If you don't understand 50% of it then it's ok, Cantonese speak bad Mandarin fast talk in a translator that's why, even if u can pick up 50% then it will changes your life b/c people pay tuition to learn from the top brains lol. I mean the RICH LIBERALS (Democrats/CCP = anti-god/Karl Marx/etc) have money, power and MAKE LIES to encourage females also focus on career (make money) as a COMPETITIVE as a man (God creates man can focus 24/7 on careers in a competitive war-like business or battlefield to make $ or hunting animals so even after 60-70 or 80s years old a man still can impregnate woman but God created woman's body TOTALLY DIFFERENT, women are NOT designed to focus on career or a competitive killing/hunting/battle fields but only the crazy competitive total focus energy & time concentration enough then one can achieve success either make a killing of money or kill the enemies or rivals, all success requires tough, harsh or even drive employees CRAZY like Steve Jobs/Trump/Elon Musk will THROW CHAIR to employees or yell or Donald Trump/Musk will threaten employee to either work 10-15hrs per day non-sleep until 2am or they said 'YOU'RE FIRED, f* u b*tch, Apple/Google/FACEBOOK/TESLA/TRUMP co. all pay big money to hire you WORK LIKE LONG HR SLAVE, the same GOES FOR Alibaba's Jack Ma which he called 996 or Tencents/all tech big barking boss yell at workers treat u like slave push u work until Toyota/Honda/Japanese workers work until die (there's a famous Japanese term for this).. this is called COMPETITIVE crazy hunger for success/money/battle field, otherwise they said f*ck u b*tch, Mark Z of FB CEO has a biz card reads "I'm CEO, b*tch", u must do what the CEO/rich powerful asshole boss/CEO told u work until die or no sleep to 3am until get the jobs are done or Trump/Musk/Jack Ma they all said U R FIRED, no bs, no mercy, this is a COMPETITIVE WORLD, only the CRAZY STRONGEST POWERFUL HUNGER ONES WILL WIN JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAME, there's no time, no mood, no bs for chi-chat romance in the office, either do it or die/to be fired!"... those big rich liberal tech companies uses beautiful words TRICK/LIE TO the 90% of the stupid mass populations by give u a fancy title/MANAGERS/STANFORD BS PhD degrees but they're just the wage slave - the RICH LIBERALS (leftists) Dem. tech co. LURE THE FEMALE workers by saying "our tech co. give u tons of perks: free foods, free laundry, free bonus/vacation and even help pay for FROZEN YOUR EGGS so female workers can FOCUS TOTALLY ON WORK here to help co. profit more then stock goes up then u'll be rich & successful INDEPENDENT STRONG WOMAN DON'T NEED TO RELY ON MAN=feminists lol", that's sweet-talk stupefy the female workers b/c they treat u like a wage slave - when women are totally focus on career work 996 LONG HRS (9am-9pm x 6 days/week no time for dating/marry=good for be COMPANIES WAGE SLAVE=make u stupid, only genius or man with wisdom Li-ka-shing/Warren Buffett/Steve Jobs/me etc edu u change your life which u should pay me tuition lol) then they DON'T HAVE TIME for marry or soon become a 38Y/O LEFTOVER WOMAN: God created woman only has 400 eggs=assume (48-14)*12eggs/yr=408, by age 30, only 12% fertility eggs left (that's called I edu people the true meaning of LEFTOVER WOMAN=LEFTOVER egg is NOT much left; man has almost UNLIMITED amount of sperms even after 70s men still very good in bed satisfy 3-10 wives no problem like 71y/o HK singer Alan Tam with 23y/o fans or 78y/o Macau Billionaire Stanley Ho has 4 wives procreates the last 17th kids at 78, he dies at 99y/o - the only requirement is THE MEN MUST RICH ENOUGH SO he's no STRESS no worry about $ or work long hrs then such no stress easy-life wealthy men are still very good in bed pump 2-9x like a hunger young man b/c successful