Global Warming 101 | National Geographic

  • Опубликовано: 17 май 2007
  • Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice. It could change our maps, and displace people from cities and tropical islands.
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Комментарии • 18 тыс.

  • @febbra2
    @febbra2 11 лет назад +1499

    Damage done, I'm affraid

  • @coolmancool29
    @coolmancool29 14 лет назад +372

    This Is Very Sad. I Watched This In School! But This Is Damn Sad!!!

  • @PainTrain87
    @PainTrain87 14 лет назад +16

    @MarkNobes they are probably spamming you for a reason. Tell me the dates in which this portion takes place. I can guarantee you the temperature change is not due to an increase in CO2 though, as CO2 has never been a climate driver.

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +9

    @randomlaughingman Clara, Did you reserve your first class ticket to Marshal Applewhite's UFO taxi service?
    Where to first, Europa, Or Nibiru?
    Have you talked to Donestra lately?

  • @Lights3287
    @Lights3287 14 лет назад +10

    More life as in mosquitoes...yes? I did read that mosquitoes will tend to be abundant due to global warmings affect on seasons too.
    I'm still somewhat skeptical of your theory. How is it possible that more Co2 will make more life?

  • @arryhuk
    @arryhuk 14 лет назад +71

    I am not a great supporter of the nuclear option but if helps reduce CO2 emmissions that has got to be seen more as a positive than a negative.
    I would prefer to see more sustainable and environmentally friendly options being encouraged and invested in coupled with a reduction in energy usage overall.
    However the latter option would require international agreements on reducing material consumption and energy usage as well as a new 'consumer' mindset geared towards sustainability.

  • @arryhuk
    @arryhuk 14 лет назад +3

    The BBC are running a new series,it is called 'Beautiful Minds'.The programmes centre on brilliant Men and Women in science who's thinking and discoveries have led to huge leaps in our understanding of the World and the Universe.The second programme in the series highlights the fantastic contribution of James Lovelock in recognising that the Planet Earth was a delicately balanced and self regulating system for the survival of life.

  • @jacewolf301
    @jacewolf301 14 лет назад +64

    The truth is the world could be changing because of global warming, Magnetic sphere shifts or even something we have not even researched. But what kind of problems would come from moving away from primitive fuels and moving to natural energy sources? Seriously, who would that hurt more, the 'average' people or the rich oil tycoons and the people they pay off to keep the world the same? What would it hurt for people to drop their pride and try to save the world for later generations?

  • @TemperatureVariation
    @TemperatureVariation 14 лет назад +4

    This includes the recent transition to the current interglacial period, Monnin et al (2001) showed that at the start of the temperature increase, it took 800 years for CO2 to catch up. Another study by Mudelsee (2001) looked at the whole 420,000 year ice core and concluded that CO2 lagged behind temperature fluctuations.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +4

    @Spitfiremacx that was beautiful spitfire! lol I have a tear in my eye

  • @tattat44
    @tattat44 14 лет назад +2

    Dude, I gotta give you props on trolling skills, simply on the basis of persistence.

  • @vengencefrom1979
    @vengencefrom1979 14 лет назад +5

    @PainTrain87 a rise in CO2 in the atmosphere needs a reason. where would you propose that it is coming from? spontaneous creation?

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +10

    " The inquiry subsequently reported that it had found no credible evidence that Mann had suppressed or falsified data. "

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +4

    I'm waiting for 2 thumbs up on your post shortly
    Have you ever tried Slimfast?

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +13

    I was just joking with you. I love plants, took Botany in college. I have a green thumb, I plant natives, a major problem we can point at Gore for is his helping to expand GATT to the WTO, which made the invasion of Invasive plants that are destroying native ecosystems much more common
    You ever check out Vegetable Man by PF?

  • @arryhuk
    @arryhuk 14 лет назад +2

    Well I think Nightversionn has it pitched just about perfect.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +9

    @Niightversionn I checked out the report and noticed something in their graph. The rise in temperature from 1910 to 1940 was greater then anytime after that. So the rise in temperature since then, is well within what would be considered normal, and seems to have no effect from the industrial period.
    Also, the AR4 report didn't come out until 2007, yet the graph stops at 2000. Is this the other way they are trying to hide the decline since 2000? lol

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +3

    Continuing habitat loss, due to activities such as agriculture and logging, is cited as the principal threat facing most bird populations, with invasive species and disease also having a serious impact.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +2

    @Didntsaythat Exactly. I just didn't think I had to break it down that far. But I guess I should have for the warmist. Thanks for clarifying that. :)

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +1

    @laurelbush Hope you feel better! Wrap yourself up from the warmth!

