Do you have any advice on how to carry with camile. I started playing her for like two months now. However I have games where I would win or go even in lane. However my adc/mid/JG are going 3/8 and I always end up losing. I used to be grandmaster 6 seasons ago. Sadly match making is so bad so I am stuck in platinum because of bad teammates.
I know camille has low base ad but vs mao u can easly trade using ure sheild in early lvl's befor it turns into ap sheild then it becoms almost usless and what do think about hydra i fell like since the nerf the item ks fk usless but i think u have to build it anyway for wave clear
That's why I like maxing 1st ability cuz it allows me to use trinity/sunderer more often. It's better to adapt to q maxing play style rather than maxing W and poking the enemy.
Seus vídeos de camile são os melhores.
You're the first Camille i see with heart steel do you like this item on here?
Do you have any advice on how to carry with camile. I started playing her for like two months now. However I have games where I would win or go even in lane. However my adc/mid/JG are going 3/8 and I always end up losing. I used to be grandmaster 6 seasons ago. Sadly match making is so bad so I am stuck in platinum because of bad teammates.
I know camille has low base ad but vs mao u can easly trade using ure sheild in early lvl's befor it turns into ap sheild then it becoms almost usless and what do think about hydra i fell like since the nerf the item ks fk usless but i think u have to build it anyway for wave clear
That's why I like maxing 1st ability cuz it allows me to use trinity/sunderer more often. It's better to adapt to q maxing play style rather than maxing W and poking the enemy.
Not sure about this take it really doesn't deal damage before lvl 9