an amazing fighter but also a fantastic teacher!
    Thanks for sharing

  • @kpitman1990
    @kpitman1990 2 года назад

    There is a ton of good advice in this video. Thanks Wonderboy for being open and sharing your training!

  • @kennade7892
    @kennade7892 4 года назад +1

    I appreciate this alot. Been wanting to improve at my taekwondo but always found my hip strength was one of my disadvantages. It meant i couldnt throw turning kicks or hook kicks very well. This will help me increase that strength to improve. Wonderboy the goat.

  • @Brandon-gw4ed
    @Brandon-gw4ed 4 года назад

    Wonderboy chill as hell. Thanks for your instructions, man

  • @corochena
    @corochena 2 года назад +1

    This man is so likeable, so lucky are his students

  • @shawnbensley8278
    @shawnbensley8278 4 года назад

    There is a big reason right here as to why Wonderboy Is my favorite Athlete in the World not just UFC !! He is such a Class Act and I would love to see him make some RUclips Videos to the Big Super Star Athletes like himself to teach them how to treat your fans and how to be a Role Model to the younger Generation especially ! The Apple don’t fall far from the tree , Stevens Dad is another Great Role Model and a Super nice guy it’s definitely easy to see why Wonderboy is such a Special person his Dad is the exact same way ... I met him and his Dad at a youth Karate Tournament near Simpsonville , South Carolina , my little Cousin was in and you would never know that Wonderboy was a famous Athlete , he is just a really really great guy and his Dad is equally a great person , his Dad walked right up to me and and stuck his hand out when I was talking to Steven and shook my hand ..... you are both exceptionally awesome Classy people and both of you are amazing Role Models as well , let’s not forget to mention how amazing Wonderboy is as a former #2 Ranked World UFC welterweight Professional fighter until he injured his leg and got setback for over a year and he fought a few months back and is on the come back trail now as he looked amazing in his last fight , right on schedule to come in and take that Welterweight Championship , I have no doubts that Steven will beat Kamaru Usman who is the current UFC Welterweight Champion but if Wonderboy fights him he will no longer be . I’m making a Opinion right now and I will come back to this post and reference it for the date that I am making this Prediction and that is Steven “ Wonderboy “ Thompson will walk back your the Rankings of the Welterweight Division and no matter who is the Champion he will take that Championship from them in the very first fight and then win the 2nd fight as well and be the Champion until he is ready to call it a career if he ever even does m this Stud is in his mid to late 30’s and looks like he is 25 and in his Prime m well he is in his Prime age don’t have anything to do with it just a number

  • @woodybear8298
    @woodybear8298 4 года назад

    Stephen is the best. His videos are so helpful.

  • @zoran9977
    @zoran9977 2 года назад

    Great demonstration. At one point I was wandering whether karate is useful at all in a fight, but you and Machida had removed all the doubt and karate techniques are so much more aesthetic than other striking martial arts. Nice example of this are these lead leg kicks. Thanks for the content you are making. Much appreciated.

  • @roybaerPL
    @roybaerPL 3 года назад

    The most dangerous dork on youtube :D
    Singlehandedly restores public respect towards karate.
    Thanks for the tutorial

  • @watchingyourvideo8029
    @watchingyourvideo8029 4 года назад +1

    "Every fighter should be the nicest guy on earth"
    -you guys wonderboy btw

  • @timabouttown3865
    @timabouttown3865 4 года назад

    Once again Wonderboy comes through with the goods! With his help after forced isoloation my kicks will be on point. My aim is to better when I return to the gym once it opens.

    @JUALIJU 4 года назад +1

    Good idea

  • @igorcarvalho2557
    @igorcarvalho2557 3 года назад

    Man, I subscribed to this channel earlier today, and I simply can't stop watching! A TON of useful information and entertaining. Thank you very much, Wonderboy!

  • @robertjackson3819
    @robertjackson3819 Год назад

    This is straight from the mountaintop, people. Thank you, brother.

  • @markyz6997
    @markyz6997 4 года назад +28


  • @samimkarimi5138
    @samimkarimi5138 4 года назад

    Bro the best MMA channel in the game!! Keep up the good the work Mr NMF

  • @rylewmma553
    @rylewmma553 4 года назад +1

    "Wonder boy" always be bringing that fresh perspective.

  • @jamesmiles1328
    @jamesmiles1328 4 года назад +1

    This is great video,really hate the way not many fighters about anymore that use lead leg attacks,specially ufc fights,such a great weapon to have,with that no telegraphing it’s leathal,and if work on it get great power

  • @jamesfoster9115
    @jamesfoster9115 4 года назад +1

    Awesome video!! Please give lesson on how not to floop your arm's for balance when kicking!! I'm a Taekwondo guy my hole life! I can't stand to see floopy arms!! Your not flooping your arms,great for defense

  • @manishrathore2486
    @manishrathore2486 4 года назад +1

    love your tips

  • @riccardotonellotto4093
    @riccardotonellotto4093 4 года назад

    I've been looking into ways to improve my kicks for quite some time! With all the free time I have now I will finally be able to improve! Thank you!

