This man is a superb welder ,And explains his strategy before on paper using a marker .That said .Very few can match his precision ,he's got years of experience and excellent tuition to become that good . Brilliant brilliant channel 👏👏👏and brilliant welding 👏👏😊The herringbone fillet weld will never be beaten and this man does it to perfection,, absolutely no undercut 👏👏He a bloody genius at welding
It is good skill but Please show on paper about pausing because with out pausing can not control under cut and gravity Finally give me answer about my feedback. Thank you!
Estoy intentando aprender a soldar , he visto muchos tutoriales, pero este es el mejor, muy bien explicado, es lo que he buscado , alguien que explique el movimiento del electrodo y el lo hace en papel , exelente
Cómo soldador no te recomiendo que inicies a soldar en 3 G i menos con este electrodo 7018 es más fácil empezar con otro tipo de soldadura como la 6010 o 6013 son más fáciles de soldar y practicar mucho
I like to split up the strings on stick welding when it goes over 12 mm wide, and a little overlap on the strings, otherwise I think the result will be too rough structure like here
1st and 2nd pass look ok the 3rd needs more amps and the weave should be tighter remember to hold the sides for second longer and skip over the centre it will look after it’s self💙
This man is a superb welder ,And explains his strategy before on paper using a marker .That said .Very few can match his precision ,he's got years of experience and excellent tuition to become that good . Brilliant brilliant channel 👏👏👏and brilliant welding 👏👏😊The herringbone fillet weld will never be beaten and this man does it to perfection,, absolutely no undercut 👏👏He a bloody genius at welding
It is good skill but Please show on paper about pausing because with out pausing can not control under cut and gravity Finally give me answer about my feedback. Thank you!
Good information video bro
বড় ভাই নাইস অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে
Asta ahorita eres el mejor maestro de este oficio ,la explicación y los ejemplos están exelentes ...salufos desde Veracruz Mecico
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Welder profesional yang memberi pelatihan yang bagus
That looks like 7016 twin coat / 16TC. Very easy to weld vertical compared to 6013. Stronger and more ductile too :)
which electrode he can u tell me plz
awesome you really make me believe you're perfect wish you good job I should learn from you ❤❤
Great job bro from Thailand
Good 👍👍 job
Excelente video, que tipo de electrodo y amperaje usó?
Muy bien explicado ..
لو سمحت من فضلك ممكن تلحم ماسوره بوصه ونص و اتنين على بالتي حديد بس الماسورتين يكونو برزين 4ملي من غير متكل الماسوره بي سلك 7018و 6013
That is very comprehensive
Hermosas soldaduras!! Me gusta mucho este canal!!
Extremely Helpful Thank You!
Good 👍👍
Estoy intentando aprender a soldar , he visto muchos tutoriales, pero este es el mejor, muy bien explicado, es lo que he buscado , alguien que explique el movimiento del electrodo y el lo hace en papel , exelente
Cómo soldador no te recomiendo que inicies a soldar en 3 G i menos con este electrodo 7018 es más fácil empezar con otro tipo de soldadura como la 6010 o 6013 son más fáciles de soldar y practicar mucho
Amp and the thickness of the material can also make it easier for the learners please
ياريت اخي لو توضح الامبير الي تستخدمه في كل مرة لانه مهم جدا في اللحام بقدر أهمية الرسم
Is this not a fast freezing rod? I feel that that teneque could lead to slag inclustion
ลวดที่ใช้เชื่อมเบอร์อะไรครับ จากไทย
Диаметр электрода,какой ток?
Good teacher
يا اخي يا اسطي. نرجو منكم شرح فولتية الماكينة أو الامبيرية لكل وضع من أوضاع اللحام
veramente multo bElla los pases de saldatura muchos saludos desde Italia ciao
A cuantos amperes cada cordon?
How many ambrege is this?
very nice you job .
Толщина металла и электрода сколько? Сколько ампер поставили?
Bagus sekali cara nya
Biasa aj semua welder kayak itu teknikny,,
Hangi elektrot bu akmiyor malzeme kaç mm amper kaç elektrot çapı nedir teşekkürler
I also want to learn weld can u so the current And amp
Que sucede con los amperios utilizados. Saludos.
Chỉnh điện bao nhiêu vậy ạ
Qual é melhor amperagem pra esse tipo de trabalho
Very good elektrods
Thank you friends for sharing our experience
Wow amazing ❤
Que amperaje usaste para cada pase
What is curren range ??
companies kaha pe hai
ham nepal se Adewale hai
Foi uma maravilhosa aula para mim.
iya pakai LB 52U...cb pakai RB kalau jd....
I like to split up the strings on stick welding when it goes over 12 mm wide, and a little overlap on the strings, otherwise I think the result will be too rough structure like here
Рисует по разному а ведет электродом одинаково во всех 4х случаях😊
que careta usas amigo
mantap good,🙏
thật sự là bậc thầy về hàn điện
kalo saya ngelas fertikal itu dari atas turun kebawah jadi hasilnya ga terlalu tebal
Tienes que explicar en cuanto amperajes pones la máquina
Mao raman mga position na tana dol gekan sa uno hangtod sa kinataposan
Andarilho 🐺👣
Bonne vidéo mais elle n’est pas complète tu ne montre pas le réglage de l’intensité et tout ce qui va avec…
Свака част 👏👏👏
Qual amperagem
kalu pakai LB 52U sp ngak bisa....
You normaly weld it in a triangle movement i have the certification for that position and thick sheet metal from 12mm upwards
Its called the "F" position because the people who do this Fail everyother position.
😂,so what about 3G its "Good"?
@@orz8098 G means "Good enough"
Amper berapa bro plis🙏
Apakah itu seri 7018 3,2 mm 2,6 mm
Q eletrodo é esse
Pak bisa di jelaskan ampernya berapa itu pak
edestakaisen liikkeen sijasta tee kolmikulma liikettä. sulan hallinta helpompaa asentohitsauksessa erityisesti pystyhitsauksessa.
Llevo practicando con electrodo hace 4 meses y no logro que la escoria se levante sola
1st and 2nd pass look ok the 3rd needs more amps and the weave should be tighter remember to hold the sides for second longer and skip over the centre it will look after it’s self💙
teach welding in ss thin pipe
Always from bottom to up
Aper berapa bos ku
Грубая чешуйчатость.
Такой вертикал можно в один проход.
Такой вертикал с таким кастетом в один проход не варится!!!
🎉 Mexico
6 belder ka test
Qanaqa elektroddan foydalanas
You're way uneven. Even with the marker
Pas assez d'intensité 😱
You only need 3 passes anything more and your just playing with it at that point
Dậy chẻ con hả
вообще легко,конечно у тебя провар слабенький
The video can be perfect if he does Say the amparage sorry about My English
Ampere Machines not same
Lb 😂
Я так же лбхой варю