A Telescope's Wire To The World

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 103

  • @subh1
    @subh1 14 лет назад

    @gulllars if you understand how the TCP-IP protocol works, you'll probably realize that even with the 1Gbps link, you can hardly make use of that bandwidth because the connection on the other end and many nodes in between can hardly handle anything close to a fraction of that speed. Information transferred over the internet is slowed down due to several branching effects and congestions, unless of course you are directly connected to a node using an exclusive channel shared by nobody else.

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 14 лет назад

    @neonsilkworm i live in a coastal town (13K population) in Norway, and the main fiberoptic lines from continental europe passes by just 4-5km from where i live, so 100Mbit with 3-5ms latency average is about $150 a month, cable TV and free IP telephony (to landlines) included. Note that half the line goes to 2x HD cable TV boxes, and the rest (50) to internet. An upgrade to 100Gbps full duplex internet + the rest would cost about $250 a month.
    The infrastructure to my house supports 1Gbps.

  • @nagualdesign
    @nagualdesign 14 лет назад

    @Chitownboy1023 Yes! Yellow laser light is used to project a Laser Guide Star in Adaptive Optics systems.
    From Wikipedia | Adaptive Optics; 'Sodium guide stars use laser light at 589 nm to excite sodium atoms in the mesosphere and thermosphere, which then appear to "glow".' ...and it looks cool, too. (I added that bit!)

  • @BrianJ1962
    @BrianJ1962 14 лет назад

    Excellent - we all need these fibre-optic, high-speed connections...

  • @poduck2
    @poduck2 14 лет назад

    Is this an alternate FFreethinker channel? I just noticed the bug is similar.

  • @neonsilkworm
    @neonsilkworm 14 лет назад

    @bokkpokk I was thinking the same thing. But you gotta remember, to appeal to the general masses who don't understand anything they're seeing, it looks really cool.

  • @pinochska
    @pinochska 14 лет назад

    @sergiomarchelli it IS a problem, hope you know...

  • @graphicism
    @graphicism 14 лет назад

    ...be nice if I could get a CC of the ESO data, cheers!

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 14 лет назад

    @subh1 TCP-IP has it's limits, that's where the low latency and no bottleneck on my end or my ISP comes in handy. The bandwidth used rarely exceeds 20Mbit when browsing, but when loading sevreal youtube videos while syncing backup to FTP and maybe having a couple of torrents going, or all that while gaming, the connection is just epic. Since i have a 3,6GHz 6-core (which i can easily OC more if i want), 8GB RAM, and 4x C300 SSDs in RAID-0 i don't have any major bottlenecks in my system either.

  • @truvelocity
    @truvelocity 14 лет назад

    The close up on him pointing at the servers was so set up. But, great info.

  • @ComeToJesus
    @ComeToJesus 14 лет назад

    Probably an ignorant question, but how do the people in Europe now get near instant data if the cable itself doesn't connect straight to there?

  • @xtremetom180
    @xtremetom180 13 лет назад

    I love how the data load is has most likely explode from gb to tera

  • @SlackerSlayer
    @SlackerSlayer 14 лет назад

    @Hooya2 Some people would be blown away if they had a look at the global telecomm maps. The largest cable I had my hands on was an 1800 pair twisted copper.

  • @faab007
    @faab007 14 лет назад

    @ridelo Science is actually a bit different than that, the concept of science evolved over the last 500 years

  • @jmm1233
    @jmm1233 14 лет назад

    I so want an internet connection like that

  • @Sma-v4y
    @Sma-v4y 14 лет назад

    @pinochska it is not a problem. What is the problem with this?

  • @TheBigmfg
    @TheBigmfg 14 лет назад

    Another Good one!!

  • @kyryll
    @kyryll 14 лет назад

    whats the name of the background music?
    Thanks guys

  • @DeletedDelusion
    @DeletedDelusion 14 лет назад

    Damn, I wish I could see for one night the sky at a place like the Paranal site, there's just to much light polution in Europe.

  • @teddirez
    @teddirez 14 лет назад

    @MilitantPeaceist its his aussie influence making his german english sound funny

  • @kristoph1000
    @kristoph1000 14 лет назад

    I like the way he says barren in :58 lol

  • @ComeToJesus
    @ComeToJesus 14 лет назад

    Didn't know that, cool thanks.

  • @Sma-v4y
    @Sma-v4y 14 лет назад

    @ridelo why to spot growth of population?

  • @neonsilkworm
    @neonsilkworm 14 лет назад

    All these haters about the technical features of ESO... I've never seen such discontent over seeing HOW they capture the images and analyze them, and this video is just a scratch on the surface.
    Roll out more, Dr. J! Pretty pictures are useless without an understanding of how they are produced and interpreted.

  • @moonlightavenger
    @moonlightavenger 14 лет назад

    Just AWESOME!