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +4

    @truthinstyle As Geddy Lee in the song "My Favorite Headache" puts it "Just between the Ice Ages anyway"

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +40

    Early in March, Arctic sea ice appeared to reach a maximum extent. However, after a short decline, the ice continued to grow. By the end of March, total extent approached 1979 to 2000 average levels for this time of year.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +2

    Among other things, the group, known as the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), found:
    When it comes to existing multilateral environmental agreements, or MEAs - international treaties for such things as preserving biodiversity, protecting wetlands and migratory species, and halting desertification - the U.N. officials responsible for implementing the agreements told the inspectors of a "lack of high-level support" from the organization's collective top leadership.

  • @mcatbs9
    @mcatbs9 14 лет назад

    @KnighttVision hmm...but what is important, our lives or economies?

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +6

    I read in the MIT documentation that 30 years is a standard for measuring climate. Not the only measurement. It is considered a sampling of weather over time so cycle trends can be recognized. El Nino was discovered not long after the Meteorological office started sampling data in 1851. It was rediscovered in 2010 during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +11

    in a moment nightversionn will clear the comment area, hopefully for the video. lol

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    It is very surprising that research in an area that depends so heavily on statistical methods has not been carried out in close collaboration with professional statisticians, the report concluded.

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +5

    @Nightversionn The fish farming industry has suffered from warming oceans there. Most had to be relocated to more open waters from the inside passage inlets of Vancouver Island and some tanks. The new technique you are talking about farms multiple complimentary species that eat fish poop like kelp etc. That makes for a healthier surroundings and cleaner water around Sponge Bobs farm. A similar concept to land farming using complimentary bugs and plants to keep other bugs and plants at bay.

  • @PureBlood1111
    @PureBlood1111 14 лет назад +3

    Sunspot and solar radiation activity almost exactly parallel temperature changes on the Earth. It correlates well with the anomalous post-war temperature dip, when global carbon dioxide levels were rising very fast. The increase in solar radiation prevents the formation of clouds, which have a cooling effect on the planet, therefore the temperature rises.

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +10

    Have you made plans yet to watch the Himalayan Glaciers melt in 2035?
    Are you also a Model railroader like Choo Choo Pachurai?

  • @40joel
    @40joel 14 лет назад

    @goog2k Where are you getting this information? Because this winter was the harshest in the U.S. since 1983

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +2

    @mcatbs9 Hey, I had a thought, if most of the world quit buying gas, what would happen to the price of gas? Ever heard of a concept called "supply and demand"? Would it become incredibly cheap to buy? Hard to resist for struggling countries and economies?

  • @TemperatureVariation
    @TemperatureVariation 14 лет назад +6

    @MarkNobes, did you know that 80% of worlds volcanoes lie in the oceans? They do produce CO2. Also, may you explain how the acidity experiments were done? The alarmists leaked hydrochloric acid into the water, instead or releasing CO2 into the air and letting it work through the system. The proper experiment shows that coral reefs will flourish in CO2.

  • @motoxmainia
    @motoxmainia 14 лет назад +22

    This brings home the salient point that mass shifts in Arctic ice have more to do with wind patterns than they do temperature, something Anthony Watts helpfully confirms in a recent post. As a result, Arctic ice extent is recovering from its 2007 low and is currently within a million square kilometres of normal and increasing as peak coverage approaches.

  • @philonetic
    @philonetic 14 лет назад

    Your willing perversion of wit and intelligence though are in abundance, and portray a persona of elementary rhetoric and prose. I applaud your endeavors in evasion of substantiality, and the knowledge that one cannot commit to your brave stand against adulthood and maturity, and stand by your side in the dismissal of the true state of being, truly pains me. You my good man can discern facts and form predictions with the acumen of an economist.
    If you think this means you, you're right.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +1

    @Spitfiremacx Thats too funny. :) Can't help but laugh at that one.

