
  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • More videos by me, Jim Gatton, at UnderstandScrip... and also my RUclips channel: VideoDailyDevot.... Consider sharing on Facebook and elsewhere
    Ephesians 5:11, 12. Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them; 12for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.
    The #Bible says we are to have no fellowship with darkness. How do we avoid this darkness?
    Identify these “unfruitful deeds of darkness.”
    Partial answer found in verses 17 and 18
    "therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord will is. Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
    Fruits of darkness?
    Mistake? Getting drunk. The challenge for some Christians is to drink enough to relax or be able to have fun but not cross over that invisible line to being actually drunk. And if one is just high from drinking alcohol where does that scale on your Christian image and responsibility?
    Another mistake? NOT speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit.
    Of course you have to be fellowshipping with fellow believers in order to do that, don’t you?
    Another mistake? NOT giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of Jesus.
    Easy to take things for granted, “Well, I did work for that, after all.”
    Another mistake? Not being filled with the Spirit.
    Habit of checking each new action: this please God? Is He guiding me?
    In verse 15 we really "be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
    How do you avoid the darkness here? Live as a wise one and not as an unwise one.
    Don’t even consider doing unwise things and you avoid being trapped or tripped up by those things.
    What things? If Jesus were standing next to you what things would you avoid?
    Be filled with the Spirit (v.18) and not with Satan.
    Fill your thoughts and actions with those things pleasing to God and there will be no room in your life for the things of Satan, as least for those brief moments that you are focused on God.
    If you sense yourself slipping into Satan’s influence, you feel things of darkness, you avoid them by immediately turning on the light of Jesus within your life.
    - Focus your thoughts on the things of God
    Find yourself in bad situation imagine Jesus Christ sitting across the table from you.
    Unfortunate fact that bad company corrupts good intent.
    Are you saved?
    Step #1: God as the Holy Spirit convinces each saved individual of the need for being saved.
    Step #2: BELIEVE, accept as fact, Jesus really did live, died on cross payment for your sins, rose from dead proving He is God.
    TRUST: Can you, do you, trust Him to save you now?
    Step #3: You’re a member of the family of God. Start living as a family member.
    A spirit of gratitude toward God in your life style choices.
    Attend a church with regular adult bible study and sermons that teach the bible.
    Beware the church that only gives you an emotional high each week.
    Beware church places more attention on Holy Spirit than on Jesus.
    Get a Bible
    Read the gospel of John
    Read all four gospels. Study the words and actions of Jesus.
    Read Ephesians 4, 5 once each week for what it means to be a member of the Family of God

