  • Опубликовано: 18 июн 2024
  • So, when preaching the Bible, two valid methods can be used:
    • One method is to focus solely upon just one verse or passage out of the over 31,000 verses of the Bible, work only through the words and ideas of that verse alone, and then go on to the next. That is called textual preaching, or sticking to only the verse or text of the message.
    • The other method of preaching is expository preaching, which sticks to the text, but it also adds the weight of what God has said about that verse from any of the other 31,000 verses of the Bible. We are doing this type of expository preaching of the Word in Revelation.
    All 404 verses in the Book of Revelation are incredibly tied to what God began in Genesis and is in the process of finishing. God has given pieces of information tucked away in the words of the Prophets about the events in the last days. Each of these is a powerful lesson about His character and His plan and teaches us more about how to worship and serve God through every season of our lives.
    Now, using the expository method of study, let me show you the immense weight of all that God has previously told us in the rest of the Bible about the coming false messiah called the antichrist. We began to meet this worst human who will ever live as we stepped into Revelation 6. But as we did, we found a person about whom there are:
    27 Chapters of the Bible & Counting
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Комментарии • 104

  • @wdennis8
    @wdennis8 11 дней назад +2

    Thank you pastor. I enjoy your channel. Thank you for being faithful to God. I share all your videos on my Facebook page. I join you in prayer that God uses your sermon to reach lost souls and rejuvenate lukewarm Christians

  • @randyholdner2967
    @randyholdner2967 6 дней назад

    He never answers my prayers when I really need him to help. We just lost the Stanley cup to another Yankee American Team and my Brother is still dying and close to losing everything. Thanks JESUS!!!’

  • @Jesusismysavior58
    @Jesusismysavior58 9 дней назад

    You are a very good and devoted teacher of God’s Holy Word. I thank you. To God be the glory. Amen

  • @carryHIScross
    @carryHIScross 12 дней назад +1

    ✝️estify 🙌
    Soli Deo Gloria

  • @youngkmin2715
    @youngkmin2715 12 дней назад +1

    Alleluia! Amen!

  • @user-jt3ex9pl8s
    @user-jt3ex9pl8s 12 дней назад +1

    🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🌷🩵🌷🩵🌷🩵🌷🩵🌷🩵🌷🩵Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