  • @PureBlood1111
    @PureBlood1111 14 лет назад +8

    @MarkNobes does that mean everything is going to be okay now Mark or will it not make one iota of difference who is in Downing Street.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +19

    Sea ice extent seemed to reach a maximum during the early part of the month, but after a brief decline, ice extent increased slowly and steadily through the end of the month. By the end of the month, extent had approached the 1979 to 2000 average. During March 2010, ice extent grew at an average of 13,200 square kilometers (5100 square miles) per day. Usually there is a net loss of ice through the month.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    @Spitfiremacx A very good statement. Glad you brought it back to life. No wonder why it was spammed out by the warmist.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    Can anyone else confirm the sea level during the MWP when greenland was growing grapes? I've only come up with about 1 meter above where we are now.

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +17

    @tybouk by offsetting gas.

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +8

    I'm not so sure the fossilsaurs need to worry about environmentalists using the baby drilling disaster in the gulf . Environmentalists just worn the public about stuff that isn't obvious, like potential for oil spills. Fossilsaurs may need to look out for angry fishermen. If I was Obama man I'd ask for an equal investment in alternatives for every dollar spent on the offshore baby drilling.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    @TheGNNgreentube Nice to meet you Andrea!

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    @Nighttversionn you have totally lost it I'm afraid to say. lol
    I like it! :-D

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +4

    Hi Bellicose,
    The usual crop of Red Cabbages are currently on a collective mental break. They all should be returning soon, at the same time of course

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +10

    looks like goog accepted the checkmate and moved on? lol
    it's a beautiful day!

  • @Dra60oN
    @Dra60oN 14 лет назад +2

    As I see here in my country it is not warmer every year it is colder.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    Knight - A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle
    Vision - Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight
    Nightversionn- something to do with New Wave music or Duran Duran lol
    Need I say more?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +8

    "So, in answer to the question, the warming rates for all 4 periods are similar and NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER."
    1860-1880 0.163
    1910-1940 0.15
    1975-1998 0.166
    1975-2009 0.161
    So where in those numbers from Jones do you see the massive increase in industry and population having an effect?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +10

    @Nightversionn oh thanks for the advice nightversionn! That was really nice of you!
    :-) How was your holiday?

  • @PureBlood1111
    @PureBlood1111 14 лет назад

    An important and complicated study looked at the plankton record in a deep sea core of the North Atlantic while also conducting experiments with living cultures of one of the most common small phytoplankton organisms, the coccolith Emiliania huxleyi.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    @Nightversionn Maybe the rivers which are fed by melting glaciers are drying up because the glaciers are frozen and not melting. That would explain the lack of water. You see, when glaciers melt, rivers flow, when they are frozen, the rivers are small....get it?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +5

    @randomlaughingman so you looking forward to that hockey stick? lol this room is too funny today

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +7

    Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Colorado said he was "surprised" by the Arctics recovery from the great melt of 2007 when summer ice shrank to its smallest recorded extent. "In retrospect," he says, "the reactions to the 2007 melt were overstated. The lesson is that we must be more careful in not reading too much into one event."

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    @Nightversionn "Geologists are about to consider whether humans themselves have started to influence the geological history of the world."
    There ya go nighty! Finally you agree in the population being the biggest factor in harming the environment! That will be so cool when everyone sees the only thing that can save the planet is balancing population with nature.
    Awesome! Right on nightversionn!

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 лет назад

    I had great teachers that loved teaching for teaching sake and even paid out of their pocket for supplemental educational materialand spend endless hours in the Liabrary and looking through book stores to make sure that the kids education didn't suffer from the limited and outdated material on hand and not only thought me how to read,remember,and recite but to also research,rationalize,reason,reanalyze and Revolutionize,(other 5 Rs for critical and creative thinking)

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +5

    Which lunatic would fit you best from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Martini or Cheswick?
    Maybe you can fit them both into your various Sybil incarnations?

  • @sniperontheroof123
    @sniperontheroof123 14 лет назад +5

    @OZcheckm8 Yeah...except satellite temp records show the same thing:
    data (dot) giss (dot) nasa (dot) gov (slash) gistemp (slash) graphs

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    Still waiting for that ellusive sign of global warming. Oceans are the same temp as when I was a kid, earths temps are pretty much the same as well. Anyone else find any extreme temps compaired to years ago?

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +2

    "Vegetable Man"
    In yellow shoes I get the blues
    Though I walk the streets with my plastic feet
    With my blue velvet trousers, make me feel pink
    There's a kind of stink about blue velvet trousers
    In my paisley shirt I look a jerk
    And my turquoise waistcoat is quite out of sight
    But oh oh my haircut looks so bad
    Vegetable man how are you?
    So I've changed my dear, and I find my knees,
    And I covered them up with the latest cut,
    And my pants and socks all point in a box,

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +4

    @Spitfiremacx LOL, how true my friend. Mark's post on the MWP was pretzel logic at best. I wonder if he's starting to lose it. Maybe all the kooks that are in his company are starting to wear off on him?