Комментарии • 6

  • @honeybee3574
    @honeybee3574 4 года назад +1

    AMEN. AMEN and AMEN💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

  • @crusoebower3391
    @crusoebower3391 4 года назад


  • @MiguelPereira-mf1nq
    @MiguelPereira-mf1nq 6 лет назад

    The brain has one trillion one hundred billion cells, the one
    hundred billion of which are neurons, that electrically are primarily
    capacitors, holding the charges that maintain consciousness.
    The other one trillion cells are called glial cells. First, glial cells
    were found to serve as structural support and insulation for the
    Glial cells were found to have very high capacitance. It has been shown
    that the glial cells are primarily responsible for all unpleasantness
    and pain.
    Sometimes, when an ordinary pain neuron in the body gets injured glial
    cells will grow around it and cause it to emit incredible inordinately
    amplified pain.
    It's just a new beginning, but, it will be found that glial cells are
    responsible for a large percentage of mental illness.
    Now about charges, the iron, in the cytochromes of the cells of all
    males, is magnetically polarized counterclockwise; and, the iron, in the
    cytochromes of the cells of a females, is magnetically polarized
    With all this stress on the entity, very slight stimuli can be amplified
    and perceived. The normal brain, only 10% awake at any time, fails to
    perceive that we are in a multidimensional universe.
    The brain proceeds down the fifth dimension for greater ability to
    travel in the sixth dimension across probability timelines.
    There is a fifth dimensional depth where every spoken word seems to
    manifest as reality. For example, "If you have the faith of a mustard
    seed and say to this mountain move it shall be moved."
    You have traveled in the sixth dimensional direction to the timeline
    where the mountain is elsewhere.
    Actually, there are infinite dimensions, and in infinite dimensions
    every Planck's volume is next to every other Planck's volume.
    At this rate, anything can be perceived by the brain; and, real psychics
    have gotten into this. With the following cut & paste anyone can do the
    same thing and more.
    The Gitmo Baptism - #1 Secret
    Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:31:35 -0500
    "In alt.social. rights.human there is
    a person who has been physically abused, apparently to inflict
    involuntary vagal stimulation (like the Gitmo baptism) in place of LSD,
    which has been so outlawed that it can't even be used by the CIA's MK
    Ultra today. There are efforts to
    legalize LSD for such "research". Research? It has always been used to
    punish dissidents un-Constitutionally, and to punish those secretly
    considered to be "witches" by the masonic lodge.
    Here's what I said to the victim.
    So, that's what THEY are doing now.
    LSD was outlawed enough that the CIA's MK Ultra can't even use it. THEY
    can't force the vagal stimulation of holotropic breathing, "pranayama"
    (see www.holotropic.com ), though crucifixion does. So, THEY are
    afflicting direct vagal stimulation.
    The nerves of the parasympathetic
    nervous system are called muscarinic nerves, after the drug muscarine
    which overrides the inhibitory neurons in the brain. And, there are
    muscarinic nerves outside the parasympathetic nervous system, in the
    The stimulation, "kundalini",of the
    muscarinic nerves in the body, like in the neck, "vishudda chakra",
    spreads to override the inhibitory neurons in the brain, that LSD would
    block, thereby, waking up the brain more, and, therefore, has the end
    results of LSD.
    Crucifixion forces holotropic
    breathing, also "ki gung", to such an extent that it puts one swiftly
    into perinatal matrix three, the realm of the wrathful deities in the
    Tibetan Book of the Dead, "the Bardo Thadol".
    In perinatal matrix three every
    thought manifests, and the wish to be someone else soon results in body
    switching, backward and forward in time, for about a hundred years, the
    "aioniu amartaematos", aeon of failure, translated "eternal damnation"
    in the Bible.
    The purpose of the Clockwork Orange
    treatment was to force its victims to suffer the sufferings of others,
    with high doses of LSD, and forcing the victim to watch violent movies,
    in which the victim lives as real as life the sufferings of everyone in
    the movie.
    Mine went further than that, and, I
    lived the experiences of everyone I had ever seen. Jesus lived the lives
    of everyone who ever existed. Thus, "If you have done it to the least of
    these you have done it to me"- Jesus Christ
    Jesus got in trouble for "profaning
    the sacred mysteries". In the Twentieth Century THEY still had the same
    THEY found out that I was what the
    Koran calls "blowing on knots" to gain the magical powers of perinatal
    matrix two and no further, which has always been esoterically defined to
    be witchcraft.
    Under Islamic governments the
    penalty for "blowing on knots" is execution by stoning. The Holy
    Inquisition is live and well in Islamic countries.
    In an Islamic country, if an
    unpopular person get caught with a suspicious rash on his neck, a "witch
    mark", a confession is tortured out of him and he is stoned to death.
    Ben Franklin invented the modern
    mental health system to primarily apprehend and punish "profaners of the
    sacred mysteries". Albert Pike, 33°, said, "Profaners of the Sacred
    Mysteries are worthy of all punishments", and THEY afflicted those
    punishments on suspects in the Twentieth Century.
    It looks like THEY are still doing
    this. What did you do to get in this mess? And, where did THEY do this
    to you?
    In the most accessible, and at the
    same time, effective hallucinatory vagal stimulation, there is secretion
    of plasma, here called "saliva" in alt.soc.rights.human.
    Squamous tissue is innervated by
    muscarinic nerves, so that when muscarinic nerves are stimulated
    neighboring squamous tissues perform what is called "plasmaphoresis".
    The crystal clear plasma is called
    many different things depending from what part of the body it is
    secreted. It is called saliva, spit, mucus, lymphatic fluid,
    cerebrospinal fluid, ocular fluid, kyle, mong, and gleet, but, it's all
    the same blood plasma. Credence Clearwater Revival calls it all "dew".
    Some of their music is a "grimoire" (grammar) of the Underworld.
    Why has it been deliberately
    confused like this?? It was always considered to be sacred. By the way,
    the word sacred come from the Sumerian word "zook", throat, from which
    we get the word and name for beard, zachery, that which covers the
    The compass & the square, represents
    the "quadrature of the circle' which symbolizes squeezing a circle into
    a line. Squeeze what? The G is for the Hebrew word "gorun", throat.
    It was believed that, like the
    pulling out of the cadmium rods of a nuclear reactor, the loss of the
    dew caused the access to the Underworld, hallucinations.
    That's why Christ was stabbed in the
    side, to pour off his kyle, stomach's lymphatic fluid, to put Him deeper
    in Hell. Of course, the crucifixion already caused serious
    hallucinations by forcing holotropic breathing, see
    www.holotropic.com "

    • @crusoebower3391
      @crusoebower3391 4 года назад +1

      Repent believe in Jesus and you will be saved

    • @pawfector9463
      @pawfector9463 3 года назад

      As someone who was once where you were at in life, have you ever wondered what it is about Jesus that ticks people off? People can come up to you and talk about Islam or Buddha or whatever, and you may accept it or say that's fine that you believe that. But when Christ is brought up, why do we feel tense and why do people explode? Because Christ says, "The world hates Me because I testify against it that it's works are evil."
      Again, being on the other side now, everything is much more clear. I truly hope within the three years you commented your post that you came to know God truly. 🙏

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 года назад

    Thank you for this information I receive exposure of deeds of darkness in my life, those surrounding me and the lives of my enemies according to ephesians 5:11-18, 2 corinthians 6:14 upon, binding all fellowship with darkness in my life and all shamefull deeds that are done in secret in my life to the pit of hell upon no return in my life, binding darkness upon those who persist in darkness, binding to have no share in darkness, my gratefulness returned in the name and by the blood Christ Jesus, Yeshua, amen! All glory to God almigthy!!! Annelies Bakker, the Netherlands.