    @TH3FALS3PROPH3T 12 дней назад

    9:17 love that prayer so much 🙏

    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice 12 дней назад

      Does YAHWEH thrust a SWORD into BARACK OBAMA???
      By the mouth of many witnesses a thing is established. Habakkuk and Ezekiel speak.
      Habakkuk 1:9-13 "All come, Hamas, assemble the horde of the east, gather the captives like sand. Mock the ruler, and their judgment a joke, laugh as all strongholds become rubble, seize them, then pass through like the wind, pass through guilty by the strength of your god. From of old Yahweh, He is the god Holy, who died? Yahweh, the appointed judge, and the Rock will establish the judgment. The one who was overcome is pure. He sees the evil's power. Look at the evil. What do you see? Do you favor the ones who do wickedly? Are you silent when the wicked swallow those more righteous than them?"
      Habakkuk 3:11-13 "From the east the crescent stood at the heights, walking in the light of the weapons, the radiance of Barack (Husein Obama) from the thrust. There is indignation at his march on the Earth; in anger he trampled the nations. He went forth for the salvation of his people; for the salvation he's anointed. Now strike the head of the house of the wicked; lay him open from thigh to neck, commune with the Lifted High."
      Ezekiel 1:13-14 “for the living being was like a consumed ember, a consumed vision upright, shall he walk among living beings, fiery and bright was Barack, he had come out of the consummation. The living beings ran to and fro before the vision of Barack.”
      Ezekiel 21:2-5 "Son of man set your face towards Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuary and prophecy against the land of Israel, and say to the land of Israel, "Thus saith Yahweh, "Behold I am against, and the drawn sword from the sheath, and cut off shall be the righteous and the wicked. ON THIS ACCOUNT cut off the righteous and the wicked, thus the drawn sword from the sheath, against all flesh south north, ALL FLESH SHALL KNOW YAHWEH, the drawn sword from the sheath, never to turn back again."""
      Ezekiel 21:9-12 “Son of man prophecy and say, Yahweh utters, “a sword, a sword is sharpened and moreover laid bare, sharpened for slaughter the slaughter of laid bare Barack, for shall we rejoice at the son who rejects all the branches of humanity? For it was first given laid bare the handle sharpened and laid bare and set into the hand of the destroyer (Abaddon or Apollyon). Cry out in anguish, son of man. And my people, all the so blessed of God’s Word (Israel) are delivered unto the sword. My people! Thus I shall strike him at the thigh.”
      Ezekiel 21:13-15 “Test your community. Truly, also the scepter which despises shall be no more, declares the Lord Yahweh. Son of man prophecy and clap your hands together, the sword twice, and now the third time, the sword pierces, the sword for the great one as it pierces those who indwelt and surrounded them. The inner being (demons) weaken greatly, they were brought down to cause stumbling, All of them are at the gate (of hell). Give them to slaughter by the sword. Alas, they had made Barack (Hussein Obama) and caught themselves up for the slaughter.”
      Ezekiel 21:28 “and son of man prophecy and say, All utters Lord Yahweh, towards teaching towards this reproach, say a sword, a sword has been drawn and laid bare for the slaughter to consume Barack.”
      What does Muhammed know?
      Quran 13:11b-14a says, “Never doeth Allah change the condition of a people, excepting they change themselves, and Allah intendeth evil for all people, and there is no stopping him. Neither doeth he accept an equal. Barack is he who showeth you the face of Allah, giving a fear and a hope, though heavy the clouds and the thunder, exalt and prostrate to him, for even angels fear him, for he sendeth forth thunderbolts, striking whom he wills, while they dispute before the face of Allah, and he is severe in his attack. To him alone are the prayers in truth."
      Quran 7:45-49 says, “Who shall avert people from the path of Allah? And who will be declared the maker of deception? They were focused on the Hereafter, disbelievers. Between them shall be a barrier a family of men of Obama, who shall recognize them all by their markings. And one (Barack Obama) shall call out to the companions of Paradise, “PEACE ON YOU.” They shall not have entered, but shall have the assurance. And his eyes shall turn towards the people to be torched for they cry out, “Lord let us not be cast into fire among the wicked” but the man Obama shall say, “I know you by your looks, but none of your riches or pride of life shall avail you now, for these men have sworn that you may never earn the mercy of Allah.” Then he shall turn to his own BARACK (the blessing) shall say, “Come with me to paradise, for you will have nothing to fear, neither regret.””
      Do Job and Moses the earliest writers of the Holy Bible agree with this testimony?
      Job 26:6 "naked death before Abaddon, and nothing shall cover them over."
      Job 26:13-14 “by his breath the heavens are cleared, his hand shall pierce BARACK, a serpent. Behold ALLAH the end of his ways. How? A whisper, a word, hear the strength and the thunder. Who can discern?”
      Deuteronomy 29:25-29 "and they will say, 'ALLAH (the accursed), for they forsook the covenant of Yahweh the God of their fathers, Asshur (he who shall come forth) shall cut off they who were brought out of the land of Egypt.' They will come to serve another god (Allah), and prostrate before a god, Asshur (he who shall come forth) shall know to divide. And the breath of Yahweh shall burn against that land (Palestine whole - see Isaiah 14:29-31) to bring upon all a curse written in this book. Yahweh shall uproot the land in anger, fury of great wrath, to cast another land as it is this day concealed. Yahweh our God. Uncover the Son. For unto the last, this is the observance of all of the words of this book of law."
      Deuteronomy 32:41 “Truly I cut into Barack with a sword, for My hand shall accomplish justice, I will turn back the vengeance of My adversaries, to repay all those who hate Me.”
      Zephaniah 2:12 "Moreover Cush (horn of Africa black man) I shall slay by My sword."
      Yahweh takes a sword to Barack according to Habakkuk, Ezekiel, Job, Moses, and Zephaniah (by implication). Is Yahweh done with two or three witnesses, or does He want to kill it with even more?
      Isaiah 14:14 "Allah Obama ab dama elyown"
      Nobody is impressed with the fool per Isaiah 14:16 and he melts immediately as Palestine whole, Palestine melts and none break rank per Isaiah 14:28-31.
      We can know that Anti-Christ must do all Anti-Christ things before identification with this, but can we also know anything in regards to the sword to attach this all to the same story?
      Will Yahweh always nail it so clear nobody can argue with Him?
      Isaiah 14:18-19 "All the kings of the Earth shall lie down in a manner most glorious, each in a tomb, yet you shall be cast out of a tomb. An abhorrent branch, clothed with the slain yet pierced by a sword. Kneel to the ROCK and descend in a pit to be trampled as a corpse."
      So Barack gets the sword treatment, but so does the Obama get the same treatment. Case closed maybe.