wealthy ambitious men always LOVE TO WIN or make money which translate such hunger-for-success men have high sex drive even after 70s, u cannot compare them with avg poor men work under stress! By age 30=88% eggs are gone left with only 12%; by age 37, OPENAI educates u only 3% of her eggs left=97% is gone! AND WEALTH MEN/KINGS always want to have as many kids/sons as possible but it takes 5+ yrs to procreate 3 kids, so even AI edu u "if u want to have 3+ kids, don't marry gals over 37-5=32y/o b/c by age 37, she only has 3% eggs & abnormality like down syndrome or miscarriages will go up so u may loss a wife & kids in the womb & there's no way to REVERSE THIS WOMAN AGING even have $ but still cannot change this", some called it God's design it this way! SO DON'T LISTEN TO LEFTISTS=LIBERALS encourage female become FEMINISTS or sleep around w/ many bf or focus on career then miss the peak fertility age from 14-24 or 27 (China's legal age is 14, they said younger legal age is good for procreation, woman too old is bad for populations growth; Thomas Edison 100+ yrs ago in the US - is very common - also marry his 2nd wife at about 12-14 y/o, & many countries' legal age is 13-15). Believe & follow Conservative/God then u'll have a happy life b/c studies found marry v*rg*n or less sex partner woman will file divorce & also has no diseases & "God is watching on the above" so usually they don't sleep around for fear of God's watching & the final judgement day when gals do sins/sleep around! & good v*rg*n gals will not kill babies (abortion) or have complicated many Edison Chan pkg or become hookers - u don't know how crazy her old history is when she lies her past! It's VERY HARD TO EXPECT A PERSON DO WHAT U WANT even most kids don't listen & do her own parents TELL THEM what NOT to do & u cannot lock them up like a cow w/ a leash:), they've freedom or the modern feminists said "it's her body, she sleeps with any Edison Chan or be a hooker make money fast as she wants or abort babies because this is her body, u can't stop them" but smart men said "it's my money, rich smart men surely don't marry such junkies. Only God knows how filthy their past! We prefer v girl or less body counts obedient good supportive gal! Men have choice to avoid u too:)"
Wow, congratulate to all of your kids are outstanding & emphasis on education:). I also was an electrical engineer and grad from UC school, has SF CA duplex house and invented one of the world best rat/mouse traps that kills over 500 rodents. After I shared the video of successful killing 400+ rodents on RUclips, many Americans want me to copyright and mass produce to solve 21 Millions of American households face rodent infestation problems that's $ Billion market and later I even can expand to sell the product to Europe, India (has 1.4B people or 300M houses holds; cannot sell it to China because Chinese low-life people will copy it then sell it for half price, they are always some immoral people there lol), Japan, Indonesia (>250M ppl), Brazil (over 210M population), then use the $M or $B profit to reinvest in Real Estate, buy stocks like Warren Buffett/S&P 500 index/etc (I self taught investment A-Z too; love to travel & sing/a-z), then maybe 20 yrs later let the future wife/kids or next generations take the co. to IPO sell it over P/E=20 become billionaire hopefully. So the important is not all about education or money, it's all about the brain power or love to learn A-Z and always have creative solutions to many problems. Rodents (rats) are one of the smartest animals that 99% of all other products on the market fail to catch/kill so I did tons of R&D works to invent 1 of the best traps in the world. I've to copyright it then mass produce then sell it to be more wealthy (now I'm already a millionaire) then donate some $ to do philanthropy or even renounce US citizenship to avoid pay too much tax and use that taxation money to compound wealth then donate some money help the people I love to change their life instead of let the IRS takes my taxation to fund many wars (that is against my will-I love peace, love & social harmony instead of war). 