  • @blazednlovinit
    @blazednlovinit 14 лет назад

    "join us next time for another cosmic adventure.." yes cos that adventure was soooo cosmic

  • @WhiteRussianBC
    @WhiteRussianBC 14 лет назад

    @sooooooooDark His accent is actually more fenno-scandinavian

  • @TheRationalizer
    @TheRationalizer 14 лет назад

    At 3:24 as the Earth zooms in, can anyone else see the man's head with a big wispy cloud for hair? Uruguay is his chin :-)

  • @MyDavidsun
    @MyDavidsun 13 лет назад

    I love this video

  • @pinochska
    @pinochska 14 лет назад

    @sergiomarchelli population growth is a problem because there is a limited ammount of resources that we can harvest from earth.. as long as our energy sources and consumption habits remain the same we will be coming to trouble.. unless i got you question wrong.

  • @sooooooooDark
    @sooooooooDark 14 лет назад

    @Lumpiluk im german aswell and i also think that most of my classm8s have a very bad pronunciation but i just mentioned it because its rly unmistakable, no offence

  • @neonsilkworm
    @neonsilkworm 14 лет назад

    @gulllars You must be handing some serious payout for that bandwidth...

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 14 лет назад

    It's great you're going from an microwave wireless to a fiberoptics connection, but instead of using fuzzy metaphor sizes, why not just (or in addition) include the actual bandwidth in the standard Mbps/Gbps meteric?
    Also, since this is a video about the telescopes, and not how the techical side of data transfer is in detail, this video is mainly empty talk, and could be summarized in a minute.
    Just as a reference, i have a 100Mbps full duplex fiberoptic link to my house...

  • @TheSanovita
    @TheSanovita 13 лет назад

    Good Video

  • @chris15325
    @chris15325 9 лет назад

    Keep it up!

  • @MasauFuku
    @MasauFuku 14 лет назад

    @puncheex Wait...you actually understood that?

  • @tilt1981
    @tilt1981 14 лет назад

    Why didn't they just call it fiber-optic technology? Or, am I missing something?

  • @goneutt
    @goneutt 14 лет назад +1

    It's not plastic. It really is glass.

  • @beachcomber2008
    @beachcomber2008 14 лет назад

    I'm surprised they've only just acquired optical fibre technology.

  • @monkeyology1
    @monkeyology1 14 лет назад


  • @globe255
    @globe255 14 лет назад

    @lemonrind I dont think it is south americans who are doing the work.

  • @meadowsirl
    @meadowsirl 14 лет назад

    did i just watch a presentation on a company getting a shitty internet upgrade?
    what year is this? 1995?

  • @Bobajobimus
    @Bobajobimus 14 лет назад

    @TheSpankymonkey Good to see some intelligent firsts for a change.

  • @MilitantPeaceist
    @MilitantPeaceist 14 лет назад

    @teddirez LMAO, we call them New Zealanders here xD

  • @ReeferReas
    @ReeferReas 14 лет назад

    @ridelo I dont think that without science/education that we even had to worry about population growth :)
    Science is the only way 2 go!!

  • @nakedapedude
    @nakedapedude 14 лет назад

    Science rocks.

  • @andreeaweed
    @andreeaweed 13 лет назад


  • @MikaelDryden
    @MikaelDryden 14 лет назад

    Science: Best thing that ever happened :D

  • @Juxtaroberto
    @Juxtaroberto 14 лет назад

    @Digitalwoodsman Yes, there is. Every ecosystem has a limit to how much biomass it will support. You can have all the money in the world, but if the land you grow crops on no longer yields, you will die.
    And by population control, we're not talking about killing people off, simply educating them so that they have less kids so that there're less people in the future.

  • @daralinn
    @daralinn 14 лет назад

    I'll think of these telescopes next time I play the Battlefield map in Atacama desert, riiiiight after I blow of those tanks.

  • @TheSpankymonkey
    @TheSpankymonkey 14 лет назад

    @gunnerdan70 - Now why did i not think of that. See, this is why in science we have the peer review process.... We did great science today, you and I. Now to publish my/our paper, obviously, like a true scientist i am going to publish under my own name ignoring any of your contributions to the subject. I think i will name the paper "The effects of porn on the ESA Telescope".

  • @ReidakkDrifter
    @ReidakkDrifter 14 лет назад

    @Digitalwoodsman What the hell? Did you know that we actually consume 1.4 faster than we can produce? Why? Well, excessive population

  • @Strothy2
    @Strothy2 14 лет назад

    heh 125 Gb per internet... where is the problem?? cross Atlantic connection is already faster than anything else.. i guess it was up to 100G/bit

  • @SlashDotDash121
    @SlashDotDash121 14 лет назад

    Still no Aliens then....

  • @SlackerSlayer
    @SlackerSlayer 14 лет назад

    @infiltrator7777 That is what the microwave system they currently have is. You didn't think they had a chain of microwave towers daisy chained all the way up that coast did you.

  • @bad4ever2001
    @bad4ever2001 14 лет назад

    @Digitalwoodsman Word man, word! :D

  • @infiltrator7777
    @infiltrator7777 14 лет назад

    Why wouldn't they just transfer it over a satellite signal? I would assume renting satellite space would be cheaper and just as fast.