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +10

    @Nightversionn I see you're lonely again :(

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    Early spring bodes well at Vineyards
    In fact the gentle temperatures have been so consistent that new growth arrived way before the official beginning of spring.
    To those who do not know or work within the horticultural sphere, warm winter months raise questions about the repercussions of early springs. Wont an early spring mean that everything blooms and finishes to fast?, Long time Lopez wine maker Brent Charnley dispels those fears with one comment, it brings only positive things"

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    I imagine the lack of atmosphere means no transfer of the heat around the globe too while half the planet gets none for months and the other side gets it all with no night for months

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +8

    @Thisawareness Great points! Everyone should take note!

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +3

    @YourKidsArentSpecial Nice fast 3 thumbs up. You are working allot of accounts.
    How was your cheese today?
    Ty again for bringing out the OIl and banking ties Gore has
    Which is better Casey Jones Pachurai or Choo Choo Pachurai?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    @Nightversionn is laotian 78 years old?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    @buchedda Nightversionn's comment:
    "Weather in one region over days or months should not be confused with climate or the patterns of weather over decades and centuries"
    Is it always true or not?
    Why doesn't it apply to the topic we were discussing about France?

  • @motoxmainia
    @motoxmainia 14 лет назад +4

    The amount of sea ice covering the Arctic dramatically increased last month, reaching levels not seen at this time of year for nearly a decade.
    Returning ice - after years of declining cover - has astonished climate scientists who blamed unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea.
    Researchers said they recorded the most ice in March since 2001 - and that the cover is approaching long-term average levels for the first time in ten years.
    at 12:00 AM on 03rd April 2010

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +8

    "Vegetable Man" Continued
    They don't make long of my nylon socks,
    The watch, black watch
    My watch with a black face
    And a big pin, a little hole,
    And all the lot is what I got,
    It's what I wear, it's what you see,
    It must be me, it's what I am,
    Vegetable man.
    I've been looking all over the place for a place for me,
    But it ain't anywhere, it just ain't anywhere.
    Vegetable man, vegetable man,
    He's the kind of person, you just gonna see him if you can,
    Vegetable man.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    @laurelbush Well, that prediction sure seems to match up well with whats been going on in our climate the last hand full of years.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +1

    tree-planting programs in China, India, Vietnam and the United States, along with natural expansion have added more than 7 million hectares of new forests each year.
    South America and Africa had the highest yearly loss of forests. South America lost 4 million hectares. Africa lost almost 3 1/2 half million hectares. Asia gained more than 2 million hectares a year in the last decade. In North America and Central America, the forest area remained about the same. In Europe it continued to expand.

  • @bflatkitty
    @bflatkitty 14 лет назад +4

    @laurelbush When you fart in the tub it rises to the top. The same thing happens to co2 emitted from an underwater volcano. You could try to invent some method to keep the co2 down there. You guys loved volcanoes when you thought they were outputting more co2 than humans in your swindle video. They had to remove that part because they were off by about 13,000%

  • @PainTrain87
    @PainTrain87 14 лет назад +3

    @MarkNobes Well I'm glad that you have figured this out. You should mention this to your other alarmist friends who continue to use the multi-account thing against me, so that they don't have to address my question.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    @laurelbush Good stuff laurel. It never made sense that Greenland could grow grapes and wheat, and some how the earth was cooler back then. But then alot of what the warmist say doesn't add up.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +1

    Working on behalf of the United Nations, the scientists organized under IPCC's umbrella -- including Phil Jones -- regularly prepare prognoses on the Earth's looming greenhouse climate. Without the IPCC reports, governments would not be embroiled in such passionate debate about phasing out the age of oil and coal.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +5

    @Spitfiremacx Wait a minute, are you saying random's real name is Massa?
    I thought someone told me random it's Clara

  • @jacewolf301
    @jacewolf301 14 лет назад +6

    I thank you for reply, and let me put it to you like this. We have two options, be taxed for oil which will run out and ultimately increase in price till no one but the richest can buy it or be taxed for energy that would be limitless and may save the environment and improve our world. One options leads to 'normal' people getting fuel for a short time and then ti being cut away and the other, to energy which could belong to everyone. You will have to pay either way.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад

    @laurelbush Six fire places? He must be expecting more cold. lol

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +1

    Is Eric Massa the groper your relative?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +9

    wow, nightversionn has been off for 50 minutes! and all her clones. How long is that break?