  • @voiceofreason4907
    @voiceofreason4907 12 дней назад +4

    @ 42: 10 he said the Antichrist is "a homosexual, probably." There is no biblical support for this.
    Daniel 11 is the text people use to say that the Antichrist will be a homosexual, where it says the Antichrist "will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the [god] desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all."
    The passage is referring to gods, not sexuality! The text does not say which god is the one "desired by women" but it was apparently obvious to Paul's audience (the Thessalonians). This text explicitly says the Antichrist will not recognize or honor or worship ANY god and he sees himself as GOD.
    This fits like a glove with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2, verse 4, where Paul writes that the Antichrist "opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God." (AMP version)
    The Bible does not say if Antichrist is going to be homosexual or bisexual or heterosexual. We need to be looking for the very clear signs that the Bible does tell us in 2 Thessalonians 2. These events happen, in this order:
    1) the apostasy, falling away
    2) the one who restrains is taken out of the way (could be an angel whose job this is)
    3) the Antichrist is revealed (the church will be there to see this, not raptured away before hand)
    4) AFTER all the above - is when Paul says "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to meeet him" will happen.
    Note: Paul does not say that "our gathering to meet him" will happen right after the Antichrist is revealed. I believe that happens at the end of the tribulation, but before the 7 bowls of God's wrath are poured out on the kingdom of the beast of the sea and all who have the 666 mark.
    I believe this because:
    1) Jesus said he will return "immediately after the tribulation" in Matthew 24.
    2) Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, "I tell you a mystery...at the last trump....the dead [in Christ] will be raised...and we shall be changed."
    3) The angel told John in the Revelation that there are 7 trumpets. The 7th trumpet is most likely the "last trump" that Paul referred to (Revelation 10:7), as it says "when it is time for the trumpet call of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as He announced the gospel to His servants the prophets."

    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice 12 дней назад +3

      Denying the desire of woman could just as well be not helping Hillary Clinton be his replacement.

    • @suetucker9264
      @suetucker9264 12 дней назад

      No. We are pre-trib rapture believers.

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 9 дней назад

      look up the piers morgan video with candace owens stating that macrons wife is a man....fascinating, as macron is my #1 pic for the ac....

    • @byronshook3341
      @byronshook3341 7 дней назад

      Wow. I hope you're preaching this daily. People deserve to know the truth.

    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice 7 дней назад

      The Anti-Christ absolutely must fulfill all Anti-Christ things before being identified at the top of Mt. Zion per Isaiah 14. We will squint our eyes and say, "This the man who shakes the whole world? He shook merely the region of the first." per Isaiah 14:16. None shall break rank when Palestine is whole per Isaiah 14:28-31 for Ahaz means "he has grasp the ten" and they shall reign with him for one literal hour.
      "Yahweh is the head of a force of armies, who can plan to frustrate? If His hand is stretched out who can turn it back?" - Isaiah 14:27
      "For the year is the year of the brought down king, Ahaz ("ahaz" means "he has grasp the ten"). He is dead is the oracle to come." - Isaiah 14:28
      "Rejoice not Palestine though now thee be whole, for the rod who struck has been broken. The serpent is at the root with a venom. It shall go forth as a fruit, a flying forth from the serpent." - Isaiah 14:29
      "Those most hopeless shall lie down in bonds, and shall die at the root in need, for their remnant will be slain." - Isaiah 14:30
      "Wail at the judgment, cry out city as you melt, O Palestine now whole. For smoke from the North, and none shall break rank." - Isaiah 14:31
      Barack Hussein Obama denied the desire of women by not having the cheating machine work for Hillary, but the super delegates all voted for her before a Democratic person could vote in the primary, so she thought all good.
      The cheating machine did work for Joe Biden, six states frozen in the general election and nobody checking over a black woman's shoulder during the recount so even that was utterly suspect, so we live in the end of an image of his time with his VP and Joe Biden is so shady in his business dealing that he is in the pocket of someone.
      He came in with a Nobel Peace Prize.
      With WikiLeaks and an Arab Apology Tour, he turned the key to a bottomless pit and that's why an Arab Spring.
      We will squint our eyes at him saying "this the man that shook the whole world? He shook merely the region of the first (Middle East)" according to Isaiah 14 which ends with Palestine whole as we recognize him at the top of Mt. Zion.
      Yet during the Arab Spring we lost three kings in one month in Egypt, Libya, and Tunesia, which is Anti-Christ identification type stuff.
      We've had two times of him and he was ruined to prosper as with Trump when he had a cut off time the level of hatred and violence went up.
      Now in this image of his time Russia and Islam have grown in strength because the first two things Joe Biden did was cut us off from oil and open the lower border.
      The second beast from a false prophet (Muhammed) give their power unto an image of a beast. They have been burning down churches in Europe ever since flooding in there and they have been flooding into America too.
      "Barack" or "baraq" when no English letters existed meant "lightening" in ancient Hebrew and that term "Barack" is associated with end times, last days, of great tribulation in over 23 places in our Holy Bible.
      I don't think Putin and Xi will want to prostrate five times a day for seven years towards Barack Hussein Obama.