您好,为你栽培所有的孩子都这么成功出色鼓掌。我也是加州大学电子工程师毕业,我的同学、朋友都是加州大学伯克莱和史丹佛毕业都给我厉害。我是最差的哈。我住在三藩市,好不容易把租客踢走了,才发觉有很多老鼠,然后购买世上几乎所有的捕鼠器都失败,然后我就专心研究发明了世界上最好的捕鼠器,然后老外看了。都希望我快点。申请专利,然后大量生产卖给他赚几千万到亿元,甚至下一代把公司上市像马云一样,有个聪明美女趁着年轻漂亮干净(单纯没有太多的陈冠希男友复杂关系哈哈)乖巧从来不在乎年龄,身高,甚至样子很丑像外星人选择嫁给那个当初的矮穷挫从来不在乎年龄身高,只在乎男人的赚钱能力或者勉强睿智。甚至改变整个家族的命运,将来善待无忧。还有叫他古代有才华。有各种解决问题的办法创意脑中有才华最重要,千万不要听世上99%t所有的媒体都是给左派富豪精英控制了。让别人变愚蠢。一定要嫁给高富帅才是最好的,那叫愚民政策。人家聪明的人只看重男人的赚钱能力或者睿智有智慧改变整个家族命运,跟着马云或者世界伟人领导邓小平矮个子就让中国一半人脱贫成了世界第二经济体国人吃香喝辣有大长腿健康世界地位高活得有尊严。还有跟约155公分身高的耶稣基督矮个子得永生,还有音乐天才贝多芬、Mozart,世界天才牛顿,毕加索、国父孙中山、文豪鲁迅、曹操、前世界首富肯耐基、李小龙、郭富城、梁朝伟、李连杰等等优秀男人都矮于1米7,所以跟着富贵,聪明,幽默了不起的男人跟身高1毛钱都没有关系(所以把身高放在第一位是愚民政策,好让那些愚蠢的女人变蠢,自己变聪明就好了。所以他们说同性恋自豪,无产阶级万岁全都是谎谎言让别人变愚蠢人家聪明的女人只看重男人的赚钱能力或者解决问题能改变整个家族的能力,从来不在乎年龄,身高,甚至样子很丑,美女们说是关了灯、结了婚每天睡都一样哈哈大笑!)整个家族甚至整个国家一半人脱贫改变命运让国家让国人活的有尊严。不想浪费时间,广东人国语不太好,对着翻译器节省时间说一下而已。为你培养出色的子孙点赞、好样喝彩!!
@@garychiu1424 If you don't understand 50% of it then it's ok, Cantonese speak bad Mandarin fast talk in a translator that's why, even if u can pick up 50% then it will changes your life b/c people pay tuition to learn from the top brains lol. I mean the RICH LIBERALS (Democrats/CCP = anti-god/Karl Marx/etc) have money, power and MAKE LIES to encourage females also focus on career (make money) as a COMPETITIVE as a man (God creates man can focus 24/7 on careers in a competitive war-like business or battlefield to make $ or hunting animals so even after 60-70 or 80s years old a man still can impregnate woman but God created woman's body TOTALLY DIFFERENT, women are NOT designed to focus on career or a competitive killing/hunting/battle fields but only the crazy competitive total focus energy & time concentration enough then one can achieve success either make a killing of money or kill the enemies or rivals, all success requires tough, harsh or even drive employees CRAZY like Steve Jobs/Trump/Elon Musk will THROW CHAIR to employees or yell or Donald Trump/Musk will threaten employee to either work 10-15hrs per day non-sleep until 2am or they said 'YOU'RE FIRED, f* u b*tch, Apple/Google/FACEBOOK/TESLA/TRUMP co. all pay big money to hire you WORK LIKE LONG HR SLAVE, the same GOES FOR Alibaba's Jack Ma which he called 996 or Tencents/all tech big barking boss yell at workers treat u like slave push u work until Toyota/Honda/Japanese workers work until die (there's a famous Japanese term for this).. this is called COMPETITIVE crazy hunger for success/money/battle field, otherwise they said f*ck u b*tch, Mark Z of FB CEO has a biz card reads "I'm CEO, b*tch", u must do what the CEO/rich powerful asshole boss/CEO told u work until die or no sleep to 3am until get the jobs are done or Trump/Musk/Jack Ma they all said U R FIRED, no bs, no mercy, this is a COMPETITIVE WORLD, only the CRAZY STRONGEST POWERFUL HUNGER ONES WILL WIN JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAME, there's no time, no mood, no bs for chi-chat romance in the office, either do it or die/to be fired!"