  • @mamushi72sai
    @mamushi72sai 14 лет назад

    hikari online does this

  • @elu5ive
    @elu5ive 14 лет назад

    1.25 GIGABYTE per second?!!! HOLY...SHIT...
    and I only have a 15 megabyte line available where I live

  • @gigantibyte
    @gigantibyte 14 лет назад

    At 4:20, I think I saw a 2.

  • @Lumpiluk
    @Lumpiluk 14 лет назад

    @sooooooooDark I am German and I can tell my classmates sound much worse. Actually, for me he sounds very much British but I can't tell for sure of course because English is not my first language. I think most of our teachers always try to sound as much British as they can (except for the one we had last year, he'd been to the USA for one year), some with more, some with less success ;-)

  • @goodvibrato
    @goodvibrato 14 лет назад

    @owchywawa lol yeah, wonder what's next....UMGT-LW?
    Ultra Massive Ginormous Telescope - Like Whoa

  • @demonwolfdawg
    @demonwolfdawg 14 лет назад

    get roadrunner?

  • @ArchNME
    @ArchNME 14 лет назад

    I think I'm going to move to Chile, buy the plot of desert next door and put like 50 giant spotlights pointing into the sky. Then the European space agency will have to pay me to turn my lights off or all of their billion dollar telescopes will be useless. MAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!

  • @joelbrown0869
    @joelbrown0869 14 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @pedrobetti564
    @pedrobetti564 2 года назад

    My dream!

  • @JasperXoR
    @JasperXoR 14 лет назад

    Business Justification for a fiber upgrade in a remote region?? Not super interesting but I guess it's good since it's probably public funds spent on it.

  • @concrete_dog
    @concrete_dog 14 лет назад


  • @neonsilkworm
    @neonsilkworm 14 лет назад

    @ArchNME Blackmail by light pollution. Creative.

  • @CelticSaint
    @CelticSaint 14 лет назад

    @MikaelDryden Best and worst in my opinion. We now have the ability to to destroy our environment, and ourselves thanks to science.

  • @Chitownboy1023
    @Chitownboy1023 14 лет назад

    does the telescope really emit a yellow laser into the sky?

  • @somejackball
    @somejackball 14 лет назад

    love the time-lapse scenes, but the talking ruined it

  • @kokofan50
    @kokofan50 14 лет назад

    @monkeyology1 to improve data trasfer

  • @huyked
    @huyked 14 лет назад

    5 people are jealous because they have dial-up.

  • @pinochska
    @pinochska 14 лет назад

    @Digitalwoodsman jajjajajaajajaaj omg you got to be kidding me..¡¡ ROFL

  • @gunnerdan70
    @gunnerdan70 14 лет назад

    I wish I had an internet line that fast stupid 8mb line that I'm on now is useless

  • @MasauFuku
    @MasauFuku 14 лет назад

    @puncheex lol

  • @bad4ever2001
    @bad4ever2001 14 лет назад


  • @TheSpankymonkey
    @TheSpankymonkey 14 лет назад

    I think the problem with their data transfer issues are down to a lack of programming knowledge of compression. For example they could cut a huge chunk of data out by simply taking all the black bits and just compressing it with the value "EMPTY SPACE". All the white bits "WHITE STUFF" and everything else just file as "MISC CRAP". 3 elements of data, which then leaves plenty of space available for ESA's primary objective.... Watching porn. :-)

  • @deadman12078
    @deadman12078 14 лет назад

    I bet if they blocked porn and facebook their bandwidth problems would have been solved.

  • @MilitantPeaceist
    @MilitantPeaceist 14 лет назад

    @sooooooooDark He sounds Sth African

  • @TheSpankymonkey
    @TheSpankymonkey 14 лет назад

    Just to make it absolutely clear beyond reasonable doubt. That this comment, based on scientific observation, testing and repeating was FIRST BITCHES.

  • @saintpine
    @saintpine 14 лет назад

    Why not leave the servers in Cile, and remote control everything from germany, this means that the data mass media remains in cile, and only decition making, programing and analyzing at human speed is down in germany.
    I don't see why transfer everything.

  • @MasauFuku
    @MasauFuku 14 лет назад

    @slipcurve Hmm...with all the porn they'll be able to download, I don't know when they'll have time to do any work.

  • @yamen0
    @yamen0 14 лет назад

    Holy sh!t .. that was boring !!
    they have a better internet connection now .. hallelujah !

  • @sooooooooDark
    @sooooooooDark 14 лет назад

    this guys english is soo german :D

  • @TheSpankymonkey
    @TheSpankymonkey 14 лет назад

    @Rayzersword It must be rare type of cancer that only surgeons get. As for the name spanky monkey, i can't really explain with just words, i thought of using the medium of mime to explain it to you but realised this could be tedious so i have another suggestion. Send me the most georgeous female member of your family or distant family (between the ages of ohhh 20 and 25) and i will show you ;-p

  • @gunnerdan70
    @gunnerdan70 14 лет назад

    @TheSpankymonkey lol or less porn in general

  • @TheSpankymonkey
    @TheSpankymonkey 14 лет назад

    @lovellespice - You only say that because you are not FIRST. Like ME. ;-)

  • @nagualdesign
    @nagualdesign 14 лет назад

    @gunnerdan70 Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy, right? XD