  • @judithalltop3953
    @judithalltop3953 5 дней назад

    I agree with the woman who complained about the numerous and lengthy commercials embedded in your "Godly" message. Just as Jesus Christ drove the money changers and those selling items during worship out of God's Temple, advertising and hustling a buck has NO PLACE in a presentation of God's messages!!!

  • @user-rz6wf4nk1m
    @user-rz6wf4nk1m 12 дней назад +2

    You can always get rid of the ads by buying RUclips Premium! That's what I did.

    • @fckimmel
      @fckimmel 12 дней назад

      Only to have content makers steal it from you by embedding their "sponsor's" ads into their videos. Advertisers will find a way to circumvent anything.

  • @byronumphress3805
    @byronumphress3805 12 дней назад +1


  • @dianelawrence1087
    @dianelawrence1087 12 дней назад +2

    I don't mind ads. They pay for preacher needs

    • @LionWithTheLamb
      @LionWithTheLamb 12 дней назад

      RUclips puts adds in even if a channel is not monetized. I have no idea if this channel is or is not. My point is that RUclips gets ad revenue as well from the ads and sometimes only RUclips gets the ad revenue.

  • @missinglink4202
    @missinglink4202 12 дней назад +2


  • @fiji519
    @fiji519 12 дней назад +2

    If a few seconds of ads out of an hour long video can deter you from wanting to hear the sermon your in big trouble. Good luck

    • @judithalltop3953
      @judithalltop3953 5 дней назад

      No, you're wrong! It's an abomination to commercialize the word of God!! These people MUST stop allowing people to hustle a buck, luring watchers into giving them money. Just as Jesus Christ drove the money changers and sellers of animals out of the temple in Jerusalem, trying to earn money off telling people of God is an abomination!!!

  • @MichaelErnest666
    @MichaelErnest666 12 дней назад

    So Amazing 😍🤤💪🦾👁️

  • @NoFriendLikeJesus
    @NoFriendLikeJesus 11 дней назад

    When Daniel 11:37 says that he (the anti-Christ) doesn't regard the desire of women, it's not saying that he's a homosexual (though he may be), it's referring to Jesus Christ being the desire of women. The desire of so many women back then was to be the mother of the prophesied redeemer. That paragraph is talking about all of the gods the anti-Christ will not regard or respect and then it mentions the one he WILL respect, the god of forces, Satan. Andy Woods did a great sermon on this, but I can't find it at the moment.