... those big rich liberal tech companies uses beautiful words TRICK/LIE TO the 90% of the stupid mass populations by give u a fancy title/MANAGERS/STANFORD BS PhD degrees but they're just the wage slave - the RICH LIBERALS (leftists) Dem. tech co. LURE THE FEMALE workers by saying "our tech co. give u tons of perks: free foods, free laundry, free bonus/vacation and even help pay for FROZEN YOUR EGGS so female workers can FOCUS TOTALLY ON WORK here to help co. profit more then stock goes up then u'll be rich & successful INDEPENDENT STRONG WOMAN DON'T NEED TO RELY ON MAN=feminists lol", that's sweet-talk stupefy the female workers b/c they treat u like a wage slave - when women are totally focus on career work 996 LONG HRS (9am-9pm x 6 days/week no time for dating/marry=good for be COMPANIES WAGE SLAVE=make u stupid, only genius or man with wisdom Li-ka-shing/Warren Buffett/Steve Jobs/me etc edu u change your life which u should pay me tuition lol) then they DON'T HAVE TIME for marry or soon become a 38Y/O LEFTOVER WOMAN: God created woman only has 400 eggs=assume (48-14)*12eggs/yr=408, by age 30, only 12% fertility eggs left (that's called I edu people the true meaning of LEFTOVER WOMAN=LEFTOVER egg is NOT much left; man has almost UNLIMITED amount of sperms even after 70s men still very good in bed satisfy 3-10 wives no problem like 71y/o HK singer Alan Tam with 23y/o fans or 78y/o Macau Billionaire Stanley Ho has 4 wives procreates the last 17th kids at 78, he dies at 99y/o - the only requirement is THE MEN MUST RICH ENOUGH SO he's no STRESS no worry about $ or work long hrs then such no stress easy-life wealthy men are still very good in bed pump 2-9x like a hunger young man b/c successful wealthy ambitious men always LOVE TO WIN or make money which translate such hunger-for-success men have high sex drive even after 70s, u cannot compare them with avg poor men work under stress! By age 30=88% eggs are gone left with only 12%; by age 37, OPENAI educates u only 3% of her eggs left=97% is gone! AND WEALTH MEN/KINGS always want to have as many kids/sons as possible but it takes 5+ yrs to procreate 3 kids, so even AI edu u "if u want to have 3+ kids, don't marry gals over 37-5=32y/o b/c by age 37, she only has 3% eggs & abnormality like down syndrome or miscarriages will go up so u may loss a wife & kids in the womb & there's no way to REVERSE THIS WOMAN AGING even have $ but still cannot change this", some called it God's design it this way! SO DON'T LISTEN TO LEFTISTS=LIBERALS encourage female become FEMINISTS or sleep around w/ many bf or focus on career then miss the peak fertility age from 14-24 or 27 (China's legal age is 14, they said younger legal age is good for procreation, woman too old is bad for populations growth; Thomas Edison 100+ yrs ago in the US - is very common - also marry his 2nd wife at about 12-14 y/o, & many countries' legal age is 13-15). Believe & follow Conservative/God then u'll have a happy life b/c studies found marry v*rg*n or less sex partner woman will file divorce & also has no diseases & "God is watching on the above" so usually they don't sleep around for fear of God's watching & the final judgement day when gals do sins/sleep around! & good v*rg*n gals will not kill babies (abortion) or have complicated many Edison Chan pkg or become hookers - u don't know how crazy her old history is when she lies her past! It's VERY HARD TO EXPECT A PERSON DO WHAT U WANT even most kids don't listen & do her own parents TELL THEM what NOT to do & u cannot lock them up like a cow w/ a leash:), they've freedom or the modern feminists said "it's her body, she sleeps with any Edison Chan or be a hooker make money fast as she wants or abort babies because this is her body, u can't stop them" but smart men said "it's my money, rich smart men surely don't marry such junkies. Only God knows how filthy their past! We prefer v girl or less body counts obedient good supportive gal! Men have choice to avoid u too:)"
差別是 台灣早不把男性意見當一回事
所以 很多男性不只躺平 還不說話了
看看台灣的結婚率 生育率 離婚率
差別在 現在執政黨 很會牽拖
推給這個黨 那個黨
他們自己執政時 就會怪老百姓自己失敗
婚後有個人天天發文罵老公豬隊友,造孽啊= =
沒錯 標準不能降低,不要霍害別人😂
我呀,我每一门都超过120. 211 是我的最底线,我超过211线百多分哦。但是我要女人至少D罩杯
不少三十五岁停水停电, 她处在食品不安全造成.😢