  • @rookis25
    @rookis25 4 года назад

    I been watching these videos and with no experience in martial arts find these kicks easy. I played hacky sack all my life and could stall it on my foot extended out as high as could get it. i feel like maybe thats the reason i have these leg muscles. Anyway Wonderboy is an amazing guy, i want him to train my sons.

  • @jamiesmith1162
    @jamiesmith1162 3 года назад

    I like those leg exercises. I can feel the burn. I don't understand most of karate schools I went as karate teachers don't teach me leg exercises like you do. You are the best.👍👍

  • @shotokhan4078
    @shotokhan4078 4 года назад

    This video is really good and shows that Wonderboy must be a really good master!

  • @Trang-xq9fn
    @Trang-xq9fn 3 года назад

    This is great for helping me improve my kicking speed.

  • @TMan-sq1wh
    @TMan-sq1wh 4 года назад

    Great vid on strengthening and kicking techniques. ....will be doing these during the lock down👍. Thks 🙏. From UK

  • @rafeenud-doula2032
    @rafeenud-doula2032 4 года назад

    Dude, you are literally the best. Always looking forward to the next video!

  • @TwisstedSage
    @TwisstedSage 2 года назад

    Great video! Saved it before I got half way through. Following in the tradition of the giant Bill “Super Foot” Wallace.

  • @valentin1579
    @valentin1579 4 года назад

    Daaaamn Stephen Thompson kicking through the matrix @1:51 😆 Your awesome Stephen! ✌🙏❤

  • @saibalbiswas3706
    @saibalbiswas3706 4 года назад

    Big fan Wonder boy, thanks for these invaluable learnings.

  • @joejazz67
    @joejazz67 4 года назад

    geez I know a little late commenting but Bill Wallace is loving this video as well good exercises going to try them today

  • @0713mas
    @0713mas 3 года назад

    Awesome tips! You often see competitive full contact Karate fighters get smoked by full contact kick boxers and Muay Thai fighters. IMO some schools focus on those types of atttibute based speed and accuracy techniques before practitioners learned those full contact based high percentage skills. Make no mistake this kind of sniper striker training is advanced fundamentals IMO.

  • @davidrivas6412
    @davidrivas6412 4 года назад +1

    NMF !!!!! Gotta love this guy

    @MrSHUEYB 4 года назад

    Amazing stuff Wonderboy, I am a real fan!! Have loved kickboxing since the K1 Days. Amazing having a father as coach. I have trained in the art 15 yrs, love every day of training. Thank you sir for the videos very helpful, you will be LEGENDARY keep it up OSU!

  • @Niko-bu7zg
    @Niko-bu7zg 4 года назад

    One of the most respected martial artist to do it #wonderboy

  • @bomaye2122
    @bomaye2122 4 года назад

    I love your videos brother !! Put some more comedy in them , it’s awesome.

  • @evansalehi4417
    @evansalehi4417 4 года назад

    My lead leg is something that really bothers me since I can’t generate a lot of power from it. This video for sure helped. Thank you.

  • @yaminebo
    @yaminebo 4 года назад

    you are the man stephan keep up the good work. from morocco

  • @everythingbodyweight7012
    @everythingbodyweight7012 4 года назад

    Thanks for the brilliant,fantastic tips as always,very useful,helpful & effective,absolutely love them.

  • @kavigosai8552
    @kavigosai8552 4 года назад

    wow, well produced, entertaining and informative, way to go Wonderboy

  • @twiztedmedia3311
    @twiztedmedia3311 4 года назад

    Best MMA instruction videos on youtube

  • @comic_food_guy
    @comic_food_guy 3 года назад

    This is excellent knowledge with in depth breakdowns.

  • @mob5613
    @mob5613 4 года назад

    These videos are awesome. Thanks for putting in the work day after day !

  • @Man-iy9jk
    @Man-iy9jk 4 года назад

    Amazing sauce as always!!! Now the Tornado kick Wonderboy. WE ARE READY!!!

  • @anishsoni6559
    @anishsoni6559 4 года назад

    I'm searching for this for a long time...
    Thanks man

  • @Unidentifying
    @Unidentifying 4 года назад

    Sir do you, or anyone else know anything about a popping sound in the hip, especially with crescent kicks, while coming down with the legs? And how to get rid of that :d ?