    @TH3FALS3PROPH3T 12 дней назад +1

    18:14 🎉

    • @ReligionOfSacrifice
      @ReligionOfSacrifice 12 дней назад

      "ALLAH ruleth over the kingdoms of men, giving to whom he willeth, setting over them the most debase of men." - Daniel 4:17b
      "This sentence is the decree of angels, an affair at the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know..." - Daniel 4:17a
      "I knelt unto Allah, praise and honor to him who lives forever. The dominion is an everlasting dominion, the kingdom from generation to generation." - Daniel 4:34
      "and all the inhabitants are accounted as nothing, for he does according to his will." - Daniel 4:35a
      "the power of the heavens, and dwelling with the inhabitants of the Earth. Not just anyone can thwart his hand and say, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"" - Daniel 4:35b
      Nebuchadnezzar saw ALL OF ALLAH.
      "and in that moment of time, all reason returned, majestic brightness restored the honor of the kingdom of my counselor (DANIEL), and nobility I began to seek, that an order of royalty surpassing all greatness be added (he wants DANIEL to tell him of HIS GOD) unto me." - Daniel 4:36
      "For now Nebuchanezzar praises and exalts the honor of The King of the heavens, for all His works are truth, and His ways are just. He humbled me, who walked with pride." - Daniel 4:37
      Daniel suddenly realizes his friend was restored unto him and asking Daniel to tell him about his God known as Yahweh, the Elohim over all the Earth and whose kingdom is in heaven. He tells Nebuchadnezzar of his Jewish faith and then Nebuchadnezzar finds out that Daniel will give him his throne back for free.
      Nebuchadnezzar stands before his throne looking out at all of his kingdom and he praises the real King over everything and Daniel is happy to step down over Babylon.
      Now Daniel understands why Yahweh had made Daniel perplexed for an hour in Daniel 4:19.
      This is why Yahweh had told Daniel to tell Nebuchadnezzar that if he desires to be the prideful king of Babylon he had best get use to recognizing that ALLAH is greater than Nebuchadnezzar here on this Earth.
      Nebuchadnezzar is too prideful to lower himself and so he has to recognize that he is under ALLAH here on this Earth, but upon getting back his throne in Babylon he extols and praises the God of heaven, and that my friend is not ALLAH.
      You see in Luke and Matthew it is Satan who offers the kingdoms of this world in Matthew 4:8-9 and Luke 4:5-7, but Jesus refuses what ALLAH has to offer.
      Psalms 57:4 “an upright person is among the lions, they go down in flames, the sons of men are sharpened by Barack and they are cut off by the mouthpiece, a sharp sword.”
      Psalms 57:1-3 “show favor to me Elohim, show favor to me, an upright person shall seek and take refuge. The wings overspread, shall seek as far as destruction shall pass over. I shall call out to Elohim, Allah is the god to come to his end. Sent from heaven and a deliverer will reproach the one who tramples upon, SELAH. Elohim sent loving kindness and faithfulness.”
      Psalms 57:4 “an upright person is among the lions, they go down in flames, the sons of men are sharpened by Barack and they are cut off by the mouthpiece, a sharp sword.”
      Psalms 57:5-6 “Be exalted above the heavens Elohim. Your glory is above all the Earth. They are firm to catch my foot, an upright person shall be brought low, to dig a pit for his countenance and lie down in it, SELAH.”
      Daniel 12:6 "One uttered to the man in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "When shall it be unto, it be unto the end of all wonder?""
      Daniel 12:7 "and I heard a man dressed in linen, above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand to the left toward heaven, and he swore to him who lives forever, "I am appointed a time, I am appointed a time, and the cutting off time, then it will be accomplished to shatter the power of the Holy people, for all of Allah will be accomplished.""
      Daniel 12:8 "and I heard, but understood it not, and I said, "Adoni, how shall it end for Allah?""
      Daniel 12:9 "and He said, "Go Daniel. For his words are stopped, and affixed to remain at the end of time.""
      Daniel 12:10 "and many shall be purged and purified and refined for the wicked and the wicked acts, and not one wicked one will discern, and they shall be brought down prudently to discern."
      Daniel 7:21-22
      "I kept looking and a horn was waging war with saints and overcame them. Then the Ancient of days came to judgement (resurrection of the dead and physical rapture up) to be given to the holy of the Highest One, and the time had arrived for the saints to possess a kingdom (heaven)."
      Daniel 7:23
      “it followed the fourth beast, the fourth kingdom (America came out of the Western world) and the Earth had changed, for all kingdoms were devoured on the whole Earth, they were tread down and crushed (the world-wide apocalypse of WWI).”
      Daniel 7:24
      “for the ten and their horns were of this kingdom (America drew the lines in the Middle East in 1919), ten kings (to be declared in the Middle East of the remains of The Ottoman Empire), arise and another arose after (Barack Hussein Obama in America), changing all the first (Arab Spring) and ruining three kings (Egypt, Libya, and Tunesia).”
      Daniel 7:25
      “He will speak against Allah, to wear out the saints of the Highest One, intending to change time to a decree (stop all time - decrees are final), and give his hand a time, and a time, and a cutting off time.”
      Daniel 7:26
      “But the judgment shall be final and his dominion (the beast healed of a deadly wound known as the restored Ottoman Empire) shall pass away, then annihilation, the perishing of the end.”
      Daniel 7:27-28
      “He shall reign with dominion great all kingdoms underneath the whole of heavens (HELL), give the people under all of heaven to the people of Allah, for his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall be in reverence and full obedience (the main focus of Islam), for here revelation ended with, Daniel (God is my judge), the thought was greatly alarming, and my face whitened sick.”
      To see Barack Hussein Obama and Muhammed, peace be upon him per Matthew 10:28, turn into nothing is the final result as fallen angels begin eternal torment in a Lake of Fire.
      "and all the inhabitants are accounted as nothing, for he does according to his will." - Daniel 4:35a

  • @mistiroberts1576
    @mistiroberts1576 9 дней назад +1

    Where does the Bible say that the 144000 will be evangelising

  • @truthmonger7
    @truthmonger7 12 дней назад

    For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.