If you don't understand 50% of it then it's ok, Cantonese speak bad Mandarin fast talk in a translator that's why, even if u can pick up 50% then it will changes your life b/c people pay tuition to learn from the top brains lol. I mean the RICH LIBERALS (Democrats/CCP = anti-god/Karl Marx/etc) have money, power and MAKE LIES to encourage females also focus on career (make money) as a COMPETITIVE as a man (God creates man can focus 24/7 on careers in a competitive war-like business or battlefield to make $ or hunting animals so even after 60-70 or 80s years old a man still can impregnate woman but God created woman's body TOTALLY DIFFERENT, women are NOT designed to focus on career or a competitive killing/hunting/battle fields but only the crazy competitive total focus energy & time concentration enough then one can achieve success either make a killing of money or kill the enemies or rivals, all success requires tough, harsh or even drive employees CRAZY like Steve Jobs/Trump/Elon Musk will THROW CHAIR to employees or yell or Donald Trump/Musk will threaten employee to either work 10-15hrs per day non-sleep until 2am or they said 'YOU'RE FIRED, f* u b*tch, Apple/Google/FACEBOOK/TESLA/TRUMP co. all pay big money to hire you WORK LIKE LONG HR SLAVE, the same GOES FOR Alibaba's Jack Ma which he called 996 or Tencents/all tech big barking boss yell at workers treat u like slave push u work until Toyota/Honda/Japanese workers work until die (there's a famous Japanese term for this).. this is called COMPETITIVE crazy hunger for success/money/battle field, otherwise they said f*ck u b*tch, Mark Z of FB CEO has a biz card reads "I'm CEO, b*tch", u must do what the CEO/rich powerful asshole boss/CEO told u work until die or no sleep to 3am until get the jobs are done or Trump/Musk/Jack Ma they all said U R FIRED, no bs, no mercy, this is a COMPETITIVE WORLD, only the CRAZY STRONGEST POWERFUL HUNGER ONES WILL WIN JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAME, there's no time, no mood, no bs for chi-chat romance in the office, either do it or die/to be fired!"... those big rich liberal tech companies uses beautiful words TRICK/LIE TO the 90% of the stupid mass populations by give u a fancy title/MANAGERS/STANFORD BS PhD degrees but they're just the wage slave - the RICH LIBERALS (leftists) Dem. tech co. LURE THE FEMALE workers by saying "our tech co. give u tons of perks: free foods, free laundry, free bonus/vacation and even help pay for FROZEN YOUR EGGS so female workers can FOCUS TOTALLY ON WORK here to help co. profit more then stock goes up then u'll be rich & successful INDEPENDENT STRONG WOMAN DON'T NEED TO RELY ON MAN=feminists lol", that's sweet-talk stupefy the female workers b/c they treat u like a wage slave - when women are totally focus on career work 996 LONG HRS (9am-9pm x 6 days/week no time for dating/marry=good for be COMPANIES WAGE SLAVE=make u stupid, only genius or man with wisdom Li-ka-shing/Warren Buffett/Steve Jobs/me etc edu u change your life which u should pay me tuition lol) then they DON'T HAVE TIME for marry or soon become a 38Y/O LEFTOVER WOMAN: God created woman only has 400 eggs=assume (48-14)*12eggs/yr=408, by age 30, only 12% fertility eggs left (that's called I edu people the true meaning of LEFTOVER WOMAN=LEFTOVER egg is NOT much left; man has almost UNLIMITED amount of sperms even after 70s men still very good in bed satisfy 3-10 wives no problem like 71y/o HK singer Alan Tam with 23y/o fans or 78y/o Macau Billionaire Stanley Ho has 4 wives procreates the last 17th kids at 78, he dies at 99y/o - the only requirement is THE MEN MUST RICH ENOUGH SO he's no STRESS no worry about $ or work long hrs then such no stress easy-life wealthy men are still very good in bed pump 2-9x like a hunger young man b/c successful wealthy ambitious men always LOVE TO WIN or make money which translate such hunger-for-success men have high sex drive even after 