Que arraial espectacular de pancadaria!🤩😆 O Mr.Karate tem um nariz tão grande que, quando ele pára e baixa a cabeça, parece que ele cedeu ao peso do nariz da sua própria máscara.🤣
Once the damage calculations are on point, this could go far. Robert area lot more than he should have. At some point, he stopped taking damage while taking lots of hits. Anyway the carnage in this one was so great that it was hard to watch lol Holy smokes! This would be an awesome game! It's blatant brutality on a screen; raw. I felt some of those blows.
Nice. No desperate grenade looking explosion moves that take up the whole screen by waving a sashaying wrist. This fight was won using punching and kicking the opponent with tough fist punches that could be used by both sides, since both sides have hands and feet any way. The streetfighters use tough calloused punches to fight opponents and fire attacks that result when they punch and kick instead of prissy looking jumping wrist slaps and wrist flicking.
Hey, Bro, first of all, congrats! Great game and (FUCKING) great gameplay! Can u please let us know what the (mugem)game is? Or maybe put de download link? Thx ''Fala amigo, primeiro: parabéns! Jogo foda e mais foda ainda a gameplay! Você poderia deixar o nome do jogo(MUGEM)? Ou talvez deixar o link do download? Abs''
Que porra de jogo é esse mano ??? Tá doido misturaram tudo e elevaram ao nível Dragon Ball. Se tá doido com esse Ken no corpo de Iori. Como faz para jogar essa parada ? Para qual console
Está errado, cara! Porque os personagens de Art of Fighting dão mais dano nos personagens de Street Fighter? Fica injusto e sem graça, qualquer um percebe isso! Põe a luta para o dano ser igual para todos, será mais justo assim!
😱😱😱this battle is about to explode!!!
Is this true love we're making. 😃
Nice 👍 two of my favorite videos games of all time
Robert Garcia was a truck! He was eating all those combos when little damage. Master Karate's taunt game is on point
Não o bastante contra dragão Ken
Fun seeing 15 second Yuri. XD
Akuma vs Iori 🤫...🙏🏽...👌🏼
Amazing final Dragon Ken epic fight, great video thank you
Not really. His clearly overpowered OCs ruined a well balanced fight.
That Dragon Ken aerial throw > falling chop > rising dragon punch combo is awesome.
Evil dragon ken is really from hell! No time to fight back !
This is if Street Fighter and DBZ had a baby!!!
Akuma's initial moves were quite slick 👌
Mto foda hein!
Cheguei agora no seu canal e já me inscrevi! 😀
Será q rola fazer uns vídeo com personagens da Marvel, DC e tals?
Awesome fight, badass chars!
When I saw... Yuri show up to fight shin Akuma. I knew she was a dead woman.. lol
Where can I find this?
Bison getting bodied by akuma is still nice😂💔
Lol I know.
Totally freakin awesome
Que arraial espectacular de pancadaria!🤩😆 O Mr.Karate tem um nariz tão grande que, quando ele pára e baixa a cabeça, parece que ele cedeu ao peso do nariz da sua própria máscara.🤣
My guy Ken whoa 🔥
Ryo's a beast wow these Mugen games are cool
Muito bom esses vídeos na moral
ALV!!! Hasta se rompió mi pantalla de tanto vrgazo!!!
Epic fights.
This fight hurt me I love both personages
Shin Akuma vs Master Karate
Duelo épico
Once the damage calculations are on point, this could go far. Robert area lot more than he should have. At some point, he stopped taking damage while taking lots of hits. Anyway the carnage in this one was so great that it was hard to watch lol Holy smokes! This would be an awesome game! It's blatant brutality on a screen; raw. I felt some of those blows.
Evil Dragon Ken went NUTS!!!
É um jogo de fato ou uma batalha programada ???
EDK was OP sheesh 😳
is this some kind of anime or real game?
What street fighter is that??
Looked like Yuri might have a decent shot at a comeback then Akuma was like "I think t f not!"
@ _ @
SF VS SNK had the best graphics. Less comic but more defined and realistic.
Muito top merece mil likes só faltou o link pra download
Swear I was watching mugen
que buena pelea xD
oooohhh.... my god😨
Ryo & Robert is The Main character in this game 😂
Qual é o nome desse jogo por favor
The battle Damage needs to be more balanced, man Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken o.O> .>> Ryo is savage...
EXACTLY!!! These creators are many times do unprofessional by letting a stupid fan side lead them
Don't worry mate our mad lad Akuma handled it pretty nicely.
Akuma did poor Yuri dirty AF...😳😳😳
Akuma the best!!
Vc que cria esses jogos?
onde tem pra baixar esse street?
Nice. No desperate grenade looking explosion moves that take up the whole screen by waving a sashaying wrist. This fight was won using punching and kicking the opponent with tough fist punches that could be used by both sides, since both sides have hands and feet any way. The streetfighters use tough calloused punches to fight opponents and fire attacks that result when they punch and kick instead of prissy looking jumping wrist slaps and wrist flicking.
Tremenda Pelea
Akuma bringing the pain
Evil Dragon Ken é insano :O
Of the two opponents, no one is weak, everyone fights well, I'm curious why this game is only available on PC, its not on Playstation 4?
Whtf was the orange guy saying in a weird way? "Huken?" Like a 2nd hand hadouken..
Hey, Bro, first of all, congrats! Great game and (FUCKING) great gameplay!
Can u please let us know what the (mugem)game is? Or maybe put de download link?
''Fala amigo, primeiro: parabéns! Jogo foda e mais foda ainda a gameplay!
Você poderia deixar o nome do jogo(MUGEM)? Ou talvez deixar o link do download?
Buenas peleas 👍
Bro, link for Robert?
Bro buen Video... Esta chevere... Tendrás el link de descarga
SNK always ahead of capcom in my opinion!!!
Opa amigo curtindo aqui seus conteúdo
O seu CANAL é monetizado
Ryo doing all that for a drop of blood
Que porra de jogo é esse mano ??? Tá doido misturaram tudo e elevaram ao nível Dragon Ball. Se tá doido com esse Ken no corpo de Iori.
Como faz para jogar essa parada ? Para qual console
Is this game existing ????
Cara eu sempre achei que o Ryo e o Robert são cópias boas do Ryu e Ken.
Que luta Épica!!
Link de descarga?
Link for the characters?
Capcom side was kind of stacked wasn't it? Only character that wasn't some beefed up version was Ryu.
Akuma finalizou bonito ali com Shun Goku Satsu.
Esta bueno ,pero muy desiquilibrado en cuanto al daño en barra de energia de poderes
Dope as shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Akuma fatal move 5:27
Ryu just know how to shot hado ken 😂
Ryo my all time favorite 😎
What ? The street fighter warrior , cause more damage !?!
Yo,this fight hard!
Funny, but, too much, that dragon ken is far over.... then.... Evil dragon ken...
Oxe ta jogando contra um guri de 5 anos kkkk
Está errado, cara!
Porque os personagens de Art of Fighting dão mais dano nos personagens de Street Fighter?
Fica injusto e sem graça, qualquer um percebe isso!
Põe a luta para o dano ser igual para todos, será mais justo assim!
야 스파케릭들 사기 아니냐?
Defesa que é bom mesmo, nada....
Horrible diseño y pose de pelea de Robert el del 94 y 95 ese si era buen diseño
Arrecho Evil Dragón Ken