  • @philonetic
    @philonetic 14 лет назад +8

    Oh yeah.
    Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +2

    @Nightversionn now would be a great time for you to flush the screen to remove the results. lol :-D

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    isn't the warming rate the same as it was in 1860 (before cars) according to Phil Jones chart?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +8

    March 2010 compared to past years
    The average ice extent for March 2010 was 670,000 square kilometers (260,000 square miles) higher than the record low for March, observed in 2006.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +4

    @Nightversionn wow you got to work early today nightversionn! Great to make a little overtime pay eh? say hi to Lloyd Blankfein for me

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    Speaking of war, who is the worst environmental criminal of all time? I'll give you a hint. He lit 1000 oil wells on fire and intentionally dumped millions of gallons of crude oil onto the land and into the ocean.

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад

    Are you from Scotland?

  • @PainTrain87
    @PainTrain87 14 лет назад +6

    @MarkNobes Wow, how ground breaking. Did you really have to go and find something that is virtual common sense? I applaud your effort, but this statement concludes nothing, without proper knowledge. Now, you are saying that CO2 has not been near 400ppm in the past 20my. You're right. Yet, temperatures were much warmer than today. How interesting. Good job have proven my point.

  • @MrOTLChamp
    @MrOTLChamp 14 лет назад +3

    @MrOTLChamp I mean 130 yrs of inaccurate data

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    @Nightversionn Hey Knighttvision doesn't really belong on your nut list does it? It's the only name on your nut list that starts with a K. And it's the only name that doesn't have the word night in it.

  • @PureBlood1111
    @PureBlood1111 14 лет назад

    (cont)This coccolith is a major contributor to calcium deposits in the oceans (50%). Contrary to other studies that found a decrease in calcification, this study found an increase in calcification. Whereas others changed the pH by adding external acids or bases, this team mimicked the real world more accurately by bubbling air with known concentrations of CO2 (280-750ppm, pH=8.1-7.7) through their cultures.

  • @Levon9404
    @Levon9404 11 лет назад +71

    I dare to any body who call them self scientist, & they are more touchy about the title than knowledge. Let them explain me one thing, what will be more useful when they are on the edge of the cliff & about to go down the cliff. The "knowledge or title"?

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +4

    I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад

    Continuing habitat loss, due to activities such as agriculture and logging, is cited as the principal threat facing most bird populations,

  • @KnighttVision
    @KnighttVision 14 лет назад +2

    1860-1880 0.163
    1975-2009 0.161
    How many cars were there in 1880? I forget
    Oh yeah! none!
    I guess cars can't change the temp! Awesome! Isn't that great news?

  • @TemperatureVariation
    @TemperatureVariation 14 лет назад +9

    Dr. Fred Goldberg-
    "We could have an ice age any time," Dr. Goldberg says, "Over the past one million years, we have experienced eight ice ages. Eighty percent of the last million years was ice age. We are lucky to live in this short inter-glacial period."
    english . peopledaily . com . cn/90001 /90777/ 90853/6959757 . ht ml

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад +3

    Gore's business partners set to cash in, again!
    Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways
    Wall Street banks, led by Goldman Sachs, started advising states across the nation on how to raise fast money by diverting the most necessary publicly owned assets-roads-into private ownership
    Goldman Sachs has played a remarkable role advising states on how to structure privatization deals-even while positioning itself to invest in the toll road market.

  • @PainTrain87
    @PainTrain87 14 лет назад

    @MarkNobes What "other" 4000+ years are you referring? I cannot answer a question that is not written well, and doesn't have a specific time frame. That is on you.

  • @Thisawareness
    @Thisawareness 14 лет назад

    @Nightversionn " I can only see one element of the climate system capable of generating these fast, global changes, that is, changes in the tropical atmosphere leading to changes in the inventory of the earth's most powerful greenhouse gas-- water vapor. "
    Dr. Wallace Broecker, a leading world authority on climate
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University,
    lecture presented at R. A. Daly Lecture at the American Geophysical Union's
    spring meeting in Baltimore, Md., May 1996.