70s, u cannot compare them with avg poor men work under stress! By age 30=88% eggs are gone left with only 12%; by age 37, OPENAI educates u only 3% of her eggs left=97% is gone! AND WEALTH MEN/KINGS always want to have as many kids/sons as possible but it takes 5+ yrs to procreate 3 kids, so even AI edu u "if u want to have 3+ kids, don't marry gals over 37-5=32y/o b/c by age 37, she only has 3% eggs & abnormality like down syndrome or miscarriages will go up so u may loss a wife & kids in the womb & there's no way to REVERSE THIS WOMAN AGING even have $ but still cannot change this", some called it God's design it this way! SO DON'T LISTEN TO LEFTISTS=LIBERALS encourage female become FEMINISTS or sleep around w/ many bf or focus on career then miss the peak fertility age from 14-24 or 27 (China's legal age is 14, they said younger legal age is good for procreation, woman too old is bad for populations growth; Thomas Edison 100+ yrs ago in the US - is very common - also marry his 2nd wife at about 12-14 y/o, & many countries' legal age is 13-15). Believe & follow Conservative/God then u'll have a happy life b/c studies found marry v*rg*n or less sex partner woman will file divorce & also has no diseases & "God is watching on the above" so usually they don't sleep around for fear of God's watching & the final judgement day when gals do sins/sleep around! & good v*rg*n gals will not kill babies (abortion) or have complicated many Edison Chan pkg or become hookers - u don't know how crazy her old history is when she lies her past! It's VERY HARD TO EXPECT A PERSON DO WHAT U WANT even most kids don't listen & do her own parents TELL THEM what NOT to do & u cannot lock them up like a cow w/ a leash:), they've freedom or the modern feminists said "it's her body, she sleeps with any Edison Chan or be a hooker make money fast as she wants or abort babies because this is her body, u can't stop them" but smart men said "it's my money, rich smart men surely don't marry such junkies. Only God knows how filthy their past! We prefer v girl or less body counts obedient good supportive gal! Men have choice to avoid u too:)"
結婚能幹嘛 錢要上繳
花幾百萬 買廢自己的人生
大多數已成功男生都經歷過風風雨雨 尤其是人性
不可能輕易會入他們的眼 走到最後眼裡都是賺錢
享受人生 怎可能再跟人生開玩笑呢
其實她有權力要求 但不容易找到
中國離婚率這麼高,有結婚也不一定幸福,很多男人失業。😅 女人只要有錢,什麼年紀都很漂亮。人最重要的是要有健康和有點錢,其他都不用太在乎。
本質就是買賣 價值交換 都想找保障..愛情變質
1:45 我知道為什麼?
38歲, 一股酸宿味
在朋友圈发东西不就是为了得到评头论足吗,别人说了自己不喜欢听的就破防,你完全可以把朋友圈设成 仅自己可见。
11分11秒 91年怎樣可能35 今年才33 加上虛歲才34 。肯定報假年紀 還要說91年35。😂😂。全部都報假
第一個你有種把美顏濾鏡給關了, 一副寡婦臉沒男人要
15:30 這位說的非常好,我喜歡~
So? and then?
Wow, congratulate to all of your kids are outstanding & emphasis on education:). I also was an electrical engineer and grad from UC school, has SF CA duplex house and invented one of the world best rat/mouse traps that kills over 500 rodents. After I shared the video of successful killing 400+ rodents on RUclips, many Americans want me to copyright and mass produce to solve 21 Millions of American households face rodent infestation problems that's $ Billion market and later I even can expand to sell the product to Europe, India (has 1.4B people or 300M houses holds; cannot sell it to China because Chinese low-life people will copy it then sell it for half price, they are always some immoral people there lol), Japan, Indonesia (>250M ppl), Brazil (over 210M population), then use the $M or $B profit to reinvest in Real Estate, buy stocks like Warren Buffett/S&P 500 index/etc (I self taught investment A-Z too; love to travel & sing/a-z), then maybe 20 yrs later let the future wife/kids or next generations take the co. to IPO sell it over P/E=20 become billionaire hopefully. So the important is not all about education or money, it's all about the brain power or love to learn A-Z and always have creative solutions to many problems. Rodents (rats) are one of the