  • @mistiroberts1576
    @mistiroberts1576 9 дней назад

    It actually says he has no regard for the desires of women; I don't think he's gay

    • @maverick351
      @maverick351 8 дней назад

      Probably addicted to porn

  • @user-uf3st6fc7g
    @user-uf3st6fc7g 12 дней назад

    Ezekiel 4:6 KJV
    And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
    Revelation 13:5 KJV
    And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
    Great error of the Christian Church by accepting Jesus Francisco Ribera 1590 Method of Dispensationalism which reject the Historicism truth of Jesus Christ that a day in prophecy equals a year. " All roads leads to Rome".
    Great error accepting Jesuit Francisco Ribera single person as anti-christ for 3.5 literal years. Christ says anti-christ is a Religio- political ( Catholicism) system that reign for 1260 prophetic days/years, 538AD-1798AD. Vast majority of Christians are bamboozled by the Antichrist the Papacy through Jesuit Francisco Ribera Dispensationalism!
    Revelation 14:8 KJV
    And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

  • @GodListens77
    @GodListens77 12 дней назад +7

    I enjoy watching your videos but lately the amount and the legnth of ads has become too much.

    • @voiceofreason4907
      @voiceofreason4907 12 дней назад +5

      Ads like every 5 minutes. Monetizing to the extreme. What is more important? Getting out the message or making money?

    • @GodListens77
      @GodListens77 12 дней назад +3

      ​@voiceofreason4907 yes. Disappointing

    • @AKdaJuiceGuy
      @AKdaJuiceGuy 12 дней назад +6

      Just get a youtube premium account

    • @GodListens77
      @GodListens77 12 дней назад +4

      @@AKdaJuiceGuy Can't afford it. I don't think we should have to pay to hear God's word just to avoid frequent interruptions. Maybe I'm old school.

    • @voiceofreason4907
      @voiceofreason4907 12 дней назад +4

      @@GodListens77 Yes, and not a good look. I usually stop watching RUclips videos at the third ad. One in the beginning is expected. Another one is too many. A third ad and I'm D-O-N-E.
      RUclips is cracking down on ad blockers too, wanting people to pay for premium, which I will never do.

  • @davidrandell2224
    @davidrandell2224 12 дней назад +1

    Does this jive with what Isaac Newton wrote in his 300+ pages on Daniel/Revelation? Doubt it: all guesswork.

  • @charlesrobert6211
    @charlesrobert6211 11 дней назад

    Are all of the 144,000 witnesses killed in the tribulation like the two witnesses at the end?

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 10 дней назад

      I don’t think so. The Bible doesn’t state that the 144,000 are killed. In fact all that Revelation states is they are sealed. What we do know is that they will be singing a song to Jesus that only they can sing.

  • @susanpuckett6403
    @susanpuckett6403 12 дней назад +1

    I think it's musk

    • @MichaelErnest666
      @MichaelErnest666 12 дней назад

      Not Even In His Wildest Dreams The So Called Antichrist Will Be A Surprise 🎉

    • @MichaelErnest666
      @MichaelErnest666 12 дней назад

      Not Even In His Wildest Dreams 🙄

  • @maverick351
    @maverick351 8 дней назад

    It's either Barack hussein obama
    Donald john trump.

  • @AKdaJuiceGuy
    @AKdaJuiceGuy 12 дней назад +4

    I used to think it was obama
    Now I think it's trump

    • @truthmonger7
      @truthmonger7 12 дней назад

      For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.

    • @MichaelErnest666
      @MichaelErnest666 12 дней назад +4

      Or Maybe Just Maybe It's Someone Unknown To Most Humans 🤔🤨

    • @truthmonger7
      @truthmonger7 12 дней назад

      @@MichaelErnest666 Or the most known... just unexpected. For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.

    • @truthmonger7
      @truthmonger7 12 дней назад

      @@MichaelErnest666 Or known to everybody... just unexpected. For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.

    • @timothycunningham3983
      @timothycunningham3983 12 дней назад +2

      The description of what scripture tells could fit numerous people on earth today. A little horn. Horn means power or nation. Is the USA little. The Vatican is a small nation unto itself. And from the old Roman Empire. Who rules there? The pope has already made a statement that Jesus was just a man used of God. What does that tell you.