smartest animals that 99% of all other products on the market fail to catch/kill so I did tons of R&D works to invent 1 of the best traps in the world. I've to copyright it then mass produce then sell it to be more wealthy (now I'm already a millionaire) then donate some $ to do philanthropy or even renounce US citizenship to avoid pay too much tax and use that taxation money to compound wealth then donate some money help the people I love to change their life instead of let the IRS takes my taxation to fund many wars (that is against my will-I love peace, love & social harmony instead of war). 您好,为你栽培所有的孩子都这么成功出色鼓掌。我也是加州大学电子工程师毕业,我的同学、朋友都是加州大学伯克莱和史丹佛毕业都给我厉害。我是最差的哈。我住在三藩市,好不容易把租客踢走了,才发觉有很多老鼠,然后购买世上几乎所有的捕鼠器都失败,然后我就专心研究发明了世界上最好的捕鼠器,然后老外看了。都希望我快点。申请专利,然后大量生产卖给他赚几千万到亿元,甚至下一代把公司上市像马云一样,有个聪明美女趁着年轻漂亮干净(单纯没有太多的陈冠希男友复杂关系哈哈)乖巧从来不在乎年龄,身高,甚至样子很丑像外星人选择嫁给那个当初的矮穷挫从来不在乎年龄身高,只在乎男人的赚钱能力或者勉强睿智。甚至改变整个家族的命运,将来善待无忧。还有叫他古代有才华。有各种解决问题的办法创意脑中有才华最重要,千万不要听世上99%t所有的媒体都是给左派富豪精英控制了。让别人变愚蠢。一定要嫁给高富帅才是最好的,那叫愚民政策。人家聪明的人只看重男人的赚钱能力或者睿智有智慧改变整个家族命运,跟着马云或者世界伟人领导邓小平矮个子就让中国一半人脱贫成了世界第二经济体国人吃香喝辣有大长腿健康世界地位高活得有尊严。还有跟约155公分身高的耶稣基督矮个子得永生,还有音乐天才贝多芬、Mozart,世界天才牛顿,毕加索、国父孙中山、文豪鲁迅、曹操、前世界首富肯耐基、李小龙、郭富城、梁朝伟、李连杰等等优秀男人都矮于1米7,所以跟着富贵,聪明,幽默了不起的男人跟身高1毛钱都没有关系(所以把身高放在第一位是愚民政策,好让那些愚蠢的女人变蠢,自己变聪明就好了。所以他们说同性恋自豪,无产阶级万岁全都是谎谎言让别人变愚蠢人家聪明的女人只看重男人的赚钱能力或者解决问题能改变整个家族的能力,从来不在乎年龄,身高,甚至样子很丑,美女们说是关了灯、结了婚每天睡都一样哈哈大笑!)整个家族甚至整个国家一半人脱贫改变命运让国家让国人活的有尊严。不想浪费时间,广东人国语不太好,对着翻译器节省时间说一下而已。为你培养出色的子孙点赞、好样喝彩!!
@@garychiu1424 If you don't understand 50% of it then it's ok, Cantonese speak bad Mandarin fast talk in a translator that's why, even if u can pick up 50% then it will changes your life b/c people pay tuition to learn from the top brains lol. I mean the RICH LIBERALS (Democrats/CCP = anti-god/Karl Marx/etc) have money, power and MAKE LIES to encourage females also focus on career (make money) as a COMPETITIVE as a man (God creates man can focus 24/7 on careers in a competitive war-like business or battlefield to make $ or hunting animals so even after 60-70 or 80s years old a man still can impregnate woman but God created woman's body TOTALLY DIFFERENT, women are NOT designed to focus on career or a competitive killing/hunting/battle fields but only the crazy competitive total focus energy & time concentration enough then one can achieve success either make a killing of money or kill the enemies or rivals, all success requires tough, harsh or even drive employees CRAZY like Steve Jobs/Trump/Elon Musk will THROW CHAIR to employees or yell or Donald Trump/Musk will threaten employee to either work 10-15hrs per day non-sleep until 2am or they said 'YOU'RE FIRED, f* u b*tch, Apple/Google/FACEBOOK/TESLA/TRUMP co. all pay big money to hire you WORK LIKE LONG HR SLAVE, the same GOES FOR Alibaba's Jack Ma which he called 996 or Tencents/all tech big barking boss yell at workers treat u like slave push u work until Toyota/Honda/Japanese workers work until die (there's a famous Japanese term for this).. this is called COMPETITIVE crazy hunger for success/money/battle field, otherwise they said f*ck u b*tch, Mark Z of FB CEO has a biz card reads "I'm CEO, b*tch", u must do what the CEO/rich powerful asshole boss/CEO told u work until die or no sleep to 3am until get the jobs are done or Trump/Musk/Jack Ma they all said U R FIRED, no bs, no mercy, this is a COMPETITIVE WORLD, only the CRAZY STRONGEST POWERFUL HUNGER ONES WILL WIN JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAME, there's no time, no mood, no bs for chi-chat romance in the office, either do it or die/to be fired!"... those big rich liberal tech companies uses beautiful words TRICK/LIE TO the 90% of the stupid mass populations by give u a fancy title/MANAGERS/STANFORD BS PhD degrees but they're just the wage slave - the RICH LIBERALS (leftists) Dem. tech co. LURE THE FEMALE workers by saying "our tech co. give u tons of perks: free foods, free laundry, free bonus/vacation and even help pay for FROZEN YOUR EGGS so female workers can FOCUS TOTALLY ON WORK here to help co. profit more then stock goes up then u'll be rich & successful INDEPENDENT STRONG WOMAN DON'T NEED TO RELY ON MAN=feminists lol", that's sweet-talk stupefy the female workers b/c they treat u like a wage slave - when women are totally focus on career work 996 LONG HRS (9am-9pm x 6 days/week no time for dating/marry=good for be COMPANIES WAGE SLAVE=make u stupid, only genius or man with wisdom Li-ka-shing/Warren Buffett/Steve Jobs/me etc edu u change your life which u should pay me tuition lol) then they DON'T HAVE TIME for marry or soon become a 38Y/O LEFTOVER WOMAN: God created woman only has 400 eggs=assume (48-14)*12eggs/yr=408, by age 30, only 12% fertility eggs left (that's called I edu people the true meaning of LEFTOVER WOMAN=LEFTOVER egg is NOT much left; man has almost UNLIMITED amount of sperms even after 70s men still very good in bed satisfy 3-10 wives no problem like 71y/o HK singer Alan Tam with 23y/o fans or 78y/o Macau Billionaire Stanley Ho has 4 wives procreates the last 17th kids at 78, he dies at 99y/o - the only requirement is THE MEN MUST RICH ENOUGH SO he's no STRESS no worry about $ or work long hrs then such no stress easy-life wealthy men are still very good in bed pump 2-9x like a hunger young man b/c successful wealthy ambitious men always LOVE TO WIN or make money which translate such hunger-for-success men have high sex drive even after 70s, u cannot compare them with avg poor men work under stress! By age 30=88% eggs are gone left with only 12%; by age 37, OPENAI educates u only 3% of her eggs left=97% is gone! AND WEALTH MEN/KINGS always want to have as many kids/sons as possible but it takes 5+ yrs to procreate 3 kids, so even AI edu u "if u want to have 3+ kids, don't marry gals over 37-5=32y/o b/c by age 37, she only has 3% eggs & abnormality like down syndrome or miscarriages will go up so u may loss a wife & kids in the womb & there's no way to REVERSE THIS WOMAN AGING even have $ but still cannot change this", some called it God's design it this way! SO DON'T LISTEN TO LEFTISTS=LIBERALS encourage female become FEMINISTS or sleep around w/ many bf or focus on career then miss the peak fertility age from 14-24 or 27 (China's legal age is 14, they said younger legal age is good for procreation, woman too old is bad for populations growth; Thomas Edison 100+ yrs ago in the US - is very common - also marry his 2nd wife at about 12-14 y/o, & many countries' legal age is 13-15). Believe & follow Conservative/God then u'll have a happy life b/c studies found marry v*rg*n or less sex partner woman will file divorce & also has no diseases & "God is watching on the above" so usually they don't sleep around for fear of God's watching & the final judgement day when gals do sins/sleep around! & good v*rg*n gals will not kill babies (abortion) or have complicated many Edison Chan pkg or become hookers - u don't know how crazy her old history is when she lies her past! It's VERY HARD TO EXPECT A PERSON DO WHAT U WANT even most kids don't listen & do her own parents TELL THEM what NOT to do & u cannot lock them up like a cow w/ a leash:), they've freedom or the modern feminists said "it's her body, she sleeps with any Edison Chan or be a hooker make money fast as she wants or abort babies because this is her body, u can't stop them" but smart men said "it's my money, rich smart men surely don't marry such junkies. Only God knows how filthy their past! We prefer v girl or less body counts obedient good supportive gal! Men have choice to avoid u too:)"
中國女權思想進入史上最嚴重時代,越來越沒有底線! 82年大齡剩女震驚發小的兒子生兒子了 ruclips.net/video/C09wUo9cmds/видео.html